How to buy a good mink coat. Manufacturer as a key criterion. How to check a mink coat for quality

1. Wherever you buy a mink coat - in your city or go shopping abroad, the most important thing is not to be too lazy to go around several well-known, trustworthy shops or factories. By examining the products and listening to the opinions of various specialists - sales consultants, you will learn how to determine the quality of a mink coat yourself. In addition, this will allow you to choose the right fur coat at the best price. And also get a lot of pleasure contemplating your image in the mirror in various variations of mink coats. Perhaps, in the process of trying on, your preferences for color and model will change, as you will realize that a completely different image is more to your face than the one you imagined.

How to choose a mink coat and what you should pay attention to:

2. Carefully examine the fur - it should be shiny, smooth, soft with a thick undercoat.

3. How to distinguish quality from a fake? Run your hand over the product against the direction of the mink hairs. If after this manipulation the hairs returned to their original place and the appearance of the fur coat did not change, then the quality of the fur is good, if the hairs bristle after your action, then the fur is of poor quality.

4. Look at the fur, this can be done by blowing on the surface of the fur. If the mezdra is light, then the fur has not been dyed or tinted. If the mezdra is dark, this may mean that either the fur was dyed, or the fur coat, so to speak, was not the first freshness - it was stored for a long time in inappropriate conditions. In this case, the fur coat will not last long.

5. Check the joints of the skins. From the outside, the seams should not stand out much. Especially often, poor-quality seams can be seen on the shoulder section, especially if the fur coat has a hood that covers these joints.

6. How to choose a new fur coat and distinguish it from the old one? Shake off the product, if hairs fly from it, then the fur coat is old.

7. The lining of the fur coat should be made of high quality, but not "flashy" material. Her patterns are precisely adjusted to the size of the product. The manufacturer of good fur coats always focuses on the fur, not on the lining.

8. The bottom of the lining should not be sewn to the hem so that you can see the product from the inside. Usually, if the seller is confident in the quality, he will offer you to check the fur coat from the inside. You can look at the color of the skin (light is good, dark is dyed). Check the stitching of the seams - it should be neat, there should be no mink hairs in the seam.

9. If you still understand that the fur coat is dyed, this is not the worst thing. Some manufacturers tint products, giving them more noble shades. In this case, the quality of the color is important. It can be defined as follows - take a light-colored handkerchief, moisten it slightly and run it over the product. If there are traces of paint on it, do not take this coat.

10. The hairs must be the same length (excluding the undercoat). If some hairs are knocked out in length from the rest, most likely the mink was trimmed to give it a neater look. So initially the fur was not very high quality.

11. A little about Black Lama. In a real Black Lama, the undercoat differs in color from the main color of the hairs. It is dark brown in color and very dense. And the main hairs are black. Black Lama mink products look like plush. It is this fur that is considered the highest quality and durable. If you ever see products from this type of mink, you will understand what the real quality of mink is and will be able to unambiguously determine it in the future.

After reading our tips, you can easily answer questions - how to choose a mink coat, how to determine the quality of a mink coat, and how to distinguish a quality coat from a fake. Look the same mink coat patterns, perhaps one of them will become the subject of your desire.

In addition to your favorite mink coats, decorations are the best friends of girls, and

Sellers of fur products are ready to go to any tricks to sell goods, including low-quality ones. They offer all sorts of discounts, gifts, free dry cleaning. But do not succumb to these tricks, otherwise after the purchase you can be very disappointed.

It has already been verified that a high-quality mink coat, with proper care, can serve the owner for ten seasons. This pleases, because a product made from such fur is not cheap. It is better to buy a fur coat in specialized salons, then the probability of buying a low-quality item is significantly reduced.

Rules for choosing a fur coat

In order for a fur thing to look like new for several seasons, it is necessary to follow several rules when buying.

1. Fur should be shiny and thick. To determine this, you just need to carefully feel the product: the fur should be dense, and the skin should be thick.

2. The next step in checking the quality of a mink coat should be its inspection in the light. Good fur will shimmer and flow. It is immediately necessary to smell the product, the fur coat should not have extraneous odors, give off mustiness.

3. Mink should not shed! This is easy to check: you just need to run your wet hand over the fur coat, the hairs should not remain in the palm of your hand.

4. The fur should not break, even if it is folded in half, the undercoat will necessarily be thick in a quality product.

5. The product should not crunch when it is crushed in the hands. If, nevertheless, this happens, you can safely refuse to buy, because the flesh of such a thing is too dry, and this will lead to rapid wear in the first season.

6. An honest manufacturer never sews a lining on a mink coat. This makes it possible to evaluate the inside of the product. If there are uneven seams, pieces of fur are tightly stretched, there are tears, the thing will not last long. And don't waste money on it.

7. Fur coats made of undyed fur are considered the highest quality and most expensive. This is very easy to determine, just blow on the fur and look at the mezra. If it is light, the fur is a natural color.

8. Some unscrupulous manufacturers simply alter old products, passing them off as trendy items. But even this is easy to determine: in this case, the mink pieces will be of different sizes, non-uniform in color, and the fur may fall out in shreds.

Knowing these details, you can easily distinguish a low-quality product from a good mink coat on your own. When buying, you should not be guided only by the recommendations of the seller, because his main goal is to sell his goods.

It has long been more than a fur coat - it is a kind of symbol of beauty and sophistication, durability and status. But all this is true only in one case: if such women's fur clothing is made of quality materials and sewn with all the important nuances. Therefore, it is very important to correctly evaluate the proposed product! To make it easier for you to navigate in this situation, we have compiled for you the 10 most important recommendations on how to choose the right mink coat when buying.

Carefully study the fur coat step by step

The main advice: be careful and study the coat you like in stages, characteristic by characteristic. If you stick to our list, you should not have any particular difficulties.

Rule number 1: look at the fur in detail

The assessment of this fur clothing should begin with an inspection of the pile. It should be as if flowing, with a characteristic noticeable brilliance. If the fur is dull, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the rules for storing such material were violated - and therefore it is probably less wear-resistant. Also in the question of how to choose a mink coat, expert advice always affects the density of the fur. He needs a uniform density, without bald patches (they form if the animal bites itself) - this is considered a marriage.

Fur is not just about looking at it, it's critically important to touch it. First of all, run your hand over it against the nap. It should immediately return to its original position! Otherwise, you'd be better off not buying. Still shake the fur coat, pull it by the fur: it is unacceptable that individual villi fall out, and even more so bunches: such clothes will quickly lose all their gloss. Plus another tip how to choose a mink coat: smell the fur - a characteristic musky or other unpleasant odor is unacceptable.

Rule number 3: inspect the fluff near the skin

Mink fur has always been valued for its ability to keep warm in cold weather. Almost the main merit is the presence of a thick fluff at the surface of the skin. To make sure of its quality, part the pile on the appraised clothing. Ideally, it should be light and tender, but thick. Sometimes it is acceptable if the fluff is not too dense - this is possible when making a fur coat from “summer” skins, when the mink sheds and gets rid of excess “insulation” (such fur is less warm, but also lighter). But if there is no fluff at all, this is a reason to look for another model.

Rule number 4: make sure the fur is authentic

If you want to know how to buy a mink coat correctly, then you must know how to distinguish such fur from a fake. After all, the market is full of clothes that are sewn from lower quality and cheaper materials, but by dyeing and cutting they try to pass off as a prestigious mink. Most often, a rabbit is used for this: its fur is close in appearance. But there is still a difference between them. In rabbits, the pile is shorter, and at the same time, the length may differ in different areas, and the fur itself is noticeably softer.

Rule number 5: study the seams from the inside

To make sure how well the fur clothing is sewn, you need to examine its seams. To make it easier for you to figure out how to choose a mink coat, the tips are as follows. First, manufacturers often make these garments unlined—perfect when you want to inspect the inside. If there is a lining, find out if there is a ripped edge. It is left just to check the strength of the seam. Second tip: pay attention to the number of seams - the fewer the better. Third: avoid glued fur coats, they are the least durable.

Rule number 6: check the core

Mezdra is called the underside of dressed leather, or, more simply, the reverse side of the skins from which it is sewn. mink coat. By its condition, you can determine how well the fur was processed and prepared. The correct mezdra should be shiny, but without excess fat, soft and elastic, but strong. Also, it should not have cracks, increased dryness is excluded, otherwise the skin will creak when compressed and twisted. Plus the right color is light. Yellow indicates the excessive old age of the material.

Rule number 7: decide on painting

When discussing how to choose a mink coat when buying, you can not get around the question of the color of such clothes. Color itself is a matter of taste. But it is important to decide for yourself whether you want fur of a natural color or dyed in a fashionable shade? If the latter, then you need to check the quality of the painting of the fur coat. To do this, you can conduct a small test. Take a white handkerchief, wet it, and then run it over the fur. If after that the fabric changes its color, then the coloring is of poor quality and will quickly shed and come off.

Rule number 8: try on a fur coat

It is impossible to purchase such fur clothes without trying on - this is an axiom. After all, only in this way you can understand whether it suits you, whether it is convenient for you in it. Therefore, it is important to determine how to choose the size of a mink coat. First of all, it should not be tight, as they say, tight-fitting: a suitable fur coat does not hinder movement. Be sure to walk around in it for at least 3-5 minutes to understand whether it is pressing in the shoulders, collar, whether the clothes are heavy. And try: it's better to spend an hour trying on all the models, but find the best one for yourself.

Rule #9: Consider Design

This advice is more related not to the quality of the fur coat as such, but to the purchase in general. The style of such clothes depends solely on your preferences: it can be long or short, trendy or traditional in its cut. But here it is important to understand how to choose the right mink coat depending on your goals. If you are going to wear these clothes for 5-7 years (and a high-quality fur coat has a “resource” of 10 or more years), then you should stop at the classics - it will not become outdated by the next season.

Rule #10: Choose a seller

We must be honest to the end: without certain experiences and skills, it is very difficult to figure out whether a fur coat and fur are good in front of you, even with such advice. After all, if you set a goal, many shortcomings can be hidden. Therefore, the main answer to the question of how to choose a quality mink coat is simple: choose not so much clothes as a seller. The market and little-known stores are not the best place to buy such clothes, no matter how attractive their prices are. It is better to overpay in a trusted place, but be sure of the quality of your fur coat!

Buying a high-quality mink coat is not an easy task, even for those women who have successfully coped with it more than once.

Where and how to choose the right mink coat when buying? What are the distinguishing features of mink fur?

How to distinguish a natural product from a fake? You need to know exactly the correct answers to these questions so that you don’t run into a low-quality fur coat when buying. Let's try to figure them out.

Where and how to choose a good mink coat

Mink fur is a very valuable material. Fur coats made from it are in great demand and are expensive, so unscrupulous manufacturers often try to save on their tailoring or even fake fur.

To make a successful purchase, you need to know where it is less likely to meet a fake:

  • Large fur salons. Here you can be sure of the quality of the fur coat, the popular retail chains of this profile value their reputation and will not allow obviously poor quality fur coats to be sold. Prices for products in such stores are high, but it is not worth saving in this matter. In addition, the salon will definitely give a long-term guarantee for the purchase.
  • Shop at the fur factory. In this case, the quality of the product directly depends on the reputation of the factory. If you or your friends have already bought fur coats from this manufacturer and were satisfied, then you can safely repeat this positive experience. Prices in such stores will be significantly lower, and responsible manufacturers will definitely give a guarantee.
  • Abroad. Recently, buying a fur coat on a tourist trip is a rather popular phenomenon. A good mink can be bought in Europe, Latin America and China. Yes, it is in China. Despite stereotypes, the quality of fur products in the domestic market of this Asian country is quite high.

Tip of the day:
In no case do not buy a fur coat in small, little-known stores, except when you are 100% sure of the reputation of the outlet.
It’s not even worth talking about fur traders in the markets: the chance to buy high-quality natural mink there tends to zero.

How to distinguish a fake

Often furs of less valuable breeds of animals are given out as mink.

It would seem that this is not so bad, the fur is still natural. This is not entirely true.

Firstly, you overpay for cheap material, like for natural mink, the price differs significantly. Secondly, a mink coat is frost-resistant and waterproof, you will not get these qualities in less valuable furs.

Don't skimp on quality!

So how do you choose a quality mink coat? You can avoid deception, it is enough to know some features of the cut and the distinctive properties of different types of fur:

  1. It is hardly possible to meet a beaver or honorik faked as a mink, the price of these breeds is even higher than the mink.
  2. Nutria can pass for a mink, but the fur coat in this case will be sewn from square parts.
  3. Muskrat fur is cut in hexagonal pieces.
  4. Tarbagan - the Mongolian marmot is most often tried to pass off as a mink. In this case, the special structure of the marmot fur will help to distinguish a fake - its upper hair is of uneven length.
  5. Rabbit in comparison with mink is softer and more fluffy.

As soon as the sellers do not name the fur, they are trying to sell low-quality goods: wild mink, and Mongolian, and even steppe. Do not succumb to persuasion, the mink is not steppe. A quality product does not need advertising and justification in the name.

Before you buy a mink coat, do not hesitate to carefully examine it.

Examine the product, try it to the touch.

Knowing some of the properties of fur will allow you to correctly assess the quality and adequacy of the price:

  1. Natural mink fur is soft and shiny, the more shine, the higher the quality.
  2. The undercoat is thick and dense. Look inside the fur, natural mink has a special fluff that covers the entire surface of the skin.
  3. Run your palm along the pile. Mink fur has excellent elasticity, so it will instantly return to its original position.
  4. A good mink coat, despite being bulky, should be light.
  5. Carefully pinch the pile. If even with little effort you still have villi in your hands, then you should not take such a product, by the end of the season the fur coat will lose its appearance.
  6. Look under the lining. A good manufacturer leaves it unsewn from the bottom so that the buyer can evaluate the quality. The seams should be neat and even, they should not get villi. The natural color of the mink skin is light and uniform.
  7. If the fur is dyed, check the quality of the tone. To do this, it is enough to run a damp cloth over the fur. If traces of paint remain on it, then the purchase should be discarded.
  8. Mink fur has a uniform length, but you should not pay special attention to this property, since the pile can also be cut.

After completing all these manipulations, you can accurately determine the authenticity of the material used. But do not forget that even a real mink can be of poor quality.

On a note!
The eternal trend is trapezoidal models that are sewn from diagonal pieces of fur.
This manufacturing method initially implies a more accurate wear and gentle cleaning.
By the way, it will not be hot in such clothes, and it fulfills its decorative function completely.

Mink fur quality assessment

If you have established that mink fur was really used for tailoring your chosen fur coat, you still should not rush to buy it.

Even the quality of fur coats from the same animal breed can vary significantly.

In many ways, it depends on the dressing of skins, on the period of slaughter of animals, and even on the sex of individuals.

Take a close look at the inside of the coat. If the skin is white on the reverse side, then dressing was done in accordance with all accepted standards. A yellowish tint indicates violations in the process of processing the skin.

An important role is played by the geography of the origin of the mink. Before buying a fur coat, be sure to ask the seller where it comes from:

  • Russia. The fur of Russian breeds is warm and dense. Subject to the production technology, a fur coat from it will have excellent quality. The only minus of the domestic breed is some “shaggy” pile.
  • Scandinavia. Fur coats made from Scandinavian mink species have proven themselves well in the fur market. Feel free to buy goods from Greece, France, Italy. Natives of these countries are perfect for the Russian winter, they are warm and do not get wet.
  • America. American mink breeds have beautiful fur, but fur coats from the USA and Canada are not frost-resistant. Products from these countries are suitable for wearing in late autumn or cold winter.

The gender of the individuals whose skins are used for tailoring also matters. The fur of males is heavier, the pile is longer, it is particularly durable. Its downside is that it is heavier. As a rule, male mink fur is used to make short models.

The fur of females is softer and lighter.

More voluminous and longer fur coats are made from the fur of females, it is softer and lighter. This measure allows you to sew a large product with a small weight.

The skins of animals taken during molting are of low quality. There is no shine characteristic of mink fur, the pile falls out. To notice this, just shake the fur coat, if hairs have fallen, then the fur is of poor quality. Also, after trying on, fluff may remain on the collar and cuffs of your clothes.

How to choose the right model

A fur coat is not just an outerwear item in your wardrobe. This is an element of the image of a woman, which is designed to show status and wealth.

But just buying the first fur coat that comes across is not enough, even if it is expensive and beautiful. It is important that it suits you, emphasizes your strengths and hides your flaws.

Short models are suitable for petite women. Classic long fur coats in this case will look out of place. For women with voluminous forms, a trapezoidal style is perfect.

For ladies who usually travel by car, models with short sleeves are perfect. Today it is the most fashionable style.

When buying a mink coat, the main thing is not to rush. Approach this issue with all possible attention. Thoroughly study the list of fur salons in your city.

When you choose one of them, even if it is the most famous and has a lot of positive reviews, carefully study the quality of the model you like.

Do not hesitate to ask the seller for a quality certificate, ask them to cut the seam along the lining. If the store is confident in its product, not a single request will be denied to you.

Video "How to choose a good mink coat"

After watching the video, you will learn how to choose the right mink fur coat and at the same time win on price and quality:

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

What fur to choose a fur coat? Of course, mink! This luxurious, delicate, shiny fur is today considered almost the main accessory of a real lady. A high-quality mink coat will faithfully serve you for many years. But how to choose a mink coat is a serious question, because you can rarely afford such an expensive purchase. Therefore, before you go for the fur coat of your dreams, find out the main criteria for the right choice!

Today, mink coats are classified as elite fur products. The history of their mass creation began in the 18th century in Europe from a local mink. In the 19th century, the skins of larger American animals began to be used. And it was during this period that American manufacturers laid the foundations for high-quality dressing of high-quality furs. Therefore, now it is American ones that are quoted higher, and not, for example, Chinese mink coats. Although European products are also quite good.

How to choose the right mink coat

Inspect the product carefully. The quality indicators of a good fur coat are as follows.

  1. Shiny, flowing, iridescent fur. If the coat looks faded and dull, the fur has been improperly processed or stored in inappropriate conditions.
  2. Elastic villi. Between the pile of mink fur there is a large volume of air, which makes the fur coat look so fluffy. When smoothing, the villi should quickly return to their original position. A good pile is elastic, obedient, equal in length and density, does not fall out when you try to pinch off a piece. If the pile sticks together in places or looks greasy, it was made of poor quality. By the way, it is thanks to the presence of an air gap under the pile that the fur coat will be warm in the most severe frost. Therefore, when asked what is warmer - a fur coat or a sheepskin coat, experts will answer you: of course, a fur coat! In a sheepskin coat, the ability to retain heat is much lower.
  3. Long lasting color dyed fur. If you are planning to buy a dyed mink coat, wipe it with a damp, light-colored cloth. It shouldn't change color.
  4. High-quality dressing of the mezdra (back side of the skin). It is distinguished by softness, elasticity, the absence of cracks and squeaks when pressed. Usually recognized manufacturers do not use lining in their products - this indicates that they have nothing to hide from the buyer. If there is a lining, ask the seller to cut off its edge to get acquainted with the quality of the mezra. This request will not be denied to you in any self-respecting salon.
  5. Minimum seams. The fewer seams on the back of the product, the longer it will look like new. If you notice that the fur coat is sewn from many small pieces, it is better to refuse the purchase, as it will “spread out” after a couple of seasons.

How to choose a mink coat: color, length, style

The cost of a mink coat depends not only on the quality of the fur, but also on its color:

  • most affordable coat- from light to dark brown tones (the darker, the more expensive);
  • mid-range coat- from dyed fur of red, beige, gray, blue colors;
  • high price fur coat- "tourmaline", it is distinguished by a smoky color, the effect of which is formed as a result of the transition of the beige tone of the undercoat to the dark outer fur;
  • expensive mink coat- from white undyed fur;
  • exclusive, elite mink- black, with a shimmer of blue or purple tones, reminiscent of velvet. These products are made from North American mink.

When choosing the length of a fur coat, be guided by your preferences in clothing. If you are used to wearing skirts and dresses, in winter it will be warmer in a floor-length fur coat. If you often wear trousers, a sheepskin coat is also suitable.

The styles of mink fur coats can be different, and the choice should not be guided by fashion trends. After all, you buy a fur coat for more than one year (a quality product will look like new even after 5 years of wear). Therefore, the main thing is that it suits you. Put on a fur coat, raise and lower your hands, take a walk. Are you comfortable and do not restrict movement? Then this is your option!

Mink coat accessories

A mink coat is an absolutely self-sufficient product that does not need additional decorations. No way of tying scarves or the most stylish belts will emphasize her nobility and charm. You can wear a mink coat:

  • with gold jewelry. Mink and gold are classic luxury styles. Put on a pair of gold rings, one large ring or precious metal bracelet. And do not combine gold and silver in your image, as you will look tasteless;
  • with boots and ankle boots of your choice. Shoes can be leather or suede, its color should be in harmony with the fur coat. So, brown boots are suitable for a red mink, and white boots for a blue one;
  • with a handbag to match the boots;
  • with a mink hat, hat or stylish beret. If you choose a mink hat, its color does not have to match the color of the fur coat, but be combined with it in tone. Other hats should be plain, you can choose them in the color of the handbag and boots.

Use our tips on how to choose a mink fur coat. And admire your magnificence of acquaintances and girlfriends!
