Elderly art therapy classes. Features of a creative personality. Benefits of art therapy

Anna Basis

Art therapy is a method of treatment in which the patient is treated through the initiation of creativity. The main advantage of such treatment is that healing occurs not through taking medications, but through art. Art therapy as a mild form of treatment for psychological abnormalities is able to influence the human psyche, since the creative activity that is unexpected for a person helps to express inner feelings. The patient regains the inner "I".

When treating a patient with art therapy, the doctor prescribes various types of creativity at his discretion: from drawing, creating collages or collecting mosaics, and to dancing and playing musical instruments. Thanks to art therapy, a person is distracted from difficult internal experiences. Engaging in such leisurely, calming activities, a person again finds harmony with himself and thoughts, and his mental state definitely improves.

The results of art therapy are especially evident when treating people who have experienced severe stress, such as those who have been in a car accident. It is difficult for such people to talk about their experiences because they bring up painful memories. Art therapy helps such people express their feelings and re-establish contact with the people around them.

Art therapy: anti-stress coloring pages

All bookstores have coloring pages with a symmetrical or repeating pattern, otherwise they are called "anti-stress coloring". They are just a simple method of art therapy, since they do not require any special skills from the patient. A person, concentrating on coloring such a picture, reaches the state of meditation. The main task is not to color the picture. The drawing process itself helps to achieve the desired effect.

The advantages of art therapy with coloring pages are:

1) These coloring pages can be purchased in all stores;

2) Minimum financial costs;

3) You can paint antistress coloring pages anywhere (as opposed to dancing);

4) They are suitable for all patients, regardless of the type of disease;

5) For people without psychological illnesses, coloring will also have a positive effect.

In Russia, in August 2015, the Art Therapy magazine series was launched, designed specifically for people who regularly engage in art therapy.

Art therapy for the elderly

Elderly people after retirement lose the meaning of life: it is no longer possible to work, and there is a lot of free time. As a result, every second of them is capable of falling into depression, as a result of which psychological diseases inherent in people of advanced age develop. To prevent this from happening, doctors recommend art therapy for the elderly.

In Europe, circles for the elderly are popular, which were created with the aim of uniting single elderly people. Through joint interaction in the process of creativity, there is a positive dynamics of the psychological state of the elderly.

In the 21st century, similar circles appeared in Russia. In these institutions, retirees are engaged in such types of creativity as:

Singing (improves memory and strengthens the respiratory system);

Modeling from clay, plasticine or dough (useful for attention);

Needlework: beading, embroidery, macrame, sewing, scrapbooking (improves memory);

Drawing (develops fine motor skills);

Dancing (the sense of balance becomes better, which prevents further strong falls).

Volunteers or specially trained people are engaged with pensioners. Classes are most often held outdoors - in a park or on the river bank.

Art therapy methods

1. Isotherapy

Isotherapy is a method of expressing feelings and emotions through drawing. She is the most common art therapy method. The drawing should be done with paints. Doctors recommend using different types of paints: watercolors, gouache, finger, oil, or even using coffee grounds instead of paints. You will need a palette for mixing paints, paper of standard sizes (A4 or A5), preferably watercolor. Any brushes can be used. In the drawing, you can alternate markers and pencils.

2. Phototherapy

This method of art therapy is used by psychologists quite often. Photos evoke memories and associations in a person that can restore memory, cope with stress, increase self-confidence or improve relationships with family and loved ones. A person brings photos from his personal archive to the doctor: with friends, family, animals or significant events in his life. The doctor closely monitors the patient's reaction and gives him his recommendations. Phototherapy allows the patient to look at the situation from different angles and draw certain conclusions. The doctor will push the patient to the correct way out of the problem from his point of view.

3. Fairytale therapy

Fairytale therapy literally means “fairy tale treatment”. This method is used mainly for children, since it is easier for them to perceive the real world through a fictional one. If the child is told the correct fairy tale in time, drawing parallels, for example, with animals, then on the subconscious he will project the work onto his situation. This will allow him to open up and get distracted from his problem.

4. Sand therapy

It consists in creating paintings or sculpting figures using sand. When interacting with sand, patients develop fine motor skills of the fingers, which has a good effect on the general condition of the body as a whole.

5. Modeling from clay or plasticine

Clay and plasticine are used in art therapy. Clay is most suitable for adults or adolescents, and plasticine is most suitable for children. Sculpting as a method of art therapy helps to build relationships between parents and children. Images are molded from clay that personify the patient's problem: feelings, mood, subject of a problem or illness. In the process of sculpting, the images are transformed into others, which allows you to solve the problem in the future. Art therapy with the help of plasticine visualizes images better, since plasticine can be of different shades, and certain colors evoke feelings and associations in a person. Thanks to this, art therapy with colored plasticine becomes more effective than with clay.

Art therapy in working with children

The child's perception of the world occurs through certain images, so children are actively involved in creativity, read fairy tales and play. Children perceive the world better through images than adults, therefore art therapy is effective when working with children. They feel comfortable, despite the psychological techniques used by the doctor.

Unlike adults, children do not hesitate to engage in creativity and do it with pleasure.

Doctors identify the following advantages in art therapy in working with children:

1) The child enjoys the process;

2) It is not necessary to have special artistic skills;

3) Joint drawing / singing / modeling with other children develops communication skills and in the future the child does not have problems with interacting with other people in society;

4) Art therapy brings out the creativity of the child;

5) Develops attention, thinking.

The child then forms the idea that it is necessary to bring the work started to the end. This will make the child more patient and persevering.

Art therapy for pregnant women

Pregnancy is the most anticipated stage of life for every girl or woman. Due to changes in hormonal levels, the mental state of a pregnant woman is in a precarious state. Sometimes the condition is so vulnerable that it can lead to depression or nervous breakdowns. Fear of childbirth also leaves a significant imprint on a woman's mood. Psychologists recommend resorting to art therapy for pregnant women.

Many maternity courses include art therapy in their program. If a woman has not previously been involved in creativity, then it would be better for her to start doing it in a group and under the guidance of professionals. Otherwise, a woman who started classes on her own, in case of failure, can harm her health. Every person who begins to be realized with a new deed gets upset when something does not work out for him. In the case of the disorder, it will most likely be serious.

Art therapy classes are recommended not only for pregnant women, but also for young mothers. After the birth of a child, life turns into a routine, so it will be useful for a young mother to be distracted from everyday activities by sewing, knitting or other handicrafts. Thus, the woman will not only not get tired, but will also rest emotionally from the new role.

Art therapy: books

It is impossible to understand the intricacies of art therapy without reading special literature. Art therapy is a powerful tool that affects the human psyche, therefore, the use of art therapy must be approached with caution and attention. Improper use of psychological techniques can be harmful to health. For a complete and detailed study of the possibilities of art therapy, you can purchase special editions or find them on the Internet.

All books on art therapy are divided into 2 blocks:

1) Books that directly describe the process of creativity. They contain a description of various types of creativity and their effect on the body of a particular person, depending on gender, age and psychological state. You can independently determine the method of art therapy that is suitable for a specific person.

2), describing art therapy as a direction in psychology. They are more suitable for psychologists and individuals, teachers and other people who apply this direction in their work. In these works, one can get acquainted with scientific research data, statistical information, and also study in more depth the impact of the creative process on the human body.

Both of these areas of art therapy books will be useful for people of different professions and ages.

8 February 2014


This training program of art therapy classes for the elderly "Know yourself and your creative potential" is intended for recipients of social services of the Complex Center for Social Services to the Population of the Primorsky District, a department for servicing citizens living in residential premises of a specialized social housing stock.

An increase in the number of elderly people is typical for St. Petersburg. The total population of the city is four and a half million people, one million is elderly people, that is, almost every fourth person in St. Petersburg has already reached retirement age.

This situation is typical not only for St. Petersburg, but also for other cities. Improving the quality of life of older people, creating conditions that ensure an active, long life for older people is an important task of society.

The concept of “quality of life” (as opposed to “standard of living”, which determines material well-being) is characterized by the absence of serious psychological problems, freedom from the psychological stresses of everyday life, the presence of various opportunities to improve the level of education and culture, the availability of information, and a developed sense of personal dignity.

In practice, we are faced with the fact that elderly people who have retired and feel the strength to develop and benefit society are forced to live out their lives on a very modest pension. Now at the Social Service Centers there are not only departments that provide assistance to pensioners who have lost the ability to self-service, but also departments that work with the so-called "active pensioners". Not so long ago, emergency psychological aid departments were opened in the centers, which are designed to form a psychological culture and strengthen the mental health of the elderly.

The training program of art therapy classes for the elderly "Know yourself and your creative potential" is relevant in the realities of our time, since among all the factors affecting a person's satisfaction with life at any age, health is considered the most important. Deterioration of health leads a person to a feeling of uselessness and helplessness. It is not surprising that in old age this problem becomes most urgent: physiological changes in the body are observed, a decrease in sensory functions. And at the same time, solving age-related problems: comprehending the path of life, helping in raising grandchildren, transferring accumulated experience requires physical and energy costs. As can be seen from the above, it is very difficult to combine the important task of adulthood (summing up life results) with the life circumstances of most pensioners.

The developed Program has a specific focus.

    Educational focus of the Program. The program is aimed at acquainting with the methods of self-presentation, techniques of creative work and work in art therapy techniques, disclosing the inner potential of the participants. Providing assistance in knowing yourself and your needs.

    Developing focus of the Program. The program promotes the development of positive motivation and interest in classes, the ability to work in a team, sensual and non-verbal contact with others. And also, the establishment of communicative and interactive communication, the development of the creative potential of the participants, the skill to hear oneself and identify their own needs, the skill in knowing the inner world of oneself and others, the skill of relaxation. Develops the ability to find a way out of a conflict situation, the desire to enter into friendly interaction .

    Educational orientation of the Program. The program provides for the removal of neuropsychic stress using the methods and techniques of art therapy, fostering the desire to work in a group. Developing the participants' desire to be happy.

The novelty of the program lies in the successful combination of several art therapy techniques that allow participants to learn about their inner world, unleash their creative potential, and establish communicative and interactive communication. Develop the ability to find a way out of conflict situations, the desire to enter into friendly interaction and learn to work in a group.

The expediency of the Program is that it is quite difficult for the elderly to talk about their experiences, since they cause painful memories. Classes based on art therapy techniques will help older people to express their feelings and re-establish contact with the people around them. Such group sessions help retirees to concentrate on their bodily sensations and through this turn to their inner mental processes, accumulate their life experience, promote acceptance of themselves and their life path.

The forms and methods of activity in the classroom are fascinating, as they reveal the creative potential of a person, comfortable, as they improve the communication skills of the participants.

Educational-thematic lesson plan

Table 1

p / p

Lesson topic

Number of lessons

Collage "Sympathy"

Total: 10 classes. One lesson lasts from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes

table 2

p / p

Lesson topic

Number of lessons / minutes


Plasticine painting "My mood"

Mandala "My state is here and now"

Painting of satin flowers "Let's Meet"

Drawing on starch "My World"

Collage "Sympathy"

Tissue art therapy. "Shawl communication" technique.

Salt iso-therapy "Conflict situations"

Fairytale therapy "Fairy tale orange friends"

Music therapy "My ideal world"

Espress topiary from napkins "Tree of Happiness"

Total lessons: 10

Time 750 min.

1 lesson lasts from 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes

Table 3

Methodological support of the program:

Lesson topic

Forms of classes

Techniques and methods of organizing the educational process

Methodical material

Material and technical equipment of classes

Summing up forms

Plasticine painting "My mood"

Group, individual

Conversation, story, demonstration,

Visual material

Markers, posters, thick white cardboard, a sculpting board, simple wax pencils, a napkin, a palette, a drawing glass, a brush, acrylic paints, plasticine.

Relaxation, reflection, exhibition of works

Mandala "My state is here and now"

Group, individual

Information message, independent activity

Visual aid, templates

Templates, scissors, glue, colored pencils.


Painting of satin flowers "Let's Meet"


Explanation of technique, demonstration, independent activity

Visual aid, templates

picture reproduction

Satin ribbons, jewelry, felt blanks, backed frame, white cardboard, Titan glue

Reflection, presentation of the picture

Drawing on starch "My World"

Group, individual

Explanation of technique, independent activity

Visual material

Starch, water, acrylic and watercolor paints, toothpicks.

Relaxation, reflection

Collage "Sympathy"


explanation of technique, independent activity

Visual aid, templates

picture reproduction,

Coffee beans, frame with backing, fabric, burlap, acrylic varnish, brush, plait, pins.


collage presentation


art therapy.

"Shawl communication" technique.


Explanation, independent activity

Visual material

Silk scarves or pareo (according to the number of participants)


Salt iso-therapy "Conflict situations"

Group, individual

Storytelling, demonstration,

explanation of technique, independent activity

Visual aid, templates

Salt, dough dye, white cardboard, glue stick, mortar (according to the number of participants).

Reflection, exhibition of works

Fairytale therapy "Fairy tale orange friends"


independent activity

Visual material

A4 sheets, pencils.


Music therapy "My ideal world"


Conversation, story,

independent activity

Visual aid, musical accompaniment

musical instruments

Relaxation, reflection

Espress topiary from napkins "Tree of Happiness"



explanation of technique, independent activity

Visual aid, templates

Planter, cable duct, newspaper, napkins, alabaster, glue gun, scissors, styler, decorative tape and beads.

Relaxation, reflection, presentation of the "Tree of Happiness"

Lesson 1. Plasticine painting "My mood"

The purpose of the lesson:getting to know the participants, establishing communicative and interactive communication, clarifying the expectations and fears of the participants, relieving emotional stress, developing creative potential. Self-presentation.

Introductory part

Announcement: "The purpose and objectives of our training sessions."

The facilitator introduces the participants to the goals and objectives of group work. The conditions and working hours are discussed, the rules of group work are introduced. The presenter tells in what form the classes will take place and what main topics they will be devoted to.

Dating procedure: the participants give their names and express their concerns and expectations regarding the proposed form of work, provide certain information about themselves, the moderator invites the participants to write their name on the badge or what they would like to be called in the group. Attach a badge to your chest.

The main part of the lesson

Exercise "Goal tree"

Purpose: to determine the conditions for the effective activity of the group, the prerequisites for successful work in the group.

Equipment: markers, posters.

Exercise progress:

a) the presenter asks the question: “What am I expecting, what do I hope for when taking part in this group?”, “What do I like about myself, and what prevents me from feeling comfortable and confident?”, “What is needed for this?”;

b) the participants are divided into micro-groups (2 people each) and try to complete sentences on the topic: "I am in a group ... Trust in a group", "I feel confident, because ...": What confuses me ... What for does this need to be done?

Creative work: Plasticine painting "My mood"

Goal: team building. To contribute to the emotional disclosure of the personality, the development of creativity and communication skills through the creation of a picture from plasticine.

Equipment: thick white cardboard, a sculpting board, simple wax pencils, a napkin, a palette, a drawing glass, a brush, acrylic paints, plasticine.

The moderator invites all participants to tell in an unusual way about the mood with which each of them came to the group. To do this, he demonstrates the equipment and informs that in the lesson everyone will be able to create a picture that will symbolize his mood. The picture will be drawn, not only with paints, but also with plasticine.

The technique with which our paintings will be created is called "Plasticinography". Plasticine is the drawing of three-dimensional pictures using soft wax plasticine using additional materials.

For work, we need thick white cardboard, a sculpting board, simple wax pencils, a napkin, a palette, a glass for drawing, a brush, acrylic paints, plasticine.

The presenter invites the participants to take white cardboard and draw their mood with a simple pencil.

After completing the drawing, the technique of working with plasticine is explained.

For the background, you can use acrylic paints if needed. I want to note that acrylic paint, after drying, acquires a glossy surface. This is necessary in order for the clay to adhere easily and hold well. For drawing with plasticine, we use the same techniques as for modeling from plasticine: mixing, pressing, pressing, smearing.

You can appreciate the advantage of acrylic paint in the event that you applied plasticine, and you did not like it, then with the help of a stack you can easily fix everything and continue working.

If you need to press in any part, use a wax crayon for this. The entire explanation is accompanied by a demonstration. The presenter draws his mood with plasticine.

Participants start work after explaining the technique of drawing with plasticine.

After completing the work, the presenter invites each participant to demonstrate their picture from plasticine - "My mood" and continue the phrase "My mood today .... Because …".

Final part


At the end of the lesson, the facilitator invites the participants to recall what happened in the lesson. Asking questions:

    Was the job interesting for you?

    How did you feel during the lesson?

    Did your creative work improve your mood?

All participants stand in a circle, hold hands and close their eyes. The facilitator explains the rule of the exercise. Now, with a light touch of my neighbor's hand, I will share my energy with him. As soon as you receive an impulse from your neighbor, immediately transfer some of your energy in the same way to the neighbor who is on your other hand.

After completing the transmission of the impulse, everyone says goodbye.

Lesson 2. Mandala "My state is here and now"

The purpose of the lesson: development of rules for the work of the group for its effective functioning. Creation of an atmosphere of trust in the group, which will facilitate the free expression of feelings and help to realize them. Formation of positive motivation and interest in the occupation.

Introductory part

An exercise"Does my name mean?"

The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant calls his name (tells about himself and about his name).

Plastic sketch "Let's warm each other with rays of goodness"

Purpose: creating a positive emotional background, increasing the integration and cohesion of group members.

Tender names give warmth, as if from the sun. It seems to me that each of us has become like a bright sun. Let's warm each other with rays - palms. (Participants gently touch each other with their palms).

The main part of the lesson

Group Rules Exercise

Purpose: to develop rules for the group's work for its effective functioning.

Equipment: markers, scotch tape, "Our Rules" poster.

The course of the exercise: in the previous lesson, we tried to determine what is needed in order for you to feel comfortable in the group, to be able to take an active part in its activities. Let's try to formulate our own rules on the basis of the highlighted prerequisites for successful work in a group.

Indicative rules:

    Voluntary and active. If you don't want it, don't do it.

    Do not interrupt. Everyone wants to be heard.

    Honesty, truthfulness.


    Here and now.

    Discuss the action, not the person, and only what is happening in the group now.

    Don't rate.

Individual work.Mandala "My state is here and now"

This method is not only corrective, but also diagnostic. It is with the help of mandalas that a psychologist can not only determine the state of each participant, but also help them to consolidate the achieved result. Mandalas are a powerful diagnostic and psychotherapy tool. It will help to establish a dialogue of each participant with his unconscious.

Artistic creativity is the most ancient and natural form of emotional state correction. With the help of our work, you will be able to know yourself more fully. The Mangalotherapy method will allow you to work with yourself.

The moderator invites the participants to depict their current state in a circle, in images and colors exactly as they imagine and feel it.

And for this, choose from the palette of all pencils three colors that, in your opinion, appeal to you the most, that is, the most pleasant for you. And with these crown flowers in a circle, create a picture that will reflect: you, your desired state and obstacles that prevent you from acquiring the desired state. You can paint symbolically.

And now, after creating three images, sketch out some kind of life that is bubbling around these three images (some events, some situations, people, meetings). Everything needs to be depicted schematically. Just draw, even if at the moment you do not understand what it looks like. Your unconscious will speak to you in the language of images and symbols. The more symbolism, the more understanding.

The participants are working.

Now take a close look at your drawing. What does it look like? What is this world? What would you call it? What is it?

See if there is something important and unique in your mandala. This figure contains important information. Your unconscious got involved in the work and tells you about a resource, thanks to which you can overcome any obstacles on the way to your well-being.

Look at the drawing and highlight some element or detail that will symbolize your resource or your quality, unique ability, talent.

Maybe at the moment, you do not understand exactly how this should manifest itself in your life, but there is something important in your drawing. Select this part for yourself and outline it with a bright color.

Now write for yourself: “What is this part broadcasting? What does it symbolize? Oh, what does she tell you? "

Your task now will be as follows. Prepare, please, now the second sheet of paper with a circle and place it to your right.

Now we return to the first work and the part you circled, the resource part, you need to select from the work (carefully pull out or cut out). After you have selected the resource part from the Mandala, transfer it to a blank sheet and center it. Whoever wants can stick it.

Now tear off the first mandala, and on the second you need to create an image of well-being, which should come out of the state of the central image. Where will this image be in relation to the central part? And what will happen around you when your central image befriends your good fortune. That is, now we are creating a mandala for the interaction of the resource image with the desired well-being. At this stage of work, you can use all colors.

The participants are working.

Take a look at your work. Express your deep gratitude to her for the fact that she appeared in your life. And give her an affectionate name.

This is your key to overcoming barriers to success.

If your work could express its grace to you and convey an inner message, give a recommendation or advice. What would she say?

Participants' answers.

This is your inner message, your well-being. Listen to your heart, what does your job tell you? Remember, this is said by your unconscious and must be put into practice to improve your condition.

Final part


    Did you get inspiration from your mandala?

Lesson 3. Painting of satin flowers "Let's Meet"

The purpose of the lesson:Continue to develop communication skills and group work. Removing emotional stress, developing the creative potential of the participants.

Introductory part

An exercise "Compliments for a friend"

The exercises are performed in a circle. Participants, calling a neighbor by name, give him a compliment.

The moderator invites the participants to get to know everyone who is present at the lesson better.

The main part of the lesson

Creative work.Painting of satin flowers "Let's Meet"

The presenter invites the participants to create a general picture of satin ribbons, which will have the name "Let us know".

Now you will be introduced to the satin ribbon kanzashi technique. You will have the opportunity to learn how to make a flower from satin ribbons.

The host invites you to familiarize yourself with the presented technique.

We need a satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide and about a meter long. We take the tape inside out to us and wrap it at a right angle, lower it down and wrap the free edge under the bottom - this will be the first petal. We string the petal on a needle and thread. Then we lift the ribbon up, lower it down, turn right and left from the inside - this is the second petal. We also string it on a needle and thread. We continue along the entire length of the tape. Cut off the excess remainder of the tape and process with matches. Next, we sew our flower. We wrap the edges of the ribbons inward. We straighten our flower, glue the decoration on the middle, and on the back side glue a circle of felt in order to make it more convenient to glue the flower on a plane to create a picture.

In order to get started, you need to close your eyes and think with which of the colors you associate yourself with. Now open your eyes and take the ribbon of the color you thought of and that for you seems to be your reflection in the mirror. If you saw yourself in the light of several colors, then take exactly as many ribbons and such colors with which you have associated.

Participants choose tapes to work on.

Now you can start creating the flower from the satin that you have chosen. Those with multiple ribbons should make exactly that many colors.

Participants create flowers.

Now I suggest you take a very close look at all the participants and identify yourself next to the person with whom you are comfortable. Your flower will be in the picture next to the flower of this group member, but only if the place on the plane will also suit you.

All participants arrange and fix their flowers. The overall picture has been created.

Final part

An exercise"Take your time, but remember"

The presenter suggests drawing a chamomile "flower of friendship". As you draw each petal, say these words to prove that each of you is a real friend, for example:

    I try to be honest with my friend.

    If necessary, I always help a friend.

    I remember everything well and try to forget the bad.

Now give your flowers to the one you want to give a gift to.


Now, I will ask you to answer a few questions in a circle.

    Was the lesson and this painting technique interesting for you?

    What color have you chosen for your flower? Why?

    Did you manage to place your flower in a place that is comfortable for you?

    If not, why not?

    How did you feel while creating the big picture?

Lesson 4. Drawing on starch "My World"

The purpose of the lesson:Creation of a psychologically relaxed atmosphere in the group. Disclosure of the internal potential of the participants. Developing the ability to hear yourself and identify your own needs.

Introductory part

An exercise"Let's say hello"

At the beginning of the exercise, the facilitator talks about different ways of greeting, real and comic.

Participants are encouraged to greet each other with shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek, and suggest their own unique way of greeting for today's session.

The main part of the lesson

Art therapy Drawing on starch "My World"

Here is the diluted starch on a platter. To draw, you need to take a toothpick, squeeze out acrylic paint (gouache), which is consonant with our inner world. Since today each of you will draw a picture on the theme "My World". Listen to your inner world and start drawing. You can mix colors to get new shades. Lead over the starch wherever the hand calls. Water very easily perceives your movements, and inside there is a thick starch. You can play with water and your drawing will change. Draw with a toothpick as if you were holding a brush.

This technique will allow each of you to become an artist.

When choosing colors for drawing, listen to yourself.

Final part

Relaxation(music sounds)

Close your eyes, pick up your drawing and listen to your inner state. You can make movements with your hands to music or convey your inner state with movements. What's in your soul now? Are you good and calm? Are you resting or working?

A light and gentle breeze blows in your face. Do you feel like a happy person? Are you full of energy. Listen to yourself. Make the last movement with your hands. Now open your eyes. Look at your painting. Has it changed or not? What do you see in your drawing now?


    Have you gotten inspiration from your drawing?

    Was today's lesson interesting for you?

    In what mood are you leaving?

Lesson 5. Collage "Sympathy"

The purpose of the lesson:Formation of relaxation skills. Developing participants' empathy for themselves and others. Develop a desire to enter into friendly interaction .

Introductory part

An exercise "Cup of Kindness"

Participants perform the tasks of the leader to the music for relaxation.

Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, breathe calmly, evenly, deeply. Relax. Imagine a sheet of white paper in front of you with your favorite cup on it. Draw it mentally the way you want. Take another close look at the cup. Fill it to the brim with your favorite drink. Now imagine another cup, empty, and pour it into it. And next to it is still empty ... And more ... Pour your favorite drink into all the cups. Now look into your cup. It's full again! What happened to her? This cup has become extra charming. After all, she was filled with your kindness. Open your eyes. Let us calmly and confidently say: “It's me! I have such a cup! "

Discussions. After completing the exercise, the participants talk about how. What cups have seen exchange views as to why the cup was always full.

    Why does the cup get fuller every time, even though you've poured out of it into other cups?

The main part of the lesson

Today we will compose an unusual collage with you - a coffee collage on the theme of "Empathy". But first ...

An exerciseBrainstorm

What is empathy? You need to say one word with which you can associate empathy.


Today we are going to create a general collage of coffee beans. Our collage should carry an understanding of what compassion means to all of us.

Listen to the instructions for coffee collage.

To compose a collage, certain materials will be needed: cardboard, various types of tourniquets, coffee, titanium glue.

First you need to cover the cardboard with a cloth or burlap. Insert background into frame. Then draw the required pattern on the fabric. A tourniquet is laid out along the drawn lines, for convenience it is fastened with safety pins. Then carefully glue the tourniquet onto the base. All those parts that will be filled with coffee beans must be filled with glue (titanium), in stages. After a small area of \u200b\u200bthe drawing is filled with glue, it is necessary to cover it with coffee beans and gently and evenly distribute it. After all the necessary details of the drawing are sealed with coffee beans, they must be opened with acrylic to make the collage dazzling.

The participants get to work.

Upon completion of the work, the presenter asks to answer the question. What do you see in the created collage.

Final part

An exercise "Become my friend"

Participants offer their friendship to each other and put forward an argument in doing so. For example: "I really want you to become my friend, because ..."


    Was today's lesson interesting for you?

    What did you like best?

    What's new have you learned?

    Did you get inspiration from coffee collages?

    In what mood are you leaving?

Lesson 6. Tissue art therapy. Technique "Shawl communication"

The purpose of the lesson:Creation of good mood and emotional comfort in the group. Formation of positive motivation and interest in the occupation. Develop the ability to understand the inner world of oneself and others.

Introductory part

An exercise "Give a smile and good mood"

Participants sit in a circle, take each other's hands, look into the eyes of the neighbor on the right and give a smile. This is how the smile goes around. You can say hello to the one on the right, say "Good morning!" and give a name. If the participants are ready, invite them to pass on a touch or gentle stroking.

The main part of the lesson

Equipment "Shawl communication"

To complete the task, the presenter invites all participants to pick up a large, light scarf (pareo).

The presenter addresses the participants.

Imagine that the handkerchief in your hands is some kind of living substance. What do you want to do with him right now?

Participants answer.

The leader gives the task.

If now it was necessary to show movement with a headscarf, in order to show its maximum potential, what kind of movement would it be?

What does this movement mean? How does it feel? How often in your life do you encounter this feeling?

The leader gives the task.

If in this space that surrounds us, you would be asked to find for your scarf the place where you are, and then the place where you would like to be. What is this place?

The facilitator asks each participant.

When you put your handkerchief in this place, how does it make you feel?

The leader gives the task.

Now unite in pairs and compose a composition, imagining that you are, for example: friends, business partners, neighbors. How comfortable would you be to interact.

The facilitator asks each pair.

Please tell us why exactly? How does it make you feel?

The host invites everyone to take their headscarf so that it is comfortable.

What do you feel? Is this feeling different from what you felt after completing the first task? Participants' answers.

What can you do with a scarf now to make it feel comfortable and protected by you?

This technique makes it possible to diagnose how a person treats himself (handling a scarf).

    What was this technique for you?

    What could you understand about yourself as a person?

The presenter offers the participants a salty dough so that everyone will mold out of it a way out of the conflict situation they have drawn.

What kind of solution did you create from the test?

Final part

An exercise"Give a Gift"

The moderator asks questions to the participants:

    Do you like receiving gifts?

    And give them?

    What do you like more?

The presenter invites each participant to give a gift for the whole group. Each participant plays his gift on the instrument and answers the questions:

    What kind of gift was it?

    Why does everyone need him?


    Was today's lesson interesting for you?

    What did you like best?

    What new have you learned about yourself?

    In what mood are you leaving?

Lesson 7. Salt iso-therapy "Conflict situations"

The purpose of the lesson:continue to develop joint work skills. Develop empathy for group members. Both ﹶ provide psychological relief for all members of the group. To teach how to find a way out of a conflict situation.

Introductory part

Exercise ﹶ nie ﹶ "Painting of two artists"

The presenter gives the task: to unite in pairs and not agreeing, de ﹶ laughing in half m for one pencil to draw any picture: a cat, a house, an e ﹶ lku, etc.

    How did you feel working in pairs?

    Did you manage to complete the task?

    What helped you, what prevented you?

The main part of the lesson

Salt iso-therapy "Conflict situations"

The presenter invites all participants to draw in an unusual way - drawing with salt.

To do this, each participant proceeds to the next task: coloring the salt. All participants create one shade of color. White salt is poured into a ceramic mortar and dye is added to it for the dough. The salt is thoroughly mixed until a certain shade is obtained. Due to the fact that each participant created a different color, many colors were obtained as a result.

The moderator invites the participants to take and put cardboard sheets in front of them.

In today's lesson we will paint a picture with salt on the topic of "Conflict situations".

To do this, you need to draw a drawing with glue (glue stick), after which, choosing a certain color, apply salt to the drawing drawn with glue.

The participants get to work.

After completing the assignment, the participants are invited to present their picture and answer the questions:

    What does your painting mean?

    How did you feel during the assignment?

    Is it possible to get out of the conflict situation depicted in your painting?

    Offer a way out of the presented conflict situation.

Final part

An exercise"Tree and Elk"

The presenter invites all participants to unite in pairs. One is a tree and the other is Elk. The tree stands firmly, and the Elk rubs, rests, tries to break the tree.

After the clap, the participants in the pair switch roles. The participant who was a tree now becomes a Elk and vice versa.

After the exercise, the facilitator asks questions:

    What did the confrontation mean for you when you were in the role of the tree and the role of the Elk?

    How did this exercise make you feel?


    Was today's lesson interesting for you?

    How often do conflict situations arise in your life?

    What kind of solutions do you find from the conflict situations that have arisen?

    What's new have you learned?

    In what mood are you leaving?

Lesson 8. Fairytale therapy "Fairy tale orange friends"

The purpose of the lesson:to form the skills of self-regulation and work on your feelings. Facilitate the exercise of analysis and introspection. Develop association skills. Continue to nurture the desire to work in a group.

We all know about the state of the safe space and therefore I suggest that everyone get in the mood for work. Because it is very important for group work. Our lesson today will be based on one of the methods of art therapy, namely Fairy Tale Therapy.

But first ...

An exercise"Association"

Participants throw the ball to each other and name any association that orange color causes in him. It doesn't have to be an orange item.

The host warns the participants that everyone should have the ball.

After completing the exercise, the facilitator clarifies that this exercise was carried out to actualize the orange color.

The main part of the lesson

The presenter announces that the work in the group will be associated with a fairy tale. And the participants will work in orange. The brightest star in the sky shines in this color. And our tale will be dedicated to the color orange. And it is called "Orange Friends".

Somewhere far away, in space, among unfamiliar stars and alien galaxies, there was a planetary system similar to the solar one. But it was different in that there was no sun on it.

It consisted of small planets, on which it was always dark and cold. There were houses on this planet that looked like mushrooms. They were inhabited by creatures similar to humans. But they differed in that they had no feelings. They did not know sunlight and therefore did not know how to feel. They never rejoiced or were sad, did not laugh, and did not cry, did not get angry, and did not do good deeds. They sat quietly and indifferently in their mushroom-like houses or wandered aimlessly around their cold planet.

In the evenings, when the reflections of the cold planets faded and it became completely dark, the inhabitants of the planet gathered around the tables, and lit yellow and orange lamps. Then the windows of their houses began to glow. And at that moment it seemed that it was getting brighter.

At the same time in our native land. The sun was shining brightly, green grass grew and bright flowers bloomed. All people, especially children, were merry and sad, laughing and crying, and doing their own thing.

One day, funny children got together and decided that they needed adventure. They built a large rocket and took it on an interplanetary journey. And in order not to get bored on the way, they took a lot of orange with them. Children cheerfully ate oranges and flew farther and farther, into the depths of unknown planets.

One evening, flying through the dark outer space, where only the reflections of distant cosmic stars penetrated and there was no sun, the children saw the windows of the inhabitants of this planet glowing with warm light in the dark.

The houses stood on the planet like mushrooms and their windows looked like big oranges. The children stopped their rocket and landed on a small planet. The children took a lot of orange with them and ran into the houses that looked like mushrooms and began to treat the inhabitants of the planet. The children had a lot of fun and played together with the inhabitants of the planet. It was at that moment that the inhabitants were filled with orange juice and lit up like sunlight. They are for the first time in my life. We heard laughter and saw the fun.

And when the children gathered for the return journey, the planetary inhabitants became sad. This is how the miracle happened. Creatures from a distant planet have learned to laugh, have fun and feel. Their life sparkled with different colors. Illuminated and filled with meaning. This made the planet so light, as if the sun had appeared over them.

In the same way, children from the planet earth had orange friends in a distant galaxy. They returned to earth, began to live their former life. They were merry and sad, laughing and crying, growing up and doing their own thing. And whenever people looked at the evening sky, they saw windows shining in houses like mushrooms on a distant planet. And good feelings shine! And the distant orange friends, rejoice and send them their friendship.

The presenter invites you to reveal your impressions on a sheet of paper using lines and color spots. After the completion of the work, the participants voice its name and talk about their feelings, about the fairy tale. Drawings of all participants are analyzed.

Final part

An exercise"Taste of orange"

The presenter invites all participants to taste the orange and talk about its taste.

    How does the taste of orange make you feel?


    Was today's lesson interesting for you and what did you remember?

    Have there been situations in your life when you came to the aid of a person?

    How exactly did you provide help to someone who needed it?

    What's new have you learned?

    In what mood are you leaving?

Lesson 9. Music therapy "My ideal world"

The purpose of the lesson:Help the participants to know themselves, their capabilities. Form the skill of sensual and non-verbal contact with others. Help relieve neuropsychic stress through listening to music.

Introductory part

An exercise"My interest"

The moderator invites one of the participants to grasp the edge of the thread. Name your interest in life and transfer the ball to another participant, who, naming his interest, passes the ball to the next.

The main part of the lesson

An exercise"Sound of the surf"

Participants listen to the recording with the sounds of the sea. After that, the host invites them to "breathe" as the sea breathes during the surf. To do this, you need to take a quiet and soft breath with your stomach while it is enough to gently raise your hands up. And then, exhale at the sound "Ш". It is necessary to exhale for a long, long time, drawing in the stomach. When you exhale, all the air should come out. Then you need to gently lower your hands down and inhale again.

An exercise"Walk in the woods"

Music therapy "My ideal world"

All participants have different musical instruments in their hands. The presenter asks to play "I am good" on his instrument, followed by work with feelings:

    Did you want to lose “Am I good?

    What did you hear in the melody you were playing?

    Would you like to change something about playing "I'm good"?

Those participants who, when answering the question: "Did you like the melody that you performed, depicting your ideal world?" gave a negative answer, it is proposed to make changes.

    What exactly did you change, and why the now performed melody is more similar to the inner world you imagine.

The facilitator asks all participants to imagine their ideal world at the same time.

    Did you like the melody of our band's ideal world?

    What exactly did you dislike?

Final part

Minute dance therapy

The presenter turns on pleasant music. Begins to dance and invites the participants to dance with him. Everyone dances the way they can and want. The facilitator allows everyone to release energy, this time also serves as a dynamic pause.


    Was today's lesson interesting for you?

    In what mood are you leaving?

Lesson 10. Espress topiary from napkins "Tree of Happiness"

The purpose of the lesson:Develop the skill of analysis. To instill in the participants the desire to be happy. Determine if the expectations of the participants were met.

Introductory part

Today we are completing work on our program. This is our last lesson, which we will devote to such a pleasant sensation as the feeling of happiness.

An exercise "Be happy"

The facilitator asks all participants to wish happiness to the one who goes to the center of the circle. The participant standing in the center thanks everyone for their warm wishes.

The main part of the lesson

Espress napkin topiary "The tree of happiness"

The facilitator asks questions:

  • What do you think is a happy person?

    What do you need to be happy?

The host invites all participants to create a tree of happiness.

Equipment. In order to make a topiary from napkins, a certain material is needed: a pots, a cable channel, a newspaper, napkins, alabaster, a glue gun, scissors, a stippler, decorative tape and beads.

It is necessary to make a ball for the topiary and for this you need a newspaper. Show.

The ball is wrapped with thread. The next step is to secure the trunk. Next, you need to make blanks for the topiary, and for this you need a napkin. Show. The napkin must be folded twice and cut along the second fold line. Each part in the middle is fastened with a stapler, we cut out a circle from the workpiece. A flower is formed from the blank. Show. We fold each layer to the middle, forming a flower.

Who would you like to present such a topiary to?

Final part

An exercise"The tree of happiness"

The presenter invites each participant to close their eyes, listen to the noise of the trees and feel and see that the “tree of happiness” is giving you gifts as a keepsake of our lessons:

    What were these gifts?

    Why did you receive this particular gift?


    Were our classes interesting for you?

    What did you like the most?

    How did you feel throughout the program?

    Have your expectations been met?

    In what mood are you leaving?

Art therapy for seniors is a way to maintain interest in life, engagement and a positive attitude through creativity. It is especially in demand among older people, because after being fired from work and retiring, a person has a lot of free time. If he is at a loss and does not know what to do with himself, this can lead to a depressive state: a person will begin to experience negative emotions, think about illnesses, and beware of troubles.

Art therapy helps keep older people from depression

Recently, a new term has appeared in medicine - "retirement disease". It develops in a person who is accustomed to regular work activity, and after retirement began to experience fatigue, exacerbation of chronic diseases, irritability, and insomnia. Lack of interests and hobbies has a negative impact on the psyche and health, so the elderly need to constantly perform any creative tasks.

Varieties of art therapy

Art therapy is divided into two areas:

  • Individual. In this case, the psychologist communicates with a person one-on-one, after which he identifies the problem and selects ways to overcome it.
  • Group. Represents teamwork that improves communication skills. At this age, the lack of communication is felt most acutely. When talking with like-minded people, older people experience elation, joy, and excitement.

Art therapy methods

  • Dancing. They improve mood, have a beneficial effect on the physical condition of an elderly person: walking speed increases, balance improves, the body is maintained in good shape, and the risk of falling and getting injured is reduced.
  • Photographing. It allows you to focus on the beautiful moments in life, which helps you distract from bad thoughts.
  • Drawing. An excellent way to deal with stress and nervous tension. There is a training of memory, fine motor skills. It is advisable to paint in the forest, on the river bank, in a park or any other picturesque place in warm weather.
  • Singing. Activity develops memory, helps to get out of a depressive state, and improves mood. Performing vocal exercises, a person trains his breathing apparatus. With regular choir practice, the degree of cortisol and immunoglobulin-A increases, which has a positive effect on immunity.
  • Music therapy. It is divided into two types - active and passive. With an active form of therapy, the elderly participate in playing music - playing musical instruments. In the passive form, people listen to special pieces of music that have been pre-selected by a specialist music therapist.
  • Writing. Allows you to reveal creative abilities, solve problems, find a way out of a difficult situation. Useful work is carried out with memories, poetic texts, fairy tales. In addition, gymnastics for the muscles of the arms is carried out, and brain activity is improved.
  • Wood carving, modeling from plasticine and clay, knitting, embroidery, weaving from beads and other types of handicrafts. Exercise leads to the fact that intellectual abilities are maintained at a high level, and flexibility and obedience of the fingers are increased.
  • Visiting performances, exhibitions, museums, trips with the group to cultural events - to the theater, after which the group begins to share their impressions and discuss what they saw.
  • Participation in amateur performances.

Dancing improves not only mental but also physical condition

Benefits of art therapy

  • disclosure and development of creative abilities, internal potential;
  • solving a problem through creativity (for example, stories or drawings) without speaking and discussing it;
  • getting rid of nervous tension;
  • increased mood;
  • maintaining muscle tone, developing the respiratory system;
  • development of horizons;
  • improving communication skills;
  • getting rid of a depressive state;
  • opportunities for self-development - especially when a person is doing something that he has never done before.

The advantages of art therapy include the absence of age restrictions. It is based on non-verbal communication, therefore it is available for people with disabilities.

Why creativity is the solution to many health problems: in the course of his life, a person uses a small part of his brain, but creative tasks involve other areas in the process, the brain is mobilized, and this directly affects the state of the central nervous system and the work of the heart.

Scientists have proven that creative people live much longer and feel happier than those who devote their attention only to their usual, routine duties or idleness.

A creative person has a number of characteristics:

  • he is distinguished by curiosity, heightened interest in what is happening in the world, a desire to constantly develop, to learn something new;
  • when problems and difficulties arise in his life, he begins to figure out various exits and solutions from different angles, and does not try to avoid a stressful state;
  • such a person is engaged in constant self-development, self-knowledge;
  • he never stops halfway, but always completes what he has begun.

Today, boarding houses and nursing homes regularly conduct art therapy classes, as it proves its effectiveness every time. In some cases, the elderly open up a second wind: an interest in life appears, apathy disappears, and changes affect them even at the physiological and physical level.

Art therapy for dementia

Dementia is a decrease in cognitive activity, in the process of which previously acquired skills and knowledge begin to be lost, and it is not possible to acquire new ones. Most often, this condition is observed in old age and is called senile dementia (or senile marasmus). Its causes can be Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke, heart attack, tumors, traumatic brain injury, etc.

Dementia in old age begins slowly and imperceptibly, but inevitably progresses, leading to complete dementia. For this reason, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of a sick person and provide all possible assistance at the slightest suspicious signs (inability to remember information, constant bad mood, narrowing of the range of interests, apathy, picky, lack of initiative).

Drawing helps to correctly assess the world around

Art therapy is a good method of psychotherapy for the mental correction of an elderly person's condition. Creative tasks allow you to identify problems that have been tormenting for a long time, get rid of internal contradictions, and show self-expression.

During sculpting, drawing, composing stories, the protection that is observed during habitual verbal contact decreases or disappears, so a person gets the opportunity to correctly assess how he feels and feels the world around him.

If it is difficult for a person to complete any tasks, then you can offer him coloring. It can improve concentration, stress and anxiety. Coloring allows you to achieve a calm, relaxed state, which is typical when practicing meditation, when extraneous thoughts and anxiety disappear, and a person fully focuses on the present.

Thus, art therapy allows the elderly to begin to lead a calm, joyful and fulfilling lifestyle. People begin to feel comfortable, cope with many inner experiences, and feel satisfaction.

Do not think that after 60 years old age begins - creativity can be an excellent stimulus for a new round of life.

Scientists have long found out that creative activity gives older people the most important thing - vitality and the desire to live. For a person doing what he loves, there is no age. Passion for an interesting occupation helps older people to spend their time with benefit, not to think about bad things and, most importantly, to maintain their intellectual and physical shape at a decent level. Therefore, experts agree that creativity is one of the secrets of a long life.

Retirement sickness

It's no secret that after retirement, many elderly people lose their orientation in life, are left alone with their difficulties. This is because they have not been able to compensate for the loss of their professional activity with some kind of intellectual equal to it.

In medicine, there is even a special term "retirement disease", when a previously healthy person, accustomed to measured, constant labor activity, rapidly develops a number of painful conditions. For example, insomnia begins to worry, causeless fatigue appears, nervous irritability increases, morale falls, and chronic diseases worsen. A person finds himself alone with his fears, feels an acute lack of communication, life seems to him aimless.

Hobby as an elixir of youth

At that time, retirees, leading an active social life and engaged in creativity, stay young and healthy longer. Their standard of living is improving qualitatively. Recent studies by scientists prove that doing what you love becomes a kind of adaptation to new living conditions, a way of psychological rehabilitation for the elderly.

Art therapy

In Europe, special circles and schools for the creative development of older people are successfully functioning. They practice the basics of art therapy (a special area of \u200b\u200bpsychology, where the diagnosis and treatment of diseases occurs with the help of creativity). Recently, similar institutions have appeared in Russia: many people of retirement age have been able to start life from a new leaf thanks to creative pursuits, such as needlework, singing, literary and artistic activities, etc.


These types of creativity (batik, knitting, embroidery, beading, macrame, sewing, lace weaving, modeling, etc.) train fine motor skills: fingers become more obedient and flexible, and also help maintain intellectual activity.


Vocal exercises train memory, improve ventilation of the lungs and the entire respiratory system, lift mood and block attacks of depression. In addition, regular choir practice increases the level of special substances - immunoglobulin-A and cortisol, which are signs of good immunity. True, some experts note: regular classes in the choir can have the opposite effect on health, since a constantly elevated level of cortisol provokes suppression of immunity, and being in a large team is an increased threat of catching colds.


This lesson gives freedom of self-expression, helps to deal with stress, relieves of worries, calms the nerves. And again, it trains fine motor skills and memory. It is very good to practice painting outdoors, for example, on the banks of a river or in the forest.


This is not only fun, but also a great opportunity to keep your body in good shape. Light exercise in old age is only beneficial. In addition, dancers have an increased walking speed and sense of balance, which helps prevent serious injury from falls.

Creativity is real

If you look around, you can find many elderly people who pulled themselves together in time and found a way to realize themselves in creativity and active social life. Take, for example, the musical group "Buranovskie Babushki", which won a silver medal at the international song contest "Eurovision-2012". By the way, the average age of the members of the folklore group is 70 years. However, this fact did not prevent women from learning the song in English and performing it brilliantly.

Many people, retiring, find a new life: they travel, give themselves up to hobbies and hobbies, for the first time they begin to draw, sing, write poems.

Lyubov Nikolaevna, 63 years old:“While you work, you have a lot of worries, things to do, there is no time to concentrate on something else. And with retirement, everything changes. A lot of free time - you can focus on what you always wanted, but was not able to. And then the creativity just breaks through: that's how I started writing songs. First, poems were born, then melodies, so slowly everything began to spin. My friends got carried away with painting - they just took a brush and paints and decided to try it. And they got a taste. The main thing is this: the taste for life must not be lost at any age. And you can always find it anew. Or start something. I've never thought that I would write poetry, publish books, participate in exhibitions. You just have to not be afraid to return to childhood, when creativity was everywhere. "

Nadezhda Alekseevna, 60 years old: “It seemed to me that I would be young all my life, but the retirement age was somehow unexpected. For a long time I could not come to terms with the fact that I would receive an “old age retirement pension”, because I still feel like a young and rather attractive woman. After being fired from work, it seemed to me that life had stopped. A huge amount of free time appeared, which absolutely had nowhere to do. I became noticeably depressed: ailments appeared, chronic diseases worsened. My children and friends saved me. Some gave a little granddaughter, others - the opportunity to be creative. Together with my friends, we have created a small team, within which we help to organize holidays for the elderly - anniversaries, birthdays, meetings of veterans. We select interesting musical accompaniment, think over contests and decoration of halls: draw posters, inflate balloons, glue wall newspapers. On the recent anniversary of “my girls” such a program was given to me - any toastmaster would envy! Bad thoughts immediately disappeared somewhere, the lost lightness appeared, I again want to dance, laugh and enjoy life ”.

Creativity hormone

Not so long ago, scientists discovered a special hormone - dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). The hormone is produced by the adrenal glands only in humans and apes. It has not yet been fully studied, but already now experts call it "the hormone of creativity." Studies have shown that the maximum amount of DHEA in the blood is observed in embryos, while its concentration decreases with age. At 70 years of age, DHEA levels are only 10% of previously observed values. It is still unknown whether this is due to aging or other physiological processes. Paradoxically, long-livers still have high DHEA levels.

One pill is enough?

Experts note that not all people have DHEA levels that actively decrease with age. For creative people of 50 years or more, it can be maintained at the same level that they had at 30 and 40 years old.

The hormone is produced in dosage form, but only a doctor can prescribe it after certain tests. In addition, the lack of experiments with the participation of volunteers does not allow one to draw one hundred percent conclusions about the absolute harmlessness of medical forms of hormonal preparations with DHEA.

Renaissance of the brain

How does the healing power of creativity work? Doctors say that when a creative task is formulated, a large number of "extra" brain areas are activated - those that have not been used before, but which are necessary for creativity. At the same time, other parts of the brain are activated, helping to invigorate not only this organ itself, but also the activity of the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, homeostasis of the body, metabolism and other vital physiological functions and systems.

In this case, it does not matter whether a person starts some new occupations for himself or is trying to revive his former mental activity.

How many famous people of the world have lived? Here are some examples:

  • IV Michurin lived for 80 years;
  • L. N. Tolstoy - 82 years old;
  • Voltaire - 84 years old;
  • I.P. Pavlov - 86 years old;
  • the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates - 104 years old;
  • ND Zelinsky - 92 years old.

"Smart Lives Longer"

Academician Natalya Bekhtereva, the scientific director of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, stated that “it is the involvement of a person in the creative process with all the accompanying rearrangements in the brain and body that leads to a statistically justified, perhaps surprising situation when“ smart people live longer ”. The brain revives, the body revives too. The existing connections between cells and structures of the brain become more active, new connections are formed and, most likely, new cells, neurons. "

Creativity does not promise us immortality, but thanks to it, we can well count on active longevity. And this is already quite good.

Expert:Natalia Dolgopolova, general practitioner
Natalia Karpova

The material used photographs owned by shutterstock.com

Art therapy, or art therapy Is the treatment of mental illness (congenital or acquired as a result of stress) or depression, especially in elderly people, with the help of fine arts, embroidery, music, dancing, crafts from plasticine, clay, dough, etc.

The purpose of art therapy

Patients are engaged in painting, music, singing. But, unlike participation in circles and sections in an ordinary healthy life, these art classes are not an end in itself. They provide an opportunity to look into the inner world of the individual. And if a healthy person wants to achieve the highest results in creativity, then in medical institutions there is no such goal. The process of expressing your emotions is important here.

Art therapist according to the result of the patient's creativity - drawing, composition, music, composition - analyzes his condition, feelings, mood. And it is better if the patient himself, with the help of his works, can understand himself, the causes of his disease; gradually expressing himself, he will get rid of phobias and fears. In creativity, the inner world is expressed, the psyche is healed. In this way, depression and neurosis are treated, a feeling of inner harmony is achieved.

Painting treatment

Patients who have difficulty in describing their condition can convey personal feelings with a drawing. In painting, a person, with the help of symbolic images, pours out on paper his feelings of resentment, anger, hatred, desire for revenge, unwillingness to live, and gradually gets rid of these negative emotions that poison life, feels relief. He paints loneliness, sadness, sadness, unfulfilled dreams.

Art therapists offer patients to display their dreams on paper. The method of iso-therapy is that the patient expresses himself with the help

of his drawings, pours negative on paper, thereby normalizing his mental state, getting out of depression, getting rid of fears.

Music therapy

Nothing has such a powerful effect on the human psyche as music. It treats depression, soothes with nervous breakdowns, endured stress, relieves insomnia. Whole programs have been developed for the influence of musical compositions on human emotions. The impact occurs with the help of vibrations, rhythm, melody.

Dancing, the patient throws out his emotions, choosing movements spontaneously. When a person experiences a feeling of freedom from loneliness, misunderstanding, resentment, fear, when faith in the future appears, a person is on the way to recovery. In such classes, a person feels relaxed, he does not need to worry about what others think about his dance. His movements are not judged from the point of view of beauty, aesthetics.

Results of art therapy

Art therapy has no contraindications, does not require specific skills (art, music, dance). It allows you to look into the subconscious of a person. Negative emotions are expressed without harming others. During creative activities, contact is established between the doctor and the patient. The patient, doing art, finds harmony, heals the soul. The results of the patient's creativity are invaluable material for the analysis of his mental state, because they are created spontaneously, without intention. Often an art therapist uses multimedia methods of creative self-expression of patients. In interviews with patients, music, singing, drama, poetry are played simultaneously.