Beautiful ideas for tattoos. Different styles of tattoos: how to choose yours

Tattooing is an ancient cultural phenomenon that dates back to primitive times. In those distant years, our ancestors actively decorated their bodies with symbolic drawings, which had a special meaning, were an element of intimidation of the enemy, a symbol of primitive clans, and so on.

Many drawings of those times are reflected in modern body art, which includes a variety of stylistic trends.

The history of tattooing in Europe is somewhat obscure. Each language of the European group had its own word for wearable drawings. For example, the inhabitants of Holland called the tattoo "drawing by pricking." The Russian word "nakolka" also has a completely unambiguous meaning.

In English, a phrase was used in relation to a tattoo, meaning "painted with a dotted line", which hints at the technique of applying tattoos in those days.

The discovery of a new continent, where local civilizations actively used body painting for self-expression and ritual practices, gave impetus to the emerging culture of body art. Initially, the word "tattoo" was used only in relation to the drawings applied by the inhabitants of Tahiti. After the travels of the navigator Cook, the term "tattoo" spread throughout Europe and was imprinted in contrast in the culture of that time.

In the middle of the 19th century, the term "tattoo" was first used in the scientific community. After that, the word spread throughout the civilized world.

On the territory of modern Russia, tattoos existed in the days of the ancient Russians. Some evidence from the 10th century suggests that our pagan ancestors adorned themselves with beautiful tattoos. Unfortunately, there is little such evidence, and it is impossible to say how popular tattoos were in Russia at that time. However, the beginning of the 20th century was marked by the revival of tattoo culture. Such drawings were popular among sailors - people who, like no one else, were in close contact with other cultures. Also an important impetus to the development of underwear art was the criminalization of society of that time, the dominance of the thieves' culture and other phenomena of the prison environment. During the Soviet Union, tattoos could also be found among the army. Some tattoos were politically motivated and adorned the bodies of the relevant figures, oppositionists and rebels.

Nowadays, tattoo culture is gaining momentum in popularity not only in Russia, but throughout the world. A dozen years ago, underwear drawing was the lot of informals and romantics. Today, a variety of pictures can decorate the pumped-up body of a marketing director, designer, or even a public businessman. Moreover, these drawings are far from always small and inconspicuous.

Inscriptions, symbols, patterns and full-fledged paintings today cover the bodies of a wide variety of people from various social strata. Today, a tattoo has become one of the brightest ways of self-identification and expression of one's inner world. Guys with cuffed sleeves and girls with elegant patterns on their hips have adorned our society with their authenticity.

Paints and pigments

Tattooing is the process of applying ink under the skin with a special machine with a built-in needle. Quality depends not only on the skill of the artist and the availability of expensive equipment.

An important factor is the properties of the paint itself.

Tattoo ink is a special pigment that, upon contact with the skin, acquires a certain color and retains the brightness of the pattern. A large percentage of tattoo inks on the market have a base that allows you to mix different inks and get new shades.

Some tattoo artists do not use popular professional inks, preferring to create their own pigments. As a rule, this happens when the artist places high demands on the purity and dispersion of the product.

In not so distant times, when chemistry as a science was not yet developed enough, paints based on plant components were used for tattooing. Of course, such pigments caused a number of unpleasant consequences, including allergic reactions. In addition, the colors of that time quickly faded.

But nowadays things are completely different. Modern paints are produced on high-precision equipment. The product is carefully processed and cleaned. Most modern paints in their composition have components that help accelerate the healing of injured skin.

Tattoo inks can be divided into price categories. Some are affordable and some are expensive. The latter are mainly represented by products containing surgical plastic microgranules. A tattoo stuffed with such ink will retain its original color for many years.

However, in recent years, organic-based paints have been increasingly used. The technology of mineral pigments allows you to maintain the clarity of the pattern and minimize the likelihood that the tattoo will "float". Organic inks are typically used for micropigmentation.

Tattoo in the religions of the world

World religions differently interpret such a cultural phenomenon as a tattoo. Consider the most interesting facts in this direction.

Types of tattoo

All tattoos can be globally divided into 2 types - temporary and permanent. With the second, everything is clear - they can be removed only with the help of special, far from the most pleasant procedures. Temporary tattoos, on the other hand, are a great alternative to traditional body art, as over time such designs fade and completely disappear. Let's talk about them.

Temporary tattoos are the choice for those who are not yet ready for more brutal experiments with their bodies. If you decide to make a permanent tattoo, but have not yet decided on the place of application or a sketch, then it makes sense to think about applying a temporary drawing. So you can pre-evaluate whether you like the selected picture, inscription or symbolism. In addition, you will experience first hand what it is like to have a tattoo. If suddenly you don’t like it, just remove the temporary tattoo and forget about it. If, on the contrary, you like how you look with a temporary tattoo, then you can safely choose a sketch for a full-fledged tattoo.

There are several ways to apply temporary tattoos. Each of them has its own advantages and features. Consider the most popular:

In addition, there are a number of methods that allow you to apply temporary drawings to the body. Recently, crystal tattoos, decals and glitter tattoos have been popular. These extravagant ways of decorating your body are especially popular in the fashion industry.

Tattoo styles

Of course, body art is an immense field for creativity. However, over the years of the existence of tattoo culture, several key styles have been formed that are clearly different from each other and have their own characteristics. Here they are:

  • Realism. Its essence is to draw drawings with a detailed and realistic display of people, landscapes, etc. Despite the stereotype that realism began to develop not so long ago, in fact, such tattoos adorned noble bodies as early as the 19th century. Seeing a portrait on an officer's shoulder was normal.
  • Oriental. Already from the name it is clear that this style is intertwined with oriental culture. Do you like tattoos with the image and? Are you attracted to geisha and Japanese themes? Or do you want to decorate your body gorgeous? Then Oriental style will suit your taste.
  • The style originates in the first half of the 20th century in the United States, when crime syndicates were actively expanding their spheres of influence. It was then that style tattoos could be observed on the courageous torsos of fearless mafiosi. - a very specific style that is popular both in the criminal world and among the civilian population.
  • The essence of the style is an imitation of the mechanical structure of the human body, hidden under the skin. A torn muscle, under which gears, pistons and bearings are hidden, is a classic style tattoo.
  • The old school of European and American tattooing dates back to the 19th century. The popularity of the style then falls, then rises again. The constant fans of the genre are lovers of heavy music and a brutal lifestyle. or infernal. Would you like to?
  • Perhaps the most popular format of tattoos. The success of this genre is quite understandable - tattoos are usually done in one color and are tricky. They can be very different in shape, but in most cases they have lines similar to flames, daggers and shurikens. - a traditional tattoo format in Oceania, as well as in some African tribes. Evidence also suggests that such tattoos adorned bodies.
  • Trash. The philosophy of this style is to see beauty even in the most terrible things. Bright colors, spontaneous lines, and their emotional saturation are the key features of the style, the name of which literally translates as "garbage". Even a photo of such tattoos can evoke vivid emotions in an inexperienced public.
  • Dotwork. A special tattooing technique that formed an authentic style. Dotwork allows you to create geometrically complex drawings. At the same time, the brightness and contrast of details depend on the density of dots applied to a specific area of ​​the skin. Dotwork is a “dish” for true gourmets of body art.
  • Saturated and unusual tattoos that have male and female variations. On the shoulders of guys and men they look belligerent and aggressive, which adds to their charm. Such tattoos make the female image completely brutal and wild.
  • New school. A new trend in body art that arose in the 1980s. The new tattoo school was popularized around the world. New school is characterized by the brightness of colors and the non-triviality of the plots. Often psychedelics and abstraction are mixed into all this.
  • Traditional The traditional direction of body painting has its own history and special meaning. Do not be superficial about all these, and. The symbolism and sacred meaning in these tattoos is especially pronounced. Behind the external minimalism lies the completeness of the composition and laconic wisdom.
  • Blackwork. The style is extremely authentic. You can recognize it by large-scale areas of the skin, literally filled with black paint to the state of a glossy uniform surface. A typical blackwork is geometric shapes, evenly filled with black paint in all areas. The black square on the back is a common blackwork tattoo format. At the same time, the fact that the tattoo is made in black does not mean that it belongs to the blackwork family.
  • Neo-traditional The style is somewhat different from the traditional. In many ways, it resembles a new school.
  • Ethnic. Relatively recently, ethnic trends have entered the trend. These tattoos are distinguished by an amazing variety of designs, interesting combinations of colors and three-dimensional images.
  • Sketch style. A truly authentic style that completely breaks the stereotype that a tattoo should be bright, clear and sophisticated. The sketch style is more like sketches in moleskin than an elegant sketch.
  • Watercolor. Even if you are skeptical about tattoo culture, the style can change your perception of wearable art. These tattoos are preferred by creative people. Watercolor has nothing to do with other styles, which makes it a special art direction.
  • Handpoke. These tattoos are easy to make. As a rule, handpoke tattoos look funny and often indecent.

Of course, the world of tattoos is not limited to the above styles. Body art masters are constantly experimenting and creating new directions in this non-trivial art.

In addition, much depends on the artist himself, because some masters practice their own style, incomparable with any of the existing ones.


Tattooing is a complex process consisting of the following steps:

  • Application of antibacterial agents to the skin;
  • Preparation of the workplace of the master;
  • Applying a thin layer of Vaseline to the client's skin;
  • Applying tattoo contours with a machine;
  • Removing paint residue with a napkin or cotton swab;
  • Painting over a tattoo using a special machine, characterized by a wide amplitude of needle movement;
  • Correction of colors and contours of the tattoo;
  • Applying an antiseptic to the skin, accelerating the healing process;
  • Sticking a tattoo with a special plaster or film to prevent infection.

The client, upon returning home, must process his "trophy" and follow the tattoo care regimen. The full healing process can take up to 10 days, which is worth considering when planning your time for the next couple of weeks.

Tattoo removal

It is not uncommon for a tattoo to lose its relevance and there comes a time when you want to get rid of it. This can be done in many ways. For example, you can resort to the old, but very painful way of removing a tattoo - mechanical damage to the painted area of ​​the skin. This method was practiced in Soviet prisons, where reputable criminals forced newcomers to make "undeserved" tattoos with bricks.

Fortunately, today there is a more humane way to remove a tattoo. We are talking about laser tattoo removal. With the help of a ruby ​​laser, you can painlessly get rid of unwanted wearable patterns.

The principle of operation of the equipment is very simple. The laser beam is directed to the dye molecule, which is broken into small particles. These particles enter the lymph, and then are excreted from the body. Today, laser tattoo removal is considered one of the safest and most comfortable ways to solve this kind of aesthetic problems.

Tattoo Care

Proper care of a tattoo is very important, especially when it comes to the first days after the drawing. We will present a number of mandatory recommendations that must be followed in order to avoid typical problems, such as infection, violation of the integrity of the picture, and so on:

  1. Remove the bandage after tattooing exactly as instructed by your tattoo artist. Usually this time is from 4 to 12 hours, depending on the scale of your tattoo.
  2. In the first days after applying the tattoo, wash it with warm water and soap without the use of alcohol-containing substances.
  3. After the first "home" washing, apply an antibacterial agent recommended by your master to the place of the drawing.
  4. In no case do not peel off the resulting crust. Give the skin time to heal and the crust will fall off on its own.
  5. In the first days after applying the tattoo, avoid direct sunlight on the drawing. Ultraviolet light can significantly spoil the appearance of the tattoo.
  6. It is better to refuse the use of alcohol and other drugs that increase blood pressure at the stage of tattoo healing. Increasing pressure can help change the tattoo by knocking out the pigment.
  7. Try to avoid serious physical exertion in the first weeks after getting a tattoo.

Remember that improper care of a tattoo can ruin its original appearance. In addition, getting an infection is far from the most pleasant thing, so care at home should be taken seriously. You do not want the fine work of the master to lose its brightness and clarity of lines, do you?

Pros and cons of getting a tattoo

What does your tattoo mean? Where do you want to hit it? Will it be relevant in a few years? If you have not answered these questions, then you should definitely think about whether you are ready to decorate your body with a tattoo. To be objective, we will present arguments for and against tattoos.

Benefits of a tattoo:

Disadvantages of a tattoo:

  • Tattoos are painful, especially for people who are hypersensitive;
  • A tattoo is considered by many to be an asocial decoration that definitely does not go well with a white collar and a business suit;
  • Tattoo is conditionally forever.

We recommend that you carefully approach the choice of a tattoo, so that later you do not spend a lot of money on its removal. Think about what you expect from the drawing and why you want to decorate your body with it. Only a consciously made tattoo will not be a disappointment for you in the future.

Have you thought about what types of tattoos are. I'm not talking about styles and trends. I decided to divide tattoos by type based on the social status of their owners. I want to warn you in advance that this is just my opinion, which does not claim to be the ultimate truth. Just curious to shed some light on this issue.

So let's get started, I divide the tattoo into the following types:

  • Elite tattoos;
  • Creative;
  • Popular;
  • Image;
  • Portaki;
  • tattoos;

Let's talk about ports.

Everything is relatively simple with them, and there is no need to compare them with tattoos from the thieves' world, because there are quite decent works there. Stuffed by force should be regarded as a stigma that has only a semantic function.

Portak, in turn, is just a cheap, quick-handed daub done by a beginner. They wanted a formidable dragon on a wide back, they got an angry worm. We wanted a ferocious wolf on our shoulder, we have a ball dog, twisting its muzzle from flea bites to a causal place.

The problem with portacs is that they are often very large in size and very difficult to correct. As my tattoo artist friend says, you will pay three times for greed. 1 time to fill, 2 times to lighten with a laser and 3 times to kill. (And interrupting a tattoo costs an order of magnitude more expensive)

Portaki reflect several characteristic features of their owner, these are greed, dislike for oneself and the desire not to be, but to be known. It is these ingredients that lead a person to such marks of the devil. In general, partak still needs to be earned! Long and persistent unwillingness to love yourself.

Elite tattoos.

The next type worth discussing is elite tattoos and their difference from creative ones. Often, both are good in terms of performance and quality. The differences are more in the psychological aspect.

Creative tattoos are often more interesting, brighter and better emphasize the individuality of the author, but they cannot boast of the big name of the tattoo artist. Such tattoos are made by good, but not promoted masters or young talented artists.

Elite tattoos, on the contrary, are performed by well-known and very famous, seasoned masters with a big name. With the presence of the author's easily recognizable style. So that you could immediately see who got the tattoo. Often, such masters become the founders of new trends in tattoo art, because sooner or later they begin to copy them. For example or . This is now the trash-polka style, it is pricked in any salon, but before it was immediately clear whose hands this work was, namely the work of the family couple of masters, Simon Pluff and Wolko Mershsky, the founders of this now popular style.

Image tattoos.

The next class of tattoos is image. A rather ambiguous type of tattoo, since there is a very thin line between an image tattoo and a portak. The fact is that some, often not poor, but free-spirited people, for example, people of creative radical professions (metal or punk musicians, street art artists, photographer geniuses) tend to get tattoos with protest.

They find good, slightly crazy craftsmen who are ready to make them something like a portac. The funny thing is that such tattoos, although they are made like ports, look very bold and are great for their wearers. Not everyone is able to decide on such an experiment. More often than not, these are already accomplished and successful people. It is they who can afford to fill such bold tattoos.

Usually these tattoos are compensated by well-chosen, expensive-looking clothes, and the image as a whole. For example, a sexy girl in a cool leather jacket has a nasty pink rabbit on her shoulder, and even recently stuffed. It turns into a chip, weeks of puncture and looks impressive.

How Steve Jobs could afford to walk around in a black turtleneck, blue jeans and white sneakers. And it became his personal, recognizable style. It’s the same with image tattoos, not everyone can consciously fill themselves with a portacock, and even so that it becomes a cool feature.

A prominent representative of such tattoos is.

Popular tattoos.

Well, let's finish this essay with a look at popular tattoos. They are good and not good, there are more of them. Often these are works on popular topics, made according to sketches from the Internet. Maybe even good craftsmen, but without any frills. This is the conveyor.

For most people, these are excellent jobs, only people from the party will be able to understand that this is a passing job. It follows from this: if you just want a tattoo and don’t want to bother too much, develop an individual sketch, pay extra money, in your environment there are only clean-skinned people, you don’t have to bother, everything will suit you.

But when there is a desire to surprise with a new beautiful tattoo, if you want to participate in competitions or just be an original, not a copy, then try to advise and do not save. A good sketch is 50 percent success. And believe me, if the idea is good and the master himself draws a sketch, he will try to get the tattoo as cool as possible. Such work will be individual, and the masters would like more such works in the portfolio.

Now think about it, since the master will beat you with a tattoo, with the desire to add it to the portfolio, then believe me, he will give everything 100%.

So the strength is in the sketches, the main thing is that the idea is interesting!

During the existence of a tattoo, as an art of body decoration, many of its styles have been formed. All styles and directions of tattoos have their own features and characteristics. At first, these were simple pictures, but with the development of the industry of pigment production and tattoo equipment, the drawings began to become more complex and acquire smooth color transitions from one to another. Therefore, having studied this section, it will be easy to understand the directions of tattoos and not make a mistake with the choice.

Tattoo styles: examples and photos

old school(old school) is a traditional tattoo style. This style has existed since the end of the nineteenth century and still has not lost its popularity among both men and women. The marine theme is mainly depicted: lighthouses, anchors, ships, etc. Distinctive features of this style are a bold outline and a small color scheme, dominated by colors: black, blue, red, yellow and green:

new school(new school) - has the same bold outline, but unlike the old school, the color scheme is more saturated. If in the old school the images are somewhat primitive, then in the new school the technique of execution has become brighter, richer and more beautiful. Many people are attracted to this style with its freedom in choosing images - hearts, crosses, flowers, fire, skulls, angels, female profiles, faces, cartoon characters and computer games. New School style is best suited for bright, extravagant and self-confident personalities:

neo-traditionone of the most modern styles. It takes its origins from the traditional style, but, unlike it, it has an unlimited palette of colors, however, tattoos are often performed in black and white. The style is distinguished by the clarity of contours and a large number of details. The plots of images can be both people and animals, insects, plants, objects. It is possible to add many elements from other styles, which is even welcome. In general, the style is multifaceted, bright and very beautiful. Best of all, these tattoos are combined with a realistic direction:

Celtic- the roots of the style go back to the distant times of the fearless Vikings. The Celtic style is characterized by curvilinear structures that have no beginning and end patterns, knots and spirals. A continuous line follows the entire illustration, forming spirals, labyrinths, knots. Sometimes there is practically no free space between intersecting lines. Images of this style in most cases are characterized by monochrome, black is considered the main color, often complemented by green. Behind every pattern, every drawing, there is a meaning, and sometimes more than one. It is used mainly as a way of self-expression of the person who ordered the tattoo:

- a patterned-ornamental style, the main criteria of which are a clear geometric pattern and bold lines. Includes such areas as Polynesia, tribal, ornamental, etc. The main theme polynesian tattoo are: waves, spirals, straight and broken geometric lines, turtles, sharks, sun and moon, birds and ferns, characterized by a high degree of complexity of execution. All these details are symmetrically located on the body, which gives the image a special charm. tribal characterized by sharp lines and patterns. Ornamental is a variety of geometric shapes, characterized by high precision elements. It has a large number of varieties, such as: linework , blackwork , dotwork etc., which can be combined with each other:

One of the most popular styles in the world. It has very rich and vibrant colors. Plots and motifs are borrowed from ancient legends and, of course, religious ideas. The main elements of a Japanese tattoo are images of animals, plants, religious and mythological motifs and creatures, epic heroes, forces of nature and other elements. According to Japanese beliefs, tattoos serve not only as a means of self-expression and an indicator of social status, but also have a direct impact on a person's life. Historically, a distinctive feature of style has always been and remains a specific meaning, symbolism and mystical content clearly assigned to each image. It is important that a certain combination of several motifs or images in a tattoo can also take on a completely different meaning. Therefore, a Japanese tattoo always lends itself to a general, specific interpretation, and does not acquire the meaning that the master or the owner of the image wants to give it:

Biomechanics - style plots are directly related to mechanics, these are various engines, springs, wires, boards, hoses, as if peeking out of the skin. The drawings do not carry a semantic load. Detailing, shades, contrasts, shadows - the set of techniques that can be seen in a tattoo in the style of biomechanics. In biomechanical tattoos, bright colors can be used, but not in such a variety that, for example, new school allows. Tattoos in the style of biomechanics are complex in terms of application technique, since there is an impressive amount of work to be done, which implies that the performer has skill and talent:

Trash Polka -style that has been gaining popularity in recent years. He absorbed the features of many styles, such as realism, calligraphy, ornamental. It is presented mainly in red and black colors. The main idea of ​​the works is the expression of a kind of protest of their owner to the norms and rules of the surrounding world. Plots of tattoos have absolutely no boundaries and allow any combination of elements:

Realism - one of the most difficult tattoo styles, requiring great experience and high professionalism from the master. The main indicator of the quality of work is the maximum reliability and photographic accuracy of the tattoo and the original sketch. Distinguish between color and black and white realism. The complexity is more the number of transitions of light-shadow, tone-halftone, so the color scheme includes all possible colors and shades. The plots of the works can be people, animals, birds, and any inanimate objects:

Watercolor tattoos - watercolor tattoos almost completely repeat the painting technique. This is an amazing play of shades, subtle color transitions and is characterized by lightness and airiness. This style is preferred by true romantics, creative individuals who love everything unusual and original. The subjects for this style are completely different: portraits, drawings of animals, butterflies, etc. It all depends on the client's imagination:

All of the above styles are the foundation of tattoo art. There are, of course, deeper detailing of styles, subcategories, and so on, but I believe that knowing and understanding the basic tattoo styles will help you distinguish between them and form your handwriting - an individual set of techniques and techniques of a tattoo artist, behind which you can understand who owns the work.

Over time, as you work through all the styles, you will most likely find yourself in one that works best for you and you actually enjoy it the most.

No wonder famous tattoo artists are known, as a rule, for their work in one particular style.

Each image can be executed in a variety of ways. It is the styles of tattoos that underlie the creation of a masterpiece on the skin, which you can be proud of throughout your life. The choice of style directly depends on the nationality, character and worldview of a person. Today, there are several dozen tattoo styles, each of which is original in its own way and has a certain character and focus. It is the style of the image on the body that expresses the life aspiration of its owner.

Tattoo classification

The patterns that are applied to the skin are quite diverse. The diversity of the culture of their application has led to the fact that tattoo styles are largely similar and intersect in some fragments.

Conventionally, they can be classified into the following groups:

New school (New school)

The field of fine arts is constantly evolving. New trends and ideas are being created. Tattoo artists quite effectively and realistically adapt these ideas for drawing images on the skin. The improvement of equipment and dyes for tattooing has made it possible to significantly improve and raise the quality of graphics to a new level. Today, tattoo styles have absorbed all the trends that exist in the visual arts.

Directions in tattoo styles

For an uninitiated person, it will be quite difficult to understand all the directions and currents that exist in the art of tattooing. This type of graphics on the human body has a long history of development and improvement.

Tattoos were applied to various parts of the body, as a talisman, a sign of belonging to various clans and classes, in memory of significant events and, simply, as an ornament. Warring tribes used tattoos as a deterrent to sow panic in the ranks of their enemies. Modern technologies have made it possible to improve, collect and generalize into a single system all the variety of tattoo styles that exist in the world. To understand how extensive the list of different areas of body painting is, you can familiarize yourself with the styles of tattoos with photos of works that are made by recognized masters.

After studying the styles of tattoos with examples, you can get acquainted with the stories of their origin, meaning and optimal places for applying. This will help you make the right choice. If you cannot come to a final decision, then it is better to consult with the master. Having extensive experience and impeccable taste, the specialist will help you decide on a sketch that will create an excellent image for you after applying it to the body.

How to choose a style?

As a rule, a tattoo is done once and for life. Getting rid of it is extremely difficult, expensive and painful. Therefore, the choice of tattoo style must be approached thoughtfully and responsibly.

Here are the basic rules to follow:

  1. You should not blindly copy the style that friends have or imposed by various advisers. The sketch should please you, first of all.
  2. The tattoo should be proportional in size to the physique or the part of the body on which it is applied.
  3. No need to get a tattoo under the influence of emotions. Then you can regret it very much.
  4. You can't spare money for a tattoo. It is necessary to use only high-quality dyes so that it retains brightness and clarity for years.
  5. A tattoo should not cause hostility or laughter from others. Few people want to constantly be in the role of a clown.

In all cases, it is better to consult with the master. Artists are creative people and can always suggest a fresh idea.

Our catalog of tattoos contains all the most popular tattoo styles with their descriptions, sketches and photos of the best tattoos from around the world.

The art of tattooing originated among the primitive tribes, and expressed the social status and achievements of a member of the tribe. It is not known which directions in the tattoo were born first, but the old school (old school) is considered the oldest - such tattoos were worn by sailors to protect themselves from misfortunes, to mark any important event in their difficult life, or simply not to forget the faces of their loved ones for long swim. At that time, there were not so many tattoo styles, even fewer masters, so there were no problems with the choice. Now everything is completely different. there are no problems.

Old and new styles of tattoos

At the moment, there are more than 40 different styles of tattoos, which are quite difficult for an uninitiated person to understand. Biomechanics, graphics, tribal, Japanese and biker tattoos, etc. Search for them on the Internet, along with artists, examples of work, etc. - titanic work. Therefore, on our website in the catalog you can not only see examples of the best works from around the world in the chosen style, but also learn about its history, characteristics, places where tattoos of the chosen direction will look best and choose the type of tattoo that suits to your liking.

Remember that a tattoo is once and for a long time, so its choice should be approached responsibly.

Here are some basic rules that can help:

  • Choose those styles of tattoos that you really like, and not “cool”, “that everyone has”, “someone advised”, etc. Otherwise, after a couple of weeks, you can apply for a tattoo reduction.
  • The tattoo should be meaningful and fit your body type. A strong and tall man with a small hieroglyph on his shoulder will not look as cool as the same man with a “sleeve” or an aggressive plot.
  • If you don’t know what you want to do, you can always look through the catalog on our website or consult with someone who will help you choose the style and pattern.
  • Remember that masters are creative individuals, and all of us have different ideas about beauty and acceptability, in addition, they may prefer one direction to another and specialize in them (for example, apply old school style tattoos, but not tolerate tribal ). So, in the execution of a tattoo according to your sketch, they can either refuse or offer a compromise.
  • Regardless of which tattoo, style, or artist you choose, the tattoo you put in only has the meaning you put into it. No more, no less.
  • Saving on a tattoo is not worth it, it should be adequate. It will remain with you, if not for life, then for a very long time, so it is better to take care in advance so that it does not turn into a blur in a year or two.
  • The most obvious, most important, but often ignored rule is not to get a tattoo in a completely inadequate state (being intoxicated, “just for fun”, angry, to spite someone).