How to make a beautiful corrugated paper topiary? Heart made of sweets and corrugated paper with photo and video Volumetric heart made of corrugated paper

There are different types of creativity. And each of us does what he likes. Something you can do on your own, but something you need to study and understand how to do it.

Today I bring to your attention a master class "Heart of sweets" using corrugated paper. It's great if you already know how to make such a heart. And if you haven't tried it and have never done it yet, let's do it together.

Well, let's get started?

Let's get started!

And so, this is what we get in the end.

You can choose any color scheme. Choose the colors you like. I took a combination of red and white.

Preparing a template for the future heart. To do this, draw a heart on cardboard and cut it out.

Using a ready-made cardboard template, cut out the heart from the foam. You can take 5 cm or 3 cm foam.

We glue white corrugated paper on one side of the heart on hot glue, while stretching the paper itself a little so that there are no waves. Cut off the excess edges of the paper, leaving a distance of about 1 cm from the edge of the foam.

On the other side, glue the red corrugated paper.

Bend the free edge of the white corrugation and glue it on hot glue.

Now, fold the free edge of the red paper and glue it with hot glue. We make sure that the edges are even and neat.

We get such a joint.

Cut off a strip with a width of 1.5 divisions of the corrugation and a length equal to the perimeter of the heart.

We glue a strip of paper along the edge of the heart.

This is how it should look when viewed from the bottom.

We finished it. We connect the joint with glue.

Bend the free edge of the paper.

We stretch it.

We stick in the prepared roses from the candies, observing the proportion. We start from the bottom corner of the heart.

We continue to stick the flowers in parallel to each other.

Cooking nuts. If the thickness of the foam is 3 cm, then we take halves of toothpicks for the pounds.

We fill the free space between the flowers with funnies.

We take a gold ribbon 0.5 or 1 cm.

We make such funnies out of it.

And we decorate our heart.

That's all! Our candy heart is ready.

Good luck with your creativity! Until next time on the pages of my blog!

When you want to confess your love to a loved one or a friend, you cannot find a better gift than a do-it-yourself craft. In this case, the type and shape of the gift should be selected in each individual case. If you do not want to do this, it is enough to choose a universal present that everyone will like. In this case, we are talking about a craft in the shape of a heart. We will tell you in more detail how to make a heart out of paper.

Making a heart out of corrugated paper

One of the great materials that is not only worth it, but also a pleasure to work with, is corrugated paper. What are its features? Firstly, this paper is very bright and beautiful. Secondly, it is soft and pleasant to the touch. And thirdly, the corrugation is easy to shape, and you can make a lot of unusual and positive crafts from it, including the heart. So how do you make a heart out of such a material?

Corrugated paper: how to make a heart

First you need to prepare a ruler, A4 cardboard or a piece of plastic of the same size. Take a pencil and draw a heart on cardboard or plastic, cut it out. Then draw a smaller heart inside it and cut it out in the same way. You should have a heart with a heart through it (like a large cupcake mold).

How to decorate a heart with corrugated paper?

Since the pattern of the heart itself looks very unpresentable, it can be decorated with corrugated paper. However, in order to give a zest to our gift, it is not easy to wrap paper around it, but also to arrange it in an unusual way. In our case, we propose to arrange corrugated paper in the form of roses. How to do it?

To decorate the heart shape, you can use both plain red and two-color paper (for example, pink and red). Next, take one sheet of paper and cut it along the entire perimeter. Cut into small strips with a thickness of up to 2.5-5 cm (depending on the size of the heart of the template) and roll each of them into small round rollers. This is one of the simple and very original ways to make a heart out of paper with your own hands.

Then take one of the rollers by the end of the paper and make a small fold in the shape of a small cone. Secure your twist with floristic glue (you need to glue the twisted turns of paper at every 2-3rd turn); make a couple more turns, gradually unwinding part of the paper from the mini-roll; turn the bud upwards and thus form the flower stem. As a result, you should get a pretty rose sitting on a small leg.

Cut off the excess tail and glue the rest of the rose to the heart-pattern. Do the same with the rest of the rollers.

After all this, let the heart dry. Done. Now this gift can be given at a meeting to your beloved or beloved. It is also perfect for decorating a room during a wedding ceremony and for decorating a newlywed car. Next, we will tell you how to make a volumetric heart out of paper.

How to make a voluminous craft in the shape of a heart?

If you want to make a voluminous work out of paper, then you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • floristic glue gun;
  • corrugated paper;
  • pencil or pen;
  • white cloth and red ribbon;
  • red colored paper;
  • plasticine;
  • wooden stick;
  • thread and needle;
  • round glass or square container.

If you are thinking about how to make a voluminous heart out of paper, then start creating a craft from a cardboard template. To do this, take a cardboard, draw a heart on it with a pencil and cut it out. Then, take peach, red or pink corrugated paper and cut it into small squares.

Next, take a white fabric, cut out a small strip and sew it with a needle and thread like an accordion. The result should be something that looks like ruffles or frills. Before making a heart out of paper, attach it to the back of the heart, spread it evenly over the entire shape of the blank and glue it. Drape empty spaces like the first side with crumpled squares of corrugated paper.

We take a wooden stick (a kebab skewer is suitable) and glue it to the heart. We hide the joint with corrugated paper. We take a container, put plasticine on its bottom and securely fix the stick.

For greater stability, you can put unnecessary beads or decorative stones inside the container, and then sprinkle on top with small strips of colored paper. Moreover, it can be pre-curled with scissors in the serpentine style. Topiary with a voluminous paper heart is ready. We will talk further about how to make an origami-style paper heart.

Making an origami heart

An exquisite heart made in origami style will be a wonderful gift for your second half. To make it, you only need colored paper or special origami paper and your hands.

Before making a heart out of paper (origami), we advise you to turn on light relaxing music and go to a well-lit room. Sit back. Take the paper and place it on a hard surface such as a table.

Origami heart: step by step instructions

In the next step, bend the square in half diagonally. Run your fingers well along the fold. This must be done before making a paper heart. Open the resulting triangle so that it is again a square, and fold it into a new triangle on the other side. Open the square again; turn it over, turning it into a rhombus, take the upper corner and bend it in the middle of the square; iron the fold line.

Take the lower corner of the rhombus and lead it to the middle of the upper triangle formed. Return to the bottom corner; bend it in half; smooth fold lines; do the same on the other side. You should get a blank, in which the heart is already clearly visible. It remains only to bend the sharp corners and give a more rounded shape to our figure. The origami style heart is ready.

Now you know how to make a heart out of paper (origami), how to make a voluminous heart out of corrugated paper, etc. In a word, do not hesitate to be creative and creative!

Very often you need to decorate an apartment, house or other premises in an original way for the holiday. This decor is especially relevant for Valentine's Day, because this day is impossible without the symbol of love - the heart. We invite you to learn the technique of facing and make a heart out of corrugated paper. Making the craft is extremely simple, although it takes some time, but if you "fill" your hand, you can quickly make a lot of voluminous hearts out of paper and apply them as you wish. And a garland made by hand from such hearts will be simply unrepeatable and will successfully fit into the interior of any room.

Volumetric heart made of crepe paper using the facing technique: a step-by-step master class with a photo

For manufacturing you will need:

  • pVA glue
  • corrugated paper
  • tassel
  • low flat container for glue
  • scissors
  • cardboard
  • sheet of white paper
  • tape
  • pencil
  • crochet hook

First, a heart template must be cut out on a white sheet of paper, which is then transferred to cardboard. Then we cut out the base from paper, conveniently bending the sheet in half and drawing only half of the heart. Put the paper template aside, you will need it in the future.

Next, you need to cut the sheets of corrugated paper into small squares. The photo shows that you need to cut the entire roll of paper at once, first in small strips, and then into cubes. Do not worry about the perfectly even size of the squares, at the last stage all the flaws will be corrected in a fairly simple way.

The main stage of work begins with the fact that each piece of corrugated paper must be wrapped around the tip of the hook, and then dipped in glue.

Each such element must be glued to a cardboard base. It is convenient to start from the tops of the heart, gradually going down. You need to glue tightly enough, but if bald spots are visible, you can glue them along the way, when the glue on the neighboring squares dries up a little.

Quite a monotonous job, but we are sure you can handle it!

The heart is almost ready!

Now you need to glue the tape. To do this, you need a paper base, tape, brush and glue. Turn the finished heart over and grease the cardboard base well with glue, put the edge of the tape on it, also coat it with glue and put the second end of the tape on top. After that, grease the upper part of the tape again well with glue and glue the paper template.

That's all, if the squares are very different in height, then this is easily corrected by the usual "cutting" with scissors, the edges can also be slightly trimmed.

A beautiful volumetric heart using the facing technique is ready. It can be a decoration for a festive table or headboard. Very small hearts can be put on the stem of the glass by making ribbon ties. A huge heart, the creation of which will take a lot of effort, paper and glue, will become a stylish accessory for a photo shoot with your loved one.

The most beautiful holiday of the year is approaching. Valentine's Day is a holiday of love. For our loved ones, we never feel sorry for anything, and therefore the best gift is a gift made by ourselves. The article provides step-by-step instructions for making a heart topiary from corrugated paper.

To work you will need the following materials: scissors (preferably both large and small), a well-sharpened knife, polystyrene, stencils of hearts, the sizes you need, corrugated paper, the right colors, a flower pot, wire (hard and soft), alabaster, glue gun with additional "cartridges".

We take a piece of polystyrene prepared in advance, put stencils of hearts of different sizes on it (in our case, we need a small heart and a large one), circle it and cut it out. It is better to cut the foam with a knife. A sharp, sharpened knife will clearly cut everything along the line without damaging the foam.

Then, we take the corrugated paper. After unwinding the roll, we cut strips along the length for the entire roll, about 2.5-3 centimeters wide. We cut each strip into squares. I warn you right away, you need to cut out as many such squares as possible, approximately 15 strips will leave you for sure. So do not regret it and cut right away so that later you will not be distracted by it.

We wind the thick wire prepared by us on some pipe to get the "curl effect". We do the same with thinner wires, only choose a thinner pipe. The result of the above painted work is shown in the photo below.

Do not forget to leave not a bad length at both ends of the drag, one end will be put in the pot, and the heart will be put on the other. Make sure everything is ready.

Let's start decorating the so-called trunk. For this master class, I prepared a pink ribbon and wrapped it around the wire.

The next step will be the decor of the heart itself. We will decorate our part using the facing method. Facing is one of the types of paper design, the art of paper rolling, when with the help of a stick and a small square of paper, end-tubes are created by winding a square on a stick.

This is where the previously cut squares come into play. We take a simple pencil and a square. We draw a pencil in the middle of the square and, as it were, envelop the pencil with paper. We press with fingers and glue with a glue gun on our foam blank. It should be something like the photo below.

We glue the entire workpiece in this way. Each such new workpiece is very close to the glued one with glue. It should look like in the photo.

How to glue the whole heart with this method, "put" it on the previously prepared trunk. Using scissors of different sizes, we give our "fluffy ball" the shape of a heart. In the same way we make the second heart, which is smaller.

After the hearts are planted on the trunks, we knead the alabaster, pour it into a pot and install our tree. Let the solution harden well, hold it for ten minutes, and then leave it alone for half an hour.

To surprise someone, it is not necessary to give expensive and luxurious gifts, delicious chocolates will be enough. Is it trite? But no, any present can be ennobled if you turn on your imagination and devote quite a bit of time. For example, you can make various amazing crafts from sweets: cars, carriages, suitcases and whatever you want. And in this article I would like to suggest that you consider several options for creating a charming and delicious heart from sweets.

Before starting this master class, it is worth discussing the various types of material.

Basic principles of work

  1. The most necessary element that should be given special attention is the frame. Your entire further design will depend on which frame you choose;
  2. Styrofoam. This material is the most common because it is bulky and stable. The most successful will be for large structures;
  3. Wire and cardboard are mainly used for small compositions;
  4. Paper. Corrugated paper is most suitable for shaping colors, but regular wrapping paper can also be used. And if you want your composition to be airy, then pay attention to tulle;
  5. Candy. Pay special attention to this point, try to choose exactly those sweets that your recipient prefers, but do not forget about the weight category, since an unstable and thin frame may not withstand heavy loads;
  6. Use wooden skewers and double-sided tape to attach the candy to the frame. Also, do not forget about the glue gun.

Using a clerical knife, cut out a workpiece of the required size.

We cut out two parts from plain and corrugated paper in the shape of a blank. We need this to decorate the base. We glue it.

In order to decorate the sides, we cut out a strip about 5-6 cm thick and make a frill. And we glue it in the same way.