What kind of toy can you make out of a plastic cup? Simple crafts for the new year from plastic and paper dishes

New Year's time is the most wonderful. Every person on our planet is expecting its coming. Indeed, many people like the preparation for the New Year. And this is not surprising. We buy gifts, make up a holiday menu and choose outfits. In addition, we do not forget about creativity. For example, for the New Year, you can make a lot of beautiful crafts. And you can use completely different materials to create them. Ordinary plastic cups can be such material. It is worth noting that such material is not expensive. And it can be easily processed in any way. In general, plastic cups have many benefits. Therefore, creating crafts from them is a pleasure. Connect your children to this activity and have fun with them during the pre-holiday preparations.

Plastic cup craft ideas

Here we are talking about what can be made from plastic cups. And it's worth saying right away that there are many ideas here. And a large number of products are divided into a couple of groups:

  1. Crafts made from one or 2-3 cups.
  2. Crafts made from more blanks.

The first option includes the following crafts:

  • Birds and animals
  • Buckets, baskets and flowers,
  • Bells.

For the first group, small souvenir figures are characteristic, obtained if details from cardboard or paper are added to the glass. Such parts can also be created from plasticine, fabric and other materials.

The second group is characterized by huge crafts made from plastic cups. Such crafts can be called interior. A lot of plastic cups are used to create them. As a result, with a skillful approach, you can get:

  • Christmas trees,
  • Snowmen,
  • Balls and lamps for the home.

If we talk about the size of such products, then it can be from 30 to 40 cm. But this is not the limit. The peculiar "sculptures" that have the height of a person look very impressive.

There are two ways to work with cups:

  1. The cups are combined into a new craft.
  2. Crafts are obtained by deforming the cups, in particular, each container is cut.

It turns out there are many opportunities for creativity. You can combine several options. And you can also add or paint something. In general, as a result of these actions, extraordinary things should turn out.

What tools and materials will be required

If you decide to make beautiful crafts from plastic cups, then you should use:

  • Any color plastic cups,
  • Scissors and a stapler,
  • Plasticine and glue
  • Cloth and colored paper,
  • Paints with a brush,
  • Varnish and various decorative elements.

As you can see, there is nothing abstruse in this list. All materials are available. And if you often make something interesting, then, for sure, you already have all these materials.

Animals from plastic cups

So, now for you we will list do-it-yourself crafts from plastic cups. In addition to the description, you can see their photos. In general, take a close look at the following information. Surely you will be interested in this.

Small-sized children's crafts made from plastic cups look very interesting and beautiful. Children from plastic containers are happy to make, as a rule, animals, birds and even characters from a fairy tale. It is, of course, very easy to craft stylized beasts. If the cup has a certain color, and is not transparent, then it is supplemented with separate parts (beak, ears, nose and eyes) made of paper or other material. If the plastic cup is white or transparent, then it is easily painted in the desired color. And to fix the paint, a transparent varnish is used, which is applied to the container after the main layer of paint has dried. After applying clear varnish, the product will be more attractive.

We make flowers and baskets

We continue to list, within the framework of this publication, crafts from plastic cups for children. You will use scissors to create the following crafts. And the implementation of all work will be like this:

First, the glass is cut. This is done around the perimeter. In this case, the strips should have a width of 1-2 cm. You can immediately cut the glass into petals.

Your workpieces should have a slightly rounded shape. Therefore, they are twisted with scissors or a rod.

Now several elements are connected to each other in order to get a basket with a handle. And in order to get the flowers, the stems along with the leaves are added to the blanks.

Crafts that were created from colored plastic cups look very beautiful. And if there are none, then you can use those that are available. Finished crafts are decorated with beads, sparkles or beads.

Crafts for the New Year

Did you know that New Year's crafts from plastic cups also look incredibly interesting. And, just for this holiday, together with the kids, you can make both simple and complex options for crafts. Difficult options for crafts include huge figurines and unusual home decorations that will correspond to the New Year's theme. For the New Year, you can make:

  • Animals (symbol of the New Year),
  • Balls that glow
  • Christmas trees,
  • Snowmen,
  • Bells.

Crafts for the New Year can be small. It will not be difficult to install them even on a festive table. They are also suitable as a Christmas tree decoration or as a souvenir. They can also be huge and installed on the floor of the house.

How to make Christmas bells?

The simplest craft made from plastic cups is bells. Here, performance techniques can be completely varied. This could be:

  • Stained glass,
  • Decoupage,
  • Application,
  • Decorative painting.

Several techniques can be used at the same time to make bells. If your cups are transparent, then the pattern applied to their surface will look beautiful. It should be done with stained glass paints. They can be found in children's creativity kits. This pattern can be applied with glitter gel and even simple nail polish.

White cups are pasted over with pictures that must be cut from table napkins. Naturally, napkins will be needed with a New Year's pattern. The finished craft is varnished, and then decorated in the way you like. The above steps are the simplest type of decoupage.

A bell made in any technique can always be decorated with tinsel, which will be attached to its edge. A bow with a loop should be placed on top. It is for her that your bell will be hung. It is necessary to attach the "tongue" inside.


If you carefully read this article, you could notice that crafts made from plastic cups can be different. Indeed, this cheap material can be used to make decorations for the holiday and delightful gifts for loved ones. In general, feel free to use the ideas that are presented and add something of your own to them. Invite your children to this activity and get a great mood from it all together.

Plastic bottles are a material available in every home. If you haven’t figured out how to “use them” yet, the Maternity portal offers craft ideas for joint activities with your child!

A variety of things can be made from plastic bottles, from animals and toys to sports equipment, from delicate colors to lampshades and curtains.

Toys from plastic bottles

With the help of plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5 liters, you can design animal figures. Look, what a wonderful doggy came out of green bottles!

Try to simulate an airplane. You can glue the frame with colored paper and make portholes with passengers. Or just put your favorite toy in a special slot.

From a plastic bottle, cocktail tubes and a ping-pong ball, you can use a stapler to construct a helicopter.

A real "waterfowl" catamaran for dolls can be made from two plastic bottles.

A more complex craft using heating and melting structural parts looks just gorgeous. Look, it turned out to be a real Frog Princess!

By heating and melting plastic, you can make a naturalistic crayfish, and then "settle" it in an aquarium.

A series of colorful nesting dolls can be made from plastic bottles pasted over with colored self-adhesive paper. The second option is paints for glass surfaces.

From several bottles, movably fastened together with screws, you can get a bright and memorable snake or shark, as you like.

For a New Year theme, try making adorable, colorful penguins from the bottoms of plastic bottles. We cut them, put on a "hat" on the penguin, paint, add bright details: a pompom and a scarf.

If you need a Christmas-themed craft, try making an Orthodox church out of plastic bottles. It is easiest to mold the domes of the domes from plasticine, make the crosses from wire, and then wrap them in golden metallized paper. White edging of window openings on colored plastic gives a special elegance to the craft. They can be done using the "stroke" corrector, or a thin strip of white plasticine.

You can build a whole castle in a similar way. The plastic bottles will frame the four corner towers. Slots for windows or loopholes are made in them, on top they are coated with plasticine, on which the texture of brick and "white stone" decorations are applied. The walls of the castle are made of cardboard and also coated with plasticine. This impressive craft will surely bring a lot of joy to your child.


Children are interested in insects. Together with them, draw and cut out a beetle, butterfly, cockroach or caterpillar from a plastic bottle. They should love it!

If you approach the issue more carefully, then you can build an insect out of bottles in all the details.

Starry sky in a bottle

Inside an ordinary bottle, you can create a magical and fabulous galaxy. We need: cotton wool, glycerin, colored glitter and a little dye. We put a piece of cotton wool inside a transparent jar or bottle, add sparkles. Pour in a jar of glycerin to obtain a viscosity effect. Then we add food coloring. You can make several shades inside one container. But every time we add cotton wool and sparkles. Gently fill everything with water. We glue the bottle cap along the edge so that it is airtight.

Homemade flowers

From an ordinary green bottle, you can make a bunch of lilies of the valley in a vase. To do this, we cut the bottle according to the scheme. We put on large balls of foam plastic on thin twigs-stalks.

By cutting and melting the necks from plastic bottles, you can get gorgeous flowers.

With a certain skill, you can depict cacti and other indoor plants.

Want to add color to a dull winter landscape and plant fabulous plants right in the snow? Plastic bottles come in handy here too!

Asters can be made from colored plastic cups. To do this, we cut off the rounded edge, make cuts, wrap the edges of the cups and connect them according to the scheme.

Vases and stands

Using the lower parts of the plastic bottles, we model the flower vases. Such homemade vases are not inferior to real crystal ones!

Household crafts

We offer practical craftswomen to make crafts that are common in everyday life.
Make a nice stand for storing your needles. A perfect gift for mom or grandmother, easy to make and affordable even for a small child.

Schoolchildren and teenagers can delight mom or girlfriend with a unique mobile phone holder while charging. Such a useful hand-made, painted with stained glass paints according to your own sketch, will undoubtedly bring joy to your loved ones!

The hostess will always need a transparent container, in which it is easy to find the necessary thing. Such a storage box can be made by a boy as a gift to his mother. To do this, you need to cut the plastic bottle, walk along the future joints of the parts of the box with a heated awl, forming holes. It remains to connect the parts of the product with lacing or zipper.

If you're a schoolboy looking for a gift for your dad or brother, check out these homemade sports dumbbells. You will need several bottles, two wooden grip sticks, glue, duct tape, and regular sand. A cheerful and useful gift is provided!

It is easy to make a handy dustbin out of a plastic bottle with a handle.

Even house slippers can be made from a plastic bottle. This product looks unusual. But the question of convenience remains open.

A stand for jewelry and bijouterie can also be made from the bottoms of plastic bottles.

Interior details

You can surprise and amuse guests at a themed party by making wall compositions-heads from cans and plastic bottles.

Such delicate and graceful panels can be cut out of plastic from bottles that the audience can hardly guess what it is made of.

Using plastic bottles, you can create a lamp, night light or chandelier.

Or you can make a lampshade from plastic cups.

Using bottoms from transparent bottles, you can create original and stylish curtains.

Crafts for the New Year from plastic bottles and disposable cups

A Christmas tree made of disposable cups and tinsel can decorate your lobby or classroom.

Stylish Christmas bells are obtained from the top of the bottles.

Having painted the bottoms of the bottles made of bluish plastic, we create a round dance of snowflakes.

A plastic bottle can serve as a frame for a funny Santa Claus. We make the face of the New Year's grandfather from napkins or colored paper, hair and beard from cotton wool.

And such a snowman can be made by the whole group in kindergarten. Success at the New Year's crafts show is guaranteed!

Get charged with ideas and start creating! After all, there is still so much to do before the New Year!

Photo sources:

You have a lot of plastic dishes lying around at home and you don't know what to do with it? Our advice to you is, in no case throw it away, because from such an improvised material - seemingly rather primitive, you can create with your own hands some decorations for the house for the New Year holidays. Thus, you will save money and reveal yourself as a talented person. And the atmosphere of celebration in your home will take on a proper look. With such basic things, you will have a unique opportunity to show off your personality in front of guests and family. So, let's take a look at our article, which will provide you with 4 photos of ideas for beautiful crafts from disposable tableware for the New Year 2019 with your own hands made extremely quickly and easily. If you do not possess the skills of this skill, you can freely acquire them with the help of our master classes containing information that is easy to understand.

Snowman from a disposable cup

Snowmen are now being made with their own hands for the New Year 2019 from anything. Crafting from a disposable cup is considered another interesting idea.

This will require:

  • Disposable tableware - cups;
  • Colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Paints;
  • Brush;
  • The cloth.


  1. Since the cup is white, you do not need to repaint it. On its surface, you need to draw eyes, nose and mouth. For a toy made of fabric, you need to make a hat and a scarf. You can use glue to keep these products stronger.
  2. Hands, feet and buttons are best made of colored paper and glued to the surface. It turned out to be an excellent snowman for the New Year 2019, made with your own hands from disposable tableware. Such a craft is quite suitable for children, for self-production.

Video: master class for making a snowman from disposable cups

Herringbone made of plastic spoons

A simple master class will be interesting for both children and adults. The result is a beautiful Christmas tree craft made by hand for the New Year 2019 from disposable tableware. As you can see in the photo, its appearance looks more like a purchased toy than a self-made one.

This will require:

  • Plastic spoons;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scotch;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Brush;
  • Scissors;
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Decorations for the Christmas tree.


  1. You need to make a cone out of cardboard and fix it with tape. After that, the spoons should be painted green and allowed to dry. A handle must be cut from each product and the part with which it is eaten will be used for the Christmas tree. The cone itself should also be coated with acrylic paint.
  2. Then, using a glue gun, each spoon must be attached to the cone. This should be done until the whole Christmas tree is in green twigs. You can attach a finished star to the top, or you can make it yourself. And on the entire surface you need to glue bows, beads and other decorations. A wonderful Christmas tree is ready, which will look very beautiful in absolutely any place. When creating such a craft from disposable tableware for the New Year 2019, other instructions can also be used with your own hands, because there are many ways.

Disposable straw vase

You can make a beautiful vase from ordinary straws from juice or other drinks. It turns out a very beautiful craft for the New Year 2019, made by hand from disposable tableware. This is not just an unusual decoration for the home, but also useful, since you can put artificial flowers in this kind of vase. All this will perfectly decorate the room.

This will require:

  • Many colored disposable tubes;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Glue;
  • Decor.


  1. The top of the bottle needs to be cut off and you won't need it for this craft.
  2. The bottle must be pasted over with disposable tubes, alternating colors. When the work is over, the product will delight, because it has many bright colors. To decorate a do-it-yourself vase from disposable tableware, you can use various decor: ribbons, beads, rhinestones, etc. For the New Year 2019, such a product will become truly excellent and relevant, because the abundance of bright rainbow colors will greatly improve the mood of the whole environment.

Video: master class on making a vase from disposable tubes

Disposable Plates Decoration

If you are in doubt about what kind of crafts you need to make from disposable tableware for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in order to perfectly decorate your home, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our excellent idea, which we hope you will like. Such a decoration, made from disposable plates, can be hung both on the wall in your apartment and placed neatly on the chest of drawers as a decorative piece. If there is a desire and children, then it would be nice to present this product to the kindergarten in the form of a presentation.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • disposable plates;
  • glue;
  • gouache paints;
  • brushes;
  • decorative elements: cotton wool, rhinestones, sequins, bows and much more.

Work process:

  1. Think first what you want to create: either a snowman, or Santa Claus, or a deer. Everything is at your discretion.
  2. Take an easy-to-use brush and paint the image of the fairy-tale character you have presented of your choice with paints.
  3. Then decorate it, if necessary, with cotton, sparkles or something else. For example, you can refer to the ideas presented in the photo. A great option, quite funny and colorful. Make your wishes come true and get excellent crafts for the New Year 2019, made with your own hands from disposable tableware.


So you learned how you can create a variety of crafts from disposable tableware for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in an original and simple way. Transform your home elegantly and interestingly and the mistress of the coming year, the Yellow Earth Pig, will reward you with luck, prosperity and great happiness. Happy holiday, dear friends! All the best to you!

Snowman made of plastic cups - this is a great option for New Year's crafts. It can be done with kids who like to create toys with their own hands. It turns out to be quite large, so set aside a place for the snowman in advance.

DIY snowman from plastic cups

You will need 324 disposable cups to work. It is better to buy them in bulk, in separate packages. Of course, there is a risk that you will come across crumpled or defective dishes, but this will not affect the appearance of the craft. It is better to start work from the very bottom row. To create it, you will need 25 blanks. They are easily connected to each other with a stapler. All subsequent rows overlap and touch each other. This is necessary in order to obtain a solid structure, since a large number of elements burst during connection.

To create a craft, dishes with a small rim or without it at all are best suited, because it greatly slows down the work during stapling. The bottom row is created quickly, without much hassle. To create the head, you will need to squeeze the bottoms of the glasses. As a result, you will end up with a ball with a smaller radius than the torso. Now you need to attach the head to the body and start decorating. Fill one glass with any dense materials, make a scarf from a beautiful fabric, add stars and buttons to the craft. Make a nose for a snowman from glued red and white glasses and attach it to your head.

How do you like it. This fun craft will decorate your Christmas tree and give you a wonderful New Year's mood.

Snowman made of plastic cups step by step.

In order for the toy to be stable, the first row must be made just perfect. You should have an even hemisphere. Place the glasses in a circle, fixing them together with staple staples. The first row will take you 25 st. Place the following workpieces on top and fix with a stapler. For each subsequent row, less and less disposable tableware will be used.

The next ball should be smaller and rounder. Take 18 tbsp., Lay them out in a circle, repeat the whole process, as in the first case. Turn the base upside down, lay a few more rows, but do not do this completely. The second lump should be unfinished. There is no need to make 3 snowballs, as the craft will not be stable. After creating the necessary details, you can start decorating the craft.

How to make a snowman out of plastic cups.

Necessary materials:

Disposable glasses - 300 pcs.
- packing of staple clips

Stages of work:

All dishes must be the same, otherwise the joints will not converge. Remember that you can't make a ball out of just 6 squares. To work, you will need both 5 and 6 squares. You can lay an LED garland inside the craft. It will allow your snowman to glow at night. Place 25 glasses first in a circle, fasten them with paper clips. All cups should go slightly into the row. This is necessary in order to get a hemisphere.

You should not strive to make a perfect ball, since it is quite unstable. Lay the next rows. For the bottom ball, you will need to lay 7 rows. With each subsequent row, you will need less and less disposable tableware. The workpiece must remain open, since the next ball must be completed from above. To create the head, prepare 18 tbsp. The head will be smaller than the torso. Lay the elements in a circle until your head is formed. If you can't finish your head, don't worry, because you will need to put on a cap or hat on top.

Place a small ball on a large one and check the craft for stability. Fasten balls together, decorate your head, make eyes from plasticine or black fabric. The nose will turn out from red paper. Hang tinsel on top, insert a garland inside to make the toy glow at night. If you create a toy with three balls, then it will not be stable.

Consider and. This is a rather colorful and unusual doll. It will be an excellent option for interior decoration.

Craft a snowman from plastic cups.

To create this simple craft, you will need about 300 disposable glasses. You can fasten the elements together with glue or staple staples. To create sustainability, do not strive to make a perfect sphere. The lump should look more like a hemisphere. Lay out the parts in a circle, fasten with staples. The first row will take 25 st. The creation of the next row will take the same number of elements. But each subsequent row will contain less and less glasses. Attach them to the surface of the previous row with a stapler.

The next lump will turn out to be smaller. Take 18 cups, arrange them in a circle, repeat the whole process. Flip it over and lay a few more rows. It is not necessary to lay the parts until the very end. The second ball also does not need to be completed. The third ball should be discarded, because the craft will be unstable.

Consider the creation process. This is a great gift for the New Year holidays.

Do-it-yourself snowman from plastic cups photo:

Try more options like this.

Option number 1.

Necessary materials:

Hat and scarf
- snow or red cloth
- colored red or orange
- blue snow
- stapler
- disposable tableware

How to do:

The process of creating a craft is to connect disposable glasses with a stapler. First of all, take a glass and use a stapler to attach 6 more elements to it to create a flower shape. Attach the remaining glasses one at a time, gradually forming a ball. Use the same principle to create a second ball. For stapling, slide the stapler deep into the glass so it doesn't crack. Also connect the balls to each other with staples. Prepare a blue snowball, divide it into 2 parts, put in 2 glasses, create eyes for the snowman. Prepare orange or red paper, roll it up in a cone, put it in a glass to make a nose. Put red tinsel in a glass. This will create the mouth of the snowman.

Sock version.

Necessary materials:

Different color socks - 2 pcs.
- cereal for filling
- scissors
- beads and buttons
- orange pencil

Work process:

Take the first sock, cut off the top, sew on one side. You can also knit tightly with nylon thread. Fill it with cereals, sew on the second side. Tamp the groats well so that the craft is rounded. The created blank to the side, take the second sock. Cut off a piece, pull it over the workpiece. Pull slightly above the middle with a strong thread or a thin rope. Tuck the top of the second sock, make a collar. Sew a few buttons to the bottom. Sew the beads together immediately. Insert a piece of lead instead of the nose. Put on a hat made from the bottom of your sock. Decorate the hat with decorative elements.

Craft from light bulbs.

Light bulbs are a great base for making cute and funny snowmen. They just have the perfect shape for making Christmas toys. There are several options for crafts:

1. Coloring. Paint over the glass, paint the face with paints. You can also use a quality, waterproof marker. As a result, you will get a wonderful table souvenir. If you attach a loop, then the toy can be hung on the tree.
2. Coloring + complex decor. Paint over the light bulb with acrylic paint. Glue the hands made of paper, add clothes and buttons.
3. The head of the snowman. This is a fairly simple implementation. You just need to draw the faces and put on a hat.

If there are small children in the house, then it is better to refuse to create such a craft, since they can break glass and get hurt.

Craft as well. This is a great do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy.

For those who create a craft for the first time, we recommend viewing " snowman made of plastic cups video". Experienced needlewomen are happy to share their invaluable experience. You can view all the steps directly and repeat it all yourself with precision. You can watch the video several times until you understand all the nuances of the work.

DIY Christmas toys are what will surely create a festive comfort and a magical atmosphere in your home. It's a pleasure to create them, so invite your little kids to work. They will not only fasten the details, but also dress the snowman, make him a cute nose and eyes. By the way, you can make a snowman for kindergarten. The kids will be very glad to him!

Perhaps you cannot find a cheaper material for New Year's crafts than plastic dishes. You can use everything:

  • plates
  • cups
  • bottle
  • spoons and forks

Disposable plates and cups made of paper are suitable for crafts.

In this article, you will see photos of completely simple decorations for the interior of the house and toys for the Christmas tree made of plastic and paper dishes.

So what can you do from plastic and paper plates to make it simple, fast and at the same time unusual, bright and non-standard? Let's fantasize together!

First of all, cook it yourself plates, and also tools and materials that will be needed for work. Plates must be intact and clean. Any color can be. And from tools and materials you may find useful:

  • scissors
  • stapler
  • glue gun and glue sticks to it
  • felt-tip pens or markers
  • gouache or acrylic paints
  • glue like "Moment Crystal"
  • pVA glue
  • tassel

Let's start simple: let's do "Decoupage" of a plastic (or paper) plate ... Glue the top layer of a three (or two) napkin on a plate using PVA glue and a brush. When the napkin is completely dry, cover it with acrylic varnish. The New Year's plate is ready!

If you don't have a dark green paper plate, the white one can be easily painted with gouache or acrylic paint. Let it dry well and cut into three isosceles triangles. Glue the resulting pieces in the shape of a herringbone. From above, you can make a hole and tie the twine in the form of a loop. Such Christmas trees decorate curtains or wall. Do not forget that it is customary to decorate any Christmas tree. In our case, small beads, sequins or buttons will do.

We use the same technique - cut the plates into triangles. Now from the resulting triangles we will make flags... If you use colored plates, the garland of flags will be more elegant.

It is not necessary to paint the back of the plate, unless you are going to hang flags so that they will be visible from both sides.

White paper or plastic plates are not difficult to cut christmas angels ... See for yourself: a few cuts with scissors and the silhouette of an angel is already looming.

If you want to make the figure three-dimensional, look at another way: with a felt-tip pen, draw lines along which we cut out the wings and robe of an angel. Then we bend the lower part of the plate so that we get a "skirt" and fix it with a stapler.

Of course, from the plates you get lovely snowmen. It also doesn't take a lot of effort.

Plates can be easily stapled with a regular stapler or glued to hot glue. Several of these snowmen, hung around the apartment, will decorate your home and create

The plates are easily pierced with an awl or hole punch. Pass a strong twine or rope into the holes obtained and make with your children a garland of funny snowmen.

AND new year clock ? What, if not plastic or paper plates, can they be made of? Not sure where to get the dial numbers? Can be taken from children's sets of letters and numbers. Usually these are alphabets, where there are numbers. To make your "clock" also show the minutes, take two plates of different sizes and glue them together. On the outside, write nicely with a felt-tip pen the designation of the minutes, and on the inside plate, stick the numbers to indicate the hours.

If you can't find numbers anywhere, you just have to draw them on a plate. Make the arrows and the pendulum out of cardboard.

And how many merry New Year's "faces" can be made with the help of plates. First is Santa Claus.

And secondly and thirdly and…. everyone you think of yourself.

By the New Year, let them "settle" in the children's room with their son pirates.

Use small colored plastic (or paper) plates to make "Lollipops" ... They turn out to be elegant, they can be hung like a garland.

Christmas wreath made of paper or plastic plate even a child can do it. You just need to cut out the middle, paint the resulting rim in the desired color and glue the decorations.

Plastic (or paper) plates are easy to make "Fabulous" animals: Sivka-Burka, for example.

And the symbol of 2017 is young cock, is made of a half of a plate, a mug cut from the other half, two "eyes", several feathers and "palms" of colored paper.

If you don't know how to pack small gifts in an unusual and special way, also use plastic plates. It turns out the original bunny handbag... You can make a teddy bear bag in the same way.

Probably enough about the plates. Let's move on to another material for New Year's crafts- plastic cups... If you didn't manage to buy a snow globe, which symbolizes the arrival of winter and New Year's holidays, do something similar with your own hands.

Take a plastic lid or cut a circle out of cardboard (it is important that the size matches the diameter of the glass). Look at home for small figurines (usually found in chocolate eggs). Glue them to the lid with hot glue from a glue gun or with Moment glue. Pour grated polystyrene or small white beads, coconut flakes, broken eggshells, semolina around, finally! So the New Year's fairy tale has come to you! Place on a windowsill or small table. Believe me, it cheers up! Yes, you can also slightly moisten the side surfaces of the glass with water and sprinkle with a small amount of granulated sugar. Let dry, get a "snowy" glass.

Watch this video, maybe something will inspire you or give you a new idea how to decorate your house for the new year.

Maybe decide to do snowman made of plastic cups ... It turns out BIG and absolutely wonderful.

How can you do BIG SNOWMAN from plastic cups, see this video.

To make a flock of penguinsit is possible from bottles of different heights. You don't even need to cut the plastic. Just insert a rolled-up sheet of paper or a white plastic bag inside the bottle. And cut out the "black plumage" from black colored paper.

If you don’t throw away plastic bottles for a long time, then by the New Year you will be able to afford to make such one from the bottoms. For you can take a strong wire. And you will have to make holes in the plastic with a hot awl or a drill with a thin drill. It will turn out

Another option wreath of plastic bottles turns out to be very elegant. You can't even tell right away that this unusual wreath is made, practically, of rubbish. In this case, each bottom of the plastic bottle is cut out in the shape of a flower with sharp petals. All blanks are painted with gold paint from a spray can or other suitable for plastic. Collect the workpieces in a wreath on a strong (thick wire) using an awl or drill.

A simple Christmas tree garland can be decorated with plastic flowers. To do this, cut off the necks of plastic bottles, but do not throw away the corks. Drill holes in the plugs equal to the diameter of the mini-cartridges of the Christmas tree garland.

What else can be made from plastic bottles for the New Year? Of course, candlesticks.In this case, two bottoms from the bottles are used: one is larger, the other is smaller. Cuts were made in the plastic and the blanks were heated over an open flame. Then the cut and heated strips were bent in different directions. When the workpieces had cooled down, hot (or "Moment") glue was applied to the edges and sprinkled with glitter. A glass bowl with colored bath salt was prepared for the candle. Plastic candlesticks were placed in each other, and a bowl with a candle was placed inside. All is ready!

You can watch another way of making candlesticks from plastic in this video.

And in this video you will see wonderful New Year's crafts made from plastic spoons and forks.

That's all! Get ready for the holidays, decorate your home! After all, family happiness always comes to the house where it is expected!