How to make a spaceship out of paper. Origami rocket is a modular craft technique. Origami boat: getting started

The beauty of space, scientific research and unusual stories, almost every one of us at some point in our lives dreamed of one day becoming a real astronaut or explorer of the depths of space. I wanted to fly around the Earth, land on other planets, explore unknown worlds, and simply travel in the endless void. However, children don’t just dream, they make their desires come true through games. So, how to make a spaceship out of paper?


If you want to create a spaceship, you can resort to two options. One of them involves mastering the ancient art of folding strange paper figures, which came from mysterious Japan. Origami ships are elegant, beautiful, and easy to fold. You can also make it out of paper in another way: by drawing a layout, carefully cutting it out and folding it using glue or tape. Which option to choose is everyone's business.

Origami boat: getting started

For creativity you will need a mere trifle: a rectangular sheet of paper. It can be colored or white, it all depends on the creator’s intention. However, it is desirable that the width of the sheet be seven times less than the length. Work begins by folding one corner of the paper to the center, then the second (on the other side). Next, a classic bomb is made, that is, the sheets are opened and folded again, but to the opposite side of the taken sheet. The next stage is folding the sash from the folded edges of the sheet towards the center. In a similar way, a simple

Origami: continuation of work

Now you need to fold the opposite ends of the sheet, that is, connect two curved triangles. The figure is folded twice, the protrusions themselves unfold from the folded base of the ship. That's it, the spaceship is ready. It can be left white or colored using colored pencils, crayons or markers.

Spaceship from the model

How to make a spaceship out of paper if you want to create something larger, grander and more complex? There is a second option for this: creating ships using a model and available office supplies. Spaceships can be very different: separate, on stands, on an airfield or base, in front of a hangar for equipment. The resulting masterpiece can be used in games or even given to friends.


So, how to make a spaceship from a model? First you need to select the necessary tools. This, of course, is cardboard, colored paper, pencils, ruler, scissors and stationery glue. It is advisable to also get thin tape.

How to make a boat: getting started

First, a sheet of cardboard is picked up and the height of the starship is determined. If it is supposed to look like a classic rocket, then everything is quite simple. A rectangle is cut out of cardboard and rolled into a tube. The latter is held together with glue. Now the starship hull is ready. On another sheet of cardboard, draw a tail and wings, then carefully cut them out.

Ending the process

When figuring out how to make a spaceship out of paper, you need to remember that all templates must be smooth, clear, and the lines must be neat. So, in the lower part of the future starship hull, three slits are cut into which the cut out fins are inserted. That's it, you can proceed to the nose of the rocket. To do this, an even circle is cut out with a diameter larger than the hull of the starship. It should be folded into a cone and the edges should be glued together with glue or tape. The resulting nose is put on the body and secured with adhesive or the same adhesive tape. Now that the base is ready, you can cut out decorations from colored paper: stripes, decorations, portholes. They are carefully glued to the starship.

When figuring out how to make a spaceship out of paper, you can give free rein to your imagination and make the kind of starship you want. It could be a Soviet rocket or the famous “Firefly” from the beloved TV series. For greater strength, the figure can be secured with tape or even metal clips.

Usually children are interested in something original, exciting, unusually entertaining. Many kids, having learned what space and the universe are, want to make with their own hands something that is directly related to this. For example, a spaceship, a paper rocket. Our idea will not be simple, it is a modular origami for Cosmonautics Day. Start preparing the necessary materials with your child, while simultaneously telling him about the universe, planets, stars, ships and rockets. Remember Yuri Gagarin, let the child know who he is. The kid will be interested to learn about astronautics - a very necessary, responsible, serious profession. The astronaut is always ready for various kinds of tests, keeps himself in shape, since space is still a mystery that still needs to be solved. This article provides a master class and video materials on making an origami rocket craft using paper techniques.

A modular origami rocket is assembled from many figures, they are called paper modules. Let's prepare everything you need, move directly to the skill itself, and consider step-by-step instructions for beginners.

To create an origami rocket, you need the following material:

  • paper sheets (red, white and blue colors);
  • tube of PVA glue;
  • stationery scissors.

Since the origami rocket consists of modular elements, they must be assembled into one whole. First you need to consider how to make the first module. The process may seem complicated, but it is not, the main thing is to get the hang of it, following the instructions step by step. The assembly diagram, template, photo are attached below, all this will help you understand when folding the craft. Let's look at the detailed description of the work.

Origami rocket for children: cut out sixteen rectangles from a sheet of paper (A4 format) (their size is 7.4 by 5.2 cm). That's how many of them can fit in this size. Next, proceed to compiling modular elements.

Take a cut out rectangular figure and bend it in half lengthwise. Fold the edges of the resulting triangular element into the middle and turn the workpiece over. Lift the edges that go beyond the boundaries of the triangle to the top.

Bend the corners that extend beyond the triangle behind the figure itself. Next, bend the edge of the product from the bottom along with the curved triangles and return it back. Fold the workpiece in half. By performing similar simple steps, we got a modular element that has 2 corners and 2 pockets.

Using the same method, fold all the modules. To make an origami rocket you need:

  • 330 pieces – blue modules;
  • 90 pieces – red;
  • 30 pieces - white.

Fold the elements slowly, it is not difficult even for beginners. After all the components have been assembled, proceed to the step-by-step assembly. The work is painstaking, but you will be pleasantly surprised at the end result.

Video: Simple ways to assemble origami rockets

Assembling a modular origami rocket

Origami paper rocket: first of all, make a stand for the craft. Make it red. Place the 3rd one on top of 2 modules. So we get 3 rows, each with eighteen modular elements. Next, turn the structure upside down, take the blue elements, and insert them into the red elements. According to the diagram, collect 6 rows of eighteen pieces of blue figures.

Now install a porthole on the rocket, in the next row place four white modules, fourteen blue ones. On the next two rows, mount thirteen blue figures and five white ones. Further, fourteen are blue, four are white, the rest are blue. Formation of the dome. It consists of 3 components, which are then connected.

The working process is as follows:

  • first row – 6 blue elements;
  • second – 5 of the same color;
  • third, fourth, fifth – 4, 3 and 2,
  • last row - 1 modular element in white.

Two other composite blanks are assembled in the same way and connected from above using one white module. Build paper wings from two blue shapes, insert the corner of one module into the edge of the other, as shown in the photo of this mk.

The basis. Mount it from sixteen red modules, inserting it in reverse. Here is an origami rocket in finished form:

You can play with the craft or present it, fold it like a construction set.

Ideas for folding rockets from modules:

Video: Assembling a 3D Orizami rocket from modules

Marina Topychkanova

Birds can't reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it quickly... (rocket)

Soon the Day astronautics. We are with the guys during direct educational activities (design) made a picture of how a rocket is sent to space, to explore the Moon. First, we discussed what we wanted to depict in our plot. Then, I suggested to the guys with the help origami make a rocket. Children love it very much design by folding paper.

1. First you need to make an accordion from a square.

2. Bend the upper corners to the line.

3. We assemble the rocket as shown in the photograph.

4. Trim the tips of the wings of the rocket.

5. Glue the portholes onto the rocket and the flame.

When the rocket was ready, the plot of the picture was supplemented with the help of colored paper. The moon was colored with a simple pencil and craters were drawn.

The guys were delighted with what happened and bragged about it to their parents in the evening.

At school and kindergarten, children are often given assignments to complete a craft on a specific topic. If there are a lot of ideas for spring and winter crafts, then find how to make a space themed craft it may not be that simple. Try making a space rocket with your child by following the step-by-step master class. Your son will like this original craft, as in the future he will be able to use it as a toy.

Quite often, crafts on the theme “Space” are needed for April 12, when Cosmonautics Day is celebrated all over the world. It was on this day that Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time on the Vostok spacecraft. If you make a rocket or a ship, you can name it the same as the first ship.

How to make a spaceship from cardboard rolls


- cardboard rolls

- office paper

- aluminium foil

- plastic glasses

- caps from plastic bottles

- glue stick

Colored paper

Cover your roll case with white paper to give it an attractive appearance. Also stick foil on the base to decorate the rocket. If there is no foil, color it with felt-tip pens.

From small rolls you need to make fuel tanks. Cover them with white paper too. To make tips for the tanks, use small white plastic cups. Carefully glue them to each tank. At your discretion, you can also cover fuel containers with foil or decorate them with felt-tip pens. After that, you can glue them to the body of your spaceship just like in the photo.

A beautiful rocket made from toilet paper rolls can be used to create Space themed arrangements. Your kids can easily make a spaceship with fuel tanks. You can try it and have an interesting time.