Raising raccoons. Domestic raccoon, is it worth it and how to choose a raccoon

I have a girl Mila. I bought it from the site ***********, they promised a 3 month old puppy. Delivery from Moscow by train, in carrying. The guide gave me the carrier and it took me a while to realize that it was not a 3-month-old puppy, but an adult female. She looked deplorable. She was very thin, even through the wool she could see through the skin. I was glad for such an animal as well, as I was generally afraid that the puppy would not be delivered to me, and the prepayment was 100%. Brought home and opened the carrier, the raccoon huddled behind the sofa. I hadn’t read the raccoon forums and thought I wouldn’t need a cage. When Mila slipped into the bathroom and hid behind the shower stall, then it became clear that a cage was urgently needed. My boyfriend made a wooden cage the next day, with a lattice on only one side. For several hours we tried to drive Mila into a cage, moved the shower, I put on ski gloves, a down jacket, bologna pants so that the bites were not strong. As a result, she herself ran into the cage. Since we have a one-room apartment, we put a cage in the room. It was impossible to sleep. She rushed about it all night, gnawing the bars of the net. When we returned from work the next day, there was a hole in the net, and Mila was again behind the shower stall. Then we realized how strong the beast is and what its powerful teeth are. I had to go for a more durable mesh, and we also decided to make a cage with several floors. When the cage was ready, we caught Mila with a blanket and let her into a new house. The door to the bathroom is now always locked. A month later, we had a complete shock. We returned from work and saw that Mila was very nervous in the cage, there were chains everywhere. We decided to let her out for a walk. She huddled behind the sofa and after 5 minutes we heard a strange squeak. When Vadim (my boyfriend) looked behind the sofa, he saw a small ball of hair Mila was giving birth. It was a shock. She was clearly not 3 months old, but several years old. As a result, she gave birth to 4 babies overnight. They were all boys. By that time, we had already communicated on the forum with the raccoon owners and asked one raccoon owner what to do. She gave us good advice, the puppies grew up healthy and quickly found a family. Mila with us and now, apart from hissing, does not make any sounds, sometimes she takes sweets from her hand. When we let her out of the cage, she hides either behind the sofa or behind the chest of drawers, and I don't know how to make her feel free and not afraid of us. Walking on the street is out of the question, but I really want to. Help with advice.

Good day! your case is a typical situation when buying a wild raccoon as an adult. Ideally, watch the situation on video. But even by what you have described, it is quite possible to tame it already.

So, your girl is now not so much afraid of you as she does not make contact and does not trust. It will take time for the raccoon to start trusting you. And a bunch of different treats and toys. Please note: both should be exactly to her taste.

Do the first taming classes in her cage before feeding. Make yourself comfortable. Take an interesting (for you) book and leaning against the cage with your back or sideways, read. Not necessarily out loud). Reading an interesting book is necessary so that you stop worrying and getting nervous. And the raccoon will feel it. Most often, the owners provoke the distrust of animals by their nervous behavior. And it is very difficult for them (owners) to cope with internal stress. The book - especially the fascinating one - helps a lot. You can also watch a movie or surf the Internet. Your task is to forget that there is a raccoon nearby. It may take several hours at first. But soon you yourself will feel that you are not nervous when approaching the animal.

So you've caught yourself "forgetting" about the raccoon. Now is the time to get some tasty treats or his regular food. Remember: the effect will be faster and more expressive if:

1. You will exercise daily before EACH feeding

2. Feed ONLY from your hands

3. ALL family members will be engaged

So, to summarize: every day, in the evening, you first sit, huddled against the cage, doing an interesting thing. As soon as you feel that you have forgotten about the raccoon, you start feeding it from your hands, not allowing it to leave the cage. This happens every day, until the raccoon starts touching you with its paws through the cage, trying to attract your attention to get food. Depending on the raccoon's appetite and your nervousness, this can take from 3 days to 2 months.

During this entire period, either the raccoon (if the enclosure is large) is not allowed out for a walk, or during a walk it is completely (if possible) ignored.

Usually, having achieved a result in a cage, on a walk the raccoon ceases to be completely afraid of you.

Be sure to keep me updated on how the class went. And in a couple of months you will completely forget about your "misunderstandings".

01/19/2014 Posted in:, Tagged:,,,,

An intelligent animal, like dogs and cats, he will not only respond to a name, but also learn many funny things. However, in exchange for this, the animal will require a lot of attention, time and, importantly, patience. It is not for nothing that many joke that a washing machine with an inside raccoon ohm does not need an external source of energy.

What must be accustomed to domestic raccoon from a very early puppy age:

1. Go to the toilet in the patch. Otherwise, then you will be tortured to clean up after the beast.

2. Respond to a name - with frequent communication and games, the raccoon will get used to its nickname.

3. Do not chew on objects.

4. Wean off biting and scratching. From early childhood, it is necessary to restrict the raccoon both in games and in case of discontent. Otherwise, the name of the habit of biting, an adult can give you a lot of problems.

What is the situation in practice?

In an ordinary Canadian family, there was a striped raccoon named Remo. He lived in the same house with people and two cats for 18 years. When Remo died, the owner was very sad. He dedicated a whole website to Remo, where he posted a lot of interesting information. Including the rules of behavior through the eyes of a raccoon. Here is a free translation, the original is in English http://remocoon.mnsi.net

This is how this Remo was:

Mandatory rules of behavior through the eyes of a domestic raccoon

1. Never bite people, not even slightly

As soon as I was 10 weeks old, my training began. I loved to play. At first I found out that my parents were in favor of me playing with toys, not with human hands and fingers. Every time I started chewing people's fingers, my parents would say "NO" to me and put the stuffed toy in my mouth. Of course I hated the word no. I didn't really like it, but I had to put up with it, because my parents made me understand that this is a mandatory rule. Of course, sometimes I forget, because not biting is quite difficult for me. And then they say the hated "no", leave me alone and no longer play with me. I don’t really like the word “no”, but I had to come to terms with it.

2. Me and other pets in the house

I'm sure I must be the only animal in the house and from the very beginning I tried to prove it. But every time I walked towards the cat, I heard "no." My parents intercepted me halfway. They were afraid that when I grew up, I would hurt this annoying cat. I would really like that, but I agreed, because my parents wanted it.

3. You can not spoil things in the house with the exception of your toys.

For a long time I did not understand how to distinguish my things from the property of my parents. Basically, I thought that everything should be mine. And then the parents equipped everything in the house with locks. I could not get into the wrong place and get into trouble. Once, I had a fight with a sofa pillow. They immediately took it away from me with the hated word "no", and then gave it a soft toy instead. Part of the problem was solved when the locks appeared. So I couldn't get into trouble. It so happens that I forget and grab something dangerous or climb somewhere. And then my parents lure me out with something tasty.

4. Do not climb on people

When I was a child, I thought how wonderful it is to climb people like a tree! But for some reason they didn't think so, and they tapped lightly on my fingers if I tried to climb up and grab onto their legs. It’s not very pleasant, but they bought me special pieces that I can climb and don’t knock on my fingers.

5. Do not get dirty while eating.

I really love food! My parents fed me a lot from their hands, but insisted on good manners. They taught me to take food from my hands politely, not to pull it out and calmly wait for another piece to be offered. I also learned to be non-aggressive when eating and could even let my parents take it away if they thought it might harm me. Every day when I received my food bowl, they tried to scratch me as I ate. I didn't like it. I started to growl at them, but in response I immediately heard the hated "no". Gradually I got used to it. When I need medicine, we play a game. They hide the pill in a slice of something tasty. I show that I know she is there, take it out and give it back to them. The second time I am offered it, I will eat it. It's a game.

6. Be well groomed

I consider myself a pretty neat guy, I take good care of myself. But my parents think that this is not enough. They bathe me. It's fun! They bring a lot of toys into the bathtub and then dry me off with a large towel. I bathe once or twice a year because water and soap will wash the natural grease off my fur. Every year I also shed, it's disgusting. The hair gets stuck in my teeth when I try to get rid of excess clumps. Mom helps me - she brushes me out with a cat's metal brush. Do you think it's nice? No! After all, the brush is scratched. But Mom gives me a tasty bribe. And when I chew something, I am kind and I do not bite, although I will always growl.

7. Moving in space

The older I got, the more it annoyed me when they tried to lift me, to tear me off the ground. Would you be pleased !? My parents found a way out: they bought me a carrier and taught me how to get into it on command (for a bribe, of course). So they could lift and carry me. For example, to the veterinarian. To keep me in the habit of getting into the carrier, my parents trained it once a month.

8. Language

Since childhood, my parents talked to me a lot and we learned to understand each other. They taught me a few commands:

  • Stand
  • Lie
  • Sit
  • Location (for a bribe)
  • Back
  • To me
  • Ugh! (this is when I chew their fingers)

There are others, but I will not talk about them, come up with it yourself :)

If you are going to have a raccoon at home, then you should know a number of nuances. This is not a dog or a cat, he has not only a different color, but also a character, which makes the animal unique. Of course, the raccoon at home feels very good. In addition, he is not picky about food and living conditions.

Keeping a raccoon at home: all the subtleties and important points

If you decide to get yourself such an unusual animal, then you must definitely take this with full responsibility. Of course, when starting a raccoon at home, you want him to be tame and affectionate, so you need to take your pet small and preferably from domestic parents. However, if you have a wild baby, then do not despair, you just need a little patience to raise him. In order for the raccoon to feel quite comfortable, he needs to create certain conditions. It is advisable to keep the beast in spacious cages, aviaries, or, if possible, allocate a whole room for him so that he can move without any problems. There it is enough for him to put a small house for a bedroom, a toilet tray, a feeding trough and always a basin of water. He is a predator, so it is undesirable to leave him alone, unattended. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that these animals have very tenacious limbs, and they can easily open cabinets, drawers and various doors, so it is necessary to remove dangerous objects or seal all the doors with tape.

In general, breeding raccoons at home is a rather interesting and unusual activity. If you get yourself a female, then in the future you will get from four to seven small pets that will delight you.

Domestic raccoon behavior

The first six months are the most difficult for the owner of such an energetic animal. The gargle raccoon grows up at home rather slowly, so you will need to be patient. Puberty in a pet occurs by about a year, but children's behavior only passes by two years. The raccoon is a very energetic and curious animal, so you won't be bored with it. He can rush around rooms with great speed and climb into forbidden places. If you think that this little animal will immediately start to obey you, then you are greatly mistaken. It will take you quite a long period of time to train him. However, well-known methods can help you with this. For example, if he obeyed, then you need to encourage him with something tasty. You can also purchase a clicker at the pet store, which will also help you with raising your baby. So a raccoon at home, reviews of which are mostly good, will gradually develop.

Is it possible to wean the animal from biting?

This little predator loves to bite. However, in fact, he does it for a reason, for him it is such a peculiar way of communication. Therefore, it is simply impossible to completely wean him from biting. In order for the animal to hear you, you need to talk to him in a low voice, since the animal understands such a tone faster. However, this does not always help, so you need to try to teach him. To do this, you can use an empty plastic bottle, as it claps quite loudly, and you won't hit it painfully, but usually just hitting it near the predator is enough. However, in this case, it is imperative to pronounce the words so that in the future only them will suffice. It is also necessary to show him that you are in charge, because if he does not understand this, he will try to become the leader himself (especially if it is a girl). A small raccoon-raccoon at home behaves rather badly at first, so you can pick it up by the scruff of the neck, as a mother does in the wild. So he feels helpless and understands that you are in charge.

What does a raccoon eat at home?

Despite the fact that the animal is a predator, it needs to be given a variety of food. In general, the raccoon is an omnivorous animal, therefore, its diet can include both meat, fish, cottage cheese, seafood and eggs, as well as cookies, a variety of cereals, nuts, vegetables and fruits. Sometimes it starts to sort out in food, so you should experiment to find out what the animal likes best. Of course, it is advisable to adhere to a natural diet, but in rare cases, you can use an artificial one. For example, if keeping a raccoon at home leads to the fact that it lacks the necessary vitamins and minerals, then you can give it a dog or one that will improve the pet's health.

It is important to know that the living of such an animal with other pets is not always compatible. If you also have a dog or a cat, then keeping them together is quite normal, only you need to distribute pets to different rooms at least sometimes. However, keeping a raccoon with small rodents or birds is generally unacceptable, since they can become natural food for a predator. Sometimes this animal can turn out to be a real egoist and demand that they pay attention only to him. He can get so used to the love of his masters that he simply does not want to share it with someone else. This can happen with your guests, the raccoon can recognize them as competitors and will try to drive them out in every possible way, biting and scratching at the same time.

As it was said earlier, a raccoon needs a bowl of water, as it is not for nothing that it is called a "gargle". He is very fond of rinsing his food and even randomly found things, besides, splashing in the water is his favorite pastime. We can say that this is the meaning of the life of this animal. Of course, you will have to change the water quite often, but is it difficult to do this for the happiness of your beloved pet?

The raccoon usually keeps track of its cleanliness on its own, splashing around in a basin. You just have to bathe it a few times a year without any shampoos and other products, as they can break the greasy cover of the hair and skin of the animal. It is also necessary sometimes to comb the animal, as it has very thick fur. It is especially important to do this in early spring, when the pet begins to shed, because the coat can clump and fall off throughout the apartment. Usually the raccoon itself tries to comb out the lumps, but this can injure the skin, so it is best not to allow this.

In general, a raccoon at home, reviews of which are usually written only positively, is a very sociable and friendly animal, so you should pay as much attention to it as possible. And even if he managed to harm somewhere, then in no case should he be beaten, it is enough to just scold. These animals are well tamed, but do not forget that in their hearts they still remain wild. So it is not worth arousing this wildness in him, because otherwise you will recognize your pet from a completely different side.

The raccoon is not whimsical in food, but you still need to know how to properly feed such a pet.

A striped exotic pet causes not only delight and affection among children, but also a completely natural question for adult inhabitants of the house - how to feed a raccoon? Indeed, not only health depends on proper nutrition, but also the life expectancy of a new family member.

Basic feeding principles

Raccoons are beautiful, intelligent, inquisitive, and most importantly, active and very cunning. These are nocturnal animals, so be prepared in advance that you may not be allowed to sleep.

Based on the peculiarities of the regimen and the recommendations of veterinarians, it is necessary to feed the raccoon three times a day, the feeding schedule is as follows: in the morning (or when the animal goes to bed), in the evening at six to seven hours and the last feeding falls on ten to eleven hours, maximum - midnight.

Try not to overfeed the animal, although by nature they are quite active, a home lifestyle can contribute to weight gain and affect health.

In cold winters, raccoons can hibernate, this also applies to pets, of course, you should not be afraid that the animal sleeps for several months, but a raccoon can doze for a week or two during the frost period. And your minke wakes up only when it gets hungry.

Feeding according to the season

This animal is wild, and even being raised in a family from the age of a puppy, it will forever retain its habits and feeding habits, characteristic of its species.

Raccoons are characterized by seasonal fluctuations in weight:

  1. Closer to winter (and sometimes with the onset of autumn), they begin to intensively sweep away any food offered to them and become overgrown with fat.
  2. In winter (if the animal is awake) raccoons eat little and get very fat, so it is recommended to cut the daily ration by about 50%.
  3. In spring, activity returns to them, metabolism is activated and appetite decreases, and with it weight.
  4. But in the summer, the striped pet is extremely capricious and picky in food - it eats little, but with pleasure.

Don't try to force feed the animal. Remember that by nature he is a wild beast and the reaction to being forced into food can be unpredictable.

What does a raccoon eat in the wild?

A solitary, unpaired lifestyle directly affects what the raccoon eats. But in fact, he eats everything! These are absolutely omnivorous animals that live mainly in mixed forests near water bodies and are used to equipping their homes at a height of at least 10 meters above the ground in abandoned hollows or in burrows left unattended.

The peak of activity that falls at nighttime drives the raccoons out to look for food for themselves or future prey within a radius of 1.5-2 km from the house. The tenacious paws can get:

  • insects;
  • lizards;
  • frogs;
  • rodents;
  • bird eggs taken from nests;
  • a fish;
  • crayfish;
  • other body of water;
  • hazelnuts and acorns;
  • berries;
  • wild fruits.

If there is a settlement nearby, in search of food a raccoon can wander into a landfill, in rare cases - climb into a private residential building.

What raccoons eat in 1 month of life

A small raccoon puppy requires a lot of attention, because at 1 month of life you need it:

  • to drink and feed;
  • massage;
  • monitor health and general development.

The main point in the selection of food and complementary foods is not the age of the puppy, but his physical condition: is he good on his paws, are his eyes open, is he normally oriented in space? If there is blueness on the eyes, and the look is slightly lost, the food is exclusively bottled.

For the smallest raccoon cubs, a cat milk substitute is suitable, but not cow, goat, mare - it is not suitable for striped animals! After eating, the baby raccoon sleeps for an average of 3-4 hours. I woke up earlier - they were undernourished, later - they gave too much.

For puppies from 5-6 weeks old, breeders practice feeding a banana-milk mixture due to its high nutritional value, but here you need to not overfeed. It is important to monitor the daily bowel movements of the raccoon.

How to feed your pet raccoon: how do you know what your pet prefers?

The animal is quick-witted and usually tells the owner what he wants to get. Watch him a little more closely, and you will understand how to feed a domestic raccoon.

Turning away from carrots or pushing away a bowl of food with a paw? Then it's time to offer him something different. Perhaps, with an abundance of plant foods, the animal lacks proteins, or vice versa. Ideally, the raccoon should appetizingly treat all the food offered to him without leaving a trace and not scatter the food around the bowl - this will help determine the optimal dosage for your pet. Remember that the daily ration for the male is 15% more than for the female, and the mother and the puppies should be given food on demand.

Do not forget about water - drinkers should be placed in several places, preferably deep metal bowls, since raccoons like to wash food before eating. It is important to change the water in the containers every day, and also to clean the drinking bowls and bowls with detergent.

How to feed a raccoon at home

Raccoons are encouraged to eat three times a day, but for more vigilant control of the pet's condition, it is recommended to make one of the meals the main one, and two as top dressing. Minced meat, protein or meat food is served at the main meal, and small fish, vegetables or fruits will do to freeze the worm.

Of the permitted products, how to feed a raccoon at home, you can distinguish:

  • fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • porridge (especially buckwheat and rolled oats);
  • muesli;
  • eggs;
  • fish (but not red) and seafood;
  • meat (poultry and lean pork or beef);
  • nuts;
  • milk and dairy products, incl. kefir ;

Prefer natural products, raw or minimally cooked. To be on the safe side, owners are advised to have cat, dog, or rabbit pellets ready at hand. It has a balanced composition and can help out the owner if the raccoon, for some reason, has given up its usual food. It is important to remember that it is impossible to constantly feed the animal with food for four-legged animals - it needs variety.

When making a list of your pet's favorite foods, keep in mind that if you give up a meal today, tomorrow the raccoon can take a bang. But veterinarians advise you to save your favorite treats as rewards for exemplary behavior or success in training.

Strictly contraindicated

Keep small domestic rodents (pigs, hamsters, rats) and birds away from raccoons! They may well become a snack in your tenacious fingers just the minute you turn away. This also applies to indoor plants - many of them are attractive, but can be dangerous to the animal.

The following foods should not be given to the animal:

  • flour products;
  • bread;
  • sweets and sweets;
  • spicy;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • roast;
  • peppery.

Please note that although raccoons can feed on garbage in nature, they should be fed exclusively high-quality food at home:

  • washed;
  • free from rot and mold;
  • with a normal shelf life.

Veterinarians attribute this to the fact that when living in their natural environment, raccoons are less susceptible to the effects of viruses and microbes, since they are in a normal environment for them.

Farshekasha - what your animal will love

To maintain energy and provide the animal with the proteins it needs, it is recommended to give it a special dish. To prepare it, you need 0.5 kg of minced chicken, which, after filling with enough water, must be brought to a boil, then add 0.5 kg of buckwheat there, bring to a boil again and, not salt, cook for 10-15 minutes. Then turn off the heat and simmer with the lid closed for about 40 minutes more.

You can add cottage cheese to the porridge (3-4 times a week), chopped dried fruits or chicken eggs (no more than 2-3 times). The resulting feed can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours.

Did you know that when an unfamiliar food falls into the raccoon's paws, he does not sniff it, but examines it carefully and concentratedly with his fingers? If he is not interested in a new delicacy, then the raccoon will simply leave him, and if he likes it, he will rinse it. This is how they are, these wonderful animals.

Have you thought about purchasing a raccoon as a pet? Share your opinion on

The striped raccoon is not a particularly large predator that mainly populates the territory of North America. In terms of its size, the animal can be compared with an average dog. The length of its body is 50-60 cm, the length of the tail is 22-25 cm, the average weight fluctuates around 7-8 kg. Since the raccoon has pretty good external data, recently many people tend to have it as a pet.

The main difficulties when keeping a domestic raccoon

One of the main difficulties is that caring for a raccoon requires a lot of free time. People experiencing a deficiency in this regard are not recommended to have this animal.

If there are small children up to 6-7 years old in the house, or their appearance is planned, then it is extremely undesirable to have a raccoon.

As for the presence of any other animals, it is important here which ones. If a cat or a dog lives in the house, then keeping them together with a raccoon is quite realistic, if it is possible to sometimes distribute them to different rooms. It is unacceptable to keep a raccoon and small rodents or birds together, because the latter are natural food for the former.

If an open window or window is used as ventilation, then they must be covered with a metal mesh. Before you move the raccoon to the balcony or loggia, you must carefully check the devices that lock the windows, as the pet may try to open them. Quite often, the raccoon opens simple latches without much difficulty, as a result of which there is a possibility that it will fall out of the window.

At home, the raccoon still remains a wild creature, so it is sometimes capable of biting or scratching. You should think about how acceptable this will be. During the mating season, as well as upon reaching puberty, the animal's habits become more aggressive.

It is not always possible to train a raccoon to the tray, therefore, during the rutting period, the creature is able to mark the territory. It is likely that the animal will have to be constantly cleaned up, and in a wide variety of places.

The raccoon is a nocturnal animal, so the main activity of the animal falls on this particular time of day. The animal is unlikely to adapt to the human schedule; rather, on the contrary, its owner will have to do it.

Conditions for the life of a raccoon

In order for the home raccoon to feel comfortable, he needs to create certain living conditions. An aviary or a spacious cage should be installed in the house, in which the pet will be at the moment when the owners are not at home or when they are sleeping. It is undesirable to leave a pet outside the enclosure or cage unattended.

The raccoon can be kept on a glassed-in balcony or loggia, but even here there are some nuances. In winter, the temperature there should not drop below -5 ° C. The pet needs to have a house warm enough with wood chips to keep it warm. In the summer, on the contrary, there is a possibility that the animal will overheat from direct sunlight on a closed glazed balcony.

Despite the fact that the striped raccoon belongs to predators, by its nature it is an almost omnivorous creature, therefore, it needs to be fed with a variety of foods. The raccoon's diet mainly includes such products as meat, chicken, fish, jellied meat, various seafood, cottage cheese, eggs. From plant foods, cereals, cookies, nuts, fruits and vegetables are perfect.

Possessing tenacious limbs, the animal climbs perfectly, and also knows how to open all kinds of doors and boxes, so you should either remove any dangerous things from there, or close up the doors with tape.

Eating a domestic raccoon

When feeding a gargle raccoon, it is advisable to adhere to a natural diet. Artificial food can also be used, but this should only be done in extreme cases. For example, if the owner does not manage to properly balance the diet, and the animal has a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals, then you can use cat or dog food, which will significantly improve the health of the pet.

Often a raccoon knows himself what kind of diet he needs. There are situations when a pet refuses to eat those foods that his fellows eat with pleasure. Therefore, with regard to food preferences, then you should experiment here, checking what the animal may like and what not.

The lifespan of any creature depends on the conditions in which it is located. Absolutely the same happens in an animal such as a raccoon-gargle. How long a given animal lives depends on the habitat. The average lifespan of a raccoon is 14-16 years, and in an apartment it is quite possible. However, if he lives in natural conditions, then everything usually comes down to 3-4 years.