A message about our family traditions. The composition "our family traditions". The cult of family traditions in different countries

Every family has its own traditions, which are honored and observed from generation to generation. My family also has a number of customs that are very soulful, beautiful and interesting. In our family, and we have a big one: my mother, me, grandmother, my beloved grandfather, Zhenya is my mother's brother and, of course, numerous relatives, have their own traditions. The most important are hospitality and respect for people.

We always meet our guests with joy and treats. We will always offer a cup of tea! And we were taught to respect people from childhood. Maybe it doesn't always work out, but we try. Great-grandmother Shurupova Maria Ivanovna taught respect. My grandmother is my mother, my mother is me, and I have to teach my children this. Our whole family, as my mother says, "is based on traditions." She thinks this is very important. I like it all and I agree with her.
We have many and different traditions. There are big and important ones, there are small ones, but very pleasant ones. The first tradition is to celebrate all small, even insignificant events. Grandmother always puts a beautiful tablecloth on the table, takes out beautiful napkins, and we drink tea or just have a delicious dinner, or even have breakfast. It all depends on what happened. This is how we celebrated, for example, on September 1, when I went to school for the first time, the arrival of my grandfather's brother, birthdays, or just some event that had been waiting for a very long time.

Among these traditions is the nightly tea drinking. The pace of life today does not allow our family to get together for dinner, and everyone who returns from work or school can eat in their own way. But no matter how late the time for the general gathering of the family, tea drinking is never canceled.

We are going to the kitchen, sitting comfortably on a soft corner. And the usual tea set is placed on the table. The aroma of our beloved hot tea spreads, tempting sweets are laid out in vases. Sipping tea slowly, we share our impressions of the past day, listen to the advice of grandparents, enjoy the taste and silence of peace. I really love these evenings. This smooth light, warmth and comfort seem to protect from the complexities of today's life.

Among the traditions of my family, there are such as roasting a goose for the New Year. Mom always says that she took this tradition from her mother, my grandmother Gali. Holidays are celebrated in different ways, but in our family everything looks about the same every year. We all celebrate the New Year at the table together, watch TV, go to the Christmas tree. And after the chimes, Santa Claus always puts gifts for me under the tree. It's so cool and magical!

It's nice that we never have the question of how to hold the International Women's Day, and everyone is infinitely happy on this day. We congratulate each other on International Women's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, and give each other gifts. My grandfather and I always give mother and grandmother bouquets. We know that my mother loves lilies, and grandmother Galya loves chrysanthemums.

Each tradition is good even in that it brings the whole family together, and when it’s all together, life is easier and more fun. It's so great when people are close to you. At such moments, you forget all the troubles, and your soul becomes warm and warm, as if the sun warms with its rays. And nothing else is important, and it is not necessary. I love the fact that we not only observe these family traditions, but also enjoy it.

And the main tradition of our family is to celebrate the bright holiday of Easter. On the eve, we clean the house together, then we cook a lot of delicious food.

A favorite tradition on this holiday is the arrival of guests, that is, grandfather's sisters and brothers, and he has many of them. It is difficult to say since when such a custom has existed in our family. But this day was not chosen by chance. The beginning of May and the end of April are the period of the most capricious weather, and this day is always unpredictable. Every year it is very fun and exciting to wait, whether it will rain on this day, whether the timid sun will peep through the green branches of the trees, or whether nature will threaten us with a gusty and piercing wind.

Nevertheless, this is not at all an obstacle to walking in the fresh air, and after a hearty and delicious breakfast, we invariably go to the cemetery to visit the graves of our great-grandfather and great-grandmother, enjoy the awakening wildlife, and see the spring manifestations.

Another very important tradition in our family is the celebration of May 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. On the eve of May 9, we watch films about the war, listen to war songs.

On Victory Day, as a family, we watch the parade on Red Square on TV, and then we open the summer season by cooking a barbecue. We definitely remember our great-grandfather and great-grandmother. And this day is memorable for us, as well as for all people.

We are very fond of outdoor activities, so trips to the forest, to the river are also a family tradition. How wonderful it is on a cool autumn morning to put on a jacket, boots, pick up a stick, a bucket and a knife and go into the forest for mushrooms! You never know what awaits you for that hemp: a fat boletus, a bright fly agaric or a deadly viper! And then everyone will gather together at the car, share their findings and talk about the mysterious inhabitants of the forest.

In the forest, we try to move more so as not to freeze. We then drink tea or coffee from a large thermos and refresh ourselves with grabbed sandwiches. This is a wonderful tradition that our family strictly adheres to.

I am proud of my family, where traditions are carefully honored, I try to be like my grandfather Shurupov Vladimir Grigorievich. To be just as brave and worthy to bear the title of "Real Man". It is from him that I learn to complete every task, I learn to define my goal in life and strive to achieve it. Yes, even if we do not have a pedigree "up to the fifteenth generation", a family coat of arms and an anthem, we do have the traditions of my family, which I respect and respect.

There are many traditions in my family and some of them even seem strange to me. I believe that each family should have its own traditions, since they are the ones that unite relatives. Traditions allow us to hear the voice of our ancestors, to feel them next to us. For example, in my family, every year on Easter, my grandmother wakes everyone up early in the morning and cuts everyone off the bead and gives one an egg, after which we can go back to bed and watch our sleep. I still don't know why on this day you have to get up so early, but my grandmother says that it was so in her childhood and now she repeats this whole ritual after her mother.

Another tradition that I prefer is to meet with close relatives and sit in a cafe every year on September 1. I understand that everyone is walking on this day, but we are the ones who invite relatives. This was exactly the day when we can meet and communicate at least once a year. Also, my grandmother has a stereotype that it is necessary to celebrate the New Year in new clothes to make the year happy, so we always put on new dresses. There is also another funny tradition, which, in theory, should not have become one: as soon as the whole family gathers and go there, then mom forgets to remind dad to bring some gear with him. As a result, it turns out that we just go out to rest somewhere in a beautiful place, without catching fish.

All these traditions are funny and incomprehensible in their own way, but these are the traditions of my family and I like them. You already know the exact day when everything will happen and you are waiting for it, it makes you funny that your parents are sometimes sloppy, although they themselves teach you not to be like that. I love my family very much and respect its traditions. I really want, in the future, to adopt some traditions from my family and move them to my already established family.

An essay on the Traditions of my family

My family is very friendly, so we have long developed excellent family traditions, which we all love and support very much. Shared traditions are interesting and engaging activities or features that are maintained from year to year. Each family has its own.

We have developed a very good and interesting tradition in the peculiarities of celebrating the New Year. For a whole month, my parents and I draw cards with the dates of the last month of the outgoing year: from December 1st to December 31st. We hang these cards on a long rope in the living room, having previously decorated each of them with original drawings. We draw various winter scenes: snowflakes, a herringbone. Snowmen, Christmas decorations, frosty windows and so on. When all the bright date cards are in their place of honor, the fun begins.

Each card is a specific task that must be completed on that day, the number of which is indicated on it. For example, on the first of December we draw pictures with the whole family on a winter theme, on the second of December we make homemade Christmas tree decorations, on the third of December we play New Year's games. In addition, there are also such interesting tasks: to cook a festive cake with mom and grandmother, decorate your room for the holiday, cut snowflakes and stick them on the windows. There are also tasks that need to be completed on the street: make a snowman, walk in the winter forest on skis, go to the skating rink with the whole family, make a snow fortress and play snowballs. And so we have every day of the outgoing month scheduled.

My family and I love such an interesting tradition and we repeat it every year. And the expectation of the New Year becomes for us a fabulous, unusual and wonderful holiday. Such warm and kind traditions will surely unite any family, bring kindness and friendship into the relationship. Mutual understanding, and adults will briefly return to childhood.

Option 3

Each family has a number of different traditions that are repeated from year to year, and then persisted in other generations. Traditions are different: associated with any event, with any thing or action. Each family has a special and unique experience.

Our family has a wonderful tradition that repeats itself from year to year. We love the summer, the whole family to travel to different places to relax and travel. Before the vacation, mom and dad asks us children what next city or country we would like to visit. We all discuss this together, choose, consult, share our opinions. Then, having chosen a city, we begin to study it thoroughly - we read information about it on the Internet, buy guidebooks, watch educational videos all together.

This brings us very close, makes it possible to learn more new things. And the most interesting thing is to come up with and plan an excursion plan together, and what we would especially like to visit in a new place. Mom takes a special notebook and writes down our every day: how it will go, where we will go, and what we will visit.

The most interesting thing begins at the moment when the day of departure of our next trip is approaching. We collect our belongings, camera, camera, documents, tickets and everything we need. We travel in different ways: by car, by train, and by plane. And sometimes we buy a ticket for a ready-made bus tour and travel with a team and a guide. Thus, we visited many cities of the Golden Ring, Kazan, Karelia and many other interesting places. We really like listening to the guide, walking around new places, listening to the guide's stories about the sights and history of a particular city.

We really like the cities that are located near the Volga River. In such cities, we will definitely ride on motor ships or boats. From the side of the river, any city seems magical and fabulous. We saw many interesting places where famous films and TV series were filmed. After such trips, we usually have a lot of different photos and videos. Our family gives us a lot of impressions and positive emotions.

We will definitely continue this tradition in our families when we grow up. After all, nothing brings a family together and does not unite like kind, interesting and good traditions.

Traditions of our family 5, 4, 3 grade. 2.7 class.

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    In our life we \u200b\u200bcommunicate with different people, but the people closest to us are our relatives, Our family. The family is the closest environment of a person. Good relationships, mutual help are very important in any family, family traditions.

    Word « tradition» came to us from the Latin language and means"broadcast". Traditions - this is something in our life that is passed from one generation to another, from the elders to the younger. Thanks to traditions the wisdom of the elders is passed on to the young.

    Many families have special traditions... One of them - family reading... Since childhood, my mother instilled a love for reading, for the book to me and my older brother, in the evenings she always read aloud to us, and sometimes, having changed roles, we read aloud. How many interesting and instructive things are in each book!

    In any family, adults help children, and children help adults. Taking care of children, the elderly, the sick is the duty of every person. On weekends, my parents and I visit grandparents, we buy food and medicine for them, help to put things in order in the house and in the garden.

    Wonderful tradition became for our family and of our numerous relatives job in a large vegetable garden in the village. Are going all: from small to large. Planting, weeding and harvesting potatoes for us celebration: at first we work together, then we also cook dinner together and arrange family gatherings, with songs, jokes, sincere conversations.

    I always help my mother with the housework, help take care of flowers, feed the fish and the dog, do the cleaning, wash and iron the clothes, I like to help prepare and decorate salads and pies.

    Another lovely tradition - family meals... They are usually held on Sundays. All family members gather at a large table. You can take your time to discuss family matters, events of the week, plans for the future. In the evenings we always have dinner together, and on weekends, when my brother arrives, we always arrange family meals... How much warmth there is in this communication of the closest and dearest people! And then you wait for the next weekend to relive this joy - to be next to each other, to be all together!

    Well, how not to say about our favorite family holidays... This is New Year, Christmas, Easter, Trinity, birthdays. We prepare surprises, gifts, postcards for each other in advance, set the festive table, invite relatives and friends to visit.

    Another kind tradition - family hikes... How nice it is for the whole family to go to the forest, to the river or to the pond! In winter, we love to ski, play snowballs, make snowmen. In the warm season, when the weather is good and there is free time, we go to relax on nature: we walk, breathe fresh air, pick mushrooms and berries, fry kebabs, bake fish and potatoes, swim in a pond, play ball. Children help their parents and learn from them the rules of life: how to pitch a tent, build a fire and cook food. And, of course, they learn to understand nature, to take care of the wonderful world around them.

    I am sure that family traditions - great value, our spiritual wealth. They need to be protected!

    Group "Parusok"

    A collection of stories of children and their parents about what family traditions exist in their family.



    Family traditions

    My family consists of dad, mom, sister and me. We also have a cat Tisha and a dog Orpheus. There are several traditions in our family. We always celebrate the birthdays of all family members. In the morning, while the birthday boy sleeps, we put a present for him next to the pillow, so that when he wakes up he sees a surprise. In the afternoon, mom and sister are preparing a surprise. And in the evening we all sit down at the table to celebrate, and blow out all the candles on the cake.

    And in the new year, we put gifts under the tree. The whole family is preparing a festive table. We decorate the apartment with garlands, rain, put up a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, and our cat Timofey “helps” us in full force. After celebrating the New Year, we go outside for a walk with friends, ride a hill, launch firecrackers. And we play snowballs.

    We also always celebrate the beginning and end of the school year.

    These are some of the smaller traditions of our family that bring us closer together.

    Our family traditions

    Our family has a tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter. I really love to do it myself. I paint with gouache, wrap it with dyeing threads, and recently they have been selling beautiful stickers.

    We paint in different colors, it turns out very beautifully.

    Dad makes an Easter cupcake with raisins and nuts.

    Grandma goes to church and lights them up. I know that there is a religious procession at Easter. People pray all night.

    The grandmother is fasting before Easter. We are not yet, but my mother and I were also in the church, went to get holy water. We also have a tradition for the New Year to make salads: Olivier and with crabs, bake chicken in the oven, decorate the Christmas tree and give everyone gifts. On Shrovetide we must bake pancakes and pies. Previously, a straw effigy was burned in the country.

    Our family traditions

    In general, the word "tradition" in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language means that which has passed from one generation to another, which is inherited from the previous generation: for example, ideas, views, tastes, ways of acting, customs, etc. A custom is an established order in behavior, in everyday life, i.e. meeting the New Year. It is a tradition in our family, like ordinary people, to gather all relatives at the table on holidays, to congratulate each other, if it is, for example, the New Year or another significant day. Earlier, when we lived in another city, we had a tradition of going to the gym to play football, and when we returned, we all cooked pancakes together. It was a Sunday tradition.

    When we come to my grandmother for the holidays, she always greets us with delicious homemade pies. We also have a tradition of meeting our childhood friends.

    In addition to the New Year and birthdays, there is another significant day - May 9, when our dad and his brother travel to Kholmogory, where my grandfather lives. This is also a tradition of our family.

    I really love it when all my relatives get together!

    Traditions and traditions in the old days

    In the old days, Russian families were in no hurry to split up. As a rule, several related branches united near one of the relatives or the oldest. Children, brothers, nephews of their owner and even his distant relatives lived together. It is not surprising that at times enmity between relatives broke out in the house. But on the other hand, living together developed in the Russian person the spirit of communality, which united people who were not even related by blood. And all family celebrations took place in public, with a large crowd of people. As they said, "in peace."

    Birth and baptism

    The Russian people were in a hurry to christen the baby. Most often, baptism was performed on the eighth day after birth. But sometimes in the forties. These numbers corresponded to events from the infant life of Jesus Christ - the Circumcision and the Presentation. The name of the baby was most often given by the name of the saint, whose memory was celebrated on the day of baptism. Baptism was performed in churches or, in rare cases, at home if the newborn was sick. But at the same time, baptism necessarily took place in the wrong room where the child was born. The choice of godparents usually fell on relatives. At baptism, a copper, silver or gold cross was put on the baby, which remained on him all his life, as a symbol of the belonging of the peasantry. The priest put a white handkerchief around his neck and tied it with both ends. At the end of the ceremony, the scarf was removed and remained in the church. After the rite of baptism, the christening table was laid on the same day. In addition to the guests, the beggars were fed.

    Birthday was almost not considered a holiday, but the day of the angel, or name day, was celebrated annually. For example, matchmaking, weddings, housewarming were also considered a holiday, burial, etc. All these ceremonies and holidays were considered traditional and all had their own rules.

    Traditions in my family

    There is a small tradition in my family. Every year we go to the Krasnodar Territory for my grandmother's birthday. The closest relatives come to this day. We are having a fun day. In the morning we are all preparing for the holiday: we are preparing a wonderful dinner, and grandmother is preparing her wonderful Napoleon cake, which turns out to be very tasty. At lunchtime, we go to the park and swim in the pond. It is very funny. Then in the late afternoon close friends come and we have dinner and give presents. Later, everyone dances and laughs, very fun and joyful, because everyone is together. Most of all at my birthday party I like the numerous flowers. Their very, very many. Different roses, tulips, asters, carnations and they all smell great. This is the tradition that exists in our family.

    Our family traditions

    Each family has its own traditions. It does not depend on the number of its members. It is traditions and rules that enhance family cohesion.

    There are 5 people in our family. Our family is characterized by rules or customs. They can be listed as many as you like, but there are several main ones. First, family members should not be torn apart from each other without communication for a long time. Second, everyone should eat at the same time. But for a good reason, someone can do it at a different time. Thirdly, the one who is the youngest of all those currently at home cleans up after the cat.

    The main tradition of our family, like many families in general, is gathering everyone at the festive table. On holidays we can invite close people, friends, relatives. It's usually fun when we invite grandparents. Also, when one of the family members has a birthday, then in the evening everyone must gather and eat a birthday cake, drink tea.

    Our family traditions

    Once we had the good fortune to visit the city of Vyborg. We were invited by acquaintances to their dacha. We liked the local nature very much. After that we developed a family tradition - to spend summer time near Vyborg. From that moment on, we had a new hobby: fishing in any weather, picking mushrooms and just walking in the forest.

    After visiting the city of Vyborg, we have a new tradition. Now we visit attractions every year. We also visit city holidays, historical places and just walk along very beautiful, small streets.

    We loved this place so much that I hope our tradition will not only remain, but will become stronger.

    Our family traditions

    We traditionally celebrate the holidays of the New Year, March 8, Christmas and Easter. Baptism rites are observed in our family. The birthdays of all family members are traditionally celebrated.

    On the eve of Easter celebrations, my mother and I paint eggs, bake cakes, and then go to the Nikolsky Temple. There we illuminate everything.

    We were baptized in the Nikolsky Temple. We really enjoy going there with my mom on holidays. This is a very beautiful cathedral.

    We also really like to celebrate the New Year at home, together with grandparents. I love to decorate the Christmas tree. Our Christmas tree is always natural, so that it smells of pine needles and forest. We have a lot of beautiful Christmas tree decorations. Among them there are very old ones who passed to us from great-grandmothers. While we are decorating the tree, we always remember something from the past holidays. We remember our loved ones.

    Our family traditions

    Our family has a tradition of celebrating holidays. Of the many official and unofficial holidays, we have the main one - New Year. For us, this is not just a holiday, not just a formality, but much more. This can be called a new piece of life, and December 31 - a small threshold to this piece.

    On the last day of the outgoing year, we try to think only of good things. We leave all bad feelings and moments in the past year.

    We are all seriously preparing to celebrate the New Year: we set the table, put on beautiful outfits. Champagne has already been poured, and we are waiting for these cherished twelve beats, after which we can make a wish. We congratulate each other, give each other gifts. Friends call us on the phone, congratulate us. We congratulate them. On this New Year's Eve, we go out with them to launch fireworks. That's very beautiful!

    The air is especially fresh on New Year's Eve. The multicolored fireworks sparkle the snow so that it dazzles the eyes. The walk is very pleasant on New Year's Eve! After that, we return home, and the whole family is watching the New Year's concert on TV. Probably the happiest day of the year! At the end of all the fun, we clear the table and go to bed. The next day I wake up refreshed. This is the first day of the New Year ...

    Family traditions

    our group


    about family traditions

    children and parents

    group "Parusok"

    MBDOU No. 119 "Pomorochka"


    School essay "Traditions of my family"

    as part of the educational program "Formation of the culture of family traditions among schoolchildren"

    The author of the work: Shafeev Daniel, 4th grade student of MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region
    Work supervisor: Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher, class teacher of MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow region.
    Purpose of material: this work will be useful for children 10-11 years old when writing essays on the topic: "My family", "Traditions of my family" for participation in school, district stages of the school essay competition.
    Purpose: the formation of a culture of family traditions among schoolchildren.
    Tasks: foster a respectful attitude towards family members, family values \u200b\u200band traditions;

    Our whole family, as my mother says, "is based on traditions." She thinks this is very important. I like it all and I agree with her.

    We have many and different traditions. There are big and important ones, there are small ones, but very pleasant ones. The first tradition is to celebrate all small, even insignificant events. Mom always puts a beautiful tablecloth on the table, takes out beautiful napkins, and we drink tea or just have a delicious dinner, or even have breakfast. It all depends on what happened. So we celebrated, for example, on September 1, the assembly of a new closet, the arrival of my mother's brother for a visit, the end of a difficult work week, or the premiere of a film that we had been waiting for a very long time.
    Another very important tradition in our family is the celebration of May 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. We celebrate this holiday the way it was when my mother was still little. On the eve of May 9, we watch films about the war and definitely buy a cake, but such that it was named "Leningradsky" or "Kievsky". In the morning we get up early, get ready, set the table, take out the cake and sit down to watch the Victory Parade on Red Square. Then we dress beautifully and go to the village of Zendikovo, to the obelisk, walk, meet friends and be glad that we won this terrible war and will never forget it. And the rest of the day we spend with friends at sports competitions and barbecue. In the evening, we will definitely go to watch the festive fireworks. When I see and hear the fireworks, I try to imagine what the young guys felt when they fought on the fronts during the real war itself. I think they were scared. But how happy all the people were when the victory was announced on the radio. General jubilation, joy and happiness “with tears in our eyes” filled the heart of every Soviet person.

    Of course, we, like everyone else, celebrate the New Year, birthdays, Easter. We are looking forward to the onset of these holidays, because this is another opportunity to get together with the whole family and have a good time together.

    On the eve, we clean the house together, then a lot of delicious food is prepared, everyone gives each other gifts, congratulates.
    This year, the main decoration of the festive table will be a salad - a symbol of the upcoming New Year "Monkey", which, according to tradition, we will cook with the whole family.

    Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.
    Eggs - 3 pcs.
    Red onion - 1 pc.
    Cheese - 150 g
    Apples - 2 pcs.
    Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.
    Walnuts - for decoration
    Olives - for decoration
    Salt to taste
    Ground black pepper - to taste

    First, prepare all the ingredients so that later, without distraction, form the layers of the salad.
    Boil the chicken meat (be sure to salt the water), cool and chop finely.
    Boil the eggs, cool and chop finely.
    Finely chop the onion.
    Grate the apple and 100 g of cheese.

    Put all the ingredients in a large container, add mayonnaise, salt, pepper, to taste, mix.

    Place the salad on a platter, using a spoon to form the monkey's head.

    Crush the nuts.
    Grate 50 g of cheese on a fine grater.
    Cut the olives into wedges.
    Use nuts, cheese, olives to lay out the monkey's face.
    Our salad is ready! Enjoy your meal!

    But most of all I like our little traditions. Every Sunday we go to the cinema for a morning show. We get up early, we all prepare a delicious breakfast together. Then we quickly pack up and go to the movie. Everyone has to watch, regardless of who is lucky. Sometimes I'm lucky, I really like cartoons, science fiction or adventure. Sometimes mom is lucky, as she loves to watch fairy tales or melodramas about love. And dad is always lucky - he likes all films. After the movie, we go to a cafe or a pizzeria and discuss the movie that we watched.

    On weekends, the whole family goes to the gym. This year my parents began to take me with them, and this hobby was added to our family traditions. Mom and Dad study on their own - they know everything and read a lot about sports. And I train with a trainer - he is a real Champion of Russia in bench press and a master of sports.

    I really like these small family traditions, like the New Year and other holidays. We spend a lot of time together and we love it.

    I believe that my parents and I are one team - best friends and closest relatives! And I'm happy!