When there are signs of pregnancy after conception. The main signs of conception. Increase in the level of hCG in the blood

Many girls are waiting for the onset of a happy conception, dreaming of a long-awaited child, so they constantly listen to their own feelings. In the first hours after conception, serious changes in organic activity already begin, which noticeably affects the well-being of the mother. When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception, and how to recognize them?

Each female body is individual, therefore, the signs of pregnancy are manifested differently. Some mothers wait so long for conception that they get hung up on pregnancy, in every dizziness and nausea, seeing a sign of a pregnancy that has finally happened, even when it is not. There are also women who do not even think about procreation, being in the dark until the delay of menstruation begins. And some, indeed, on a subconscious level, feel the onset of conception. When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception?

Fertilization occurs when the sperm is combined with the female ovum. Signs of pregnancy in the early days are difficult to recognize. Such manifestations can be subjective, therefore they go unnoticed. Each patient is distinguished by individual hormonal characteristics, therefore, the corresponding changes are different for everyone. Someone already from the first day feels the changes that have taken place, and some live their usual lives, not assuming about happy motherhood until two months.

If a woman is healthy and the development of pregnancy proceeds according to plan, then one or more signs appear already at 1 or second week after conception. But it must be taken into account that the first symptoms may appear only after egg implantation. Therefore, you can begin to recognize the symptoms of a possible pregnancy after 6 days from the day of ovulation and fertilization.

The first manifestations of conception

As mentioned above, the first symptoms of conception appear about 6-7 days, that is, already in the first week after fertilization. If you listen more closely to your own body, you can learn about pregnancy. First, the female body treats the fertilized female cell as a foreign, foreign body, and therefore tries to fight it. At the same time, the woman herself, immediately after conception, may experience all the delights of pregnancy, such as nausea and ailments, or may not feel anything at all until the delay occurs. But the bulk of pregnancy symptoms in the first days after conception can be observed around the sixth week. Often, the clinic is similar to a pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

The first days of pregnancy after conception, a woman can observe:

  • Tiredness and irritability;
  • An increase in temperature, due to the fact that the body, when pregnancy occurs, perceives it as a virus until it rebuilds in a new way;
  • Bleeding may occur after conception, about 6 days after conception;
  • Bleeding is often accompanied by pulling soreness in the uterus and spasms, which indicates the implantation of cells into the endometrial uterine layer;
  • Emotionality and excessive sentimentality, feelings of self-pity;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Sudden mood swings;
  • Tearfulness and irritability;
  • Unjustified aggressiveness;
  • Apathy.

According to such manifestations after conception, pregnancy can be determined. Such symptomatology occurs against the background of the activity of progesterone production. This hormone is essential for the maintenance and normal development of pregnancy. In addition, you can find out that fertilization has occurred by increasing the rectal temperature, which should normally decrease before the onset of menstruation. If it was possible to become pregnant, then the temperature indicators remain elevated.

Additional signs

Also, during pregnancy, an increase in milk-iron structures occurs, the nipples become painful and sensitive, which is due to the preparation of the breast for the upcoming lactation. The breast enlarges rapidly, it becomes hot to the touch, the color of the areola changes to a darker, brownish one. After how many days can you notice such symptoms? According to experts, such signs can appear already from the fifth day, after the onset of pregnancy. Such metamorphoses are due to hormonal changes in the body.

As pregnancy progresses, colostrum secretion begins, which is incredibly beneficial for the baby immediately after birth. On such grounds, a woman will be able to establish that the pregnant period of her life has begun. In parallel with the above symptoms, girls are often worried about migraine pains, also caused by hormonal changes. It seems that complex manifestations, similar to colds, food poisoning, problems with the work of the bladder, can begin.

I got a cold

Quite often, during pregnancy, pregnant women immediately begin to show symptoms that resemble colds or flu. The patient experiences similar symptoms a week or two after the days of conception have passed. Reorganization of organic activity and hormonal levels often lead to sudden dizziness and fainting. The pituitary gland begins to vigorously produce hormones, and the beginning of the period of pituitary activity leads to pressure drops and hyperthermia. If a woman has already suffered from pressure before conception, then in position she will definitely face similar problems. If you are concerned about severe migraine headaches, then it is recommended to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist regarding ways to relieve them.

In general, the onset period of pregnancy can declare itself with such "cold" symptoms as:

  1. Hyperthermia;
  2. Hot flashes followed by chills;
  3. General ailments and dizziness;
  4. Darkening in the eyes;
  5. Signs of shortness of breath;
  6. Severe headaches;
  7. Cough and rhinitis, sore throat;
  8. Pressure surges;
  9. Excessive sleepiness.

A runny nose and lethargy are associated with immune restructuring, because the egg is only in the endometrium, but has not yet become native to the body, so the immune system is trying to "overcome" it. Cold manifestations are the very first signs of pregnancy, since many patients encounter them as early as the second week after fertilization. If, when such symptoms occur, immediately contact a specialist, he will help to warn her, which will save the mother from the manifestations of preeclampsia and reduce the likely risks of complications when carrying a baby.

Digestive disorders

When the embryo grows into the uterine wall, large-scale restructuring of the hormonal sphere occurs, as has already been repeatedly mentioned above. The changed hormonal system provokes disturbances in the work of many organs, including in the structures of the gastrointestinal tract. The manifestation of such violations is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. At the same time, the girl is literally turned back by scents that could previously be among her favorites. Even the thought of certain foods can make you feel nauseous. Against the background of all this, taste priorities are clearly manifested. If this condition is supplemented by vomiting, then such a condition is easily mistaken for banal food poisoning.

There is no threat from such conditions if they are weakly expressed, because this is how protective intraorganic reactions manifest themselves. If early toxicosis leads to a worsening of the condition, then this is dangerous for the fetus, therefore, pronounced prolonged vomiting requires medical attention. But there is also a completely opposite picture, when a woman wakes up a brutal appetite, which can even scare her. Moreover, a characteristic sign of such an unbridled appetite is an acute desire to eat a certain dish or products, often incompatible with each other, for example, strawberries with herring, etc.

Changes in the bladder

Also, when pregnancy occurs after conception, frequent trips to the toilet become a characteristic sign. Usually, a similar sign declares itself about a couple of weeks after the conception happened. A similar sign has a twofold position, since the uterus begins to press on the urinary uterus only at the third stage of gestation. And the presence of such a symptom in early pregnancy is explained by the restructuring of the hormonal spheres of the body in a new way. Sometimes a pregnant woman can run to the toilet more than a dozen times.

At the same time, the excessive diuresis that manifests itself seriously increases the load on the renal structures, which begin to function in an enhanced mode, which is dangerous with inflammatory renal lesions. If the girl noticed an increased urge for no apparent reason, then it is necessary to visit a urologist. To facilitate kidney function, you need to reduce the load on the organ. To do this, it is better to give up drinking plenty of fluids, especially before bedtime. Also, to facilitate kidney work, it is worth removing spicy and highly salty dishes from the menu.

Emotional sphere

The process of conception is quite complicated, while fertilization takes place, while the egg is implanted into the endometrium - all this takes time. Manifestations can begin as early as the first hours after implantation. In addition to the symptoms described above, emotional imbalance can be attributed to the first manifestations. A woman may experience unmotivated outbursts of aggression, she feels annoyed and may even react inadequately to seemingly ordinary things. Such changes make one seriously think about the likely interesting situation.

But it should be borne in mind that emotional imbalance should be supplemented by other signs confirming conception. As a separate feature, such a manifestation is untenable.

Reliable diagnosis

With the slightest delay, conception can be determined using more reliable methods such as a pharmacy test or laboratory tests in a antenatal clinic. How to determine pregnancy?

  • If the choice fell on pharmacy strip-strips, then it is better to immediately purchase at least three tests, and ideally they should be from different manufacturers. Such tests have a special hormonal sensitivity to components in the urine of a pregnant woman, namely hCG, the hormone of pregnancy. This hormone appears about 10 days after conception, from this time it is advisable to conduct such a study.
  • A more reliable technique is considered to be ultrasound diagnostics carried out in the low-basal area. Pregnancy is determined by certain changes in the considered organic structures. Such a diagnosis can detect pregnancy from the first week after conception.
  • Also, an excellent diagnostic method is a laboratory blood test for a certain hormone - hCG. It is advisable to hand over such an analysis about a week and a half after conception.

Such techniques are considered the most reliable and almost error-free.

Why is pregnancy detection important?

The health of the future man depends on the time of diagnosis of conception. Indeed, if a woman does not know about the life growing in her, then she leads a normal life, which can include conditions dangerous for bearing, such as overload at work and frequent stress, antibiotic therapy or unhealthy food, alcohol or tobacco smoking.

Such factors affect the health of the fetus and the course of gestation extremely negatively. Therefore, the sooner the mother knows about the baby in the tummy, the sooner she will change her lifestyle and eradicate habits that are dangerous for the baby. Therefore, for the timely recognition of pregnancy, it is necessary to listen to the sensations and signals given by the body.

All women are interested in when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception, by what signals can one recognize the onset of an interesting position at the earliest possible date. It is quite problematic to make sure that a new life has been born before the delay begins. There are a number of symptoms of conception, both subjective and diagnosable. Information on how to correctly recognize them and not be deceived by false signs is detailed in this article.

The first signs of pregnancy, for the most part, are not very specific and largely coincide with the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Some of them may appear almost immediately, while others appear after a week or two.

The severity of symptoms depends solely on the characteristics of the organism. Each of them individually is not proof of a new situation, but their combination should certainly alert a woman. Those for whom PMS is uncharacteristic should pay attention to such symptoms of conception, which appear already in the first days, such as:

  • increased basal temperature and low-grade body temperature;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • sleep disturbances, insomnia, or, conversely, increased drowsiness;
  • change in libido;
  • tingling in the uterus, felt during the period of attachment of the ovum to its walls;
  • lower back pain;
  • increased appetite in general or cravings for certain individual foods that were previously absent in the daily diet;
  • nausea and heartburn;
  • allergic reactions not previously observed;
  • discharge of red or brown color, indicating that the embryo has attached to the uterus;
  • low blood pressure.

One of the main, and most importantly, reliably diagnosed, signs of conception is an increase in basal temperature. It is necessary to take measurements in the morning, immediately after sleep, since physical activity affects the value of this indicator.

Normally, the basal temperature is constantly changing in accordance with the phases of the cycle under the influence of hormones. After the end of menstruation, it should settle at a level between 36.5 ° C and 36.9 ° C, which makes the conditions for the maturation of the follicles optimal. On the eve of ovulation, there is a decrease, and then, with the release of the egg, a sharp, by 0.4 ° C or more, an increase in temperature. These indicators are not strict, each woman must independently find out what values \u200b\u200bare characteristic of her body.

Basal temperature rises due to an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone. In case of conception, he continues to work, keeping the basal temperature at over 37.0 ° C. If the fertilization of the egg does not occur, the production of estrogen increases, as a result of which the temperature before the onset of menstruation decreases.

Accordingly, if the expected decline does not occur, this is a significant reason to suspect pregnancy. Also, if fertilization has occurred, a third phase may appear on the graph reflecting the end of the period of functioning of the corpus luteum.

Implantation depression - a one-day decrease in basal temperature against the background of a persistent high level - is one of the most reliable signs of pregnancy that appear in the first days after conception. Caused by the release of estrogen that accompanies the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus.

Important: fluctuations in basal temperature are the earliest reliable signs of pregnancy. But in order to be able to establish the fact of conception by its increase, a woman needs to keep a diary of measurements and know the values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of her body on different days of the cycle.

How to recognize false signs

The question of whether a woman senses that conception has occurred is controversial. Doctors assure that this is impossible, however, many young mothers, based on intuition, are convinced of a change in their position even before medical confirmation.

Despite this, it must be remembered that all symptoms that occur before the onset of a delay in menstruation are unreliable. They may indicate not only pregnancy, but also cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases. Similar signs occur when the intestines are malfunctioning and urinary tract infections. The most common false symptoms are nausea, bleeding, and increased urination.

It is important to remember that no signs indicating that fertilization has occurred are 100% reliable, and do not attribute any deterioration in well-being to a possible pregnancy. In the event of ailments, it is necessary, first of all, to pay close attention to health.

In the first days after conception, the expectant mother can only rely on her own feelings. Neither a pharmacy test nor a laboratory blood test will give a reliable result, since the concentration of hormones is still too low. If the delay has not yet begun, and the characteristic symptoms are very pronounced, you can try using an electronic test with high sensitivity. A visit to a doctor will also not bring a definite answer. Although the gynecologist will note some increase and looseness of the uterus, it can be caused by other reasons.

The beginning of fetal development

The first days and weeks after the appearance of the zygote, when pregnancy has not even been established, are an important stage in the development of the embryo. After the fusion of the egg and sperm, the resulting fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes for several days. All this time, there is an active division of cells. From the fourth day, through embryogenesis, the main systems and organs of the unborn child are laid. Blastomeres begin to form - special cells responsible for the dissolution of the uterine mucosa and the attachment of the zygote to its wall, which occurs on the fifth day after fertilization.

On the sixth day, the concentration of the hormones hCG and progesterone increases, as a result, the woman's body temperature rises. The development of the embryo is still going on at the expense of its own resources. By the eighth to tenth days, the development of the fetal neural tube and the formation of the placenta begin. On the twelfth day, the child has already been provided with complete placental nutrition. This event is considered the moment of pregnancy.

Feelings of a pregnant woman

In addition to measurable and diagnosable signs of conception, in the first days a woman also has purely subjective sensations. In each organism, sensitivity to a new position is manifested by different factors. Most expectant mothers note:

  1. feeling of heat, followed by chills;
  2. feeling of a cold in the absence of respiratory symptoms;
  3. mood swings;
  4. an unpleasant feeling of heaviness caused by the activation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  5. a sharp change in sensitivity to odors;
  6. a persistent feeling of fullness in the bladder;
  7. discomfort in a sitting position;
  8. changes in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, their swelling, colostrum secretion.

Lifestyle changes

A woman planning a pregnancy needs to make a complete lifestyle change before conception. It is important to give up the use of alcohol and tobacco, eat right and observe the daily regimen, remember the benefits of walking in the fresh air and well-chosen physical activity. It is important to avoid stress and emotional strain.

You need to try to predict the possible start of pregnancy based on the changed sensations and not harm the child at the earliest stages of development. If there is a suspicion that conception has occurred, it is necessary to abandon the use of drugs that affect the development of the fetus, and also to exclude large doses of caffeine.

The immunity of a pregnant woman is lowered, and any infection is a threat to the unborn child, therefore it is recommended not to allow hypothermia and overheating, to minimize contact with sick people.

Pregnancy is one of the brightest and most memorable periods in the life of an expectant mother. When planning a pregnancy, women are often worried about the question, when do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception? It is rather difficult to answer this question, since the female body is individual and reacts differently to such an important event.

Some women who very much dream of a child almost the next day after unprotected intercourse begin to look for the first signs of pregnancy before the delay, while others may realize their position almost at 2 months of pregnancy or while the fetus is moving. Usually, the first signs of pregnancy are felt by women with increased intuition, but not infrequently it can be self-hypnosis, especially when conception is planned and the desire to have a child is very strong. More precisely, the fact of conception can be established by a woman who has given birth or by one who is very attentive to her body and notices the slightest changes in ego work.

Specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology are sure that early pregnancy signs before the delay do not appear earlier than 2 to 3 weeks after the fertilization of the egg with a sperm, but many women are sure that pregnancy can be suspected much earlier.

When to expect the first signs of pregnancy?

After fertilization of an egg with a sperm, visible physiological changes begin to occur in a woman's body, which can be suspected as early as 5-7 days after conception. In the gynecological practice of doctors, such a period is called subjective symptoms, when a woman is sure of the onset of pregnancy, but it is still impossible to confirm it, and doctors often consider the appearance of the first signs as the development of a disease that resembles the symptoms of pregnancy.

According to a number of studies, pregnancy symptoms will not be noticeable until the time when the embryo is implanted into the uterus, at least 7 to 10 days after conception. Embryo implantation occurs due to the entry into the blood of the expectant mother - chorionic gonadotropin, which stimulates the formation of the corpus luteum and promotes the production of the hormone - progesterone. It is progesterone that allows you to maintain pregnancy and is responsible for the implantation of an egg into the uterine cavity. After the conception of the fetus, a large number of hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, which contribute to the manifestation of signs of pregnancy. But until that period until the egg enters the uterine cavity, there will be no pregnancy symptoms.

Early signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy before the delay can be felt as early as 1 - 2 weeks after conception. Initially, they resemble premenstrual syndrome, when vaginal discharge appears pink or bloody. In obstetrics and gynecology, such discharge is called implantation. They indicate that the embryo has successfully penetrated into the uterine cavity and anchored to its wall. The discharge is insignificant and is often accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back. The implantation discharge lasts for several hours. If, after such discharge, no menstruation is observed for 1 to 3 days, this is a reason to think about a possible pregnancy.

Sometimes the female body is able to send signals much earlier than the egg enters the uterine cavity. Such signals can occur due to the work of the immune system, which initially perceives the egg as a foreign substance, which is why signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception may resemble a minor cold, increased irritability or fatigue. It is known that during pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases, which explains the appearance of minor disturbances in the well-being of the expectant mother. Although such ailments, women are rarely not associated with a possible pregnancy, while making a big mistake. The fact is that when a woman is unaware of pregnancy, but she develops symptoms of a cold, she begins to quickly recover, while taking various drugs that are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women and can interrupt the pregnancy itself.

Approximately 1 to 2 weeks after conception, an increased sensitivity of the mammary glands may appear. During this period, a woman's breasts, even at the slightest touch, cause certain discomfort. In addition, darkening of the skin in the nipple area or slight discharge is noted.

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen can also tell about the onset of pregnancy, and frequent urination also appears. Frequent urge to go to the toilet is associated with the fact that due to an increase in the amount of female hormones, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, the kidneys begin to work in an enhanced mode, which causes frequent urination. In addition to the main signs of early pregnancy before the delay, other symptoms may also appear, indicating the possible approach of motherhood:

  • heartburn, bloating;
  • increased basal temperature;
  • increased sleepiness;
  • tingling and throbbing in the uterus;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • aversion to certain smells;
  • discomfort in the lower back.

All of the above symptoms may indicate the birth of a new life. But it is important to note that this symptomatology is typical for many gynecological diseases, so do not hesitate to visit a gynecologist. Starting from 3 to 4 weeks after conception, the signs of pregnancy become more pronounced, toxicosis joins them, and menstruation is also absent. These symptoms are the main signs of pregnancy. In order not to doubt her suspicions, a woman can safely conduct a pregnancy test, and also consult a gynecologist, who, after a visual examination, will confirm or deny the pregnancy.

The first pregnancy symptoms in the first days after conception can sometimes be missed. Early signs of fertilization appear on different days of the menstrual cycle. Do they always indicate pregnancy? Your doubts will be best dispelled by a visit to the doctor. Before that, however, you can read what the most typical early signs look like.

Pregnancy symptoms in the first weeksit is not at all easy to discern. Some of them can also manifest themselves with a cold or poisoning, so women sometimes do not even suspect that they are expecting a child. However, if they really want to become mothers, they may, on the contrary, have a tendency to interpret the signs of any ailment - for example, the flu - as early pregnancy symptoms... Therefore, it is better to get reliable information on how you can find out that you are expecting a baby, and which manifestations are considered signs of pregnancy, and which do not indicate it.

May occur as early as about 10 days after fertilization... Suddenly, a woman becomes very nervous: at one moment she wants to jump for joy, at another she falls into despondency. There is an increased appetite or, on the contrary, you do not want to eat anything, there is a desire to curl up in a ball on the bed and hide from the whole world. Does this indicate pregnancy? Yes, it is likely.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the early days

Early pregnancy symptoms: everything annoys me

Mood swings are one of the earliest signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception. The reasons for the appearance of irritability, crying attacks and anger will initially be incomprehensible to you. However, when you think it doesn't have to be signs of PMS or fatigue, you start thinking it’s pregnancy. Perhaps, when you think about what you can expect to have a baby, your mental state will improve. The first symptoms of pregnancyassociated with mood swings are due to the action of progesterone. Although its role is very important (it not only contributes to the implantation of a fertilized embryo in the uterus, but also the correct course of pregnancy), a side effect of its action is a disturbance in the emotional balance of the expectant mother. Instead of fighting these mood swings, try to take care of yourself: allow yourself to relax after work, enjoy the moments with your family, do not overexert yourself.

Early pregnancy symptoms: I feel tired all the time

After conception, the body begins to prepare for the tremendous effort of preparing for childbirth, which is pregnancy. Feeling tired, another one of pregnancy symptoms in the early days, is associated precisely with the changes that occur in your body. Fatigue related to early pregnancy symptoms can be easily distinguished from everyday fatigue - in the first days of pregnancy sensations fatigue will be constant, it seems chronic, as it lasts much longer. This is also due to progesterone, which slows down digestion, causes nausea and lowers blood pressure. As in the case of mood swings, fatigue is difficult to fight, but one must try to provide the body with favorable conditions. Sleep is the best way to recover, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of taking a nap as soon as you realize you need it. Already in the second trimester of pregnancy, you will feel much better and even feel a surge of energy.

Early pregnancy symptoms: I have no appetite

You don't have to have a ravenous appetite. Yes, one of early signs of pregnancy there may be an increased appetite, but it does not always appear - you may just as well not feel hungry at all. Appetite is an individual matter, so don't think that if you don't eat for two, you are not pregnant. It is also often said that different kinds of dietary whims are related to the early symptoms of pregnancy. It is believed that women begin to eat pickles with pleasure, alternating with ice cream, which creates an addiction to flavors that they did not like before pregnancy. Research does not support how reliable this is. In every woman, these symptoms can manifest themselves to varying degrees, and the reason may be a decrease in gastric acidity during pregnancy.

Early pregnancy symptoms:

In the first days after fertilization, the breasts become edematous and tense. It becomes heavier, increases in size - this is due to the fact that the glandular cells, which later will contribute to milk production, also increase. The same happens with the volume of blood and lymph: blood flow increases, blood vessels expand and begin to shine through the thin skin. The vascular mesh will now be visible - this is one of the. The chest becomes sore, and the feeling of discomfort may be constantly bothering you - every touch causes pain.

Early pregnancy symptoms: absence of menstruation

Women who have irregular periods may not even know they are pregnant for several months. Lack of menstruation is one of the early pregnancy symptoms... However, options are also possible here, because sometimes after the attachment of the embryo, bleeding occurs in the uterus. Women can mistake it for their period (especially if there is no regular cycle). This bleeding is characterized by the fact that it is shorter than normal menstruation.

Early pregnancy symptoms: frequent trips to the toilet

The nausea and vomiting that can accompany you throughout the first trimester is one of the most recognizable symptoms of pregnancy. Gynecologists claim to be responsible for this, which the embryo produces. The malaise tires the expectant mother and significantly worsens her well-being. Therefore, it is worth using proven ways to get rid of morning (and not only) nausea. One of them is the use of ginger - its properties have been scientifically proven to relieve nausea. Ginger is an effective digestion optimizer for nausea, indigestion, flatulence, bowel problems and other digestive ailments. Ginger can be used naturally by adding fresh root to food or drinks, but care should be taken as it has warming properties. Safe option: there are drugs for pregnant women that contain a sufficient dose of ginger.

Frequent urination is a problem if present. This symptom usually appears after. The reason for this is the enlarging uterus, which begins to press on the internal organs and, in particular, on the bladder. This early sign of pregnancydisappears in the second trimester, so that, to the chagrin of expectant mothers, return in the third.

Early pregnancy symptoms: what can / should be happening?

Each of the early signs of pregnancy occurs to varying degrees in different women (for example, vomiting occurs every day in some women in the first trimester, while in others it does not occur at all), however, without a doubt, they can be attributed to symptoms that may indicate pregnancy ... The situation is different with implantation bleeding and implantation depression of basal temperature. Both occur approximately on the 10th day after fertilization. Such bleeding is often confused with

When a woman decides to become a mother, all her thoughts are aimed at ensuring that this magical event occurs as soon as possible. Moreover, you can learn about your "interesting position" long before the delay in menstruation. For most women, nonspecific pregnancy symptoms may appear as early as the first week or two after conception. Moreover, it is quite easy to recognize them. And we are not talking about nausea and vomiting, which are often passed off as the earliest signs of pregnancy. What then?

In this article, we will tell you about when the first symptoms begin, indicating the birth of a new life inside a woman, and how they can be recognized. Therefore, by studying our today's publication, you can find out about pregnancy in the first days after conception, even before you use the test to confirm your new position. Let's talk?

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception?

We all know from the lessons of anatomy at school that it takes from 12 to 24 hours to fertilize an egg after ovulation. If at this stage of conception did not occur, then the egg cell dies. After fertilization of the egg with a sperm, it begins its way to the uterus through the fallopian tube, while actively dividing, creating a placenta and an umbilical cord. After a week, the embryo that has reached the size of a pea will attach to the wall of the uterus. It is from this moment that some changes begin to occur in the woman's body.

So, signs of pregnancy on the next day after conception do not appear, and not even the third or fifth day, but only by the 20th day of the cycle, when the embryo safely reached the uterus and securely anchored on its wall.

What are the very first signs of pregnancy after conception?

There are especially early symptoms that indicate the birth of a new life within a woman. We will talk about them further.

Vaginal bleeding

Already 7-10 days after fertilization, the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, disrupting its integrity and causing minor bleeding. It can be easily confused with a lean period if you do not know some of the secrets. First, the implantation discharge is pinkish in color and quickly stops. Secondly, they are not accompanied by painful sensations. By the way, not all women have such vaginal bleeding.

Changes in well-being

About a week after conception, a woman may feel unusual fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, and apathy. At this stage, expectant mothers may be worried about headaches. The reason for these sensations is the increased production of pregnancy hormones, which from now on during all 9 months will affect the woman's body.

Chest pain

In the first week after conception, a woman may notice minor painful sensations in the mammary glands. At this stage, the breast enlarges and becomes more elastic. The nipples and areola darken and swell a little.


All women know about this sign of pregnancy. Therefore, when, 2 weeks after conception, nausea begins to bother, then this almost always indicates pregnancy.

Changing eating habits

Intolerance to certain foods, or, conversely, addiction to them also indicates the birth of a new life within a woman. Pregnancy hormones are the culprit for this change. The fact is that saliva at this moment changes its composition, so some products will have a different taste.

Increased basal temperature

If the expectant mother monitors her cycle, then a couple of days before the expected period, this factor can be noticed.

And of course, the most obvious sign of a pregnancy that has come is a delay in menstruation. However, sometimes the absence of a "red day of the calendar" can occur for a reason that has nothing to do with the expectation of a child. Quite often, menstruation does not occur due to heavy physical exertion, emotional stress. Another situation happens when vaginal bleeding is observed during all 9 months of pregnancy.

As you may have guessed, it is possible to determine exactly whether you are pregnant or not, only at an appointment with a gynecologist. If more than 4 weeks have passed after the estimated date of conception, and your period has not come, while during this period you have felt some changes in your health and well-being, we strongly recommend that you visit a antenatal clinic in the near future. We hope that the test result will be the way you want it.

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya