How to properly bathe a newborn for the first time at home and why regular infant hygiene is important. Bathing your baby: FAQ

The attitude of the baby to water depends on the behavior of the parents during the very first bath of the child. If everything is done incorrectly and rudely, then the little man may forever have an injury and even a fear of water. So, it is important to know how to bathe a newborn. Especially the first time.

Many children are very fond of splashing, remember how cheerfully children play and laugh in the pool and on the beach, and with what joy they run to splash.

Parents should prepare in advance. After all, this is a responsible event for everyone: babies, moms and dads.

And in order to avoid daily tears before each wash, you need to remember a few important rules, which we will now discuss.

Fundamental rules

Bathing the baby on the first day after discharge from the hospital should not be. Parents have nothing to rush to accustom the child to water, and even more so to wash often.

The first bath of the newborn should be postponed until the umbilical wound on the tummy is healed.

Until then, the body of a newborn is simply not ready to meet the bacteria and microbes that live in water, even boiled. Bacteria will constantly get into the wound on the navel, and it may not heal for a long time.

  • Bathe the baby in a special bath, which is small in size and will always be clean.
  • Be sure to boil the water. This should be done at least during the first month of a newborn's life. Many of the bacteria that are found in tap water are killed if the temperature rises to 80-100 degrees, so washing will be safer for your child.
  • To wash the baby, the water must be heated to 37 degrees. This temperature is considered comfortable. If you notice that the baby is uncomfortable, you can reduce the degree to 36.6. In order to determine the temperature, it is advisable to use a thermometer. Although the grandmother's folk method with the elbow also works.
  • When taking a bath, it is convenient to use a special slide or a small children's hammock. This useful device allows parents not to stand for 20-30 minutes in a bent position and frees their hands.
  • For daily washing, do not use detergents. Bathe your newborn with soap and shampoo only once every 7-10 days.

Perfumed soap and aggressive antibacterial agents are prohibited. Special shampoo, gel and soap are ideal, it is useful to use a bathing cap for babies.

  • Supplements should be used with caution and infrequently. Our mothers and grandmothers are sure: newborns must be washed in water with the addition of a decoction of chamomile or potassium permanganate. However, pediatricians do not advise adding anything, as such additives greatly dry children's skin. If everything is in order with the skin of the newborn, then it is recommended to bathe in ordinary boiled water. And in case of diaper rash, it is better to add a little elecampane, a decoction of a string.

The tips are quite simple, and as a result, your child will not only not be afraid of water, but will also fall in love with bath procedures very quickly, and the first bath of a newborn will be easy.

Items that are needed

Each parent should prepare a list of items that you need to have in order to successfully wash your baby.

  • bath;
  • Thermometer;
  • A small bucket, a container with a handle to water the newborn while bathing;
  • Baby soap. One that does not sting when it gets into the eyes;
  • Beanie;
  • A soft cotton pad, a napkin to wipe the face of a newborn;
  • Comb, soft hair brush;
  • Baby powder;
  • Scissors: cutting a baby's nails is an important process;
  • Cotton swabs in a box, separate pieces of gauze;
  • A small rubber pear, with which it is convenient to suck mucus from the nose of a newborn;
  • Pre-made linen fabric mittens that are pleasant to the body while washing newborns. Such mittens should be boiled, at least after the first water procedures.

Basic actions

By repeating these actions often, parents will quickly remember their sequence. However, when the first bathing of a newborn is planned, every mother experiences excitement and she can and even needs to be told what and when to do.

  1. Fill the baby bath with warm, boiled water.
  2. Take the newborn in your arms and gently place it in the tub. It is important to do this slowly so that the baby is not scared. For the very first bath, the baby should be wrapped in a light diaper, it will gradually get wet, and the body will adapt to an unusual environment.
  3. If there is no hammock or slide, support the child with your left hand. Grasp the body so that the hand holds the shoulder farthest from you and hold the armpit with the palm of your hand. Your wrist should be under the back of your head. With the other hand, hold the baby by the butt. So the baby will definitely not slip out of your hands.
  4. If this is not a daily wash, then you can soap the baby. You need to start from the neck and gradually move to the legs. Then wash off the foam and only at the end wash your hair. The cap will prevent soap and shampoo from getting into your eyes.
  5. When washing is over, the child can be rinsed with warm clean water, which is 1 degree lower than the water in the bath.
  6. After the bath procedures, wrap the baby in a soft towel and dry the body with light movements. No need to rub the child. In order for moisture to be absorbed, you can use a well-absorbent towel or diaper.
  7. Before putting on a diaper, first dry all the folds and sprinkle them with a little talcum powder so that there is no diaper rash.

Hardening the baby

In addition, it becomes easier for the baby to fall in love with water, get a charge of joy, improve health and get even closer to their parents.

It is equally important to properly bathe a newborn in order to harden him.

You will need to have several items:

  • Regular large bath.
  • A small rubber ring around the child's neck.
  • Thermometer.

A special inflatable ring can be purchased at a children's store. This device is worn around the neck and supports the head while washing over water.

The long-awaited little man appeared in the house. Parents waited for the appearance of their child for 9 months. We prepared in advance: we read books on upbringing and care, bought diapers and undershirts, consulted with doctors. Taking a small helpless child in their arms, adults have fear and fear of harming the baby. The biggest concern for parents is bathing a newborn baby.

Mom and dad are afraid that the child will slip out during the bath. There are many questions about how to wash a newborn baby. What to do so that bathing brings benefits and joy, and does not scare the baby? It must be understood that water procedures, including bathing, are a very important part of care that affects the physical and psycho-emotional state of the baby.

For comfortable bathing of the child and the convenience of parents, it is necessary to purchase a bath and special accessories that facilitate water procedures. Some doctors advise bathing the baby in a large bathtub, where the baby has more room for movement. And yet, it is better for a newborn child to buy a special baby bath.

The procedure for bathing a baby in such a bath will not be difficult for young parents. In addition, in a container for children it is easier to control the condition of the baby, to hold it. Currently, there is a huge selection of various types of bathtubs:

  • Classic baby bath. Comfortable for baby and mom. Pretty safe option.
  • Anatomical. It differs from the classic version in the presence of special protruding parts corresponding to the physique of the baby. Very suitable for babies up to 3 months old. Later, the bath will have to be changed, as the grown-up baby will knock on protruding parts while bathing.
  • With an antimicrobial coating containing a special antimicrobial additive "microban". This additive destroys more than 95% of harmful bacteria on the surface, it does not “wash out”, it remains active for the entire service life of the bath, which does not need special disinfection. If an infant has sensitive skin or allergic symptoms, an antimicrobial bath is best.
  • "Mom's belly" This type of baby bath is widespread in European countries. In Russia, such baths are not yet very popular. Outwardly, it looks like a pot-bellied, wide bucket. The baby in such a container is in the form of an embryo, which helps to reduce stress from the procedure.
  • Thermo bath. The built-in thermometer is also a stopper for draining water. Built-in container for liquid soap or shampoo. Sometimes there are two such containers. The thermometer is located in such a way that the child cannot pull out the cork.
  • Inflatable - a good option for a summer holiday. Such containers require thorough disinfection.

After the bathing bath is selected, it is worth considering the additional accessories that are required for this water procedure:

  • A special slide or hammock for a baby bath that keeps the baby in a reclining state, with a raised head.
  • Jug or ladle with a lid. Before starting the procedure, fill the container with water from the bath, and set aside a little. During bathing, the water in the jug will cool down a little and it can be used to rinse the baby. Rinsing with slightly cooled water is one of the elements of hardening.
  • Water thermometer, if the bath does not have a built-in device.
  • Bathing products: baby shampoo, soap, oil for the delicate skin of the baby.
  • A piece of soft cloth or sponge.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate.

The use of herbal infusions

Often, parents are interested in how exactly to bathe a newborn in herbal infusions?

Herbal infusions for bathing babies should be used strictly according to the doctor's indications. If the child is healthy, then the use of herbs can be harmful to his health.

Indications for use:

  • Increased or decreased muscle tone.
  • Disturbances in the nervous system: anxiety, capriciousness, irritability, as well as restless, interrupted sleep, frequent non-stop crying.
  • Reduced immunity, which leads to frequent illnesses.
  • Problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: frequent colic, regurgitation, flatulence.
  • Diaper rash, sweating. Skin rashes and diseases: eczema, dermatitis, allergic rash.

Medicinal preparations and herbs affect the functioning of many body systems, not only when used internally, but also when used externally. The baby is not immune. In a little man, body systems that are defenseless against external adverse factors are just beginning to form. Be sure to consult a doctor, do not make rash decisions that can harm the baby.


  • Period before and after vaccination.
  • The manifestation of an allergic reaction to medicinal herbs.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Any damage to the skin: wounds, scratches, ulcers, diaper rash, wet eczema.

If there are contraindications, any baths with medicinal herbs can harm the child. If the pediatrician has prescribed therapeutic baths, then specify which herbal infusions can be used. The doctor, depending on the diagnosis, will advise which herb to use for your child.

  • Chamomile is one of the most popular medicinal herbs. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, and also used to correct muscle tone and relieve skin irritations.
  • A series - to eliminate the causes of seborrheic crusts. It is also used to treat almost all types of skin rashes and diseases.
  • Soothing: valerian, motherwort, mint, lavender.

There are herbs to treat colic and problems of the reproductive system. How to brew decoctions, make infusions, how much to add to the bath - do not solve all these questions yourself. Be sure to check with specialists so as not to harm the baby.

When can you swim

Ensuring the cleanliness of the baby is one of the important tasks of caring for the baby. It should also be clean in the children's room. Every morning of a newborn begins with hygiene procedures. Mommy cleans the eyes, ears, nose, wipes the baby's body with wet wipes or a soft, damp cloth.

Through the navel, an infection can enter the baby's body, cause a disease. That is why, for about 10 to 14 days, doctors advise not to bathe the baby in the bathroom until the umbilical wound has healed: wiping is enough. They wash the babies under a tap with running water, holding on one hand, and with the other they direct a stream of water in the direction from the genitals.

The benefits of bathing

Bathing a newborn baby is not only about ensuring hygienic cleanliness. This procedure has a huge impact on the psycho-emotional and intellectual development of the baby. During bathing, all muscles relax, hypertonicity is removed, large motor skills develop, and the body hardens. All nerve receptors respond positively to the aquatic environment. The baby's motor functions are improving. Positive emotions, vivid impressions - all this has a positive effect on the nervous system.

The baby is less naughty, sleeps more soundly. The water relieves pain caused by colic in the abdomen. The emotional closeness of the child and parents during bathing creates the prerequisites for the successful socialization of the crumbs.

You must select a specific time. Each family chooses the time of bathing itself, taking into account the peculiarities of the baby's daily routine, and taking into account the interests of adults.

Several requirements must be met:

  • You can not bathe immediately after feeding, so that the baby does not burp.
  • The child should not be hungry during the procedure, otherwise he will be capricious.
  • Most often, the procedure is carried out in the evening, before the penultimate feeding.
  • For children with pronounced hyperactivity, bathing has an exciting effect. For such children, it is better to schedule the procedure for a day.

First bath

Finally, the umbilical wound healed, and the doctor allowed the baby to be bathed. The attitude of the child to this type of water procedure often depends on the first experience, so prepare in advance. Consider step by step how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time.

Getting ready for swimming:

Bathing procedure:

  • So, everything is ready for the bath. Undress your chest. Let the baby lie down quietly for a few minutes, take air baths. Make a light massage, gently stroking the arms, legs, tummy of the child.
  • So that the fool is not afraid, put on a thin diaper. The fabric will gradually get wet and envelop the body: the baby will be cozy and comfortable.
  • Gradually lower the child's legs into the water, with one hand holding the head and shoulders, and with the other, hold the child by the buttocks. So you fix the baby, and he will not slip out of your hands.
  • The water should reach the top of the baby's chest. The head lies on the elbow, for example, dad. The first bath lasts no more than 3 minutes. When the baby is dipped into the water, the process begins.
  • Gently wash the face with a cotton pad without soap. First wash the body, moving from top to bottom. Lather the body of the baby with your hand or a soft cloth.
  • The head is washed last. You can lather the head, and wash off the soap from the forehead towards the back of the head so that the detergent does not get into the eyes, and water into the ears.
  • The baby at this age does not move much, so thoroughly rinse all the folds of the neck and perineum. Unclench your fists, wash your hands.
  • Rinse off the soap and shampoo carefully. To rinse, remove the baby from the water and place it upside down on your left hand. Rinse your baby from a nearby bucket of prepared water. Place a soft towel over the top and wrap.
  • Do not dry the skin with a towel, as it is very thin, and a rough towel can damage it. The child is simply blotted with a thin cloth, the skin is allowed to dry. After bathing, on the folds and folds, lubricate the skin with baby cream.

The first 6 months the procedure should be carried out daily. The time gradually increases from 2 minutes to 30 minutes. After the first procedure, young parents are already more confident in their abilities. Now you can play a little with the fool in the water: raise and lower the legs and arms in turn. Be sure to talk to the baby when you bathe him.

While dad is holding the child in his arms, mom can unclench her fingers in her fist one at a time, while telling a rhyme or a nursery rhyme. The baby responds well to a calm, familiar voice.

After swimming

After a properly conducted process, the child is in a good mood, he is tired and wants to sleep.

The first fears and doubts of parents disappear after a few days. But kids know how to surprise adults. Sometimes parents complain that the baby loved to swim, and now constant tantrums. To understand how to properly bathe a newborn baby in a bath, sometimes it is enough to observe his behavior.

  • Adults often make the water hotter, forgetting that babies have almost no thermoregulation system. The foolish can feel comfortable at a water temperature of 30 - 32 degrees. When a mother, following the instructions from books, achieves a temperature of 37 degrees, such a “colder” water lover will throw tantrums, cry, break out of her hands.
  • Shampoos and detergents should not be used more than 2 times a week. If the baby is healthy, the skin is clean, then do not be afraid to wash the baby with plain water.
  • Some parents carry babies with them to the bath. High humidity, intense heat in the bath - all this can lead to overheating of the body of a little man. It is especially dangerous when adults, in order to harden a baby, cut a hole in the ice, and after a hot bath they dip the baby into ice water. This type of hardening is available to big guys, but not to babies.
  • Boys and girls should be bathed according to the characteristics of their genitals. Wash the girl in the direction from the genitals to the ass. This is due to the not fully developed labia, through which an infection can enter the vagina. For boys, it is important not to open the foreskin so that the fusion process does not begin. The genitals must be washed with plain water, without using shampoos.
  • How to properly bathe a newborn baby can also be found in groups of young parents who share their experiences. In such groups, you can get advice backed up by practice.

Children's fears and their causes

If after some time the behavior of the baby changes dramatically, it is possible that he was frightened. Talk to your doctor or review your behavior and your child's behavior.

  • The baby often slips and falls in the tub. The reason may be in an uncomfortable bath. You can correct the situation by placing a diaper folded several times on the bottom.
  • Refuses to wash his hair. Perhaps one day the shampoo got into the baby's mouth. Wash your hair with plain water for several days to calm down the baby. Subsequently, take a little shampoo and make sure that it does not get into the eyes and mouth.
  • Afraid to go deeper. Tries to jump out of the water. The reason may be that he once took a sip of water in the tub. To correct this situation, pour less water. Distract with conversations, songs, when adding water from a jug.
  • Parents speak loudly and harshly, quarrel while bathing. The fool catches intonations, a nervous mood is transmitted to him, as a result, the baby begins to be afraid to swim.

Most of the fears of children that have arisen before water are associated with the inattention of adults.

Babies love swimming. It gives the crumbs the joy of movement and allows parents to complete the toilet of the child. This is extremely important for his well-being and the prevention of skin diseases. The skin of a baby is more sensitive and delicate, its acidity (pH) is lower than that of an adult, therefore it is difficult to resist the effects of bacteria and fungi. Easily occur scuffs, diaper rash.

Also, children's skin contains a lot of water and little fat, which facilitates the penetration of harmful substances into his body. These features dictate the need for daily bathing, especially for children in the first six months of life. The water procedure, accompanied by cheerful conversations and songs, will not only harden and strengthen the child's immunity, but also establish an emotional connection with parents.

When to start bathing

You can bathe healthy full-term babies every day immediately after discharge from the hospital, while trying not to wet the umbilical wound so as not to cause inflammation, or after the final healing of the navel, when all the crusts disappear (on average, this happens in the second or third week of life). If you decide to wait for the navel to heal, during this period, wipe the baby's skin, especially the folds, with a cotton swab moistened with warm water and baby soap, then wash off the soap with another cotton swab and blot moisture from the baby's body. Which tactic is better to choose is up to you. For complete confidence in the right choice - consult a pediatrician.

If you decide to wash the baby immediately after discharge from the hospital, use boiled water for this. It is prepared and cooled to the desired temperature in advance. To disinfect water, use a solution of potassium permanganate. Dissolve a few crystals completely in a glass of warm boiled water. From the resulting solution, add a few drops to the bath until a faint pink hue appears. Be careful not to add too much solution, it can dry out children's skin, and cause burns in high concentrations. Make sure that the unhealed navel does not sink into the water, and immediately after bathing, blot it.

After the umbilical wound has healed, it is not necessary to boil water for bathing. The bath is filled with ordinary tap water at the required temperature. It is not recommended to wash a child every day in herbal decoctions, mineral salts or a solution of potassium permanganate, as the frequent use of these additives dries the skin and can cause allergic reactions. Use them only for medicinal purposes, after consulting with your doctor. If the child has skin problems (it is dry and prone to peeling), then it is better to use special bathing foams that already contain herbal extracts (chamomile, calendula) that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Where and in what to bathe

In the bathroom or in the kitchen? Each family decides this question individually, based on their living conditions. The main thing is that the room was without drafts. The optimal air temperature for bathing is about 24-26 degrees C, but not lower than 21 degrees C. The water temperature should be 36-37 degrees C (check with a thermometer, not with your elbow!). Higher degrees can lead to overheating of the baby, he will begin to act up, and from a pleasant procedure, bathing will turn into a whole problem. In colder water, the child will freeze, which also does not bode well.

Traditionally, the baby is bathed in a baby bath (galvanized metal, enameled or plastic, anatomical or not). It should only be used for bathing and not used for other household purposes (do not wash in it, do not soak linen). It is convenient when she stands on a stable support, which allows her not to lean low towards the child, otherwise her back gets tired. Before bathing, pour boiling water over the tub. Of course, you can wash a child in an “adult” bath, but before each bath, be sure to treat it with ordinary soda or a special detergent designed for children's baths.

bathing time

You can bathe the baby at any time of the day (try to do this together with your husband or grandmother for safety), but experience shows that it is best to carry out water procedures in the evening (around 20:00), before feeding, so that after it a well-fed and clean child can fall asleep peacefully . At the same time, dads who work during the day get the opportunity to communicate with the baby, caress him. If it seems to the mother that evening bathing excites the child before bedtime, then arrange “washings” in the afternoon. Bath time varies with age. Newborn children should bathe only 2-5 minutes, and at 3-4 months - 12-15 minutes.

What to prepare for bathing a baby:

  • soft terry towel or a terry sheet with a hood;
  • baby soap in a soap dish or special bathing aid newborns. Use only these special products to wash your baby. They have the optimal acidity (pH) for children's skin, which protects the skin from excessive drying, contain softening additives - glycerin, lanolin, etc. Soap is recommended to be used in small quantities and no more than 2-3 times a week. On other days, they simply bathe the baby in water;
  • enjoy sponge or terry mitten from soft natural materials, or you can lather the child with just your palm;
  • baby cream;
  • a jar of cotton balls ;
  • jug for water. After filling the bath with water, scoop it out with a jug and put it somewhere nearby so that at the end of the bath you can rinse the child with this water, which has cooled down by about a degree. This procedure is an element of hardening;
  • hair brush with thick soft bristles or comb with blunt edges;
  • water thermometer ;
  • air temperature thermometer ;
  • in advance, on a separate surface where you will dress the baby, lay it out clothes;
  • in the bath you can put special devices to support the child - a hammock, "hill" etc. They are especially convenient for the first time on bathing days, while mom still does not have the necessary skill.

Remember to wash your hands with soap before bathing your baby. Keep your nails short and remove anything (rings, watches, bracelets, etc.) that might scratch your baby. When everything is ready, undress the child. If necessary, clean the baby's bottom, and carefully, slowly, lower it into the water. Do not rush and make sudden movements, as the baby may be frightened. Try to do everything carefully, but confidently, talking quietly to him or singing a song. Gently lower the child into the bath, supporting the head and shoulders with one hand (for example, left) and the head and shoulders with the other (right) at the level of the buttocks and thighs.

Water safety

While swimming, you need to remember about the safety of the baby. In the supine position, his head should be on your forearm, and your palm of the same hand should support the child in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder joint for the outer shoulder of the baby. So you insure the child from accidental slipping and diving under water. With your free hand, you lather the baby. In the prone position, the baby's chest is on your forearm; the palm of the same hand holds the shoulder farthest from you. With your free hand, you lather the baby and insure him in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

Fragrant soap and fluffy towel

It is necessary to wash sequentially: neck, chest, stomach, arms and legs, back and only then the head. Lather gently, massaging movements so that the foam does not get into the eyes. Thoroughly wash the folds on the neck, under the armpits, in the groin, elbows and knees. Do not forget to open and wash clenched fists, which accumulate exfoliated skin cells and can cause diaper rash.

The head is also lathered carefully so that the foam does not get into the eyes. If a child's eyes are pinched, he will remember this trouble for a long time and will be capricious when he gets into the bathroom. Wash your head with water every day, because, in babies, it usually sweats a lot, and wash it with baby soap or a special bathing agent once a week so as not to overdry the scalp.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally the question at what age you can start using baby shampoo. Some experts believe that up to a year you should only wash your hair with baby soap, others - that you can use shampoo from the age of 3-6 months. But everyone is unanimous in one thing - the shampoo should be only for children, designed taking into account the structural features of the child's skin and hair. Such products have a mild effect and do not sting the eyes.

Tilt the baby's head back, holding it with the palm of your hand. Pour water over the hair from the face to the back of the head and apply a few drops of shampoo to the hair. Lather and lightly massage into skin. Gently wash off the foam with washing movements in the same direction. The face can be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in boiled water. If seborrheic crusts (another name for gneiss) have formed on the scalp, then they must be softened by lubricating them with baby oil approximately 1 hour before bathing, and during bathing, remove them with a comb with frequent teeth or a brush.

The baby's perineum should be washed with soap and water. To avoid urinary tract infection, children should be washed from front to back, especially girls. In girls, thoroughly and gently wash all the folds between the labia; in boys, gently wash the penis (without moving the foreskin), the scrotum, and then the area around the anus. Now you can rinse (front and back) the baby with water from a jug, which has cooled down by about one degree.

Immediately after bathing, wrap the baby in a bath towel and pat it dry. It is necessary to get wet, and not rub - first the head, then the body. Skin folds should be especially carefully dried. The auricle should be dried with gauze or a thin handkerchief. Then remove the wet towel and place the baby on a clean diaper. Lubricate all skin folds with baby oil applied to a cotton swab. Treat inguinal and intergluteal folds with baby cream or a special diaper cream. If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, then after bathing it needs to get wet. Then drop 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide from a pipette, and remove excess liquid with a gauze napkin or cotton swab. With another cotton swab moistened with a solution of brilliant green, treat the navel. Dress your baby and don't forget the cap. Do not remove it until the hair is dry. Then the child can be fed and put to bed.

When bathing is already habitual

By six months, the baby is already getting used to washing as a pleasant ritual and is waiting for it. Bathing can now last 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to reduce the water temperature by several degrees - up to 32-28 degrees C. At this age, children master the skill of sitting, so it is advisable to provide the bath with a special rubber mat so that the child does not slip or with a special bath seat. Then, in addition to washing, the baby can be given the opportunity to splash in the bath, play with rubber or plastic toys.

Under no circumstances leave a child unattended in the bath!

He can reach for a toy and flop face down into the water, he can try to get up, leaning on the side and fall forward or backward, he can bend over the side of the bathtub, striving for a toy thrown on the floor ... The consequences are deplorable, from fear of water after a sharp immersion in it, to serious head injury.

When the child has played enough, slowly start washing. Calmly and gently pour water on the baby's body, talk to him affectionately. The sequence of bathing remains the same. Washing your hair can become difficult due to the fact that the child begins to show “character” and refuses to throw back his head, turns it in different directions and it is inconvenient for you to lather it so that the foam does not get into the eyes. When washing off the foam from the stubborn, water, even without detergent, can get into the eyes and cause discomfort in them (stinging). The baby will begin to rub his eyes with his fists, cry, refuse to wash.

To prevent these "little" troubles, you can use special protective visors that look like hat brim. They are tightly worn on the head and prevent the ingress of foam and water into the eyes. At 12 months (if this has not happened before), you can proceed to bathing in a large bath. Bathing time increases to 20 minutes or more. Babies are learning to walk and will try to walk in the tub. Therefore, in order not to slip, it must have a safety device - a rubber mat. It is also better to lay a special mat on the floor of the bath so that you also do not slip on the wet floor.

Attention to the child during water games should be doubled.

He can not only "dive" under the water, but also reach out to various cosmetics, taste them. All unnecessary items that are within the reach of the baby should be removed. The taps should be on the opposite side of the child and well twisted so that he cannot reach them and turn on hot water. The baby's head is washed last. He is already sitting in the bathroom, leaning back (on your arm) and throwing back his head. Avoid getting soapy water in eyes and ears. Water should flow from the forehead to the back of the head. Particularly fidgety, you can continue to wear a special visor.

Bathing biennials

By the age of two, bathing becomes a fun game. A child frolics in the water, plays with toys, launches boats and splashes water, so rubber bath mats and floor mats are still relevant. Bathing at this age is best done in the evening after a walk. The kid moves a lot, plays outside in the sand, on the grass and comes home dirty. The air temperature in the bath can drop to 21 degrees C, while the water temperature remains the same - 32--28 degrees C. The duration of bathing increases to 30 minutes, since most of this time is spent on water games.

A two-year-old baby is very inquisitive, he imitates adults, actively acquires new skills. From this age, you can begin to teach your child to wash themselves. Let him help his mother wash herself. Give him a small washcloth, and he will be happy to lather his hands and feet. And you, in the same sequence as before (neck, stomach, arms, legs, back, head), lather it. Do not leave the child unattended for a single second, do not give in to the temptation to think that the baby has already grown up and attention can be weakened.

At this age, baby bath foam and baby bath gel can already be used for bathing. Do not put cosmetic salts in a baby bath, as they can cause allergic reactions on baby's delicate skin. The use of soap increases to three times a week, depending on the degree of contamination of the child. Bathing also ends with pouring clean water a few degrees lower than the water in the bath. You can douse the little one with water from the shower.

The temperature of the water for pouring is recommended to be reduced gradually by 1 degree per week, bringing it to 21 degrees C. This will serve as a powerful hardening factor. After bathing, the baby is covered with a large terry towel or put on a bathrobe, wiped, including the head and natural folds. You can dress the child in the room, dry his hair with a hairdryer and comb it there. Now get him ready for bed.

If a child is afraid of water...

Pour warm water into a large bowl and let him play with toys in it - colorful waterfowl ducks, frogs, plastic cups that you can use to pour water back and forth. Let him splash his arms, gradually forgetting about his fear. Invite him to wash his handkerchief, wash his favorite car, doll utensils, or favorite plastic toy. Together with him, wash the doll's head, emphasizing that the doll is not afraid and does not cry. Blow soap bubbles, etc. In extreme cases, for a while, replace bathing with rubdowns. Wipe the child with a wet diaper so as not to aggravate his fright. Try bathing your baby in another room without pouring too much water into the tub...

Bath toys

The trading network today offers a great variety of bathing toys from classic ducks, boats, splash toys, mechanical clockwork animals that can "swim" to rubber books for the bathroom. Children are happy to catch fish in the bathroom with a fishing rod or net, ride bears in a boat, they like to pour from a watering can on themselves, on you, on the floor ...

An important daily ritual of caring for a baby falls on the shoulders of parents. Bathing is not only one of the components of child care, but also a pleasant, joyful healing procedure that establishes a relationship between a child, mom or dad. How to bathe correctly? This very important question may include various points of "correctness". Young parents need to take into account all the nuances of the water procedure and buy the necessary funds in advance so that this activity is as useful as possible.

The first bath of a newborn after the birth

Indecision and fear, something wrong to do is experienced by young parents, bringing home a baby from the hospital. But don't worry, it's a fairly simple process. Some people confuse bathing and washing. Bathing is, first of all, a hardening, developing, calming procedure. The first bathing of a newborn at home is carried out on the day of arrival home from the hospital, if the baby is healthy and the umbilical cord has moved away from the navel. Until the wound has completely healed, it is worth preparing special water for taking a bath.

Some pediatricians advise not to bathe the baby at all for 2 weeks, but only to wash and wipe with a damp towel. Therefore, it is worth weighing the pros and cons before embarking on water procedures: doctor's recommendations, the child's health, the temperature in the apartment, the psychological mood of the parents. Remember, you can’t bathe children after vaccination, you should wait a couple of days!

At what temperature can you bathe a newborn?

In the early days, until the umbilical wound has completely healed, it is customary to boil water. It is very important that the temperature of the water for bathing a newborn is chosen correctly. The ideal temperature range is 37.0 -37.5 C. Therefore, you should take care of preparing water for the baby in advance. The temperature of the water should be checked in two ways: the first is a special thermometer, and the second is to feel the “comfort” of the water with your elbow. With the optimal mode, the baby will be comfortable in the water, then the water procedures will be calm. Do not forget about the air temperature in the room where the baby is bathed. It should be at least 25 C. For these purposes, it is better to buy an alcohol thermometer, it is more accurate.

Bath for bathing newborns

For taking water procedures, it is worth buying a special bath. Bathing is easier to organize by setting it to the desired height. This necessary thing can be of different cost, from different materials. When choosing, you should focus on your capabilities and desires. Bathing a newborn for the first time should be done with great care and accuracy. It is better to do this with an assistant or buy special tools.

How to bathe a baby?

The tub of water is ready for the baby's first bath. Bought all the necessary means for bathing the crumbs. It remains to gather courage and proceed to the water procedure. Do not hurry! First, take the air procedures. It is worth undressing the child for a few minutes and leave to harden.

Bathing equipment for newborns

There are many assistants for taking water procedures. They make bath time easier. It is interesting and easy to bathe the baby with them. You can buy them in any store, they are not expensive. You should take a closer look at them, because they are designed to facilitate the care of a newborn.

Bathing circle for newborns

Swimming with a circle of a newborn child is useful to increase independent motor activity in the water. Thanks to this, the child's muscle corset is strengthened, metabolism increases and, as a result, immunity is strengthened.

Such an "assistant" will not harm the baby due to its structure, which is specially designed for swimming, taking into account the characteristics of his body. A circle around the neck for bathing newborns can be used from the first months. There are contraindications! Therefore, you should consult your pediatrician before use.

In practice, a circle for bathing newborns is used from 1-2 months, when the procedure time increases and the water temperature is lowered.

Bath slide for newborns

The device is designed to facilitate the process, perfectly copes with its task. The baby does not have to be held in his arms, he will comfortably lie on the hill. There are many types of these devices:

  • Foam. They are the most budget friendly. This is a piece of foam rubber up to 20-25 cm high. Inside there is a recess in which the newborn is placed. Foam rubber absorbs warm water, so the baby is warm and comfortable on such a slide. She doesn't slip. The downside is difficult care. It has to be washed thoroughly and ensure that it dries well.
  • Plastic. In the bath, they are easily attached to the suction cups. They have a large size, anatomical shape, due to this the design is safe. There are models with seat belts. Most often they buy just such a model.
  • Fabric or flannel. Plastic frame covered with a rocking chair-like fabric. When bathing, you need to lightly hold the child. Pediatricians consider it unsafe because of this.

Before you buy a slide, it is important to measure it. The child is placed on it, if all the recesses are suitable, then the slide can be taken.

Hammock for bathing newborns

This is an analogue of slides of only fabric construction, which is attached to the edges of the baby bath. Under the weight of the child, the fabric stretches, and the baby can comfortably lie inside the bath. It can be easily rotated. If you buy such a hammock, it will last no more than 2 months, as it will not withstand the growing weight of the child for a long time.

What to add to the water when bathing a child?

It is easy to turn a standard process into a medical procedure. Add herbs for bathing a newborn to the water and you will get a therapeutic bath. Sometimes pediatricians themselves advise using such baths, especially if the baby has skin rashes or diseases.

It is worth preparing a decoction in advance, its mass should not exceed 30 g per bath. High concentrations can cause allergies. The broth should be prepared only in enameled or faience dishes, aluminum should not be used. It is better to buy raw materials in a pharmacy. You can use a thermos. Use only freshly brewed infusion. Newborns should be bathed no earlier than 2 weeks after birth.

Bath line for newborns

A succession, one of the best plants, the decoction of which is used in the treatment of many skin diseases. It is recommended to be added to water for healthy babies. It effectively removes seborrheic crusts on the head, often found in babies in the first month of life. A bath with a succession is desirable no more than 2 times a week, the grass slightly dries the baby's skin.

Chamomile for bathing newborns

Chamomile is a simple herb that is effective in treating child ailments. Shows antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, removes skin irritations. Possessing a mild calming effect on the nervous system of the child, it will help to cope with insomnia. A decoction is added to the water when bathing a baby suffering from allergic rashes.

Brewing it is easy. Take 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile herb or a filter bag, they are easy to buy at a pharmacy, 1 liter is poured. hot water at a temperature of 80 - 90 C and infused for 1-2 hours.

Sometimes the question arises, how to brew chamomile for bathing a newborn for a big bath? In this case, filled with 2/3 water, pour 2 liters. chamomile infusion from 2 tbsp. herbs.

Potassium permanganate

A newborn is sometimes bathed in water with a solution of manganese. This allows you to disinfect the water and has a positive effect on the umbilical wound. Many people ask how much potassium permanganate is needed to bathe a newborn? Potassium permanganate is first diluted in a separate bowl. Gently introduce little by little until a light pink solution is obtained. Dr. Komarovsky, considers such a solution more harmful than useful. If it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, it can cause burns. Therefore, carefully prepare a manganese bath.

Baby care after bathing

After you've rinsed your baby's bath off and rinsed with clean water, wrap your baby in a large, soft towel. It must be specially bought for the crumbs. The towel should completely wrap the baby. Further procedures for caring for a newborn are as follows:

  • Pat your baby dry with a towel.
  • Treat wrinkles with oil, baby cream or powder. It is better to buy them in advance, having carefully studied the composition of the product.
  • Treat the navel with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green.
  • Clean your ears, eyes, nose.
  • Swaddle and feed.

Bathing is a procedure that has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system, so after such a water event, your strong man will sleep in a heroic sleep. It is recommended to bathe the child in the evening. Sometimes there are children who, on the contrary, are excited by water, then water procedures are transferred to the afternoon.

Probably, the biggest controversy, fears and concerns among young parents are caused by such a seemingly harmless process as bathing a newborn.

At the same time, disagreements arise literally at every stage of this procedure. To avoid debate, dissatisfaction and misunderstanding, let's look at the whole process in detail, trying to find a logical explanation for each postulate.

When to start swimming

First of all, it is very important to know when you can start bathing your newborn. The timing of the start of water procedures for a healthy child depends only on the date of the BCG vaccination. You can start bathing your baby no earlier than a day after vaccination.

What time of day to bathe

Bathing can take place at any time of the day. However, traditionally evening hours are chosen for this, when parents can give the process maximum attention.

In addition, evening bathing is also beneficial because the water “washes away” all the overexertion from the child, helps him relax, calms him down and significantly increases his appetite before evening feeding. By the way, this is a very important point - bathing a newborn should take place immediately before feeding.

How often to bathe

As for the frequency of bathing, it is unequivocally determined here that the baby should be bathed daily, since this is not only important, but also an element of the so-called "soft".

How long to bathe

Water procedures should be started from 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the bathing time to 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to continue water procedures longer if they take place in, because the small amount of water that is in it will cool down during this time.

What to bathe in

Another issue that should be resolved before bathing is where, in fact, to bathe a newborn: in a baby bath or in a large bath. The following arguments speak in favor of a baby bath:

  • it is easier to keep clean;
  • one parent can bathe the baby;
  • the bath can be marked on a stand in such a way that participants in the process do not have to lean low.

However, the baby bath is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, it takes up a lot of space, and secondly, the baby will grow out of it very quickly.

What to add to water

Further, when the "organizational" issues are resolved, we move on to more important and significant points. Pediatricians have not come to a consensus on the need to boil water for bathing and add a solution of potassium permanganate to the font.

Therefore, the conduct of these preparatory activities is at the mercy of the parents. If parents are calmer when the water in which their baby will bathe has gone through the boiling procedure, and the pale pink solution inspires confidence that the water is absolutely safe for the umbilical wound, then no one will convince them otherwise.

However, it should be remembered that a solution of potassium permanganate is prepared in a separate container and only then, through gauze folded several times, is added to the bath. This is necessary to avoid getting potassium permanganate crystals into the bath, which can cause burns to both the skin of the newborn and the mucous membrane of the eyes.

What to prepare for swimming

Before bathing, you should check that the room is warmed up to 22-24 ° C, the water has a temperature of 37 ° C, a jug with a volume of one and a half liters is prepared, there is baby soap, baby oil and cotton swabs.

How to bathe a newborn

We proceed directly to the bathing process itself. We undress the child in the room where the bathing will take place. We lower it into the water, holding the head and back with the left hand, and the legs and buttocks with the right hand.

We lower the newborn into the water carefully, holding it in such a way that the head and shoulders are above the surface of the water. We rinse the baby's hands and arms, then the feet and legs.

We pour water over the tummy, not forgetting to pay special attention to the cervical, axillary and inguinal folds. Once a week, wash the back of the baby with soap, turning it over on its stomach and lifting it above the water.

Use of soap and shampoo

It should be emphasized that chemicals should not be abused. Two or three baths with soap per week are enough. In this case, you should choose a baby soap with a neutral pH level. Instead of soap, you can use oatmeal, which is placed in a linen bag every time before bathing.

What to do after swimming

After bathing the newborn, rinse with water from a jug and lay on a diaper with a terry towel, not wiping, but blotting (start from the head).

Then we process the folds with baby oil. If there's , . Next, we dress the baby, also starting from the head.

Crib for moms

You can bathe the baby one day after the BCG vaccination.

Bathe your baby before feeding.

The air temperature in the room is 22-24˚С.

Water temperature - 37˚С.

The time of the first bathing is 2-3 minutes. Further 5-10 minutes.

Baby soap is used 2-3 times a week.

Shampoo is used from 3-4 months 1 time per week.