Abstract of an open lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group topic: "fabulous journey". Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group for the development of speech and the beginning of literacy

Material description: I offer you a synopsis on the development of speech and the beginning of literacy for children of the preparatory group on the topic "Synopsis in the preparatory group for the development of speech and the beginning of literacy on the topic:

“Here the kittens are acrobats,

Here clowns are kittens too. " This material will be useful for the educators of the preparatory group. This synopsis encourages to express on topics from personal experience, to develop the dialogical speech of children.

Abstract in the preparatory group for the development of speech and the beginning of literacy on the topic:

“Here are the kittens, acrobats,

Here are the clowns - kittens "

Tasks... Develop the dialogical speech of children. Encourage people to speak up about topics from personal experience. Enrich the dictionary with figurative words and expressions. To develop speech hearing, articulatory apparatus of children. Clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds with, c

Course of the lesson

Communication game:

Game "Good morning! ".

Children stand in two lines facing each other.

Invented by someone

Simple and wise.

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning. right hands put forward and rest their palms

Good morning! - left hands put forward and rest their palms

The sun and the birds. raise their hands up, reach out

Good morning! - wave with their right hand

Smiling faces. smile at each other.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting.

Good morning.

Lasts until the evening.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We will go to the circus and meet circus animals. And with whom exactly, you will find out if you guess the riddles.

(The teacher, after each answer, asks them why they think so)


1. I live in India,

I carry loads on myself,

I am huge

And a short, thin tail. (Elephant)

2. Striped and mustachioed

All animals are stronger in the taiga,

On the hunt, he sneaks

Along the night forest path. (Tiger)

3. Crochet tail,

The stigma with the heel. (Piggy)

4. Mokhnatenka, mustache,

Sits down - sings a song. (Cat)

5. Walks through the forest in the summer,

In winter, he rests in a den. (Bear)

As riddles are solved, guessing objects and cards with their names are put on the table. Each word is "read" 1-2 times

Drafting proposals:

And now I invite you to come up with sentences with the word CAT and TIGER.

Well done! We listen to the following task:

With the words: CIRCUS, THEATER, PARK, CINEMA, GOES, IN and using answers, you need to make beautiful sentences. (Children compose and read 2-3 sentences)

Guys, look at all the animals. I will tell you one secret, all these animals gathered from the theater of animals. Here's a riddle:

Here the kittens are acrobats

Here are the clowns - kittens.

Over the head-somersault,

So here is a cat ... (Circus)

Look at the board and find a card with the word CIRCUS.

How many of you have been to the circus? What can trained animals do? What did you like the most? (The statements of the children are heard)


And now we will also try to portray little animals.

Working with a tongue twister:

Sheep does not eat oats

And he is waiting with the grass of the senza.

A patter in a circle is read at a moderate pace, changing the strength of the voice. Repeat 3-4 times.

Ball game

We will play the game "Catch and Tell". I will throw the ball to you, and you have to catch and come up with words in s, c. Who will come up with more.

Sound analysis of words.

Now we will split into two teams. The first command will work with the word MOUSE, and the second - BEAR.

What is the first sound in widows?

What is 2,3, 4?

What is the difference between the words MISHKA and MUSHKA?

What is the stressed syllable in words?

Playing in the theater of animals

I suggest you play in the theater of animals. Agree among yourself who will be a trainer, and who will be an animal? And think about what numbers you can cook? And then in the afternoon we will watch the performances of circus animals.

On this wonderful note, our holiday came to an end. I will wait for your performances


Red rocker hung over the river / Russian folk riddles / Comp. Naumenko G.M. - Izhevsk: Udmurtia, 1989.


Objective: To improve the ability to answer questions using the skills of explanatory speech.


1. develop general speech skills (speech breathing, clarity of diction, intonational expressiveness of speech).

2. to form the grammatical structure of speech, to teach the use of diminutive-affectionate suffixes.

3. to form the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of the genitive case of nouns).

4. to form the grammatical structure of speech, to learn to form adverbs from adjectives.

5. to enrich vocabulary, to learn to choose antonyms.

6. to enrich the vocabulary, to learn to select the same root words for the given.

7. develop auditory attention, thinking, teach a coherent monologue (interpretation of the riddle).

New vocabulary


school, lesson, change, class, desk, classmates, students, teacher, portfolio, textbook, notebook, pencil case, pen,

pencil, brush, eraser, ruler, diary, excellent student, failing student.


learn, listen, observe, write, read, count, solve, ask, draw, practice, cook (lessons).


diligent, attentive, diligent, capable, lazy, neat, sloppy, responsible,

strict, demanding, kind, caring.


attentively, diligently, diligently, good, excellent, bad, dirty, skillful, beautiful.



Objectives: develop general speech skills (speech breathing, clarity of diction, intonational expressiveness of speech).


Grisha, Grisha, give me a knife.

You won't bring it back.

Give me a pencil, Grisha.

You won't give it back.

Grisha, Grisha, give me a rubber band.

You bite off half.

Grisha, Grisha, give me some ink.

You would run and buy.

S. Marshak

Game "Giants - Dwarfs"

Objectives: to form the grammatical structure of speech, to teach the use of diminutive-affectionate suffixes.

Game progress ... The teacher informs the children that everyone goes to school. Gnomes and giants also went to school.

For instance:

The giants have large portfolios, and the gnomes have small portfolios.

The giants have big books, and the gnomes have small books.

The giants have big pencils, and the gnomes have small ones ...

Giants have large notebooks, and gnomes have small ones ...

Giants have large rulers, and gnomes have small ...

Giants have big hands, and gnomes have small ...

Giants have big hands, and gnomes have small ones ...

The game "Confused"

Objectives: form the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of the genitive case of nouns).

The course of the game. The teacher introduces the children to the girl (a doll named Rasteyashka.

A confused woman always loses everything and always forgets something. Confused came to school. All the guys

they took out textbooks, but she doesn't have (what?) .... Children open notebooks, but Rustyashka doesn't have (what?) .... Everyone has a pencil case

a pen, but she doesn't have (what?) .... Children take out pencils, but she doesn't have (what?) .... What do you think, what else does not have


Game "How?"

Objectives: form the grammatical structure of speech, learn to form adverbs from adjectives

The course of the game. The teacher invites the children to finish the sentences by answering the question "how?"

The boy is a good student, he learns (how?) ... (good).

An attentive girl always listens (how?) ... (attentively).

Diligent students always do their homework (how?) ... (diligently).

Diligent guys learn (how?) ... (diligently).

Anyone who gets excellent grades learns (how?) ... (excellent).

Game "Say the other way around"

Objectives: enrich vocabulary, learn to select antonyms.

The course of the game. The teacher invites the children to continue the sentences with the opposite words.

Masha is a neat girl, and Sasha is ... (sloppy).

Lida is a diligent student, and Katya is ... [lazy).

Zhenya is fat, and Lena is ... (thin).

Vitya is strong, and Roma is ... (weak).

Kolya is brave, and Kostya is ... (cowardly).

Dasha is a good student, and Oleg is ... (bad).

Olesya has a new portfolio, and Ira has ... (old).

Game "Family"

Objectives: to enrich the vocabulary, to learn to select the same root words for the given.

The course of the game. The teacher invites the children to find relatives in the given words.

The words: school, book, teach.

Game "Collect the word"

Objectives: develop visual attention, improve reading skills and sound analysis of words.

The course of the game. The task is carried out in notebooks. The teacher invites the children to follow where the arrow leads, and

arrange letters in places. Children read what word came out and perform sound analysis.

Catch the Sound Game

Objectives : develop phonemic perception.

The course of the game. The teacher invites children to "catch the sound": children should clap their hands if there is this sound in the word, and

determine where it is (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word).

For instance:

Sound [s]: pencil, eraser, knapsack, class, brush, school, pencil, classmate.

Sound [h]: textbook, school, student, pen, notebook, brush, reading, pencil case, teacher.

Game "Who's Bigger?"

Objectives: develop visual attention, thinking, improve the skills of sound analysis and synthesis,

activate vocabulary.

The course of the game. The teacher puts the word in front of the children and offers to make up as many of the letters of this word as possible

new words.

K A R A N D A Sh I K

Poems for reading and memorizing


Don't bother your mom

Don't shake your grandmother:

“Please read it! Read it! "

Don't beg your sister:

"Well, read another page!"

No need to call, no need to wait

V. Berestov


Warmed by the soft sun

The forests are still dressed with foliage.

First graders have bouquets.

The day, though sad, but cheerful.

Are you sad: - Goodbye, summer!

And you rejoice;

Hello school!

V. Berestov

Seryozha went to first grade.

Don't joke with Seryozha!

Almost ten!

It's not a sin to such a wise man

Turn up your snub nose!

Somehow at the table to my father

And he asked the question:

Two pies here, dad, right?

And if you want - for a bet!

I can always prove

That there are not two, but three!

We count together: Here is ONE

And here are TWO, look!

ONE and TWO, - the son finished, -

There will be THREE!

Well done! - said the father, -

Indeed, three!

And so I'll take two,

take the third one!

B. Zakhoder


Yesterday only you were told - baby,

Sometimes they called him a prankster.

Today you are already sitting at your desk,

Everyone calls you - first grader!

Serious. Diligent. Indeed - a student!

Primer. Behind the page is the page.

And how many wonderful books are around ...

It's a great thing to study! ..

R. Farhadi


Objectives: develop auditory attention, thinking, teach a coherent monologue (interpretation of the riddle).

Game progress ... The teacher makes a riddle, the children guess. One of the guys explains its meaning. The rest complement.

Black Ivashka -

Wooden shirt,

Where the nose leads

He puts a note there.


A. Christmas

What kind of animal is this?

Walks up and down?

Stained nose in paint

Wooden long tail.


V. Danko

Little birds

Sat in a row

And the words are spoken. (Letters)

V. Fetisov

On the black field

Jump - jump -

A hare is walking. (The board had)

V. Kremnev

I'm ready to reveal my secret to anyone,

But you won't hear a word from her.


A. Kostakov

How boring, brothers,

Ride on someone else's back!

Who would give me a pair of legs,

I would have done a dance like that! ..

But you can't, I'm a school ... (satchel).

Text to retell


Katya had two green pencils. Lena has none.

So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil!

And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls come to school. Asks


Mom let me?

Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed something, but I didn't ask my brother.

Well, my brother allowed? - Lena asks the next day.

My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

I'm careful, - says Lena.

Look, - says Katya, - don't fix it, don't press hard ...

Lena looked at her and walked away. She didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her.

Well, what are you? Take it!

Don't, - Lena answers.

In the lesson, the teacher asks:

Why are you, Helen, blue leaves on the trees?

There is no green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

Lena is silent. And Katya blushed and said:

I gave it to her, but she doesn't take it.

The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.

According to V. Oseeva


Why did Lena ask Katya for a pencil?

What did Katya answer?

What happened the other day? On the third?

Why didn't Lena take the pencil?

What happened in the lesson?

Why did Katya blush?

What did the teacher say to the girls?

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group for the development of speech

Topic: "My family"

Purpose: fostering love and respect for family and friends, knowledge of their surname, name of parents, kind and pedigree.


To activate the children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family;

Improve dialogic and monologue speech;

Continue to develop the ability to conduct a coordinated dialogue between the teacher and the child;

Strengthen the ability to reconcile adjectives with nouns in gender and number;

To consolidate knowledge about the relationship of words;

To foster in children love and respect for their family members, a desire to express their feelings to loved ones.

Form an idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe family as people who live together;

foster a desire to take care of loved ones, develop a sense of pride in their family.

Material: albums with photographs of each child's family members; family coats of arms painted on a sheet of paper, rays, clouds, hearts, circles of red and black

Preliminary work : viewing family photo albums; photo conversation; children's stories about their family members; learning individual poems; working together with parents to compile a family tree; reading fiction.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time.

Dear Guys! I am glad to welcome you to our friendly circle. I am very pleased that you are in a good mood and I want you to stay in a good mood throughout the day! I invite you to join hands, look tenderly into each other's eyes and convey the warmth and kindness of feelings, the joy of our meeting!

- We close our eyes and imagine

We present ourselves here and now.

What happened yesterday, we forget

We only think about what is now.

Nice beautiful each of you,

You are the best there is

We open our eyes

Hello children!

Today we are all gathered together as one big friendly family.

What is family?(children say)
Father, mother and me,
And my little sister
That's our whole family:
- Well, what about grandmother?
- Well, what about grandfather?
What is family?
Father, mother and me,
Baba Zoya, baba Zina, grandfather Egor, Vasily
And my little sister
That's our whole family.

How to call these people in one word: dad, mom, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather? (Answers of children, relatives, relatives, close people).

Today we will talk about family and how to treat your closest people.

Introductory conversation.

Nobody knows how the first family came to be. Excavations in ancient caves show that men, women and children lived together in small groups. These primitive "families" were not like modern ones. Together, people kept fire and protected themselves from wild animals.

Then the way of life of people began to change. This is how families appeared, similar to those we see now. In them, the father brought food, and the mother took care of the house, husband and children. Together it was easier to protect and raise offspring, to manage the household. Growing up, children began to help their parents. This is approximately how responsibilities are distributed in the family now.

All living beings need a family. Because a newborn baby is one of the most helpless creatures. He must be fed and protected. And it's much easier for a family to do this.

Development of lexical and grammatical categories .

Do you know what family members are to each other? Let's check.

Let's play the game "Name your relatives"

Boy for dad and mom who?

A boy for grandparents?

A girl for dad and mom?

A girl for grandparents?

Dad for grandparents?

Mom for grandparents?

Who is the boy for the girl in the family?

Who is the girl for the boy in the family? (Answers of children).

Well done, you are well versed in family relations.

Each family has close and dear people.

Didactic game "Pick up the signs"

And what are they, dear and dear to us people? Tell us about your relatives, what are they like?

Look who is this? (slides - photos)

Find as many words as possible that will tell you about mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, etc.

Mom (what kind?) - kind, beautiful, patient, affectionate, gentle, smart, demanding:

What can mom do? (sew, cook, wash, wash)

Dad is strict, smart, strong:

And what can dad do? (tinkering, sawing, digging, vacuuming)

Grandmother is old, kind, sympathetic, affectionate, benevolent, gray-haired:

Grandfather - old, wise, gray-haired:

Sister - cheerful, perky, restless, older, younger, small, big:

Brother - strong, weak, small, big, older, younger, mobile:

Conversation from photographs.

The teacher picks up an album with photographs and reads a poem:

There is any family album in the house,

As in a mirror, we are reflected in it.

Even if we are not always beautiful

But these photos are true.

The album is kept in our house,

Family pictures are stored in the album.

Each of you has a family album. And usually photos of the most important family members are placed on the first page. Who do you think? (Grandmothers and grandfathers.) Then photographs of moms, dads, children.

Every family has photographs that capture the moments of your life. Someone keeps them in these (shows) albums, someone on their computer ... let's take a look at your family album. Tell about your family.(stories of 3-4 children according to the mnemonic table)

Folk wisdom says: "Treasure is not needed when there is peace in the family." How do you understand it? In which family is the treasure? And in what way? What is "fret"? (The ability to get along with oneself and with people is the most valuable quality in a person.)

Now let's play the game "What is your family" (children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other, naming words.)

(These compliments are arranged in the form of rays attached to a yellow circle of paper.)












What do you think destroys a family?

(The word is attached in the form of clouds cut out of paper that cover the sun.)

Quarrels, resentments





wrong deeds

A game “Joy or grief? "

The family loves you, takes care of you. And your actions can please or upset people close to you.

I have two mugs: red and black. Which one do you think denotes joy (red, and which sadness (black?)

Now I will distribute circles to you and we will play: I name the deed, and with the help of the circle you show whether this act will please or upset your loved ones.

You ate all the porridge for breakfast

You got into a fight with a friend

Scattered all the toys around the room

Helped mom wash the dishes

Rude to grandmother

Drew and gave dad a beautiful drawing

Before going to bed, we wished everyone "good night"

Tore up a new book

Behaved well in kindergarten

I see that you know what actions can upset your loved ones. And I hope that from now on you will only do good deeds.

Relaxation. I am very glad that each of you has a home where you are loved, expected, taken care of, and come to the rescue. You guys should also appreciate your loved ones, try to never upset, but help them.

There are red and blue hearts on the table, select one heart at a time. If you liked the lesson and you think that you have coped with all the tasks, take the red heart, and if you think that it was difficult for you or you did not understand something, take it blue and go to the balls. (Answers of children for the choice of hearts)

The result of the lesson.

I wish you that your family will always have peace, friendship, respect, love for each other.

Abstract of an open lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group

Rodionova Svetlana Valerievna educator MADOU No. 21 "Iskorka", Berdsk

Description: This development is designed for children of the preparatory group and is intended for educators of preschool educational institutions.

Topic of the week: Russia is my homeland.

Purpose: The development of speech through the enrichment of the natural history dictionary.
Cognitive development:
Clarify with the children the names of the animals of the north;
To consolidate knowledge of their external signs, their structure, what they eat, characteristic habits;
Teach children to know the family members of the animal.
Speech development:
Improve dialogical and monologue forms of speech;
Learn to form complex adjectives, nouns with suf-fixes -isch-, possessive, adjectives.
Social and communicative development:
Foster curiosity;
To foster the desire to study the animals of the north;
To foster respect for animals.
Physical development:
Promote the formation of the musculoskeletal system;
Develop balance function and coordination abilities;

Vocabulary work:
research work,
Red Book,
reindeer moss,
fusiform body,

an envelope with an invitation,
pilot's helmet,
musical accompaniment "Somewhere in this world", "Blizzard, blizzard, wind",
illustrations with images of animals of the north, fox tracks,
artistic word (poems by S.A. Vasiliev),
lingonberry drink.

The course of educational activities

(Children come in, say hello)

Educator: Guys, this morning I came to work in kindergarten and on watch I saw an envelope (showing)... I asked who it was addressed to: D / garden "Iskorka", the group "Pochemuchki". Signed: Animals of the North. Do you want to know what the animals of the north are writing to us?
Children: Yes, we want
Educator: Here's what they write:
“Dear guys of the Pochemuchki group!
We invite you on a tour of the North Pole. See how we live. Dress warmly. Waiting for you. Animals of the north. "

Educator: The North is the part of the world where snow lies almost all year round, the seas are covered with thick ice, strong winds blow, and blizzards are sweeping.
Are you willing to visit the North Pole? Are you not afraid of winds, blizzards, cold weather?
Children: No, we are not afraid.
Educator: Have you guys ever had to travel? (Yes, I had to)
Educator: What is travel?
Children: Go somewhere.
Educator: What can you travel on?
Children: By train, on foot, by boat.
Educator: Where and on what have you traveled?
Children: By car in Altai, skiing in the forest ...
Educator: What do you think you can use to travel across the North Pole?
Children: on deer, on a snowmobile….
Educator: Let's look at the globe (showing). This is where the North Pole is. There is an ocean around the North Pole, so you can get to it by plane or icebreaker. People at the North Pole do not live permanently, they carry out research work, study the climate, the life of animals.
Do you know what animals live there?
Children: Animals live there: polar bears, walruses, seals, reindeer, polar foxes, white wolves and others. (The educator complements)
Educator: So, first we will fly by plane, and then we will go skiing.
Since it is winter all year round at the North Pole, what do we need to do?
Children: We need to dress warmly.
Educator: Right, you need to dress warmly. Let's pretend we are dressing and show how we do it. (Imitation).
Educator: In order not to fall through the snow, we will take our skis with us. (Present)
Educator: So we dressed warmly, and now we can go north. We have already decided that we will fly by plane first. The one who calls the northern word will board the plane.
Children: Blizzard, wind, blizzard, cold, ice, ice floe, deer, snow, high fur boots, felt boots….
Educator: Well done, everyone correctly named the words, and now you can go. (We go to the music "Somewhere in this world ...")
So we flew to the North Pole. Get off the plane. (The wind is blowing, the blizzard is music).
Wind, snow and ice -
Don't dream of warmth.

Who lives there
On the cold ground?
Walrus, arctic fox and seal
They love the windy land
White bear, deer -
For them, the north is like paradise.
So we ended up in the north. Let's put on our skis right away so we don't fall through the snow. (Imitation of dressing).
Let's all follow each other, follow me. (Simulated skiing).
And here is the first inhabitant of the north. Big beast, beast of prey, strong beast! Who is it?
Children: Polar bear.

Educator: Among the predatory animals of the North, the largest is he - the polar bear. Look at him. How does he move?
Children: He walks on his paws, clumsily.
Educator: The bear has thick legs. How can you say about him what he is?
Children: Fat bear
Educator: What else can you say about paws?
Children: The bear has wide paws.
Educator: So, what kind of bear?
Children: Wide-footed
Educator: Look at the body. What is it covered with?
Children: It is covered with white long hair.
Educator: What about the bear?
Children: Longhaired bear
Educator: The bear has a slender body, an elongated neck, and an elongated head. A thick layer of subcutaneous fat and thick hair for what a bear?
Children: Protect from cold, it can stay in water for a long time.
Educator: That's right, well done. Pay attention to the ears of the bear. What are they?
Children: Ears are short.
Educator: How can you call a bear differently?
Children: Short-eared (repeat)
Educator: The soles of the paws are covered with long, hard hairs, so it does not slip on ice floes. The white coat makes it invisible. The polar bear has a very delicate instinct - it detects food under a thick layer of snow. What do you guys think the bear eats?
Children: He eats fish, hunts seals, walruses.
Educator: Since a polar bear is a large predatory animal, what can you say about its paws?
He has not paws, but ... (paws),
He has claws, and ... (claws).
(Children repeat)
So we met the first inhabitant of the north. Let's go further. All follow me on skis on one track, one after another. (We go skiing further).
And here is another inhabitant of the north. Who is this?
Children: This is a walrus.
Educator: That's right, it's a walrus.
Tell me guys, who doesn't know
The walrus that lives by the cold water?
The Red Book protects him,
His home is where ice reigns.
Educator: The walrus is an animal that is listed in the Red Book. It is forbidden to hunt him.
What other animals of the North, listed in the Red Book, do you know?
Children: Seals, polar bears, arctic foxes are also listed in the Red Book ...
Educator: The walrus is also a big animal. See what the walrus has.
Children:The walrus has a torso, a head, a thick neck, long fangs, wide flippers, and a mustache.
Educator: How can you name a walrus if it has a long mustache?
Children: Long-wattled walrus (rep 2-3r).
Educator: And if a walrus has a thick neck, then what can you call it?
Children: (Long-necked), thick-necked walrus.
Educator: How can you call a walrus if he has wide fins?
Children: Broad-leaved walrus
Educator: How can you say about a walrus, if he has long fangs, what is he like?
Children: Long-tailed walrus.
Educator: That's right, well done.
The walrus skin is covered with sparse, coarse hairs, and the fins help to swim and dive. It does not freeze in ice water, as it saves a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. Walruses can sleep not only on the shore, but also in the sea. During sleep, they do not drown in water. Walruses don't see well, but they have a good sense of smell. They recognize by the smell of an approaching danger. How do you think they eat?
Children: Walruses feed on fish, worms, crustaceans.
Educator: A walrus gives birth to one cub. Let's name the members of the walrus family with you.
Children: Mom is a walrus, dad is a walrus, a cub is a walrus (repeat 2-3 r.).
Educator: That's right, well done.
Here we met with the second animal of the north. It's time to move on. We all follow each other, we do not lag behind.
Here we see another animal of the north. Who is he?

Children: This is a deer.
Educator: That's right, it's a reindeer. Wild reindeer are well adapted to the harsh living conditions. Look at the deer, at its head, it is elongated. What can you call the head of a deer?
Children: Deer head.
Educator: That's right, deer head. What's on his head?
Children: Long horns.
Educator: What is another name for the antlers of a deer?
Children: Deer horns.
Educator: The body is covered with hair. It protects the deer from the cold. Especially long hair on the neck.
Educator: The reindeer has strong legs. On the feet are hooves. How else can you say about the hooves of a deer?
Children: Deer hooves.
Educator: Deer accumulate fat by winter. This helps them withstand severe frosts. In frosty weather, they huddle in dense herds. The deer gives birth to one cub, which can already run on the same day. What is another name for the deer family?
Children: Deer family.
Educator: Name the members of the reindeer family.
Children: Dad is a deer, mom is a deer, the cub is a deer.
Educator: Well done, they named everyone correctly.
What do reindeer eat?
Children: Moss, grass.
Educator: That's right, lichen, reindeer lichen. In summer, it feeds on all possible grasses, mushrooms, willow and birch shoots.
Let's go further. We follow me on skis, one after another.
Here I see another animal of the north. Who is this?
Children: It's a seal.
Educator: Correctly said, this is a seal.
Head and tail, instead of paws - fins,
He is lazy on the ice and agile in water,
Children call him - "seals".
This is a seal frolicking near an ice floe.
Educator: Seals are well adapted to life in the water. They have a fusiform body (repeat 2-3r.), A short neck. They spend most of their time in the water, move quickly in it and dive dexterously. Look at the seal. What does he have instead of legs?
Children: Fins.
Educator: Right, fins, not flippers. What is another name for the fins of a seal?
Children: Seal fins (2-3 p. Repeat).
Educator: The front fins are instead of oars, and the rear fins are like the steering wheel. The body is covered with hair, consisting of short, coarse hairs. If a seal is an aquatic animal, what do you think it feeds on?
Children: The seal feeds on fish.
Educator: That's right, he eats fish, various marine animals.
Name the members of the seal family.
Children: Mom is a seal, dad is a seal, the cub is a squirrel.
Educator: Why do you think baby seals are called seals?
Children: Because they are white.
Educator: Correctly. Why do you think they need a white color?
Children: In order to be invisible to predators.
Educator: That's right, because the mother comes to the cub once a day to feed him with milk. How else can you call a family of seals?
Children: Seal family.
Educator: What saves the seals from the cold?
Children: Thick skin and a thick layer of fat save you from the cold.
Educator: That's right, well done!
We follow on. And here is another animal that I barely noticed in the snow. Why do you think?
Children: Because it is white and cannot be seen in the snow.
Educator: Right. Do you guys know what this animal of the Far North is? This is a polar fox. Who does he look like?
Nimble little animal
Lives in the harsh North.
His fur shines like silk,
Like the color of a shiny cover.
Educator: Who does the Arctic fox look like?
Children: He looks like a fox.
Educator: That's right, on a fox, but in size it is slightly smaller. Arctic foxes are white and blue. The muzzle is elongated like a fox. How can you say about the Arctic fox's face?
Children: Arctic fox muzzle.
Educator: The polar fox's teeth are sharp. What can you say about him, what arctic fox?
Children: Sharp-toothed.
Educator: Look at the fur of the arctic fox. It is thick and fluffy. The Arctic fox's tail is also beautiful. How can you name the Arctic fox's tail differently?
Children: Arctic fox tail.
Educator: Right, polar fox tail.
The soles of the paws are covered with a brush of coarse hair, this prevents frostbite when moving on snow and ice. The ears of the arctic fox are rounded, short. They almost hide in the wool, In the summer they feed on voles, eat eggs of chicks, adult partridges. They also feed on crabs and sea urchins on the shore.
Now I suggest you guys play a game "Arctic fox tracks" (explaining the rules).
(The first child takes the first "track", takes the position of "standing, legs apart." to the next "trail", etc.)
Educator: Let's all play one after the other in "Arctic Fox Tracks". (Kids are playing).
Well done, everyone deftly jumped in the tracks. Did you guys like the game?
Children: Yes, I like.
Educator: This concludes our tour of the Far North. And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Something got windy, a blizzard rose (music is quiet). In order not to freeze, we return to the plane on which we flew here. He will take us back to kindergarten (music "Somewhere in this world ...)

Name: Summary of the lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group "On a visit to the penguin Lo-lo"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, speech development, Preparatory group

Position: educator
Place of work: MADOU DSKV "Solnyshko"
Location: Pokachi, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group for school "On a visit to the penguin Lo-lo".


Expand the stock of synonyms, ambiguous words, exercise in the selection of antonyms;

Exercise in the formation of possessive adjectives, plural nouns;

Develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme, intonational expressiveness of speech;

- teaches to build different types of statements on one topic, to see their features;

Reinforce the understanding of the structure of the narrative.

Material:ice floes, toy penguin, pictures with images of animals.

Course of the lesson:

Educator. Children, let's guess the word hidden here by the first sounds in the name of the pictures. (Antarctica). What it is? Who lives there?

We received a letter from distant Antarctica.

“Hello dear guys! The penguin Lo-lo is writing to you. I invite you to visit. And ice floes will help you get to Antarctica. Waiting for you".

The path is not easy, but the little penguin paved it for us with the help of ice floes. But the ice floes are not simple, but with tasks. By completing them. We can get on a visit to Lo-lo.

1 piece of ice.

Game "Name it differently"

Smart - quick-witted, quick-witted.

Brave - brave, brave, courageous.

Fast - nimble, dexterous, agile.

Cheerful - funny, joyful, mischievous.

2 pieces of ice. Game "On the contrary"

Weak - strong, rude - polite, sloppy - neat, sick - healthy, greedy - generous, cowardly - bold, sad - cheerful.

3 pieces of ice.

Exercise "What are we talking about?"

Penguin - beach, scream, beak, friend, foe.

Penguin - egg, feather, nest, sea.

Penguins - eyes, feathers, friends, rocks.

4 piece of ice... And on it are pictures with images of animals living and not living in Antarctica. Who is not in Antarctica? (lions, elephants, hares, tigers).

The tiger has fast legs, so it is ... .. (quick-footed).

The lion has sharp teeth, so he ... .. (sharp-toothed).

The fox has a long tail, so it is…. (long-tailed).

The hare has big eyes, so he is…. (big-eyed).

Physical minute.

Three penguins walked home (children waddle in place)

Daddy was big - big (raise your hands above your head)

Mom with him is shorter (arms at chest level)

And son, baby just, he was very small (squat)

He walked with rattles, dzin-dzin, dzin-dzin. (imitate playing rattles)

The howling of the wind, blizzards, blizzards sounds.

Hear the blizzard howl. This means we are very close to Antarctica.

5 piece of ice. The blizzard walked on this piece of ice and mixed up all the leaves in the book. You need to find where the beginning is, where is the middle, where is the end.

"It happened at the very edge of the earth, where snow lies all year round, and sparkling ice floes float in the cold ocean." (Start)

“Suddenly, out of nowhere, a leopard seal appeared. The little penguin got scared and ran away ”(middle).

"In the distant cold Antarctica there lived a little penguin" (beginning).

“This is how the animals helped the little penguin. And the kid was happy that he had found many new friends ”(end).

"And the little penguin began to live, live and remember friends" (end).

And here is Antarctica. Guys, I think Lo-lo will be very pleased if we give him a small gift made with our own hands. (making a frame for a photo with a penguin)

Lo-lo is very pleased and says that he has never had so many friends.