Do I need to wear a bandage. How to put on a maternity bandage correctly. How to put on and wear a prenatal bandage

A bandage is an orthopedic product that performs medical and cosmetic functions. He is able to fix the fetus in the correct position, protecting the muscles of the abdominal wall from overstretching. It also helps to reduce the load on the spine and internal organs, relieves pain in the back.

The bandage must be used if:

  • There is a scar on the uterus.
  • There is a threat of termination of pregnancy arising in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
  • Plurality, polyhydramnios, large size of the fetus.
  • Changing the presentation of the fetus from the pelvic to the head position.
  • Low location of the placenta.
The use of a bandage is desirable in the case of:
  • Re-pregnancy, in which the abdominal wall can stretch harder and faster.
  • Weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • If there is osteochondrosis.
  • If the pregnant woman is experiencing strong physical activity (cleaning the house, walking, exercising, cooking).
When should a bandage not be used?

The bandage is contraindicated when the fetus is in the wrong position: in the transverse or legs down.

There are three types: universal, prenatal and postnatal. By cut, they are also divided into bandage-belt and bandage-pants.

  • Due to the fact that the bandage pant has a dense weave of the material, it has a supportive effect and is very easy to use, since it is worn both over and instead of underwear.
  • The bandage belt can be worn over outerwear or underwear, it also supports the abdomen due to the main rigid tape.
  • Universal bandages got their name from their use both during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. They have narrow and wide parts that are used in different ways. During pregnancy, a wide part of the orthopedic product should be on the lower back, and after childbirth - on the abdomen.

How to put on the bandage?

  1. Start using the bandage from the 20th week of pregnancy due to the increased growth of the fetus.
  2. Put it on in a supine position for correct fixation of the fetus in an upright position and even distribution of the load. But not standing or sitting.
  3. You cannot be in the bandage all day, you need to take a break for half an hour after 3 hours, and take off at all at night.
  4. In the event that you begin to feel pain in the abdomen or the baby begins to actively push, loosen the bandage or remove it, after which be sure to visit your doctor.
  5. Put on the bandage from week 39 as needed (long walks or doing homework), when the belly begins to sink down and the baby begins to gradually prepare for birth.
If, immediately after childbirth, you start using a postpartum bandage (the first days and weeks), this will allow you to quickly restore the tone of the muscles and skin of the abdomen, help to cope with the stress on the back and improve the silhouette in the waist, abdomen, hips and buttocks.

Related video - how to properly put on a prenatal and postnatal bandage for pregnant women:


Please note that the bandage is a special medical device designed to support the growing pregnant woman, preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. In addition, while wearing the bandage, the fetus is in the correct position, and the baby feels calm and comfortable. In the later, the bandage prevents the premature lowering of the fetus.

An important and at the same time one of the main functions of the bandage is to support the spine and redistribute the load on the lower back of the future mother. Therefore, the use of this device helps to avoid painful sensations in the back, as well as in the abdomen during prolonged standing.

Keep in mind that the best time to start wearing the brace is the fourth month of pregnancy. The baby begins to grow actively, and the woman's tummy begins to increase. You can wear a bandage, starting from this time, up to the most. The main thing is to listen to your own feelings and fetal behavior while doing this.

Wear the bandage correctly. Squeezing the abdominal cavity is unacceptable. Most often, the gynecologist or nurse will help and show the woman to put on the abdominal support device. In addition, the packaging is always included, so read it carefully before starting to wear the bandage. Feeling comfortable while wearing the prenatal brace is imperative. There should be no discomfort.

Please note that wearing a bandage continuously throughout the day is unacceptable. Do not forget that you can stay in the device in question for no more than 3 hours. Then you should take at least 40 minutes to rest from it.

Several different bandage models can be seen at the pharmacy. If you feel uncomfortable in a purchased item, try on a different style of bandage and find an option that works for you.

There are a number of indications for the mandatory use of a bandage during pregnancy. This is a threat of miscarriage, multiple women, osteochondrosis and frequent back pain, as well as varicose veins.


There are also postpartum braces. The doctor usually speaks about the need for their use after childbirth. It all depends on the woman's well-being and on how the childbirth proceeded.

Bandage prenatal is a device that provides support for the abdomen and the correct position of the fetus in the uterus. Modern bandages help with fatigue, overwork, heaviness in the legs. It is very important to put on and wear these items correctly.


A well-made and correctly selected bandage relieves stress, facilitates walking and even prevents the appearance of stretch marks. grabs the lateral surfaces of the enlarging tummy and supports it from below. It allows you to reduce the pressure of the uterus on the intestines, bladder, which ensures their functioning and prevents the occurrence of pain. A properly selected prenatal bandage is completely harmless to. It is especially important to wear such bandages for active and working women, as well as for varicose veins, multiple fetuses, the threat of premature.

There are several varieties of modern prenatal braces. Bandage-belt is an outdated model that you rarely find on sale. It is a wide belt. May have lacing or flap on. It is put on underwear while lying down. Such a bandage is recommended for women with weakened abdominal muscles, as well as for fixing the correct position of the fetus.

Bandage-panties - a modern bandage, these are cotton panties with an elastic insert that supports the abdomen. It is also put on in a horizontal position. Very easy to use, does not restrict movement. It is easy to take off and put on. Needs frequent washing as it is used as underwear. Therefore, it is optimal to purchase a couple of such bandages.

Doctors recommend wearing antenatal braces from 24-30 weeks. The doctor gives advice on the choice. Modern bandages are selected according to the size that the woman had before pregnancy. To choose the size of the bandage, you need to carefully measure the circumference of the tummy with a measuring tape. The product is purchased with a margin, so add 5-10 centimeters to the resulting figure. The required degree of tension is regulated by a valve system.

Doctors recommend removing the prenatal brace for a few minutes every 3 hours. Regardless of the type of bandage, it must be worn while lying down. In an upright position, under the pressure of the abdomen, the muscles are stretched, and they must be maintained in their original condition. Correctly fitted and worn bandage does not cause any inconvenience. Sometimes after removing it, stripes are visible on the skin or the woman constantly wants to remove the bandage, in this case it is recommended to increase the size of the product.


  • prenatal bandage how to wear

Tip 3: How to wear a bandage correctly during pregnancy

During pregnancy, doctors recommend starting at 25 weeks. This orthopedic product will reduce the load on the spine, save the expectant mother from osteochondrosis, back pain, and provide support for the growing abdomen. In order for the bandage to be of exceptional benefit, these devices must be worn correctly.

Traditionally, the wearing of a bandage is prescribed by a gynecologist. Depending on the course of pregnancy, a special orthopedic product may come in handy at 22 weeks, and maybe at 30. Not everyone needs additional support, so it is not worth experimenting with the health of the expectant mother.

Features of wearing a bandage

The bandage helps prevent overwork, relieve fatigue, stress on the spine and legs. The product is recommended for wearing in case of multiple, difficult pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, varicose veins, osteochondrosis or an active lifestyle, the presence of a scar on the uterus. The doctor will help you choose the size of the bandage, he must also demonstrate how to wear special underwear.

Due to the fact that the bandage fixes the position of the fetus, the device cannot be used if the child is not presented correctly. To determine the size of the product, you need to take measurements of the abdomen in the navel area. At the same time, the expectant mother should stand.

It is necessary to fix the wearing band at the correct level so as not to squeeze the fetus. Ideally, you should try on the special underwear of a pregnant woman lying down, lifting your hips, the bandage should pass along the lower part of the buttocks and under the belly. The model needs to be adjusted so that the woman feels comfortable, but the underwear is not too loose or tight.

How often should the bandage be worn

Regardless of the type, orthopedic products are not allowed. It is not recommended to wear the bandage at night. Ideally, half-hour breaks should be taken every 3-4 hours of wearing. From about 39 weeks, the bandage should be worn for the minimum amount of time - for walks or doing housework. It is at this time that the belly of a pregnant woman sinks, the child prepares for birth.

The easiest way to fix the bandage is by following the instructions on the package. But at the same time, you always need to rely on your own feelings. Be sure to consider the material from which the bandage is made. Materials of the new generation are shown to be worn by pregnant women, it is impossible to find special underwear made exclusively from natural fabrics, because products of this type must be elastic.

It is advisable to try on several models in the store at once in order to choose the most convenient one. If you want to wear a bandage after pregnancy, you can give preference to the universal option.

Tip 4: why you need to wear a prenatal and postnatal brace

The brace is a device designed to support the abdomen without squeezing and ensure the correct position of the baby inside the uterus. It prevents the fetus from dropping ahead of time. Correctly selected removes stress from the spine, prevents back pain, stretch marks, and also makes walking easier. These devices are divided into prenatal and postnatal. Moreover, both are extremely important for a pregnant woman.


The prenatal bandage is absolutely harmless to the baby. It “grows” with the belly, supporting it and thereby bringing benefits. However, in some cases it is possible to wear a bandage. This applies to women who have problems with the kidneys, gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract. Individuals with kidney stones or bladder should be extremely careful with bandages. With such problems, even minimal squeezing can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

You can do without a prenatal bandage for women with a small tummy. There are frequent cases when the belly of the expectant mother becomes noticeable only at the 6th pregnancy. These women rarely have problems with stretch marks. Nevertheless, it will not hurt them to use baby creams and oils. Alternatively, women of this type can purchase special clothing for.

Prenatal brace is indicated for women with a large belly and back pain. He will take on the main load, thereby relieving the back from tension. This device contributes to prevention. Even if they appear, they will not be very noticeable.

The prenatal band ensures the correct intrauterine development of the fetus. This fact is due to the fact that it fixes the muscles of the abdomen, back, hips. Supported abdominal muscles during pregnancy will not become flabby after childbirth.

It is very helpful to wear a prenatal brace in case of pregnancy or even. The back, the load on which increases by 2-3 times, simply needs additional support. This also applies to women with spinal problems. The optimal time to wear this device is the 3rd or 4th month of pregnancy.

Postpartum allows a woman to recover faster after childbirth. With its help, the abdominal muscles quickly regain their former attractiveness. In addition, after childbirth, a woman can easily rip her back off, since she is very weak, moreover, the main attention is paid by the mother not to her health, but

If the pregnancy is multiple or the woman has such pathologies as an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) or a scar on the uterus, then you need to start wearing a bandage from the 16th week of pregnancy. This will help prevent the risk of complications during pregnancy. Mandatory indications for wearing a bandage from early pregnancy are also a large fetus, a threat of miscarriage, a low placenta or an excessively enlarged uterus. A contraindication for wearing a bandage is an incorrect position of the fetus in the uterine cavity. In such cases, an orthopedic bandage is not prescribed for the expectant mother, since it is able to prevent the child from turning over into the correct position.

Women with well-developed abdominal muscles during their first pregnancy can postpone the use of the brace until about 28 weeks. Of course, this recommendation will be true only if the expectant mother does not feel discomfort and does not suffer from back and lower back pain. During the second or third pregnancy, you cannot do without a bandage in any case, so the abdominal wall stretches more and faster with each subsequent pregnancy. In this case, you need to start wearing an orthopedic corset immediately after the appearance of the abdomen.

The bandage must be removed during the daytime rest and at night. During the day, you should take breaks every 2-3 hours, getting rid of the bandage for 30-40 minutes. From the 38th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear it only before long walks or while doing housework. During this period, the female body is actively preparing for the upcoming childbirth, and the abdomen begins to gradually lower, therefore, wearing a bandage should be limited to a minimum. However, in some cases, for example, with a high risk of premature prolapse of the fetus, the bandage is used until the last days of pregnancy.

The use of a bandage - a special supporting belt - is necessary when undesirable sensations appear during pregnancy: heaviness, fatigue, back pain.

There is no need to wear it in the first trimester of pregnancy, since the tummy is still small and does not burden yet. It is more expedient to put on a bandage at 24 - 28 weeks.

With multiple pregnancies, it is used earlier. Each pregnant woman can independently decide whether to wear a bandage or not. Still, it is better to get expert advice. He will tell you if there is a need to use it, and also give recommendations on the choice of this device.

What is it for expectant mothers?

Consider why a prenatal support belt is needed for pregnant women, in which cases it can be used.

The bandage helps to reduce the load on the back, reduces pain in the lumbar spine, and supports the muscles of the abdominal wall. There are medical indications for its appointment.

It is necessary to wear a bandage when:

  • Weak abdominal muscles, especially if the pregnancy is the second.
  • Pain in the legs.
  • Large fruit.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy after a recent abdominal surgery, at the stage of suture healing.
  • The risk of premature prolapse of the fetus.
  • Low placentation and placenta previa.
  • Spinal pathologies - scoliosis, osteochondrosis, infringement of the lumbar nerve.

Pregnant women leading an active lifestyle need to wear a bandage, since they spend quite a lot of time on their feet and often do not change the established rhythm of life.

Its use helps support a rounded abdomen, reduce stress and reduce fatigue after a busy day.

This is relevant not only for women who work, but for those who love to travel and do not cease to be active even while waiting for the baby.

How does the prenatal belt help while carrying a baby?

Wearing a prenatal brace has a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the position of the baby. The bandage contributes to a faster recovery of the body after childbirth.

When asked whether a bandage helps against stretch marks, one can answer that it is not a panacea for everything, since their appearance during pregnancy is due to individual characteristics of the skin, heredity, and the size of the abdomen.

What is the help of prenatal bandage:

  1. By gently supporting the abdomen, relieves stress from the spine.
  2. The even distribution of the load helps with pain in the legs (with varicose veins, etc.).
  3. Provides support for weakened abdominal muscles.
  4. Does not allow the fetus to change its position, the baby will not take a lateral position and will not turn over after 30 weeks, if it has already taken a cephalic presentation.

Do pregnant women have to wear it?

Not every expectant mother has a need to purchase a prenatal belt. There are many different opinions about whether or not a woman should wear a bandage during pregnancy. Everything is strictly individual in specific cases, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist.

In the absence of any restrictions and for medical reasons, wearing a bandage is optional.

  • For back pain, lower back pain, curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis.
  • With weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and pelvic floor.
  • With the threat of termination of pregnancy in the second and third trimester, isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • In the presence of a scar on the uterus (cesarean section, removal of uterine fibroids).

If there is no medical indication for using the bandage, and the pregnant woman does not experience discomfort or pain due to the enlarged abdomen, then you do not need to wear the bandage.

Are there any wearing restrictions?

There are doctors who believe that the use of a bandage allows the abdominal muscles to become "lazy" and it will be difficult for them to recover in the postpartum period. Nevertheless, the majority of specialists are committed to using the bandage. The obstetrician-gynecologist, when appointing him, must take into account the age of the pregnant woman, the gestational age, the position of the fetus and the number of previous births. The use of a bandage is not recommended by specialists in the following situations:

  • Incorrect fetal position for more than 30 weeks... Since the bandage has a fixing effect on the position of the child, then with a pelvic or transverse presentation, the baby does not have the opportunity to change his position, and this increases the risk of various complications and surgical intervention during childbirth.

    To correct the wrong position, it is necessary to cancel it and the appointment of special gymnastics, which will stimulate the baby to take the correct position.

    As soon as the child takes a head presentation, the expectant mother needs to wear a bandage until the very birth.

  • Surgery in the abdomen during pregnancy... Friction of the suture will cause delayed healing and infection of the wound.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract... During constipation and abdominal distention, the band prevents the movement of intestinal contents, thereby creating discomfort.
  • Skin and allergic diseases, for example, reactions to synthetic materials. In the presence of eczema, moles, wounds, injury to the painful area and increased discomfort are possible.
  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys... Diseases of the kidneys, which are accompanied by edema.
  1. It is not necessary for a pregnant woman to sleep in it, it must be taken off at the time of sleep.
  2. It is necessary to take a break from wearing the bandage for about 30 minutes every two to three hours. Because the child may feel unwell due to insufficient blood circulation.

A pregnant woman should take into account the opinion of her obstetrician-gynecologist regarding the need to wear a bandage. An individual recommendation from a supervising specialist is required, which takes into account the peculiarities of the health of the pregnant woman, the presentation of the baby and the course of pregnancy. Only after consulting a doctor will the expectant mother know whether wearing a bandage is indicated for her or not.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video on the use of a bandage for pregnant women, the rules for using and caring for it:

At its core, a bandage is a pregnant woman's underwear. Wearing a bandage during pregnancy has a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother and the position of the baby. Pregnant women often experience pain in the lower back due to the load on the spine. The brace helps support the abdomen, relieves stress on the back, and ultimately helps to avoid pain.


Bandages are divided into pre-natal and post-natal, but some types are suitable for wearing in both periods. Consider the main types of bandages:

  • Panty-shaped bandage to support the abdomen, equipped with an elastic insert in the front. Requires daily washing.
  • A bandage in the form of a corset is used by pregnant women less and less, since it is not very comfortable to wear and is considered outdated.
  • Bandage in the form of a belt in the form of a wide elastic belt to support the abdomen, is effective against the formation of stretch marks. One of the most comfortable models of all types of bandages with the ability to adjust the fit to fit the abdomen.
  • A universal combined bandage in the form of a wide elastic belt, fixed with Velcro, can be used as prenatal, fixed with the narrow side under the abdomen, and as postpartum - with the wide side on the abdomen, and narrow on the back.

Most often, bandages are made of elastic, stretchable synthetic fabrics. In the heat, it is not very comfortable to wear such a thing, allergies or irritation may appear. In summer, it is best to wear a cotton bandage.

Do I need a bandage during pregnancy

Experts' opinions on whether to wear a bandage during pregnancy differ greatly. Some experts argue that the bandage helps to weaken the tone of the abdominal muscles and in no way can protect against stretch marks resulting from a decrease in skin elasticity against the background of hormonal changes.

All experts agree that in no case should a bandage be worn when the fetus is already large and in the wrong position. This situation occurs more often in the last trimester of pregnancy. However, if the baby rolls over correctly, then the band will become necessary to hold the fetus in this position.

There are indications for health reasons for the mandatory wearing of a bandage. As mentioned above, the bandage must be worn for repeated and multiple pregnancies, with an underdeveloped cervix, pain in the back, with a threat of miscarriage, low fetal position, the presence of a scar on the uterus, and those who have undergone abdominal surgery less than a year and a half ago. cavity.

In turn, some doctors insist that the bandage should be worn. The bandage allows you to support not only the abdomen, but also the spine of a pregnant woman. When wearing the bandage, the uterus and the fetus do not change their position, the child does not take a lateral position and does not turn over. In order to maintain an attractive appearance, in order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, the bandage is indispensable during pregnancy.

In any case, a woman should listen to the opinion of her doctor. The doctor will give an individual recommendation, taking into account the characteristics of the woman's health, the position of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Only after talking with the doctor should a woman decide whether to wear a bandage during pregnancy.

When to start wearing a bandage

Wearing a bandage strengthens the abdominal muscles by supporting the abdomen and protects the skin from the formation of stretch marks. For women who give birth not for the first time, in many cases, a bandage is a necessity. During repeated or multiple pregnancies, the abdominal muscles are weakened, and then a support band will come to the rescue.

Before purchasing a bandage, it is better to try it on, to feel whether it will be comfortable to walk with it. In pharmacies and orthopedic stores, there is a large selection of bandages, which differ in their types and sizes.

There are certain rules and mode of wearing a bandage. The bandage should be put on while lying on our back, and should be worn throughout the day with short breaks. At the time of sleep, the bandage must be removed. If wearing a bandage does not cause any inconvenience, then you can wear it until the very birth.

Recently, a huge number of all kinds of cute devices have appeared on sale to maintain a belly that is rounded by leaps and bounds. This can be a prenatal elastic band and panties-bandage or a universal Velcro bandage, designed both for the period of pregnancy and for the first time after childbirth. Many women whose children have long since grown up believe that all this is overkill.
In their time, either nothing of the kind happened or this miracle device is remembered by them with horror: after all, it was almost impossible to lace up the "Soviet" bandage without the help of an outsider ...

Now in the antenatal clinic, a gynecologist recommends that a pregnant woman wear a bandage regularly from five to six months. Expectant mothers often do not know how to choose this item of clothing, whether it is worth wearing it all the time and whether it can harm the child. For the answer to the most common questions, we turned to
to the specialist of the Russian Association "Family Planning" Alesina I.L .:

? Is it really necessary to wear a bandage regularly, what is the benefit?
- Yes, regular wearing of a bandage saves a woman from many inconveniences associated with changing her figure during pregnancy. It relieves stress on the lower back and therefore helps to relieve back pain. It regulates the center of gravity, which shifts greatly during pregnancy, and allows a woman to maintain a beautiful posture. Supports muscle and skin tone. Thanks to this, the pregnant woman after childbirth retains a sufficiently elastic abdomen. It has a bandage and a cosmetic effect. Helps prevent belly formation.

? How long should you wear it?
- Of course, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But, as a rule, you need to wear the bandage regularly from about 28-30 weeks.

? With repeated pregnancy, the belly appears much faster. When is it time to put on a bandage in this case?
- The fact that sometimes during repeated pregnancy the belly appears faster is usually associated with insufficient muscle elasticity. By the way, it is the regular wearing of the bandage that helps maintain muscle tone and prevents them from stretching. Of course, if a woman feels heaviness, then it is completely unnecessary to wait until the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy. You can put on the bandage as soon as the need arises, just do not forget to consult with your doctor, in the antenatal clinic.

It is said that the bandage should not be worn until the child is turned upside down. Is this statement true?
- This is not true. The baby can turn upside down just before childbirth. And during pregnancy, he constantly moves in his mother's belly and changes his position. A correctly selected bandage does not interfere with the free movement of the baby.

? Does the bandage harm the child?
- If it is selected correctly, then no. But in no case should you wear a smaller bandage. Ask your doctor, he will measure your abdominal circumference and help you choose the right size. The bandage should not cause discomfort, squeeze blood vessels or put too much pressure on the abdomen. If you made the right choice, then, having removed this part of the toilet, you will not find its "prints" on the body.

? How to put it on correctly?
- Regardless of the style, the bandage must be worn while lying down. Here you can draw an analogy with bandaging the legs for varicose veins. In this position, the maximum tone of blood vessels and muscles is maintained. When a woman gets up, the muscles under the pressure of the abdomen are stretched, and it is desirable to maintain them in their original condition. If the bandage matches the size and is worn correctly, then the woman practically does not feel it on herself.