Pathological changes during pregnancy. Causes and symptoms of pregnancy pathology: diagnosis and prevention

Pregnancy is very responsible time when the formation of a new life occurs. But not always this life period flows smoothly. Patology of pregnancy, in our time, are found very often, so it is important to identify ailment as soon as possible and take the necessary measures. For regret, future mothers Sometimes there are a lot of gravity pathology and in some cases it is necessary to interrupt pregnancy. But some, nevertheless, are treatable.

The most common pathology is toxicosis. It is caused by many factors, and the late toxicosis is especially dangerous! This condition is accompanied by a permanent sense of nausea. Berennial girl can badly carry some odors, tastes, lose weight. As soon as the new life starts to develop, the future mother appears irritability, the loss of appetite, weakness and of course, the change in the taste receptors. Power toxicosis appear independently From the floor of the future child.

The following alert is already more serious. Anemia may lead to the threat of miscarriage, so the future mother is very important in time to take the right vitamins that the doctor appoints. anemia Women suffer from which there was a premise of iron deficiency before pregnancy. In the first stages, pathology does not show itself at all. It is possible to have a cause, if a woman has a craving for consumption of clay, chalk. But it is best to hand over a certain blood test.

Hypertonus MattikSo they call the cuts of the uterus in the early deadlines of pregnancy. These reductions can provoke miscarriage or premature births. It is possible to use a pregnant girl in the tummy. It becomes hard, like a stone. It's uncomfortable, it brings discomfort. But in the early deadlock it is almost impossible. Hypertonus Maybe a doctor during an ultrasound examination or on the inspection. The vigorus of the uterus is not dangerous only in the late period of pregnancy, because it is already training fights.

Prelation of placenta. Presenting an affordable language, the prelationship is attaching the placenta to the bottom of the uterus. It may be close to the generic paths, thereby blocking them. I will find it difficult to get into the light. There are several types of preview: full, partial, low. Full preview completely interfes the baby to move forward. For regret, such pathology interferes with the normal process of birth of the child. And natural genera is replaced by a cesarean cross section. The permanent prediction of the placenta overlaps not fully the passage, but the doctors also strongly begin the operating method of childbirth. Only low placenta gives a future mother to calmly give birth to your baby naturally.

Malotion and multi-way. This state is when the amount of water exceeds or vice versa below the norm. So, it is dangerous threat of spontaneous miscarriage.

Premature pregnancyDifferential diseases of the future mother can serve as a variable feature of this pathology in the fact that it is unpredictable. Ensure is a large number of factors. Unbearable is an interruption of pregnancy up to a period of 37 weeks.

In fact, the pregnancy is a very serious process. Different negative factors can provoke miscarriage and interrupt. This is avoided this, it is necessary to strictly comply with all the recommendations of the gynecologist, take vitamins, be sure to lead the right way of life, to experience and take care of yourself, because baby Feeling the state of the mother and reacts to her mood. It would not be bad to abide by the diet, drinking fruits, juices, because the extra weight can lead to gestosis, and this negatively affects the work of the kidneys, vessels and brain. For this pregnant woman will constantly weigh, watch For additives in weight and, by necessity, she can assign unloading days. If not to neglect such uncomplicated rules, you can make a healthy and full-fledged baby!

Unfortunately, not all women who are awaiting adding in the family, everything goes smoothly. Sometimes they meet the pathology of the development of pregnancy, complicating this period and threatening the health of the future mother and the baby. Such deviations include trophoblastic disease, infection of the milk-free fluid, disruption of the generic shell, braking the growth of the fetus, early operation of the uterus, etc.

Often, the pathological course of pregnancy is observed in women with existing pathology. Of paramount importance is the pathology of the cardiovascular system of pregnant women. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnant women often observe breakdowns of processes occurring in the circulatory system. Various acquired and congenital heart defects, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, IBS, arterial hypertension can significantly complicate pregnancy. Therefore, a woman suffering from any cardiovascular diseases should be under the supervision of a cardiologist during the whole pregnancy.

What other pathology during pregnancy is described in detail in this material.

Ectopic pregnancy

One of the pathological changes in the body of the woman during the toasting of the fetus may also be an ectopic pregnancy. Pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, and most often in the ovidel, it is necessary to recognize and treat in advance. Ectopic pregnancy can be dangerous to the life and health of the future mother.

With such pathological pregnancy, a woman usually observes the following signs: a strong, stitching pain spreading on the whole abdominal cavity; Frequent abundant bleeding from the vagina; Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness.

In the event of these symptoms of pregnancy pathology, it is important to immediately deliver the patient for consultation to a qualified specialist. Recognize ectopic pregnancy is very important to preserve the health of the woman and the possibility of its further childbirth. This type of pregnancy is determined based on the sharing of two scientifically tested methods: periodically repeated testing of pregnancy and translucent high-resolution ultrasonic instrument.

Trofoblastic disease and premature pregnancy

Approximately 0.05% of all women are subject to trophoblastic disease. At the same time, the structure of the cells surrounding the bubble of pregnant women (from which the placenta is formed during the normal course of pregnancy), in the conditions of proper formation of the placenta shell, is not converted into a healthy child seat, but in the bubble conglomerate. The cause of this pathology of pregnancy is usually a chromosomal violation of the fertilized egg.

Another type of pathology is premature pregnancy. If the future mother suspects that for any reason it will not be able to convey the fruit to the deadlines, it should immediately consult a doctor. Signs of premature pregnancy are brown Belie; strengthening such morning ailments as nausea and vomiting; generic toxicosis; Reducing the weight of the body and the activity of the thyroid gland.

Cancer Fruit Shell and Sugar Diabetes

Exceptional, extremely rarely occurring disease is a fruit shell cancer. In half cases, it develops on the soil of trophoblastic disease, in 30-40% of cases occurs after miscarriage, and 10-20% after proper pregnancy. Signs of this disease are irregular bleeding arising after miscarriage, childbirth or after removing the grinding union; The presence of a tumor in the vagina, the uterus or lungs. It is extremely important to recognize such pathology of pregnancy in the early stages and to conduct a course of treatment in a timely manner, as the health of the mother and the possibility of subsequent pregnancy depends on it.

One of the pathological changes in the body of a pregnant woman is diabetes mellitus, developing during the tooling of the fetus. This is a transition state in which the body does not produce a sufficient amount of insulin, in response to an increase in blood glucose. Serious consequences for mother and for her child may occur when an excess of sugar in the blood of the mother penetrates the blood circulation of the fetus through the child's place.

As signs of diabetes mellitus, specialists note the presence of sugar in the urine, severe thirst, frequent and abundant urination. It is not necessary, however, to worry, since the main threats associated with diabetes mellitus during pregnancy can be eliminated by accurate observation of blood sugar levels. Knowing what kind of pathology of pregnancy can, it is possible to carry out regular analyzes at home, from time to time making control analyzes in the clinic.

Infection of an oily fluid

It is possible and such a pathological change in the course of pregnancy, as an infection of an oily fluid in the vagina and the uterus of a pregnant woman in a vagina. This may cause premature breaking of fruit shells or premature births. It is difficult to identify this disease, because there is no special test that can determine and confirm the presence of infection. However, the symptoms are always the same, and an experienced obstetrician must keep in mind: the following features of the state of a pregnant woman: tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat); an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C; Palping uterus.

Choosing a way to treat this pathology of pregnancy, an experienced doctor must take into account the genus of microorganism that caused a painful process, and the state of health of the mother and the fetus. If by this time the fruit is in the late development time, it is recommended to finish pregnancy. In the same case when the fruit is not yet ripe and is not able to survive in ectopic conditions, preserving substances are used with the simultaneous administration of large doses of antibiotics penetrating through the barrier of the shell, as well as a thorough supervision of the fetal state.

Pregnancy pathology related to the development of the fetus

During pregnancy, intrauterine braking of the fetal growth can be attributed to pathologies. This is a consequence of the fact that the intrauterine medium in which the fruit was not optimal enough for its proper development. The causes of such pathology of pregnancy may be some diseases of the mother, the wrong image of its life, the violation of the functioning of the child's place - all this affects the insufficiently rapid growth of the fetus. Most often, intrauterine braking of fetal growth occurs in the first pregnancy. The age of pregnant women is also a risk factor: most often this pathological change occurs in pregnant women, under the age of 17, as well as those older than 34 years old.

The emergence of intrauterine inhibition of the growth of the fetus is difficult to determine, since in most cases this pathology does not have any external manifestations. An experienced obstetrician, measuring the size of the abdomen, may suspect that the magnitude of the uterus or the fetus is less than normal. A similar diagnosis of pregnancy pathology can confirm or refute only ultrasound translucent.

The following predisposing factors may be distinguished responsible for failures in the intrauterine development of the fetus. It is bad prenatal care, the risk of the manifestation of which can be significantly reduced by conducting a systematic obstetric supervision; irrational nutrition and a too small increase in body weight in a state of pregnancy (which can be avoided by adhering to the right diet); Excessive alcohol use - in this case, it is simply necessary to combat the bad habit.

However, one should not forget that some factors causing this pathology of the fetus during pregnancy, unfortunately, is very difficult or impossible to eliminate. Such factors include the low socio-economic and educational level of pregnant women, who does not allow them to provide proper nutrition and prenatal care; Previous childbirth of a child with features of hypotrophy or innate disadvantage; bleeding in the first or third trimester of pregnancy; Deviation of the location of the kindergarten, expressed in its premature selection or speaking forward; strongly pronounced nausea and vomiting, which lasts over three months; lowland or multi-way; incorrect hemoglobin level; Premature sprinkling of the fruit bubble; Serological conflict in the rhesus factor.

Mother, in the preceding pregnancy, who endowed the baby with a small weight, is only a small degree at risk of re-birth of such a child. As a rule, statistics show a tendency to grow the weight of the child in relation to the previous one. The birth of too small child can affect, in addition to the above, the following factors: physical or mental stress of the future mother; Incorrect increase in the amount of plasma in a pregnant woman, as well as the absence of progesterone in the body.

In the intramatocal braking of the fetus growth, hospitalization or treatment at home can be applied from all methods recommended in the literature. The improvement in the diet is recommended, especially the amount of protein, iron and energy value of the food introduced; The introduction of drugs that improve the circulation of the blood of a kindergarten. In the case when the strengthening of pathology is so large that no of the ways cannot reduce the threat of life or the health of the mother, you have to resort to the interruption of pregnancy.

Putting childhood

Among the main pathologies of pregnancy, you can allocate such as repellent childhood. In this case, the child seat is placed in the lower part of the uterus, entirely or partially closes its inner mouth or comes to its edge. As a rule, in the early weeks of pregnancy, the lowest childhood is quite common, but as the pregnancy and growth of the uterus develops, in most cases moves up. Although even in those situations where its migration is not observed in the highest parts of the uterus, it rarely comes to the emergence of serious deviations. Close fit of the child's place to the inner mouth may cause bleeding. In situations, when the child's place is whole or even partially entering the mouth, the childbirth will be likely to be, most likely impossible.

The risk of education of a discoverished kindergarten is higher in women who had mechanical cleaning of the uterus walls due to miscarriages or childbirth, as well as in women who have undergone a cesarean cross-section or an operation on the muscle of the uterus. The probability of developing a discoverished kindergarten occurs in situations requiring an increase in the surface of the placenta. Such development of the embryo is observed in the states of oxygen starvation and disorders of the fetus. Lowly located child seat moves with a tensile part of the uterus; Sometimes it happens before the 28th week of pregnancy, but usually it comes between the 34-38 weeks of its development.

Most often, this deviation is manifested in bleeding without pain, having a light red color, not accompanied by pain in the abdomen, moderate or abundant. Children's place, entering the inner mouth, is located on the way of passing the fetus through the generic channel, as a result, it is impossible as a natural way.

The situation of fueling the child seat flowing without manifestations is easy to diagnose with ultrasound research, but sometimes this pathology remains unnoticed up to the birth.

It is not necessary to worry for no reason: the early recognized lowly located child seat in most cases itself is adjusted before childbirth and does not create special problems. Before the onset of the 20th week of pregnancy, this condition does not require treatment. After this period, if the future mother does not complain about any ailment, it is recommended to change the daily model of motor activity.

Armor activity of the uterus in pathology of pregnancy

Before the 37th week of pregnancy, there is sometimes a phenomenon that received the name "Armor, or premature, sampling activity of the uterus". In this case, the fights are similar to pains during menstruation, sometimes diarrhea, nausea and other disorders of the digestive tract, pain in the lower abdomen, soreness and pressure in the pelvic ring, in the areas of groin or hips, watery pink and brown highlights, predicted by the output of thick mucous plug Or with a juration or flowing water from the vagina.

With such a pathology of the uterus during pregnancy, fast diagnosis is extremely important. Since every day of finding the fetus in the uterus increases his chances of survival after delivery, it should be applied only if there is a serious danger of threat to life or child health. In order to prevent premature sampling, doctors recommend excluding sexual contacts and severe physical exertion in recent months of pregnancy and, if necessary, put the future mother in the hospital.

What other pregnancy pathology and how to identify them

If a pregnant woman has bleeding, it must be hospitalized to accurately assess the state of the mother and the fetus. If the bleeding is moderate and it is easy to stop, in this case the doctors are recommended for preserving treatment, which includes hospitalization with mandatory lying, careful supervision of the condition of pregnant and fetus, additional intake of iron and vitamin C, if necessary - blood transfusion. If the state of the future mother does not cause serious concerns, doctors sometimes allow the compliance with the beddown at home.

As shown in the photo, with such pathology of pregnancy, the child's place can grow into the deep layers of the muscles of the uterus and become constantly related to it:

There are distinguished childhood and ingrown childhood depending on the depth of the penetration of cells of the child's place. If the child's place is not separated from the uterus walls during the third generic process, it should be removed by surgical path with the goal of stopping bleeding. If it is not possible to suspend open blood vessels and thereby stop the bleeding, then doctors there is nothing else, except for the complete removal of the uterus.

The reason for about 25% of late bleeding is the branch or premature gap of the kindergarten from the walls of the uterus. The risk factors in this case are the age of the mother, use of nicotine, increased pressure, adoption of aspirin in late pregnancy or previously postponed premature departments of the orphanage.

Bleeding when separating the kindergarten can be both light (when separated by a low degree) and strong (when separating a moderate degree), which can be accompanied by pains in the lower abdomen. Also, the future mother and fetus may have symptoms of blasting.

The diagnosis of this pathology is made on the basis of a survey, medical examination, ultrasound research.

When separating a small degree often, an ordinary bed mode is recommended that helps stop bleeding. In cases of moderate degree of child's department, bed and careful medical supervisory is unconditionally recommended.

Currently, the premature departments of the kindergarten is not a special threat, and over 90% of mothers and newborns come out of this crisis situation without serious consequences.

Premature spanning of the fruit bubble is another type of pathology of the course of pregnancy, which is in violation of the shell of the fruit bubble, preceding the beginning of the bout. The symptom of this phenomenon is the flow of fluid from the vagina.

During the day since the start of premature bladder span, it is necessary to conduct a thorough medical observation of a pregnant condition. At this time, it is necessary to regularly measure the body temperature and the number of white blood cells in the blood, the future mother to prevent possible manifestation of infection. In the event of the beginning of the fights, with misfortune, the fruit should suspend childbirth, and most obstetricians try to delay, thus give birth up to 33-34 weeks. If the bubble bursts on the 37th week or later, it is recommended to start stimulating childbirth, because in this case the possibility of infection is great.

Sometimes in the case of a break of the fruit shell, the cord slips through the cervical channel or through the vagina, energized by the flowing waters. The fallen bipoon can easily be transmitted to the front of the fetus, as a result of which a limitation may occur or a complete lack of oxygen for the respiration of the fetus. Often, the umbilical Pupovina falls during premature births or in the case when the front of the fetus is not the head of the fetus, but most often it happens with a premature break of fruit shells before starting the genital cuts of the uterus.

To reveal such pathology during pregnancy, you need to diagnose. It is easy enough to do: the fallen cord cord may be in the vagina or hang out of the genitals. If the cord cord is pushing, then the danger of fetus hypoxia occurs.

In the event that the future mother notices the presence of umbilical cord in the vagina or suspects its loss, it should maximize the umbilical umbilical cord. If the uterus is hanging out, it is necessary to carefully protect it with a warm and wet diaper, a clean towel or diaper, after which it immediately go to the nearest hospital.

During pregnancy, childbirth, as well as in the postpartum state in the blood circuit system, blood clots are often appear in the veins. The reason for this deflection is to revitalize the natural coagulation mechanisms. They manifest themselves in the prenatal period and are associated with the difficulties of the return of blood from the low-lying parts of the body to the heart due to the increased uterus.

The blockage of surface veins is a fairly rare deviation, it meets every 100 pregnancies. Blood coagulation inside deep vessels is a danger to the life of a pregnant woman and the fetus. Risk factors in this case are the age of the mother, exceeding 30 years, a large amount of birth, long-term immobility in the lying pose, overweight, anemia, the expansion of the veins, operating breeding - the operation of a forceps or a cesarean section.

When blocking surface veins, fibrous painful hardening on the way of passing the veins of the thighs or in caviar areas covered with reddish skin are usually formed. When blocking deeper veins, there are quite often the symptoms are soreness and elevated density of caviar or hips, extregnity edema, expansion of surface veins, pain in Ires (hip).

You can identify external blockage using an ultrasound examination or with a direct examination by a doctor. Treatment is necessary if the thrombus moves, causing the blockage of the vessels of lungs and the pain in the chest, coughing with blood painted by blood, enhancing the work of the heart and the frequency of breathing, the formation of the lips and the fingertips of the fingertips.

The best therapy of such pathologies of pregnancy is prevention: the binting of the limbs at the tendency to thrombophlebitis; Avoiding seating fixed poses within an hour; strengthening limbs walking and running; Performing light motor exercises lying.

In the treatment of blockage of surface veins, bed regime should be observed (the patient limb should be raised). It is also necessary to apply the appropriate ointments recommended by the doctor, to apply wet warming compresses, wearing tightening elastic co-rates, take aspirin in the postpartum period.

If the deep veins were blocked and inflamed, then with such pathology, a pregnant woman is usually introduced absorbing medicine intravenously for 10 days, but after the start of regular battle, the introduction of the medication should be discontinued. A few hours after childbirth, it is recommended to repeated drug administration. The doctor may also assign the therapy for several weeks of the postpartum period.

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Pathology of pregnancy is complications in the period of tooling the fetus resulting from gestation and leading to a violation of its natural leakage. At the initial stage, they proceed asymptomatic, and when the violations are developing, the pregnant woman begins to complain about the alga in the abdominal region, the discharge, swelling, migraine and the lack of fetal movement.

To diagnose the problem use ultrasound, analyzes, invasive prenatal diagnostics, MRI pelviometry, etc. Depending on the state of the future mommy and the baby, therapy, may be aimed at both conservation and the artificial interruption of the fetus.

Pathology of pregnancy: common types

Based on obstetric statistics, only 50% of pregnancies proceed without problems and complications. Gynecologists most often have to face:

  • Toxicosis;
  • Miscarriages;
  • Premature childbirth;
  • The birth of children with deep prematurity;
  • Babies with pathologies;
  • Native;
  • Preeclampsia and eclampsia;
  • Gestosis;
  • The preview of the placenta.

The remaining types of pathologies are extremely rare.

What provokes the appearance of pregnancy pathologies

Complications arising at the stage of enhancing the fetus are provoked by many factors both by the future of the baby and from the motherboard.

The most common pathological conditions are presented:

  • Extgazenital somatic pathology - If a woman has problems with the cardiovascular system or suffers from chronic kidney diseases, it can develop late prosthesis. In addition, these problems can lead to exacerbation of any existing chronic ailments.
  • Endocrinopathy - If the future mother has hypothalamic-pituitary regulation and endocrine ovarian functional, then there is a violation of the implantation process of an egg cell, and the contractile ability of the inner layer of the uterus walls is changed. The presence of diabetes leads to microcirculatory deviations in both the female organism and in the toddler placenta.
  • Gynecological illness of inflammatory type - If there is salpintingitis, endometritis or adnexitis, there are serious risks of ectopic pregnancy. In chronic cervicitis, erection-cervical insufficiency may occur. And with the illnesses of infectious ethiology, there is a risk of infecting the future baby intrauterine.
  • Outline Development Anomalies - If the uterus has a partition or there is its infantility, cougium or saddlicity, then often these disadvantages provoke miscarriages, premature genera, placental detachment and insufficiency, as well as oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Pathology of pregnancy or to complicate childbirth in the past

Moved early childbirth or spontaneous abortion during past pregnancy leads to miscarriages in the early deadlines. If there are scars on the cervix after past birth, the current pregnancy may be complicated by the uterus and serious bleeding, especially if it is multiple.

  • By leaking, multi-way and late toxicosis - Similar problems are often disturbed by women with multiple pregnancies and can lead to unbearable.
  • Ailments of infectious ethiology - diseases provoked by viruses or bacteria can lead to miscarriage or early childbirth, aggravate chronic ailments, exacerbate the existing gestosis, as well as cause an intrauterine infection or inflammatory process of the fetic bubble shell.
  • Immunological problems - Often, the unbearable of the fetus is observed with a rezes-conflict or with antiphospholipid syndrome at the future mother.
  • Genetic deviations of the fetus - The most common cause of miscarriage at an early term is chromosomal deviations that make the embryos of non-visual.
  • Yatrogenic complications - Conducted amniocentesis, biopsy placenta, amnioscopy, cordocentesis or made of cervical stuffing can lead to a rupture of a fuce bubble and early childbirth or intrauterine infection.

For additional, causing pathology, factors include bad habits and maintenance of an associate lifestyle. The risk of developing the pathological course of the fetus tooling is available in women who have not reached the age of age or those who overstected the thirty-five years old, suffering obesity, leads a low-wear lifestyle, is experiencing excessive psycho-emotional and physical exertion.

Pathology of pregnancy: Classification of complications

The classification of the pathologies of the fetus of the fetus is based on the one who is a carrier of deviations and at what level they arose - in the future mommy, in the child, in the embryonic structure or in the frip system.

The most common complications are presented:

  • Ailments and states arising from entering the fetus . They are represented by gestational diabetes, early toxicosis, thyrotoxicosis, late gestosis, anemia, varicose veins. Since pregnancy leads to functional changes in the kidneys, urological diseases of an inflammatory nature can develop.
  • Complications of already existing diseases . Since there are significant loads during pregnancy to the body, they lead to the exacerbation of chronic somatic and endocrine pathologies represented by hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, diseases of the tract and hypertension. In some cases, renal or heart failure is developing.
  • Threat to miscarriage and unbearable . The pregnancy in this case is completed by the early appearance of the baby to the light or early or late miscarriage.

Emascinal pregnancy

Pathology, when a fruit egg is implanted not in the uterine cavity, and in the phallopium tube. In this case, the embryo is developing, growing and leads to a breaking of the pipe and strong inner bleeding, which, without proper medical care, ends with a fatal outcome.

  • Genetic defects . Anomalies at the genetic level lead to the emergence of malformations, miscarriages and severe illness among the future child.
  • Intrauterine infection . Infection of viruses or bacteria arise as a result of the negligence relationship of the future mother to their health and late access to a specialist. As a result of the infection, the miscarriage can happen, the pathology will develop, pregnancy interrupt or problems in childbirth.
  • Oxygen deficiency of the fruit . Such a condition is developing in hypoxia, which causes ischemia and necrotic changes in various organs. As a result of such problems, the fetus develops pathology or a child is born dead.
  • Hypotrophy . If the baby is lagging behind in development, generic hypoxia can develop, he will not be able to breathe independently, after childbirth, the thermoregulation will be broken, damaged by the brain is damaged or pneumonia is damaged, fraught with a fatal outcome.
  • Presenter . If a child has oblique or pelvic preview, then complications may occur in childbirth, therefore it is to avoid them, a cesarean section is carried out.

Measuring pregnancy

With the intrauterine death of the fetus in the uterine cavity, serious inflammatory pathologies are developing up to peritonitis and blood infection, which can end the death of a woman.

  • Placental pathology . In the tissue structures of the placenta, cystic or tumor formations, infectious and inflammatory processes, as well as various anomalies, leading to the increment of the placenta to the uterine wall, delaying it or pre-layer.
  • Umbilical pathologies . The unabiliated diseases of infectious ethiology lead to the development of inflammation of umbilical cords, as a result of which it can be shortened, to lengthen, and cysts, nodes and hematomas may form in it.
  • Pathologies of the shells of the fruit bubble . During problems with a fruit bag, chorioamnionitis, water leaving, a lot or low and a premature breakdown bubble can be developed.
  • Fetoplacentage insufficiency . This complication leads to disorders in the structure and features of the placenta, which provokes the death of the fetus, hypoxia or hypotrophy.
  • Rhow conflict . If this state occurs, the erythrocyte cells of the child begin to collapse and hemolytic jaundice develops.

When finding complications, first of all should be taken into account when they appear. Complications are in early and they lead to miscarriages, as well as the late, which affect the course of tooling the fetus and on the development of the future kid.

Symptoms of pregnancy pathology

Despite the fact that there is a certain connection between some pathologies and the period of gestation, there is symptoms indicating the presence of complications. The first symptom is manifested in Algia in the abdominal area, which can be given to the lumbar department. It occurs during ectopic pregnancy, the threat of its interrupt and early childbirth. Also there is dizziness, weakness, and in some cases the future motley may lose consciousness. If a woman has a non-inflammatory etiology, then an increase in temperature indicators is added to the pain.

With miscarriage, premature births, placental detachment or prediction, pregnant worried bleeding. Petnic may appear with inflammation, and watery when ledmed or influencing the accumulating waters.

If you judge the healthy, then when tooling the fetus, any negative changes in a state of a woman can be a symptom of possible pathologies. For the first trimester, toxicosis with vomiting and nausea is characterized. With plentose at the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimester, a migraine appears with localization in the field of the nape, the swelling of the lower extremities, nausea, dizziness and vomiting.

The increase in temperature indicators indicates the presence of ailments of infectious etiology or their complications. Extragenital pathology of pregnancy is manifested by dryness in the oral cavity, tachycardia, heartburn and varicose veins.

If the pathologies are not observed in the mother, but in the baby, it can be determined by the frequency of movements. If the future kid does not move over four hours and does not respond to stimuli, you should immediately contact the doctor. Frequent movements are also evidence of such deviations as hypoxia.

Diagnosing pathologies

If a gynecologist suspects that a woman has pathologies to carry fruit, it is sent to the examination, in order to determine the type and degree of violations.

Diagnostic techniques are presented:

  • Outdoor obstetric study to determine the size, shape and tone of the uterus, as well as sections of pain;
  • An examination with the help of mirrors. The gynecologist estimates the mucous membrane of the uterus and the walls of the vagina, as well as the presence of selections;
  • Microscopy and bacterial crops. These analyzes are carried out in order to identify causative agents of diseases of infectious ethiology;
  • Ultrasound examination by the pelvic bottom body. With the help of an ultrasound, the doctor determines the size of the uterus, the state of the walls of the organ and evaluates the size of the fetus, umbilical umbilical, placenta and the volume of the accumulatory fluid;
  • MRI-pelviometry. This screening is necessary with anomalies in the development of the future kid and the fetus bubble;
  • Invasive prenatal diagnostics. With it, it is estimated to evaluate the state of the fetal shells, genetic anomalies in the development of the baby and the volume of accumulating waters;
  • Non-invasive express tests. They are carried out for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy and the leakage of the oily fluid;
  • Standard set of laboratory tests. To determine the level of some hormones, as well as to identify placental disorders and pathologies of the fetus;
  • Torch complex. Screening is necessary to identify infectious agers affecting the fruit of the fruit of intrauterine;
  • Doppler image of blood flow in the uterus and placenta. Allows you to evaluate transplacentane hemodynamics;
  • Cardiotokography. It is necessary for examining cardiovascular ailments in a child, as well as having hypoxia;

To track the dynamics of the state of the future milk and its body, general blood and urine tests can be assigned, pressure control, electrocardiogram and consultation with the necessary specialists.

Therapy for the pathologies of the fetus

Treatment of pathology will depend on its nature, the presence of complications, as well as risks for the fetus and future mommy.

If the condition of the baby does not cause concerns, and there is no threat to the life of a woman, the therapy will be appointed, which allows you to save the child, consisting of:

  • Hormonal drugs that allow to normalize the concentration of hormones in the female organism;
  • Tocolithics, which reduce the reductions of the inner layer of the uterus;
  • Antibacterial agents for the destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • Anti-inflammatory leciforms that are appointed to relocate the inflammatory process;
  • Glucocorticoids to accelerate the ripening of light fetus;
  • Sedative preparations for removing psycho-emotional voltage.

In the presence of extragnenitial deviations, vitamins and infusion solutions are prescribed. If there is a need to carry the cervix. To eliminate phytoplaceantar insufficiency assign funds beneficially affecting placental blood flow.

When diagnosing a resound conflict, anti -usus immunoglobulin is prescribed. If coarse defects were found or intrauterine fetal death, artificial bodies are caused or a medical or surgical abortion is carried out depending on the period of pregnancy.

Pathology of pregnancy: forecasts and prevention

The forecast will depend on the presence of complications and the nature of the detected pathological condition. If genetic defects or ectopic pregnancy were found, the child will not be able to save. In the rest of the same cases, doctors try to do everything so that the future mommy bang and safely gave birth to the baby.

As the prevention of the pathologies described above, at the pregnancy planning stage, a woman should cure all the existing diseases and abandon bad habits. After diagnosing pregnancy, she should be registered to the gynecologist in a timely manner and fulfill all the recommendations on them, in this case it will be possible to reduce the risk of the appearance of pathologies to a minimum.

A rather serious test for the future mommy becomes analyzes for identifying pathology. Usually they are carried out from 10 to 16 week, that is, in the first trimester. In some cases, doctors are forced to state congenital or genetic deviations, due to which the abortion is recommended. What is the most dangerouspathology of pregnancy in the early stages, how can she influence a child and is therecing chances to avoid?

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Causes for examination in early time

Analyzing at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus, unfortunately, has to do many pairs. The fact is that influencing genetic deviations begin to develop influence of certain factors in the child. Reees for the development of defects can be:

  • bad ecology;
  • the impact of toxic, chemicals, irradiations, drugs;
  • transfer of deviations from the parent to the fetus (hereditary family diseases) or the acquisition after the compound of high-quality genetic information pairs;
  • blooding marriages;
  • women who have the sad experience of previous pregnancies, including repeated miscarriages, the birth of dead children, infertility of unexplained etiology;
  • women up to 18 years old and "borrowing" aged for 35 years;
  • infectious diseases of the mother, disorders in endocrine and immunological systems.

In the presence of these factors, the chances of the development of gene mutations in the fetus are much more.Identification of pathologies in early pregnancy allows you to detect non-viable embryos. This mainly leads to frozen pregnancy or the birth of children with deviations.

Types of genetic abnormalities in children

Genetic defects are divided into acquired and congenital (trisomy ). The second meet more often, the most famous of them - Down syndrome. They can also simply pass from generation to generation. For example, if the grandmother has long been under the influence of toxic substances, is not a fact that it will affect her child. The result of the actions of the toxins can appear already at her grandchildren.Pathology of pregnancy It can both completely change the structure of the future person, its physiological abilities, and only a little damage certain organs.

Down syndrome

It is manifested in the presence of a third chromosome, despite the fact that they are usually two. In addition to external differences, the most important danger of kids with such deviations is the vices of the heart, occurring in 40% of cases. Also, scientists have long been a regularity between the age of the mother and the birth of a child with Down syndrome: after 45 years, each pair of 14 conceived a sunny child appears, that is, the kid with the trisomy of the 21st chromosome. As for the age of the father, it is less affecting the fetus.

As manifests itself outwardly by Siddro Dauna

Edward's Syndrome and Pataau Syndrome

In the case of the genetics of such types of deviations in the fetus of parents, there will be nothing to encourage: in 90% of cases, kids die in the first year of life, while the defects of the heart occur in 80% of them.

Terecher Collins syndrome

It occurs in the early stages of the development of the fetus as a result of the generation of genes. A rather rare deviation, which manifests itself in coarse deformations of the face of the skull, the absence or curvature of the ears, impaired hearing, problems with food intake and swallowing in general, breathing paths. Nevertheless, the child develops on a par with peers.

Angelman Syndrome

The deviation occurs extremely rarely, however, it is also impossible to exclude it. Manifested in delays in development, epileptic seizures. The most famous child with such genetic deviation was born from actor Colin Farrell.

Since the birth of solar children began to meet quite often, we recommend reading the article. Of it you will learn how pathology shows, what tests will help identify the deviation, and also learn the advice to parents who have encountered such a diagnosis and do not know what to do.

The results of the influence of the unfavorable medium on the fruit

Pathology of the fetus in early pregnancy it may occur under the influence of the external environment. That is, a completely healthy embryo under the action of certain factors acquires pathological deviations. Basically in the risk group of women living near industrial zones with plants, chemical industries working with chemicals and heavy metals in the laboratory.

Under the influence of all these factors, the fetus may begin to slow down development, deformity, violations in the work of vital organs. But that the worst, with a long-term influence of harmful substances, the fruit may die in the mother's womb. That is why a woman should be extremely careful in these and not simple nine months of waiting. Particular attention should be paid to exactly the first trimester, since during this period the embryo is most vulnerable.

Fetal pathology, developing due to improper lifestyle

Smoking, drugs, alcohol - are far from the best satellites of the future mother. Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, they need to be abandoned that the body will have time to cleanse and gain strength to nourish a healthy child.

The effect of nicotine on the fruit

Under the action of nicotine at the fetus, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) begins to develop, which results in an impact of important vital organs, brain shells and lungs. As statistics show, the child is born and growing weaker than its one year old, more often sick and lags behind in physical development. In addition, nicotine significantly increases the risk of a dead baby, miscarriages, bleeding, etc.

The effect of alcohol on the fruit

But the greatest danger for the fetus is. In such parents, the likelihood of the child's birth with deviations and genetic pathologies is significantly higher. The main thing is what the alcohol affects is the brain. In this regard, the kid can be stated in the future mental retardation, and in some cases severe mental deviations.

Statistics - a stubborn thing. According to the latest data in mothers who regularly use alcoholic beverages, spontaneous abortions stated in 29%, in 22% of cases - miscarriages and premature births, in 34% of cases, children were born prematurely, and 26% of pregnant women suffered from toxicosis. In general, pathology, when entering the child, was established in 46.5% of cases, and problems for childbirth in 56% of cases.

It is worth noting that children from mother-alcoholic are often born with alcohol syndrome. That is, in fact, the child is already dependent on alcohols, and its body is affected by toxins.

The effect of drugs on the fruit

Children addicts enter the largest risk group. The birth of a child with genetic deviations at the mother who used barbiturates and other poisoning the body is very high. But it is worth noting that if the parents regularly "sat on the needle", that is, the heroin and cocaine were most likely taken, then with a high probability they will not see their child alive, because with a high probability he will die in the womb. If the fruit falls into that little percentage of survivors, in this case it can develop mental deviations, severe diseases, due to which he will remain disabled for life. With a large probability, the children of drug addicts will never catch up in the development of peers.

Moms! Think about it! Is imaginary pleasure can permanently deprive you of the joy of motherhood, and your baby is a happy and healthy future?

Pathology, developing under the influence of intoxication

Quite often, the child becomes a "spontaneous gift", which parents do not pass the necessary surveys for infections. However, the fruit is influencedgenital and extragenital (viral and bacterial, not related to the genital organs) infection. Each of them carries a serious threat to the embryo.

But, no matter how paradoxically sounded,signs of pregnancy pathology can put both absolutely healthy mommies undergoing flu. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease in the early terms (up to 12 weeks), the embryo either survives and develops normally or dies in the womb. In the second and third trimester, all sorts of pathologies with the placenta may become the consequences of influenza, which will ultimately lead to hypoxia andfetal hypotrophy.

The following diseases are also dangerous:

  • listeriosis;
  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • cytomegaly and;
  • hepatitis (a, b, s, d);
  • HIV infection.

Each disease carries a serious threat. For example, with such a minor problem, the problem like rubella, in the first 90 days after conception, doctors will be offered to make an artificial abortion. When preserving a child, the risk of developing deafness, glaucoma, bone lesions.

One of the most dangerous diseases - toxoplasmosis. It develops in pregnant women who regularly in contact with cats. The result will be the brain watering, meningoencephalitis, microcephaly, eye damage and CNS. That is why it is better to give a pet for a while to another family. It is worth noting that small kids are also undesirable to regularly contact the cat.

If the parents have hepatitis, then there are chances of almost 50 * 50: in 40% of the child's cases, it will be possible to cure, and 40% of the kids are dying under the age of two years. Even harmless at first glance, herpes, which is more than 30% of people on the planet, when infecting the fetus, can lead to the development of cirrhosis, shortened hand and legs, blindness and other adverse deviations.

That is why it is worth passing when planning pregnancy , in order to maximize the risk of congenital anomalies and child losses.

Diagnosis of the development of the pathology of the fetus

The definition of congenital and acquired pathologies of the fetus is a complex process. Pherky blood screening pregnant will be appointed for 12 weeks, then spend repeated surveys for 20 and 30 weeks. Mom will take tests on malformations. At the same time, the survey will be carried out absolutely to everyone regardless of whether a woman is in the risk group or not. The most popular from screening is an analysis on alpha-fetoprotein. It is recommended to carry out up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the optimal period is 10-11 weeks. The accuracy of the results reaches 95%. Mandatory addition isUltrasound on the pathology of the fetus and the uterus.

Biopsy Chorione

This blood test for pathology high accuracy allows you to determine any genetic deviations. And it is he who is most frightened by the future mammy. After all, hand will have to takethe tiny amount of tissue (chorion villion) from the placenta of the fetus, and for this it is necessary to either pierce a thin needle abdominal cavity, or to get the material through the cervix.

It is worth noting that the pregnant procedure is unpleasant, but practically painless. The probability of harm to the fetus or provoke miscarriage at the same time is extremely minimal, not more than 1%! After the procedure, small pain and weak bleeding are possible. The alarm is worth the beat only if there is plenty of bleeding, fasteners are felt or serious ailments.


Analogue of the biopsy of the Kharicion, only in this case the fence of the oily water is taken. It is believed that it is more secure, although in fact the risks are approximately the same: with the probability of adverse reactions after the procedure is 0.5% -1%. But from the shortcomings, it can be noted that it is carried out only from 15 weeks after conception.

The results and the first, and the second analysis will be obtained in two or three weeks. Refuse them - to potentially be ready to give birth to a child with genetic disabilities.

Ultrasound fruit

If the previous oneanalysis on the pathology of the fetus allows you to identify gene deviations, the ultrasound eliminates congenital pathologies. However, it is possible only if the specialist is experienced in matters Prenatal diagnostics of industrial complexAnd also from 20 weeks after conception. It is not recommended to save, turning to cheaper diagnostic centers. It is likely that they use obsolete equipment, with which it is impossible to identify pathology.

Unfortunately, medical testimony for pregnancy interrupt (Congenital and acquired in the process of development of pathology) can usually be challenged. If the mother is decided to give birth even despite the warnings of doctors about possible anomalies and threats of the child's vital activity, then its pregnancy will be under watchful control throughout the entire period. When re-conceived, the woman will automatically be put in the risk group and it is mandatory to force all the tests of pathologies to pass all the tests.

Pathology of pregnancy is a different kind of complication when you wear a child who is able to harm and baby, and mom. The most famous complications are an ectopic pregnancy, abortion, anemia of the child and mothers, toxicosis, the pathology of the placenta, the underdevelopment of the fetus, the hemolytic esbrion disease.

It is worth saying that the right and competent observation of the future mother and providing her timely professional assistance in difficult situations, can prevent the emergence of complications or minimize their flow. Many pathologies can be revealed by ultrasound.

How dangerous risk is risk

Risk assessment is discussed by a doctor with a mother with a mother at the beginning of tooling the future child. In obstetric practice, the main criterion for pregnancy observation remains the risk of perinatal pathology during the period of toal. All possible factors complicating the flow of pregnancy and the state of the woman are taken into account. Such factors are isolated in several groups:

  1. Disease of a woman during the period of tooling. These may be diseases of internal organs, strong toxicosis, acute infections (influenza, angina), chronic diseases, bleeding from the uterus with a rhesus conflict.
  2. Social and biological phenomena. Harmful working conditions, age barrier - women older than 30 years old and men older than 40 years old, alcohol abuse and smoking can cause chromosomal changes and other pathologies.
  3. Diseases of the fetus of different character. PARTROFY - When the weight of the child is higher than the norm, the hypotrophy of the fetus - the weight of the child is below the norm, hypoxia, when the child gets insufficient oxygen, there is also a concept of hypertrophy, when the child's weight exceeds the normal weight by more than 10%.
  4. Obstetric and gynecological factors. Received during consultation with the future mother and when inspection on the chair. This includes abortions between 1 and 2 pregnancy, infertility, the disease of the previous fetus, the birth of a dead child, the number of birth - 5-6 or more, the birth of the baby before the laid, mother's disease in the gynecological part.

At 35 weeks, an assessment is held to select the tactics of bearing and childbirth (natural, caesarean).

Malokrovia and underdevelopment

The underdevelopment of the fetus is the result of various violations in the development of the embryo. Everyone knows that it is from the mother that the baby receives all nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, the diseases of the mother or the deficiency in its body of vitamins and nutritional elements may be destructive for the kid. Certinism is underdevelopment of the fetus with poor work of the thyroid gland (the iodine lacks). If a woman has any thyroid diseases, its body produces less hormones, and the fruit ceases to develop. These hormones affect the development of bones and nervous system. Also, the growth of the fetal skeleton can be disturbed by calcium shortage.

Anemia (Malokrovia) is a frequently found pathology of pregnancy. The normal development of the embryo is disturbed or pregnancy is interrupted due to lack of oxygen. Often anemia appears due to lack of organism in the mother of minerals and vitamins. As a rule, lacks folic acid and iron. A woman can feel dry skin, complain of cracked lips, bad hair and nails. The fruit develops slowly or freezes at all.

Most of all suffers from the brain of the embryo, since this organ is more sensitive to a lack of oxygen than others.

"Bad pregnancy" and toxicosis

For ectopic pregnancy, the embryo is developing in a fallopian tube, on various organs of peritoneum, ovaries or cervix. If the fertilized egg attached to the wall of the uterine tube, its development leads to an increase and breaking of the pipe, abundant bleeding and miscarriage. As a rule, such a pregnancy is interrupted by 4-7 weeks. Symptoms may be such - severe pain at the bottom of the abdomen, fast fatigue, dizziness, changing the color of the skin. When rejection, the germ of pain may be unsalted, and allocations weak. However, if there are such signs, menstruation does not occur, then a woman urgently needs to see the doctor. Because when the pipe breaks, strong bleeding occurs, which can lead to serious and even fatal consequences for a woman.

What affects an ectopic pregnancy? The answer is simple - chronic genital diseases, spikes in pipes, etc. To identify the "bad" pregnancy will help ultrasound.

Frequently occurring complications of the fetal toxicosis remains. They are divided into early until 19 weeks and late from 19 to 41 weeks of tooling. Toxins arise due to the violation of the metabolic processes of the mother during the period of tooling the baby. Many doctors do not exclude that toxicosis may appear from immune and allergic changes.

Symptoms of light toxicosis are vomiting and highlighting a large amount of saliva. The frequency of vomiting may be a couple of times per day and even hourly. Selection of saliva can reach 1 liter per day. With other toxicosis forms, itching, asthma, eczema may appear. As for the late form, there are more dangerous symptoms here and may be a serious threat to the health of the baby and mom. Late toxicosis occurs in 10% of pregnant women and is able to disrupt the work of the internal organs of the mother. The work of the brain, heart, kidneys, blood vessels is strongly disturbed.

Symptoms of late toxicosis are increased pressure, swelling, eclampsia. Preeclampsia, nephropathy and hypertension are considered very dangerous. Preeclampsia appears as a consequence of high blood pressure and disturbances of normal operation of the kidneys, which adversely affects the work of the brain. With this pathology of the fetus, a woman begins to circling their head, constantly want to sleep, vomiting opens, vision is lost. If not to treat preeclampsia, then it will go to the eclampsia, in which convulsions may appear, and the pregnant will begin to lose consciousness. Often, at eclampsia, such complications arise as: pneumonia, respiratory and heart failure, brain swelling, embryo death, retinal detachment.

Nephropathy is the defeat of the kidneys, in which the salt is not excreted and water in the body is delayed. Hypertension appears due to kidney damage and changes in the work of the blood-vascular system. If a long time a woman feels an increase in blood pressure, a spasm of vessels may appear, which will negatively affect the state of the placenta and the circulation of oxygen to the fetus. Such a state can interrupt pregnancy.

Miscarriage and hemolytic pathology

Writing - spontaneous rejection of the embryo. The inflammatory processes of the genital organs can lead to this state.

Up to 12 weeks, the interruption of pregnancy is called early abortion, and in 13-20 late. At the later deadlines, the interruption of the baby tool is called artificial childbirth. For a period of 29 weeks, a child can stay alive if it is provided with relevant professional assistance.

Hormonal jumps, insufficiency in the body of minerals and vitamins, pathology of the embryo intrauterine is promoted.

Symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage: bloody discharge, strong gravity pain at the bottom of the abdomen. At this moment, the fruit egg begins to flap, but in some cases the pregnancy can still be saved. If bleeding is enhanced and becomes abundant, then the chance for salvation is minimal.

Such pathology as a hemolytic disease occurs in women with a negative rezes-blood factor, while the fetal rezes-positive (RH + depends entirely from the Father). The body of a pregnant woman begins to fight alien protein, which is in the composition of a positive blood type, by developing antibodies. These antibodies on the vessels fall into the blood of the embryo and provoke violation of red blood cells. In many cases, the strong destruction of the cells in the embryo or the born baby can lead to a death.

The rezes conflict, as a rule, happens in women when you enter the second baby, taking into account that the first child also possessed a positive group of blood. To date, to determine the group and rezes of the blood by handing special analyzes. And modern drugs will help a woman to cope with this problem.