Creative project of Tatiana Georgievna Kalacheva on the topic: “Natural material - as a means of developing the creative abilities of preschool children. Sensory development of children while playing with natural material

The method of organizing the work of preschool children with natural material is based on the principles of didactics: from simple to complex. In this case, the principle of repetitiveness of actions becomes important (for example, when performing new crafts, the teacher relies on the skills that were required and formed in children earlier).
For the correct development of skills to work with the simplest tools and with materials, it is necessary to show and explain the educator, certain practical actions of children (exercises) under the supervision of an adult who observes the correctness of operations and the formation of skills.

The teacher knows well how the children in his group relate to work, whether they want and can work. He judges this by how they accept the adult's task, how independently they set the goal of the work, how they motivate it (“why are we doing this”).
The stimulus for the manifestation of creativity by children in the manufacture of toys from natural materials is the encouragement and approval of the child's success.
Finished children's works have a great impact on children. They contribute to the formation of children's interest in this work, stimulate them to show initiative in improving their skills in working with natural materials. For this purpose, the group organizes an exhibition of children's works.
For the full development of the labor orientation of the child, early acquaintance with the work of parents, adults close to him, should educate him about respect, interest in the work of adults, the desire to do something useful for others, bring joy to others with his work (for example, to give a gift to his March 8, toys for toddlers, garlands for decorating a group room, etc.), i.e., foster social motivation for work.
A child in the process of labor (manual, in particular) feels like an adult, and this consciousness that he works, works like an adult, brings him joy, supports his interest and love for work.
The teacher organizes the work on the toy, taking into account these principles, while making sure that all children are provided with the necessary tools and materials to comply with the safety rules.
Children will be more successful in making toys from natural materials if they have the opportunity to do it in other activities as well. So, for example, natural material can be used in modeling lessons: various seeds, nut shells, moss, acorns, their cups, etc. Children love to make applications from pumpkin seeds, dried leaves. In these lessons, children get acquainted with a new technique for gluing an applique: they apply glue not to the part, but to the place where it will be applied. They are happy to lay out mosaic patterns on plasticine-covered plaques made of seeds, painted with ink in different colors. Such activities contribute to the development of small muscles of the hands, the development of creative ingenuity.
The production of the conceived toy is preceded by a lot of preparatory work. Before starting to create crafts, excursions to nature are conducted with children (to a forest, park, botanical garden, to a river, a forest belt and to other places). At the beginning, excursions are often conducted (if it is in kindergarten, then targeted walks can also be used for this purpose). On such excursions, it is important to teach children to look more closely at the unique beauty of nature, to see the beauty in slender birches, stately oak forests, soft rustle of herbs.
During the excursion, children can be told that our Motherland is rich in forests, they grow a wide variety of tree species, representing a huge supply of wood necessary for the national economy of our Motherland.
The forest is our green friend, which delays the melting of snow and protects the dwellings of people on the coast of rivers from flooding; the forest softens the climate and retains moisture for our fields. All our people protect the forests and specially restore them where they suffered. It is especially important to keep an eye on the scaffolding. Now in our country, in the places of logging, they not only float timber on water, send it by rail, but also there, on the spot, organize the processing of wood (wood is called the material obtained from trees cut down and cleared of knots and bark). Small waste - chips, shavings, sawdust - are used in chemical plants.
During the excursion, the teacher reminds the children that the bark of dried or felled trees (pines, birches) is used to make toys from natural materials; fallen branches and seeds of trees and shrubs. In front of children, the teacher can make 1-2 simple toys (for example, a dragonfly, a fish, etc.). This will contribute to the formation of interest in the manufacture of handicrafts from natural materials. On the excursion, you can take boxes for collecting various leaves, lionfish, seeds, during it you can organize the collection of branches, twigs, which will be needed to make various toys. The teacher tells the children how to collect natural material, emphasizing that acorns, cones, berries should be whole, not crushed. It offers to sort the material by type, size, color, placing it in baskets or large boxes.
The collected dry roots, branches, cones, twigs have a bizarre shape. The teacher invites the children to answer the questions: “What does it look like? What does it remind? ", Encourages children to compare, recall familiar fairy-tale characters, peer closely, fantasize, think in advance, from what material what can be made (what composition to create with the participation of men, animals, birds, fish, etc.), what interesting scenes (for example, three pigs, a fox, a rooster, the Bremen Town musicians, a wolf and a hare, etc.). The collection of material organized in this way enables children to actively perceive its color and smells. Throughout the course of the conversation, the teacher encourages children to observe, develops in them a figurative perception, imagination: in seeds, cones, snags, to see funny little men, animals, birds, insects. So, for example, examining maple lionfish on a walk, the teacher asks the children what they look like; children remember: a grasshopper has such a form of wings, even the color is green. Here, on a walk, you can make a grasshopper. For the head, use dried falling cherries, make the abdomen from a birch earring, which is even curved, like a real abdomen. Each child makes a grasshopper according to his own design. In the process of work, the educator helps children, encourages those who help lagging comrades. After the excursion, it is advisable to have a conversation. For example, while walking, the children found an anthill; the teacher explained the benefits of ants. We examined the ant, saw how it moves dexterously and quickly on the ground. And during the conversation, you can clarify what other insects children know, what their lifestyle is, the shape of the body, the number of legs, which benefits or harms.
Another time, children can be asked to consider a dragonfly; to make a dragonfly toy, use linden lionfish, for the head - cherry pits, make the abdomen from a dried spikelet of wheatgrass. In such conversations, ingenuity, ingenuity develop, concepts and ideas expand, knowledge deepens, speech is enriched.
When the children learn where and how acorns and chestnuts grow, they learn to see parts of the intended toys in them, they can begin to complete the task. At the same time, at the beginning of work, you can not strive for a wide variety of crafts. On the contrary, teach children to make the same toy from different materials, paying attention to the fact that the plasticine for fastening is matched to the color of chestnuts and acorns, that you need to firmly and accurately connect the parts of the toy.
Excursions to nature will precede the work on toys and in the preparatory group. Each excursion is a meeting with nature. But children do not immediately see her beauty. The task of the educator is to continue teaching to see this beauty, to teach to see nature, to love it and to form a desire to protect it.
In the preparatory group, children already know the places of the excursion. There is a need to continue teaching children to notice changes in seasonal phenomena. Children 6-7 years old can do a lot on their own. During the excursion, they make toys, collect material, see images of future crafts. The teacher reminds the children of the requirements for the collected material. For this purpose, organizes the game "Collecting material". Together with the children, he determines the place of the receiving sorting point, chooses a person on duty in the forest (in the park) who will monitor the protection of nature, a quality controller of the collected material, etc. The tour can be ended with a conversation about the beauty and wealth of nature, about its protection in our country ... As a result, the teacher informs that in the preparatory group the children will be able to make different toys from the collected material, both those that they made and new ones that they like.
In a conversation about the excursion, the teacher clarifies the children's impressions of what they saw, the acquired new knowledge. Now you can move on to making toys from natural materials. To make a toy, the child is taught to do a thorough examination (analysis) of the sample, drawing, photograph of the toy; determine not only the external characteristic features, but also the details of the craft, ways of connecting it. The correct analysis of the structure of the manufacture of a toy is a particularly important link in the work. In the process of such analysis, the child learns to mentally plan the upcoming work by analogy with the sample.
Working on a toy develops orientation and research activities in children. Therefore, it is important that the teacher does not explain everything himself in the process of making the toy. Good results can be achieved when children are put in the need to think out, complete, analyze actions themselves.
Thus, the work of children in making crafts from natural materials begins with mastering the method of making a toy according to a model made by the teacher in advance. Seeing an object in front of them, children easily analyze the structure of the craft, determine the method of connecting the parts, think over and plan the course of the upcoming business. To master this skill, the teacher invites the children to create several toys based on the sample he created during the analysis of the assignment. At the same time, the teacher must take care that all his actions are accurate and that all children can see them. If after that the guys find it difficult to get down to work, the teacher again explains the sequence of making the toy.
After successfully mastering the method of making a toy according to a sample, you can proceed to making a toy according to a drawing (photos). And here the use of the method of schematic sketching of a toy can be of great help to children, which will facilitate the transition from visual-active thinking to concrete-figurative thinking. A.R. Luria pointed out the effectiveness of this technique. He noted that nothing is visible in the model sample, except for the outline. This puts the child in unusual conditions for independent creative activity and contributes to the manifestation and development of his creative thinking.
Working with drawing models can be structured as follows. The constituent parts of almost all toys are slightly modified geometric shapes that children can easily draw. At the first such lesson, after analyzing the sample, the teacher invites the children to see how he will draw a model of the toy being performed, after which they repeat the drawing given by the teacher on paper. In the future, at the initial stage of using the drawing of the toy model, the teacher should help the children to make it correctly, after which the children will be able to. make such a drawing yourself.
The use of this technique will enable children to imagine the general progress of the task, constantly see the goal, the project of the work result in front of them, and at the same time will contribute to the development of ideas, creative thinking.
The use of the proposed sequence for making drawings of toys, of course, does not exclude any changes that the educator can make. The teacher himself can find successful methods of work when analyzing the sample in order to interest the children (make a riddle about the subject, etc.).
Summarizing the analysis of the work on the manufacture of handicrafts from natural material according to the sample, it is possible to outline a general characteristic scheme of the sequence of work:
1. Examination and analysis of the toy sample.
2. Establishment of a stage-by-stage sequence of its production with preliminary planning of the course of work.
3. The choice of the method of connecting the parts of the toy.
4. Selection of material and tools (with the help of an educator or independently).
5. Making toys.
6. Analysis and evaluation of children's toys.
Of great educational and educational value in the manufacture of handicrafts from natural material is the work of children by design. Such classes contribute to the formation in children of the ability to independently plan activities. Before starting work, the child must first outline the actions, determine their sequence (what to do first, how to connect the torso and head in a toy, etc.). And often children succeed in this already in the older group, and by the end of their stay in kindergarten, they successfully complete the task by design, by condition.
Many crafts are done by children from the same type of material and in the same ways. The teacher helps children to highlight these techniques, ways of working, teaches them to generalize and transfer to the manufacture of new crafts. It is especially important here to maintain continuity in work, to rely on previously acquired knowledge. The purpose of the formation of such generalized ways of working is to develop interest in manual labor, the ability to tinker, and creativity.
When creating toys, the teacher teaches children to combine natural materials. For example, to make a funny bird, you can take a bump for the body, make the head from a small acorn of a specific shape, the neck from a branch, the legs from small twigs, and a bright fluffy feather can serve as the tail. Seeds of various plants (mountain ash, sunflower, watermelon seeds, etc.) are used as eyes for birds, animals, men. For legs, paws, curved branches of a tree, knots with an interesting break are suitable. Deer antlers are fancifully curved branches. Cups (pluses) of acorns are a good substitute for hats or pants for little men. The bark of the tree serves as a good stand for homemade toys when making a souvenir toy. From lionfish of maple, ash-tree, the ears of a hare, the beard of Karabas-Barabas, the tail and mane of a horse are perfectly obtained.
Teaching these skills is best done when children make toys by design. So, in the manufacture of the "Traveler" they use rose hips, but in this lesson it was not found. The teacher asks the children what material can be used to replace the rosehip and what can be made of it.
When organizing work with natural material, it is very important to use fictional literature. Preschool children are distinguished by great sensitivity and impressionability, works of fiction are an inexhaustible source of knowledge, inspiration, wisdom, they affect the mind and feelings of the child, enriching them, develop artistic taste, and contribute to the development of the emotional sphere. Children of preschool age need to read works about nature with a vivid, figurative description of the surrounding phenomena, so that all this has an impact, awakens their imagination, fosters artistic taste, aesthetic feelings, and love for their native nature1. 1 For a list of works for reading to children about nature, see the "Program of education in kindergarten" (Moscow, 1981), and the texts - in the "Reader for older children of preschool age" (Moscow, 1980).

based on the book by Evelina Karpovna Gulyants and Ilyana Yakovlevna Bazik
"What can be made from natural material!

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Krasnodar Pedagogical College No. 3 of the Krasnodar Territory

Department of Preschool Education

Coursework on the topic:

Influence and significance of natural objects and natural materials on the sensory development of preschool children



1. Nature as a universal value

2. Scientific basis of the content of ecological education of preschool children

3. Methods of environmental education of preschool children

3.1 Creation of an ecological developmental environment - the leading method of ecological education of preschoolers

3.2 Influence of elementary search activity on sensory education of older preschool children

3.3 Labor in the nature of older preschool children - as a method of sensory education

4. The role of the family in the ecological education of older preschool children


List of references


The natural world around us is rich, beautiful and infinitely diverse. To introduce a child into this world, to reveal its uniqueness, to teach to love and take care of nature is the task and duty of adults. This must be done as early as possible, from the very first steps of the child on the ground. It is with this that the system of continuous environmental education should begin - from the sphere of preschool education.

The relevance of the topic I have chosen is as follows: humanity is the main factor in the emergence of environmental problems on the planet.

Only now is society beginning to understand that the problems that have appeared have arisen as a result of its own wrong activities on Earth, and they will not disappear by themselves.

That it is necessary to direct all efforts to eliminate these problems, to preserve natural resources, those riches of nature, without which a person simply cannot do.

And in order to competently help nature, first of all, ecological education is needed.

Without a certain knowledge of the ecological foundations and laws of nature, a person will not be able to help nature, or even harm even more with his illiteracy.

That is why it is so necessary to begin to acquaint children with nature as early as possible, to instill love for it from the earliest years, so that in the future they do not repeat the mistakes of modern society, and it, in turn, should try to bring the current state of the natural environment back to normal for our children. ...

We can say that all this constitutes a single chain: we form an ecological culture in children from an early age, therefore, when they grow up, they will love, understand and, most importantly, protect nature, and then there will be no environmental problems on the planet.

Purpose of the research: to study the influence and significance of natural objects and natural materials on the sensory development of preschool children.

Research objectives:

· Study and analyze the literature on environmental education of preschool children;

· To study the methods and techniques of forming the ecological culture of preschool children;

· To conduct a survey among parents of preparatory group No. 3, in preschool educational institution No. 138, in order to check the work of parents with children on the formation of an environmental culture outside preschool educational institutions;

· Explore methods and techniques of sensory education of preschool children through objects of nature and natural materials.

1. Nature as a universal value

Forum in Rio de Janeiro - a global view of the planet

In 1992, Rio de Janeiro hosted the UN Conference on the Environment, a grandiose event on a global scale, within the framework of which 179 member states analyzed the results of the planet's "ecological twenty" (1792 - 1992). It was noted that the activities carried out earlier were of a local nature and did not have a significant impact on the change in the environmental situation in the world. It was also stated that the economy of developed countries is wasteful in nature, its model cannot be recommended to developing countries. The Rio Forum highlighted important aspects of the holistic development of humanity on the planet.

The Forum in Rio is the understanding by the world community of global environmental problems, which expresses a threat to everything living on Earth. An important aspect of the forum was the conversation about the human factor - the importance of each and every one in the implementation of the decisions worked out at it.

“Everyone involved in this remarkable event,” said Maurice Strong, “has a responsibility to ensure that the post-Summit road is in fact the path to a more stable, secure and just future for all of humanity.”

The human factor is ecological thinking, ecological consciousness, ecological culture of all those on whom the implementation of the program of the UN conference in Rio depends:

· The authorities must ratify the documents of the forum, develop programs and implement them in their territories;

Nongovernmental organizations can play important role in shaping environmental policy;

· Representatives of the business world, scientists, farmers, workers in trade unions can help to improve the efficiency of the use of natural resources, land and water reserves;

· Women with knowledge and experience in the rational use and protection of natural resources can provide invaluable assistance in resolving environmental issues;

· Young people and children, who make up almost one third of the world's population, must have an opportunity to voice their opinions: development strategies must ensure the rights of young people to natural resources, and development programs and activities must guarantee their secure future.

It is quite obvious that the human factor at this stage of planetary development acquires a decisive development, therefore, it is necessary to educate the entire category of the population, train personnel on possible environmental problems.

The participants of the Forum in Rio discussed the perspective and program for the development of civilization in the new millennium. The Concept of Sustainable Development was adopted as a new strategy for the use of natural resources, a new strategy for the survival of mankind in interaction with nature.

Sustainable development in this Concept is defined as development that allows to ensure stable economic growth without degradation of the natural environment and is able to meet the needs of both living and future generations of people. For such a development, it is necessary for all mankind to realize the preservation of the historically established natural habitat, the preservation of the natural resource potential of the biosphere as a factor in the survival of civilization and each person individually.

The economic aspect of sustainable development presupposes, first of all, a decrease in the consumption of natural resources of the biosphere, a change in production and economic activities, i.e. its rationalization, improvement through the use of new technologies.

The environmental aspect of sustainable development is particularly significant. At present, the danger of the current ecological situation in the world is obvious to everyone: if the degradation of nature, which occurs under the influence of human activity, is not stopped, then the very fact of the traditional existence of the biosphere and the survival of modern civilization will be called into question.

Currently, the planet is plagued by natural and anthropogenic cataclysms. Natural - volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, heavy downpours and river floods, hurricanes. Anthropogenic (technological) - this is an obvious result of the aggregate activity of the world's population. Humanity has become a planetary force that can change the usual passage of time.

What is needed in order to achieve a high quality of life and start climbing the steps of a new civilization? Philosophers and ecologists answer unequivocally - a mass ecological culture is needed. The path to its formation is the further development of environmental education:

· Education of members of society, aware of their connection with nature, understanding the unity of regional and global processes of the biosphere, the need to maintain its balance;

· Instilling in all members of society a consciousness of personal involvement in solving environmental problems;

· Development of everyone's understanding of the need for a balance between satisfying their own needs and the consequences that these actions will have on the state of the environment in the future.

2. Scientific basis of the content of ecological education of preschool children

All outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children: Ya.A. Comenius saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of mind, feelings, will.

K.D. attached great importance to nature. Ushinsky, he was in favor of "introducing children into nature", in order to inform them of everything available and useful for their mental and verbal development. K.D.'s ideas Ushinsky found further development in the works of E.N. Vodovozova, E.I. Tikheeva, who paid much attention to nature as a means of mental education of preschool children.

E.N. Vodovozova reveals the role of observation as the most accessible means of familiarizing young children with objects and phenomena of the surrounding nature. In her opinion, observation for children provides rich food for the development of a child's mind and aesthetic senses.

E.I. Tikheeva saw nature as a means of sensory education for children. Indeed, nature, as an inexhaustible source of forms, colors, sounds, can be widely used for the sensory education of preschool children.

A comprehensive study of the issues of sensory education of preschoolers during productive activity, carried out under the guidance of A.V. Zaporozhets and A.G. Usova showed that teaching and the appropriate organization of visual activity, construction, labor in nature, didactic games have an effect in the sensory development of a child. Preschoolers consistently and purposefully learn the properties of objects - shape, size, color, density, etc., corresponding to the skills of perception.

In a number of scientific works (A.I. Vasiliev, N.K. Postnikova, I.A. Khaidurov, etc.), indirectly related to the issues of sensory development of children, the importance of analyzing perception (the ability to see the signs of objects of nature) for the development of children's activities in the process of cognition is shown older preschoolers are interconnected in nature. So Pedagogical work on familiarizing preschoolers with nature reveals the possibility and necessity of forming sensory skills in children.

Thus, according to almost all outstanding teachers, familiarization with nature plays a huge role in mental, aesthetic and moral development (education), and sensory education is the main means of raising children and their all-round development. Sensory education is a very important component, because knowledge about nature, creatures, plants will be assimilated better when the child is offered not only to look at an object of animate or inanimate nature, but also to touch it, stroke it, that is, examine it. Then the child, based on the experience gained, will be able to master the material much better. In this case, the cognitive process is working - perception - orienting the child in the stream of signs that affect him. After all, it is known that the more analyzers are connected (auditory + visual + analytical (tactile) +, etc.), then in the process of obtaining new information, its assimilation will be more successful.

T.V. Bashaeva believes that the perception of an object with the help of various senses gives a complete and correct idea of \u200b\u200bobjects, helps to recognize an object by one or several properties. The recollection of a vivid property of an object can evoke memories of the whole object in a child. In the process of including all the senses in perception, they can reveal the individual abilities of the child, which are based on the increased sensitivity of some organs.

Sensory development in preschool age forms the foundation of mental development, and mental abilities begin to form early and not by themselves, but in close connection with the expansion of activities, including general motor and manual ones. The hand gives rise to the development of thinking. If a child touches an object, then the muscles and skin of the hands at this time "teach" the eyes and brains to see, touch, distinguish, memorize. The hand learns, and the brain captures sensation and perception, connecting them with visual, auditory and olfactory sensations into complex integrated patterns and representations.

P.N. Samorukova believes that no didactic material can be compared with nature in terms of the variety and strength of the developmental impact on the child. Objects and phenomena of nature are clearly presented to children. So directly, with the help of the senses, perceives the variety of properties of natural objects: shape, size, sounds, spatial location.

In older preschool age, children have a number of features in sensory development, which must certainly be taken into account when working with children:

· Visual perception becomes the leading one when familiarizing with the environment;

· To the end, sensory standards are mastered;

• purposefulness, planning, controllability, awareness of perception increases;

· With the establishment of relationships with speech and thinking, perception is intellectualized.

So, summing up, it can be argued that sensorimotor development is the basis of mental education. Enrichment of sensory and motor activity leads to an increase in the number of intersynaptic connections, which plays a large role in improving research function. The development of motor function activates the development of memory and speech centers. The better a child moves, the better they will speak.

A diagram showing the influence of sensorimotor development on mental education is presented in Appendix No. 1.

3. Methods of environmental education of preschool children

3.1 Creation of an ecological developmental environment - the leading method of ecological education of preschoolers

environmental education sensory preschool

The initial elements of ecological culture are formed on the basis of the interaction of children under the guidance of adults with the object-natural world that surrounds them: plants, animals, their habitat, objects made by people from materials of natural origin.

One of the important conditions for the implementation of the environmental education system in a preschool institution is the correct organization and greening of the developing subject environment. Currently, there is a certain contradiction between the natural need of a child as a living being in communication with nature and his alienation from nature, which complicates the process of environmental education. This alienation can be partially overcome by greening the developing subject environment. The main task is to create conditions for the formation of an element of ecological culture in a child, environmentally competent behavior.

The preschool environment should facilitate:

Cognitive development of the child (creating conditions for cognitive activity, experimentation with natural material, systematic observations of objects of animate and inanimate nature; the formation of interest in natural phenomena, the search for answers to questions of interest to the child and the posing of new questions);

Ecological and aesthetic development (drawing the child's attention to the surrounding natural objects, the formation of the ability to see the beauty of the natural world, the variety of its colors and forms; preference for natural objects of their imitation, artificial objects);

Improvement of the child (use of environmentally friendly materials for interior decoration, toys; assessment of the environmental situation of the territory of a preschool institution; competent design, landscaping of the territory; creation of conditions for excursions, outdoor activities);

Formation of the child's moral qualities (creation of conditions for regular care of living objects and communication with them, fostering a sense of responsibility, desire and ability to preserve the surrounding world of nature);

Formation of environmentally competent behavior (skills of rational nature management; caring for animals, plants, environmentally competent behavior in nature);

Greening various activities of the child (conditions for independent games with natural material, the use of natural material in the classroom for physical activity, etc.).

Thus, the greening of the developing subject environment should contribute to the implementation of all components of the content of education: cognitive, moral, value and activity.

Any developmental environment consists of a variety of elements, each of which performs its own functional role.

In older groups, one should continue to develop the sense organs (vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste), improve hand-eye coordination, consolidate the knowledge of standards - all these program tasks can be carried out with the help of labor in nature and in the living corner of the group.

Organization of work with children.

Corner in the group.

Natural objects are located in this corner for their care and observation. As a rule, this is an aquarium, a cage with a parrot or a hamster. Of course, a variety of plants. There are also books, illustrations containing information about these objects, items for their care. Keeping animals and growing plants in groups allows the teacher to organize long-term observations and use the same objects for different purposes. Great attention is also paid to the child by the opportunity to constantly communicate with living beings and take care of them.

A watch is often organized in the corner, children carry out assignments related to caring for animals and plants.

Any animals and plants can be in the preschool if they meet the following requirements:

Safe for the life and health of children and adults (poisonous and thorny plants, aggressive and unpredictable animals in their behavior are unacceptable)

· Unpretentious in terms of maintenance and care (good maintenance of plants and animals should not take a lot of time, effort, attention from the educator).

The living corner is a great place to organize observations. However, in many kindergartens, the emphasis during classes is exclusively on purely zoological and botanical knowledge. For example, preschoolers learn quite complex names for indoor plants, and the child is supposed to know a certain number of names (typically a reproductive approach to teaching). Such mechanical memorization contributes to the development of memory and outlook, but in no way affects the child's thinking, his emotions. From the point of view of ecology, it is important, using the example of the same indoor plants, to show the connections of living organisms with the environment, to find out how this or that organism is adapted to the environment, why it has exactly such an appearance, behavior, and other features, to form an understanding in the child of the dependence of life plants from his own actions.

It is important to gradually accustom children to certain rules of behavior in dealing with animals: it is best to observe them in a calm, quiet environment, when the animal is not afraid and behaves naturally. The child must respect the peace, the state of the animals, this approach is no less important than caring for them. It is advisable to calm down the children before visiting the corner, tune them to the appropriate behavior, explain what you can pay attention to today and why you do not need to jump, shout near animals.

Caring for animals and plants is a direction well developed in preschool pedagogy. It is important that each child chooses for care the plant, the animal that he likes best, that is, he communicates with living objects at will, and not at the direction of adults. It is necessary to acquaint children in advance with the peculiarities of plants and animals. It is also important to explain to preschoolers that "human food" is not suitable for animals. In addition, animals need to be fed a certain number of times a certain amount of food. For a more emotional contact, children can give names to the inhabitants of the corner.

Interest in the objects of the living area can serve as a good basis for organizing activities, games that contribute to the general development of children. (see Appendix No. 2)

In a corner of nature, it is desirable to also contain a variety of collections from the collected natural material, sometimes they are called collection zones. These zones are intended for acquainting children with various natural objects, for developing their skills in classifying objects according to various characteristics, sensory skills. Collections should be placed in special cabinets or on shelves at child's eye level. When collecting samples, the following aspects should be considered:

· Availability of objects for collection by children;

· Variety;

· Local history aspect (i.e. natural objects of the area where the preschool institution is located should be presented in the collections - this constitutes the basic core of the collections.)

Regional aspect (collections can be replenished due to the material brought by preschoolers and their parents from various regions of Russia and other countries, which they visit during various travels and vacations.)

· Environmental aspect.

Collection of dry leaves.

Probably, there is no kindergarten that does not collect a variety of leaves in the fall. A herbarium of such leaves may well replenish your collections, especially if there are already seeds and fruits of these plants in the ecological room. The most beautiful leaves can be placed on the wall in frames under glass, placed on fabric (burlap, fabric for embroidery) or thick embossed paper.

Collections of bark of trees (shrubs).

The bark of different trees differs in thickness, fracture, roughness, color and even smell. It is desirable that the collections contain specimens of different breeds. It should be remembered that you can only remove the bark from old, fallen or cut down trees (in the forest, in the country), and not from living ones. First of all, it is recommended to have the bark of famous trees, for example, oak (thick, fissured, dark), birch (bark is different for birches of different ages); pine (different in thickness, color, well-pronounced smell) and others. The collection can be supplemented with small branches of trees and shrubs and bark with lichens, mosses, small growths, mushrooms. The bark collection is an excellent object to work with: children can identify the bark by touch, by smell. The bark of different trees can be stored in boxes or attached to a long strip of fabric, placed on the wall.

Collections of sand, clay, soil

As a rule, neither children nor adults can imagine how different sand, clay, and soil are. Sand, for example, differs in grain size (large and small grains, the same and different in size), color (shades), impurities (for example, clay sand). River and sea sands are well differentiated. Children do not need to memorize all these subtleties, it is important that they represent a variety of objects, and they came to the conclusion about its existence based on the study of collections. Clay is different in color (impurities), degree of water resistance. It is good to purchase white (kaolin) clay for the collection, from which the dishes are made.

There may also be collections consisting of seashells, items brought from the sea coasts (starfish, crab shells, corals, etc.)

In the collection area, you can also place a transparent, rather high jar, which will help children imagine the structure of the soil (in a very simplified version). Pour small and medium pebbles at the bottom of the jar, on top of them - a layer of sand (or a mixture of sand and clay, or just clay). On top, place the top layer of soil with plant roots, dry leaves (from the park, square, garden).

Collections of sand, clay, soil are best kept in transparent containers of the same shape and size (convenient for comparison).

Thus, all of the above means available in a corner of nature are very important in the sensory education of older preschool children. Children have direct contact with valuable natural materials that enrich the sensory experience of children, which is the basis for the mental education of preschool children. A specially organized ecological environment in a group helps to solve many problems of upbringing and education of older preschool children. The child learns, seeks to embrace as much as possible in the surrounding reality and the task of the educator is to help him do this.

A variant of winter-spring work in a corner of nature is presented in Appendix No. 3.

3.2 Influence of elementary search activity on sensory education of older preschool children

Of particular importance for the development of the personality of a preschooler is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of the child's worldview, his personal growth. An essential role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschoolers, which takes place in the form of experimental and experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden essential connections with natural phenomena. At preschool age, such trying actions change significantly and turn into complex forms of search activity (N.E. Veraksa, N.N. Poddyakov, L.A. Paramonova).

Entertaining experiments, experiments encourage children to independently search for reasons, methods of action, manifestation of creativity, as they are presented taking into account the actual development of preschoolers. In addition, the didactic material ensures the development of two types of children's activity: the child's own activity, completely determined by himself, and the activity stimulated by adults.

Experience is an observation that is carried out in specially organized conditions.

Experiments make it possible to develop observation skills, activate cognitive interest in nature and mental activity. During the experiments, the tasks of sensory education are also realized. Through experiments, children refine their knowledge about the properties and qualities of natural objects (properties of snow, water, plants, etc.). Also, experiments are of great importance for children to understand causal relationships.

Experiments are carried out from the senior group of the kindergarten, by that time the children had accumulated a lot of knowledge that needs to be clarified, checked with the help of elementary search activities. But in the younger and middle groups, separate search actions are also used.

The experience or experiment should be based on the existing ideas that the children received in the process of work and observation. Children must certainly actively participate in experiments, otherwise the required clarifying and cognitive effect will not work. During the experiment, in no case should harm or damage be done to animals and plants. Children must understand the purpose and task of the experiment, and besides, they must independently express their own conclusions and judgments, to which the educator must lead the children.

An approximate list of interesting experiments for older preschool children is presented in Appendix No. 4.

3.3 Labor in the nature of older preschool children - as a method of sensory education

Diverse labor in nature is perhaps the most interesting activity for older preschool children. In the process of labor in nature, children develop love and respect for nature. Children develop an interest in work in general, as well as a conscious and responsible attitude towards it.

Labor in nature is of great educational value. It broadens the horizons, and allows you to teach children to work collectively, help each other and act together.

It should be noted the great importance of labor in nature in the field of sensory education of older preschool children. Working in nature, children get acquainted with the properties and qualities, states of objects of nature, learn the ways of establishing these properties. The teacher teaches children to focus on the properties of objects of nature to perform a labor action.

As in the process of working in a corner of nature (in a group), during labor the child has constant direct contact with natural materials that have various properties and qualities. These are soil, seeds, plant leaves, twigs, soil, pebbles, fruits, nuts, water and much more. Children, working in nature, receive good "food for the mind" through perception.

Labor in nature has a number of other, very valuable advantages for the all-round development of preschoolers:

· In the process of work, practical skills of caring for plants and animals are formed;

· Favorable conditions for physical development are created (the subject of close attention is currently the issues of physical and environmental education of children, and this is not accidental, since the deterioration of the health of preschoolers, noted in recent years, largely depends on their environmental education.)

· The aesthetic needs of children are satisfied;

· The interest in the work of adults is formed;

· The connections between man and nature are assimilated (only with the help of human labor does the plant develop and bear fruit.)

· Labor in nature helps to develop a sense of collectivism;

· Helps to cultivate respect for nature.

But, it is very important to know that labor in nature will have an educational and educational value only if it is properly organized. Labor must meet certain hygienic and pedagogical requirements:

Should be varied in content;



Should get progressively more complicated;

In work, practical skills must be formed in unity with knowledge;


Labor should never be used as a punishment!

In the preparatory school for school, a group of children should be involved in picking vegetables in the garden, seeds; collection of autumn leaves. In winter, children can help shovel snow to the trunks of trees and bushes, grow green food for birds and animals in the living corner of the group. In the spring, children can sow seeds, in the summer - loosen the soil, water the flower beds.

Observations and work on the site in the preparatory group for school are organized frontally, or individual work orders are distributed between groups and links. In the spring, you can use the form of organizing children by links: each link receives a long-term labor assignment to care for a certain garden bed or flower bed, for one or another domestic animal living on the site. Long-term assignments are also given individually.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the work of preschool children in nature is very important for their development, it is of an educational and educational nature and comprehensively develops the preschooler.

A feasible and interesting work brings great joy to children, and this is the basis for fostering in the future the desire to work, a steady interest in work.

During child labor, it is useful to use proverbs, riddles, entertaining material. This will help to energize children more and give them more pleasure in interacting with nature. Verbal material is presented in Appendix No. 5.

4. The role of the family in the environmental education of senior preschool children (practical work)

Practical work was carried out on the basis of preschool educational institution TsTSR No. 138 of the Krasnodar Territory, with the participation of parents of children of preparatory group No. 3 in the amount of 13 people.

Practical work is aimed at determining how the family affects the upbringing of ecological culture in their children and how their work on this problem is manifested.

Parents were offered a questionnaire consisting of five questions:

1. Do you go out on holidays, weekends, and how often?

2. Does your child watch nature TV? What kind?

3. Do you have pets? If so, what role does your child play in caring for him?

4. Do you tell your child about natural phenomena, objects, if he is interested in this?

5. Do you bring up love and respect for nature in your child? What do you teach your child? (for example: do not throw garbage on the ground, in the grass, etc.)

See Appendix No. 7.

As a result of the survey, it was revealed that out of 13 families:

1) 8 often go to nature with a child, which contributes to the knowledge of the surrounding world and obtaining a good sensory experience as a result of direct contact with nature;

4 very rarely go to nature with a child, thereby limiting him in communication with nature;

1-on does not have the opportunity to go out into nature, the child is limited only to walks in the yard and very rare trips to the country.

2) In all In families, children regularly watch TV programs about nature, and some purchase DVDs with environmental content. This is very good, as children receive interesting, detailed and reliable facts about animate and inanimate nature, expanding their horizons and establishing connections between humans and nature.

3) At 10 families have pets, in the care of which the child takes the most direct role. It is very good that parents understand how important the contact of a child with an animal is. Animals have a positive effect on the psyche of the child, provide a positive attitude in the process of communication with the animal and after it. The desire to take care of the animal helps to be active in work activities, instill a respectful attitude and a sense of responsibility for your beloved pet;

In 2 there are no animals;

AND one the family revealed a negative manifestation in relation to animals, which shows the ecological lack of education, first of all, of the parents. It is the parents who, from an early age, must bring up ecological culture in the child. Should lead to the child's understanding that animals and plants are living creatures that, like a person, need food, favorable conditions, water, air and, of course, care and attention.

4) In all families pay great attention to fiction about nature and stories of parents about it to children, thereby expanding the knowledge of children about natural objects and phenomena that will lay the foundation for the ecological culture of a preschooler.

5) At 12 In families, parents and relatives try to bring up elementary skills of behavior in nature in the child, thereby instilling in the child a respectful attitude towards it. In such families, children will understand that if they carelessly interact with nature, then it will no longer be able to give us in full what is so valuable to humans - food, water, clean air, natural resources and other equally important components of nature.

As a result of a questionnaire survey among parents, after carefully analyzing the data, one can draw a conclusion: the bulk of parents treat the upbringing of the ecological culture of preschoolers, that is, their children, with great responsibility. They often go to nature, watch and discuss TV programs about wildlife and inanimate nature, have pets, talk with children about behavior in nature and talk about natural objects and phenomena, their significance for humans.

Conclusion: nowadays, more attention is paid to the problem of environmental education than before, finally realizing that it is very necessary in our reality. People are gradually realizing the importance of this problem and are trying to introduce knowledge into society, for the upbringing and formation of ecological culture. Help to understand that awareness of the behavior of each person is necessary in order to prevent an impending environmental crisis. Giving environmental knowledge at preschool age, we thereby form the beginnings of environmental culture and introduce children to love nature, empathize and take care of it from childhood - this is what parents should remember when fostering environmental culture in their child.

Parents who do not pay special attention to the formation of an ecological culture can be offered the recommendations presented in Appendix No. 6.


The nature of the planet is a unique value for all mankind: material and spiritual.

It is the duty of adults - parents, teachers - to teach them to love and protect nature. It is necessary to introduce the child to the wonderful world of nature, to reveal its beauty, singularity.

Methods such as the labor of children in nature, in a living corner, and elementary search activities help to form an ecological culture. In my opinion, these methods are the most effective in the formation of ecological culture in preschool children, because in the process of using these methods, mental activity, mental processes (memory, thought, imagination, etc.), perception are activated, the child joins the work of adults, learns new and interesting things.

“Labor of children in nature” is the most accessible type of labor for children, which has a tangible and significant result. In work, there is an active process of cognition and application of the knowledge gained.

"Working in a corner of nature" - will help to acquaint children with nature, to foster love for it. In the process of caring for animals and plants in the corner, children get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of flora and fauna, how the plant develops and grows, the conditions for them must be created.

"Elementary search activity" - helps to develop observation, activates mental activity. Experiments are of great importance for children's understanding of cause and effect relationships.

Thus, the goal of the study: to study the influence and significance of natural objects and natural materials on the sensory development of preschool children, has been achieved.

o study and analyze the literature on environmental education of preschool children;

o study the methods and techniques for the formation of the ecological culture of preschool children;

o conduct a questionnaire survey among parents of preparatory group No. 3, in preschool educational institution No. 138, in order to check the work of parents with children on the formation of an ecological culture outside preschool educational institutions;

o explore methods and techniques of sensory education of preschool children through objects of nature and natural materials - implemented.

List of references

1. Bashaeva T.V. Development of perception in children: shape, color, sound. - Yaroslavl, 1997.

2. “Weinerman S.M. and others. Sensomotor development of preschoolers in the classroom in the fine arts. - M., 2001.

3. Gurin Yu.V. Encyclopedia of educational riddles. - M., 2002.

4. Dybina OV and others. Unknown nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. - M., 2001.

6. Kameneva L.A. How to acquaint preschoolers with nature. - M., 1983.

7. Kondratyeva N.N. We. Environmental education program for children. - M., 2005.

8. Markovskaya M.M. A corner of nature in a kindergarten. - M., 1989.

10. Methodology for acquainting children with nature in kindergarten "./ Ed. P.G. Samorukova - M., 1991.

11 .. Nikolaeva S.N. Theory and methodology of environmental education. - M., 2002.

12. Nikolaeva S.N. Methodology for environmental education of preschoolers. Study guide for students. - M., 1999.

13. Nikolaeva S.N. Communication with nature begins from childhood. - Perm, 1992.

14. The program of education and training in kindergarten. / Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - M., 2005.

15. Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. - M., 2001.

16. Runova M.A. and others. Acquaintance with nature through movement: integrated lessons. - M., 2006.

17. Uruntaeva G.A. "Preschool Psychology". - M., 1997.

18. "Ecological education of preschoolers". A guide for preschool education specialists. / Author-comp. S.N. Nikolaeva - M., 1998.


The creation of compositions from natural material not only equips preschoolers with skills and abilities, but awakens their intellectual and creative activity, teaches them to plan their activities, make changes in technology, product design, and implement their plans. Children of senior preschool age develop the ability to analyze phenomena, compare them, discover new ideas, new ways, draw original conclusions; there is a striving for the original, a denial of the familiar, there is a desire to transform the surrounding reality according to the laws of beauty.

Natural material has great potential in the development of older preschoolers, especially its role in the development of visual-figurative thinking should be emphasized, because the use of such material gives a new sensory experience that children get from the perception of nature. The special role of nature and natural materials in the development of figurative and logical thinking was emphasized by K.D. Ushinsky. The importance of using natural material in the activities of preschoolers was also pointed out by A.S. Makarenko. He wrote that materials such as clay, wood, paper and others are closest to “normal human activity: from materials a person creates values \u200b\u200band culture. There is a lot of good realism in the toy-material, but at the same time, there is room for imagination, not just imagination, but great creative imagination ”].

Natural material develops the sensory abilities of preschoolers. The amusement of working with such material contributes to the development of attention in preschoolers, increases its stability, forms voluntary attention, and also develops artistic abilities, aesthetic tastes of preschoolers. According to N.M. Konysheva,the world around and the activities of children give rise to emotional and intellectual experience, which serves as a source of ideas and artistic ideas.

When making compositions in the process of systematic workpreschoolers' hands gain confidence, accuracy, fingers become flexible. These skills are essential in learning activities, especially in preparing the hand for writing. Manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills, coordination of movements, flexibility, and accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed.

In the course of making compositions from natural material, speech develops in children, because when working on a composition, the hand plays a special role, which complements the complex of sensations and makes the idea of \u200b\u200bmaterials and their properties more complete. The direct connection between the fingers and speech of children has been known for a long time. According toV.A. Sukhomlinsky, the origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. The more skill in a child's hand,…. the brighter the creative element of the child's mind, the more interesting the child's speech and logical conclusions.A.E. Belaya also confirms this idea, arguing that "by performing various exercises with his fingers, the child achieves a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which ... has a beneficial effect on the development of speech."

Natural material has great potential for various activities of children, its use helps to actively assimilate and use the acquired knowledge. In the process of composing compositions from natural material, the ability to use tools is improved, such as, for example, an awl, scissors, needles, brushes, stacks, etc.

In addition, it should be mentioned that some natural materials have a healing value, in particular, work with sand, which is called "sand therapy" or "sand therapy", has great potential. Working with natural materials emotionally relieves children, increases their vitality.

Working on various compositions enriches the emotional sphere of preschoolers and forms communication skills. Moreover, working with natural material brings children closer to their native nature, fosters a respectful attitude towards the environment in them, and forms the skills of ecological culture. Nowadays, all this is especially relevant, because the modern ecological situation around the world dictates changes in the consumer worldview in relation to nature and sets before teachers the task of educating children not only in deep knowledge about nature, but also in certain moral positions in relation to all life on Earth.

Crafts made from natural materials also satisfy the curiosity of children. A favorable emotional mood during work, the joy of communication in work, the pleasure experienced in the process of creating a beautiful composition are important factors for the general development of preschoolers.

Thus, with the correct organization of the educational process, the work on creating compositions from natural material becomes an effective means of the comprehensive development and upbringing of older preschool children.


    Agapova, I.A. Toys and gifts from natural material / I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydov. - M .: Dom, XXI century, 2008 .-- 225 p.

    Belaya, A.E. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers /, A.E. White. - M .: Astrel, 2009 .-- 143 p.

    Zaporozhets, A.V. Conditions and driving causes of the child's mental development / A.V. Zaporozhets, Comp. L.M. Semenyuk. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow. psychological and social institute., 2006 .-- 198 p.

    Konysheva, N.M. Education and creativity in the classroom of labor training / N.M. Konysheva // Elementary school. - 1999. - No. 5-6. - S. 41 -44.

    Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Parental pedagogy / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M .: Knowledge, 1988 .-- 96 p.

    Ushinsky, K. D. Collected Works. T. 9. / K. D. Ushinsky. - M .: Education, 2001 .-- 775 p.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No.118 "

the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

Methodical development

on the topic: Organization manual labor with natural material

(for older preschool children)

Prepared by the educator Petrova M.K.


Work structure

  1. The urgency of the problem.
  2. Goals and objectives.
  3. The content of the work.

5. Conditions conducive to the effective implementation of this technology.


  1. Used Books.
  2. Applications.

1. Relevance of the problem.

Any work with natural material: crafts made from cones, nuts or leaves - is not only exciting, but also informative. Nature gives the child the opportunity to develop his own creative abilities, he joins in aesthetic perception.

"The best toy for a child will be one that he created with his own hands" (John Locke)

Currently, there is a need to take care of strengthening the child's connection with nature and culture, work and art. Now children are moving further and further away from nature, forgetting its beauty and value. Working with natural materials helps to develop imagination, a sense of shape and color, accuracy, hard work, and instills a love of beauty. Being engaged in manual labor from natural materials, the child is involved in observing natural phenomena, gets to know the plant world better, learns to take care of the environment. Working with natural material introduces children to the wonderful world of living nature, as if from the outside helps to penetrate into its inner world, often hidden from a rational modern person. This arms them: a future adult who sees an amusing gnome in a spruce cone, an animal or a bird in a dry knot will want to transfer it into his daily life.

Children with hearing impairments need to engage in manual labor, since practice has confirmed that the level of development of children's speech is in direct proportion to the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. As a rule, if the movements of the fingers are developed in accordance with age, then the speech development of the child is within the age norm. Therefore, the training of finger and hand movements is the most important factor that stimulates the child's speech development, contributes to the improvement of articulatory movements, the preparation of the hand for writing and, no less important, a powerful tool that increases the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, stimulates the development of the child's thinking.

2. Practical relevance for educational work in a preschool institution.

The methodological development can be recommended for teachers of preschool institutions for children with disabilities, their parents.


Development of creative abilities in older preschool children with hearing impairment through manual labor (with natural material).


  1. Creation of a developing environment for the development of creative abilities in children in working with natural materials.
  2. To develop a series of manual labor lessons with natural materials.
  3. To attract parents to participate in competitions for manual labor, collection of natural material.

To solve 1 problem, you need the following:

  1. To implement the plan for self-education of the educator Petrova M.K. on the topic: "Development of creative abilities in the process of manual labor with children of senior preschool age" for the 2015-17 academic year


Result, reporting form

Study of scientific and educational-methodical literature on this topic


Abstract of methodological literature Drawing up a bibliographic list

Diagnostics of children by visual activity


Observation maps

Analysis of the effective activities of children

Development of a plan for joint activities on a daily basisdevelopment of creativity in the process of manual labor

September October

Drawing up a plan for joint activities in the daily modeDevelopment of creativity in the process of manual labor. Putting into practice a work plan for manual labor in joint activities in the mode

Selection of material, photos, illustrations formanual labor

September October

Create an introductory presentation onmanual labor

Creation of a subject environment Selection and purchase of art material for labor

During a year

Production of didactic aids and games formanual labor

Collection of children's handicrafts, and preparation for the exhibition.

Participation of children in creative competitions

March, April

Exhibition of children's works

Replenishment of children's portfolio

March, April

Design a visual folder

Comparative analysis of manual labor


Presentation of results

Preparation of a report on the implementation of the plan


Creative presentation.

Speech at the teachers' council

  1. Develop the content of the sensorimotor corner in the group.

Requirements for the organization of the sensorimotor corner in the group

Organization of the educational processassumes the presence of a sensory

didactic games, toys and aids of various types:

Function-oriented toysand manuals: building designers, pyramids, "mailboxes", "loto", flat and volumetric geometric shapes of various sizes, etc.

To develop the sense of touch:

  • Massage balls-rollers (different in shape, elasticity, surface texture).
  • Rough and smooth palpation boards, rough plaques.
  • Pieces of fur, silk, skin, velvet paper - different materials with different textures.
  • Items for creating cold and hot (hot water bottle, ice molds).
  • Convex letters, numbers.
  • Small objects of different shapes.

Various cereals in bags, trays for cereals, jars.

For the development of hearing:

Devices for creating sounds: rustlers, rattles, whistles, unusual musical instruments, any devices that make interesting sounds.

Cassettes and discs with sounds: cries of animals and birds, sounds of nature, sounds of water, sounds of thunderstorms, rustling of leaves, etc.

3. Design a work area in accordance with the requirements for the content.

List of materials for manual labor lessons:

Natural material (cones of spruce, pine, cedar, needles of conifers, bark, leaves, twigs of thuja, seeds of fruits and berries, eggshells, pebbles, shells, beads, buckwheat, pearl barley, semolina, rice groats, millet, tomato seeds, cucumber , garden flowers).

Junk material (boxes and jars of different sizes, etc.)

Various types of paper: plain, corrugated paper, napkins, newspapers, cardboard, foil.

Fabric, wire, cotton wool, cellophane, foam rubber, etc.

Glue: glue stick, PVA glue.

Set of multi-colored plasticine.

A set of tools for work for the academic year:

Scissors, plasticine stacks, paper float (a toothbrush with cut bristles or a large button with a blunt edge), flat glue brush (bristles) No. 7 with a wooden handle and a pointed end.

Accessory equipment:

Lining board for working with plasticine. Hand cloths or paper towels. Waste boxes. Jars for glue.

To solve the second problem, it is necessary:

  1. Develop a series of manual labor lessons with natural materials (see Appendix)

When conducting classes, it is necessary to take into account the structure:

1. Showing and explaining the teacher.

2. Making crafts by children according to the model, with the help of a teacher

3. Independent work of children with elements of creativity, imagination.

The basic principle of organizing classes is a gradual transition from a simple product to a complex product.

Duration of classes with children:

Senior preschool age - 30 min.

IN organization of classes includes methods and techniques:

1. Finger gymnastics,

2. Conversations on familiarization with the properties of materials

3. Introduction of the sample (surprise moment) and its examination

4. Physical minutes.

5.Explaining and showing the craft making

6 actions of children

7. Exhibition of works

8 Assessment of Childhood Performance

To solve the third problem, you need the following:

  1. To involve teachers in manual labor with natural materials.
  1. To develop guidelines for educators on manual labor with natural materials. (see in the appendix)
  1. Pick up fiction.

Children's literature about nature, stories and poems of the authors:

Barto Agnii Lvovna

Berestova Valentina Dmitrievich

Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich

Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich

Paustovky Konstantin Georgievich

Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich

Chukovsky Kornei Ivanovich

Selection of didactic kits:

  • Flowers, Insects, Trees, Birds
  • Excursions in the area "Bogdanka". Excursion to the exhibition hall "Rainbow". Excursions to the State Art Museum
  • Interaction between the kindergarten and the community of the microdistrict: school, parents, children's library and student trainees (defectologists, psychologists).

To solve the fourth task of working with parents, you need the following:

  1. Involve parents in the collection of natural material: "Visiting nature"
  2. To arrange visual agitation for parents on the topics: "The influence of manual labor on the development of a child's speech", "What can be done from natural material", "Construction from natural material".
  3. Conduct contests for children and parents: "Visiting Autumn" inside a garden competition. Making crafts from vegetables, fruits, berries and leaves. Creation of compositions from natural materials and fairy-tale characters.
  4. To attract parents to participate in the Republican contest "Yolka". Creating a Christmas tree from natural and waste material,
  5. Organize the participation of parents in the city competition: "Snow Buildings". Modeling snow figures using natural and waste material
  6. Conduct contests for children and "Fairy-tale characters from natural material" within the group competition. Making fabulous toys from cones, shells and seeds.
  7. To hold an exhibition of works on the theme "Easter" with the participation of parents and children (in a group). Creation of toys from shells, threads, straw, willow branches and flowers. Children - modeling from a modeling mass using sunflower seeds, colored millet, immortelle petals, mimosa flowers.
  8. To hold an exhibition of works on the theme "Easter" with the participation of parents and children (in a group). Firstly, we talk about the need to teach the child to be independent - he invented it himself, cut it himself, glued it himself, built it himself, and then, do not forget to put things in order, clean the workplace. At the same time, help should not be denied when difficulties arise, because when doing crafts, children may need an approving smile, additional clarification. Secondly, you need to teach children to carefully handle their crafts, not to be distracted, to bring what was conceived to the end, not to quit the work begun.

5. Didactic tools used in manual work with older preschool children.

  • .Presentations: "Trees", "Flowers", "Insects", "Shells"
  • D / game "Magic bag", "Pick a similar leaf",
  • Tutorials-tables "Trees", "Birds", "Plants"

6.Novelty of development

The solution of tasks for the development of manual skill in older preschool children with hearing impairment is carried out through the joint creative collective activity of teachers, children, parents - through an effective, non-traditional form of work with parents - "Collecting natural material, exhibitions of joint creative works."

7. Technology and practical significance.

8. Used literature.

  1. Programs (for special preschool institutions) Education and training of deaf children of preschool age Recommended by the Preschool Education Department of the State Education of the USSR Authors: Noskova L.P., Golovchits L.A., Shmatko N.D., T.V. Pelymskaya, R.T. Esimkhanova, A.A. Kataeva, G.V. Korotkova, G.V. Trofimova. Moscow "Education" 1991
  1. Psychological and pedagogical program

On the development of the educational field "Socialization" Construction and labor

For children 5-6 years old

  1. Agapova I.A. Crafts from natural materials - m.: LLC ICTTs "Lada", 2006.
  2. Gulyans E.K. What can be made from natural material: book. for the kindergarten teacher. - 2nd ed; to slave. –M .: Education, 1991.
  3. Lykova I.A. Artistic work in kindergarten. Moscow: Publishing house "Karapuz", 2008.
  4. Paramonova L. Construction from natural material. // DOSH. rec .; 2005 - No. 7.
  5. Telichenko N.V. Construction from natural materials. // teacher of a preschool educational institution., -2009-№2.
  6. Lykova I. “Craftsmanship. The chicken laid the testicle. " "Karapuz".
  7. Lykova I. “Craftsmanship. Marine sculptor ". "Karapuz".
  8. Lutseva E.A. "Steps to mastery." - Moscow, 2003.
  9. Konysheva N.M. "Our man-made world." - Moscow, 2002.


A series of manual labor lessons with natural materials:

  1. "We ask for the autumn". Making characters from vegetables and fruits after watching the Cipollino cartoon. (September)
  2. "Hedgehog with hedgehogs." Making a family of hedgehogs from plasticine using sunflower seeds, rice, rowan berries, black rice. (September)
  1. "The Old Man - Lesovichok". Craft from spruce and pine cones, acorns, black rowan berries, small twigs, straw (October)
  1. "Butterfly". Rowan, American maple, currant leaves on velvet paper (October)
  1. "Bunny". Craft from cotton wool using red rowan and thuja leaves (for carrots) on velvet paper (November).
  1. "Snow Bunny". Construction of snow from natural material: twigs, colorful ice floes, fresh carrots, potatoes, orange peels (December).
  1. "Teamwork - Christmas tree". The use of thuja branches, waste material (beads, buttons, rhinestones, semolina) on a primed cardboard. (January)
  2. "Kitty". Creation of work using colored sand. (February).
  3. " Easter Egg". Crafts from a shell using cereals (buckwheat, rice, peas), bright colored threads (March)
  4. "Butterflies and Dragonflies". Craft from shells on corrugated cardboard (April).
  5. "Flowers". Craft from leaves and flower petals (April).
  6. "Fish". Modeling a fish from twisted plasticine with adhesions from cereals and seeds (May).

Working with plant material (joint activity)

Theme: "Dragonfly"

Purpose. Teach children to make a toy from natural material according to the model


  • Learn to use plasticine to connect parts of a toy;
  • To form in children an interest in this type of work.

Material: seeds (lionfish) of ash, maple; apple or zoryanka seeds; dry twig of any tree; plasticine.

Progress. Every table has the necessary natural material. The teacher tells the children a riddle about a dragonfly and shows him a toy - a dragonfly. Then he offers to carefully consider it and say what it is made of. Draws the attention of children to the fact that the dragonfly has an oblong abdomen, thin transparent wings, large bulging eyes.

Abstract of the GCD for artistic and aesthetic development in an individual form with children of a senior d / v



1. Review of flat products from natural material.

2. Rules of collection and storage, methods of drying.

3. The sequence of drawing up the sketch and the technology of work.

4. Tools and devices.

5. Technique of safe work and work culture of preschoolers.

1. Review of flat products from natural material.

Currently, the application of flowers, herbs, leaves, called floristics.Communication with nature is fascinating, interesting and useful. It develops creativity, thinking, observation, hard work, artistic taste. You need to have a rich imagination to make apples from linden leaves, mushrooms from aspen leaves, turnips from poplar leaves, and trees from carrot leaves.

Nature gives us a unique variety of colors and perfection of finished forms. Classes with plants contribute to the education in children of love for their native nature, a careful attitude towards it. They are also useful because the collection and preparation of plants takes place in the air.

6. Applications are made from whole plants, but you can cut them out of them. The leaves are very fragile and must be glued onto thin paper, tracing paper or tissue paper before cutting out the shape.

Application from natural material can be subject, plot and decorative. It makes sense to start with simple whole forms. On a walk, you can invite children to compose a composition of dead leaves on the sand.

2. Rules of collection and storage, methods of drying.

Plants can be harvested all year round. In early spring, dry flowers and leaves of wild plants, at the beginning of summer, collect poplar fluff, in the middle, prepare flowers for forests, fields, meadows, a little later - autumn leaves. In winter, it is easy to stock up on twigs, needles, cones.

You can collect and harvest plants at any time of the day, but only in good weather.

You should not turn the harvesting of plants into a barbaric extermination of green spaces: breaking branches, crushing grass, etc. Especially with children. They must procure material under the supervision of adults (educators, parents). Leaves are best harvested in autumn, during the leaf fall season.

Any meeting with nature is suitable for collecting plants: a walk, an excursion, a hike in a forest or park, in a meadow or in a field, etc. And the more diverse the collected material is, the easier it will be to work with it. Plants are dried in two ways: under a press or under a hot iron.

Press-dry: prepare moisture-absorbing wrapping paper. Fold the sheet in half, prepare newspapers and cargo. The spacer is placed under the book and on top of it. Leaves, grass, and flowers are placed inside the book. Plywood or a plank is placed on top, and a load of 10-15 kg is placed on it. The gaskets are checked daily, replacing damp newspapers. Dry for 4 - 6 days in a dry place.

Drying with a hot iron: leaves are placed on a stack of newspapers, and the top is covered with one newspaper. Iron it with a hot iron, turn it over to the other side, move it to a dry place and iron it again. The leaves dry out within 2-3 minutes. This method is good for the leaves of lily of the valley, maple, hawthorn, sedge and other herbs. Many plants lose their color when dried, especially blue and white. Herbs also change color. It is useful to know the plants that are most resistant to drying. These are tulips, dahlias, golden balls, peonies, Shabo carnations, red poppy, rose hips. The method of drying these plants is different from drying the leaves of herbs. The flower of the plant is dismembered into separate petals, which are also laid in books, the gaskets are changed after 4-5 hours. Annual plants - dahlias, chamomile, calendula, viola, cosmea - can be dried whole. A thin layer of cotton wool is placed under each flower petal so that the petals do not touch each other. Cotton wool can be placed in a ring under the flower and on top around the core. When drying bells, snapdragons, their inner cavity is filled with a small cotton swab. Lush inflorescences of lilacs, phloxes, hydrangeas, when dried, are dismembered and each flower is dried separately, in the composition they are restored (collected in umbrellas or bunches), giving a natural shape.

Flowers are divided into separate petals and dried, and collected in the application.

From dried plants, applications are made: subject, subject and decorative. They can be prepared both from whole plant forms and from individual parts of the plant.

Application from whole shapes: these are simple miniatures, for example: carrots from an ash leaf.

3. The sequence of drawing up the sketch and the technology of work.

1. Choice of the plot.

3. Transferring the sketch to the background.

5. Gluing cut-out images along the marked lines on the background in the story sequence. The background should be dense - it can be velvet paper, cardboard. The glue is suitable for PVA, Mars.

6. Drying.

4. Tools and devices.

The equipment is scissors, tweezers, a drawing brush, needles and threads for sewing on, PVA glue or paste (flour or starch) for gluing. The background for the applique can be thick Whatman paper, cardboard, velvet paper (for poplar fluff), plywood (for straw, bones).

5. Technique of safe work and work culture of preschoolers.

Before performing work, the teacher talks with children about the rules of safe work with scissors, tweezers, and a needle. Children repeat the rules for working with glue.

Home assignment:sketching in a workbook of options for object images from whole leaves, available for preschool children.

Self-test tasks:

1. What is the name of the applique made of flowers, herbs, leaves?

2. What kind of plants can be used in the application?

3. Name the types of applications made of natural materials.

4. Name the methods of drying plants.


1. Application of flowers, herbs, leaves, called floristics.

2. In the application you can use:

a) dried leaves and flowers g) moss;

various plants, flower petals; h) plant seeds;

b) poplar fluff; i) bones, nuts;

c) straw; j) orange peel;

d) birch bark; k) bulk materials and

e) cone scales; industrial waste:

f) seashells, pebbles; sawdust, shavings, drunk tea, etc.

3. Application from natural material is subject, plot and decorative.

4. Plants are dried in two ways: under a press or under a hot iron.


Gulyants, Baazik. What can be made from natural material. 1984;



1) .Application of straw.

2). Types of straw, their properties and rules of harvesting

3). Methods of preparing straw for work.

4). Technology of making products from straw.

5). Methodology for teaching preschoolers to work with straw technology.

1) .Application of straw.

As an ornamental material, straw has long been known to folk craftsmen of Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. They made various things from it: mats, rugs, bags, toys. In the Gorky and Kirov regions, caskets, boxes, frames were decorated with straw.

The straw appliques are extraordinarily attractive: they are cast in gold and mother-of-pearl. This impression is created due to the fact that the straw has a glossy surface and a longitudinal arrangement of fibers. These fibers reflect light in a certain position. The applique made from shapes at different angles to the light radiates in a unique way.

Straw appliques fit perfectly into modern interiors. Souvenirs made from this material - paintings, boxes, frames - are always a nice gift.

2). Types of straw, their properties and rules of harvesting

Applications are made from any straw, but rye, millet, rice, oats, barley, wheat are best suited. You can also use some wild plants: timothy, night blindness, wheatgrass, bluegrass.

3). Methods of preparing straw for work.

Processing methods

Straw ribbons are used for application, which can be made in two ways: hot and cold. In the first case, the straws must be held in hot water, then cut with a sharp knife or scissors along the trunk and ironed with a hot iron. With the cold method, a straw is cut along the trunk, it is opened to the sides and ironed with scissor rings with strong pressure.

Straw toning

To obtain different shades of straw, you can tint, bleach, darken it. Dark brown the color is achieved by long ironing with a hot iron. To receive light golden the color of the straw should be boiled in a soda solution. For white colors - in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. For pinkish - in a solution of potassium permanganate. Aniline dyes are used to dye straw in bright, rich colors.

4). Technology of making products from straw.

1. Choice of the plot.

2. Drawing up a sketch in accordance with the size of the applique; drawing the lines along which you have to stick.

3. Transferring the sketch to the background.

4. Cutting out individual sketch images.

5. Sticking straw strips one to another on the image drawn on thin paper in the desired direction. Glue is suitable for casein, carpentry, PVA, "Mars", BF-2. The dimensions of the tapes should be larger than the image, and there should be no gaps between the tapes. The excess straw is then cut off.

6. Press drying.

7. Gluing images on the background in the story sequence and drying under pressure. The background should be dense - it can be velvet paper, cardboard, plywood, board, wood cut, etc. Small details on the appropriate material can be done by burning.

5). Methodology for teaching preschoolers to work with straw.

Children of the preparatory group easily cope with the subject application of straw. For work, you should choose images of polygonal shapes: a house - a square with a triangular roof, a tree - a pyramid of triangles, etc. It is better to do application with small subgroups of children (3 - 4 people).

Home assignment:production of semi-volume products from straw.

Self-test tasks:

1.What kind of plants can be used in straw applique?

2. Name the methods of preparing the straw for work.

3. For what purpose is the straw toned?


1.Applications are made from any straw, but rye, millet, rice, oats, barley, wheat and some wild plants: timothy, night blindness, wheatgrass, bluegrass are best suited.

2. Prepare straw for application in two ways: hot and cold.

3.To obtain different shades of straw, it is tinted, bleached, darkened.

Literature: Bogateeva Z.A. Classes of application in kindergarten-M .: Education, 1988.

Gusakova M.A. Application.-M .: Education, 1982.

Vetlugina N.A. Artistic creativity in kindergarten. - M., 1974.



one). Types of seeds, their preparation and storage.

2). Rules and techniques for working with plasticine and seeds.

4). Basics of occupational health when preschoolers work with plasticine and small parts.

one). Types of seeds, their preparation and storage.

Original compositions from plant seeds. For this purpose, the seeds of ash and maple, chamomile, cornflowers, carnations, and dahlias are good.

The seeds are pre-cut with a thickening corner. Seeds are harvested after ripening and stored in a dry place.

2). Rules and techniques for working with plasticine and seeds.

Plasticine is used as a basis for compositions. First, the plasticine is kneaded, then, breaking off small pieces, the children apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard, achieving an even surface without cardboard gaps. The teacher shows one of the methods of working with plasticine: flattening a piece of plasticine between the palms. On the resulting surface, a drawing of the composition is applied with a stick, then each object is laid out with plant seeds. The teacher shows the children the method of applying seeds: they need to be pressed into the surface of the plasticine. Plasticine should be selected taking into account the color of the seeds. Dark seeds look good on a light background, light on a dark background.

3). Basics of occupational health when preschoolers work with plasticine and small parts.

When preschoolers work with plasticine and small parts, it is necessary to observe the basics of occupational hygiene. After working with plasticine, wipe your hands with a dry cloth and then wash with soap. When working with small seeds, do not bend low over the work to avoid getting seeds and their particles into the windpipe.

Home assignment: making boxes on a plasticine basis.

Literature: Bogateeva Z.A. Classes of application in kindergarten-M .: Education, 1988.

Gusakova M.A. Application.-M .: Education, 1982.



1) Materials, fixtures and tools used to create sculptural compositions.

2). Rules of hygiene and safe work.

3). Methodology of teaching technological methods of construction from natural materials in different age groups.

4). Requirements for the creation of artistic compositions from natural materials.

1) Materials, fixtures and tools used to create sculptural compositions.

The following tools and devices are used to create sculptural compositions: scissors, tweezers, watercolor brush, needle, thread, copper wire, awl.

2). Rules of hygiene and safe work.

During construction from natural material, it is necessary to work with piercing objects (awl). The teacher does this part of the work himself. The teacher makes a puncture in the cones with an awl, and the children insert a match without sulfur and plant a nut or a small cone on it.

3). Methodology of teaching technological methods of construction from natural materials in different age groups.

Natural construction starts with middle group... Children of the fifth year of life still have no experience in making. Therefore, the teacher needs to first of all arouse interest in such crafts, show the features of the material.

During walks, the attention of children is drawn to interesting pieces of trees, dry twigs, various seeds and fruits that look like something. Think together, what can be made of them. Such comparisons amuse children very much. In the first lesson, the teacher reminds about the peculiarities of natural material and shows what and how toys can be made from it. Puncture acorns with an awl, string them on a thread, beads are obtained. A small walnut is attached to the sharp end of the unblown cone with the help of plasticine, tie a scarf and apron and, the nesting doll is ready. The teacher shows some toys in finished form (beads, hats, figurines of birds), and makes others in the presence of children. Such exercises will activate the imagination of children.

IN seniorthe group uses a more diverse natural material: tree knots, corn cobs, chestnut fruits, birch bark, tree bark, fruit seeds, foam rubber. For greater expressiveness, small parts are cut out of soft cardboard. It is advisable to start work with the teacher showing the process of making toys, involving children in this - to cut out, glue something. The manufacture of toys should be accompanied by a demonstration of methods and techniques for connecting parts: using plasticine, connect the cones to each other. Legs can be made from knots by smearing their ends with casein glue. Children need to be shown the use of flexible wire, which is used for the flower stalks, to give them any position. Children need to be introduced to the possibilities of using feathers for the tails, wings, and plumage of birds. Explain to the children that the figures should be placed on a stand or twig, on a tree stump. The stand is easy to make from bark, grease with glue and cover with moss. For a winter landscape, the stand is made of foam rubber, glued to a cardboard.

IN preparatory towards the school group, children continue to make toys from natural materials. To deepen interest in such crafts, you need to have illustrative material with the image of crafts in the group for viewing. But for successful work, it is necessary to show children the techniques of making toys from a new material for them, methods of fastening parts.

Children have already learned some techniques of working with natural material in the older group. How to work with new material, such as straw, must be shown.

For products made of straw, pieces of soft wire and threads of figures of people and animals, the straw must be prepared in advance: pour water for a day so that it locks and becomes elastic. Then show the basic techniques for creating human figurines in the manufacture of a straw doll. First you need to bend a bundle of straw in half and tie it with a strong thread. Weave a braid from another bundle, weaving there a flexible wire. Tie the ends of the braid with a strong thread. Pull the braided braid under the neck and tie the waist with a strong thread. Give the resulting figure a pose, bending your elbows. To make the doll's skirt more magnificent, tie a row of straws on a thread and tighten it around the waist. Attach a scarf or scarf from a patch of bright colors to your head.

4). Requirements for the creation of artistic compositions from natural materials.

Working with natural material begins with the choice of a topic. First, the teacher prompts the topic in order to reveal to the children the whole process of working on the craft. Then the children themselves find the topic and the way to convey it in the craft. By suggesting a topic, the teacher encourages children to think about the plan. It is desirable that the chosen topic be discussed with the children. The teacher in a conversation finds out the knowledge of children: what needs to be told in the craft, with what means of expressiveness to do this. Think together: what material to make the craft from. Only after that, start manufacturing.

Homework: construction of a sculptural composition on a specific theme.

Self-test tasks:

1.What age group do you start with making crafts from natural materials?

2. Name the methods of combining natural materials.

3. What tools and devices are used to create sculptural compositions?


  1. Classes in making crafts from natural materials begin with the middle group.

2. Techniques for joining natural materials: using plasticine, glue, matches.

3. The following tools and devices are used to create sculptural compositions: scissors, tweezers, watercolor brush, needle, thread, copper wire, awl.

Literature: Bogateeva Z.A. Classes of application in kindergarten-M .: Education, 1988.

Gusakova M.A. Application.-M .: Education, 1982.

Lishtvan Z.V.-M .: Education, 1981.

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