Why does the baby wriggle during breastfeeding. Why does the baby scream when suckling? How to help a small tummy not hurt

quotes from the article are very similar with your symptoms.Lactase deficiency can be suspected by the following signs:

Liquid (often frothy, with a sour odor) stool, which can be either frequent (more than 8-10 times a day), or rare or absent without stimulation (this is typical for formula-fed children with FN);
restlessness of the baby during or after feeding;
in severe cases of lactase deficiency, the child gains weight poorly or loses weight.
There is also mention in the literature that one of the possible symptoms is profuse regurgitation.

The baby usually has a good appetite, eagerly begins to suck, but after a few minutes he cries, drops his chest, presses his legs to his stomach. Stools are frequent, thin, yellow, with a sour odor, frothy (reminiscent of yeast dough). If you collect the chair in a glass container and let it stand, then the separation into fractions becomes clearly visible: liquid and denser. It should be borne in mind that when using disposable diapers, the liquid part is absorbed into them, and then stool disturbances can be overlooked.

Typically, symptoms of primary lactase deficiency increase with an increase in the volume of milk consumed. At first, in the first weeks of a newborn's life, there are no signs of abnormalities at all, then increased gas formation appears, even later - abdominal pain, and only then - loose stools.

It is much more common to deal with secondary lactase deficiency, in which, in addition to the symptoms listed above, there is a lot of mucus, greens in the stool, and undigested lumps of food may be present.

Lactose overload can be suspected, for example, in the case when the mother accumulates a large volume of milk in the breast, and the child has good increases, but the child is worried about pains similar to primary FN. Or green sour stools and constantly leaking milk from the mother, even with slightly reduced increases. So what are the possible treatments for lactase deficiency or a similar condition?

1. Correct organization of breastfeeding. In Russia, almost half of infants are diagnosed with lactase deficiency. Naturally, if all these children really suffered from such a serious illness, accompanied by weight loss, man would simply become extinct as a species. Indeed, in most cases there is either "treatment of analyzes" (with the normal condition of the child, without expressed anxiety, and good increases), or incorrect organization of breastfeeding.

And what does the organization of breastfeeding have to do with it?
The fact is that for most women, the composition of milk released from the breast at the beginning and at the end of feeding is different. The amount of lactose does not depend on the mother's diet and does not change much at all, that is, at the beginning and at the end of feeding, its content is almost the same, but the fat content can be very different. More watery milk flows out at first. This milk flows into the breast between feedings when the breast is not stimulated. Then, as the breast sucks, more fatty milk begins to flow. Between feedings, particles of fat adhere to the surface of breast cells and are added to milk only on hot flashes, when milk is actively moving, is thrown out of the milk ducts. Greater fatty milk flows from the stomach into the baby's intestines more slowly, and therefore lactose has time to be processed. Lighter, foremilk moves quickly, and some of the lactose can enter the large intestine without having time to be broken down by lactase. There it causes fermentation, gas formation, frequent sour stools.
Thus, knowing the difference between the front and rear milk, it is possible to understand how to deal with this type of lactase deficiency. It is optimal if a breastfeeding consultant helps you with this advice (at least it makes sense to get advice on the forum or by phone, or better in person)

A) Firstly, you must not express after feeding, because in this case, the mother pours out or freezes the fatty milk, and the breastfeeding baby gets just the less fatty milk with a high lactose content, which can provoke the development of FN.
b) Secondly, it is necessary to change the breast only when the child has completely emptied it, otherwise the child will again receive a lot of front milk and, not having time to suck out the back milk, it will again switch to front milk from the second breast. Perhaps the compression method (described in) will help a more complete emptying of the chest.
c) Thirdly, it is better to breastfeed with the same breast, but more often, since during long breaks a greater amount of fore milk flows into the breast.
d) It is also necessary to correctly attach the baby to the breast (if it is not applied correctly, it is difficult to suck out milk, and the baby will not receive hind milk), and also make sure that the baby does not just suck, but also swallows. In what case can improper attachment be suspected? In case you have cracked breasts and / or feeding is painful. Many people think that breastfeeding pain is normal during the first months, but in fact it is a sign of improper breastfeeding. Pad feeding also often results in improper grip and ineffective sucking. Even if you think that the attachment is correct, it is best to check it again (see)
e) Night feedings are desirable (more hind milk is produced at night).
f) It is undesirable to wean the baby before he is full, let him suck for as long as he wants (especially in the first 3-4 months, until the lactase is fully ripe).

So, we have the correct grip, we do not express ourselves after feeding, we change our breasts every 2-3 hours, we do not try to feed less often. We give the child a second breast only when he has completely emptied the first one. The baby suckles for as long as needed. Night feeding is desirable. Sometimes just a few days of such a regime is enough for the child's condition to return to normal, stool and bowel function to improve.

Note that infrequent breast alternation should be used with caution as this usually leads to a decrease in the amount of milk (therefore, it is advisable to make sure that the child writes about 12 or more times a day, this means that there is most likely enough milk). It is possible that after a few days of this regimen, the amount of milk will no longer be sufficient and it will be possible to switch to feeding from two breasts again, while the baby will no longer show any signs of FN. If your baby has high gains, but has symptoms similar to FN, it is possible that it is a decrease in breast alternation (every 3 hours or less, as described in) in order to reduce the total milk volume, which will lead to a decrease in colic. If all this does not help, perhaps we are really talking about lactase deficiency, and not about a similar condition, which can be corrected with the help of the correct organization of feedings. What else can you do?

2. Elimination of allergens from the diet. Most often we are talking about the protein of cow's milk. The fact is that cow's milk protein is a fairly common allergen. If the mother consumes a lot of whole milk, its protein can be partially absorbed from the intestines into the mother's blood, and accordingly into the milk. If cow's milk protein is an allergen for a child (and this happens quite often), it disrupts the activity of the child's intestines, which can lead to insufficient breakdown of lactose and to LN. The way out is to exclude whole milk from the mother's diet, first of all. You may also need to exclude all dairy products, including butter, cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, as well as beef, and anything cooked with butter (including baked goods). Another protein (not necessarily cow's milk) may also be an allergen. Occasionally it is necessary to exclude sweets as well. When the mother eliminates all allergens, the baby's bowel activity improves and the FN symptoms stop.

3. Expressing before feeding. If it is not enough to change breasts less often and eliminate allergens, you can try expressing some portion of carbohydrate-rich foremilk BEFORE feeding. This milk is not given to the child, and the child is applied to the breast when there is already more fatty milk. However, this method must be used with caution so as not to trigger hyperlactation. Optimally, when applying this method, get the support of a GW consultant.

If all this does not help, and the child is still suffering, it makes sense to see a doctor!

4. The enzyme lactase. If the above methods do not help, the doctor usually prescribes lactase. It is the doctor who determines whether the child's behavior is typical for an infant or whether there is still a picture of FN. Naturally, it is necessary to find a doctor who is as friendly as possible to GW, advanced, familiar with modern scientific research. The enzyme is given in courses, often they try to cancel it after 3-4 months of the child, when the maturation of the lactase enzyme ends. Getting the right dose is important. If the dose is too low, the FN symptoms may still be severe; if the dose is too high, the stool becomes too thick, similar to plasticine; constipation is possible. The enzyme is usually given before breastfeeding, dissolved in some amount of breast milk. The dose is naturally determined by the doctor. Usually, the doctor recommends giving lactase every 3-4 hours, in which case it will most likely be possible to feed on demand in the intervals.

5. Lactase-fermented breast milk, low-lactose or lactose-free formula. In the most extreme cases, the child is transferred by doctors to lactase-fermented expressed breast milk or lactose-free formula. It is quite possible that it will be enough to replace only part of the feedings with lactose-free formula or fermented milk. If there is a need for these measures, it is advisable to remember that complementary feeding of a baby is usually a temporary measure, and the use of a bottle in this case can lead to abandonment of the breast. It is better to use other methods for feeding the baby, such as a spoon, cup, syringe (see more in).
The near and far consequences of feeding healthy babies from birth with a lactose-free formula are unknown, so a lactose-free formula is usually only recommended as a temporary remedy. Also, there is always a risk of developing an allergy to this mixture, because soy (if it is a soy mixture) is a common allergen. Allergies may not start immediately, but after a while, so it is advisable to preserve breastfeeding as much as possible, which is preferable. This method of treatment is applicable primarily for genetic diseases associated with the non-degradation of lactose or its components. These diseases are extremely rare (approximately 1 in 20,000 children). For example, this is galactosemia (violation of the cleavage of galactose).

In the case of secondary FN, all of the above treatment methods may be joined by

6. Treatment of the so-called. "Dysbiosis", ie restoration of intestinal microflora and intestinal condition. In the case of treatment of primary FN, correction of intestinal dysbiosis accompanies the main treatment. In the case of secondary FN (the most common), usually the main focus should be on the treatment of the underlying disease that caused damage to the intestinal walls (for example, gastroenteritis), and reducing the amount of lactose in the diet or fermentation with lactase should be considered as a temporary measure, necessary until the surface condition is restored. intestines. In mild cases, it may be enough to give the enzyme lactase for some time, and the intestines will recover without additional treatment. Treatment is again prescribed by a doctor.

Caution - lactose! In the treatment, drugs such as plantex, bifidumbacterin, etc. can be prescribed. Unfortunately, they contain lactose! Therefore, with lactase deficiency, they cannot be used. In the event that the child does not exhibit FN symptoms, one must nevertheless be careful with medications containing lactose so as not to provoke diarrhea, frothy stools and similar FN symptoms.

In this article:

Having a child is always a joy in the family. But young parents often lack experience to understand their baby. A lot of questions arise on how to properly care for a newborn, how to learn how to communicate with him. Now for him, crying is the only way to express his emotions. This is how the baby tells his mother that he is feeling bad, painful, scared or hungry. It is often unclear why a baby cries while feeding.

There can be many reasons - from simple discomfort to crumbs pain. If he is uncomfortable, try changing the position, check how he gripped the nipple. You will soon find out which position is optimal for feeding. All children are different, everyone has their own preferences. If the problem is pain, then it is best to see a doctor. There may be damage to the oral cavity, a headache, or maybe his teeth are just teething. Babies will not cry for no reason - this is always a sign for parents... You need to pay attention and trace what exactly causes tears.

The child refuses to eat and cries - the main reasons

In the first days and months of life, crying is the only way a baby can communicate with mom. So he shows that to him:

Very often, crying for no reason is due to excitement or anxiety. When mom offers the baby a breast or a bottle of milk, and he starts crying - what to do? And most importantly, why does he react so to feeding? There can be many reasons... One of the most common is that you don't like the taste of milk. There is an urgent need to change the food. Everything that mom eats affects the taste and composition of milk.

Unfortunately, this is not the only reason a baby cries when feeding. This should alert parents. Observe the baby, be sure to find out what is wrong... It seems that babies just cry all the time, but soon you will notice: there is always an important reason for crying.

Crying if hungry?

Young mothers get lost when the baby starts crying for no reason. Many people think that he is just hungry, and every time he cries, they offer a breast. If he continues to cry during feeding, then many mothers believe that the baby does not have enough breast milk. They move to
nutritional mixtures or combination meals. This is not always correct. It might not even have been worth stopping breastfeeding. Very often crying at the chest suggests that the baby experiencing severe discomfort - physical or psychological.

The baby has anxiety and anxiety while eating if:

  • tummy hurts, it is difficult to digest food. This happens, and the crumb presses the legs to the body or, conversely, twists them;
  • air entered the stomach along with the milk. This causes discomfort, abdominal pain. Or the baby is still hungry, but because of the air in the stomach, it cannot continue to eat;
  • mom ate something with a pungent tasteeg garlic, citrus fruits, nuts. The milk tastes different or even becomes bitter;
  • a lot of milk is not always good. A newborn may not be able to cope with a strong jet. Option - express milk and bottle feed the baby;
  • little milk is also a problem. It can be hard for babies if the breast is "tight" and there is little milk. You have to make great efforts to eat.

Check your daily weight gain just in case.... If the baby does not meet the weekly weight gain standards, then he does not have enough food. This may be the reason for crying: he is just constantly feeling hungry.

What else could be the cause of crying?

Crying while eating can be associated with feeling unwell. Unfortunately, the kid cannot say about it. He cries, and the parents have to look for the reason themselves. Tears do not just happen, and loud crying at the chest or when feeding from a bottle always has a reason. These may include problems such as:

If the baby cried only once or twice during feeding, there is no reason to worry. If this happens regularly, several times a day, day after day, see your doctor. Crying can be the first signal that something is wrong. This may indicate persistent pain.

Mom's main mistakes

Sometimes it’s because the parents are not feeding properly. The baby can completely abandon breastfeeding. Parents offer a dummy if the baby asks for food at the wrong time or just behaves anxiously. The nipple is slightly more comfortable than
mother's nipple, it's easier to eat from it. So many babies get used to the pacifier and then no longer want to eat milk from the breast..

When you are breastfeeding, milk may not be enough, or your baby may eat for two. You do not need to refill from a bottle - you can give milk with a teaspoon. This is longer, but the baby will not wean from the breast. Give him a little water - that will help him too.

Sometimes the problem may be that you are not properly applying the baby to your chest.... A small child does not always know how to get comfortable. Change the position of the baby - maybe this will fix everything. You yourself should be comfortable while breastfeeding. Perhaps your anxiety is passed on to the child, and he begins to cry "for the company", since the mother is in tension.

What can be done?

If the reason is not in pain or physical discomfort, then try to change the psychological side of the situation. Something excites crumbs - it means that you need to give him maximum peace of mind and pleasant sensations. We help the baby in the following way.

If the reason is poor digestion, then it will help you:

  1. Did you feed the baby? Wear it upright for a while. Let the air out of the stomach. This will end all the unpleasant sensations.
  2. Try to get rid of colic... For this, there are special preparations that can and should be given to babies.
  3. Do not eat foods that are undesirable while breastfeeding. They alter the taste of milk or may even cause allergies.

Is the problem still there? Then visit a doctor, a lactation specialist, get tested.

Breast refusal

This can happen spontaneously, and sometimes the reason for breast refusal is in the wrong organization of feeding. The kid behaves in a special waywhen he really wants to give up the breast. It is important to recognize this behavior and not confuse it with something else. When a refusal occurs, you have to switch to other feeding options, such as formula. Without
if necessary, it is better not to change the diet. Mom's milk is the best option for a baby. It is impossible to change it to a mixture without the need.

At first, children still do not know how to eat properly. He can release the nipple from his mouth, twist his head, even choke a little - just help the baby. This behavior is not breastfeeding, but only a "training period". Assume a different position, remove the nipple and offer to take it again. But you cannot insert the nipple into the mouth of the crumbs - he must take it himself.

Often the reason is the presence of a stranger, when the baby is experiencing excitement and even fear. If you have to feed the baby on the street, cover his head with a blanket or napkin... So he will not be afraid and he can concentrate on the meal.

Signs of breastfeeding:

  • takes the breast, but immediately spits it out;
  • at the sight of mother's breast, begins to scream, cry, get nervous;
  • can't calm down in mom's arms after feeding and crying;
  • can breastfeed only when very tired or sleepy.

These are dangerous signs, they indicate that the child is really serious. In this case, consult your doctor.

Often the baby cries while feeding. Mommies are worried, asking themselves: why? Crying is the only way for a newborn to tell that he is feeling bad, that something does not suit him or even hurts. Usually, feeding has a calming effect, the baby eats up and falls asleep. Crying during feeding, screaming, arching signal discomfort, what is it caused by?

The baby cries while feeding - a situation familiar to many mothers. What to do?

Why do children cry?

Discomfort can be caused by the baby being wet or hungry. These common causes of crying are common knowledge and can be easily addressed.

Often, mothers, at the first sign of displeasure from the baby, begin to feed him, but if he does not want to breastfeed, they think that the breast is empty or too tight, they decide to feed him from a bottle or switch to a mixture. However, the reason for crying may be different.

Doctors identify several possible causes. Discomfort can be caused by:

  • improper feeding technique;
  • the physical condition of the baby;
  • premature introduction of complementary foods.

The order and features of feeding

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There are certain feeding rules that must be followed. It must be remembered that:

  1. The baby should be fed not according to the routine established by adults, but at will. A healthy baby will determine by itself which hours are suitable for eating and will adhere to the prescribed intervals. It is not worth imposing a regime on him by force: as long as he is not hungry, he will not suck the norm, and then he will get hungry too quickly.
  2. It is very important to the chest, so that it is comfortable for him. The inability to grasp the nipple makes the baby nervous, he arching his back and crying.
  3. Nipple feeding is dangerous because it is much easier to suckle than the breast. The kid quickly realizes that it doesn't take much effort to get food, and gives up on the breast. Choosing a nipple with small holes can solve this problem. Let the baby work, it is very useful for him.
  4. The baby does not want to eat if he does not like the taste of milk. A hungry baby sucks at first, but drops the breast, cries and squirms. Then he tries to eat again, and everything is repeated. This happens when the mother eats something spicy or odorous, the taste of the milk has changed and the baby does not like it. A change in the taste of milk is also possible with the onset of repeated pregnancy. The milk tastes bitter, and the child refuses it.
  5. Discomfort can also be caused by the fact that there is too much milk. At the first touch of small lips, it begins to beat with a stream, the baby chokes, bends and cries. To avoid trouble, you can express a portion of milk, but only if there is really a lot of it. In the future, the baby will learn to cope with this problem on his own.

Breasts that are too tight can cause the baby to cry. In this situation, mommy just needs to express her breasts a little.

Health-related crying

Why does the baby cry while feeding? A baby may cry because something hurts. Such crying is possible both in case of illness, and in the case when external reasons interfere with normal nutrition.

The underdevelopment of the gastrointestinal tract of babies often leads to the fact that they are tormented by colic from the accumulation of gases. After childbirth, the child learns a new way of nutrition for himself, the intestinal flora is still being formed, the production of enzymes is also still insufficient.

The formation of gas in the tummy, caused by these reasons, gives the baby a lot of trouble. Twitching legs, a hard tummy, and attempts to bend over can be signs of colic. The crumb blushes, frowns, bends.

You can quickly help your baby by stroking the tummy clockwise around the navel. To avoid this problem in the future will help the reception, adherence to the nursing mother's diet, replacing the mixture containing palm oil with another one without this component (we recommend reading :). It is also recommended to put the baby on his tummy before feeding so that the gases move away, and after eating, hold him in an upright position, holding him behind his back, this will help him to regurgitate air that has entered the intestines along with milk.

Painful conditions

  1. Crying can signal illness. An inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) causes pain when swallowing. The disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature, pressing on the ear causes a sharp pain. This disease will not go away on its own, it is very dangerous for people of any age, and especially for newborns. The doctor should dispel the suspicions that have arisen, in this case it is contraindicated to self-medicate.
  2. Diseases of the oral cavity also lead to crying while sucking. The mucous membrane of the mouth is affected by thrush or stomatitis, causing acute pain (we recommend reading :). The doctor must treat the pathology.
  3. Nasal congestion also makes it difficult for the baby to suck, he chokes and chokes. A runny nose occurs due to allergies or ARVI, in such a situation the disease must be treated, and as a first aid to eliminate the causes of discomfort, it is useful to clean the baby's nose with cotton balls moistened with water or petroleum jelly.
  4. Swallowing movements are also difficult with headache. The occurrence of it in an infant can be a sign of a serious illness, therefore, if other reasons for crying during feeding are not identified, you should consult a neurologist.
  5. Increased muscle tone also leads to difficulty in sucking. Only a doctor can determine the presence of a symptom, but first the mother is able to conduct a simple experiment. Gently pulling the baby's chin to the breast, check to see if this is causing the problem, or if the baby can reach the breast with his chin without any effort. Revealing increased tone will require therapeutic measures, which will give the better result, the sooner they are started. Increased tone is treated with baths, massage, and other physiotherapy procedures. All appointments are made by the doctor, he also decides when the procedures can be stopped.

External causes

The external reason that prevents the baby from sucking is fear (we recommend that you read :). A sharp sound, a bright flash of light unnerve the child, make him naughty and cry. The child is nervous and the anxious state of the mother. Screams, swearing act on him exciting, frighten, interfere with eating. It is necessary to enter the position of crumbs, to keep peace and tranquility at home.

The little man, though small, already feels everything. Therefore, parents need to create a favorable environment in the family.

Complementary feeding procedure

Some mothers try to feed the baby from 4 months, but this is wrong. It is recommended to introduce complementary feeding for a baby from 6 months, however, this period can be adjusted depending on different circumstances.

The development of internal organs in all babies occurs at different rates. Babies on GV are ready to receive complementary foods just every six months. Babies who receive mixed meals or only milk formulas adapt more slowly to new food, 6 months old are not ready to eat complementary foods. The baby will simply refuse to eat it, since the baby's body cannot absorb it. Premature introduction of new foods into the diet can lead to negative consequences:

  • the baby will refuse new food, he will not even want to eat fruit purees;
  • possible reactions from the digestive system, such as constipation or diarrhea, allergic reactions, expressed in skin rashes;
  • crying and whims while eating.

What to do?

It will be possible to help the baby only if the reason for crying is correctly established. By saving the baby from the source of trouble, the calming effect of feeding can be restored.

First of all, the mother needs to examine the child and, if there is no reason to call the doctor, just calm him down by hugging and caressing the baby.

To make the child calmer, you must follow some rules:

  • temporarily limit the number of strangers in contact with the child;
  • avoid loud conversations, and especially swearing, clarification of relationships in his presence: the baby feels the state of his loved ones, it is very exciting for him;
  • the mother's voice, the warmth of mother's hands soothe the baby, so it is useful to press him to you, stroke his tummy;
  • it is necessary to give the baby a breast so that it is convenient for him to eat, too tight or full of milk can be strained a little so that it is easier for him to take the nipple, and he does not choke;
  • it is necessary to adhere to the usual feeding regime for the baby;
  • unwillingness to suck can in rare cases say that the baby refuses breast milk, it must be transferred to artificial mixtures;
  • unwillingness to eat and even try complementary foods suggests that the baby's usual nutrition is enough, it is necessary to wait until 1-2 months have passed, he will grow up and begin to willingly eat complementary foods.

When is it time to see a doctor?

It happens that mommy is not able to determine for herself what does not suit her child, all attempts to eliminate the discomfort do not give a result. You should consult a doctor if:

  • a baby feeding on breast milk did not go for a large 3 days;
  • the baby's sleep has become restless;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the child looks lethargic;
  • there are profuse regurgitation, vomiting (we recommend reading :);
  • the baby cries a lot, it is very difficult to calm him down.

Dr. Komarovsky, well known to modern mothers, recommends that when crying during feeding, carefully examine the mouth, make sure that it does not have stomatitis. Dry air in the room can also make it difficult to suck, causing the mouth to dry out. The problem can also arise due to improper nutrition of the nursing mother. A possible reason may also be an irregular flow of milk, in this case, breast massage before feeding, drinking plenty of fluids will help. Colic in the intestines is best relieved with drugs based on simethicone. However, it must be remembered that it is dangerous to prescribe treatment for a baby on your own, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

In infancy, crying is the only way a baby can communicate to adults about her needs. Therefore, parents should be prepared for the fact that with the appearance of a newborn, their house will be constantly illuminated with demanding screams. Let's figure out why a baby cries most often. All the variety of reasons can be conditionally divided into four groups: instinctive needs, physiological needs, discomfort and pain.

Instincts, physiology

Hugs, kisses, warmth and the voice of a loved one soothe the baby, creating a feeling of security. The instinctive need to be with mom is indicated by inviting crying. As soon as the baby is in the arms of an adult, the cry stops, provided that his physiological needs are satisfied:

  1. Hunger. Crying is accompanied by turning the head in search of a breast and smacking. Gradually the scream becomes hysterical and angry.
  2. The need to empty the bladder (bowel). For some health problems, urination and bowel movements can be difficult, causing the baby to scream loudly, arch his back and push.
  3. Fatigue before going to bed, desire to sleep or play at night.

Discomfort, pain

A sensitive infant can become hysterical:

  1. Diaper too wet. Crying is complemented by characteristic leg movements - the baby seems to be trying to get rid of an unpleasant item of clothing.
  2. Heat, cold. The frozen crumbs have cold legs, arms and a nose. When overheated, the baby's skin turns red and sweat. Problems like this often occur at night in a dream or while going outside.
  3. Uncomfortable clothes. The kid can cry if he is pressed by a tight elastic band of his pants or a seam on a blouse.
  4. Loud sounds, bright lights.

If the baby screams strongly and constantly, without stopping even at night in a dream, arches his back, groans, jerks his legs, blushes and pushes, he experiences pain. It can be caused by colic, ear inflammation, acute respiratory viral infections, teething, intestinal infection, and neurological pathologies. It is best to consult a doctor to find out the diagnosis.
Let's consider the most typical situations associated with crying of an infant.


Crying before bedtime is often associated with overwork and overexcitation of the baby: he is tired, wants to sleep, but cannot calm down on his own. A clear daily routine and habitual rituals - actions that are repeated every night help the child to calm down before bedtime. The essence of the rituals depends on the age of the baby. It is enough to shake a newborn baby, and an older baby can read a book. Putting on your pajamas, turning on the night light and shading the windows are adjusted in the right way before going to bed.

It happens that the baby sleeps very restlessly at night. Tears and screams during sleep can be the result of hunger, pain, diaper discomfort, heat and other unpleasant phenomena.

Crying at night or in the morning after waking up can be caused by the absence of mom. Almost half of the time a child spends in sleep falls on the active (surface) phase, when he easily wakes up. If at this moment the baby is alone, then he will definitely call the adult with the help of a cry. It is equally important for him to wake up in the same environment as before going to bed.

Babies after 4 months may cry at night in their sleep due to emotional overload. You can avoid this by switching to calm games before bed and not overworking his psyche during the day. Also, before going to bed, meeting new people, demonstrating new toys and other moments associated with strong impressions are contraindicated.


A baby's crying during or immediately after breastfeeding can be a serious concern for the mother. But in most cases, it does not mean giving up the breast. The main reasons for the anxiety of the crumbs during feeding are as follows:
1. Pain caused by:

  • stomatitis (ulcers, white plaque on the oral mucosa);
  • pharyngitis (red sore throat);
  • otitis media (pain in the ear that gets worse when swallowing);
  • colic (the baby arches its back, pushes).

2. Problems with milk:

  • unpleasant aftertaste due to bitter (spicy) foods eaten by mom;
  • too much milk - the baby chokes;
  • not enough milk - the child has to make a lot of effort to get it.

In all these situations, the baby behaves the same way: he demands a breast, willingly takes it, but when he begins to suck, he cries, arches his back and turns away.

Children-"artificial" are outraged when feeding for about the same reasons: because of pain, unpleasant taste of the mixture, too small or large hole in the nipple.
Sometimes the baby cries not before or during feeding, but after it. The most common reason for this is swallowing air during sucking due to improper attachment to the breast. In order to avoid crying after a meal, it is worth teaching the baby to grasp the areola of the nipple or to give him a bottle correctly so that there is always a mixture in the nipple. After feeding it should be held in a "column" for 10-15 minutes.

The cause of the cry may be the pulling of the nipple from the baby's mouth in a dream. From this he wakes up and begins to be loudly indignant. It is always worth waiting for the baby to let go of the breast (bottle) itself.

Defecation, urination

A baby's crying while peeing can be a sign of:

  1. anatomical pathologies - phimosis in boys and synechia in girls, leading to difficulty in urinating;
  2. cystitis, pyelonephritis, accompanied by sharp pain during the emptying of the bladder;
  3. diaper rash on the skin.

If a child cries while peeing, then, probably, he begins to realize the essence of this process and feel the urge to urinate, which at first frightens him.

Screaming during bowel movements is often associated with irritation of the anus or constipation. With constipation, the child pushes, farts and cries. The baby can try to poop even at night in a dream. You can help him by massaging his tummy. If the baby has not emptied its intestines for a long time, constantly screaming and pushing, then it is recommended to do an enema or give a laxative prescribed by a pediatrician.

Prevention of constipation - the inclusion of fresh fermented milk products in the menu of a nursing mother or the use of special mixtures in standard quantities.


Intestinal colic is a spasm of the muscles of the intestine due to its stretching by gases. The baby reacts to pain with a characteristic cry: he constantly screams loudly, arches his back, pulls his legs up to his swollen tummy, and pushes. This condition often occurs after feeding, but it can also occur during sleep. As the digestive tract and the enzyme system mature, the seizures will occur less and less and will disappear by the age of three months.

Prevention of colic is correct attachment to the breast (bottle), excluding swallowing air during feeding, and sufficient duration of the meal, allowing the baby to get hind milk. After eating, the baby should be held upright and wait for it to vomit.

A nursing mother should avoid whole milk, cabbage, grapes, legumes, and other foods that cause gas production. With artificial feeding, you can use mixtures with substances that contribute to the development of normal intestinal microflora.

When a baby suffers from colic, you can help him:

  1. putting a warm cloth on your stomach
  2. pressing my stomach against my body
  3. making a massage of the abdomen in circular movements clockwise and lifting the legs bent at the knees several times

Usually, after all the manipulations, the baby pushes, farts and calms down. If not, then you can put a gas pipe. Medical treatment for colic includes simethicone preparations, probiotics, enzymes, and herbal medicines that improve intestinal motility.

Often, when crying, the baby arches its back. This behavior can be observed with colic, feeding, moods before going to bed, trying to poop. But arching the back that occurs constantly is a sign of health problems: high intracranial pressure or muscle hypertonicity. In both cases, professional help is required.

Why is the baby crying? The answer to the question that worries every mother depends on what the baby does at the moment of screaming: pushing, looking for a breast in anticipation of feeding, farts, pees, presses his legs to his stomach or pulls his arms to an adult. A caring mom can help keep crying spells to a minimum. The main thing is to carefully observe the baby and be sensitive to his desires.

We offer you a short video about the reasons for crying a newborn

From young parents you can often hear that the baby bends and starts crying during feeding. In this case, it is important to understand what causes the mood change and how to behave in this situation.

The child is still too young to tell his mother about his unpleasant sensations. Therefore, she must keep in mind the possible reasons why the baby cries and bends during feeding in order to take the necessary measures.

Improper feeding or lack of milk

Often times, the baby resists feeding because of the wrong technique. It is inconvenient for the baby to grasp the breast and "get" milk, and sometimes the flow is so strong that the baby is unable to cope with it. If so, try changing your feeding position - for example, holding the baby upright.

Many babies do not like it when mothers hold their head with their hand during feeding. They do not understand why mothers constantly do this, but since the kids have not yet learned to speak, they are trying to show their displeasure with their whole bodies. With age, children begin to twitch and bend more and more.

In addition, you may have very little breast milk, and this can also be the answer to the question "why does the baby bend during feeding?"

You can make sure that the child is not really eating enough, or refute this theory in the following ways:

  • weigh the baby before and after feeding: the difference in weight will show how much food he received at a time;
  • observe during the day how often the baby urinates: their deviation from the norm to the lower side also indicates a small amount of breast milk.
  • the first 5 days of life - 4-5 times;
  • from 6 days to 1 year - 15-20 times;
  • 1-3 years - 10 times.

If breastfeeding is not correct, babies can cry and bend over too. This is often due to the mixture being too hot or cold. Sometimes it is uncomfortable for the baby to eat if the diameter of the hole in the nipple is small or very large.


It happens that the baby cries and bends over due to intestinal colic. Pain in the abdomen mainly affects babies aged 1 to 4 months. Colic can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • the baby is constantly trying to press his legs closer to the tummy;
  • he has gases.

You can relieve stabbing pains a bit by using:

  • decoctions of fennel and dill;
  • prebiotics and probiotics;
  • bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

It is helpful to do a gentle tummy massage.

To prevent colic from recurring, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Feed your baby only when he asks. This will have a positive effect on the baby's digestive and nervous system.
  2. Eliminate coffee drinks, cabbage dishes and dairy products from your diet.
  3. If it's time to transfer your baby to artificial feeding, give him food often and in small portions.
  4. Try to shield your baby from any noise while feeding.
  5. To stop the child from screaming and arching, bathe him in warm water.
  6. Help the baby to provoke the release of gases by pressing his legs to his tummy (he will quickly understand why you are doing this, and in the future, if necessary, he will start doing this on his own).
  7. Seek advice from a pediatrician to teach you how to properly massage your abdomen and prescribe medication.

Pain in the mouth and throat

The appearance of discomfort and sore throat and mouth can also cause baby crying during feeding. Unpleasant sensations can be symptoms of thrush and pharyngitis.

Pay attention to the condition of the baby's sinuses: if they are clogged, eating becomes difficult or even impossible.

Improper maternal nutrition

Spicy, fatty, or too salty foods often eaten by a mom the night before can affect the taste of breast milk. In such cases, the child often reaches for the breast, but almost immediately throws it, begins to bend and cry, and so - all the time. This is why you should always try to control the quality of your food.

Eat only foods that will not negatively affect the taste of breast milk.

High muscle tone

High muscle tone is another reason for crying and jerking a child. It is not difficult to determine it - just gently pull the baby's chin to the ribcage as much as possible. If the child's head:

  • cannot reach the chest or reaches, but with obvious effort, then the muscle tone is increased;
  • easily connects to the chest - everything is in order with the muscles, and crying and arching occur for a different reason.

Increased muscle tone is treated:

  • massage;
  • rubbing the cervical and lumbar zones using special gels;
  • phyto-baths with a decoction of soothing herbs.

Any treatment for infants should be strictly supervised by a physician.

Increased intracranial pressure

In addition to the fact that the child cries and bends, increased intracranial pressure is characterized by:

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • lethargy;
  • small weight gain;
  • an enlarged fontanel;
  • strongly pronounced venous mesh on the head.

If at least half of these symptoms are found, you should consult a pediatric neurologist.


The baby does not always bend during feeding if he is dissatisfied with something. It happens that kids are distracted due to banal curiosity: they are interested in what is happening behind them - for example, if suddenly loud music starts playing or other loud extraneous sounds appear.

How to deal with this? Just let the crumb satisfy all curiosity, after which he will calm down and continue eating.