How to stretch knitwear. Help with a polyester dress. How to bring back a shrunken cotton dress

Sometimes, through negligence, you can incorrectly wash this or that thing, which can cause it to shrink heavily. What to do in this case? Throw out a sweater or sweater after washing? But such extravagance will be superfluous, clothes are not cheap now, it is especially a pity if the thing is your favorite. You can try to restore it. But remember that you should not hope that the thing will be the same as in the beginning.

If the clothes have shrunk after washing, you can try to return them to their original size.

It will change, but you can still return the previous size. There are fabrics such as cotton and wool. They can sit down after the first wash. If you buy such a thing, then take it one size up.

Wool items sat down

Woolen threads stretch with difficulty, so it will not be easy to restore a sweater or jacket after an unsuccessful wash, especially if only natural threads were used to knit them. But it's worth a try. In the case when there is viscose or cotton in the thread, the chances of restoring a shrunken thing are much greater. What exactly should be done if she sits down?

There are several ways to solve the problem. Consider the most affordable and popular ways to achieve what you want.

Wet and stretch

  1. Soak the sweater in a basin with a water temperature of up to 30 ° C. He should not lie there for long, 5-10 minutes.
  2. Carefully, without squeezing, remove excess water.
  3. Lay the woolen sweater or jacket on a flat surface, wipe off excess moisture with a towel. Cover it with another towel. Stretch (make sure the thing remains symmetrical), straighten using clothespins, fasten. Iron needles or other devices should not be used, because rusty marks may remain.

The woolen hat can be stretched on the jar

Rinse with a special solution

  1. To put things in order, prepare a bowl of water (5 L). It should be filled with water at room temperature.
  2. In this water - ammonia (3 tablespoons) + vodka or cologne (1 tablespoon), + turpentine (1 tablespoon).
  3. Put your woolen sweater or jacket in the solution and let it sit for half an hour or 40 minutes.
  4. Then you need to rinse them. Water is at room temperature. This solution will make the wool fibers of the sweater softer and more elastic, and it will stretch more easily.
  5. Stretch it and secure it.

Have you got a light sweater or a white jacket, and you want to return them to their previous shape? What to do then? Then hydrogen peroxide comes in handy. But for dark or multi-colored products, it is not suitable, because then their color will change.

  1. Take 10 liters of cold water, put 20-30 ml of hydrogen peroxide in it.
  2. Dip a sweater or jacket in the solution and stretch the garment in it.
  3. Leave the laundry for 1.5 - 2 hours. The longer the item remains in the solution, the more chances it will recover.
  4. Lay out on a flat surface, stretch.

Hydrogen peroxide will help restore light and white things

Wool powder and freezer

  1. Buy a powder that is designed to wash wool. It is sold in stores.
  2. Dissolve it in water. Leave the sweater in the solution for half an hour or 20 minutes.
  3. When it is thoroughly soaked, you need to rinse it and wring it out.
  4. Fold in a bag and place in the freezer. He must be there for 24 hours.
  5. Spread a cloth to absorb moisture, and spread the garments to dry.

How to stretch a cotton item

Cotton is the most common natural material, popular and relatively inexpensive. But, if you washed or dried such a thing incorrectly, it could shrink after washing. What to do in this case? You should not be upset, tk. cotton can be returned to its original shape, and the clothes will fit you. Vinegar will help you with this.

Vinegar treatment

  1. Take vinegar and pour it into a bowl. Dip a sponge in vinegar.
  2. Treat the thing with vinegar so that it is absorbed.
  3. Wash it in the washing machine.
  4. Hang to dry, it should stretch.

Vinegar solution

Take 1 glass of water and dilute 1 tsp in it. vinegar (if the thing is large, then more solution, but in the same proportions). Wet the thing. Lay it on the fabric and stretch it, press down with something heavy around the edges.

Or another option. Take 10 liters of warm water and pour 3 tbsp. vinegar, soak the thing for half an hour. Spread cotton-containing garments on a towel to dry and stretch them evenly.

If it's a T-shirt, stick your hands inside the T-shirt by the shoulders and pull as you would the edges.

Vinegar helps stretch cotton items

Hair conditioner

The self-care girl has a hair conditioner in the house. And it can be used to stretch cotton.

  1. Wet and squeeze the thing.
  2. Put it in a basin. Pour conditioner on top, it should soak.
  3. Stretch, rinse, remove excess water.
  4. Place the item in the bath and wipe it with a sponge dipped in vinegar while stretching.
  5. Wash it in the car.

Processing of products from viscose, knitwear

After washing, a thing made of other fabrics can also sit down: viscose, knitwear, mixed synthetic materials. What to do in this case?

Soak the item in a bowl of water and leave it there for a while. Then put it in the washing machine. Choose the "gentle wash" function, with a temperature of up to 30 degrees. The clothes will stretch when the machine is wringing them out. Dry the laundry in an upright position, stretch it well to its original size before drying.

Another way to restore a garment after washing is to expose to high temperatures. Spread the item on the ironing board, cover it with a damp cloth. Take an iron and stretch it over the fabric.

Situations are not uncommon when, as a result of ignoring the advice of the manufacturer on the clothing label, a thing seriously shrinks, loses its original shape and attractiveness. It would seem what to do if, after washing the jacket, the village - many people simply give up and throw away the spoiled thing, and it's good if in the future they no longer repeat their mistakes. However, if after washing the item has sat down, this is not at all a reason to finally say goodbye to it, because the clothes can be restored at home. It doesn't matter if you have not encountered such a problem before and do not know how to stretch a shrunken woolen thing after washing - this guide will help you understand how to return the shape of woolen things after washing, as well as how to wash things so that they do not shrink. Get ready to memorize!

Rules for the correct restoration of clothes after shrinkage

Before restoring a woolen item after washing, you must familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Woolen items are better subject to recovery after shrinkage if, in addition to wool, the material contains cotton or viscose. Without them, you can also stretch clothes, but this will be more difficult.
  • If a woolen thing has sat down after washing, it can be restored only in cool water, the temperature of which should not exceed 30 degrees. Wool is afraid of high temperatures, it can deteriorate from them.
  • During the processing of woolen items, the temperature of the water must not be changed, otherwise the fibers may fel.
  • How to restore a shrunken item after washing? To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to use only those detergents that are intended for the given type of fabric, in this case for wool.
  • In no case should the woolen fabric be twisted, as this will greatly deform its fibers.
  • If the wool shrinks during washing, it should be wrung out after processing only with dry towels.
  • It is necessary to dry the woolen product processed after shrinkage only in a horizontal position.

Repeat these rules every time before stretching the sweater after washing to avoid big mistakes - they can lead to the fact that the thing really has to be thrown away. Now you need to figure out what to do if a woolen thing has sat down after washing, and what methods of restoring your favorite clothes can be used at home. Read on to find out what to do if your trousers have shrunk after washing, and how to repair your woolen fabric.

9 home-proven ways to stretch shrunken clothes after washing

I wonder how to restore a woolen thing that has shrunk after washing? You can choose one of nine ways, whichever you like. Each of them will allow the clothes to return to their original shape, choose:

  1. Pour warm water with a temperature of up to 30 degrees into a capacious container, then immerse the product to be stretched into it. Leave it on for 10 minutes, wring it out gently, lay it out on a flat horizontal surface and cover with a terry cloth on top. This method of how to fix a shrunken thing after washing is suitable not only for wool, but also for other fabrics, therefore it is considered universal. This method is also useful if the trousers have sat down after washing.
  2. How to stretch wool after washing to avoid damaging delicate fabrics? Pour into a container about 5 liters of warm water not hotter than 30 degrees, add 3 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of ordinary alcohol and the same amount of turpentine to it, stir thoroughly until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Put your item in the prepared solution and leave it in it for 40 minutes. When time has passed, rinse the item in water of the same temperature and lay it out horizontally to dry, cover with a terry towel.
  3. How to stretch a garment that has shrunk after washing if there is no alcohol at hand? You can use hydrogen peroxide, which is easy to find in your medicine cabinet. To do this, dilute a couple of tablespoons of peroxide in 10 liters of water and dissolve it thoroughly. Next, dip the stretched clothing into a container of solution and rinse it gently, while stretching it evenly into different shapes, thereby giving the garment the correct size. When finished, leave the garment in the solution for 2 hours and then dry as described above.
  4. What to do if the coat is dead after washing, but there is no peroxide? You can prepare a special solution that will work just as well. To do this, you need to dissolve the powder intended for washing wool in water. Then the product is soaked in this solution for 15-30 minutes, rinsed in clean water over time, gently wrung out, put into a bag and left in the freezer for a day. When 24 hours have passed, the item must be removed and dried at room temperature. The product will be restored in size.
  5. If the woolen garment shrinks after washing, and the scale of the problem is not very large, the use of ammonia can solve the problem. To do this, you need to dissolve ammonia in water, while the components must be in equal amounts. The stretched product should be immersed in the solution for 120 minutes, after the indicated time has passed, rinse in water of the same temperature. It will restore the size for sure.
  6. What to do if the wool shrinks after washing, and the clothes are white? Milk can be used to restore its original size and shape. Simply soak the stretched item in milk for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly in water that does not exceed 30 degrees Celsius.
  7. So, the jacket has sat down after washing, what if nothing helps, but you really want to keep the thing? There is a proven recipe that is quite simple to use - dissolve 20 grams of baking soda in 2 liters of cold water, stir thoroughly and immerse the stretched product in the solution for 12 hours. When time has passed, the thing must be washed and immersed in a new solution, which includes 10 tablespoons of tartaric acid in 2 liters of water. In the second solution, the clothes must be regularly turned over so that the liquid covers them evenly. When 2 hours have passed, the item should be removed, rinsed and dried thoroughly.
  8. Wool shrinks after washing what to do? First, turn the garment inside out, place it on a flat, horizontal surface (ideally on an ironing board), then iron it with a warm iron in the steaming mode. In this case, it is necessary to simultaneously stretch the thing in the right directions.
  9. There is another unusual way to cope with a disaster if, after washing, the jacket has sat down. It is necessary to wet the thing spoiled during the wash in cold water, wring it out and put it on. You need to wear cut clothes until they are completely dry. After that, it must be hung vertically and wait 2 hours.

If the jacket has sat down while washing, you will not panic and think about throwing it away. You also know what to do if your jeans have sat down after washing, since the above tips are suitable not only for woolen clothes, but also for other fabrics, except that the maximum water temperature may change slightly upwards.

Probably, every housewife is faced with a situation when a favorite thing after washing and drying has lost its original appearance, decreased in size. The reason for the shrinkage of the clothing material often occurs from irregularities in the washing regime, when the thing is washed in too hot water, or the detergent is selected incorrectly. Also, the reason a thing shrinks is because of the composition of the material. Every hostess should know that clothes fit only those containing natural fibers.To avoid unpleasant incidents, you need to adhere to the instructions for the care of a particular material, which should be indicated on the tags and labels of clothing.

But if the trouble nevertheless happened, and your thing has decreased in size, you can try to restore the shrunken clothes. To do this, you can use the old and proven methods that do not require financial costs. Most often, such stretching is required woolen clothes, she is the most capricious and demanding. But besides woolen clothes, he sits down, maybe jersey and cotton, since they also contain natural fibers. In this article, we will consider how to stretch woolen, cotton and knitted clothes, but first - what will the mistress who has her favorite thing need?

If your favorite thing has lost its original appearance, stretched out, sat down, you can try to reanimate it, for this you will need:

  • a bowl of warm water;
  • iron, ironing board;
  • large towels 2 - 3 pieces;
  • mild detergent for delicate wash;
  • vinegar solution;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • conditioner for woolen products.

It should be noted that for the procedure of stretching things, not all of the above means will be needed, but only those that are suitable for a certain material or fabric.

How to stretch cotton clothes?

Cotton fabric is one of the inexpensive and comfortable materials containing natural fibers. A violation of the temperature regime and improper drying often leads to deformation of the garment. To return a cotton item to its original appearance, you can use the following method.

  • Soak cotton clothing in a container of warm water. Add 3 tablespoons of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to 10 liters of water and let sit for 30 minutes.
  • Take a towel to dry and spread it on a flat surface and spread the previously soaked item on it. Take a cotton item in your hands and start stretching evenly in the right places. If it's a T-shirt or sweater, tuck your forearms inside the T-shirt to the shoulders and stretch. If you need to stretch at the bottom, grab the edges of the garment and stretch to the desired size.

  • Then place the item on a towel to dry and leave to dry. In this case, periodically repeat step 3.

For subsequent washing, use a mild detergent and the correct water temperature.

How to stretch a wool item?

Shrinkage of wool, as well as cotton, occurs when the temperature of the water is violated, also due to the aggressiveness of the washing powder. Therefore, you need to choose a powder on which it will be indicated that this product is for wool. If, nevertheless, your thing made of wool has decreased in size, you can resort to the experience of successful housewives who know how to return the wool to its previous appearance. For this you need:

  • Fill a basin with warm water and add some shampoo or mild conditioner.

  • Place the woolen garment in a basin of warm water and conditioner and let sit for 30 minutes. Then take out the item and rinse in cold water.

A solution can be made to make the coat soft and pliable, which will help it reshape more easily. To do this, you will need: 5 liters of water add 3 tbsp. l. ammonia, 1 tbsp. l. vodka and 1 tbsp. l. turpentine. The thing should lie in this liquid for at least an hour, after which you need to proceed to the next stretching steps.

  • Squeeze the thing well and start stretching. You need to stretch woolen clothes in small sections, gradually moving to others, and so on, until you have processed the entire fabric. Then you need to hang the thing on a hanger and periodically stretch it until it is completely dry.

How to stretch a knitted garment?

Shrunken knitwear can be stretched in several ways.

  • Pour warm water into a basin, soak the item and leave it on for 15 minutes to get wet well. Then place it in the washing machine and turn on the wring cycle. After centrifugation, the knitted garment can be stretched. Knitted items should be dried only in an upright position. If you use a towel to dry, your item will return to its original state. When the wardrobe item is dry, it should be ironed and looked at the final result.

  • Soak the knitwear in a bowl of warm water for half an hour. After that, gently squeeze out the excess water, but do not twist it. Spread the wet thing on a towel and roll it up with the towel and also leave it for 10 - 30 minutes. Unfold the towel and place the item on the ironing board. Steam the item with a heated iron until it is completely dry, while stretching the desired places. Dry horizontally on a dry towel. If the item is difficult to pull out, you can soak it with hair conditioner.

In order not to ask yourself how to stretch a thing in the future, you need to adhere to some basic rules:

  • Such things can only be washed by hand, and if a washing machine is used, then only according to the gentle wash program.
  • In the process of washing, use special powders and conditioners that are designed for things that shrink and shrink.
  • The water used in the washing process should not exceed 40 degrees.
  • Avoid changes in liquid temperature, that is, wash and rinse strictly at the same temperature.
  • Vinegar will help to maintain the shape of the thing, so it is recommended to add it with every wash, but only correctly adhere to the ratio of water and vinegar. For example, for 3 liters of water - 1 spoon of 9% vinegar.

If your favorite thing has lost its previous size, then you need to remember that you need to dry such clothes only in a horizontal position, periodically stretching each part either in length or in width with your hands. Only woolen items can be dried vertically without using a towel. And only when the clothes are dry can you hang them on the hangers. Use only cool water for the next wash.

Reading time: 4 minutes

For clothes made from natural fibers, shrinkage after washing is a completely natural phenomenon. This is especially true for woolen and cotton items. The reason is the wrong choice of the method of washing and drying clothes. Be that as it may, the consequences must be fought. So, what if the item shrinks after washing?

Features of fabrics

Woolen fibers on top are covered with many scales, which, when wet and intense mechanical stress, cling to each other. The felting technique is based on this property of wool. Having firmly adhered to each other, the fibers after drying will no longer separate and remain tightly intertwined, increasing the density and reducing the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric, and therefore the thing. That is why wool should only be washed by hand and very carefully.

Cotton items shrink for a different reason - improper drying. In the production of cotton fibers, they are strongly stretched and twisted for further processing. When wet already in the fabric, the threads swell and become denser. If you let them dry in this position, the size of the items will decrease.

Knits and knitwear

If you've washed your woolen sweater or knitted dress incorrectly, it will most likely shrink. Let's see what to do if your clothes have shrunk after washing. You can try to get them back to their original shape like this:
  • wet the thing again. This will require a large container and cool water and a delicate laundry detergent that contains lanolin. It is a natural substance that helps wool fibers to maintain their natural softness and elasticity. Dip the product into the solution and leave for a few minutes so that the fibers are well saturated;
  • rinse in clean water;
  • taking out, do not squeeze and let excess water drain;
  • spread out on a soft towel, slightly stretching the fabric to the sides;
  • leave to dry in this position away from heat sources. Better if it is a well-ventilated cool room. During the drying process, you can pull the fabric a few more times.

Cotton clothes

Shirts and trousers are also shrinking. What to do if the shirt shrinks after washing. The product must first be soaked in warm water. You can simply put them in the washing machine and, without adding detergent, put them on one of the fastest modes at a water temperature of 20-30 degrees.

After washing, do not wring out, hang on a hanger and leave to dry in this position. This should be done outdoors in the shade or in a cool, ventilated area.

Iron damp items on the “Cotton” setting, slightly stretching them with the iron to the sides.


Linen clothing usually regains its original size easily just by wearing it. After ironing, it is enough to put on and walk around in it for several hours, you will see that it stretches again.

If it has become so small that you cannot put it on, then wet the fabric and iron it with a hot iron, stretching it to the sides.

Woolen fabric

How to stretch a garment that has shrunk after washing? Products made of fabrics containing 100% woolen fibers should be soaked in warm (not hot!) Water with the addition of ammonia, glycerin and vinegar (one tablespoon per 2 liters of water). Such a solution will slightly soften the fibers and give them elasticity, and the thing will stretch.

How to wash to keep clothes from shrinking

It is much easier to avoid the problem than to solve it, therefore, when washing clothes made from natural fibers, you must follow a few simple rules:
  • read the information on the product label carefully. The manufacturer indicates the composition of the fabric and recommendations for care. If machine wash is prohibited, wash by hand and do not exceed the temperature setting;
  • Wool products must be hand washed at water temperatures up to 30 degrees. If you nevertheless decide to use an automatic machine, choose the most gentle mode: "Hand wash" or "Cashmere". In such modes, the drum does not rotate, but sways, imitating hand washing and having a minimal effect on the fabric;

  • do not neglect special household cleaning products: wool should be washed with a liquid detergent containing lanolin. Such a tool gently affects the fabric and prolongs the life of the product;
  • do not rub or twist such products, exert minimal mechanical stress: just leave them in a container with soapy water for 10 minutes, turn them over several times, and then rinse;
  • do not leave cotton items to dry in the machine. Once the cycle is complete, take them out, shake them well and hang them vertically on a rope (or on a hanger). Under the influence of gravity from the water, the fibers will stretch again, and the product will not lose shape.

By following these simple rules, you will save your favorite things from shrinking. In case this has already happened, try to get them back in shape by following the tips above.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for clothes, especially those made of wool or other natural material, to shrink as a result of washing. Shrinkage of clothes after "water procedures" is proportional to the presence of natural threads in it: the more there are, the smaller the thing can become. If the clothes have sat down, you can try to return them to their previous appearance ...

In the washing machine

Wool, cotton, linen, rayon and blended fibers lend themselves best to recovery. Silk is difficult to recover. Soak clothes in cool water for 10-20 minutes to absorb more water. Then wash the item in the washing machine, pouring a special powder for delicate washing or woolen items into the container. Put on a gentle wash program, determine the temperature (no more than 30 degrees) and turn it on! During the spin cycle, the garment will most likely start to stretch.

Pay attention to the fact that after washing the fabric remains not wet, but rather damp

Take the clothes out of the washing machine, gently stretch them with your hands to the required size and hang them on a quality coat hanger. Shrunken clothes should only dry in an upright position! Avoid inattention: the material laid out horizontally will shrink even more ... From time to time, the thing should be shaken. By the way, sometimes (for example, in the case of sweaters or sweaters), drying a wet thing directly on yourself helps. It’s unpleasant, but the clothes are more likely to increase this way.

With hydrogen peroxide

Another way to restore shrunken things (especially knitted items) is to rinse them in cool water, to which hydrogen peroxide has been added. Ten liters of water will require two tablespoons of peroxide. Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can make a mixture of six tablespoons of ammonia, two tablespoons of vodka, and two tablespoons of turpentine. While rinsing clothes in this solution, pull them out in the right directions from time to time. After that, it is necessary to leave the thing in this liquid for an hour and a half, and then squeeze it slightly and dry it in the apartment on a towel, stretching it every hour.

To prevent the clothes from stretching, you should immediately look at the tag sewn from the wrong side, where it is indicated how to wash this thing