Military can deprive pensions. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

The budget crisis pushes officials to the abolition of the so-called military pensions that receive employees of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB and other power structures. Following the reform of civil pensions, the logic of the crisis is conducting an economic unit of the government to reduce the pensions of the security forces, writes "Independent Gazeta".

Will military pensions replace a single output manual?

Current military pensioners can sleep well: they do not plan to cancel their pensions. But the acting security forces can in the future instead of a lifelong pension to receive only a single day off allowance - to adapt to work on a citizen. This decision is already discussed in the structures of the Ministry of Finance.

Pensions of military pensioners

Research Financial Institute (NFI), subordination of the Ministry of Finance, is preparing a justification for the new pension reform. Now the victims of optimization can be the security forces. This can be judged by the public speeches of the director of the Navy Vladimir Nazarov. In his opinion, military pensions need to be reviewed. And, apparently, rather radically. Some details of Nazarov told last week on the ether of Moscow.

"For those who are going to go to a military retirement, it is necessary to offer a normal social contract instead of a pension," the economist explained. - When a person finishes military service, if he is not a disabled and everything is in order, it is necessary to give him money for retraining, give a big weekend, so that he is enough for a year or two of the lifeless life, and after that he is quite as a normal member of society Work at another job. "

No matter how strange the ideas discussed in Nafi seemed to listen to them. After all, as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Finance, among the tasks and functions of this institution - the development of the theory and methodology for financial management, forecasting, planning, preparation and execution of the federal budget, preparation of proposals and recommendations for improving budget legislation. In other words, the development of NFI in the form of a bill may lie on the table of the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov. And he already with all calculations and routines in his hands can then begin lobbying the next optimization.

If you understand the payment of payments that are not only military personnel, but also other security officials (law enforcement officers and bodies of the penitentiary system, security and external intelligence services, fire units, etc.), as well as investigators and prosecutors, then After the reform budget savings, it may be, from approximate estimates, from 500 to 700 billion rubles. in year. But there are more modest expert assessments of savings - about 200 billion rubles. in year. As long as the reform has not acquired specific outlines, it is impossible to carry out more accurate calculations.


However, and now it is not easy to get a military retirement. It is appointed subject to service seniority. The right to military retirement receives persons who have a service for dismissal service in the service authorities 20 years and more; as well as persons dismissed to achieve maximum age, health status or in connection with organizational and staff and reached on the day of 45 years of age, having a common work experience of 25 calendar years and more, from which at least 12 years and six months is Service in power departments.

Often the security forces are dismissed before reaching the helloge-needed retirement. There are cases when a citizen learns about his inconsistency by pension requirements after dismissal. Such diluted can only count on the preservation during one year the payment of salary on the military rank. Or retired disability.

It seems that the Ministry of Finance reform of military pensions can abolish the very concept of "length of years". Most of the surveyed "NG" experts skeptically reacted to the innovations of the scientific structures of the Ministry of Finance. In their opinion, the proposed reform looks provocative, moreover, it is almost unrealized.

"This innovation will reduce the prestige of military service. And this is such a new word in world practice that the military of all countries will look at the actions of the Russian government with some cooler, "says the Wasil Economics of the Military Economy of the Institute Gaidar Vasily Zatsepin.

"The revision of the conditions is likely to be avoided, but the complete cancellation of pensions for the military is already a completely extreme option. We have a lot of power, and they will certainly make a lot of sake of preservation of pensions, "the director of the Institute of the current economy Nikita Isaev is confident.

Military rights

In most developed countries, military pensioners are one of the most protected passes of the population, reminds the expert. One of the incentives to go to military service is a guarantee of stable income over the years. According to Isaev, it is not enough to simply give a serviceman for retraining: "In order for the retraining system effectively function, it needs to be built from scratch. And this is impossible without additional funding. In the conditions of chronic budget deficit, a vicious circle is obtained. Vacancies of night watchmen on all retirements are clearly not enough. "

The proposed reform "will make people in the temporary temporaries belonging to the state as another place of earnings," the lawyer of the Bureau "Business Farwater" Anton Sonichev fears. In his opinion, such changes will undermine the confidence in the state. "Resistance from the security agencies will be very serious," expects Sonichev.

"No one-time payment is compared with regular income, especially with such one-time payments, as now in Russia. This will lead to the infringement of social guarantees of military pensioners, as not everyone can adapt to civilian life, "Roman Azatyan warns the legal adviser. "As practice shows, in Russia with the opinion of military departments are considered, and therefore they will be able to defend their positions," he adds.

Many economists remind that the partial erosion of military pensions is already today. Military pensioners are now faced with budget savings: when the authorities decide to freeze the indexation of their pensions, says the analyst of the company "Solid Management" Sergey Zvenigorodsky. He emphasizes that the innovation of the theoreticals of the Ministry of Finance is fully fit into the state-generated trend: soon almost all civilian pensions can go "into the category of symbolic benefits to which, taking into account inflationary expectations, will be problematic," said expert. No wonder in the government offer the population to provide themselves with a worthy old age, forming pension savings.

Although some experts see common grain at the position of the head of NFI. "The idea of \u200b\u200bretraining, regardless of pensions, is common, as there are many people with skills in the army, which will be very well use in work in major corporations and small business," says Pavel Sigal's first vice president of the "Support of Russia". A large day off will be attractive "for those who leave military service in a relatively young age and decide to make a career in a citizen," he believes.

Finally, part of the experts does not exclude that reasoning about the abolition of military pensions have a completely specific political meaning. Perhaps this is a kind of preparation for the elections, assumes an analyst of IFC Markets Dmitry Lukashov: "First, the threat of cancellation of pensions and benefits is created, and then this threat is eliminated by the approval of the voters."

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Since the beginning of this year, the government of the country began to statenly index pensions to all categories of pensioners. A feature is that usually this procedure begins on February 1, but this year the beginning was postponed a month ahead. The reason for such an act of the government is that the funds initially contained funds taking into account the higher inflationary indicator. As a result, it turned out to be a record low - only 2.5 percent, which made it possible to start the indexing procedure before.

According to statistics, a third of the population in our country belong to the category of pensioners, of which about three million are military pensioners. Which also worries the question: Will there be an increase in pension to military pensioners?

It is worth noting that the listed categories of pensioners have higher pension payments than the civilian population. This is due to the fact that the specificity of the service categories implies elevated psychological and physical exertion on employees. In addition, after the adoption of the appropriate oath, it is charged to be prepared for the fulfillment of their direct tasks during which they can get severe injuries and even lose their lives.

Sizes of military pensions

According to the conclusions made by financial experts, the pension allowance of military personnel on average about 23-24 thousand rubles. Based on this, the government was used by the correction coefficient for the calculation of the manual. According to this, the increase will be about 4% of the existing values. Fortunately, according to the power of people, funds for this in the state pocket are available.

To obtain financial contentment, after serving from the service, the specified categories of citizens need to be served a certain number of years. In standard conditions, it is leveling 20 years. With participation in hostilities, the experience of servicemen is counted in proportion 1 to 2.

The size of the future contentment is influenced mainly to the position of the future of the pensioner and hereinafter, as influencing the title, service, and other factors.

In order to increase the retirement benefits in 2019 to all retirements, the government was actively consistent last year. And on both types:

  • By achieving the age of retirement.
  • As of health (disability).


More than 2.26 billion rubles is provided for an increase in the amount of pension in military retirements in the budget. Although many people say that the increase itself will occur in 2019 and before that time the project will be frozen. It is also planned to have a number of additives from all involved ministries at the level of federal and regional entities.

According to the latest news, the former military and equivalent persons expects an increase in legitimate pension payments by 4% compared with last year. This indicator gives a good additive, taking into account the fact that without this, the retired military retirements are higher than that of their civilian "colleagues." So, taking into account the increase, it should have pensions to solve any household and not only problems.

Less four percent expect all pensioners who have gone to a well-deserved rest with a military or similar service. According to the country's leadership, such an increase awaits military retirements to the nearest couple of years, that is, the specified 4 percent. According to the Government's plans, this indicator will have to cover the inflationary figure for the next year.

Reform of military pensions

The planned increase in military pension for 4 percent is already told by all servicemen and those equivalent to them. But the government also took the course to reduce the "pension" payments to all categories of citizens. For example, increase retirement time, for the military it means an increase in service life. At least an increase in the regulatory experience in the example of civil servants was already considered by the relevant authorities.

The essence of all these alleged changes is that government spending on pensions will be reduced. Thereby, the burden is reduced to the budget, and its deficit will not. But as noted in their statements, representatives of the Ministry of Finance, everything will depend on the economic indicators and the possibilities of the country's future budget.

By the way, since the beginning of the year, rumors began to walk among military pensioners that they would be paid monthly on 2. 5 thousand rubles in addition. And, as it turned out, rumors are not completely groundless. True, the supplement will be paid not to all, only a third, and that has reached old years, it is first. Secondly, the amount will depend on the title of retire.

Separately, it is worth saying about another category - the families of military personnel and persons equated to them. In the event of a loss of the breadwinner, as a result of the service, they are based on a social pension, the size of which for civilians is equal to five thousand rubles. In our case, it will be somewhat increased:

  • If a soldier died of a disease that received during operation, the initial amount will rise by 40%.
  • The soldier died from wounded during operation - by 50%.
  • The death of the serviceman caused a disease obtained during service, - the initial amount increases by 150%.
  • The death is caused by military injury - an increase should be 200%.

Questions related to pension provision always cause increased interest. Every year the issue of improving the material situation of persons retirement age is solved. Indexing and compensation are the main mechanisms that are used to cover the current inflation. At the end of December 2017, in the State Duma, all issues related to the upcoming payments to persons reached the relevant age and received the right to rest are considered. The State Duma has adopted amendments that regulate the dimensions of indexations. What changes are the pensioners-military and equivalent staff of security agencies, will the police retirement increase? The latest news of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will delight those who have already retired: the increase in 2018 is scheduled and approved. The appropriate changes have already been made to the laws regulating the activities of the Pension Fund, and signed by the president.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are equated with the servicemen and in the PF structure are allocated to a separate category. They have developed special rules for calculating and accrualing social benefits and benefits. And this is true - for many years, police officers risks their lives and health. Upon reaching the retirement needed to retire the age (with a total age of at least 25 years and after the service in police departments and units of at least 12), ex-security forces are entitled to receive state social security. To calculate, a special technique is used, which takes into account:

  • salary size;
  • service duration (including training time in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • the premiums provided for each category of staff of power departments.

Calculations are carried out taking into account the accepted current coefficient, add-ons for service and other important factors. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the right to receive a special, police pension has persons who served:

  1. In the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Departments, the Investigation Department, Crad (in Transport), the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, special forces and management centers.
  2. In the operational bureau and operational search management.
  3. In management offices.
  4. In traffic police.
  5. In controls on the bases of the FMS and FSKN.

After completing the career in the structures listed above, ex-staff receive a special status - pensioners equal to their rights to the servicemen. And they have the right to a special system of calculation, taking into account the adopted lower coefficient (this indicator changes annually). Police pensions in 2018 will be charged taking into account the downstream coefficient of 72.23%. This information is important for those who only completes their careers in power departments and structures. And what to wait for those who have already gone to a well-deserved rest? The State Duma approved indexing, which will increase the payments of the security officials earlier.

Accrual of pensions for pensioners-police

According to the amendments to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, since first of January 2018, ex-security forces can expect to improve the material situation. Article 56 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the pension provision of military personnel and those equivalent to them has already made appropriate changes, and they will get more. In 2018 it is worth counting on:

  • indexation by 4% (starting from January);
  • thirteenth pay in the amount of 5 thousand rubles;
  • changes in charges by the police who left the service from 2016 (they will be calculated by a pension according to the new scheme, since because of the difficult economic situation, the indexation of pensioners was not carried out during these years).

Will there be any other increase in police pension? The government discussed the need for additional indexation for this category. The law has not yet been adopted, but the possibility is not excluded that in April 2018 another recalculation will be held. So far, the official authorities have not approved this bill, but do not exclude additional indexing, if the economic situation in the country is favorable.

What payments have the right to ex-police

According to current legislation, various types of collateral may be assigned to this category:

  • for long service;
  • for disability (regardless of age and experience);
  • police families with the loss of the breadwinner.

The system of calculating payments forces occurs in accordance with the approved laws and takes into account many factors (experience, salary, staying in the combat zone and other important factors). The only category that is not expected to expect increased pensioners continuing to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The law on working pensioners adopted in the DGD does not imply compensate for their pension provision in 2018. They will receive wages, earn points in PF. And the right to indexation will be able to use only after the release of a well-deserved rest.

The budget crisis pushes officials to the abolition of the so-called military pensions that receive employees of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB and other power structures. Following the reform of civil pensions, the logic of the crisis is conducting an economic unit of the government to reduce the pensions of the security forces. Current military pensioners can sleep well: they do not plan to cancel their pensions. But the acting security forces can in the future instead of a lifelong pension to receive only a single day off allowance - to adapt to work on a citizen. This decision is already discussed in the structures of the Ministry of Finance.

Research Financial Institute (NFI), subordination of the Ministry of Finance, is preparing a justification for the new pension reform. Now the victims of optimization can be the security forces. This can be judged by the public speeches of the director of the Navy Vladimir Nazarov. In his opinion, military pensions need to be reviewed. And, apparently, rather radically. On some details Nazarov told last week.

"For those who are going to go to a military retirement, it is necessary to offer a normal social contract instead of a pension," the economist explained. - When a person finishes military service, if he is not a disabled and everything is in order, it is necessary to give him money for retraining, give a big weekend, so that he is enough for a year or two of the lifeless life, and after that he is quite as a normal member of society Work at another job. "

No matter how strange the ideas discussed in Nafi seemed to listen to them. After all, as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Finance, among the tasks and functions of this institution - the development of the theory and methodology for financial management, forecasting, planning, preparation and execution of the federal budget, preparation of proposals and recommendations for improving budget legislation. In other words, the development of NFI in the form of a bill may lie on the table of the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov. And he already with all calculations and routines in his hands can then begin lobbying the next optimization.

If you understand the payment of payments that are not only military personnel, but also other security officials (law enforcement officers and bodies of the penitentiary system, security and external intelligence services, fire units, etc.), as well as investigators and prosecutors, then After the reform budget savings, it may be, from approximate estimates, from 500 to 700 billion rubles. in year. But there are more modest expert assessments of savings - about 200 billion rubles. in year. As long as the reform has not acquired specific outlines, it is impossible to carry out more accurate calculations.

However, and now it is not easy to get a military retirement. It is appointed subject to service seniority. The right to military retirement receives persons who have a service for dismissal service in the service authorities 20 years and more; as well as persons dismissed to achieve maximum age, health status or in connection with organizational and staff and reached on the day of 45 years of age, having a common work experience of 25 calendar years and more, from which at least 12 years and six months is Service in power departments.

Often the security forces are dismissed before reaching the helloge-needed retirement. There are cases when a citizen learns about his inconsistency by pension requirements after dismissal. Such diluted can only count on the preservation during one year the payment of salary on the military rank. Or retired disability.

It seems that the Ministry of Finance reform of military pensions can abolish the very concept of "length of years". Most of the surveyed "NG" experts skeptically reacted to the innovations of the scientific structures of the Ministry of Finance. In their opinion, the proposed reform looks provocative, moreover, it is almost unrealized.

"This innovation will reduce the prestige of military service. And this is such a new word in world practice that the military of all countries will look at the actions of the Russian government with some cooler, "says the Wasil Economics of the Military Economy of the Institute Gaidar Vasily Zatsepin. "The revision of the conditions is likely to be avoided, but the complete cancellation of pensions for the military is already a completely extreme option. We have a lot of power, and they will certainly make a lot of sake of preservation of pensions, "the director of the Institute of the current economy Nikita Isaev is confident.

In most developed countries, military pensioners are one of the most protected passes of the population, reminds the expert. One of the incentives to go to military service is a guarantee of stable income over the years. According to Isaev, it is not enough to simply give a serviceman for retraining: "In order for the retraining system effectively function, it needs to be built from scratch. And this is impossible without additional funding. In the conditions of chronic budget deficit, a vicious circle is obtained. Vacancies of night watchmen on all retirements are clearly not enough. "

The proposed reform "will make people in the temporary temporaries belonging to the state as another place of earnings," the lawyer of the Bureau "Business Farwater" Anton Sonichev fears. In his opinion, such changes will undermine the confidence in the state. "Resistance from the security agencies will be very serious," expects Sonichev.

"No one-time payment is compared with regular income, especially with such one-time payments, as now in Russia. This will lead to the infringement of social guarantees of military pensioners, as not everyone can adapt to civilian life, "Roman Azatyan warns the legal adviser. "As practice shows, in Russia with the opinion of military departments are considered, and therefore they will be able to defend their positions," he adds.

Many economists remind that the partial erosion of military pensions is already today. Military pensioners are now faced with budget savings: when the authorities decide to freeze the indexation of their pensions, says the analyst of the company "Solid Management" Sergey Zvenigorodsky. He emphasizes that the innovation of the theoreticals of the Ministry of Finance is fully fit into the state-generated trend: soon almost all civilian pensions can go "into the category of symbolic benefits to which, taking into account inflationary expectations, will be problematic," said expert. No wonder in the government offer the population to provide themselves with a worthy old age, forming pension savings.

Although some experts see common grain at the position of the head of NFI. "The idea of \u200b\u200bretraining, regardless of pensions, is common, as there are many people with skills in the army, which will be very well use in work in major corporations and small business," says Pavel Sigal's first vice president of the "Support of Russia". A large day off will be attractive "for those who leave military service in a relatively young age and decide to make a career in a citizen," he believes.

Finally, part of the experts does not exclude that reasoning about the abolition of military pensions have a completely specific political meaning. Perhaps this is a kind of preparation for the elections, assumes an analyst of IFC Markets Dmitry Lukashov: "First, the threat of cancellation of pensions and benefits is created, and then this threat is eliminated by the approval of the voters."

"So far, I don't know about any legislative initiatives in this area," says Nazarov. According to him, the Budget spends almost 1% of GDP for all pensions. "But it does not matter, and cannot go about the abolition of military pensions. Servicemen who are already getting a military retirement will continue to receive it. This is a question of social stability and justice. We can talk only about the gradual modification of the retirement rules of the current servicemen: an increase in the ancient requirements and the use of combined scales Age service, when a bigger service will allow retirement earlier, taking into account the professional specialization and title of a serviceman, "says the head of NFI. "At the same time, gaps may arise between a period of dismissal and appointment of a military pension. These are these gaps and it is advisable to fill out the weekend and retraining programs with subsequent employment in a civil specialty - explains Nazarov - if the decision to change the conditions for the appointment of military pensions will be balanced, the attractiveness of military service will not decrease. Understanding what you serve the Motherland, high wages, as well as the guarantee that at a difficult moment, the society will come to the aid of the military personnel and members of his family, much more important than the "wagging of the porridge on a plate", when all the military receive a pension regardless of their age and revenue "on a citizen".

"I hope that a balanced solution can find an understanding of the staff and management of all powerful departments. The military is people, first of all, careful about the welfare of their country. Now this benefit is to make a social package of a serviceman more targeted, taking into account the possibility and desire of the serviceman to start a civil career, as well as a more fully taking into account the financial situation of military personnel and their family members, "concludes Nazarov.

"In the pure form, the scheme with the output benefit in most countries does not apply. However, the current Russian scheme is also very common, when the appointment of a military pension occurs immediately by dismissal from the Armed Forces in the presence of a certain seniority without any binding to the age of the soldier, its ability to work in a civil specialty and material situation, "says Nazarov.

Social and financial support for retired officers in Russia is not developed sufficient. Each year significant funds are spent on the financing of the army. But pension payments do not correspond to the desires of pensioners. What will be military pensions from January 1, 2018 in the Russian Federation? The question of exciting citizens who devoted many years of their life to military service.

Pension reform and military pensioner. Last news

The pension reform conducted in the Russian Federation affects all the layers of pensioners: from civil servants to military veterans. The change in the calculation of the amount of payments to the accumulation is familiar with the Soviet times, gradually. In Russia, the transition period is still lasting, during which the number of points needed annually increases for retirement and the duration of insurance experience. In this part, the pension of military personnel is no different from the standard country.

However, there are professional differences, for example, at the age of a pensioner or the duration of service experience in the army. For the current period, the applicant for a military pension must have any of the options:

  1. 20 years of service without interruption.
  2. 12 years of service and dismissal on honey. Indications.
  3. Dismissal due to reorganization at 112 years of service.

In the first version, the minimum age to retire is 45 years. In the second and third option, it is possible to have age less than 45 years, but will additionally need to have a total employment experience - 25 years.

Additionally, the Government and State Duma discusses the increase in age for retirement. Perhaps the change will also affect the military. There is no detailed official information on this account.

The total budget costs for 2018 to ensure the military in Russia will be approximately:

Will the military pension be increased from January 1, 2018

There is no significant increase in the amount of retirement of the military to expect in 2018. It is planned to increase payments in the form of indexation. According to the plans, the increase in approximately 4-5%. However, the real percentage of inflation is predicted in the amount of 10%. It has previously stated that the annual increase in the amount of pension for the military will be 2% and will last until pension payments reach the amount of wage salary. However, the implementation of this application is not yet carried out. For the future 2018, the military pensioner should count on the payment of pensions in the amount of approximately 24,500 rubles.

Regarding the question of a one-time payment of data yet. Analyzing the previous period can be assumed that the allowance of 5000 rubles. will be accrued and military pensioners. Recall that in 2017 a one-time payment was made by the military after a separate decree of the government was adopted. Initially, military pensioners did not fall into the list of recipients.

Raising pensions working retirees

Most of the military after retirement continue to work. There are several reasons for this:

  • early retirement age;
  • low level of pension payments;
  • preservation of working age;
  • the demand of retired officers in the labor market.

Due to the fact that statistically many military pensioners receive and retire and pay legislative initiative. According to it, it is proposed to cancel the payment of pensions by the military who decided to continue their career activities. At the same time, the right to the output allowance will remain. While this project takes place a discussion and is not yet planned for consideration in the Duma. But the orientation of the policy of reducing the cost of pension provision can lead to the abolition of military pensions for working.

Minister of Defense News

The Ministry of Defense stated that the cessation of pensions payments for the military in 2018 would not be. Also announced that it is possible to increase the amount of payments by more than a factor of inflation in the presence of funding.

Additionally, the latest news is announced in terms of providing private banks to the payment of pensions of the military without additional commissions. So far, there is no complete list of banks, but possible options are called: VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Gazprombank.