Nine years of family life. Huge selection of gifts for a faience wedding

There is one year left before the round ten-year date, 9 years have already been lived together. Or just 9? The union of loving people has already stepped over the thresholds associated with such seemingly durable materials as wood, cast iron, tin, zinc, copper. And suddenly, when very little is left until a decade, before the tin wedding, faience floats up as a wedding theme!

The same material that can be found in every home, in the kitchen and in the bathroom, simple, ordinary and at the same time so fragile! Hit it harder, and the earthenware object is smashed: plates fall to the floor in the heat of a quarrel, and you won't last long with a cracked toilet ... How is that?

Delicate fragility or sweet stability?

Before talking about what is customary to give for the ninth anniversary of living together, let us recall two main versions of the origin of the name of a faience wedding.

The first is associated with the fragility of this material when handled carelessly: nine years together is enough to know each other's weak points, but you can hit them in an unfavorable set of circumstances! Many psychologists consider the 9th year of living together as a kind of test, a crisis, after going through which the spouses will learn to handle the faience of their relationship more carefully, which will allow it to be transferred to a more durable phase.

The second version is more pleasant, because it connects the familiarity of earthenware with the stability of warm feelings, the romance of everyday life: joint evenings over a cup of tea, family dinners, splashing in the bathroom ... And the dishes are beating mainly for luck! In addition, according to popular beliefs, faience has a beneficial ability to absorb negative energy, emitting positive energy in return. So, maybe, after 9 years, it's time to renew the family's faience reserves, saturated with old grievances and misunderstandings, with new, energetically clean ones?

One chamomile, two chamomile ...

Since the anniversary of 9 years from the date of the wedding, in addition to faience, is often called a chamomile wedding, let us pay attention to this cute and modest flower. It lacks the royal splendor of the rose and the mystery of gerberas. A bouquet of daisies is not a pretentious store composition, this is summer, pure impulses of youth and the eternal question "loves - loves not" that the couple asks themselves again, 9 years later ...

So gifts that carry a "chamomile" component will be as relevant on this day as earthenware.

The 9th wedding anniversary is not always celebrated brightly and magnificently, after all, the date is not round, but a sweet surprise and a sign of attention will never be superfluous. Welcome for ideas for inexpensive gifts for your 9th wedding anniversary!

Gifts for your beloved wife

Asking your wife to choose a new dinner service will be a great excuse to spend the day together, and a wonderful wedding anniversary gift.

Well, if you intend to present her with any surprise intended to please her personally, then here several "faience" tips:

  • a dish item, but not ordinary, but interesting, intricate, for example, a gravy boat, a tureen bowl, a salad bowl, a teapot, a stand for boiled eggs;
  • a beautiful cake dish;
  • ceramic box (you can put a new piece of jewelry in it, for example, a pendant or a ring);
  • original jewelry containing faience (earrings, medallion, pendant);
  • earthenware stand for rings and beads;
  • candlestick;
  • watch;
  • statuette;
  • faience figurine-amulet;
  • jug for drinks;
  • perfume or cream in a ceramic bottle or box (only if you know your spouse's tastes);
  • a new vase: let him put in it the bouquet of daisies you donated, because you have not forgotten about it?

Well, if your wife appreciates romance, you can use sanitary ware for a gift by arranging a bath with champagne or rose petals for your beloved! Some SPA salons also offer this service, that is, you can present a corresponding certificate. And it is more pleasant to use this gift together.

"Chamomile" gifts:

  • a bouquet - a must, does not need comments, add a card with the words: "Don't guess, I love you, and it is strong!";
  • cosmetics with herbal extract;
  • a new dress with a camomile print or embroidery;
  • flirtatious robe or apron "in daisies";
  • fashionable sweater;
  • a comb painted with daisies (you can find it at the hand-made craftswomen);
  • handmade soap in the shape of a flower;
  • phone case, wallet with a pattern;
  • form for cake, cupcakes (beautiful baked goods will turn out!);
  • a tray painted with flowers;
  • a set for needlework (embroidery, beading, decoupage, etc.) on the theme of daisies;
  • decoration in the form of a chamomile (brooch, earrings, bracelet, pendant).

Surprises to my adored husband for 9 years of marriage

For an attentive spouse who remembers that the 9th wedding anniversary is coming, the wife will be pleased to choose a gift in the faience theme of the holiday:

  • beer mug;
  • a new cup (it is possible with a creative - a congratulatory inscription, an original picture, there are even chameleon cups);
  • aroma lamp (and in the evening apply as directed!);
  • ceramic talisman (you can take into account his zodiac sign or patron animal);
  • for smoking men - a faience ashtray, there are also such pipes;
  • chandelier with faience lampshade;
  • award statuette or goblet ("For the best husband", "For the most beloved man", or come up with an inscription to your liking);
  • earthenware keg for jam or honey (if the spouse has a sweet tooth).

If it's time to update your plumbing, you can just time the purchase of a new sink or toilet bowl on the occasion. Say, unromantic? But it will be remembered, and every time you wash your hands, your wedding anniversary will be remembered. If the spouse is not alien to a sense of humor, you can present him with a souvenir toilet bowl.

And you can make your man truly happy by installing a urinal in the bathroom especially for him: proven by many opinions! If your son is growing up, you can be sure that this item will not be superfluous!

Chamomile can also become an element of a gift for a man, if you approach the issue creatively:

  • photo wallpaper (and you will enjoy the updated view of the room together);
  • "Chamomile of wishes" - make a beautiful flower. on each petal of which a wish is written to a loved one;
  • a cup with daisies (two holiday themes in one gift at once);
  • a set of gingerbread cookies baked in the form of flowers (bake yourself or order for craftsmen);
  • good chamomile tea;
  • decorate with daisies using decoupage technique or paint with acrylics some of his tools, for example, a drill or screwdriver (or buy a new one as a gift and decorate);
  • if the husband is an amateur gardener, he will be delighted with chamomile seeds of beautiful shades or seedlings of some rare variety;
  • bring your loved one breakfast to bed, decorating ordinary sausages with scrambled eggs in the form of a chamomile bouquet.

Congratulate a nine year old family

Close people invited to celebrate the 9th wedding anniversary or remembering this date will want to choose a gift for friends, combined with a faience or chamomile theme. Most often, their choice falls on the dishes. A wonderful, worthy, appropriate gift, there can be only one "but": it is better in advance consult among themselves so that the spouses do not receive several identical things or similar sets. After all, the services can be different: tea, coffee, dining rooms, an author's service can become an exclusive gift.

And what, besides dishes, can you present for a family from faience? Here are some interesting ideas:

  • a decorative plate, wall or on a stand (you can order a drawing based on a photo of a couple, write congratulatory words or just a stylized number 9);
  • faience figurine, sculpture, composition (upon request, artists can create a composition that resembles any significant scene from the life of a spouse);
  • a picture of faience (and it may have daisies on it - you will get a "2 in 1" gift);
  • decor for the room (panels, wall compositions, etc.);
  • original piggy bank;
  • ceramic housekeeper;
  • a couple of tea (you can pick up very interesting cups for two);
  • a beautiful egg "under Faberge" (you can store wedding rings in it, for example).

Chamomiles can also be a great topic for those who have not decided which gift to choose for 9 years of marriage from loved ones:

  • money in an envelope decorated with a “jubilee” flower;
  • cake decorated with mastic or cream daisies;
  • big picture;
  • bed linen with an appropriate pattern;
  • blanket, bedspread;
  • sofa cushion - "chamomile";
  • coasters for glasses or cups;
  • a large set of "Chamomile" sweets (a bouquet of sweets or handmade caramel in the form of a flower);
  • festive tablecloth;
  • a new set of curtains.

If you want to really surprise the spouses, then you should pay attention to the gifts-impressions: this will be a pleasant variety in their stable, but perhaps sometimes monotonous life. After all, this is what the holidays are for! Leisure companies undertake to organize almost any pastime.

And it is not so difficult to "tie" such a gift to the theme of the anniversary:

The nineth anniversary of living together is a wonderful date, only a year remains until the first round anniversary, and the materials that are dedicated to wedding anniversaries are becoming stronger and more precious, like the relationship itself.

Of course, it is not necessary to give gifts only "on the topic", strictly following the letter of tradition. The main thing is warm and sincere attention. But how interesting it is to show your imagination and choose the right, useful, original gift, and even related to a specific topic. Choosing a gift becomes like an exciting game with certain rules. Treating the choice of a presentation not formally, but with a drop of the soul, you will get no less pleasure than those to whom it is intended.

Love each other, do not forget to delight with cute surprises, bringing into life as much joy and warmest feelings as possible!

The ninth anniversary of married life - a faience wedding - is popularly considered a controversial stage in the life of the spouses. However, despite different opinions, this holiday is another happy date in the life of a couple, which should be celebrated taking into account age-old traditions for a happy joint future.

In the popular rumor, 9 years of marriage are called a faience wedding. Some argue that this date is a difficult time in the life of the spouses: at this time, family relationships are fragile to match the material. Others are inclined to believe that the years lived are like strong brewed good tea in a faience teapot and have the same power. Faience is a confirmation of a well-coordinated life, because high-quality dishes are made from this material.

Signs and traditions of a faience wedding

The ninth anniversary is usually celebrated in a small family circle. In summer, it is preferable to celebrate this date in nature. Guests at the celebration must be present at least nine people, so that further life together is happy.

Another name for the anniversary is chamomile, so the husband should present his wife with a bouquet of these flowers. Such a gift will become a symbol of care and love and will bring happiness to the family.

According to legends, spouses cannot part on this day, so even a trip to the store should be organized together. This tradition is based on the fact that nine years is a time of crisis, and it must be overcome together, supporting each other in everything.

In the old days, girls invited to the celebration wove wreaths of daisies to give them to their wife. Such gifts promise a woman health and beauty, so the gift will be not only pleasant, but also useful for the female energy.

The spouses can support the tradition and jointly purchase a new earthenware set. It is placed on the festive table so that the guests wish the spouses happiness, love and mutual understanding during tea drinking.

Gifts for a faience wedding

Usually, on the ninth wedding anniversary, the spouses are presented with earthenware sets, figurines and products made of crystal, glass and porcelain. It can be jewelry, dishes, cute knick-knacks.

The spouses can exchange elegant printed mugs. On this day, gifts can be not only symbolic, but also expensive. Spouses can order a set of jewelry consisting of earrings for the spouse and cufflinks for the husband. These gifts will serve as a reminder of sincere love and desire to support each other in any situation.

Rituals for family happiness

For prosperity and happiness in later life, the spouses take out all the old earthenware dishes from the house and beat them. This ceremony strengthens the relationship and relieves the couple from troubles and failures. Shards of dishes are kept in a box as confirmation that the couple decided to start life from scratch without quarrels and conflicts.

The second rite is also aimed at strengthening the relationship in a couple. Before sitting down at the festive table, the spouses alternately break nine earthenware plates, holding on to the bottom from the edges. They symbolize the years lived together. Then the couple kiss, and the guests count down to nine together. The couple collects the fragments and throws them away so that there is no place for strife and troubles in their family.

Married life is about relentless work on relationships. To make your home cozy and comfortable for living together, use amulets that will not allow negative energy to spoil your relationship. We wish you love, and do not forget to press the buttons and

13.06.2017 07:05

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Valeria Zhilyaeva

Many families regularly celebrate the anniversary of their marriage. If your friends or relatives decide to spend this day with loved ones, the invitees have a rational question - what to give the family. Finding a thematic present is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You should not postpone the choice of a gift for relatives or friends on the back burner, but it is better to think about it in advance.

What original gift to give young friends for a faience wedding anniversary?

A gift for a faience wedding should not only be necessary and useful, but also symbolic... Another name for a faience anniversary is a chamomile wedding. When choosing a gift, you can build on these two components of the holiday.

A gift to friends should definitely come in handy and bring a lot of positive emotions

If your company is always full of jokes, and all are very positive and cheerful people, then you can choose a cool gift for your friends for a 9-year wedding anniversary. Here are some interesting options:

  1. Earthenware with images of friends... Buy a white dinner service and print good photos of a couple on it. You can choose a photo from the wedding day or moments captured during their life together.
  2. Faience aroma lamp and a set of essential oils... Such a gift is suitable for creating the right atmosphere and, probably, will even contribute to the renewal of the intimate life of the spouses.
  3. Paired figurines... Souvenirs are not always boring. Make figurines depicting your friends and present them with wishes for a long life together.
  4. Bed linen with daisies or family photo prints... A practical gift option. If you show your imagination, you can come up with something unusual and funny as an image on bedding.
  5. Set for sculpting and decorating dishes... Invite your friends to make themselves a themed gift. Such a present is very symbolic, because the spouses themselves are the creators of their future and relationships.

These are far from all the options that can be given to young people for a faience wedding. For example, one of the great options for a themed gift is a picture of daisies. However, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the interior of your friends' house.

Use creative gift options young friends. Give them the opportunity to experience something new together. For example, it can be a certificate for a pair skydive, scuba diving, extreme driving, etc.

Whatever your gift, complement it a bouquet of daisies or gerberas for the mistress of the house. Delicate flowers will come in handy at any time of the year.

What can you give spouses to each other for 9 years of marriage?

On this memorable day, the spouses should not deprive the other half of the attention. Even if a noisy celebration is planned in the circle of relatives and friends, you should not neglect the time that you can devote to each other.

Mar 14, 2018 12:05 pm PDT

You can present a piece of jewelry, a piece of clothing or dishes. Be sure to add a bouquet of daisies to the present. The spouse should generously give his wife compliments and words of gratitude and, if possible, help with household chores.

Also, should not be limited to only tangible things. It is much more pleasant when an atmosphere of love and care reigns in the house, and the spouse does not skimp on words of gratitude and sincere confessions.

Spend at least part of this day together. A great option would be a romantic walk or a light dinner that spills over into an unforgettable night.

Gift for 9 years of marriage - a set of dishes

What to give children for the ninth faience wedding anniversary?

Before such celebrations, parents are often at a loss in choosing a suitable presentation. Many people prefer to give money with the expectation that the children will figure out what is more important for them to buy. This is true, but in such a gift there is no manifestation of care and attention.

Money is a good gift. However, more joy in the addressees will be caused by a present chosen or prepared especially for them.

So, what can you give children for 9 years of wedding? There are many options:

  • kitchen appliances- coffee grinder, blender, mixer, kitchen scale, microwave oven, multicooker, etc.;
  • Appliances- TV, washing machine, air conditioner, etc .;
  • crockery- sets of plates, tea sets, tureens, salad bowls, portioned baking pots, sets for storing bulk products;
  • home decoration- a painting, table or wall clock, furniture or interior items, etc.

A good gift for celebrating a marriage anniversary - themed cake. This delicious treat with an unusual and thoughtful design will please everyone present. In addition to the sweet present, you can separately order chocolate figurines of a married couple.

  • If your kids love or plan to do flowers, give them earthenware flower pots... Such a gift will add comfort to the house and will definitely be used by the spouses.
  • A relevant gift for children will be plumbing... Of course, provided that they have been planning to update it for a long time. It is worth talking about such a present in advance and giving it if the children agree.
  • The most welcome and unexpected gift from parents to children is impressions. What is meant? Give your spouses a long-awaited vacation... This can be a ticket to a sanatorium or another country, as well as tickets to a theater, concert or circus.
  • If you do not have such a financial opportunity, volunteer to sit with your grandchildren so that your children can be alone for a few days. Such a gift will definitely be appreciated by a husband and wife.

A present for the spouses on the ninth anniversary - a figurine

Original DIY gifts for the 9th faience wedding anniversary

How much warmth and care are in handmade gifts! Any present in which the donor invested his labor will be more valuable and more pleasant than a thing made by a soulless machine on a factory conveyor.

Make an atmospheric gift with your own hands. Such gifts are always highly appreciated.

DIY gift ideas for a married couple for 9 years of wedding can be as follows:

  • a photo collage depicting not only a married couple and their children, but also everyone who has been with them for all these nine years;
  • photo frame made of wood or plastic and decorated with various elements;
  • poster with wishes - a sheet of Whatman paper with wishes to the family, their photographs and other decorative details;
  • photo album for storing family photos.

These are not all possible ideas for a gift made with your own hands. In this matter, one should rely on your skills and imagination... For example, you can embroider a picture as a gift, knit garments, or bake daisy-themed cookies.

Any gift made with your own hands is valuable. Especially if it is individualized and made exclusively for the recipients.

Start preparing for your faience anniversary well in advance. It is better to take care of the choice of a gift for a married couple in advance than to do everything at the last moment.

Whatever your choice, be sure to think over the wishes of the family. Usually, spouses want to continue to love, appreciate and respect each other. Of course, everyone will not fail to add the wish to celebrate the golden anniversary of the creation of this family union in a few decades.

January 23, 2018 5:27 pm

A wedding is the most important day in the life of every couple in love. It is on this day that they create their own family and begin a new story - the story of a new family. This memorable day warms the soul of any really happy family. Therefore, a kind of tradition has appeared to celebrate an anniversary every year after the wedding - a kind of family anniversary.

Name of the 9th anniversary of living together

Each year of married life has its own name. Each date receives its name based on some specific material (for example, wood, paper, silver) and on the basis of the duration (term) of the marriage. If, for example, this is the first or second anniversary, then the material with which the holiday is associated is fragile (paper). It is believed that in the first years of its existence, the marriage is still very fragile and not strong.

As for longer marriages, when the spouses have already checked their relationship, experienced a lot of joys and troubles together, then the material with which is associated is already much stronger.

9 years from the day of "X" are usually called faience or chamomile. As everyone knows, chamomile is a flower that has long been associated with love. Young girls are always guessing for love using this flower. Also, chamomile is considered a symbol of summer, warmth, sun and fun, therefore this symbol means that the life of the spouses is close to its prime.

Along with chamomile, the 9th anniversary is called faience. Everyone should be aware that faience is the material from which the dishes are made. Most people use this kind of tableware every day. Thus, the earthenware material and, accordingly, the earthenware wedding anniversary means a symbol of constancy, reliability, everyday life and the well-organized family years of life. Due to this semantic meaning, such a date is considered a kind of transitional border to a permanent and stable life. Undoubtedly, each year of life together is important for a husband and wife, but 9 years is already a more significant step in the life of a married couple.

Gifts for a faience wedding

Of course, since the date has an association with faience, any earthenware products can be presented to spouses:

  • various kinds of earthenware souvenirs;
  • figurines;
  • earthenware sets;
  • decorative earthenware plates to order, where the names of the spouses, the date of the wedding and possibly a wedding photo can be written.

The second symbol of 9 years of life of the spouses is chamomile, so you can give a pot of chamomiles as a gift. This kind of gift will surely cause delight and emotion among the “heroes of the occasion.
In addition, on this day, the spouse can give his wife a bouquet of daisies, which will be very symbolic on such a day.

Traditions of celebrating wedding anniversary and congratulations to spouses

Congratulations on such a joyful day will most likely come from relatives and close friends, since it is close people who remember such a date. On the day of the wedding anniversary, "heroes of the occasion" can organize a holiday, where they will invite only the closest ones and share their joy with them.

Each year of the celebration of living together has its own traditions. The 9th wedding anniversary did not go unnoticed. It is not for nothing that the 9th anniversary is called a faience wedding - on this day, in order to consolidate the marriage bond, spouses are advised to break earthenware dishes for good luck. Surely many people know that dishes are beaten for luck. On the earthenware anniversary, it is the earthenware dishes that should be beaten as a sign that the spouses have experienced all the hardships of family life and now a new stage of relations (mature relationships) is open to them. In addition, by breaking the dishes, you thereby break up all the resentments and disagreements that existed before. Guests who have come to the spouses with congratulations on this day can be involved in the process of beating the dishes. The smashing of dishes with the guests is organized in the form of a competition game - who will break, for example, a plate faster. Thus, you will not only keep the tradition, but also entertain the invitees.

If there are misunderstandings in the life of the spouses, they are advised to break the dishes with which they have lived all these years, and replace it with a new one - earthenware. Such a ceremony will thereby renew the relationship and give them another chance.
The spouses should not only receive congratulations about the guests, but also make them to each other. On this day, once having decided to tie their fates, people should remember how dear they are to each other.

As a congratulation, one of the spouses can prepare and perform a song dedicated to their soulmate. However, the main congratulation is attention, love and care, which the spouses should give each other not only on the day of the anniversary, but also on simple “non-holidays” days.

Congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary in verse

    Fragile, but beautiful, rich in faience,
    You have not missed a valuable chance -
    Have suddenly grown in numbers, financially
    And we got to the wedding, to the faience!
    Here is such a beauty in the world,
    If love and kindness rule them!
    Stay exemplary
    Cheerful, wonderful, wonderful!

    Nine years is a long period
    For a married couple
    And today the clay is fired
    I will remember and you will remember.

    Your faience wedding -
    Ceramic Union.
    And of course there is no chance
    That I won't get drunk today

    I'm not coming home with cancer
    That I'll fall asleep already inside ...
    So congratulations on your new marriage
    Those who are three times three !!!

    The wedding is coming
    Yours on this day.
    Faience meets you,
    Everyone can see it!

    Expensive but fragile.
    It's faience!
    And handsome is creepy.
    This world is for you!

    Many cups were broken,
    But the shards are immediately hidden.
    After quarrels, they always made up,
    You rallied even more.

After four metal anniversaries - cast iron, zinc, copper and tin - the turn of the faience wedding came. Nine years lived could make the family's life cheerful and happy, despite the difficulties that fell, or could create cracks in the relationship. Let's try to understand: 9 years of wedding - what kind of wedding?

Symbols of 9 years of wedding

This anniversary has two symbols: chamomile and faience, as well as two opposite interpretations of the last symbol.

  • Chamomile has long been associated with summer, sunshine, warmth and love. Which of the girls did not guess on the love of their chosen one on chamomile petals? But on the day of the chamomile wedding, the bouquet of these flowers should remain intact, because the years lived together have already answered the question - he loves it or not. From this day, family relations symbolically flourish.
  • Faience is a material that is created from three types of clay. By this time, there are usually at least three people in a family: husband, wife and child. Most types of everyday dishes are made from faience. Optimists argue that with each day they live together, the family becomes stronger, and family relationships are like a faience cup filled with strong aromatic tea - a symbol of a close-knit and friendly family. Faience is stability and well-equipped life. The opposite version considers the ninth year to be a turning point in the life of the family, because at this time the divorce rate rises. The fragility of the relationship is reflected in the sayings about a broken cup that cannot be glued together and the donation of fragile dishes made of faience, porcelain and crystal.

Facts and traditions of faience anniversary

Since earthenware consists of several types of clay, it has the ability to absorb the negative energy of food and the environment, and instead release positive energy. This is what makes it necessary to thoroughly wash the dishes and periodically replace them with a new one that has no negative history. A short time under running water cleans the dishes, but not completely. To completely “erase” the energy, you need to hold clean dishes in the sun for at least 12 hours. After all, it was not for nothing that in the villages they hung pots and jars to dry on the fence in the summer - thus, the dishes acquired the necessary properties. Nowadays, dishes can be held on a balcony or loggia.

Apparently, the subconscious desire to "reset" the energy of the family gave rise to the tradition of celebrating faience weddings in a circle of very close people, if possible in nature. The most memorable and fun tradition is crockery breaking. It allows you to get rid of the negative energy accumulated over the past years. There are several options for this action.

  1. Beat all the old earthenware dishes that are in the house. By breaking the boring sets, the spouses, as it were, get rid of unforgotten grievances and unresolved problems of the past life. The shards from the first plate are folded into a beautiful box and kept as a family heirloom. New dishes, donated on the day of the anniversary or purchased together, seem to renew family relationships, making them more stable and strong.
  2. You can arrange a competition by connecting other married couples to this entertainment. The conditions are very different - on the desire, who will break the required number of plates faster, who will have more fragments, etc. The only indisputable condition is that only old dishes should be broken.
  3. The festive feast begins with the spouses breaking nine old plates, holding their edges together. Guests at this time count out loud. After all nine plates have been broken, the young exchange a kiss, which must also end when the count is nine. The shards cannot be removed before the end of the holiday, so it is advisable to break the dishes in a place where they cannot be stepped on.

Another tradition is the cleaning of the shards: the spouses have to do it together. The friendly sweeping of the fragments will once again prove that the past years of family life have rallied and strengthened this union, and there are many years of a happy life ahead.

If during the wedding the bride was tested by her or her housekeeper, then on the day of the faience wedding this test can be repeated. While the dishes are being beaten, they scatter trifles, and then they look at what the subject will do first - to collect money or clean up the trash. This test can also be turned into a fun competition - which of the spouses will collect the most money or shards. Whoever has more money is the owner, and whoever has the fragments is the keeper of the hearth.

Gifts for 9 years of wedding

Of course, on this day, it is customary to give all types of faience - from a tea mug to a faience bath or sink.

  • They give tea and dining sets, simple everyday dishes, figurines and decorative plates with beautiful pictures. Any, the most ordinary dish, can be made exclusive if you put on it a photo of the spouses or their entire family.
  • The dishes can also be made of glass or crystal, but then it is advisable to pack it in paper with the image of daisies.
  • A classic gift is Gzhel. This beautiful faience will keep the memories of celebrating the ninth anniversary of life together for a long time and will add special comfort to any apartment.
  • Flowers, of course! A bouquet of daisies, presented by a spouse, will prove without any guesswork that he really loves. The daisies presented by the guests will become a symbol of sunny relationships in the family, which will not be overshadowed by any quarrels.

When handing over your gift, wish the couple a strong and sunny relationship, but at the same time do not forget about their fragility, which can destroy what was created by a careless word or action.

9 years of marriage have passed. What kind of wedding is up to the husband and wife: the safety of the family depends equally on both spouses. There are porcelain sets that were created centuries ago and still have not a single crack. So let each union be like such a service!