How child develops in 2 months of life. Deviations or individual features in the second month of child development

In the life of each kid, the second month from birth is an unfamiliar and barrier stage, which is full of events, news and emotions. By this time, each child gets used to the place where he lives. The baby feels free in its space. At the age of two months, your baby makes an important jump in its development: it is no longer called by the newborn due to the fact that the body is entirely adapted to life outside the womb and began the phase of active growth.

Physical Indicators: Growth, Weight

From the point of view of physical activity, the kid in two months is embarking on its active development. In most cases, by this time, the weight of the child increases about 800 grams, and the growth of somewhere for a couple of centimeters. There is also an increase and all average indicators, such as the amount of the chest, the scope of the head, weight and growth.

Approximate growth table and weight up to the year

There is also an improvement in hearing and vision, but they have not yet achieved the ideal (the baby hears not all sounds and does not have the ability to focus their eyesight on fast-lived items).

If the development of the baby is slower than his peers, it is not necessary to panic in this case. There are average growth rates and should be understood that they are not at all unconditional. Only in the case of a sharp growth, increase weight, or another indicator should be thought out, because it can serve as a kind of beacon warning about any pathology that only a highly qualified specialist can say with confidence.

Toddler reflexes and its abilities

The child for the second month of his life only begins its active development: he possesses unknown earlier skills and acquires special, important reflexes. Often the foundation of this is the functions of the motor vehicle, which and open the chad the veil into the unknown world. But it is still difficult to talk about the skills of the kid after all, due to the fact that they are still quite conditional. So, based on the statistics, it can be noted that most children at the age of two months can:

  • prevent muscle cuts that occur involuntarily;
  • relaxed and calmly lying;
  • being in a position lying on the breast, lift it for a few seconds;
  • delay the head on weight for a while;
  • with the help of palms keep some elementary toys;
  • grab yourself for their own parts of the body;
  • listen to the voices of people.

The kid sometimes completely can compress his fingers, wave with handles, bend and begins to intensively get involved in those subjects for which you can grasp or feel in your hands. Directly for this reason, the child begins to flicen the sheets, stick adults by arms and with great perseverance to make attempts to trim the toys hanging over his bed.

A two-month baby communicates with the world around him the only available way - wech, but at the same time new sounds begin to appear, he begins to laugh, sharpen and adagge.

What should the baby learn?

First, you should teach the baby to the right pronunciation of some sounds. In general, it is more correct to copy the child himself and focus on pronunciation. Seeing the movement of parents of parents, the baby necessarily will copy them through time and its abilities, and the skills will improve significantly. Various fairy tales and sweatings containing indicated sounds are quite suitable.

But the joy of children appears when parents proceed to sounding sounds, and not unclear it until words. Each kid will experience happiness if the mother or dad will be a gaze, or meow, soothing child.

Rules of the day or mode

It is difficult to determine how much sleep or eats the baby, because in two months it leads a fairly calm way of life. Simply put, experiencing significant growth, the child needs a huge amount of energy that he can get both from food, and from sleep - the most important condition due to the fact that it is mainly sleeping all his day.

The development of each child directly proportionally depends on the routine of the day (mode). Schedule of a certain sleep time, eating or games must be installed since the first months, while it is important not to forget that the biorhythms of the baby differ from adults and need to adapt to them, showing them respect.

The most intensive development and growth of a small organism passes during night sleep. It is very important to install traditions that will prepare a baby to sleep, in connection with which most specialists are recommended to carry out bathing before putting the Chado in the bed. Kids love stay in water, which easily removes all sorts of stress. It is important to remember that it is necessary to follow and follow the norms established in relation to the composition and temperature of the water, as well as not to conduct water procedures in two months more than five minutes.

Any parent should not forget that the newborn baby requires a permanent supervision, care and leave it without an adult supervision is impossible. It is also impossible to avoid a campaign to specialists, because by the second month, the pediatrician, neuropathologist, orthopedic and oculist is obligatory.

Doctors should identify the overall picture of the body's condition, provide the necessary recommendations for the care of the kid and detect the possible presence of any pathologies.

It is very important to pay special attention to the umbilical wound, let in most cases the crust formed after, falls off, but exceptions occur. Regardless of this, the wound should always be processed.

The baby needs to fully feel love and your care, which he perceives much better during games. To focus a child's look, you should hang various toys to hang over his bed, which should differ in size and according to colors, because at that age they are not yet ready to concentrate their gaze on separate items. Interacting with them by touch, Chado will experience an extensive circle of previously unknown emotions and impressions.

All parents are required to pay sufficient attention of the animality of the baby, because he slowly begins to be interested in the events and things that occur around him. For example, for general development near the child, you can shake a rattle, while changing your location and asking him the question: "Where does it rattle?", As a result, he will carefully observe where you move around, turning your head.

I would like to note that every little child must feel full safety around him, and for its faithful and harmonious development, we give it to endless love and attention, thereby helping to receive new emotions from the world around him!

Your baby is growing rapidly! Time flies unnoticed and the child has already been 2 months old. Now Kroch begins to recognize his mother, smiles when it appears in sight. Previously, he also smiled, but it happened a little differently, unconsciously. Now you may notice that he smiles at your words or in your opinion consciously, joyfully, it is to you, not just like that. This smile is the first chatting of a child with a mother and dad, now the most close people for him in the world and a clear sign of readiness for dialogue, to the conscious perception and knowledge of the surrounding world.

What can a child know for 2 months?

  • The visual concentration of attention is improved. Now the baby sees much further than before, the distance is 50 or more centimeters. He is interested in learning Mamino's face, carefully looks at moving objects that fell into sight, the look is targeted.
  • Being on the stomach, it can hold the head so far only on a small period of time - 5-10 seconds. Turns his head to sound.
  • Reacts to the appearance in the field of view of the people close to him, the run-run starts to adversely, actively move with legs and handles. Pronounces various raids of vowel sounds.
  • Considers the items located from it no further than 50 centimeters or toys suspended above the bed.
  • He loves to suck fists or fingers when they accidentally flex.

At the age of 2 months, the child sleeps Approximately 16-18 hours a day, from them at night there can sleep around 6 hours in a row, not waking up. Total sleep is required from 9 to 10 hours. It is important to remember that the skull of the child in 2 months is still very soft! Staying to sleep the baby, from time to time change his position in bed, in order to avoid deformation and improper fire of the bones of the skull. Children in two months old have already distinguished the day and night, and therefore sleep at night longer than the day.

At this stage of its development, the infant adapts to the environment. At this age, he already mastered the first skill of communication - a smile. It differs from that Grimskaya that was before. The smile becomes a truly shining, attractive and just fascinating. Kroch gives her any person talking to him, and, of course, first of all his parents - Mama and Pope.

What is interesting, in 2 months the chest child will already know his mother in a voice, smell or in the face of his mother, but, nevertheless, continues to study it, follows her with a look when she moves around the room in which the baby is.

Mom, in turn, is increasingly beginning to understand his baby, why he cries what he wants. Partly comprehends the differences in behavior, that with him: hungry, and maybe it became hot, cold or wet. Learn to understand that the child wants at the moment through his crying, which is now changing intonational, denoting the call or request: so that it just approached; fed when he is hungry; held on hand; Pay time to play.

Watch the baby, and you will notice that he is already able to show emotions: rejoices, realizing that the moment of feeding comes, can worry before swimming. Despite the fact that your child is still quite small, he is already beginning to understand how close people react to his crying when he wants one or another.

Development of 2 months

In 2 months, the nervous system continues to be actively forming and complicated. The reactivity of congenital reflexes is reduced. Your croching constantly fixes the skills of movements, develops coordination, thereby purchasing conditional reflexes. The increased motion activity requires increased attention of the parents, since the lack of supervision can lead to fall and injury, even if the Karapuz crawl is not too fast. Do not leave the child one. The movements of the Karapus became more purposeful than before, and he really likes to study his new abilities.

Due to the fact that the child is a significant part of life in the mob of Moms in a bent state, it will still hold legs and handles in the cockpit, and their fingers are compressed in the cams. From time to time, it straightens the legs and handles, sips, while at the same time sprinkling hands. By the end of the second month, the baby will learn to open the brush and keep it in a relaxed state. Neck muscles are also developing. To speed up the process of their development, it follows more often put the child on the tummy.

Care of 2 months

The most important indicator that your baby is absolutely healthy is his light yellow shade chair having a slightly sour siever. At this age, the chair is from 2 to 4 times a day, and if the child is powered artificially, the feces will be a bit dense.

Remember that at this age is very gentle and sensitive skin, and the first thing she annoys from Cala and urine. Keep track of the state of diapers, do not leave the children for a long time in wet clothing. Another important point: during the change of diaper, do not forget to wipe intimate places on the child's body with special napkins for children or wait under the jet of warm water. Napkins should be wet and without any sharp odors.

You ask, how often bathe a child in 2 months? At this stage of the development of children, it is best to bathe twice a week, adding a chamomile or a belfry blade into a bath. Frequent use of baby soap or shampoo during bathing of the child will adversely affect the children's skin, because It is easily irritated, very gentle and susceptible. And chamomile or beast decoctions have a favorable disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect on children's skin, eliminating allergic rash and soothing body.

Hygiene. Sometimes on the face of a two-month baby you can detect red rashes in the form of acne. This is not the reason for concern - thus, parent hormones are outlined from the body, which come along with breast milk. In the event that the rashes do not stop within 4-6 weeks, refer to the children's pediatrician, in order to exclude other reasons. Also follow the condition of the scalp. In 2 months it flakes and has a scaly cover - the so-called Gneis of newborns. This is due to the fact that the toddler is still poorly developed by the excretory function of sweat and sebaceous glands. Believe me, in children it does not cause any discomfort, and the peeling themselves will gradually disappear over time.

Follow the nails. In now, their growth is incredibly accelerated. Strike nails better than the day when the crumb is awake, and not before bedtime, because the baby caprizic after the nail haircuts does not fall asleep for a long time. For this procedure, you need comfortable, well-haired children's scissors that will not cause strong antipathy in children with subsequent procedures.

The kid of 2 months is growing and developing, so its body has changed significantly compared with an earlier period. Continue to strengthen health walks in the open airBy spending in total from two to four hours a day all the time of year.

With proper development and nutrition from the beginning of the second month to its end, the child will grow by 3-5 cm, and in weight will add 560-1100 grams.

The first, the most complicated, month after the birth of your baby was left behind. The adaptation period to the household conditions was groaned, for 2 months of life, the child is no longer considered newborns. It enters a new, even more interesting and rich life. The child's development in 2 months does a big jump, activity increases, for this period new important skills and useful habits are purchased.

I went for the second month from the moment the appearance of a small little man appeared in the house, and he himself, not knowing, dictates his own rules and sets the day of the day to all households. Typically, for 1-2 months, the baby establishes a clear chart of feeding, sleep and waking periods, which must be gradually adjusted as the child is growing up.

Now the main key of activity and proper development is the food received from the mother, and a healthy dream, allowing it to gain strength to help you learn the wonderful world.

The amount of breast milk, ensuring the needs of the baby, is not less than 800 grams per day. In case of the impossibility of breastfeeding a child, a mixture is fed in the same quantity - about 800 g. Modern baby food is enriched with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins and is quite balanced, so it is not worth throwing a baby.

On average, for the specified period, the weight of the infant reaches about 0.8-1 kg, and the growth increases somewhere by 3 cm. However, these are averaged indicators, and should not be upset when the baby has not grew enough or, on the contrary, it scored too much. The body of each kid is individual, and he needs different.

An infant at 2-monthly useful to sleep a lot and gain strength for active growth. Usually, daytime sleep lasts about 2.5 hours, then period of wakefulness and meal (all together 40 minutes). The child sleeps most of the day. But such intervals are also extremely individual, different children are different for the day. Many kids sleep enough day. The main thing is that the night's sleep lasted 5-6 hours and was deep and calm.

We estimate the skill of the baby

Regarding those abilities and skills acquired by the child in the first 2 months of life, here you can only rejoice. The development of the kid is now just seven-year steps, and he literally presents little surprises every day every day. Ideally, the infants must learn in the second month:

  • hold right head about 10-20 seconds;
  • lying on the tummy, raise your head, shoulders and chest, and stay in a similar time short time;
  • quietly lie down, relaxing the legs and handles, for a sufficiently long period;
  • hold light toys embedded in palm pallets;
  • explore your body, grab yourself for various parts;
  • listen to the voices and other sounds disconnected nearby;
  • follow the eyes for slowly moving objects and focus a look at the stationary.

Surprises continue

In addition to all of the above, on the second month of life, the child begins to smile. Yes- yes, it is smile, but consciously, very cute and uncomfortable. The baby gives not those involuntary grimaces, first noticed in 1 month and arising during the sleep or sucking chest. This is charming, the most precious smile in the world, and her baby gives it, first of all, mom and dad.

By 2 months, the child begins to root, pronounced various vowel sounds. Gradually, the sounds will be folded into simple syllables and words - a great beginning to further speech development of the baby and replenish its rich vocabulary. And repeating behind him and at the same time making focus on a clear articulation, the child will become a great example that helps him develop the speech further. Do it in the form of a game, telling him various poems and fun.

Crying baby in 2 months acquires many shades and values. Now the kid knows exactly how to report that he is hungry, tired, wants on his handles and just chat. Attentive parents by the nature of the sounds of the sounds will immediately understand the causes of kid's concern. Often, it is often accepted for crying, with what a child just calls to himself, bored.

First classes with baby

In the right and rapid physical, mental and emotional development, the child is a little help. Various exercises aimed at securing acquired skills and skills will bring the baby with an undeniable benefit in the future, and you will help you to get closer to the crumb.

  • Exercises for touch. To develop your fingers, it is useful to a child in the handles alternately invest small objects made from different materials: plastic, wood, metal, fabric, fur, glass, paper, leather and others. In general, any finger exercises have a beneficial effect on the proper development of the speech apparatus and subsequently will help avoid meetings with the speech therapist.
  • Exercises contributing to the development of vision and hearing. It is necessary to take a bright rattle and shake it within a few seconds on the side of the baby, centimeters in 30. The baby necessarily cooked first, trying to determine where the sound comes from and then starts to actively twist the head around the sides in search of his source. It is worth the same rattle to hang in the crib and move it from the edge to the edge, giving the baby to watch the eyes behind the movement of the toy. Perfectly in a similar plan act on children Mobile on the crib.

Similar games should be spent 2-3 times a day and follow the condition of the child, not overwork. With the beginning of the whims and other manifestation of discontent discontent, the exercises should stop and wait until the kid again turns out to be in good spirits. The correct exercise and some new newly shown in detail on the enclosed video.

Crupes and other technicians

An excellent way to physically strengthen the body of the kid is massage and self-massage.. Usually with a massage more or less understandable, and parents managed to master it in the first month of the child's life, but many have not heard about self-massage. On an exclusive on the changing table, the sheet should be pouring a little cereals and put a baby on it - the tummy or back. The baby begins to enzyme, thereby getting new tactile sensations and developing imagination. Here you need to carefully follow the reaction of the child, try not to make it hurt, it is unpleasant, he can not pull the cereal in his mouth.

The usual massage can also be somewhat diversified: for example, it's not just to stroke the baby with your hands, but roll on the back, tummy, legs and handles.

It is also useful to stroke the crook of crumbs with flaps from various materials and fur pomps. During such a massage, focus on the variety of materials and, accordingly, various sensations perceived by the child are made.

Care is very important

The main care for the child in two months is not particularly different from the care of the newborn. The child is still necessary to bathe 4-5 times a week, to wash, clean the ears, nose and eyes. If necessary, get rid of seborrheic crusts on the head.

It is important to care for the umbilical wound. It is necessary to clean it if allocations and crust remained, processing 3% hydrogen peroxide. But in general, in 1-2 months there is no such problem.

In general, it is necessary to carefully observe the wellness of the baby and with the advent of some signs of the disease in time to appeal to the pediatrician. By the end of the period under consideration, a neurologist, surgeon, an oculist, orthopeda necessarily inspects. Often they make an ultrasound of the hip joints and abdominal organs.

Intestinal colic in 2 months can still disturb the baby. It will help to make it easier for him to help unaccomplished manipulations - laid out on the tummy, stroking clockwise, and putting the heating with warm water, freshly depressed (or warmed on the battery) diaper.

Now love is needed, care and attention. Enjoy time when you can communicate easily and deal with the baby, give him the priceless minutes of each other's societies, and then any problems arising will be much easier and more quickly.

You have passed the stage of newborn. Already in the second month of the life of the child, you begin to understand his personality. You have also learned to understand the signs that the two-month-old child, his sympathy, antipathy.

You know the causes of discontent that are at the moment quite primitive: hunger, drowsiness and dirty diapers.

Babies are born very short-sighted, which means that they see better at close distances.

The child of the second month of life is learning to follow the eyes of a moving object, more interested in forms and patterns, and may also notice familiar faces even at a distance. The person's face is one of the favorite infant objects, which you can watch, especially if it is your own face or face of the parent.

Set the baby's safe for the baby at the level of the baby's eye and see how your child watches.

Colorful eyesight of the child in two months continues development, so bright wall decorations or toys will help develop the ability of a small child to distinguish colors. Soft pastel colors are difficult to evaluate the child, and it should be borne in mind when buying toys and books.

In children in 2 or in 2.5 months, the coordination of the eye improves to follow the moving object.


Breasts 2 months begins to identify the voices that he heard more often.

Regular speaking (or singing) is a great way to contribute to getting used to a child to a voice, and also this one of the methods to calm the baby.

The baby will enjoy listening to music (turn on different styles) and may be fired by the usual sounds of the surrounding world. Keep the baby nearby when you rare the saucepans, preparing lunch, and let you sit within the audience of the elder laugh and playing brothers and sisters.

Children's rattles and musical mobiles are good methods to stimulate your child's rumor.

The motor development of the child on the second month is characterized by large control over the position of the body. This means that the kid is in the stomach position or vertically can keep his head more steadily than before.

In two months, the babies retain a strong sucking reflex. You can see that crumb likes to suck the fist or fingers. This is one of the best methods of consolation of children.

In 2 months, the infant has no sufficient coordination for games with toys. But he can hit the colorful item hanging in front of him. In 2 months, the baby can start reaching for objects. This is the beginning of the manifestation of coordination of hands and eyes.

In 2 months, the baby is even a little to keep the toy you put in one of his hands.

Communicative Development of the Child for 2 Month of Life

For a two-month baby, the main means of communication is crying. But sometimes you can hear Agukane, groove and bustle. The child must identify the face and voice of the parents. Perhaps you will find the first delightful hint of a smile.

One of the most important things that parents can do at this age to speak with a child. Contrary to the fact that children of two months can not speak, they react to the sound of a parental voice, and it encourages them to start forming their first words.


Many children reaches a peak in the crying episodes of 2 months, as a result of which parents become almost the same upset. There are many reasons why the child is crying, even when it seems that all his needs were satisfied. The ripening of the nervous system, overwork or just the need for calm is one of the most common causes.

In these early months there will be moments when parents just need to follow the needs of the child and follow their instincts.

What should a child be able to?

  • the child keeps his head more stable;
  • many of the reflexes of the newborn period are still saved. For example, a sucking reflex;
  • the child tries to cling to handles the items that you post in front of them;
  • vision develops, and the baby can see objects at a distance of up to 45 cm;
  • kroch begins to look after what is happening;
  • the kid likes to listen to voice and singing;
  • creek may contain more grooves;
  • the baby begins to turn his head to the sounds;
  • some parents will be lucky to see the first conscious kid smile.


Caring for the child in 2 months is not much different from the period of newborn. The difference lies in the amount of feeding, sleep time, educational games and toys.

This month, the baby will demand that it is fed more often. Try to follow and trust the signs that the child serves when it comes to feeding time.

When feeding, both breasts should be offered to promote better lactation.

If you feed the mixture, the amount of feedings decreases at this age with an increase in the mixture of the mixture. This will happen as the baby grows. Since children do not digest the mixture as quickly as breast milk, parents, as a rule, do not need to feed the child that gets a mixture, as often as a child on breastfeeding.

Double-month children typically drink 6 - 8 bottles of 120 - 180 ml per day, and may need an additional 30 ml of the mixture when the baby reaches 3 months.

In two months, the child will still need 1 - 2 feedings overnight, but they may have a longer sleep period, for example, 5 - 6 hours between a pair of night feedings.

The dream mode of the child stabilizes, but in two months it is not completely installed. At this age, babies sleep 15 - 16 hours a day. But these hours are random, and children are usually not ready to sleep all night. This is especially true for infants who wake up to eat, approximately every three hours.

Street a few more weeks, and you can get so necessary rest.

It is necessary to help the baby learning to fall asleep on your own. Put the baby in the crib when he sleepy, and not sleep hard. He can sleep in the same room with you, but not recommended sleep in your bed.

All babies must be laid on the back to reduce the risk of sudden childhood syndrome. Let the child spend a lot of time on the stomach when it is awake and controlled by adults.

In addition, remove all soft items from a cot, including pillows, blankets, soft toys and partitions.

Do not let the child overheat. Support the temperature in the room, convenient for adults. Never dress baby more than one layer. Do not close the face or head of the child while he sleeps.

Do not raise the head in bed of the child. A child can ride a position that his breath will make it difficult.


In 2 months, the first vaccinations must be made. Mark the date in the calendar or diary, when the baby is 2 months old, so as not to miss the vaccination time.

Security measures

Daily give the baby enough time. Pets need to be left away from the baby. Never leave the crumb unattended on the changing table, on the floor or in unsafe place. Toys should be rounded and soft, without sharp edges.

How to develop a child in 2 months?

Whenever you with a baby awake, use the opportunity to play. Through the game you will help the child in the development of both mentally and physically.

You can use the following educational classes with a child in 2 months.

It is an important sensory activity in the daily life of the baby. The position on the stomach helps to develop coordination and strengthens the neck, shoulders, hands and spine of the child.

This position helps with motor skills, such as rolling, crawling, squeezing and sitting.



  • develops the ability to listen;
  • promotes linguistic development;
  • helps in the development of attention and memory;
  • strengthens the connection between you and the baby.

Tips to parents:

  • read your baby in a quiet place;
  • you do not have to read all the words in the book;
  • you can describe what you see on each page;
  • have fun when reading. Use facial people, lively voices and just nonsense.

Magic of human touch

This is an easy sensory activity that has amazing benefits for you and a small child.

What can be done:

  • contact skin with leather;
  • often hug a child;
  • swing a child;
  • massage kid.

Some of the advantages:

  • creating a connection between you and the Baby;
  • strengthening psychological and physical health;
  • sleep improvement;
  • massage helps kids to cope with stress;
  • massage stabilizes vegetative functions, such as cardiac frequency and temperature;
  • massage will help relieve pain.

Movement with a child

Movement with the child help in the development of the vestibular system.

How can you move? You can include your favorite music and dance with a child. You can swing it down, from side to side or raise up. You can quickly and slowly move your child. Do not forget to stop approximately every minute. This will allow the body to fix movements and will make it possible to make sure that the baby is not too excited.

Research by touch

The development of tactile sensations is important. The child through the touch learns about his body and the environment. Remember that this applies not only to the use of hands. It includes the whole body.

Therefore, whenever the temperature allows you to bring off the child to the diaper, let it explore the variety of textures. It helps in the development of many skills, including large and small motor skills.

Here some ideas:

  1. Put a child on various cloth or blankets. It can be wool, silk, cotton. Always control the child to be comfortable.
  2. Insert various embossed materials or toys into the kid. Examples may include various fabrics, rattles, rings.
  3. Moving various embossed materials by hand, feet, face, belly and back. Again, it can be different fabrics or toys, for example, tickling.
  4. Time to swim! Water covers the whole body, and this is another pleasant feeling. Each time you can use different texture towels to add a variety.

At this age, the child cannot see far away, but there are many things that he likes. Persons, of course, one of their favorites. Another favorite occupation is to look at the moving fingers.

What to do? You can afford to raise your imagination. The main goal for the baby is to look like your fingers dance. You can enable music and rhythmically moving your hands. Up, down, from side to side, quickly or slowly.

You can use finger dolls and arrange a simple doll performance.

Observation of the object

In two months, the child can see up to 45 cm from his lipper. At this age, the baby can also be fixed on the object and watch it for a short time. You can promote this skill through the game. You can keep a toy or any object that the baby finds interesting, in front of his face. Move it into different directions. In addition to this can hum, talk or make funny sound effects.

Remember: the development of each kid occurs at its own pace. If the child is not ready or not interested in these events, try them again in a few weeks.

Tips on how to care for a two-month baby

  1. The second month of life of the newborn is exciting and irritable for newly minted parents. Do not be afraid to ask the Council when you need it. Pediatrician is the best source of information, but family and friends are also good advisers and assistants.
  2. Modern parents are always on the way. As a result, children spend a lot of time in car chairs and carrying. The babies should have the opportunity to be in different poses during the day so that they can use the muscles that they need to turn, crawl and, ultimately for walking.
  3. Touch is very important during the first months of life. Useful contact with skin. Some experts recommend children's massage, but it is enough to just keep or punishing a child.
  4. When the child is crying, try various soothing techniques. Some children react to soft music or singing. Others calm down with "white noise" (for example, the launch of the vacuum cleaner or the installation of the radio between the stations). If you have not done this yet, try entering the pacifier. She soothes, and also helps in preventing sudden child death syndrome. Experiment to find what is suitable for a two-month baby.

All children are unique and reach certain steps in their own pace. Development recommendations simply show that the child can implement. If not now, then in the near future. If the child was born prematurely, he needs a little longer to achieve his development steps. If there are any questions about the development of the child, consult a doctor.

The baby is developing in 2 months and gradually studies the environment. The main achievements of the infant during this period are poverty and smile. In 2 months, Kroch reacts to the touch of mom, as well as "supports" a conversation with adults. Already from the fifth week of the life of the child, Mom will be able to determine his mood.

The child becomes more active and sleeps less time. During this period, the baby is interesting to play with mom, he is actively supported by handles and legs, snort and crying when changing the mood. Two months -What stage of development, and it has specific features. In healthy kids at this time:

  • the digestive system is established, as a result, they are not tormented by regular intestinal colic and tummy spasms;
  • immunity is strengthened, now the organism of the crumbs is able to defend against adverse infections;
  • the development of the Central CNS (central nervous system) has not yet been completed. During this period, the danger of meningitis disease arises;
  • body temperature 36.8 -36.9;
  • kids perfectly focus their eyesight on a specific subject;
  • hand tone reduced.
Important! Baby who do not have deviations in physiological development at 8 weeks, independently hold the head, if we put them on the tummy. If the newborn does not hold a head in 2 months - the child needs to be examined. Do not forget that the lad out of the baby on the stomach is the prevention of intestinal colic.

At this time, children disappear some reflexes (Reflex Bower and Hallows), but the legs remain bent in the knees and the hip joint over the next four weeks. The baby who has achieved a two-month age begins to gain in weight from 600 to 800 g, the approximate weight is 4-5.5 kg, the growth increases by 2.5-3 cm.

Feeding a two-month baby

The kid diet in 2 months consists of breast milk or artificial blends. If the newborn eats badly, pediatricians are recommended to introduce lures, especially when the baby has a suspicion of development. If the crumb is healthy, perhaps mom should revise its own diet or replace the dairy mixes.

Smile! Dad asks:
- Egor, did you put the tights normally?
Egor (2 years 8 months):
- Yes, ok, just heels ahead.

How much should the newborn can eat in 2 months? The answer to the question depends strictly from the physiological state of the infant, and such indicators are considered individual. In general, a two-month newborn for one feeding should fully suck the milk from one chest. No need to install a special power mode if it is on.

Important! If you practice artificial feeding newborn, be sure to make the mode, since the neglect of them often entails a large weight set, which is unfavorable for the health of a small person.

If a baby is not enough a baby from 5 to 8 weeks, let's give him natural children's juices, but only to permit a doctor.

What should a child be able to 2 months: presumptive skills

We draw your attention that not every baby in a two-month age is able to fully comply with all the standards, and this does not speak at all about pathology, but about genetic development, because the body of each infant is individual.

We offer to watch a video that a newborn baby knows for 2 months.

In the ability of the kid of this age include:

  • skill raise up torso;
  • keep toys and shake rattles;
  • the active movement of the limbs (for this you need to follow, so that there is no accidental dislocation, since the carters and bones of the kid have not yet fastened);
  • there is a desire to reach near the hanging or lying bright toy;
  • the kid reacts with vision for an item marking a characteristic sound;
  • now the crumb is able to lie calmly, if it wishes him;
  • reacts to other people cry or smile.
Important! If parents do not observe at least three of the listed abilities in the infants, it may have a non-compliance with developmental standards - a specialist consultation is needed.

Sleep kid at 2 months

On the second month of life, the infant begins to produce its own sleep mode. Now the crumb is sleeping during the daytime several times for 2-3 hours, and the night sleep is up to 12 hours. Parents must be attentive, because at this age the infants often confuse the day with the night.

From 8 weeks, the kids show themselves "larks" and "owls". The first fall asleep for the night at 20.00, and get up at 6.00, the second - sleep from 23.00 to 10.00. If a newborn baby sleeps a lot to a lot of concern about anxiety. In this case, the baby begins to eat badly, its body is not equipped with useful components, and the crumb becomes irritable and capricious. A frequent reason for this phenomenon from a two-month baby may be improper applying to the chest.

Attention! If the child sleeps for 5 hours, without changing the pose and not waking up, while you can't wake him up - call an ambulance, perhaps the child has a decline of strength.

Child hardeing in 2 months

The order procedure is quite individual, so certain techniques are not suitable for all kids. An universal way to increase the immunity of crumbs is massage and gymnastics. If your baby was born with and in its body bilirubin decreases little, from such events it is better to refuse.

They say children! In the garden on the matinee, children were mysterious:
- She has a brilliant side, the steering wheel, the trunk and the hood, refueling gasoline and is called her ...
What Darina (3 years) shouted louder to everyone:
- Maxim!

For healthy kids, you can carry air baths and wiping with soft towels, you can lay the crumb on a changing table where the sun's rays fall.

Dangerous symptoms in development

Unfortunately, not all the features that two-month kids possess are the norm. Very often a child in 2 months wounds back and throws his head, one can assume that Krivoshoy develops. Such symptoms require the consultation of the neuropathologist.

If a child does not respond to sounds or items that parents show him, it is quite alarming symptoms, perhaps the baby has vision or hearing. Often retardation in development, is a consequence of improper intrauterine development or a generic injury.

Be careful to your baby, develop it and play with him. During this period, the child needs a maximum of parental attention.

Look at the video about the features of the development of two-month crumbs.