Halloween style party (menu, ideas, decoration) photo. Halloween: Home Party In the Circle of Friends - Invitations and Decor

Premises: The room can be issued in dark colors. Be sure to decorate volatile mice, pumpkin lights can be made a little later and use them as decor.

You can position on furniture items and semi part of the body: a torn hand, eye, finger, etc.

Also in the design you can use small spines and snakes, leave the "traces" of the presence of magicians and sorcerers: a black cat, toad, raven.

To create a mysterious and mystical setting to illuminate the room better with candles.


It is also desirable to negotiate with friends in advance that everyone came in costumes. You can arrange a wintic shabash, or a meeting "At the line on Kulichki", or just the ball of unclean strength.

To intrigue friends, you can prepare everyone to prepare an original congratulation, in which to warn you carefully, because so much extra ears around - can overhear and prevent.

Frightening joke:

In the time of the event, you can try to scare friends.

Sit down in the middle of the room and installing a pumpkin lantern in the center, to tell each other in turn of terrible stories. Then suddenly put out the candle in the lantern and scream with a terrible voice.

Of course, if there are no extremely impressionable participants.

Food and drinks for the holiday:

  • For food and beverages you need to come up with original names: Traditional blood is tomato juice or any other red drink, swamp albeit - if you drink green.
  • Dishes can be called like this: "Single-eyed Jack's eye," Crunel's fingers "," Horn and hoofs ".
  • Each response dish can be accompanied by a mysterious history: where they took the main ingredient, as he got. For example, tell about the terrible battle with the Kruger, in which it turned out to cut off his hand.

Predictions in styleHalloween:

After you can spend "terrible" relay, various games and contests, comic quiz, draws.

At the end of the event - traditional predictions: either positive, arguing that everything will be fine, or comic that will be much more interesting and more fun.

Predictions can be positioned, for example, inside the baking decorated in the form of spars. Thus, they will appear on the table spiders - predictors, on "catching" which was spent a lot of strength.

Games and Competitions for friends on Halloween

1. "The most terrible mask"

Main task: decorate a mask.

As decor there are small images of insects, parts of the body, bones. Each is given a ready-made pattern and glue to attach the selected drawings.

2. Game "Sweetness or Trud"

Harvest in advance cards with various comic tasks: Clear, launch your head into the window and dried out, sing a song, etc. They are placed in a carved pumpkin. In addition, notes are prepared with various penalties.

Each participant is issued several small sweet things - candy, chewing marmalates. The presenter offers the participant to pull the task from the pumpkin. After the participant got acquainted with the task, the lead asks him: "Sweetness or trick?" In the first case, he gives one of his sweets, in the second - performs the task.

The one who will end the fastest of all sweets, is considered to be a loser.

The one who has lost must perform a free reference.

3. Game - divination in the name of the narrowed

Similarly to the old Scottish custom, you can spend a comic divination for the narrowed.

For this, all unmarried girls are distributed over the apple and the knife to which they will cut off the peel. Cutting off the peel, the girls throw her over her shoulder. According to the position of fallen purity, the first letter of the future husband is determined.

You can write all possible names in the form of a memo and in a comic form to hand each you gade to search for a narrowed. You can also even specify its approximate coordinates in comic shape (for example, is your narrowed Paul in three broomsticks to the nail).

4. Game "Get apples"

There are several apples in the basins with water, preferably with tails. The task of participants is to get an apple without help and how quickly eat it.

Of course, it is desirable to provide a towel to wipe the faces of the participants.

5. "Pumpkin relay"

Since the pumpkin is the main attribute of the holiday, then the expediency of its use is obvious to holding contests.

The relay is carried out in two stages:

  1. Creating a festive symbol - Jack's head. To perform the task, you need to distribute a knife and a small pumpkin to each participant, from which the whole pulp first is removed, and then the face is cut. Candle is inserted into the pumpkin center.
  2. Carry a pumpkin with a burning candle so that the flame does not go out.

6. "Garns Necklace"

Everyone knows that garlic and aspen count are required to combat vampires. In our case there will be garlic.

The task of the participants is to collect 13 of the heads of garlic, in advance unfolded in different places of the room, and make garlic necklace from them, tapping thread.

7. "Find a couple"

Preparing 20 cards, which show the various attributes of the holiday two pieces: two pumpkins, two bats, etc. They are laid out in four rows of 5 cards.

Two people participate. Each participant opens two cards. If they coincided, he takes them to himself and does another move. In case of incomprehension, the card turns over, and the move goes to another participant.

The participant wins the participant who collected a greater number of cards. The loser performs the penalty task that has been agreed in advance.

8. "Witchino Potion"

Preparing list of ingredients for potions. For example, 5 spiders, 3 mandragora roots, a dragon claw. All the necessary components are decomposed in advance throughout the room.

The task of participants is the fastest of the rest to prepare the potion, collecting all the components.

9. "Horrible relay"

Relay adapted to the Topics of Holiday:

  • "Snow on the broom" - Competition witches;
  • "Each finger is your nail" : in the image of the hands glue your nails on each finger;
  • "Find a couple" : Disassemble all "eyes" - painted tennis balls - in pairs;
  • "Tasty drink" : As soon as possible through a double straw, drink a glass of "blood" - tomato juice or any red drink.

10. "Scary Bag"

The bag in which there are various items are transmitted in a circle for sinister music. As soon as the music stops, he who has a bag in his hands, grips in it by any item and tries to assume that this is for the thing and where it appeared from.

The game should keep the condition: the story should be terrible.

11. "Creating a sculpture"

Participants are divided into pairs. Each pair is chosen "sculptor" and "clay".

Each sculptor should create a sculpture corresponding to the holiday theme.

For a better manifestation of fantasy, you can use paints and additional objects. You can create a sculpture with two or three people.

12. "The game is in words"

Since Halloween is a feast of unclean strength, then you need to select words describing evil spirits. For example, vague, terrible, terrible, etc.

Won the one who called the last word.

He is given the right to carry out the main dish of the evening - "Pumpkin Pie"

13. "Damn, Rooster and Soldiers"

All players are divided into two groups and discuss the task in advance for the loser team.

Each group negotiates who they will show: damn - imitate the horns on the head, the rooster - screaming "Kukarev" and clap his hands on the sides or a soldier - get up at the Rack "Smirno".

Having made the choice, both groups line up in a car opposite each other and simultaneously on the signal show someone who chose.

Different actors win different combinations: the feathers are afraid of a rooster, a rooster - a soldier, and the soldier in turn is the trait.

Play up to three points. The loser command performs a free-point job.

14. "Volleyball with ghosts"

Two teams participate in two people who become at the edge of the table against each other. Each team is issued two balloons, only 4 balls.

The task of participants is to throw balls on half of the opponents so that they do not fall on the floor.

You can complicate the task: move balls without hands.

15. Dance contests:

  • "Dance with a broom" - Music is transferred in a circle of the broom, the one who will be broom during the stop of the melody should be walt with it.
  • "Count Dracula" - While the music is played outside the day, everyone is dancing, Dracula sleeps (specially selected person). The night comes, the music ships, the Dracula goes hunting. All participants stand motionless. If Dracula notices that someone moved, he carries him to his lair and turns into a vampire, who with the onset of the next night will come out with Dracula to hunt. The game continues until the resistant participant is detected.
  • "Reincarnation" - To music quickly change clothes into another suit.

16. "Competition of Ghosts"

Participants are divided into two teams that "overstate" the motive of some famous melody.

The task of opponents - to guess the name of the song.

17. "Boat of Fate"

In China, traditionally, this evening the monks make boats of fate, which are sent in swimming with the onset of twilight together with a lit candle installed on them.

The Celtic Halloween Celtic Holiday in Western countries has lost symbolism and has become a reason to have fun and think, putting the costumes and making decorations in the Gothic and frightening style.

If you do not know how to make the original costume on Halloween at home, you can see it. How to organize a party at home and what is needed for this - read below.

What is needed for Halloween

So that it is immediately clear that today is not February 23, not March 8, guests and the owner must be appropriate. The worse you look, the better. Welcome in black and pink colors, with blood flows. As for costumes, you have where to strive, the world knows a lot of Vurdalakov, Vepray, witches who left the mark in history - Viy, Maria Stewart, Count Dracula, Vampires and Zombies.

Halloween jewelry must be appropriate. Black bats, spiders, candles in candelabra and a lot of cobwebs.

When organizing a holiday, it is worth considering the script, otherwise the party will become the usual, including music and a lot of alcohol. There is a couple of sinister melodies. You can organize a contest for the most terrible history and a better pumpkin. Or develop something like a quest when you need to find a mysterious testament of Barona Cannibal. You can pay on the book, to hold a contest for the most terrible war or dance of witches. Everything is in your hands, it is important that everyone is interesting, and most importantly - scary.

How to decorate the room for Halloween

The traditional colors of the holiday are black and orange, therefore the attribute must have appropriate shades. First, the site and the facade of the building is decorated. At this time of the year, many foliage falls to the ground. Do not burn it, but collect more to create the basis for decorative compositions.

Suspend under the ceiling inflatable balls covered with white sheets, and draw improvised ghosts of the face.

You need to decorate on Halloween entrance to the house - lay down the brooms. You can put the witch nearby, makes it easier from the girlfriend.

You can hang a wreath of hay or feathers, painted in black. Do not forget about the main attribute of the holiday - pumpkin. They can be purchased in huge quantities, to make candlesticks from them and expose all residential premises.

Inflate the black balls, squeezed by their sinister faces, wrapped with white threads to the chandelier, creating the illusion of the web, and all glass surfaces can be calculated at discretion or perform terrible inscriptions. Such decorations for Halloween will fall to taste everything.

If there is a fireplace in the house, then attention should be paid to him by placing dark stuffed, paintings, candles and jack lights. Of the white cardboard, you can cut the figures of ghosts and rave in all places. Old books, chests, suitcases and attributes of past years will help to decorate the house.

Chief attribute of the holiday

The central symbol of the holiday - the pumpkin-lamp appeared due to the Celts, who believed that these lights help souls to find a way to another world. Initially, they were used for this, but the Americans have adapted the Kabak - the type of pumpkin, which was more accessible.

Pumpkin with a carved face and placed inside the candle is called Jack lamp. Allegedly, such a blacksmith-drinking, who was able to deceive the devil twice. Therefore, it began to fulfill the role of the guard from evil spirits, which on the day from October 31 to November 1 leave asylum and scare citizens.

Possessing creative abilities and an extraordinary fantasy, you can work with the zabachi so that the finished head of pumpkin on Halloween will produce a real extension. First, it is better to draw a sketch on paper, and then transfer the drawing to the surface of the vegetable. You can instead of trivial circles, square and round elements cut pictures, landscapes, portraits. Crossings, asterisks and bats will be in the subject. To win in the struggle on the best pumpkin, make a pumpkin monster, devouring another tribesman.

Winning will be in your hands if you make a pumpkin snowman Jack. All you need is a hat, a collar from an old shirt, a pair of buttons, markers, glue and a plug from the bottle of wine. And the lantern of Jack can be made of paper, cutting it on the strips and attaching on both sides, giving the shape of the ball. The role of the leaves will perform green velvet paper or fine fabric. All pumpkin on Halloween will be remembered for a very long time!

What holiday without treats

For the holiday of all saints, everything should be crazy, including dishes and cocktails. A boiled paste with two eyes, made of Mozarella cheese balls and two olives, will have a kind of mummy. The same effect can be achieved by making sausages in the dough and leaving the tips to look outward so that you can put 2 eyes with the mayonnaise.

Any cookies or crackers can be calculated according to the topics of the holiday on the help of sauces, vegetables and fruits. Sweet dessert can be decorated with melted chocolate, drawing a web on it, and not to forget to impose gelatin worms.

Food on Halloween can be usual, but it is necessary to decorate it with a blood-cutting against the entourage. Baking cookies, try to give it the bone shape. Whipped proteins, when they feed, will provide a terrible natural look. Eggs can be booked so that a mesh appears on their surface. And behind the wings of a bat, you can give chicken baked wings baked on the grill.

Drinks are given great importance. There is no recommendations to taste, but the color must climb the cracked beauty, which means that the green absinthe, multi-colored liqueurs, the syrup of Grenadines fit.

With the help of a baylis lyker, you can build a brain in a glass, and dry ice will allow achieving the effect of a smoking glade. If you freeze ice, then apply different plastic objects in the molds of the appropriate subject.

You can make an ice hand, filling the rubber glove with water and placing it in the freezer.

A red riding on a glass will make it possible to make the same Grenadine and sugar, and the web, like on the cake, can be drawn on the glass walls melted chocolate.

For the implementation of ideas will need little monetary and time costs. The main thing is to go with the mind and do together with friends. Good luck!

Are you going to organize a party in Halloween style (Halloween)? Healthy! Thematic party - an excellent reason to get together with friends to have fun from the soul, especially in such an interesting mysterious holiday. Website for girls The World of The Girl will tell you about the menu, and will also prompt several classic design ideas.

Halloween Style Party: Menu

The Halloween menu, to be quick and easy - does not require much costs, you can unusually decorate the dishes, write a "terrible" name, and dinner for friends will be ready!

So, we recommend cooking on Halloween - pilaf with flies, Dragon's eyes, a witch language, coloring of the guts, a dung bunch, baked mummies, slippers in cream, corpany sticks, implies nippers, snacks from a crypt. All this you can print on a black sheet A4 and hang before entering the room, or straight on the table. As you can see, ordinary cookies with a nuts look like someone's chopped fingers. Scary, but it looks cool for the thematic parties!

The usual Caesar salad with chicken breast can be presented as a "witch language", because there are pieces of meat.

An excellent idea is considered to prepare a pizza, bring more tomatoes, ketchup, and from cheese, cut out lifting or taking a web from mayonnaise. It turns out quickly and tasty, guests will be delighted!

Shuffle apples are also very easy. Demgement apples in the form of jaws, and insert the peeled seeds there as teeth. So that apples are not wishes, sprinkle them with a small amount of lemon juice.

On bottles with the usual soda or juice, the "scary" beverage names "snot", "Fresh blood", etc.

Halloween Style Party: Design Ideas

First of all, of course, the main Halloween attribute is a pumpkin with carved eyes and mouth. If you do not have pumpkins, you can come up with something else. For example, cut out of black paper or cardboard volatile mice and gently stick them to the tape throughout the room. Also on the lamp you can sample an old bedspread or a sheet of white, to draw your eyes and mouth - it turns out a pretty alignment. You can make flags and inscriptions in the house "Halloween", etc.

Also, do not forget to carefully think about your image to surprise your friends and girlfriends! Our website for girls The World of The Girl will help you with this, read right now: The ideas of manicure on Halloween, ideas hairstyles on Halloween.

Now you know how quickly and with minimal cost to cook a party on Halloween right at home. Fine you have fun!

If you have some other ideas, you must write in the comments below.

The phrase "wallet or life" becomes not relevant when we grow. But Halloween - time for fun! It is also an excellent reason to decorate the house and make it terrible. It is time to create your own unique costume and conduct a brainstorming!


Planning party

    Choose a party style that you like. There are many options for thematic parties, so start thinking now. Here, what subject matter can be considered:

    • otherworld peace;
    • bringing;
    • horrors;
    • story;
    • pumpkins (everything in orange);
    • cemetery;
    • costume party.
  1. Write down your ideas. Before going to the store, make a list of necessary things. That's what you may need:

    • the decorations you want;
    • music;
    • games and prizes (optional);
    • films (optional);
    • something you come up with yourself.
  2. Think someone you want to invite. Thus, you can consider the number of invited, the necessary space and treat. If the party is thematic (for example, films), try to limit the number of invited so that you do not have 12 Freddie Kruger.

    • If the party goes at home, invite so many people as you can alter. In the end, you are the owner of the house, and all the misses (and success) lie on your shoulders.
  3. Prepare invitations. Use the selected theme to create invitations. Write the time, date and specify what to wear, bring and so on. Separate invitations for a couple of weeks before the holiday. Here are some ideas for invitations:

    • Take some black paper, download the template from the Internet and cut the invitations in the shape of a witch hat. To write a party information, use a white or silver helium handle.
      • If the hat is not an option, cut the pumpkin, bringing, tombstone or black paper from black paper. If you send invitations in the envelope, add a few festive confetti inward.
    • Buy some little ticking in the grocery store or market. On one side, draw a funny face, and on the other - write parties details. Just make sure the marker is dry, otherwise there is a risk of lubrication.


    1. Buy or make a party decoration. If you are satisfied with a big party, you may want to make more efforts to organize it. It all depends on how many people you can attract to help. Make decorations in advance so that you do not run in a hurry.

      • For the house with ghosts:
        • In the corridor, replace light bulbs with luminous turtles. Use all the advantages of modern technologies. Many decorative elements now have sensory sensors, so you can hug your guests well.
        • For rooms, use a web in the corners and a smoke machine. Collect spiders and bats in dark corners of the rooms, as well as purchase several bottles with a luminous liquid.
    2. Treat food and drinks. Different food and drinks on Halloween can be found in magazines, books and on the Internet. Prepare food in advance, especially if it is something complex (for example, skull or hands).

    3. Prepare music. Make it in advance, as well as take care that music is heard everywhere. You must have not only ordinary music, but also the terrible sound effects!

      • Test music to the street so that your guests are scared before entering you. This music can be much shorter what will play inside. Look for frightening musical fragments on the Internet.
    4. Plan games for Halloween. Here you need to take into account the number of guests, age and their interests. Look in the Internet various ideas for games.

      • Costumes are always loved by guests. You can even restrict ourselves to one topic - all guests must dress as characters from horror films, one particular film (maybe all your home will be decorated in this topic?) Or as the dead.
      • Competition for the decoration of pumpkin. This is a great idea, if only your guests are not too carried away and do not turn it into a pumpkin throwing contest.

    On the party

    Office party

    1. Cheese decorations. It can be a common topics in orange or black colors or a witch theme. You can also choose a more specific topic. If your colleagues agree to the party, arrange it.

      • Decorate the workplace in the form of some movie. Employees can vote. On the day of the party, all your colleagues will have to come in suits of characters from this film.
        • Instead, you can decorate different parts of the office with the theme of different films. Write on small passages of paper the name of movies and put them in a bowl. Every employee must pull the name in honor of which he will make a suit. All this can turn into a suits contest or guessing characters.
      • Music themes are also suitable if you stopped on the subject of old rockers. If you choose this topic, decorate the workplace as an old studio, and your colleagues will have to come in suits of dead stars.

Halloween is perhaps the most ambiguous holiday that came to us from the West. Mystic and mystery at all times attracted and fascinated people. This is a holiday on the verge of famous, ordinary and hidden, otherworldly. Only on this day the taboo was filmed, and the games with the unclean force became possible. Of course, its popularity and scope, we still have the turnover, which does not interfere with this charming and terrible holiday from year to year to conquer the hearts of true lovers of fun and curaz.

So, we invite you to a vamp party! This party is perfectly suitable in order to celebrate Halloween. But not only: you can organize a party in the style of vamp on any other holiday if this topic is to taste.

Vamp Style Party: What should be taken care of in advance?

The atmosphere in the style of vamp

Create a festive entourage. Here are some tips:

The room in which a vamp party is expected is necessary to darken well - dense curtains or dark tissue will come to the rescue.

Easy and gracefully looks up drapery from transparent tulle or grid, pounded over black curtains. Plastic spiders and bats will add their highlights to the overall gothic atmosphere on top of the Tulle.

Candles are not only an unrivaled decorative element, but also themselves are involved in creating the desired atmosphere of zybacity and secrets. If you are completely able to replace the electric light with a flicker of living fire - it will be a huge plus. And the more different and dissimilar will be collected - the better.

If this is a Halloween party, do not do without the main Halloween symbol - a pumpkin lamp. Pumpkins in general - the desired guests at our party, collect any - not mistaken, everyone will use: large and small, round and oblong, wounded and integers. A more suitable decorative element do not come up with!

Dry ice, smoking on warm temperatures in the hall, looks very effectively and creates a special mystical atmosphere.

Thematic areas at a party

Think over the thematic zones in which guests could move freely and find entertainment to taste. Here are some possible options:

Let the festive mood be created already in the lobby - dismiss under the ceiling Bundle of black helium balls with bats attached to the ropes of volatile mouses - they like alive will soar over the guests. Draindy the corners of the web, install the candles and pumpkin lamps. Instead of the wardrobes, put the elegant doorman in black, which will help guests to warm up.

At the entrance, a charming witness, strictly follow the dress code, will give all the wishing elements in the style of vamp - wigs, half masks, capes, etc.

Arrange the magic corner of predictions - To do this, drape the appropriate tissue table, install a "magic ball" on it (such sold in the departments of all kinds of amazing goods) and suck for it a "prisoner", which will predict the future to everyone.

Madame Taro from time to time will be held around the hall and distribute guests to the guests with predictions.

Men's zone - arrange a small cozy sofa area by the fireplace, where men will be able to smoke the tube, drink a glass of red wine, chat, play a batch in Bridge.

Lady Corner - It can be decorated as a beauty salon, installing the truma, decorated with candles and roses, and the red banquettes, where everyone's ladies will be able to make a Make AP in the style of "Vamp" and a festive hairstyle, and can be a fragment of the Ladiesky Bouire, putting spectacularly decorated The petals of the rose bed, and arranged a corner for photo shoots.

Do not forget about elegant and delicate waiters, which from time to time will defile between guests with red wine glasses and cherry juice on trays.

Unusual art facilities at Vamp Style

Awaken imagination! The more original objects you post in the room of the hall, the more interesting the atmosphere of the holiday will be. It can be mirrors, devoid of glasses, smoky wine glasses with dry ice, chairs nailed to the walls, etc.

Festive Vamp Style Table

The most successful option is, it is perhaps a buffet () with snacks that have a festive appearance appearance and titles.

What could it be?

  • pumpkin dishes and snacks. Very spectacularly watching cold dishes submitted in the extended pumpkin
  • pizza "Mummy" - a portion mini-pizza wrapped with raw stripes with ollyok eyes
  • all sorts of red beverages (wine, juices, such as "Bloody Mary", etc.)
  • salads, decorated in the form of human organs, for example - anyone can take a view of the brain, if it is decorated with shrimps and ketchup
  • cupcakes a la "anthill" renamed to "Cherviy's nests", Cookies "Vampire's eyes", cookies fingers, etc.

Vamp Style Party: Contests and Entertainment

1. The game "Blood Transfusion". With the help of pipettes (or fringe - as a more sparing option), it is necessary to fill the glasses with blood from the bowl (as a blood, any liquid of red - wine, cherry or tomato juice is suitable.

2. A paired contest "Disseminated". Couples are called for this competition. By teammate, they need to cut the silhouette of "victims" from the Watman sheet. The complexity of the task is that they will have to act very nicely, holding a pair of scissors - one holds one handle with his right hand, another left hand in the second (or vice versa).

3. Comic competition "Fear walkway". Participants are selected. They need to collect among guests a number of diverse expensive items: mobile phones, decorations, etc. And lay out the "track". The next step is the presenter binds to the participants of the eye and offers to go through the laid out of the track, trying not to step on the collected items. Believe me, more "terrible" track is difficult to meet, especially for the owners of these items.

The secret of the competition is that at the moment when the eyes turn out to be tied, the assistants carefully collect all the items and silently return their owners, the participants move on the empty path. The owners of items are no longer afraid, and the heroes of the competition are even very.

4. Entertainment "Mysterious Pouch". For this contest, you need to prepare a bag filled with different unpleasant items to the touch: dried plums, a wet sponge, a piece of wet moss, etc. A mysterious legend is told about the origin of this bag, and crosses are caused, which will not be afraid to look inward. The presenter offers participants in turn to determine the subject to the touch, which will fall into their hands and tell his version that it came from. After a terrible and fascinating story, the subject is allowed to extract from the bag.

5. The most sensual witch. For the competition, several girls are called. They are issued a traditional witch element - broom. Under sensual sexy music, girls will have an incendiary dance with a broom (or around the broom).

6. Wandering light. Dance competition. You will need a flashlight, (wandering light) that is transmitted to the music from hand to hand to the moment of musical pause. He, in whose hands there will be a flashlight in this moment, will have to do any funny task of the lead. Prepare in advance interesting spectacular tasks for this contest.

7. Needle Frankenstein. The legend of the creature assembled from individual parts of the flesh is known to everyone. Participants of this competition will also have to "work the needle" - they will need to "sew" the most friendly team. Two competitors are issued by boutic needles from wood or plastics with ropes, "inserted" in the Ushko. Their task "flash", stripped on the rope through the sleeves of clothes as many people as possible. The competition time is limited, he wins the one whose team will be the largest number of participants.

8. Halloon pumpkin lamp. Knives and pumpkins are issued to everyone to participate in the competition. During the Party, the "Strict Commission" accepts and evaluates the resulting lamps. At the end of the party, the results of the competition are summed up, and the winners are rewarding. As a faster and safe option, you can offer orange balloons and black permanent markers, and all the contest to rename to the competition of Halloween artists. The task of artists is to depict the funny funny grimace on the ball.

9. Competition for the best dance couple in the style of "Vamp". This competition can open a dance marathon that will follow further. Passionate tango proposed for this contest can be diversified by adding balloons that you need to hold and move from the chin to the knees without the help of hands, or newspapers, which in the process of dance several times fold in half and other elements of dance competitions. Winning a couple that is more passionately and expressly fulfill this dance of love.

You can also conduct competitions for high-speed blood drinks through the straw (cherry or grenade juice in a glass), a competition for a designer falling into the target with tennis balls painted under the eyeball, a creative contest with voting to the most original idea for a vamp photo shoot and much more.

The incendiary party in the style of "Vamp" can continue all night long, but when the morning, all its participants, as it should be, turning into respectable citizens, will return to their usual labor weekdays, carrying out a mass of positive and vivid impressions that will certainly be preserved until the next Halloween !

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