Federal Fund of Orphans. Search and selection of a child for adoption

As it turns out, a federal data bank on children who remain without parental care is an impregnable fortress. People who have learned to get into it are units. In general, it seems that FBD is created - specially closes from all possible candidates for adoptive parents and guardians.

In any bank, there is always working hours: you can come to the separation from 9 to 18 hours, dinner from 14 to 15, something like. There is nothing like that in the FBD. There is only this.

This page on the site Adopt the point of the RU, where you can (if you are very lucky) to make an appointment in this very fbd.

I do not know what is happening, but only I have with a dozen living examples, when people have been spending a few weeks to sign up in this most FBD. And unsuccessfully! A fluent survey of adoptive parents on the Internet revealed only one woman who was really in this FBD, and with which "one and a half hours were held", which made an indelible impression on her.

All the others, no matter how they tried to sign up through this form - could not in any way.

What is the problem?

I think that the main problem is that this system does not work. Well, just: everything does not work. Whether it is because it is incorrectly done, or because the staff is incorrectly used. Well, there can be no such that at 10:03 there was no record yet, and at 10:04 - it was not already. What, in one minute (or less) all the slots were busy? I do not believe. Most likely, just buggy software, eh?

Banks of data on children - where many modern adopters start looking for their baby. However, in order to use them fully, it is necessary to understand how this system works, on which principles is based and what opportunities it provides.

About the system itself

So let's think about how to be those who decided to go to such a responsible and serious step like adoption. Children's orphan data bank is a full-fledged assistant. To ensure the opportunity to arrange every child left without parental care, he must receive the official status of a orphan. This is the first condition. If native parents have written a refusal to their own child, it can be taken under custody from this moment or adopt. We must admit that not all the children have the status of orphans, but all because they are still in legal connection with their parents. How this may be, you ask. Everything is very simple: the biological mother of the child can serve the punishment for the perfect crime, why it is impossible to deprive her rights from a legal point of view. Even if her is not interested in the fate of his child at all, she does not write letters and does not visit him, she legally still continues to remain his mother. Under the same condition, all those children, whose parents have been deprived of rights, but at the moment the period has not yet expired during which they may appear the court's decision.

Only after the child will assign the status of the orphan, a personal matter will be headed, after which the child will be enshrined at the regional guardianship authority at the place of its registration. From now on, the child can be adopted and take under custody. The district investigation department is given a month to find a new receiving family for the baby. As practice shows, in most cases, especially if a child over three years old, it fails. That is why, after a month, all information about the child is transferred to the regional bank data bank. To adopt a child, this is a real chance. If after another month of finding data about the child in this database, so it will not be possible to find a new family for it, the information will be transferred to the federal value data bank.


Children's data to the adoption by the Bank of Regional and federal, accumulate and collect information about children. If we talk about how these banks work in practice, it is necessary to recognize that their update does not happen with that regularity, with which one would like. That is why quite often it happens that the child has already been adopted, and he still continues to be listed in the database as a potential candidate for adoption. The database is updated only once a week, and in the regions and less frequently.

What it threatens to potential adoptive

First of all, the search for a child require a considerable amount of free time, moreover, it is a complex psychological test. Many potential adoptive parents still at the preparation of the entire package of documents regularly visit data banks, look at the guys, maybe already tied to someone from children. The adoption procedure itself is quite long and complicated, sometimes accompanied by difficulties, therefore stresses and experiences certainly not to avoid. And only imagine: the parents finally decided all the questions with the guardianship authorities, received the right to act as adoptive parents, have already chosen the child, and at the time of receipt of the permit on a date they learn that he was already adopted.

It is possible to avoid this only if you keep yourself from the preliminary views of the child information about the child, but to make the collection of all documents that will allow you to apply for the adoption of the child. Data bank, photo and information about each kid will be available for you only after you are officially allowed to adopt the baby.

Some potential adopters with some skepticism belong to the information that is specified in the Children's Bank. Indeed, in newspapers, on television indicate information about beautiful healthy babies, and it is enough to open a data bank, how exclusively sick children come across hard, responsibility for the life and the upbringing of which you are not ready to take over. There is an opinion that officials do not specifically post information about healthy babies, holding it for foreigners. However, you should not believe these rumors. The reason is again obvious - insufficiently frequent update of information.

Communicate with officials correctly

This topic is not quite pleasant, but still needs consideration. Not in all organizations and instances that need to be visited by potential adopters, they are taken welcome. Unfortunately, in our country it meets everywhere. Potential adopters often face rudeness, negligent attitude, are forced to listen to a lot of discontent and respond to questions that have nothing to do with their work. At these moments, you need to remember your true motive - the desire to adopt the child.

In some areas, potential adopters must queue for the ability to view the database. You first need to appear on the reception, go through the procedure for consideration of documents, and only after that wait for the moment when you get access to the database. Yes, complex and responsible is the process - adoption. Data bank, photo kids - what you still have time to do. The main thing is aiming for the result, study all regulatory acts regulating the adoption procedure for children.

The regional database operator should introduce all potential adoptive parents with children's data within the framework of the requirements that they impose. If we talk about the requirements, then remember what they are softer and loyal, the higher the chance to find a baby. In fact, no one limits you, ask the criteria for finding the necessary and necessary, primarily for your family.

Come on the care of the state, currently not solved completely. Although in recent years, thanks to the support of the state, a positive trend on the adoption, the design of the guardianship or the definition of children in the adoptive families, still many kids expect their parents in orphanages, boarding schools and shelters. To help potential adopters, a federal data bank of orphans and children left without parental care was formed.

FBD feature

A federal data bank is used to accumulate and summarize information posted in regional children's registration systems, which requires a guard. In addition, it is collected in it that registered on these resources. Its systematic update allows people who decided to take the baby to the family, to search both in their field and in other regions.

In practice, it looks like this:

  • After receiving the official status of the Syarota, which is necessary for any actions relating to adoption, information about him is sent to the district OOP (the department of guardianship and guardianship). For 30 days since the arrival of the personal case, the baby, the local OOP should take measures to find a family to the child. If it fails to do, the information is sent to the regional structure of the guardianship.
  • Territorial OOP places information about the child in the database of its region, and also search for adoptive parents. After 30 days, if the searches were not crowned with success, he must provide information to the federal bank of these orphan children.

It is important to know that the transfer of data to the kid to the higher authorities does not mean that local guardianship bodies stop attempting to find a reception room. Therefore, there are often the situation when potential guardians, or people who choose the baby for adoption, addressing the local OUP, find out that he has already gained his parents. To avoid such cases, parents who have already passed the adoption procedure, advise to start the search from local or territorial data banks at their place of residence (or in another region).

FDBD replenishment

At the moment, replenishment of information about children of orphans in the FBD occurs about twice a month. However, the update of information already posted in it is not systematically produced, as a result of which potential guardians can be misleading about the actual status of the child (it is possible to adopt it, take under custody or transfer to the reception family, and perhaps he has already gained his adoptive parents ). The appearance and age of the child in the photo and in life can also differ significantly (since the photos are updated even less often).

Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Science has developed a draft order regulating the frequency of correction of information posted in the database.

Now in the child's profile, the following is displayed:

  • the name and initial letter of the name;
  • residence place;
  • gender, age, anthropometric indicators;
  • brief description of character traits;
  • the only thing is a child or there are minors brothers and sisters;
  • the reason for making a database;
  • the photo.

Perhaps after the entry into force of the ruling, the situation will change for the better. The ministry proposes to place information about the reasons for the loss of parental care, the existence of blood relatives visiting the child in the children's institution and have a desire to pick it up into a family. In addition, it is planned to introduce an obligation to update photos of kids, according to their age, from 1 to 3 times a year.

What is required from adoptive parents

Before using the services of a kid search database, future parents should collect a package of necessary documents, on the basis of which the OOP will decide on permission to adopt or refuse it.

These include:

  • a brief autobiographical reference;
  • information from the place of employment about the position of guardian and its income over the past year (the same applies to the spouse participating in adoption);
  • information on registration and / or documents on ownership of housing, certificate from the management company about the absence of debts for paying utilities;
  • certificate from the ATS that the potential guardian has no conviction;
  • conclusion of a medical examination of the health of the adopter;
  • marriage registration document (copy);
  • a copy of the testimony confirming that potential parents attended special psychological and pedagogical courses for adoptive parents;
  • certificate of a pensioner and an extract from PF for adoptive parents, whose main source of income is pension payments.

The period of the listed documents is 12 months from the date of issue (except for a medical certificate, which is valid for 6 months).

Sequence of actions in adoption

There is a certain procedure provided for by the Family Code of the Russian Federation in the design of guardianship, or the transfer of a child in a foster family.

1. Decision of the Adoption Commission

Appeal to the OOP at the place of registration with a request to give consent to adoption can be submitted with the personal contact of this institution, or with the help of the IFC or the portal of the State Service. At the same time, all the necessary documents are applied to the application.

For 7 working days from the time of receipt of the application, employees of the OOP produce an assessment of housing conditions, analyze the motives for adoption, the quality of the applicant's personality, its ability to care for the child and other criteria that can affect the decision on the provision of guardianship or adoption.

It is important to know that applying in electronic form, the applicant must subsequently submit to the OOP originals attached to it documentation. Otherwise, their absence can be the basis for refusing to establish guardianship or adoption.

Based on the assessment, the OOP is no later than 10 working days from the date of signing the act of the examination, an end to approval (refusal) of adoption. In disagreement with the decision of the OOP, the applicant has the opportunity to appeal it in a legitimate manner.

2. Child search for adoption

With a positive decision of the Commission, within 3 days from the date of its adoption, potential parents are recorded in a list of persons entitled to adoption, and access information about children to which it is required.

The OOP authorities are given a direction to a children's institution, where the child chosen by adoptive parents is currently being. Such a direction is valid for a month and assumes that other potential parents in this period will not communicate with the baby.

If future adopters failed to find a child in their regional database, they have the right to apply with the same goal in the OOP of another subject of the Russian Federation or take advantage of the services of FBD children orphans.

The use of a centralized database expands the capabilities of potential parents when looking for a child. Having studied the information provided on the FBD website, guardians can online to check for a visit to the federal operator for a more detailed acquaintance with the questionnaires of children. It is important to know that the questionnaire requires a personal presence of candidates for adoptive parents. In addition, it will be necessary to present confirmation documents (passport and the decision to approve adoption).

Potential parents are acquired in the process of adoption of the right and obligations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Advanced rights:

  • obtaining comprehensive information about the baby (its real parents, the circumstances preceding the status of the syrotium, existing relatives, burdened heredity, etc.);
  • implementation of an independent medical examination of the adopted child (with the participation of the educator / teacher of the child's institution).

Advantage duties:

  • meet and establish communication with the baby;
  • carefully examine documents;
  • in writing, confirm the fact that you are familiar with the conclusion of a medical examination regarding the health of the adopted.

By adopting a weighted decision to establish a guardian or adoption, future parents move to the last stage.

3. Submission of a court decision

To recognize the adoption of a certain child legitimate, potential parents should apply with the relevant request to the district department of the court at the place of stay of the kid.

The judicial authorities should be obtained from local OUP documents confirming that adoption occurs on the basis of the interests and rights of the adopted child. As a result, the verdict is made on the recognition of the fact of adoption, which leads to the entry into force of the rights and responsibilities of the participants in the process in relation to each other.

After that, parents personally take the child from the children's institution (upon presentation of a passport and a court decision) to transmit it to a new place of residence. In the course of 3 years since the court adopted, the decision on the adoption of the OOP is obliged to monitor the conditions for residence and education of the adopted child.

Summing up

The decision to take into the family of the child is a very serious and responsible step requiring marginal honesty when evaluating their strength and opportunities. And, first of all, it concerns not material, but the moral costs of the upbringing of the baby, regardless of whether he is native or the reception. By itself, the adoption procedure, with its bureaucratic obstacles, the control of the OOP, the problem of choosing a "his" child is a difficult psychological test. But if there is no doubt about the correctness of its solution, if there is a willingness to pass all the tests to the end, it means that in the world will be on one happy baby more.

Stories of adoptive parents usually begin with phrases: "And then we saw our sunshine ..." And about what preceded the meeting with the baby, most people do not like to tell. The search for "his" kid is a psychologically very complex process, and remember or talk about it just hurts. However, potential adopters make sense to prepare for possible problems in advance. Although it is not so easy to do.

When my husband and I were told about the desire to adopt the child, he told me one phrase: "I like everything in this idea. But choosing a child both on the market is scary." I, I have to say, missed his words by ears. Like, what can you do? It is inevitable, this system works like this. However, in fact it turned out that it would be better for a meeting with this system to prepare, to understand how it works and in what psychological traps you can get.

A little about the system

I will try to explain the "on your fingers" how the system is arranged in which there is information about orphans.

In order for the baby to be arranged in a family, he should get a orphan status. If parents abandoned the baby officially, it can be adopted, take care of a custody or in the foster family. However, many children of status do not have, since they still have a connection with blood parents. For example, bioming is in places of detention, and it is impossible to deprive it, even if she did not visit the child before that, it was not interested in his fate. Or the child's parents just have just deprived of rights, and the period has not expired during which they may appear the court decision, "draw up." In these and other cases, the kid can be taken under a custody or in the family reception.

When the baby receives the status "is subject to a device in a family," he appears his personal case and attach it to the regional care guardianship of that institution in which he got, i.e. Children's home or child's house. During the month, the district guardianship should try to arrange a child in a family, and if she failed to transfer information about him to a regional data bank (for example, from the region's guardianship in the Moscow region near Moscow region). If this operator does not find new parents within a month, he is obliged to transfer information to the Federal Database Bank www.usynovite.ru

Important! The transfer of data on the child to the superior organization does not mean that the district guardianship or regional bank ceases to take care of its device in the family. It is also important: a regional or federal data bank has the right to give you the direction to visit the child, but he will still coordinate this issue with the district care: Suddenly the child has already started visiting, contacting the area directly? Suddenly, bioming decided to recover in my rights? Control calls to custody in this situation protect both the adopter and a child from severe stressful situations.

Bank banks

The function of the regional and federal bank is understandable: to collect in one place information about children. However, in practice, information and its update is delayed. As a result, in large banks, they may not know that, for example, the child has already received the status for adoption - and they still have to be subject to only care and guardianship. Thus, if you browse the questionnaires of children "with an adoption sight", you can lose sight of some kids. Or, that the child is visited by potential parents - people who establish contact with the baby, but the consent has not yet signed. The base of children is not updated daily, but once a week or less depending on the region.

What happens to a potential adopter in this situation?

First, the search for a child is a psychological test in itself. Many in the process of collecting documents are viewing regional or federal bases and are already mentally tied to a specific child in photography. And this is understandable: the decision is made quite difficult, the procedure stretches, the person has to worry and do at least something that brings him to the future kid. However, by the time the potential parents have a package of documents, the baby is already may be arranged in a family. This is a serious stress.

It is possible to avoid it only if we will force yourself to get away from a particular child: not to view the base, do not draw myself exactly the baby in my life, do not come back since about a photo in the newspaper from the section "I am looking for mom and dad". Many adoptive parents passed through the experience of the disappointment of the "child who took someone else" - in these moments it is worth remembering that it is your baby will certainly wait for you. Mysterious stories are familiar with adopters, when various kids took from the child's house, and some completely wonderful, almost a healthy child could not wait for her mother, although there was no objectively in this. Or someone has fought for a long time with officials, rushing the design with the documents, received a delay, what is called "in the exact location", and then found a baby, who had the status for adoption exactly when Mom had all the papers - and get She's them before, they would not meet. Apparently, adopted children, like relatives, appear in our life, not by chance, and fate dispose of us correctly.

Secondly, many of the data applied to regional banks simply cannot understand where children. On TV show wonderful kids, the newspapers print pretty faces, and in the bank (sorry for cynicism). Sick children or children from large materials families you are not ready to adopt. There are rumors that officials "hold" children in the interests of foreign adoptive parents, but it is not. Just because of the Voloktics about many children, information is not updated, simply on the ground, good specialists from OPEC are arranged to the kids in the family on their own, just quite often the child's health data is given in the form of dry facts, without amendment that the baby who survived the deprivation, It simply cannot develop normally - therefore the list of diagnoses may be worse than the real picture.

Communication with officials

It is unpleasant to write about it, but sewed in the bag do not hide. Not in all instances of adoptive parents are waiting with outstretched arms. It happens so that you come to the data bank and get into a strange atmosphere: as if you came to ask the state a million dollars for personal needs. They are extremely negligible, ask questions outside the framework of their own competence. In this situation, it makes sense to remember his rights: you have a passport with you and the conclusion of the district guardianship that you can be a candidate for adoptive parents is enough. Your personality, details of personal life, motifs of adoption, etc. The operator does not concern. You have the full right to personal questions not to answer. And what exactly should not be done, it is to feel guilty, and this often happens to those who adopt a child because it cannot have their own children, and at the same time more than once in the process of collecting documents was forced to explain with officials of various instances. I once had to keep a couple of hands and talk to them: "Guys, you are completely normal, remember this. The desire to raise a child is the most important thing."

In some regional centers, you need to queue for viewing a database: that is, you first come to the reception, your documents are pickyly considered, and only after that assign a date when you are allowed before viewing the database. Moreover, the viewing time is limited by the operator's conditions, and not your desire and capabilities. To this, too, you have to be ready and survive the moment that the search for a child turns into a computer game for attention and speed.

Obviously, the efficiency of the operation of officials is measured by the number of profiles shown. Therefore, the database does not allow, for example, to exclude from viewing the questionnaire of children with severe disabilities, etc. - All this together with the photos you will see and speak "on", "Next, please." A visit to the Regional Center because of this turns into a situation where you can imagine how many children in disabled children in this region, and see it in the faces. To this, too, you need to be prepared - the test is not for the faint of heart. Just give yourself a setting and immediately present it to the operator: it will not be able to close the questionnaires, and you will talk to yourself: this is not my child, I'm looking for my child. How to forget that there are hundreds of children who are unlikely to find a family - I do not know. But when you find out your crumb when you build life with him, the sharp feeling of this horror will gradually dispel.

People with aggravated linguistic lights need to be prepared and to the local slang, which can injure them. Often sick kids whose profiles will still be displayed to you "to a heap" can be called negligently, the process of finding a child to call "selection". "Who next to the selection here? Did you write on the selection?" If possible, skip past the ears - you learned how you ignore the wonderful slang of domestic gynecologists from the series: "How many years do you live?"

Perhaps it is!

The regional operator or in the district guardianship candidates for adoptive parents are obliged to acquaint these children who comply with its requirements. You can say about the requirements: than they are softer, the greater the chances to find a baby. However, you have the right to look for a child exactly as you want - everyone has their own way: one person says "any, more or less healthy years to five", the other - "only a fair-haired boy to six months." But everything ultimately find their children. This is the main thing, and reflect on the topic "Do I formulate correctly" correctly.

So, you must provide maximum information about the children who are interested. In regional banks, it is more scarce, since it is sent in the form of a dry form, which reflects the main facts of the biography of the child and the conclusion of the state of health. In the guardians of many children, they personally know, support contact with a child's home or a kindergarten, maybe with you to make a call and ask any question to the leadership of the orphanage is important.

There is a completely reasonable question: how to communicate with those who own information about children? What to ask? What to pay attention to?

  1. Age and floor. It all depends on your desire. Give recommendations from the side is a completely meaningless occupation. It is believed that the receiving child should not be older than the native, if such already is. However, there are examples of successful adoption and contrary to this rule.
  2. Information about status and biosemem. In guardianship, these questions are responsible for extremely clearly. How did the child appeared on adoption? Will there be any obstacles from other blood relatives (for example, a biological grandmother may not be able to take a child under custody, but goes to visit the child's house)? Simply put, whether you have problems in court.
  3. The state of child health. This is the thinnest moment. Perhaps there is not a single child who would be completely healthy. All children have a delay in mental and physical development - and this is completely normal. The question is what caused this delay? Try to learn the story of the life and development of the child. For example, it is completely natural that the baby who has a weak health is poorly developing intellectually - it is constantly in the insulator, even with the staff and other children it is not seen, not to mention the fact that no one pays attention to him, as happens Family. Naturally, he will lag very much and very much. In general, "Delay in Development" is not a reason to abandon this particular child. Many consistent adopters know how many diagnoses simply "evaporated", it was worth the kid to get home to the house. At the same time, in the homes of the child, of course, there are many children who have really gross pathologies, which will not be fully heal.

Roughly speaking, if a child is all right with the status and there is no disability, you still have to look at it with your own eyes and, sorry for the pathos, to make a conclusion for yourself: Do you believe in it or not. Because the child in the children's institution is so depressed, the life of a small little man is so unnatural, so contradicts what is really necessary for the development of his personality, that a malfunction in development is the norm, but to understand how the baby will develop in the future - almost impossible. It is true only one: better than in government agency.

At the moment when you decide whether to make the direction to meet with the baby, you are in power of strong emotions. First, you are very sorry for the crumb - every of the children-orphans have a heavy life story, everyone wants to give love and warmth, before each we feel a little to blame just because we are big, and everything is not so Bad, and they are small, and they have nothing and nothing. However, remember that one ecstatic feeling will not help you take the right decision. Therefore, in advance, be prepared to pause. We received information about one or more children - take a timeout on the day to digest this in my head and decide: to take or not take the direction. Get a direction - Take a timeout to go to get acquainted with the child in calm condition.

If you decide, you will be given a direction for a child visit. Usually it is valid for a month, at the end of which you must make a decision and report on custody. At this time, other wishing to be given to the adopters to meet with the child will not be.


The author of the article "Respect and Reshuha". We thank God, have already found our babies. We are from Moscow, children found in Rostov on Don. All that the author described is complete and unconditional truth. It seems that all officials work under the capital. I would have added that the employees of the guardianship and the regional operator in Moscow, and in the Moscow region, we constantly told us: "Normal children in Moscow will not find. Try happiness in Siberia or in the Far East. In Moscow, there were only very patients or "black". Mda, fascism with Russian nationalism in Russia, this is not a myth, but a reality, even in such matters as adoption and guardianship, try to emphasize, Russia for balobams of Russians, and all the rest .... "black" and "yellow" let them disappear. And, by the way, we found our babies with "southern" blood, not through the splady apirator, but on the Internet, on the official site. Good luck, terpernia and again Patience, and everything will be fine.

And everyone himself decides that he can, but what no ...
In my opinion, the author just wanted to convey emotions of regret, a person who cannot take a disabled person, and therefore leaf faster further ...

And about the pension of 3,000, then there was a topic on TV with a deputy on social issues, I was surprised by a comparison of 20,000 and 3,000, the mother of the child prone to suicide was outraged, which she could not leave one at home to go to earn money, and on prof The nurse, not to earn and I had to mom, the child to give it to the boarding school that it would be possible to earn gifts, no one of the studio dare to condemn her. There was one question, would give my mom retirement at 20,000 rubles, she did not have to send a child to the boarding school ...

The deputy was able to comment only in this way: "It turns out if the child leaves at home, it means that the parents have the opportunity to educate it" ....

I do not see any categorical! The article has no statements: "Week this" do not do that ", there are no short sentences, there is a brief description of emotions and actions. Not on the first person, because a person helped other parents whose experiences were also used.

Personally, as a person who has not yet established himself in the decision to accept someone else's child, any information is interesting.

The place where is described about children with disabilities, and what else can you experience in addition to pain and regret what you can't help?
I will give an example, as a fact, for the disabled in the institution a sum of 20,000 rubles is allocated in the institution, and in the family, the child will receive a pension to 3,000 rubles. Whatever care for the child is disabled, it is necessary to not work and have a permanent care! You do not get it in the kindergarten! Will you leave one one!

Causes some doubt of the approval:
\u003e, but actually coordinates?! I have not noticed. I noticed another - guardianship, etc. I do not like Reg. and Fed. operators, they pay reciprocity.
\u003e What is true that they do not hold?! Where such confidence?
And the rest of the article is positive. IMHO. Only it would be to expand, add moments of examples from adoption (guardianship) of successless without delays and not successful with rudeness and with "kicking" by instances.

Good article: Delicious and timely. It is written in order to morally support adoptive parents and impose hope that everyone will find their child. It did not seem to me that the author claims the lawyer's laurels, it is not expressed categorically, simply draws attention to some points. The main thing is that sets up a constructive approach. And if a person is confident in his right time, it is easier for him to hold on with dignity and calmly delve into legal subtleties, he can independently. Thanks to the author!

It would be nice to get acquainted with the laws before we take for writing articles with legal recommendations. The direction is not a month, and 10 days. For example, for newborns, which are taken because they imitate pregnancy, a month for one of the candidates is too much. Other statements of the author are subjective and dubious. It would be better to rewrite it - change everything "you will see" on "I saw", and as a sample of personal experience and personal perception can still be tolerable.

The human life can not be called full, until he brought up a healthy child to continue the kind. This simple rule is laid out by nature, and no current trends can change the program installed at the genetic level. If the pair does not have the opportunity to start his own child, there is a way out of this situation - the adoption of other people's kids left without parents.

Legislative Advancement Adoption in Russia

Each boy or the girl remaining in Russia without parental care falls under the observation of guardianship. Kids are needed medical and psychological support. Depending on the age, children are distributed in special educational institutions where orphans live. From the maternity departments of children are sent to the child's houses, at a three-year-old, kids are translated into orphanages, shelters, boarding schools, social and rehabilitation centers for further adoption.

Nevertheless, no matter how well the work of social services was organized, children's shelters will not be replaced by a full family. The main task of the state consists in the right organization of the process of adopting orphans with careful control and selection of candidates for the role of new parents.

The main requirements that are presented to the candidates:

  1. Stable financial position. The family's income must provide the cost of all its members, taking into account adopted. The living area of \u200b\u200bthe family is estimated taking into account the possibility of a comfortable stay of the adopted child.
  2. Physical and mental health. The absence of hazardous chronic diseases and disability is confirmed by a medical certificate. The adopter is not allowed in accounting in psycho-neurological or drug treatment dispensaries.
  3. Lack of criminal record in both spouses or the facts of deprivation of parental rights. It is necessarily taken into account the previous experience of raising their own or adopted children. Return a reception child back to the state means to close the further adoption possibility.
  4. Successful training at the school of adoptive parents (more in the article :). The direction of training courses can be obtained in social protection bodies. Adsid parents can choose a course independently or on the recommendation of social workers. After training, a special certificate is issued.

The custody bodies carefully study the entire package of documents and decide on the possibility of a candidate to adopt the child from the orphanage. If the solution is positive, you can start choosing a baby and get acquainted with him.

Where to find a child?

Search for children It is recommended to start with the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place of residence of the couple. The state structure has all the operational information on the orphans that need adoption on the territory accountable to them. According to the established regulations, local authorities give 30 days to the child's device, after that they send information to the regional data bank (RBD).

If for some reason, adopters want a child from another region, they can contact the regions of this region or to the regional data operator. In the Russian Federation there are no restrictions on the territorial sign - spouses from Arkhangelsk can easily find a child from the Samara Data Bank or Vladivostok.

It is very convenient to look for a child on the Internet resources, which publishes photos, video recorders and orphan catalogs, today is very popular video edom. The most famous information resources:

Federal Children's Data Bank without parental care and orphans

In the Federal Bank of Data (FBD), official information was collected about all children left without care (we recommend reading :). Currently there are about fifty thousand children who are waiting for adoptions. Questionnaires and passports can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - www.usinovite.ru.

The personal data of the kids contain the following information:

  • name, gender, child birth date;
  • physical characteristics, growth, weight, hair color;
  • child health information;
  • possible form of reception in the family;
  • reasons for admission to an orphanage;
  • actual photo.

It should be borne in mind that the last item is updated no more than 1 time per year. Detailed information is protected by the Law on Protection of Personal Data and is provided with personal access to the relevant services. On the site you can find the contacts of responsible organizations and employees.

Objectives of the data bank

The main goal of the federal data bank is to simplify the potential adoptive parents to search for them on all criteria for the child, reduce the time of children's stay in the orphanage, create a single catalog in need of guardianship to the baby. Data updates occur every time a adopted happy child finds a new family. The base is replenished upon receipt of new questionnaires from regional structures. Taking advantage of the resource capabilities, you can save time for personal visits to specialists.

How to use?

By specifying the necessary search parameters, you can select all the profiles of kids you can adopt today. To get information about the child and to meet him personally, you can only contact the coordinates specified on the site. Each, until the adopted child, is fixed behind a certain care department.

By the time of applying for a particular candidacy, parents should have the conclusion of the guardianship authorities on recognition by their suitable for adoption. The responsible employee gives a visit to a visit to the educational institution, which contains a child.

After a personal meeting and acquaintance with the kid, potential parents are determined and decide on adoption (or adoption). If their expectations justified and the heart suggests that the child is suitable, at the next stage you need to give a statement to the court to consider the issue of adoption. The court decision is the basis for registration of documents in the registry office and the translation of the child from the orphanage to the place of permanent residence.

Non-state charitable foundations

Non-state organizations and associations that help to adopt or adopt adopted child have increasingly aid to the state. Their main advantage is the ability to make high-quality, deployed video and video robes, convenient for use of Internet resources. Base funds are not so complete as government, but the quality of the information provided is significantly higher. In addition, they create additional services for future adoptive parents, communities for interest, interactive address maps, useful information libraries.