Top secrets for oily hair

The sebaceous glands are located at the roots in the upper layer of the epidermis, as a result of which, with their accelerated work, the hair quickly becomes oily. When subcutaneous fat is produced in moderation, it performs important protective functions: it prevents brittleness and cross-section of hair, protects them from dandruff, and gives the hair a beautiful look. When fat is produced in large quantities, hair becomes a real nightmare for all modern women.

External causes of oily hair

  • daily use of a hair dryer, straightening iron, curling iron and other thermal appliances;
  • frequent and prolonged procedure of combing hair with a massage brush;
  • incorrectly selected hair care products, their improper use;
  • long-term wear of synthetic hats;
  • frequent washing of the head with hot water;
  • environmental impact;
  • unbalanced diet.

Internal causes of oily hair

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • increased testosterone;
  • genetics;
  • congenital infectious diseases;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • puberty;
  • constant stress, prolonged depression;
  • chronic diseases of the nervous system;
  • taking contraceptives, hormones, steroids.

Basic rules for oily hair

  1. If possible, completely refrain from using a hair dryer, curling iron, thermal curlers and curling irons. Otherwise, limit yourself to cold temperatures.
  2. Purchase a line of hair care products that include lemon. When using lotions and balms, apply them along the entire length of the hair, avoiding the roots.
  3. Do not abuse visiting baths, saunas, hot baths. In the pool, wear a silicone cap, always rinse your hair after contact with chlorinated water.
  4. To normalize the level of fluid in the hair structure and reduce the work of the sebaceous glands, products with a thermal protection function will help. These include spray, varnish, foam, mousse, gel, wax, serum.
  5. If you dye your hair, do the procedure no more than once a month. In this case, you need to choose a shampoo and balm marked "for colored oily hair."
  6. Wash your hair with warm water, the maximum temperature of which does not exceed 28 degrees. The procedure should always be carried out in the morning, because at night a lot of subcutaneous fat (sebum) is produced. It is advisable to wash your hair no more than three times a week.
  7. If you like curly curls, we recommend a perm. It keeps the subcutaneous fat in the root zone, thereby the hair retains a well-groomed and clean look longer.
  8. Change bedding frequently, especially pillowcases. At night, the sebaceous glands work at an accelerated pace, as a result of which fat is absorbed into the tissue.
  9. Avoid spicy, salty and fatty foods. Switch to proper nutrition, it contains a maximum of useful vitamins and minerals. Eat less pastries and sweets. Remember, carbonated drinks, unnatural juices, fruit drinks and too sweet compotes are your main enemies. Squat more on green tea with herbs and still mineral water.
  10. Choose products only for oily hair, they reduce the production of oil.
  11. In the summer, use appropriate products with the highest level of UV protection, cover your hair with a hat. In winter, wear a hat that fits loosely on your head.
  12. For combing hair, do not use massage brushes with sharp teeth. Give up iron hairpins, tight elastic bands and too tight hairstyles (ponytail, tight braid, etc.). Try to wear your hair loose or braid it loosely.

Trichologists say that it is harmful to wash oily hair daily, since the level of sebum is replenished in the upper layer of the epidermis within 3 days. If you wash your hair daily, the sebum will not actually have time to accumulate in such a short time, as a result of which the subcutaneous glands will work at an accelerated pace. In order to protect your hair, follow a number of simple recommendations.

Wean your hair from everyday washing. To begin with, do an interval between procedures of 6-8 hours, then 8-10, 12, 14 and so on, until you reach an interval of 3 days. If you can't afford that "luxury" because of important meetings, use cornstarch and talcum powder for your hair. They will absorb excess oil, due to which the hair will look well-groomed. You can also use professional series dry shampoos, which already include the above components. Wear bandages, wide headbands, beautiful hats or scarves.

Apply shampoo correctly. First, squeeze a little of the product into the palms of your hands and rub them together until a thick foam forms. Moisten the hair with plenty of warm water, then lather the root zone and massage it for 1 minute. Then you need to rinse off the shampoo and repeat the manipulations, but now distribute the product along the entire length of the hair, not forgetting the roots. Rinse again and repeat the steps 1 more time. The first wash with shampoo washes away dirt and dust, the second removes applied cosmetics (foam, mousse, varnish, etc.), the third cleans the hair of subcutaneous fat.

After using the shampoo, a balm is applied. It is strongly not recommended to cover the roots with it, since the main properties of the conditioner are to smooth the hair scales and add shine. The balm has a dense and oily consistency, it clogs the pores, which causes the glands to produce more fat. Apply the composition along the entire length, retreating from the root zone by 2-3 cm.

Wash your hair with warm or cool water only. Hot is strictly prohibited. It dries out the hair, irritates the scalp and accelerates oil secretions. Cold and warm, on the contrary, moisturize the hair, eliminate the statistical effect and add shine.

  1. If you haven't given up blow-drying your hair, use a diffuser more often. In such a nozzle, the air is distributed to the sides, so the roots do not fall under the influence of temperature.
  2. In order to straighten the hair with an iron, you do not need to grab it at the roots. Sebum has a dense and viscous consistency, it melts under the action of two heated plates, and then you distribute it with your own hands along the entire length of the hair.
  3. During the day, pull your hair less, especially the root zone. Comb the strands from the tips to the roots, squeezing them with your hands in the middle and gradually moving up. If, nevertheless, you are tempted to brush your hair, wash your hands well. For intermediate combing, use a wooden or plastic comb with sparse and wide teeth. Give up iron combs, such a tool is a thing of the past.
  4. For styling products, choose mousses, foams, serums and sprays. They do not contain oils, so they do not weigh down the hair, but on the contrary, give it volume and lift the curls at the roots. Be careful with styling that are designed to add shine to your hair, they are not suitable for oily hair.
  5. If you decide to do a perm, choose the latest sparing techniques. They are designed for a shorter duration of wear, but you will not ruin your hair.

In the fight against excessive fatty secretions, crushed sea salt will help you. Take 150 gr. and place it on a cotton handkerchief or gauze, tie a knot. Massage the scalp for about a quarter of an hour, paying special attention to the areas behind the ears, parting and hairline near the forehead.

Aromatic combing
This procedure is suitable only for girls who wash their hair daily. Carrying out simple manipulations, you will slow down the work of the sebaceous glands, as you saturate the skin with essential oils. Take sandalwood ether, rosemary ether and grapefruit ether in equal proportions. Apply the composition to a flat wide comb and begin to slowly comb the hair, moving from the back of the head, gradually moving to the sides and forehead area. Follow the procedure for 15 minutes. Frequency of application - 2 times a month.

Fir infusion

Brew 65 gr. fir needles in 700 ml. boiling water, leave the composition for 3 hours. After the time has elapsed, add the cucumber chopped in a blender and 100 ml. ethyl alcohol, strain the infusion and rub it well into the scalp. Leave for 10 minutes. The recommended duration of the course is 20 procedures with a frequency of 1 time in 5 days. If the result is insufficient, add 5 more sessions.

Lemon infusion
Cut 1 lemon into thin slices, add 40 ml to it. vinegar and steam in 600 ml. boiling water. Wait at least 3 hours, rub the decoction into the scalp and evenly distribute through the hair. Use the product once every 10 days.

birch shampoo
Pour 50 ml. birch sap, 50 gr. sage and 120 gr. oak bark 700 ml. hot water, wait 1 hour. Strain through a colander or cheesecloth, add 100 ml. vodka / cognac and 3 egg yolks, beat with a mixer. Wash your hair with shampoo several times, remove with cool water. The frequency of use varies from 1 to 2 times a week.

Tired of dealing with oily hair? Wean them from daily washing, do not use products that contain oils, except for scented combing. When using a straightening iron, do not treat the root zone, try to dry your hair with a hair dryer only on a cold setting. Eat less spicy, salty and fatty foods, drink about 3 liters of fluid per day.

Video: how to get rid of greasy hair

Nature gave me greasy hair. I wake up in the morning, I look at myself in the mirror and I'm horrified. My hair, as if it had never seen a shampoo, a balm, a hair dryer, or other attributes of beauty. Something needs to be done about this mess! I turned to a specialist for help, tried traditional medicine recipes, went to my friends for advice. As a result, I developed a personal action plan on how to put my hair in order. Now let's get it right!

Why is my hair always greasy?

I started by finding out the reasons why my hair quickly becomes greasy and ugly? I delved into the course of anatomy and concluded that the appearance of curls is associated with the smooth operation of my sebaceous glands. They produce a secret that, mixed with sweat and dust, covers every hair with a film. Excess oily secretions and causes the same greasy shine.

Moreover, excess of this secret penetrates the skin pores of the head and blocks access to oxygen and moisture . As a result, the nutrition of the hair is disturbed, and they begin not only to grow fat, but also to fall out. Worse, dandruff appears. According to experts, this is how seborrheic dermatitis manifests itself.

What is the reason?

How to take care of oily hair?

With a determined attitude, I went to see a trichologist. What a mysterious name! But there is nothing complicated in it. The word "tricho" in Greek means hair, and "logos" - science. Therefore, a trichologist is the specialist who deals with the science of the health of the hairline. That is what I need!

The first step in learning how to properly care for your hair, you need to determine your hair type. Dry looks clean even a week after shampooing. Normal can be put in order with an interval of 3-4 days. Well, the fat type requires increased daily attention.

And here are a few rules for the care of oily hair, which the trichologist recommended to me

The trichologist recommended that I choose a special shampoo from a professional or organic series. The products offered by household chemical stores are oversaturated with chemical additives, and oily hair needs gentle care. Plant-based shampoos with an extract of nettle, calamus root, sage, horsetail, as well as saturated with protein, trace elements, vitamins A, C and E are suitable for this type.

How to wash oily hair

While searching for shampoo, I found an excuse to meet my girlfriends. Together with them, I managed to compile the top new products for caring for a fat head.

So, about the funds on our list

On the advice of a specialist, I went to a professional cosmetics store. Here I was recommended to buy a therapeutic shampoo based on zinc oxide, a substance that reduces the amount of secretion secreted from the sebaceous glands . It relieves skin irritation and restores it, and is also suitable for frequent use. As they say, the effect is obvious.

After 10 days of using it, I felt a noticeable improvement in the condition of my hair. I started washing my hair not every day, but every 3 days! It was a small victory. Then, on the recommendation of a trichologist, I switched to shampoo for regular use , but also from the professional series.

Oily hair care products

The next step in learning how to properly care for my hair was the selection of additional products.

  1. From time to time I do a deep cleansing of the scalp with peeling shampoo . Good old henna dries the skin, as well as sulsena paste and clay.
  2. Before washing your hair with shampoo, it is better degrease the skin with carrot or aloe juice, fermented milk products . They are applied to the strands in a warm form, then wrap the head with a towel for an hour.
  3. Good after shampooing rinse with acidified water - with lemon or citric acid.

Another way to reduce greasiness is use masks . The trichologist recommended that such procedures be performed as a course. Apply the mask on unwashed curls, wrap your head with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. Under the influence of temperature, the components that make up the mask are better absorbed into the skin. Keep from 30 minutes to an hour. The necessary solution is easy to prepare at home.

  • The simplest mask with kefir . It must be applied and held for 30 minutes.
  • Tar is known as an effective exfoliator and an excellent antiseptic, its only drawback is its specific smell. If there is an opportunity to move to the dacha for a while, then you can cook tar mask . It is prepared using 40 gr. alcohol, 75 gr. olive oil, 5 gr. fly in the ointment. This tool is suitable for the treatment of oily and brittle hair.
  • Another recipe: rubbed on a grater ginger root and juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass. Strands after such a medicine become beautiful and shiny.
  • I also liked masks with burdock oil, honey half with an egg, as well as raw potato juice mixed with kefir.

Folk methods of treatment

After a visit to the trichologist, I began to wash off the shampoo with herbal infusion or decoction.

I adopted a simple recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of nettle leaves, coltsfoot, calamus or burdock (whatever is at hand) put in a container together or separately, pour a liter of boiling water, boil, insist and rinse your head.

Secondly , drink plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters per day. A sufficient amount of ordinary water, according to nutritionists, has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism, which means it will help my hair to regain its shape.

Oily hair is a big nuisance for many people. Daily washing is a very tedious process and, unfortunately, does not reduce the problem. With this type of hair, you can put up with or try several proven methods.

There can be many reasons for oily scalp, and the most common ones are hormonal disorders, thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies in the body, malnutrition, and the processes that occur in the body during puberty. To start self-treatment, it is best to consult a doctor and do some research that will determine the origin of the metabolic imbalance.

Change shampoo

When the skin on the face or head is oily all the time, most people try to cleanse it more often, that is, wash it every day, and sometimes twice a day, using various preparations that strongly cleanse shampoos.

Aggressive detergents contained in shampoos, primarily SLS, remove oil from the skin, dry and irritate it. Attacking the skin with a daily dose of strong detergents, owners of oily hair fall into a vicious circle.

Therefore, it is better to start a hair rescue plan with a change in shampoo, which will contain mild detergent ingredients, without silicones and other synthetic additives. It is also a good idea to use two shampoos. Thanks to this trick, the skin does not get used to one remedy, so that its beneficial effect will not be weakened.

For oily scalps, it is also recommended to use black or herbal soap, which brings excellent results. The method of washing oily hair with conditioner has proven itself well. They become smooth, radiant and moisturized, and at the same time very light and voluminous.

A common cause of oily hair is the wrong shampoo and frequent shampooing, which leads to dryness of the epidermis. In this regard, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, and therefore there is a rapid pollution of the hair and scalp.

Avoid daily washing

It can be difficult, but it's worth trying to reduce the frequency of washing your hair. Those who belong to the number of people who wash their hair twice a day, it is better to skip the evening shampooing. And in case of daily washing, try washing your hair every other day. After a few days, add another day. It might work!

Also, one of the most common mistakes that most people make when washing their hair is rubbing the shampoo into the skin intensively. For very oily scalp and not only, it is better to do a light massage with your fingertips. It is also important that the shampoo is evenly distributed over the entire surface. Therefore, instead of pouring the shampoo from the bottle directly onto the crown, it is better to first dilute a small amount with water and only then apply it to the head. Use warm, but not hot, water to wash your hair.

Extra Care

All kinds of masks, nutrient-rich balms and oils should be applied to the hair before washing. Thanks to this, the hair will not be overloaded after washing.

Natural clays have good absorbent properties, absorbing excess sebum from the skin, cleanse and reduce inflammatory changes. Clays can also be used during washing, diluted with water or added to shampoo. After washing, a light conditioner is allowed, as such products with a high content of oils may be too heavy for oily hair. Wash it off within 1-2 minutes after application.

Make peeling

A gentle scalp scrub regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses the remnants of cosmetics, removes excess keratinized epidermis, improves blood circulation and lifts the hair at the roots. Such a scrub should be gentle and performed systematically, ideally once a week.

For oily scalp, you can use, for example, a scrub made from shampoo, clay and brown sugar. Adding a few drops of essential oil with a healing effect to the scrub will bring a good effect. For oily skin, sage oil is the best. Rosemary, thyme, geranium and tea tree essential oils are also recommended.

if you are faced with the problem of oily hair - do not abuse the blow-dryer on a strong setting, it is recommended to alternately change the mode from warm to cold

Do not overheat

In addition to proper care, it is also important what products are used for daily styling. Oily scalps do not benefit from hot baths, saunas, and hot air from a hair dryer. If you cannot do without a hair dryer, it is recommended to dry your hair alternately, first with weak warm air, then cool.

Oily hair should not be touched often with your hands, continuously straightening your hair. It is also helpful to wear hats made of natural rather than synthetic fabrics.

It takes time to improve the condition of the hair. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient, change habits, perhaps change cosmetics and the desired result will be achieved.

Oily hair often leads women to despair and causes them a lot of inconvenience because it quickly gets dirty and looks greasy and stale by the end of the day, even if they were washed in the morning. However, experts urge not to be upset and argue that it is much easier to care for them than for dry ones, which, moreover, are often brittle and weakened.

Moreover, oily hair, due to its increased fat content, has a huge advantage over dry hair, because, like oily skin, it is perfectly protected from adverse external influences with the help of natural lubrication.

Most often, oily hair is given to a person by nature, and nothing can be done about it. But this has its advantages: oily skin ages much more slowly, and dry, brittle hair with split ends sometimes looks much worse than oily ones and is more difficult to care for. Oily hair is better supplied with nutrients, it is well protected from the aggressive external environment, so it splits much less and looks thicker.

There are many homemade masks and products that will help reduce oily hair, make it healthy and shiny. Oily hair responds very well to treatment, so every woman can provide her curls with suitable and gentle care.

It is necessary to start caring for your hair as early as adolescence - during puberty, when due to hormonal changes, the fat content of the skin and hair especially increases. If this is not done, then with age the situation can only worsen, and then it will be more difficult to deal with oily hair.

Causes of oily hair

The main reason for increased oiliness is that the sebaceous glands work too actively and produce much more sebum than necessary. Increased sebum secretion is often genetically determined, but may also indicate disorders in the endocrine system.

In addition, the intake of antibiotics, poor nutrition, sudden changes in temperature, severe stress and improper care increase the separation of fat. Experts are confident that proper care for oily hair will avoid many problems and ensure that they always look beautiful and neat.

Why does hair get greasy

Sebum, which makes hair quickly oily, is actually extremely necessary for them. It is the secreted subcutaneous fat that saves hair from brittleness and dryness, gives them smoothness, radiance and beauty. Without grease, which many people dream of getting rid of, the hair becomes dull, begins to split, break and fall out.

The greasy film thinly envelops each hair, protects it and makes it elastic. Fat moisturizes the hair and supplies it with nutrients.

But oily hair certainly has its downsides. Increased fat content is due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which for some reason begin to produce an excessive amount of subcutaneous fat. Fat clogs the skin pores, and the skin stops breathing, water and oxygen stop flowing to the roots.

Lack of nutrition also affects the condition of the hair itself: they become thinner and begin to fall out intensively, in addition, dandruff appears. Dandruff is keratinized skin particles that every person has, but if the sebaceous glands do not work properly, keratinized skin becomes too much, it rolls into lumps and becomes very noticeable.

There may be several reasons why the glands produce too much fat:

  • Improper nutrition - an excess of fatty and sweet foods contributes to the production of excess subcutaneous fat, due to which not only the hair, but also the skin on the face become oily.
  • Hormonal changes - especially during puberty and in women during menopause.
  • Wrong hair care products - you need to choose a shampoo that suits your hair type.
  • Too cold or hot water - cold water does not wash away the accumulated fat from the hair, and excessively hot water activates the sebaceous glands.
  • Dysbacteriosis also contributes to the fact that the hair quickly becomes dirty, becomes dull and thin.
  • Nervous strain, constant stress and prolonged depression negatively affect both the condition of the hair and overall health.
  • Abundant and constant use of hair styling products, frequent coloring and perm, as well as daily use of a hot hair dryer.
  • Heredity is the only problem that is difficult to deal with. Unbalanced nutrition and aggressive environmental influences turn hereditary predisposition into a real problem. But even in this case, proper care of the hair and scalp will help the hair look healthy and well-groomed.

Not all of these reasons can be dealt with on your own - sometimes a deeper, more complex treatment of concomitant diseases that cause increased sebum secretion of the skin is required. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and testing.

How to care for oily hair

Caring for oily hair has many "do's", for example, scalp massage and frequent combing are not recommended.

Washing oily hair

On the one hand, owners of problematic hair try to wash their hair as often as possible to get rid of oily sheen. On the other hand, frequent washing in the future contributes to the aggravation of the problem. Hair, like the scalp, gets used to the fact that they are “dryed” often and begin a “protection” program - fat is released more often and in large quantities.

Try to set aside time in your schedule to “reset” your usual hair routine. Start washing your hair a little less often. At first, it will seem to you that your hair has become even more oily, but after a month you can afford to reduce the number of procedures.

Drying and styling oily hair

Do not use very hot air when styling oily hair. This will dry out the scalp and the curls themselves, but will not solve the issue of fat content at all. And as a result, the need to restore hair due to brittleness and dullness will be added to the main problem.

Using styling products for oily hair

Try to avoid using additional styling products, because oily hair is especially susceptible to their adverse effects. In addition, when applying fat-containing products to your hair, you focus on oily roots.

Combing greasy hair

Doctors advise owners of oily hair to use a comb as little as possible, because such a massage stimulates the sebaceous glands and provokes excessive secretion of fat. This means that it should only be done when necessary.

Oily hair care and treatment should be comprehensive: you need to not only perform cosmetic procedures, but also follow a diet, take multivitamins, and choose the right shampoo.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of increased sebum secretion and eliminate it. If this is a genetic feature of the body, then proper hair care will help restore shine and health to them.

Owners of oily hair will not envy. In fact, such curls are healthier and more viable than dry ones: sebum reliably protects against the harmful effects of the environment. But if it becomes too much, the pores become clogged, and the hair follicles begin to experience a lack of nutrients. Even if this does not happen, the appearance of greasy strands just a few hours after washing already leaves much to be desired: they quickly lose volume, cake and acquire an unhealthy shine.

Proper and regular care of oily hair will help to neutralize the problem. But be prepared for the fact that it will not work to get rid of excess sebum once and for all.

People who do not suffer too much from hair troubles most often limit themselves to the only way to care for them - washing. At the same time, few people think about the composition of the shampoo. The head is washed as it becomes dirty, that is, more often than it should be: in the process, shampoo and water remove the protective layer of fat from the surface of the hair, and the glands located in the upper layer of the epidermis begin to work even more intensively. To break this vicious circle, you need to:

  • choose the right shampoo (“for oily hair”, “for oily colored hair” or “for hair that is oily at the roots and dry at the tips”). The composition should not contain silicones and other weighting additives, as well as aggressive components. Natural additives are welcome: extracts of horsetail, oak bark, mint, nettle, sage, birch; essential oils, cosmetic clay, tar, vitamins;
  • "accustom" the sebaceous glands to function less intensively. To do this, you need to gradually reduce the frequency of washing your hair to at least 3 times a week. To mask untidy hair during this period, you can use scarves, bandanas and other light hats that are not too tight to the head. Within a few weeks, the skin will adapt to the new conditions, and the hair will stop getting dirty as quickly as before;
  • wash your hair in the morning, as the process of fat formation mainly occurs at night. For the same reason, it is necessary to change the pillowcase as often as possible;
  • use warm (about 30 ° C) water for washing, since hot water stimulates the production of skin secretions, irritates and dries the skin;
  • lather your head twice or thrice;
  • use only a light and natural balm for oily hair, and do not apply it to the roots;
  • if possible, rinse the curls with cool water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice. Oily hair, unlike dry, this procedure can not damage;
  • do not abuse scalp peels and dry shampoos.

Combing, drying and styling

Hair itself cannot be oily. The sebaceous secret is produced by the pores of the skin and distributed over the strands in the process of combing. So we can conclude: the less you touch oily skin and hair, the better. Of course, you can’t do without combing at all, but it should be moderate and neat. You should comb the tips first, and then the roots, using a wooden comb. Iron and plastic accessories should be discarded, as they contribute to the generation of static electricity. By the way, shortly before the next washing procedure, it is useful to “aromatic comb” oily hair for 10-15 minutes, after applying a few drops of essential oil (bergamot, lemon, eucalyptus or fir) to the comb.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the scalp is very sensitive to temperature effects. Hot air or water stimulates blood circulation and speeds up metabolic processes, which is undesirable with increased fat content. For this reason, it makes sense without the use of a hair dryer. If this is not possible, use a diffuser attachment and set the airflow temperature as low as possible.

For styling, choose light, gentle products, if possible without oils and alcohol. It is better to give preference to foams, fluids, serums and to refuse varnishes and gels. Pay special attention to giving the hair a basal volume. As for styling tools, replace your iron and curling iron with good old curlers. Of course, if necessary, you can always protect the curls with the help of thermal protective agents, but remember that the extra "chemistry" on the surface of the hair will provoke their rapid contamination.

Hairstyle Features

It has been noticed that straight, greasy hair looks the worst (it doesn’t matter if it’s long or short). Therefore, if increased fat content causes serious inconvenience, it makes sense to think about a perm. It not only contributes to the preservation of volume for several days, but also contributes to the drying of the roots. True, this measure, as a rule, does not save from dandruff.

There is another, not so radical way out: a creative haircut that visually increases the volume of hair. The effect can be achieved with asymmetry, cascades.

If neither suits you, wear your hair loose. This is the best way to mask greasy roots. In addition, under such conditions, the strands get dirty more slowly, since they are less in contact with the skin and with each other. On the contrary, tight braids, hairstyles with hairpins, elastic bands and other “decorations” by constantly irritating the scalp only exacerbate the problem and draw attention to it.


Sometimes increased fat content can be the result of endocrine diseases or hormonal changes. In this case, the problem disappears by itself when the hormonal background returns to normal.

But more often, the intense secretion of skin secretions is explained by a hereditary predisposition and is aggravated by an unhealthy lifestyle.

In order for the scalp to return to normal, the following measures are necessary:

  • adherence to a diet (refusal of fast food, carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, salty, floury, spicy, sweet, fatty foods). Nutrition should be balanced and include fresh vegetables, nuts, cereals, meat, dairy products;
  • compliance with the drinking regime, since without the proper amount of water, normal fat metabolism in the body is impossible. Every day you should drink at least 2 liters of water (not counting other drinks). It can be mineral, but without gas. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of sweet juices, and it is better to exclude them altogether;
  • regular, but not too frequent (2-3 times a week) washing with a quality shampoo;
  • gentle styling;
  • the use of masks based on light oils, clay, henna or tar;
  • using homemade herbal rinses;
  • protection of hair from the sun, hot steam, salt water, heat and dust with the help of hats or special products. Hats and caps should not be too tight and stuffy to avoid the "bath effect".

Additional care products

  • Twice a week, before washing, it is recommended to rub light oils into the hair roots (argan, coconut, grape seed or sesame, or better, a mixture of them). You can add a couple of drops of essential oils (cedar, bergamot, lemon, tea tree, etc.) to them. The composition should be left on the hair for 10 - 15 minutes, and then washed off in the usual way.
  • If you think that even the most delicate oil does not benefit your curls, stop at one of the folk remedies. Try a clay mask (2 tbsp clay powder + 1 tbsp tea leaves or apple cider vinegar), an egg and kefir mask (1 beaten egg white + 2 tbsp kefir), or a rye compress (dark bread crumb soaked in hot water) . One of these drugs is applied to the hair roots 20 to 60 minutes before washing, after which a shower cap is put on. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week for 1-1.5 months.
  • After each wash, it is useful to rinse the hair with decoctions of plants that have an astringent effect (for example, oak bark), or a solution of apple cider vinegar / lemon juice (1 - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

Masks, rinses and shampoos with balms need to be changed from time to time so that curls and skin do not get used to them.