Energy cash flow from space. Energy of money. To whom the cash flow flows. Take advantage of an exclusive service and find out everything about your energy of money

26 Feb

How do I know if Cash Flow is closed?

In this article, I want to tell you whether a person himself can determine whether his cash flow is closed for making money and profit or not. You will find out how money energy works if you take out a loan or borrow money and whether you need to do it. And if you find yourself in such a situation, then how to act correctly in it so that all energies work without distortions and outflows.

Why do we need cash flow on the subtle plane? Why pump yourself up with monetary energy? How does this affect my bottom line? How is the cash flow blocked?

How can a person know if the cash flow is closed to receive money?

It is very easy to find out. Let's say the salary at the enterprise is given 20-30 thousand, and you have been deprived of something obligatory, let's say bonuses. This indicates that the cash flow is closed. Then you go to the store, you got your salary, and it seems like you didn’t buy anything, but at home you open your wallet, but there’s no money. This does not mean that they were stolen from you, but suggests that you spent them nowhere. They run through their fingers - the cash flow is closed. You are being robbed.

in general, when you are robbed, it means that some kind of karmic debt is being written off from you, you are strongly hooked on money. And they start to rob you. One has only to forgive this person who has robbed and the stolen returns at times, that is, it increases 10 times.

Another situation, let's say a family. You are constantly fired from your job, you constantly have some kind of problems, you are constantly fined, you are deprived of bonuses, your salary is constantly very low, your husband does not earn money. By the way, if your husband doesn’t earn money, it’s your grandmother’s karma, that is, here you need to cleanse the clan 100%. If your husband goes to work and at the same time brings a penny or he does not give you money, or it suggests that you have a generic karmic program. This is how you can still track it.

I just don’t talk about loans, if you apply to the bank, then you are denied, I’m just generally against loans. Itself this path has passed, therefore, in no case. You need to take loans only if you expect to repay it very quickly for at least a year. A loan is a money pit, it is a colossal outflow of money energy.


Cash flow profit formula

income minus expense and net profit remains. so your income should always be higher than the expense. If the consumption goes over, it is precisely the loans that increase the consumption more and more, and therefore the energy of money begins to spin in the opposite direction into destruction. Therefore, incomes should always be higher, even for a ruble. Then you will have money going as it should. And monetary energy can be constantly increased and strengthened. This is energy, and any energy can be increased if desired.

How does cash flow work, if you borrow money, borrow money?

Cash flow if lent

Loan money is the same loan. If you take out a loan, then you can count on the fact that you will repay it very quickly, within a month or two.

If, for example, you take a larger amount, then, first of all, your funds should be used to repay the loan. I have many clients who, for example, took out a loan, then they start working further, they have money, and they begin to lower it left and right. And as a result, they burn out, the loan money is not repaid, and then there is nothing to pay off. But they travel abroad and rest there. And I ask them a question, so if you earned money, why didn't you pay off the loan? They say: well, they thought that everything would work out somehow.

Therefore, if you borrow or take out a loan, then, first of all, the money that appears should go to repay loans in order to quickly part with it, quickly close it and align your monetary energy. The universe allocates a certain amount of money.

Let's say you want to buy a car, you have no money for it - you take out a loan. The Universe does not give you at that moment - you have no money for a car, that is, you did not earn it on the subtle plane, you did not deserve it on the subtle plane of monetary energy, you were not allocated it. What are we doing? We violate the laws of the Universe - we take a loan. This is a minus. We are going against the laws of higher powers, because we were not allocated monetary energy. We are starting to take out a loan. accordingly, if we go against, then the energy starts spinning in the opposite direction.

There is only one way out - to extinguish it as soon as possible. As soon as you close it, your monetary energy is restored. And yet, if you take out a loan, you need be always calm... Let's say that tomorrow I have a payment like this, but there is not enough money in my wallet, you start to worry. Most often, when people take out a loan, I also often encounter this, then it is a pity for them to give it back, and the monetary energy, it is spinning in the opposite direction, and so it went against the higher forces, and so a hole is formed, and the person still begins to be greedy, worried, twitching: tomorrow I have a payment, but I have nothing to pay or it is a pity to give. That is, the energy is all narrowing and narrowing, and then it is blocked altogether and the cash flow stops flowing. You start having problems at work, you can be laid off, you can lose your business, etc.

If you have already taken out a loan or borrowed money, then in no case should you worry. The main setting: in the shortest possible time, I must pay it off. And all the amounts go to pay off the loan. And then everything will be fine.

Cash flow when borrowing money from you.

If, let's say you borrowed money... I do not recommend doing this, but if the situation is such that you have money and you can borrow. Borrow as much as you can and are willing to part with. Let's say your acquaintances borrow 20 thousand from you. If this is your last money, it is better to refuse, say no, and that's it. Now, if you do not mind 5-10 thousand there, well, they won't give it back, that's all. Then you can borrow such an amount of money that you can part with at any time.

If we borrow 200-300 thousand even draw up a loan agreement and then we wait for this money, then we cut off the monetary energy, because we are constantly in the field of a person, we take offense at him, we are angry with him that he did not bring us on time ... We cut off this energy for ourselves and for this person, so we lay out pebble by pebble, like beavers lay out a dam on their own, in the same way we lay out a dam on our own. Therefore, if we borrow, then the amount with which you are ready to part. Or it is better to refuse altogether, let it be better for the person to take offense at you without a difference, but you will remain with your energy.

Be prudent and listen to important advice.


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12.10.16 146 925 0

How to manage the energy of money

6 best ways

Working for money is for losers. Truly rich people know that you can always become financially independent, even if you work for your uncle.

Igor Almaz

financial astrologer

The main thing is to understand by what laws monetary energy works, and to manage it correctly.

If you know the simple laws of the energy exchange of the Universe, money will itself flow into your pockets like a full-flowing river. Here are 6 methods that are guaranteed to help you attract cash flow.

Tuning for money egregor

Each our desire is a charge of energy. It energizes the energy field, and the powerfully charged field begins to contact the fields of other people and change the reality around you. For example, you remembered about an old acquaintance - and suddenly he calls you. Or they wanted to change the situation for a short time - and the boss sent you on a business trip.

This also works with money, but the charge must be frequent and positive. Many people dream of getting rich, although they believe that all the rich are criminals. This is the wrong message, it will deform your energy field. And the deformed field does not enhance the fields of those around you, and you will not get anything. Instead, think like this: “I attract wealth to me. Money is a force that will help me become happier and fulfill all my desires. Egregor money, let's be friends! "

Egregor is a large energy field created by a group of people. The oldest and most powerful on earth are egregors of religion and money.

Money egregor loves active

Some charlatans advise to go to expensive restaurants, luxurious quarters, large banks more often to feed egregor. But this is a passive interaction with egregor, it does not attract an avalanche of money. Money egregor loves active and enterprising people.

If you want to truly make friends with the monetary egregor, proceed to action. Ask your boss for a pay raise or if you work for yourself. Money egregor resonates with bold desires and decisive actions, attracting new streams of money in your direction.

The monetary egregor reacts not only to the attitudes of receiving money, but also to any attitudes to preserve and increase them. The study of financial instruments gives you a constant connection with the egregor of money.

Negative thoughts, modesty, indecision and thoughts like “I have enough of this anyway” destroy your connection with the money egregor and block the energy of money.

"They will definitely notice me and raise my salary"

“I want to get this much from your company. What should I do for this? "

Have a negative effect on the monetary egregor

"We are friends with you, so, of course, I will leave the old prices for you."

Have a positive effect on the money egregor

"It will be uncomfortable for me to continue working for this money."

Have a negative effect on the monetary egregor

"How much does it cost? Expensive, of course. Well, what can you do "

Have a positive effect on the money egregor

"How much does it cost? What discount do you have? "

Feng Shui and Environmental Energy

The Chinese believe that energy flows can be controlled through the environment. They build houses, offices and apartments so that good chi energy moves around the room without obstacles and accumulates in areas that are associated with health, love, success and other areas of life, and bad sha energy does not affect.

According to Feng Shui, the southeastern part of the dwelling is responsible for wealth. To find her in your home, determine where the north is and place a bagua grid on the floor plan. It may turn out that due to the peculiarities of the layout, you do not have this sector. Then hang a mirror on the wall "cutting off" it.

It is bad if there are protrusions in the dwelling or office - sharp corners intensify the “sha” energy. Sharp corners can be partially neutralized by bright lighting and a "wind chime" suspension. Maximum protection is to cover sharp corners with furniture or redevelop.

Focus on the location that is in charge of your work and financial decisions. At home it will be an office, in an office it will be a desk. Provide it with bright lighting - the main generator of "qi" energy. If there is a window in the room, place the work area closer to it, but make sure that glare from the sun does not interfere with work: too much chi energy can disrupt the energy balance.

If you are working from a seated position, you should have a comfortable chair that will not block the right energy flowing through you. Watch your posture: The spine is the main route of qi energy. If you slouch while working, the chi energy does not flow into the brain chakra, which makes you prone to make wrong decisions, and your performance is reduced.

Free your workspace from blockages and debris: these are sources of bad energy that interferes with concentration and making the right decisions. If your faucet is leaking at home, be sure to fix it, but to isolate negative energy, and do not do it yourself.

Such a table attracts only bad energy "sha", which interferes with concentration and making the right decisions.

The right workplace attracts good chi, which energizes you for the right financial decisions.

Ritual "Sacrifice to the Young Moon"

On the first lunar day of the month, take 1/10 of your salary and save for the future. How exactly - it does not matter: any place that you will not look at for a year will do. The ritual works equally well for cash and non-cash money, but keeping cash at home can attract the energy of thieves, so we recommend saving money non-cash.

The ritual is performed like this:

  1. Open the internet bank website.
  2. Transfer the required amount to the savings account.
  3. Finish the ritual with the spell “I will put it aside, I will put it aside for joy, I will put it aside for happiness. Month-month, help, save money! "

The ritual account can be used only a year after the first installment, otherwise the energy of the accumulated money will not be strong enough. You cannot skip the ritual days, otherwise the hungry young month will suck the energy of money from your account.

After a year, it is better to invest the accumulated money in areas closely related to the monetary egregor: securities, long-term deposits, real estate, working tools, advanced training or mastering a new specialty.

If you do not have time to carry out the ritual on your own, you can set up auto payment. But then the first ritual must be carried out as correctly as possible so that the effect is preserved on all future auto payments.

Ritual "Repentance to Pharaoh"

The energy of money flows away from you every time you show weakness: skipping a workout, eating sweets at night, drinking too much. All of these actions negatively affect your ability to raise money. You will notice that the richest people are athletic, drink little, and eat well for this very reason.

Every time you show any weakness, be sure to perform the "Repentance to Pharaoh" ritual on the same day.

The ritual can only be carried out with gifts and symbolic representations of money, therefore, in modern conditions, only an Internet bank is suitable:

These ritual accounts can be used eight months after you have performed the first ritual. However, the longer you keep money in the account, the more energy accumulates there. Eight months is the minimum.

The money that you have accumulated through this ritual is charged with the energy of gifts. Use them to buy a gift for someone close to you, but in no case for yourself: the energy resonance from the money you have accumulated can wrongly disturb the monetary egregor. The best option is a gift to your spouse or parents, because their monetary energy is always in opposition to yours.

Ritual savings account for missed workout

Three-phase visualization of wealth

Usually in the professional literature they talk about two-phase visualization of wealth. In fact, it takes three phases to properly visualize effectively, and this is precisely the third - the key to financial well-being.

The first phase is the "Money Carriage". Sit in a quiet place and think about how much you need to be completely happy. Think of it as a number on an online bank page or stacks of money. How much space do they take up? Table surface? A room? Concert hall? This is the first part of the visualization.

The second phase is “Desired Item”. Provide a list of everything that you will buy with this money. If this is a house, then decide where it is located, what surrounds it, what kind of interior it has. If this is a car, what brand is it? What does her motor sound like? And so with everything you want.

The third phase is “Reality attraction”. If you skip this phase, the visualization will not work. The task is to perform some kind of action in order to attract a new monetary reality to yourself.

For example, if you dream of an iPhone, open Avito on your laptop and look for an iPhone. If you are dreaming of a home, open a real estate website and search for the desired home. Your job is to find people who sell what you want.

This technique achieves its maximum effect when you draw up a savings plan: a table that shows how much you need to set aside per month in order to buy the right thing. Lena Glubko uses a similar technique for her children to teach them how to save.

Be careful with scammers who offer too low a price - you do not need to use their energy in your visualization.

Most likely they are scammers because the price is too low. Beware of Their Negative Energy

Items that attract money

Surround yourself with items that can make you money. They will be divided into three categories:

We wish you success and patience in dealing with the egregor of money. May the energy of the cash flow be with you!

A large part of the population suffers from the lack of money. Some people work two or even three jobs, but for some reason there is still not enough money. Others don't make much effort and make millions by enjoying life. What's the problem? Why is this happening?

The first and most important thing is our thoughts and words. Yes, yes, everything in our life happens on the basis of our thoughts, and not only money problems. Very often you can hear such phrases as: - “there is always not enough money” or “money for some reason does not come to me”. This happens because they are not expected and do not want to see them. All this is deeply hidden in us.

Let's take a closer look at what is required to attract, and not repulse, money.

Energy cash flow

The first step is to stop complaining about the lack of money. You need to carefully monitor your thoughts and words. Do not use words like "I want", but say "I choose." In order for the flow of money energy to flow, it is necessary to remove the particle “not” from the vocabulary and thoughts. Monetary energy perceives it in a very different way. For example, the phrase “I don’t want to live in poverty” is perceived as “I want to live in poverty”. This is a very important factor, because of them, most of them have financial difficulties. By changing these factors, life will begin to change for the better. Money will start appearing unexpectedly, perhaps a new job, well paid or something else.

The next step is life satisfaction. One should learn to rejoice in what is. There is bread on the table, it’s already good and enjoy everything, even the smallest trifles. Then the energy flow of money will begin to go specifically to you, and not to the one who is not satisfied with everything, who constantly complains about his life.

There are very strong energetic affirmations for raising money. They should be repeated daily, every morning or before bed, at any time when it is convenient. The main thing is to remove everything negative from thoughts and behavior, since any negative thought is destructive. Let's take a look at the most effective affirmations for bringing wealth to life.

Monetary Affirmations:

I am a money magnet;

I get an abundance of money;

I always have more income than expenses;

Money comes to me easily;

I earn 100 thousand rubles a month;

It is imperative to repeat them the more often, the better and in a good mood. You can come up with your own affirmations that will be more suitable for the situation in life. It is important not to use the "not" particle.

Money should be treated with respect. In the wallet, they should lie flat and neat. Carelessness about money turns them off.

Monetary wealth is capable of both creating and destroying, everything depends on a person and on his thoughts. Money wealth helps to live a quality life. But happiness is not about money, so you shouldn't put money above all else.

There are money rituals that have actually worked over the years. You may not believe in magic or omens, but they do work. A person thinks about attracting money, doing some kind of ritual to attract wealth, thereby sending his thoughts and expectations into the universe, the universe accepts this and financial affairs go uphill.

Rituals for financial well-being

Charity. 10% of income to be given to those in need. If 10% is a lot, then less can be, try not to forget to do it regularly.

Save money. To save part of their income, these savings will begin to attract new money.

The wallet is home to money. You need to pay attention to it: it should not be old, it should store bills, coins, cards. Other unnecessary things like: old receipts, photographs or something else to remove. Money loves an account, counting money in a wallet as often as possible.

Do not spend money on payday, because after receiving the paycheck, there is satisfaction and joy in your soul. The energy sector senses this, and will continue to flow in the future.

You can even come up with a sign or ritual yourself, it is important that the person doing it will believe that this will definitely help.

The article is based on real, my personal, experience related to attracting money energy to a business in a very complex area - large-scale wholesale trade. For several years I have been managing and organizing the business of my company together with my partner. The firm has had its ups and downs, fierce competition, big deals and failures, huge prospects and a global financial crisis. We have all gone through and are successfully moving into the future with a focus on growth and expansion. Having been engaged in energy and energy professionally for the last few years, along with the management of the company, I have experimented in business with the use of money magic. This area is one of the most difficult and serious among all areas of application of the energy of the subtle plane. Quite a long time ago, even starting to meditate, I read the book by A. Burykin "Shamans - those who are served by spirits" about Siberian and Far Eastern shamans. The book was written by a person who has read dozens of scientific works about shamans, an expert on small nations. Any shamanic ritual begins with the element of fire, which symbolizes the burning of negativity. Surprisingly, Burykin approached shamans with an open mind (usually scientists are skeptical about working with energy) and objectively described shamanic rituals, customs and traditions. Of course, Burykin was convinced that shamans were just a theatrical performance and a kind of show for the small peoples of Siberia and the Far East, but at the same time, he described cases of miraculous healing that he observed during the ritual, and his position did not in the least affect the quality of the book, on the contrary, very scientifically conveyed the traditions of the small peoples of the North. In this book, I remember the hierarchy of shamans in society, it is built according to the degree of usefulness to society and looks like this:
1. The lowest level, the weakest shamans, are engaged in clairvoyance, predicting future events, forecasting the weather, etc.

2. Intermediate level - healing shamans who heal people and help them survive in harsh conditions.
3. The highest level - shamans working with social energy. Usually, they are called "black shamans", and this has nothing to do with the type of magic of the same name :), but speaks of strength - a black shaman is a hereditary shaman, the strongest, as a rule, is a woman. White shamans, those who previously did not have shamans in the family, are considered by small nations to be weaker when working with energy. Social energy, of course, in the book did not mean financial flows of large corporations :), but events useful to the tribe: so that the hunt is successful, so that ancestors help the walruses drive them out for hunting, so that the herd of deer is healthy and reproduces, etc. etc.
4. This point was not in the book, it has nothing to do with society, but it is the highest realization of the shaman. Perhaps, initially in the synthesis of the first three, the shaman, having realized himself in the physical plane, social life, reaches new facets of spiritual growth and communication with the divine. This is a very serious level, but we are always welcome here :).

Initially, I did not take this classification into account, and only much later, working with energy, I realized what the researcher Burykin wrote about in his book about shamans. This hierarchy actually takes place in our life. A few years ago, when any of my serious business decisions could not do without the layout of the tare cards, I got used to respecting the results, even if they were laid out in the form of beautiful card metaphors. Several fairly important business decisions were made based on the layout of the tarot cards, and not according to calculation and logic. Sometimes the decisions made went against the logic, I would even say, were irrational, in the end they had a positive effect on business. In those days, I was not engaged in external energy practitioners and healing (only meditated), but the layouts of tarot cards worked quite reliably. That is, having a weak energy level, I could see in a metaphorical form the solutions necessary for each specific situation.
As a consequence, professionally engaged in healing, first for your family, and later with other patients (the experience of healing, if you are interested, is described in my article
), I realized how much more difficult it is to restore, normalize human health, rather than just scattering tarot cards. A much more serious development, experience is required, at the initial stage - even blind faith, which subsequently turns into a serious evidence base for healing as existing in objective reality. A lot has been worked out, done, rethought, even if the result is not always achieved, conclusions have been drawn, corrections have been made. And now - with new strength and energy for new achievements :). The amount of work done is an order of magnitude greater than the amount of work done with tarot cards (beautifully, in a metaphorical form talking about the future).
Not so long ago, to experiment on myself, I took up business magic. And what am I beginning to understand after 5-7 months of experience (all this time, albeit with interruptions, I worked with myself on financial energy and setting up for success and the implementation of all plans)? Everything is much more complicated here. It turns out that curing a person is usually easier than making them rich. The shamans of Siberia and the Far East are right, their classification is confirmed by my short but rather rich experience. The financial component is one of the most difficult to manage energy in a subtle way. The inertia here is significantly higher than in the treatment of a person, while many factors arise that affect the outcome of events. There is a result, serious, but not amenable to tough management. That is, working with financial energy and predicting, for example, the results of the firm's activities, I ended up with only a small increase, which can be attributed simply to the end of the global crisis and an increase in demand in the market segment where my company operates. But not everything is so sad :), from other, completely unpredictable sources, my income began to increase. Moreover, it significantly exceeded my expectations based on the results of the company's work. I will not describe in detail the sources of income (I am afraid that I will scare away the bird of happiness :)), I will say in a nutshell: the state paid off debts (and this happens in our time), relatives, and different, as if by agreement, began to seriously sponsor, paying shares (from the sale of property ), an item of income appeared that was not entirely related to the activities of the company, but rather an accompanying direction (which, oddly enough, is even more interesting than the work of my company itself). I began to see the results after about 5 months of working on charging myself with financial energy. At the same time, the main message was the development of the company and, accordingly, the growth of my profit. As a result, the company increased its monthly profit by no more than 10-30% compared to the same period of the previous year, which I happily attributed to the fact that the crisis is still receding. And, albeit inertial, but the result went, albeit in an indirect form, for which many thanks to the Universe. The company did not receive the expected impetus (I wanted to increase revenues several times), but revenues flowed from the other side, and they significantly exceeded all my expectations for the company. I make one footnote - I had very serious preliminary preparation, I am not just a “person from the street” who never even went to the gym and spent time in front of the TV, drinking beer in the evenings, not working with my energy. Before business magic, I was in business for several years, meditated a lot, and for several years now I have been conducting healing sessions with people and energetically working with myself to purify. It seems to me that all this not least of all affects the general state of affairs in the financial sphere. It's just that, as in the blink of a magic wand, nothing falls from the sky in most cases :). And for your own good and the realization of your plans, you need to work with your soul (with a joyful desire) - on yourself, your projects. It is possible with bitterness to observe people who are engaged in unloved work, albeit highly paid, suffering with all their soul. And many of them also envy them. But doing what you love, for the soul, happily promoting your aspirations and desires and receiving a good salary for your personal labor as a bonus is bliss. May God grant everyone to open their favorite business, go through all the obstacles and difficulties and enjoy the process and favorite work. This is a flight of creativity and a good start for spiritual growth. After meditating on the results of the first experiment, I came to the conclusion that money is the energy that accompanies joy and happiness. First, joy and happiness, then money. It also happens the other way around, but this is an exception, and it does not bring joy. That is, working with myself constantly, charged with monetary energy over the past five months, I was in a state of high and life detachment, when it is so good, incredibly good, and sometimes you soar all day on waves of bliss, and the effectiveness of professional activities related with business is increasing. And as a result, the Universe responded to this joy with its joy in the form of an influx of finance. The goal has been achieved, financial growth by my standards is very significant, and this, I think, is only the beginning - the crisis is completely disappearing :). Since my company is engaged in wholesales of various industrial groups of goods, the resource of the company's sales managers is the most important thing. A cheerful, genuinely joyful and positive salesperson can sell many times more than a mechanically working, albeit experienced, company employee. Positiveness, especially in the financial sector, creates miracles. And the formula for success looks something like this (gag, of course, but the metaphor of success in the financial sector in the form of a formula may deserve your attention):

(k4 * Head on shoulders + k5 * Experience + k6 Perseverance + k1 * Positive, Joy, Gratitude from the UNIVERSE, Work for the SOUL + k3 * Creativity, new facets of business + k7 * Luck) * Charging with financial energy - k2 * External global factors \u003d FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE with inertial delay
My formula may look ridiculous and absurd :), but the notes are as follows. The coefficients are arranged according to the significance hierarchy: k1 is more significant than k2, etc. The positive part of the formula is multiplied by the degree of work with the financial energy of the subtle plan. Let us summarize the formula: (k1) a positive, joyful, grateful person doing what he / she loves (s) (k2), despite world upheavals (crises, government policy, etc.), (k3)

flexibly coming up with new directions, solutions and implementing creativity, (k4) rationally assessing the situation, (k5) gaining experience and (k6) persistently achieving success and at the same time practicing charging with financial energy, is doomed to success, albeit with a delay. Correction to the formula: I would call the coefficient (k7) (k1 ... 7), i.e. luck is a finicky bird, and the situation does not always depend on your energy and desires :). Here ... The formula is empirical, the coefficients are fictitious, the ranks are approximate. This formula is probably right for most people, especially those in business. A firm of positive people always has a better chance of staying in the market than “reinforced concrete, tough” companies that use directive management and sales methods. We can mention here a company that is one of the leaders in sales in the world, Microsoft. Of course, not everyone and not always likes her products, but many use them. So, the personnel of Microsoft are programmers with irregular working hours, they are tuned in to the result, they love their job, they roller-skate around office buildings :), they are constantly looking for creative solutions. Marketing at Microsoft is the most positive - light, kind, the relationship with the client is excellent. This more than compensates for the "flaws" of the program code :), it is difficult for them to be a leader in their field, but they can :) be the first among all software sales in the world. This requires positive and creative solutions, which I, in the formula, just gave under the coefficients k1 and k3. Even losing billions of dollars in arbitration with the Antimonopoly Services (let it be), Microsoft is growing and finding new facets of the high-tech computer industry. This example is applicable in any area, and, as I said at the beginning, the positive, joy and gratitude of the Universe entails money. On the contrary, it happens, but much less often.
In the final part, I would like to touch on the formula and life

principles of interaction with financial energy, i.e. that part of the formula that is associated with charging financial energy. This is the most painstaking but enjoyable process. It is desirable to be a healthy, meditating, spiritual person, loving life, understanding what comes from where (illuminated). On the basis of this, you can use the entire arsenal of money magic. The seeds will lay much better on the prepared soil, and the plants will be stronger and more beautiful. Magicianiya in this case is the seed and you are the soil. Purely hypothetically: we take a person with poor energy, who is engaged in an unloved business, dissatisfied with life, drinks or drinks heavily, and we begin to conduct money magic sessions with him day after day. Unfortunately, I cannot imagine a healer who will undertake this experiment :). It's just that an intuitively subtle plan says "stop", so you definitely don't need to charge it, a waste of time. But even if you imagine purely hypothetically (there is not enough imagination :)) that something will come of it, then in a few years or decades this person can become a dollar millionaire. If the volume of the healer's work that he does with this person is put on trained people, he will simply tear them apart financially (in a positive sense, of course). And the inertia of the first good results is unlikely to be more than 5-6 months. For information: many rich people (perhaps it was a secret for you), use financial energy. Many secret societies, spiritual movements have in their arsenal methods of working with energy of a subtle plan associated with finances. For example, there are blocks of Masonic channels for working with monetary energy. Or in Judaism, there are directions that work for the influx of financial energy, etc. Now imagine you are entering a business without energy training. At the same time, most rich people use financial energy constantly (in meditation techniques, energy practices and in the use of energy channels related to financial energy, etc.). The world may not be what you are used to, and most esoteric financial knowledge is off limits to the uninitiated. It's like a closed, elite club. My experience shows that in the modern world it is possible to do business without the use of energy practitioners, but get ready for higher competition from equally positive and creative businessmen who may still work with money magic. Financial magic expands opportunities, gives additional creativity in different directions. The universe has an unlimited amount of resources - mental, creative, physical, etc., and everything depends on you. And to expand the channel of interconnection with the Universe (with one of its structures - money egregor) money magic, work with cash flows helps. The expanded channel provides additional opportunities, and remember the most important thing: money is a tool, but not the goal itself. Huge Beginner Mistakebusinessmen: they make money a goal, and this is the way to nowhere. Money is a resource expressed in creativity, creativity, cheerfulness, your uniqueness, communications, connections and opportunities. That is why I call money social energy. The more you have it, the more money or that resource will be that will allow you to enjoy sociallyth life in all its manifestations. A goal in the social sphere can be a comfortable, happy, carefree life, the joy of realizing oneself as a person who can do a lot, a pleasant feeling of drive from life, everything that your imagination is capable of. And money is a means to an end. Honestly, I deeply sympathize with people who live for money :). There are many things more interesting, they are qualitatively more interesting, especially (subjectively, of course) - spiritual growth. There is nothing better when you feel the beating of the Universe and the divine power in yourself, when you know: you are not alone, you are a part of it…. And this energetic dance can be called tantra, absolute, happiness ... In moments of connection, time disappears, you just shine .... And the universe is dancing with you. Many Sufi parables speak of dervishes (holy beggars), former shahs and rulers who, having abandoned their kingdom, became the diamond of being and spent the rest of their lives in ecstasy with the Universe, they no longer need money :). But in order to realize this, you must initially have a sufficient amount of money so that at a certain moment they become only one of the facets of being, the multifaceted dance of the Universe (since, unfortunately, poor people usually think only of them, with rare exceptions). Money magic to a certain extent allows you to get this resource when you are ready and all the variables in the higher-level formula are filled in by you. In this article, I did not touch on the varieties of money magic, practical advice for working with financial energy, since it was devoted to the general principles of financial growth and was based on my personal experience of self-realization in business. Close your eyes, feel the pulse of social energy, feel and see the prospects for your development in this area. Become successful, change for the better in all areas. Usually, for happiness (connecting parts), financial energy is also of great importance in modern society. We do not go to the mountains with you and do not live as hermits, ascetic yogis :). Live in a society, the main thing is not to evaluate it. Everyone in him can be happy, by himself, in the family in professional activities, in soul and spirituality. Everything depends on you. The universe is always ready to provide the resources you need.
A few practical notes on financial energy:

1. Business start: usually those who start doing business believe that starting capital is needed. They take a loan from a bank (or borrow money), and as a result - a debt, for example, to a bank + a collapsed business (it can also destroy families). You always need to start from scratch, this will motivate you to take action in the right direction. Credit money is an extra "burden" on the business and on you, which, moreover, can ruin your life. Better with a smile and gratitude to the Universe, without experience, from scratch (without borrowed funds), but using the practice of charging with monetary energy ... Most very rich people started from scratch or with debt. Charging with financial energy to strengthen the "formula" is desirable to carry out constantly if you want to achieve great results.
2. Financial energy is a kind of electrical voltage.

Each person is a conductor of a certain section, having a certain resistance. The thicker the conductor, the lower the resistivity of the conductor, the higher the ability to carry a higher current. Those. a current with a voltage of 6 kW will most likely not go into a wire with a cross section of 0.1 mm, the current will be so large that the conductor will simply burn out. And, for example, a current with a voltage of tens of megaVolts may freely pass through a wire with a cross-sectional diameter of 100 mm. I will give one more metaphor: if a dollar millionaire is given one billion dollars, most likely, the traffic jams will burn out, since the person is not ready for such a “stress”. He will have super-problems due to inexperience and ignorance in various areas - with taxes, banks, the state, etc. (since the problems associated with billions of dollars in capital are significantly different from the problems of a millionaire). Although for an ordinary person he is well versed in financial matters, such amounts are currently not available to him in aboutappropriation. In very simple words, if you give a homeless person 100 thousand dollars, he will also "burn out": at best he will be robbed or he will lose them, and at worst - drinking companions or simply "well-wishers" will take his life for such money. It is unlikely that he will be happy if he is given a package of money, or happiness will be very lightning fast, the traffic jams will burn out :). Accordingly, the passage of such cash flows through yourself is possible without consequences, if you are ready. We must step on and on gradually, without sudden leaps, sometimes even with pauses. The conductor must be prepared for the passage of higher electricity. To do this, businessmen go to trainings, meditate, study the latest technologies in various fields, master new financial disciplines, learn to plan and manage cash flows, work with monetary energy (to increase the "wire section"). And this process takes place constantly, throughout life. Of course, there are exceptions; a sharp inflow of capital can sometimes be beneficial. But these are, rather, isolated cases, and it is always better to be prepared than to hope at random. Well, if you are prepared, then the Universe will be ready to give you the necessary financial flows in accordance with your "conductor cross-section".

3. Monetary egregor is one of the energy-informational structures of a sufficiently high social level. I have given a generic name here, as in different cultures and beliefs it can be called differently. It combines all financial and informational relations associated with humanity - the global financial Internet. Its total energy-informational mass is limited at every stage of human development. You can, of course, print zeros on banknotes, issue "inflated" loans, but this does not reflect the real financial capacity of egregor. With an increase in the money supply, there is inflation, depreciation, defaults, world crises are possible, which shake people and bring them back to the capacity set in the egregor, reducing the bloated zeros. I am writing in this paragraph not about the structure of the egregor, all of the above are just metaphorical associations, but about the attitude to the egregor. The structure is very powerful and can "break" any person in the event of a tough contradiction to the ethics of the monetary egregor. The aspects are different, I will focus on the main thing: all financial instruments (cash, non-cash money, credit cards, securities, etc.) are his “children”, “daughters” and “sons”. Egregor is very jealous and takes care of his "children". Any, even the most insignificant penny is a part of it. And the attitude of egregor to you depends on your attitude, I'm not afraid of this word, to a penny. A lot of proverbs are associated with this (in Russian - they carry sacred information), for example: "A penny saves a ruble", "A ruble is chipped without a penny", "Money loves an account", "Copper money is more expensive than gold", etc. Take care of the egregor's "kids", read them, keep them, do not scatter them (except in cases of monetary rituals), and you will have a green light in business. You can relate to what was said abovethat is, ironically, but personal experience shows me that it works, and the egregor actually “monitors” the attitude towards himself through his “children”. Rich people usually don’t throw money (I’m not talking about shopping, shopping, pleasing to the soul, and other pranks). Very rich people are very thrifty (for example, if they are not given change, albeit a penny, they can create a scandal, while most ordinary people will not be indignant, wait for a penny; a rich person usually buys a car for no more than 1- 5% of his gross income, ie very prudently uses the money supply. This is a feature in relation to the egregor, depending on the finances of a person. Respect for the egregor allows you to get his location, and this is very important, especially in business. In other words , money is the result of the investment of people (who spend their physical, energy, mental and spiritual resources) sacrificing themselves to the egregor in different manifestations. Behind the money are specific people, concrete investments of people, and disrespect for the egregor is tantamount to disrespect for the human civilization with all the ensuing planetary and cosmic laws.Since here we go to the level of evaluating other people (respecting them or disrespecting them), and osition can cause not very good softwareconsequences. Respect yourself and others, as well as the monetary egregor (as a set of others), and your life will change for the better.

Working with a monetary egregor. I would not recommend direct appeals to this structure, even for those people who work with energy at meta-levels. This structure is very powerful and ancient, accompanying human civilization from the very beginning. Also, this structure is associated with power in its various manifestations. And pressure by the authorities is not always positive, and, perhaps, this is not your way. The inner world is much richer than the outer manifestations. Money egregor, on the contrary, is a very powerful external structure, and it has an indirect relationship to spirituality (the inner world of a person). It is needed for life in our society in happiness and harmony with society. And access to very subtle and ultra-subtle energies connects a person to deitiesforces, and these are the levels of implementation of a higher plan than socialnaya life. Accordingly, there may be an imbalance between your communication with the divine and the relationship with the monetary egregor. As a result, you may not realize yourself in business or reach certain levels of spirituality if you crave it. For the monetary egregor, special monetary energy practices are used (energy channels, frequency blocks, etc.), which allow you to establish contact with the monetary egregor through the necessarymediators of subtle energy of a certain frequency and spectrum. Working with superfine structures (meditations, exits to meta-levels), you communicate with yourher spirituality, you come into contact with the divine, there is no time for the financial component. Therefore, for the monetary egregor, special meditations are created that are associated with the work of monetary energy, but they have nothing to do with higher spirituality, but are a practical tool for realizing oneself in society. We use a hammer to hammer in a nail and gasoline to refuel the car. Different tasks - different implementation. I am writing this paragraph exactly as a practitioner, worksa person with a very thin plan, in this state, access to a monetary egregor is undesirable for the above reasons. If you want to be financially successful and, at the same time, make a powerful spiritual ascent, you can do different practices every day. For example, in the morning - practices for working with a monetary egregor, in the evenings - meditations, sessions that connect you to the divine Universe and open your inner world (spirit). The harmonious combination of various energies will color your life with the brightest colors, strong images of ecstasy and will allow you to feel successful in society. Happiness will come (the connection of different parts), since a person is initially a very harmonious creature with various options for realization. Various schools and directions have their own dedicated frequency spectra for working with a monetary egregor. There are also several energy channels in the Energy Age system for working with this structure. At the same time, as I said above, it is not recommended to work with a monetary egregor at the metalevel at superfine energies. If you succeed in this, you are worthy of admiration, it means that you have harmony in all areas, and your life is a complete fairy tale.
5. Everything in moderation. Money egregor is one of the parts of our life. There is no need to give all of yourself to serve him for life. You will miss something very important - spirituality, the ecstasy of being in the divine light of the Universe. There should be enough money with a margin, but this should not become a sport. There are so many rich but unhappy people who have committed suicide, it is a very sad experience. They missed life itself, its bright light behind the screen of material wealth. Be careful, businessmen. Business can be interesting as a creative realization, the growth of your spirituality, but not as a means of making money. Perhaps it will even be a training for your future projects in different areas, which will allow you to use the collected monetary resource to realize yourself in an activity for the soul. If you need this advice now, then you are a successful person and have achieved a lot in the social sphere. Just do not miss the life itself and the ecstasy of existence in the divine, the higher your spirituality, the more “fun” to live, the higher you go, the better, brighter, clearer the Universe. She gives bliss ... Don't miss it :)!
All these points, Dear reader of the article, I am ready to discuss on the forum on

Additional materials

Learn to quickly and correctly work with ENERGY OF MONEY

Learn how to unleash your FLOW OF ABUNDANCE and prosperity

Immediately start transformation at a deep level

We invite you to the advanced classes of the seminar "Cash Flow. Energy of Abundance", which consists of the following parts:

PART 1 - Cash flow. Energy of Abundance. How to solve the problem with money?

Money is a part of the material world, and it functions and interacts with you according to certain laws. Cash Flow - it can help you in development, or it can hinder, depending on how you feel about it.

Order 1 part of the seminar "Cash flow. Energy of abundance. How to solve the problem with money?"

PART 2 - Cash flow. Energy of Abundance. Practice.

It turns out that cash flow depends on how a person lives and how he acts. By changing yourself, working with your personality, changing your relationship with the world, you can change your flow. The physical body is the first to respond to changes in cash flow. The proposed practice will allow you to remove the deformations of your cash flow through the tips of your physical body.

Order part 2 of the seminar "Cash flow. Energy of abundance. Practice"

PART 3 - Cash flow. Energy of Abundance. Necessity and sufficiency criteria.

The lesson addresses the issues of Abundance, Affluence or Lack of Money and related problems. The practice of disclosing and activating Cash Flow is also being carried out.

Order part 3 of the seminar "Cash flow. Energy of abundance. Criteria of necessity and sufficiency"

PART 4 \u200b\u200b- Cash flow. Energy of Abundance. Activation. Role of Personality and Soul.

The personality, completing the lessons of the 3rd dimension, is interested in its own advantage in its growth in the strengthening of matter in a dense body and adjusts your actions to keep you in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower 3 chakras. The laws apply here: “take”, “I need to”, “take more”, “everything for me”, etc. The Personality lives according to these laws and thus does not give the opportunity to eliminate this imbalance in development and does not allow the Soul to move upward along the path of evolution. You will learn how to remove this and the skew from this lesson.

Order the 4th part of the seminar "Cash flow. Energy of Abundance. Activation. The Role of Personality and Soul":

PART 5 - Cash flow. Energy of Abundance. Materialization Lessons.

Materialization, as a process of achieving results and translating creative ideas, professional interests and business tasks into life, originates in the "subtle", energetic, metaphysical, ie. invisible ordinary vision, not manifested world and only at the last stage becomes visible in the "gross", physical, material world of forms. If you want to improve your state of affairs in creativity, at work or in business, to find out what affects your result and how you can improve it, watch this lesson.

Order the 5th part of the seminar "Cash flow. Energy of Abundance. Lessons of Materialization"

PART 6 - Cash flow. Energy of Abundance. Practice Materialization of Desire.

We continue to consider issues related to the materialization and the results of your actions, they are a consequence of your intentions and desires. The ability to distinguish true desires from selfish ones, the ability to go in stages from idea to implementation and the ability to see and feel the material result in your life is a whole art and a lot of work that deserves attention and respect. This practice and meditation will be focused on building a path, creating the necessary and sufficient conditions for identifying and fulfilling your true desires.