A great scenario for celebrating the anniversary of an employee. Scene for the celebration of the anniversary "Italian guest"

26 dec 2011

Scene for the celebration of the anniversary "Italian guest"

Dear birthday, dear guests! Signor Nachihante Naproblemo arrived to us for the holiday from sunny Italy with his translator! Meet them with thunderous applause!
(an Italian comes out, he is wearing fashionable black glasses, a beautiful scarf is thrown over his shoulder, in his hands is a suitcase in which pasta is hidden, he came with an interpreter)


Chao cocoa, the anniversary is grown up!


Hello, dear hero of the day!


Chao cocoa, sedanto darmoedo!


Hello dear guests!


Italian tourist, immoral appearance!


I came to you from sunny Italy!


Crawled saboteur passportino lost!


Long and difficult was my way!



But I am cheerful and cheerful and brought a whole suitcase of gifts!


Amore mia!


Dear hero of the day!


Signore hostione free then!


Dear guests!


Macarone on ushanto mon seigneur naveshanto!


Listen to me carefully!


Bravissimo spaghetti! The animal purred in the morning!


The most satisfying meal is Italian spaghetti!


Neodanto nizachtone italian pasta!


Therefore, I am happy to give the birthday man a pack of Italian spaghetti!

(gives a pack of spaghetti)


Neprosinte imploringly nizachtonte neodamo!


I don't mind giving away everything I have!


Wishing the hero of the day a healthy animal!
Not bolento golovanto but morning with a hangover!


I wish the hero of the day good health!


Wish you an anniversary cabbage doloranto!


And also I wish that there is always a lot of money!


Oprokinto nemeshento un momento freely!


If I am offered to drink a glass for the hero of the day, then I will not refuse!

Congratulations from ... Japanese (or Japanese)

Suitable as a congratulation for a wedding, an anniversary or a birthday. There are two speakers - an interpreter and a Japanese (a man in an ordinary suit, preferably dark-haired). Don't forget to bow a few times. The interpreter always listens very carefully, and only then answers

If a woman plays this role, you need to tinker with the costume - tie and wrap fabrics on a kimono robe, make a bow at the back, put on “sabots” - at least high heels, white makeup with red shadows. In a Japanese woman, collect dark hair in a bun on her head, fasten at least with long knitting needles.
Japanese: Dear lady!
Translator: Ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: NASA delegate, Honda Japan mother, prime minister.
Translator: Our delegation arrived from the Land of the Rising Sun on behalf of the Prime Minister.

Japanese: Herak tu write satires.
Translator: Our road was very difficult. We flew by plane for a long time.
Japanese: Mitsubishi Toyota san then pit then ditch.
Translator: Then we drove for a long time in a foreign car called Zaporozhets.
Japanese: Dear Kolyan!
Translator: Dear Nicholas!
Japanese: Freebie gunda kisi - misi yahamaha.
Translator: Thank you for inviting us to such a significant event.
Japanese: Prime Minister Murakashi Palakasi.
Translator: the prime minister regrets that he could not come in person.
Japanese: Kyurono hawadzimi two boor japan mother.
Translator: But he sent us - the two best representatives of the Japanese people.
Japanese: Shikenawa ikebana shuka sex.
Translator: How many smiles, joy and love are here!
Japanese: Babay - dignity is thin - lush.
Translator: How many beautiful and slender girls are here!
Japanese: Suzuki kimonota herovata japan females.
Translator: Unfortunately, our Japanese women are not so beautiful and charming.
Japanese: Nasa japanese macaque monkeys are foolish.
Translator: Yes, and men can not compare with your Russian heroes.
Japanese: Shuki juice mimindo huli washi moda quasimoda hemurovata moonshine.
Translator: How cheerful Russian men are, especially if they drink a glass of champagne or a martini.
Japanese: Hitachi shuki tena, rodaki mani dali.
Translator: How richly served the table. You are obviously rich and take good care of your earnings.
Japanese: Aren't you a sick Japanese mother?
Translator: Have you ever been to Japan?
Japanese: On hiro you are a Japanese mother.
Translator A: We invite you to visit our homeland.
Japanese: Dexia hamond sun prime minister take out su him japan mother.
Translator: On behalf of the Japanese people and their Prime Minister, we thank you for the invitation and look forward to a generous meal.
Japanese: Quasimoda amori pavori cherubim syuka sex.
Translator: We wish you much happiness and love!
Japanese: Thank you, my chest of drawers!
Translator: Thank you!

Japanese proverbs.

To remake this text for the hero of the day, they may come in handy for you.

1. If the problem can be solved, then you should not worry about it; if it cannot be solved, then it is useless to worry about it.

2. Having thought - make up your mind, and having decided - do not think.

3. Do not delay the departing, do not drive away the newcomer.

4. Fast is slow, but without interruptions.

5. Better to be an enemy of a good person than a friend of a bad one.

6. There are no great people without ordinary people.

7. Who strongly desires to go upstairs, he will invent a ladder.

8. A husband and wife should be like a hand and eyes: when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears.

9. The sun does not know the right. The sun knows no wrong. The sun shines without the purpose of warming someone. The one who finds himself is like the sun.

10. The sea is large because it does not disdain small rivers.

11. And a long journey begins with a close one.

12. He who drinks does not know about the dangers of wine; who does not drink, he does not know about its benefits.

13. Even if the sword is needed once in a lifetime, it must always be worn.

14. Beautiful flowers do not bear good fruit.

15. Grief, like a torn dress, must be left at home.

16. When there is love, smallpox ulcers are as beautiful as dimples on the cheeks.

17. No one stumbles while lying in bed.

18. One kind word can warm three winter months.

19. Make way for fools and lunatics.

20. When you draw a branch, you need to hear the breath of the wind.

21. Check seven times before you doubt a person.

22. Do your best and leave the rest to fate.

23. Excessive honesty borders on stupidity.

24. In a house where they laugh, happiness comes.

25. Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

26. It happens that a leaf sinks, and a stone floats.

27. Do not shoot an arrow into a smiling face.

28. Cold tea and cold rice are tolerable, but a cold look and a cold word are unbearable.

29. At ten years old - a miracle, at twenty - a genius, and after thirty - an ordinary person.

30. A woman wants to - she will pass through the rock.

31. To ask is ashamed for a minute, and not to know is a shame for life.

32. A perfect vase never left the hands of a bad master.

33. Do not be afraid to bend a little, straighten up straighter.

34. Deep rivers flow inaudibly.

35. If you set off on a journey of your own free will, then a thousand ri seems to be one.

To compose your text, you may also need "Jokes about the Japanese", which are located at this address:

The host meets the guests, she offers to turn to Japanese clothes with and issues cards with new names.

While the guests are expected, the presenter offers to make origami on a piece of A4 paper, they will be needed during the evening.

Leading: Konitiva! (Hello ladies and gentlemen! Noble samurai, charming Japanese girls…. Thank you for coming to our Japanese garden to spend this romantic evening together. Today we celebrate the birthday of the charming Japanese girl Natati and the brave shogun Sahi-san. Since our evening is in oriental style, therefore, we will now call everything accordingly, that is, in Japanese.

Let me introduce the guests. Well, as I see, all the guests did not come empty-handed and now they will explain to us what their gifts symbolize (the guests stand up when they call their names)

Welcome family

1. Maximudtse: Iriki and Jehito-san(They give a gift (origami) and explanations for it, for example Airplane - I wish you to travel to warm countries this year))

2. Family Rumyantsehun: Anzhemi and Dimako-san

3. Family Sharpanodtsa Olesity and Ivanito-san

4. Family Bogdanidtso Snezhaki and Mihun-san

5. Family Sukharidce Alesi Sereki-san

6. Family Pimenzen Alemi and Jendai-san

7. Family Kunyadzu Tanyako and Makhei-san

Well, now let's pour and drink for original gifts and beautiful congratulations.

Many of you are well acquainted with Japanese cuisine, and some of you will try exotic dishes for the first time. Therefore, we provide you with a choice of cutlery - chopsticks for professionals and forks for amateurs! (The presenter distributes chopsticks and forks)

Leading: Well, my dear “Tanjobi omedeto” (Happy birthday-guests standing 3 times)

And now, bon appetit - itadakimas!

Host Toast: We wish you wholeheartedly
Good health forever
Good endless love
Great hope, strong faith,
And happiness without measure
In the work of lasting success,
And in life - sincere laughter! (Let's drink)


(Guests are dressed up, balls are attached to their stomachs) Dima, Angela, Zhenya and Ira

Leading: And now sumo wrestlers want to congratulate you. We meet (congratulations).

Leading: Sahi-san, you know the wrestlers have competitions tomorrow, and one player got seriously ill and they asked me to find a replacement for him. You could help them and fight tomorrow in a tough fight. Wrestlers will test the birthday man for strength and dexterity. (We attach the balloon to the birthday boy's stomach and fight until the balloon bursts and wins.)

Leading: For congratulations, we drink to the bottom.


Leading: You know the Japanese are big aesthetes when it comes to food. And Japanese proverbs are as beautiful as Japanese dishes. And to get small prizes, you need to find an analogue of famous Japanese proverbs.

(Guests are given cards with Russian proverbs, we read proverbs, we give out a prize to the one who correctly finds an analogue)

List of Japanese proverbs and approximate analogues:

1. You cannot catch a horsefly and a bee at the same time. If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

2. If you fall in love, then you will forget about ugliness. - Love is blind.

3. Negotiate a price for an uncaught badger. - Share the skin of an unkilled bear.

4. While alive, we do not appreciate, but died - we regret. - What we have - we do not store, having lost - we cry.

5. As if a bird suddenly flew out from under the feet. - Like a bolt from the blue.

6. Than a hundred tomorrow, fifty today is better. - A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

7. Silent bug gnaws through the wall. - There are devils in the still waters.

8. Fear breeds black devils. - Fear has big eyes.

9. Bitten by a snake, afraid of rotten rope. - Having burnt themselves in milk, they blow on the water.

10. The one who does not know is happy like the Buddha. - The less you know the better you sleep.

11. It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's lair. - To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

12. And you will wait for good weather for a sea voyage. - And there will be a holiday on our street.

13. A falling drop breaks through a stone. - Water wears away the stone.

14. Having poisoned yourself with poison, treat yourself with the same poison. - Fight fire with fire.

Leading: And now let's raise our sakazuki (we take glasses in our hands), let's drink for love and our beautiful birthday people! Kanpai (We drink to the bottom)!


(We dress up the guests with a mustache, a bathrobe Olesya, Vanya)

Leading: Dear birthday people, the representative of the Japanese parliament himself came to visit us with congratulations.

We meet

Congratulation of the Japanese for the newlyweds
Japanese: Dear lady!
Translator: Dear ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: Delegate Nasa, Japanese mother Honda, Prime Minister.
Interpreter: Our delegation arrived from the Land of the Rising Sun on behalf of the Prime Minister.

Japanese: Herak tu hundred write satires.
Translator: Our road was very difficult. We flew by plane for a long time.
Japanese: Mitsubishi Toyota san to pit to ditch.
Translator: Then we drove for a long time in a foreign car called Zaporozhets.
Japanese: Doroguchi Sahi-sana. and Natati-san!
Translator: Dear birthday people!

Japanese: Freebie gunda kishi - misi yahamaha.
Translator: Thank you for the invitation to such a significant event.
Japanese: Prime Minister Murakashi Palakashi.
Interpreter: The Prime Minister regrets that he could not come and congratulate you personally.
Japanese: Kyurono hawadzimi two boorish Japanese mother.
Translator: But he sent us - the two best representatives of the Japanese people.

Japanese: Shikenawa ikebana shuka sex.
Translator: How many smiles, joy and love are here!
Japanese: Women - dignity is thin - lush.
Translator: How many beautiful and slender girls are here!
Japanese: Suzuki Kimonota Herovata Japan Suki.
Translator: Unfortunately, our Japanese women are not so beautiful and charming.

Japanese: Nasa japanese macaque monkeys are foolish.
Translator: Yes, and men cannot compare with your Russian heroes.
Japanese: Hitachi shuki tena, rodaki mani dali.
Translator: How richly the table is served. Apparently your parents are rich and take good care of their children.

Japanese: Aren't you a sick Japanese mother?
Translator: Have you ever been to Japan?
Japanese: In hiro, your mother is Japanese.
Translator: We invite you to visit our homeland.
Japanese: Desya hamonda sun prime minister take out su him japanese mother.
Translator: On behalf of the Japanese people and their Prime Minister, we thank you for the invitation and look forward to a generous meal.

Japanese: Quasimo mod amori pavori cherub shuka sex.
Translator: We wish you much happiness and love!
Japanese: Primihi, poor, poor life is a bitch!
Translator: Accept a gift from our people!

Leading: Let's thank our guests for the gift, invite them to the table and raise our sakazuki glasses for congratulations. Kapnay (We drink to the bottom)


(We dress up the guests Misha-geisha and Snezhanna-shogun, congratulate and give a gift).

Leading: We all know that Japan has very smart and wise people. They love to solve Sudoku and different puzzles. So we will now try to solve a crossword puzzle, only Russian, let's see how smart dear guests you are. And in the crossword puzzle, a gift for birthday people is encrypted, so that they can only get it with your help.

1. Singing to the backing track - karaoke

2. Raw fish - sushi

3. Hired killer - ninja

4. Mistress - geisha

5. Paper plastic - origami

6. Suicide - kamikaze

7. Suicide - hara-kiri

8. Fate is karma

9. Bathrobe - kimono

10. Vodka - Sake

11. Warrior - Samurai

12. Cartoon - anime

13. Bouquet - ikebana

14. Mustard - Wasabi

15. Warlord - Shogun

Leading: Well, here is the long-awaited gift, meet the beautiful geisha and the brave samurai with congratulations for the birthday

An interesting and original scenario of a Japanese-style party, any company will really like it.

1. Theme and name of the party. Not just Japan, but cheerful and even funny Japan. Our party will be stylized as Japan, but not with strict adherence to national characteristics, but with an informal, even humorous approach. Let's call our party, for example, Japan-party (by analogy with the well-known euphemism "Japan mother").

2. Entourage.
Interior. We will bring to the interior, where our Japanese party will take place, the features of the East in order to immerse guests in the atmosphere of the Land of the Rising Sun. You can decorate the room in the style of some symbol of Japan: for example, use many images of dragons - both scary and funny.

Or decorate the room with fans (they can be made from pieces of wallpaper, from whatman paper and even newspapers, magazines, wrapping paper - in general, from everything that comes to hand) - fans can be hung on the walls and fixed on curtains, doors, furniture. If only adults, liberated people are present at the party, you can take erotic pictures from Japanese anime to create an entourage.

When setting the table, use not round, but rectangular plates and Japanese substitute mats. And, of course, you can't do without Japanese music - you can download it here.
Dress code for a Japanese style party. You can be anyone at the party: a samurai, a Sumo wrestler, a geisha, a Japanese robot, a kamikaze, a dragon, an anime hero, etc. The main thing is to make it in Japanese style and funnier. By the way, you can organize a prize for the best and funniest Japanese costume.

3. The course of the event.

We are having a Japanese-style party, and the hospitable Japanese love feasts no less than us, so we will immediately invite guests to the table. We will put chopsticks near the plates, but when everyone is seated at the table, we will invite guests to “buy” forks, knives and spoons. You will have to pay for cutlery not with money, but with ingenuity. The seller of appliances says a Japanese proverb, and the buyer must name its Russian (or well-known in the Russian-speaking environment) analogue. Of course, if someone wants to eat with chopsticks, you should not insist on a fork.

List of Japanese proverbs and approximate analogues:

If dust particles accumulate, they will become mountains. “Water wears away stone.

The one who does not know is happy like Buddha. - The less you know the better you sleep.

Then - even fields, even mountains. “After us, at least a flood.

One stone - two birds. - Kill two birds with one stone.

It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's lair. - To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

And you will wait for good weather for a sea voyage. - And there will be a holiday on our street.

A falling drop pierces a stone. - Water wears away the stone.

Poisoned by poison, treat yourself with the same poison. - Fight fire with fire.

Being taught on hot soup, blowing on cold vegetables. - Burnt in milk, blowing on the water.

In the whole block, only the husband does not know. The husband is the last to know about everything.

4. Entertainment, games, competitions for the Japanese party.
After dinner, we will offer guests a competitive program. Its purpose is to identify the best of the best Japanese in our company. After all, we have a fun Japanese party, so the titles will not be serious.

1. Competition "Japanese chef"

Those who wish to participate will be given a large pancake or cake and a pack of mayonnaise (doypack with a dispenser - fitting). In addition, you will need paper sample sheets with a hieroglyph (to be fair, everyone needs to be given the same hieroglyph). The task is to decorate the dish with a mayonnaise hieroglyph. It is necessary to squeeze the mayonnaise out of the package onto the pancake, drawing a hieroglyph according to the model. Here you can choose two winners: the one who will complete the task faster, and the one whose hieroglyph will be the most accurate and beautiful.

2. Competition "Japanese policeman"

The competition is held right at the table, so everyone can participate. Participants are given paper (it can be A4 or larger, white or color) and we offer to fold any weapon for the policeman from it, using the origami technique.

3. Competition "Japan Mom"

Both men and women can participate, but it's more fun with men. We attach inflated balloons (preferably large ones) with adhesive tape to those who want to fight for the title of “Japan Mom”. The task is to collect sakura petals from the floor. Although where do we get such an exotic? Instead of sakura, we will take rose petals or cut them out of paper - it will take a lot of petals to literally strew the floor. Whoever "belly" bursts during the game - he leaves. At the end, we count the number of collected petals. "Japan mom" will be the one who collected the most petals. The prize can be a Japanese fan.

4. Competition "Russian-Japanese translator"

The facilitator calls a word from the Russian dictionary, and the participants must remember the Japanese word for the same or a similar concept. And let it be not quite an exact analogue, but suitable in meaning. Humor is welcome. The most active and resourceful "Japanese scholar" is given the title of "Russian-Japanese translator" and a prize - a Russian-Japanese phrase book.

Examples of words and analogues:

Mistress is a geisha.
Paper plastic - origami.
Suicide - kamikaze.
Knife - hara-kiri.
Robe - kimono.
Vodka - sake.
Hooray! - Banzai!
The letter is a hieroglyph.
The fat man is a sumo wrestler.
Pet - Tamagotchi.
Warrior is a samurai.
Vanka-vstanka - Daruma.
The poem is haiku.
Cartoon - anime.
Bouquet - ikebana.
Mat - tatami.
Crossword Sudoku.
Mustard is wasabi.

4. The game "Japanese Espromptu Theater"

At the end of the competitions, you can continue the Japanese party with an impromptu theater, but not simple, but “Japanese”. The facilitator reads the text expressively. Actors at the mention of their hero pronounce a cue and reproduce this or that movement in accordance with the text. Seven actors and one presenter participate.

Heroes and lines:

Sakura (pleadingly): "Tokase is not an ikebana!" (note: this means "just don't make me an ikebana!").
Sparrow (proudly): "Japanese bird!".
Steeds (two people) (sadly): "We're badass skating."
Grass (provocatively): "It's a tickle!"
Samurai (two people) (terribly): "Banzai!".

Samurai In the boundless Japanese steppe, beautiful SAKURA grew. Sakura branches swayed. In the branches of SAKURA sat a small SPARROW. Two purebred Japanese HORSE GRAZED nearby. And beneath them grew and stretched juicy Japanese GRASS. Oh, how she stretched! The stallions energetically and very greedily plucked the GRASS. GRASS at the same time affectionately tickled the abdomen of the stallions. HORSES quite neighed.

Two Japanese SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba appeared in the steppe. Samurai Tamagotchi was a sumo wrestler, and Toshiba samurai was a karateka. What a Tamagotchi sumo wrestler! What a Toshiba karateka!

The two SAMURAI hated each other and were constantly bullying. And now they were grimacing and teasing each other. SPARROW, looking at this, laughed, chirping. The SAMURAI threatened the SPARROW, and he flew away from the SAKURA.

SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba saw HORSE. SAMURAI wanted to saddle HORSE and attempted to do so. And another try, and another. Not immediately, but the SAMURAI coped and saddled the obstinate HORSE. The stallions beat their hooves impatiently and neighed in displeasure. The SAMURAI fidgeted nervously on their horses, wanting to fight the enemy.

They parted in different directions and, breaking off, rushed towards each other. The Tamagotchi hit Toshiba, and he fell off his HORSE. As he fell, Toshiba bit the Tamagotchi. Now the SAMURAI Tamagotchi has fallen from his HORSE. The defeated SAMURAI lay on the GRASS. Above them towered the beautiful SAKURA, sadly bowing its branches. A SPARROW flew by, stared at the lying SAMURAIS and fell to the ground. SAKURA was left alone. Suddenly, thunder rumbled and lightning struck SAKURA. She fell noisily.

Epilogue. Broken, crooked SAKURA grew in the boundless Japanese steppe. On it sat a plucked SPARROW. GRASS stretched under the tree, crumpled and lethargic. SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba lay in the GRASS and hugged each other. HORSES plucked the GRASS and neighed happily. Peace reigned in the boundless Japanese steppe.
What to feed.