How to make a chemical composition at home. Types and rules for performing perms for hair. Types of perms and their features

Nothing is impossible for a modern fashionista. Thanks to the achievements of science, we can even change our natural data today. And where it comes to hair - the widest field for experimentation. If nature gave you straight hair, this does not mean that you should deny yourself the pleasure of having lush curls all your life. Amazingly beautiful permanent curls today can be afforded by both the owner of dyed hair and the blonde, without worrying about the deterioration of their luxurious hair. Let's talk about perm at home.

The time has passed when perm was treated with caustic compounds and heated under hairdressing caps, completely burning hair. Today, everything is completely different and the phrase "perm" is no longer so frightening. Modern drugs are fundamentally different from those that were used 10 years ago.

Due to the special composition, the preparations used gently affect the structure of the hair, delicately changing it, after which they smooth out the formed scales, making each hair perfectly smooth and strong.

Advantages of modern drugs:

  • preparations contain protective components;
  • make it possible to carry out a monthly perm;
  • it is possible to predict the result;
  • Can be used to curl any type of hair.

During the curling procedure, vitamins and oils are used to give the hair a natural shine and the desired shape, to neutralize the damaging effect of the drug.

The end result will please absolutely every woman. A playful curl, an elastic curl and the desired volume at the roots are exactly what absolutely every fashionista dreams of.

How to make a perm at home

For a perm at home, you will need:

  • Plastic curlers or bobbins of different sizes with fixing elastic bands (60-80 pieces)
  • For flat curls, you need plastic pins and plastic clips to hold the strands in place.
  • Plastic combs with sparse teeth and sharp ends. (Never use metal combs as the metal will react with the perm chemistry, reducing its effect)
  • Insulating cap, rubber gloves and peignoir to protect clothing and skin from chemicals.
  • Foam sponges: one for the curling composition, the second for the fixative.
  • Glass or plastic bowls for chemical composition and fixative.
  • Beaker for measurements.
  • Two towels and a cotton swab.

Preparations for perm must be chosen depending on the type of hair, only in this case you can achieve an excellent result. But even if you bought the perfect product for you, before using it, you need to check the skin for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of the drug should be applied to the skin behind the ear and left there for seven to ten minutes. If during this time redness, burning, irritation appeared on the skin - alas, this remedy will not suit you and you should try others or, in principle, abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba perm. If signs of irritation appear, immediately wash off the composition with 3% hydrogen peroxide and rinse the skin with water.

If there is no negative reaction to the chemical composition, you need to check how your curls will react to it. To do this, separate a small strand of hair and apply a chemical agent to it. After a couple of minutes, you need to check the strength of the strand. If it starts to break, the composition is too concentrated for your hair. It is necessary to dilute the solution with water in proportions of 1:1, 1:0.5, and then repeat the test on another curl. If, after applying the diluted composition, the curls become brittle and get a grayish coating, you should forget about perm for a while and start treating your hair. If the treatment is effective, it will be possible to think about how to still do a perm.

You can make a fixative yourself, for this you need to take seventy-five milliliters of water, eight tablets of hydrogen peroxide and fifteen milliliters of liquid soap or shampoo.

If you have short hair, opt for small diameter rollers or bobbins that will lift your hair no more than ten centimeters long and provide impressive curls for slightly longer hair. If you have long hair, use bobbins or curlers of large diameter: with their help, you can give your hair the shape of luxurious waves.

On curlers and bobbins, you need to wind the hair as evenly as possible, but do not do it too tight, otherwise the strands will be unevenly saturated with the composition. The strand should not be wider than the bobbin or curler, otherwise the curls will be uneven. If the hair is very short, plastic clips can be used to secure the bobbins.

The direction and sequence of winding depends on the direction of the strands and the length of the hair, respectively. If the hair is long, it should be wound, starting from the occipital area down from the crown, and from the crown to the face, placing the curlers horizontally. Along the way, wind the hair of the side zones, placing them in a checkerboard pattern. If the hair is short, you need to wind the hair from the top of the head in the direction from the face, and then from the back of the head to the neck, while placing the bobbins horizontally. The hair of the lateral zones in this case is wound in the same way as long ones.

How to do a perm at home:

  • Wash your hair with shampoo, but in no case should you massage the scalp. This is necessary so that fat remains on its surface, which prevents overdrying of hair and skin. If desired, you can use a simple laundry soap: the alkali included in it helps to loosen the outer layer of the hair. Then blot your hair with a towel and comb very gently. At this stage, you can cut your hair, bearing in mind that perms shorten the hair.
  • Wind the hair on curlers and bobbins, taking into account the above recommendations.
  • After completing the winding procedure, lubricate the skin of the face with petroleum jelly or cream, especially carefully treating it along the hairline, tie it with a napkin or tourniquet. Then put on a peignoir and rubber gloves.
  • Using a beaker, measure out the desired amount of chemical solution, pour it into a bowl and quickly apply to bobbin hair, starting from the back of the head, moving to the crown, and then to the temples.

  • Put on an insulating cap, if there is no special cap, use a terry towel over a regular cap.
  • Keep the composition on the hair according to the instructions. (Please note that the time required depends on the structure and type of hair). Twenty minutes after applying the solution, it is worth conducting a test - remove the cap and unwind a pair of curlers or bobbins. If the curl has just begun to appear, it is necessary to withstand the maximum time allowed in the instructions. At the same time, it makes sense to check the condition of the curl a few more times, but not to do it too often.
  • When the desired effect is achieved, gently rinse the composition with warm water from the hair without removing the bobbins or curlers, then blot the hair with a towel, trying not to disturb the structure of the curled hair.

  • Apply fixative. Before using it, beat it to foam and, without removing the bobbins, apply half to the hair for seven to ten minutes, remove the bobbins or curlers and apply the second half of the fixer for another five minutes
  • Rinse hair with water, use conditioner to neutralize the chemical composition. Rinse aid must be made from water and citric acid or vinegar. If you have short hair, use about two liters of solution, if you have long hair - three to four liters. Then dry your hair a little with a towel and apply a care product.

This option may not be suitable for sufficiently long hair, because the curl may weaken with each subsequent turn on the curler. Therefore, for long hair, you can use other methods. For example, you can do a vertical perm, in which case the hair is wound on special rod-shaped bobbins. Unfortunately, they are still quite difficult to obtain, but if you set out to do so, you can look for them in professional hair care stores.

It makes sense to wind very long hair on two bobbins so that the curl does not weaken as it is wound on the “sticks”. The ends of the strands are wound onto larger bobbins, from about the middle you should add a bobbin of a smaller diameter and continue winding up to the roots.

If the hair that has been chemically permed has grown back, you can do a root perm, then the ends of the strands will not have to be treated with an additional chemical solution. Only regrown hair fragments are wound onto the bobbins, and the ends are removed in foil or polyethylene. Then you need to follow the points from the third to the tenth.

Precautionary measures

  • Use an adequate amount of compound. If you feel severe irritation of the skin on your scalp, it is likely that too much chemical solution was used during the perm, and the unabsorbed excess spread over the scalp.
  • Correctly estimate the exposure time. The fragility of the hair is explained precisely by the excess of the required time of exposure to the chemical composition of the hair. Periodically remove the bobbin and check the elasticity of the curl.
  • Do not use metal objects. If after you have done the curl, the hair has changed color - either you still used metal tools, or you overexposed the fixer or made it too concentrated.

It is quite possible to make a perm at home. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts.

It's no secret that "chemistry" is harmful to hair, but how it transforms the appearance! It is for this reason that the procedure is in demand. Beautiful curls last for several months, eliminating the need to twist curls with curlers, irons or curling irons. You can perform long-term styling on strands of almost any length. How to make a perm at home and choose a drug, as well as other nuances of the procedure, are detailed below.

How to make a perm at home

At the same time, although it harms the hair, it is much less than the drugs with which our grandmothers did “chemistry”.

The essence of the procedure is the creation of curly strands. In cross section, straight hair is a circle, and curly hair is an oval. To change the structure of the hair shafts, persistent chemical compounds are used.

Note, it is not easy to perform a high-quality perm at home, especially for owners of long curls. It is necessary to properly wind the hair on curlers, treat with the preparation and fixative, and after a certain time, quickly remove the rollers. It is important not to overexpose the composition on the head, then the harm from it will not be too strong.

Ways of arranging products

You can make long-term styling using different types of curlers. You need to choose the right ones, taking into account the length of the hair, the shape of the curls and the appearance of the future hairstyle. All this depends ways of arranging products for winding:


The smaller the curlers, papillots, the more elastic the curls are. The technology is quite simple to master and apply at home;


In addition to the composition for creating curls, you will need a fixative that will extend the “life” of the curls. It can be concentrated, then you will see the marking "1 + 1". This means that the liquid must be diluted with water. The proportion is 1:1. The absence of a mark indicates that the fixative is not concentrated and is completely ready for use.

Preparations for fixing the results of home perms are usually produced in two consistencies:

  • foamy- before use, the product is well foamed and curls are treated;
  • not foamy- they are applied to each curl from the spout of the bottle.

You can make a fixative yourself, based on hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite tablets. But it is better to buy a finished product, where the proportions of all components are guaranteed to be met. The main recommendation when choosing is that the product should be from the same line as the chemical composition.

The options for "light chemistry" include carving, the effect of which lasts 1-2 months. The procedure is recommended for soft hair of medium length.

Instruments and preparations

Prepare everything you need for the procedure in advance. Then the crucial moment you do not have to feverishly look for this or that tool. Careful preparation will make the difficult process of winding your hair more organized and save time.

Curlers, hairpins

Most often for chem. perm plastic (plastic) products are used. They are lightweight, easy to attach, do not absorb the solution. One popular variation is bobbins, which create bouncy vertical curls. Flexible boomerangs (papillottes) are also suitable for the procedure, which form soft curls.

The larger the diameter of the curler, the larger the curls. Beautiful styling is formed by cone products: curls come out voluminous at the roots and smaller at the tips.

Advice. A convenient addition to the classic forms of curlers - needles or curling plates. They are slipped under an elastic band that fixes the twisted curl. This avoids creases.

For lovers of original solutions, manufacturers produce such unusual models of curlers:

  • hairpins or U-shaped- for stylish "broken" curls. They look like a stick bent in half, the ends of which are slightly twisted outward. Strands are wound on them with a “figure eight”;
  • Olivia Garden- to give the hairstyle additional volume, the formation of natural curls. These curlers are attached without clips, like a designer, so the curls are obtained without creases;
  • wide coils with clamps-clothespins. Suitable for girls with hair of any length;
  • retro wave curler- look like wavy plates. Such curlers are used in tandem with bobbins.

Depending on the length, thickness of the hair and the desired effect, an average of 50 to 80 curlers is required per perm.

Applicator or foam pads

They are used for applying and distributing chemical composition and a fixing preparation through the hair.


It will help to fix the result of the curl. It is applied to curlers after the curl has seized. It is optimal if purchased together with the chemical composition.

chemical drug

The basis of the procedure, the quality of which determines the future result. For home use, you can purchase a composition from Londawave, Estel, WELLA, and another cosmetic company. The main thing is that it fits the type, structure of the hair.


You will need to wash your hair before "chemistry". Some manufacturers offer special shampoos recommended for use before the procedure.

Such products not only cleanse the hair of impurities, but also soften it, making it more supple, and also restore the structure of the hair shafts. As a rule, they are not cheap, so if the budget is limited, you can take a regular shampoo.

Two bowls for drugs

In one of them you need to place the chemical composition, in the other - fixer (if you need to whip the foam). It is optimal if the dishes are made of glass, plastic or porcelain. The volume of each bowl is about 200 milliliters.

Warm cap or hat

It is put on the head after all the hair is wound on curlers and moistened with the composition. Creates a thermal effect. Most often used for acid curling. An alternative would be a terry towel.

Protective gloves

Help prevent chemicals from getting on the delicate skin of the hands. They are required even if the test for sensitivity and allergic reactions was excellent. Gloves can be polyethylene or rubber.

Special paper

Protects hair ends from damage. Facilitates the curling process. Instead of professional pieces of paper, ordinary parchment paper for baking will do.


With a massage brush, you can comb your hair before curling. The process will require another tool: a comb with a tail. With it, it is convenient to divide hair into zones, capture thin strands.

Crab hairpins

In the process of work, it is convenient for them to hold individual strands prepared for winding. They can additionally fix large curlers if they are not included with the products.

Attention! The only restriction for tools is that they must not be metal. This applies to curlers, combs, hairpins and dishes. Metal will reduce the quality of the curl.


Prevents eye contact. Most often, cotton plaits can be found on sale. Also for these purposes, a towel rolled up with a roller or a piece of cotton fabric in which cotton is wrapped is suitable.

It is important that the device reliably absorbs the flowing liquid from the hair. At the back of the head, the tourniquet is tied in a knot, fixed in front, clinging to the curlers located on the back of the head with a crab.

Special bandage

Protects the scalp from chemicals. composition along the hairline. It is applied to the skin before the tourniquet.


Absorbs excess moisture after shampooing.

You may also need a caring hair balm, table vinegar (for rinsing), fat cream or petroleum jelly, a peignoir (a cape made of waterproof fabric to protect clothes), a special bowl for the neck, where the remaining liquid will drain, a timer and a measuring cup.

Procedure steps

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding directly to a perm at home, use the formulations to test for allergic reactions. This will save you from possible unpleasant surprises during the procedure. First, take a good look at your scalp. If there are no wounds, cuts, abrasions on it, proceed as follows:

  • apply 1-2 drops of the composition to a piece of cotton wool or a cosmetic disc;
  • lubricate the area behind the ear;
  • leave for 10-15 minutes.

The selected drug can be used for "chemistry", if during this time the skin does not turn red, does not itch, there is no swelling, burning sensation. If at least one of the signs of an allergy on the face, wash off the composition with hydrogen peroxide (take a 3% solution), and then with water. Refuse the procedure or buy a new remedy. Test it in exactly the same way.

The next step is to check the composition of the reaction of the hair:

  • separate a small part of the hair at the back of the head;
  • apply a chemical preparation;
  • after 2-3 minutes, check: if the hairs are torn, the concentration of the composition is high for you. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:1/2, repeat the test, choosing another strand.

It happens that as a result of the test, the hair becomes brittle, covered with a gray coating. In this case, long-term styling is contraindicated.

Attention! You can not do "chemistry" on bleached hair, even if dry hairs break after tension. Also, as a test sample, you can put a small strand in the composition. Hair that lost its strength and began to tear after 10 minutes needs treatment, not a perm.

After successfully passing the tests, wash your hair. Do not massage the skin: sebaceous deposits will prevent overdrying. You can replace the shampoo with tar or laundry soap. Alkali, which is present among their components, makes the outer layer of hair loose, susceptible to solution. Lightly dry the strands with a towel, comb with a comb with rare teeth.

“Chemistry” looks beautiful on hair cut in a cascade. But when shortening the strands, remember: the curl will additionally “take away” a couple of centimeters of length.


How to do a perm on prepared hair:

When doing long-term styling outside the salon, it is best to involve an assistant.


Attention! If the hair falls out, is very weakened or has recently been dyed (including henna or basma), the procedure should also be postponed.

Perming at home is a risky undertaking, especially if you take it on yourself. The procedure is long and laborious. When starting it, it is important to take into account all the nuances: choose the right composition, prepare the necessary tool, carefully wind the curls, do not overexpose the solution, do not forget about safety rules and much more. Of course, professional masters are also not immune from force majeure, but without the appropriate experience, the likelihood of making a mistake increases.

If the budget allows, it is better to entrust the creation of curls to a hairdresser. Many of them go to the client's home and charge less for work than in the salon. If you still decide on an independent experiment with "chemistry", prepare and test your hair, skin well, perform all the steps in stages. Take a gentle composition to start. Let the curls not last as long as you want, but the hair will suffer less. And do not forget that after chem. Curling hair needs special care, with which you will take care of your hair and prolong the effect of the procedure.

Useful videos

Curling hair step by step.

How to do perm hair at home.


I am very glad that at the age of 18 I got a perm and I can tell you from my own experience. All young girls once did chemo. a perm and they all wanted curls that were evenly curly along the length and free from styling at least for a while, but ..

1. Why was everyone walking around like dandelions?

Stage 1 (which was done wrong)

The chem. a curl on very thin bobbins (wooden sticks) and the curl turned out to be so small that when dried, each hair on the head had the shape of a Negroid hair type.And all together the hair looked like a big fluffy ball.

Stage 2 (which was done wrong)

The exposure time of the composition for chemical. curling reached 1 hour (When the longest exposure time of the composition should be no more than 20 minutes, for a very strong curl, 30 minutes!) minutes, but for 40 minutes! Ot of such effects on the hair, not that the curl remained, but the fact that 60% of the hair remained on the head in general is already a great joy.

That's not all..

Well, you need to rinse 1 composition from your hair in order to apply 2 fixing lotion, then again it was not possible to do it in the combat conditions of our hairdressing salons (upside down over sinks and bathtubs!)

Stage 3 (which was done wrong)

Fixing the curl and neutralizing the action of the composition for chemical. waving was carried out not at all with a special lotion, but with hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite diluted with plain water to an approximate value (from 1.5% to 4% of the H2O2 content), which did not always work.The hair turned out dry, lifeless and often broke off at the root and along the length!

(I think it was like torture or an endurance test, because it is simply impossible and unbearable to do any styling on such hair!)

This is the answer about the masters!

Why does hair become curly?

Hair cells are composed of protein molecules that are linked to each other by --S--S-- disulfide bridges and intermolecular hydrogen bonds.

The main component that affects the shape of the hair is thioglycolic acid and its derivatives, under the influence of acid, disulfide “bridges” break in the protein molecules of the hair, which are responsible for the curl. And if you overexpose or heat the hair, then there will be too many broken disulfide "bridges" and intermolecular hydrogen bonds, which will lead to loss of hair viability ( what happened).

Naturally, there were no such protective additives as there are now, and there was no question of a special neutralizer that fixes our bridges in a new form.

In short, it was difficult for our hairdresser brother to live in the world.Therefore, almost all women, to put it mildly, do not have very good memories and reviews about chemo. curls.

At this time, to persuade a client to get a perm, you just need to read a whole lecture and have the art of hypnosis and a diploma in psychology. And if you insisted on curls, now you need to understand what the client represents under this concept?

Curls, and what kind of curls or waves, volume or, conversely, without much volume?Wow, a conversation for at least an hour, no less, otherwise you may not agree when the perm is already done!

And vice versa, sometimes, it is simply contraindicated for a client to do chemotherapy, and she just like crazy demands to do it, then you have to scare her with all sorts of horrors about her hair, just to save her hair!

The master, before starting work, must know everything about the client’s hair, if the hair is 20 centimeters long, then you need to ask about everything that has happened over the past 20 months on average! ( hair grows from 1cm to 1.5cm per month). As a rule, it turns out about lightening, highlighting, and especially about henna and basma!

And also the hairdresser should naturally know everything about the compositions and lotions that he will use! 95% of masters know drugs very mediocre)

Also, a professional should know about all the basic techniques for winding strands and master them perfectly, again a rarity in salons!In short, you need a whole encyclopedia, you need to write something that a master pro should know and be able to do!

There are also 2 types of applying the composition to the hair:
direct method | not a direct method

Direct method: strands are already wound on the composition ( you need to do it very quickly, which few people can do)

Non direct method: in the beginning, the hair is wound on water or a special preparation intended for use before chemistry, and only then the composition itself is applied ( here you can wind it for a long time, but it’s not a fact that the composition will penetrate evenly through all the hair)

Now, how to do a perm:

1 .Correct assessment of the condition of the hair and the exposure time of the composition on the hair. (Very important)

2. Choose the right number of composition for curling (very important)

3. Choose application method

4. Choose winding techniques

5. Choose the right size of stylers or curlers.

6. Wash your hair with a cleansing or special shampoo designed for this purpose, free of creamy or oily additives.

7. Dry with a towel

8. Apply if necessary special protective preparations

9. Wrap on the selected curlers in the selected way using a direct or indirect method of applying the composition.

10. Distribute the composition evenly through the hair, trying not to abundantly affect the scalp. (in general, it is considered that it is impossible to get on the skin, but this is physically impossible)

11. If heat is required (sometimes it is required for better penetration of the drug and for a more elastic curl), you need to wear a special cap for curling

12. With some compositions, you need to check the curl every 5 minutes, and in some you can’t do this, otherwise the curl may not work on this strand. We check 1 and the last twisted strand.

13. At the end of the exposure time, rinse copiously for 5 minutes (very important)

14. Blot with a towel, remove excess water from the hair (very gently)

15. Apply carefully 1 part of the special lotion without touching the curlers too actively, for the time prescribed in the instructions for use

16. After 1 time, gently, without pulling the strands, unwind the curlers

17. Apply 2 parts of the neutralizing lotion along the entire length, gently squeezing the hair.

18. Maintain the time prescribed in the instructions for use

19. Rinse gently and treat with a special conditioner (shampoo is almost never used, because the neutralizing lotion contains detergent components)

20. Dry in a natural curl with special. styling products (do not straighten!)


22. Clients should not do anything with their hair for at least 2-3 days

23. When using special care and styling products, the curl will remain beautiful and elastic, bringing only joy to the client.

24. The perm will stay on the hair, depending on the observance of all points and the condition of the hair, there is no unambiguous and exact time for saving the curl.

Also topics:

Root volume: 6 unique techniques

BIO perm with argan oil

BIO-straightening with argan oil at the same time as root volume

COMBO lamination..

And much more on the course volume expert


President of the Academy of Colors and Geometry

Tunikovskaya Natalya Alexandrovna

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The hairstyle is very important in the image. That is why many girls devote a lot of time to its creation. But not everyone has original curls by nature. If the hair is straight, without volume, then they need to be transformed. For this, various means are used. Some people want to straighten their curls, others want to curl them. In the second case, you have to spend a lot of time and money on doing daily styling. It is necessary to use a perm, which does not require constant styling. The result is stored for a long period. Perming at home is the best option. When the procedure is completed, you will need a high-quality fixative, medical masks. Step-by-step instructions will help you make a perm with high quality. To then straighten the curls, you will need special tools.

Types of procedure

Perm can be of different types, differing in the method of execution and the result. After any session, medical masks are needed.

  • American. You need to do this procedure with long hair. This will require large curlers. The result is large curls.
  • Vertical. The procedure is designed for long hair. You will need thin long curlers.
  • Radical. This method is rarely used, because due to the growing curls, the result does not last for a long time. It is more suitable for thin hair. Thanks to this method, you can make volumetric styling.

Perming hair at home is not a very complicated procedure. You need to read the detailed instructions and buy the necessary tools. It is advisable to carry out the procedure with someone's help. The same applies to the case if you need to straighten the curls.

During the procedure, you need to use:

  • plastic curlers or bobbins of the right size;
  • metal clips;
  • waterproof peignoir;
  • plastic comb;
  • two sponges with which the fixer is applied;
  • rubber gloves;
  • towels;
  • cap for insulation;
  • measuring glass;
  • ceramic container;
  • a container with lemon juice;
  • curling agent;
  • yiksazh.

Before doing a perm, test the composition, after which you can not worry about the result. To do this, a drop of funds is applied to the wrist. If after 10 minutes there is no redness, then the composition fits perfectly. After choosing the right tool, you need to perm. For the procedure, the fixer can be prepared independently or purchased ready-made. And in order to straighten the curls later, you need to use proven effective methods.

Features of an independent procedure

To make a curl correctly, you must follow the following steps:

  • You need to wash your hair with a simple shampoo, and then dry with a towel and comb. Balm should not be used.
  • You need to make a vertical parting at the back of the head. The rest of the hair is pinned up. It is necessary to separate a thin strand using a horizontal parting, pull it off at an angle of 90 degrees. After that, the curls should be combed and wound onto bobbins. The ends must not curl.
  • When the curls are wound on curlers, the skin must be treated with a greasy cream. In order not to get dirty, you need to wear gloves and a peignoir.
  • Then you need a composition that needs to be placed in a container in the required amount. It lathers and then applied to curled hair. It is necessary to apply the composition from the back of the head, and then process the lateral parts and the parietal.
  • You need to wear a warm cap and a towel.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the result and the type of hair. It takes 10 minutes to get light, natural curls. Cool curls can be obtained in half an hour.
  • Then the composition is washed off with running water. Only for this you do not need to unwind the curlers. The head should be blotted with a towel.
  • After that, you need to apply a fixer, or a fixing agent. You can buy it at the store or make it yourself. To prepare a fixer with your own hands, shampoo (1 part) is mixed with perhydrol 33% (1 part), warm water (7 parts). The composition is whipped with a sponge, after which it must be applied to curlers.
  • The fixer is aged for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to remove the curlers and treat the hair with the composition.
  • Then the fixer is washed off with running water. Rinse your hair with lemon juice to neutralize the composition.
  • After that, you need to apply a balm. You will also need restorative products or masks.

Hair color check

If the hair was previously dyed, then a test is necessary. To do this, you need to cut the strands. One strand is placed in a container with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), and the other is placed in a dish with a chemical agent. If the strands are discolored, then the dye is still present in them.

Then you should not immediately perform the procedure. It is advisable to wait with her. Colored hair must grow back. The remains of colored curls must be cut off.

Security measures

To do everything right and not harm your health, you must follow safety measures.

  • It is necessary to study the instructions for using the chemical agent. It should indicate the expiration date, the duration of the procedure and other subtleties.
  • Do not use metal utensils.
  • It is undesirable to perm with malnutrition, menstruation, low blood pressure and chronic ailments. During this period, it is undesirable to take antibiotics and hormonal agents.
  • After curling, the hair becomes shorter.
  • There should be no wounds on the skin, as the chemical composition can affect the worsening of the situation.
  • Before performing the procedure, an allergy test should be performed. For this, a small amount is applied behind the ear. After 10 minutes, the skin should be washed with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Chemistry can be performed if there is no irritation on the skin.

If you want to straighten curls, then it is better to use proven methods. To do this, you can make masks, as well as other home treatments.

Hair care after chemo

To restore hair, medical care is needed. To do this, follow the following rules.

  • You do not need to wash your hair for 3 days, since during this time the composition should be well absorbed.
  • Shampoo for damaged hair must be used.
  • To make the curls look healthy and shiny, you need to use masks. They will allow you to restore damaged strands.
  • For care, you will need a comb with wide teeth, as small teeth destroy strands.
  • If the hair has acquired a faded appearance, it is necessary to use tint products.

After a perm, you can perform various hairstyles, since the new image provides great opportunities for experimentation. Hair becomes soft and easy to style. If you need to straighten the strands, then you should use safe, effective methods.

Making masks

To make your hair healthy and beautiful, you must use proven masks.

If appropriate care is provided for the hair, then even perming will not be able to damage them. Effective home remedies give excellent results.

Women of all times and peoples want to be beautiful. Everyone has their beauty ideals: long legs, extended nails, curly hair.

If you are unlucky with the latter, and you are tired of suffering every day in front of the mirror, twisting your hair on tongs, or using curlers, then perhaps it is time for you to do a perm. Don't worry if you didn't expect to go to the salon for an expensive procedure.

Doing a perm at home is quite within your power.

Of course, it is better to have a professional do it for you, because if you do it incorrectly, you can harm your hair. You can buy later. If you follow our advice, you will succeed!

Before getting a perm

First you need to make sure that your hair takes the hair curler well. And that you are not allergic to this compound. We take a strand of hair, moisten it with a curling liquid and leave it for 5 minutes. Need to try break the strand. If the hair feels normal and looks good, then you can do a perm with this remedy. If the hair has become brittle, torn, dilute the product with water and put the experiment on another strand.

Checking if you have allergies to chemicals means, like this: apply it with a cotton swab on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (for example, behind the ear). After 10 minutes, wipe this piece of skin with a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide. Then it will become clear whether they can get a perm or it is better to buy another product.

Whiskey and forehead, so that they do not touch the chemical compound, you need to generously lubricate the cream, but it is better to put a tissue tourniquet on your forehead. Put an old towel on your shoulders, put gloves on your hands.

Important rule:

if there is on the scalp cuts, wounds, abrasions- You can not do a perm! And in general - do more cucumber mask for hair, and they will look gorgeous!

By the way! A very interesting idea to make a henna tattoo at home: Read and try this tattoo yourself.

We do the perm ourselves

Stage one:

This procedure is done on clean and slightly damp hair. We wind them on curlers of the size that you would like to “wear” in the coming months. It is not necessary to wind the strands too tightly, otherwise the curling agent simply will not get into all layers of the hair.

Stage two

Pour into a plastic or ceramic bowl liquid, which will help us make a perm. We carefully read the instructions!

Foam sponge plentifully moisten the hair on the curlers. First, we apply the product on the back of the head, then on the crown, and only then on the forehead and temples. Cover all this beauty plastic wrap, wrap with a towel.

Different perm products hold different times: be sure to follow the instructions! Otherwise, your hair, instead of making you happy, will look depressing.

Stage three

When the time is up, we wash the hair with warm, it will work best), but do not remove the curlers at this time! Gently pat damp hair dry with a towel.

Stage four

Responsible moment - fixer application. To do this, you need to knock it into foam, wet your hair with it (using a foam sponge) and leave it for 5-8 minutes.

If you want to do your own perm, then you might be interested in a fixer recipe that you can make yourself:

Dilute 8 tablets of hydroperite in 80 ml of water and add 20 ml of shampoo to this mixture. It turns out about 100 ml of fixer, which is enough for hair 10 cm long.

Stage five

We remove the curlers, again apply a fixing agent to the hair for 5-8 minutes. Then the hair is washed with warm water.

Stage six

Now rinse your head acid solution. We do it this way: 1 liter of water is taken, 2 grams of citric acid or 1-2 tablespoons of 8% vinegar are diluted in it.

Stage seven

Well, if you have one that will allow you to restore the hair structure, rinse them thoroughly and dry them naturally

If you were able to perm your hair at home, congratulations - now you can do anything! Be beautiful!

Below is a video where a professional curls his hair. Take a look - it's very helpful!