How to make birthday invitations. Invitations with souvenirs. How to make the original invitation card: Step-by-step instructions

Baby birthday is a fun holiday for the whole family! On this day, the house is filled with merry gomon and congratulations. Everything should be special: the table, the fusion program, as well as invitations for the holiday. Of course, you can buy and ready-made invitations, but it will be better if your child will make them, with your help, of course.

Postcard "Merry bees"

So, for the manufacture you will need a poultry film, which package techniques and other fragile items, paints of yellow (two shades). The difference in colors should be tangible visually, but not significant, black marker and the basis that paper or cardboard can perform in different colors. So, for starters, a sheet of paper or cardboard is folded in half, after which the paint is applied to the film the lighter shade.

Next, the baby printers the film on paper - the cells are obtained. To obtain a bee or bees in the paint of a darker and saturated shade, the thumb is squealed, it is imprinted in the right place and quantities to get the foundations for our future bees. After the paint is dry, a marker or a marker of black or brown on fingerprints draw a bee, pulling it along the contour. Inside the postcard fit or passes an invitation with the date of the celebration.

Postcard "Handle"

This kind of postcard is quite creative, in addition, they look having fun and completely reflect the essence of the upcoming celebration. So, for the manufacture of such a postcard we will need paper, paints of several colors, give preference to brighter colors and colors, and brush. Spread paper on the surface and arbitrary colors apply small splashes on it. Now you can take the hand of the child and decorate your fingers and palm with arbitrary colors.

An infused palm child leans to a postcard to receive an imprint. On one postcard you can place several such "seals". The combination of colors can be changed as different postcards are made. In addition, such a postcard can be decorated with ribbons and stickers. Flight your fantasy there is no limit! When sticking stickers and adding glitter using brilliant paints or certain ornaments, you will make each card unique and original, intriguing guests, in addition, the child himself will be delighted with such a creative approach.

Fantasize and create with your child!

For you, templates of invitation for a birthday, which you can easily make data about your holiday. Make an online birthday invitation is now very simple!


Business events

Make a birthday site in online constructor!

Just fill out the questionnaire and your official birthday site will be formed automatically! Site-invitation for your birthday is stylish and fashionable!

Specify the organizer of the event and its contacts that will be clichable, and your guests will be able to contact them at any time.

Add a description of your holiday or party and enter your Hesteg for your birthday, so guests stay photos with him.

Invite on the birthday of friends in 3 steps very easy!

An invitation to the anniversary, an adult or children's birthday is always a pleasant process! Online constructor invitations for a birthday will help you with this!

Select invitation design

Easy to configure the invitation template for a birthday for yourself and use the proposed text invitation text. Return the original sample invitation for birthday can always be!

Make a Birthday Website

Fill in the right fields and the official birthday site will be formed automatically, where guests can confirm their presence. Your site invitation is ready and kept forefolding!

Send invitation to guests

You can invite guests for a birthday through any messengers or e-mail. Guests are registered for the event, making up a list of guests for you, and you see analytics of their answers.

Create an invitation

With our service you can

Send Personalized Beautiful Birthday Invitations for each guest to anywhere in the world.

Adjust guests by their own website for a birthday program with an event program adapted to all devices.

Manage your event in the Personal Account, add and delete guests and receive analytics of their answers.

E-birthday invitations will help creatively invite guests!
Create an invitation


Create a birthday invitation to online constructor, make an invitation site and invite guests online through messengers, social networks or e-mail.



Children's invitations were just super, saw many different ideas for the future! I used the girl's birthday invitation, and the page for the birthday made an unforgettable impression on the guests!


I was looking for an original text of the birthday invitations on the Internet and came across this interesting service! I never thought that I myself could make a cool invitation for my son's birthday for 14 years, from which all his friends were delighted.


Finally, a convenient service appeared, where you can buy an invitation, in the template of which the invitation text is already provided. Select an email invitation and invite friends online in one place - it's cool!


I wanted to invite guests to the anniversary creatively for your 30 years and saw this service. I found an invitation template for the anniversary, and it turned out that you can still do your website on the anniversary. Really very cool happened! Thanks you!


Invitation to the children's birthday is not an easy task, I want to make an intrigue on the eve of the holiday. In this service, pleasant templates for the birthday of the child and for our daughter we found her favorite princess from the cartoon! We wish the prosperity service!


Original birthday invitation I could find only here. Choose a children's invitation for the birthday of the girl was not difficult! Make these events and buy an invitation for a birthday I could very quickly. My daughter is happy!


Invitation with a photo on a birthday adds individuality. Invitation templates for children's birthday are all interesting enough. Make an invitation for the boy's birthday through this service is very convenient, and the invitation card with the photo I liked our guests!


We can easily create an online birthday invitation. E-invitation for a birthday is quite creative in our time! I want to note that our invitory for the children's birthday caused enthusiastic views of the guests!

Elena - Mom, wife and keeper "Few"

I recommend buying an invitation for my birthday in this service. On each postcard, the text of the child's birthday invitations is already conveniently placed - substitute your data and everything is ready! Invitation for the birthday of the child impressed our guests very much!


Create an invitation for a birthday in electronic form and get a website invitation for a birthday - I used to have not seen this. ☺ Modern online birthday invitation - a stylish approach to the event! And the invitation card for the birthday in the style of Gatsby asked the topic of the event!

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The theater begins with hangers, and a birthday day from the invitation card. At the expense of the holiday, it is important to know how to place an invitation for a birthday. Such a visit card of the holiday immediately sets the tone of the future event and will help the guest to understand what it will be expected.

The original invitation card is always beautiful and sophisticated regardless of whether he is inviting for a birthday day of an adult or baby. Invitation helps to create a special atmosphere not only for the birthday room, but also for guests.

Invitation with their own hands on the birthday of the child will help to take the whole family. Such moments are difficult to forget. After all, it is possible that the first drawing will be done on the invitation, and maybe the first letters will be written on it. Such an occupation will help recharge yourself with positive emotions for a long time.

The style of the invitation card should depend on the subject of the holiday. If the birthday of the girl and the holiday will be in the style of the ball, on which the princess will be present, the invitation can be made puppet, choosing the original text. If the holiday for a boy in the style of a certain cartoon, you can make a postcard with pictures of the main characters of the cartoon.

Invitation for the birthday of girls will require fancy, material and a little patience. It is important that the output will be an invaluable small present, which will be difficult to throw in the garbage after the holiday.

The simplest cards can be made of colored paper. And also in the arsenal you need to have a marker, ruler, simple pencil and scissors. Paper can be folded in the Origami technique, for example, in a flower or any other figure. Before folding the figure on the sheet, you need to make an inscription that will contain all the necessary information about the holiday.

Bright and fun will look a postcard in the form of a rainbow. For such an invitation, you need to open up paper with all the colors of the rainbow, or print the rainbow on the color printer and on its colored stripes to make signatures.

A business card in the form of a summer slap will suit if the daughter marks the holiday in the summer. To make such a craft, you need to cut the pattern of the legs on a sheet of paper and with the help of a satin ribbon to make interlocks that fix the leg. The text to write will need to slap.

Invitation color can be pink, peach, green, purple, pistashkovy, orange, blue. It is best to ask the child, what color he likes and whatever drawing he wanted on a ticket.

Any boy exactly loves cartoons and superheroes, so the thematic invitation in the cartoon style will definitely like not only to him, but also its guests. The invitation for the birthday of a child with their own hands will allow the boy to invest their contribution to the preparation of the holiday and feel like a real man. In addition, such a postcard will be the beginning of the children's holiday.

Cars, racing cars, fixes, turtles, as well as other heroes of cartoons are loved by expired children. To make tickets yourself, you can print the invitation template and decorate it with the help of paints, pencils or markers. You can also print a color drawing, stick it into cardboard and join it thematic details that I will make an invitation even more interesting. Such details can be stickers, wheels, beads, feathers and other decor elements.

If the celebration marks an adult, the invitation must be in restrained, with the original style. Invitation on the anniversary with their own hands will allow guests to give guests a part of their soul. According to the rules of etiquette, the invitations are sent for such events in 3 weeks. This is exactly the period for which guests will have time to prepare for the holiday and buy the appropriate outfit if the holiday is thematic, as well as a gift.

For the manufacture of invitations, you need to buy personally:

What materials are specifically needed, it will be understood after it is possible to determine the postcard style.

Festive card can be:

On the postcard you need to specify all the information about the event, as well as sign it. The invitation card may be electronic. Such a ticket must be sent with social networks, as well as email.

It is important to remember some more nuances. In order for the invitation card to be issued according to the rules of etiquette, it must contain the following information:

Any appeal to guests must contain a signature of an inviting person. Speech style can be absolutely anyone. You can write an invitation both in poetic form and in a business style. The main thing is to formulate your thoughts so that guests have no questions.

Invitation is a small version of the holiday, so it is necessary to approach his design seriously. The style and text of the invitation is important, but it is important to invite with love and sincerely that guests have remembered the holiday for a long time, and the invitation card has been reminded of a bright event.

ATTENTION, only today!

Hey! It's again Katya 🙂 . Today I am in my mother's blog We will teach you to make invitations for my own birthday. I promise it will be very beautiful and very easy and very fast.

Lace napkins are sold almost everywhere and stand as much as one beautiful postcard costs. From the pack you can make 100 pieces, but while I do not have so many girlfriends :-).

By the way, we have already done from small napkins lace ball for the new year. .

Today we will use a larger diameter napkins - 24 cm.

All simple! From bright dense cardboard, cut the rectangle with the sides of 10.5 x 11.5 cm. It is necessary to write or print the text of the invitation.

Now put the rectangle on the napkin, bend the edges by any of these ways, will be the same beautiful:

The bottom side can be beatened in the form of a triangle, to turn the bright tape into its upper corner and in the "cover" of our lace convert.

This is how I designed invitation for my birthday:

  • just tied a bow
  • sticked up on both sides the conversion stickers (emoticons are not very, of course, combined with lace, but it's fun :-))

I decided to continue lace fantasy! Why not make a festive table with the same napkins?

Here, for example, as I made a ring for a napkin. First cut out the inner circle, then folded the lace ring fourly and brought the stapler.

Next to the napkin, put the card for guests. By the way, you can put a little chocolate in this convertible - let the girls pick up a souvenir with me.

In the style of invitation for birthday you can do this converter for cutlery .

In order for our lace fantasy to look as impressive as possible, the tablecloth should be chosen one-photon. Saturated shades are suitable - pink, green, blue.

I do not know how you, and I liked this idea ...

By the way, these envelopes can be used for boys who have not yet been 6 months old. For example, as invitations for christening . Todders are often decorated with lace ...

Good day! Not everyone loves to celebrate your birthday. But there are those who crave a meeting with their date of appearance. Of course, these are our children! Who are neither they hurry to grow quickly! If you want to make a great holiday to the baby, then I invite you to a post about an invitation for a birthday.

Today there will be a festive mix of texts of invitations in verses and prose, and templates. So if you want in all details to deal with the preparation of this important festive part, then you are pleased to my site. And the coolest invitation cards choose clicking

Pretty child birthday invitations in verse

Recall, ____ numbers

We will sit very little.

You are close to us, we appreciate you.

And congratulations are better not,
What your visit and your hello.

Children's holiday comes.
Birthday invites
To visit all your friends,
To be fun.

Come, do not forget
We are very, very much waiting.
Birthday note
Let's play and sing.

The treat will be tasty.
Cool time will spend.
And no one will be bored,
Honestly give the word.

____________________ -
Come without a doubt
We will really wait!
At the child's birthday -
We will celebrate together.

______________________ -

We call you a holiday.
There will be everything: flowers gifts,
And stoney and sing!

Denek Birth Birth,
We are happy immensely
And we want to invite you
For a holiday certainly

You come do not hesitate
We will be happy to see you,

The refusal is not accepted!

SMS child birthday invitations (in verses and prose)

Recall, ____ numbers

Come to visit us to visit you
After all, the birthday of our crumb.
We will sit very little.

You are close to us, we appreciate you.
We want to see you at this hour ___
And congratulations are better not,
What your visit and your hello.

Your friend, ______

____________________ -
Come without a doubt
We will really wait!
At the child's birthday -
We will celebrate together.

______________________ -
On this day, beautiful, bright
We call you a holiday.
There will be everything: flowers gifts,
And stoney and sing!

Denek Birth Birth,
We are happy immensely
And we want to invite you
For a holiday certainly

You come do not hesitate
We will be happy to see you,
So that we are waiting for you in any
The refusal is not accepted!

Invitations only in prose (templates)

We are pleased to invite you to the holiday on the occasion of the birthday of our birthday. The celebration will be held ______ (date), at ________________, start at ____ hours. We promise fun, contests, adventures and the most delicious cake in the world. We are waiting for you!

We invite you to a wonderful and joyful holiday, but a celebration in honor of the birthday of our beloved child. The holiday will be held at the address_ date_. Let this day you won't have a bad mood, let your presence make a holiday even more cheerful and brighter, and this day is happier and more interesting.

Dear friend! I invite you to celebrate my birthday, which will be held _________, at _______________.
Come necessarily, here you are waiting for the ice cream mountains, the river tasty juice and the sky from bright balloons!
Your friend, ______

Our dear and wonderful guests, we invite you to celebrate the celebrations in honor of the birthday of the most charming and cute baby on the planet. The holiday will take place at ________ Q__s ______ (date). We ask you to arrive without delays and be ready for magic and little miracles.

We invite you to a children's holiday - the birthday of a child! At a wonderful place, at: _______________. Positive emotions, sea laughter and fun waiting for you ______ numbers. Come, we will wait!

Baby Birthday Invitation (Templates)

Birthday will be held

Have a steep boys!
Play will be having fun
We will hear the whole country!
Our Tus will unfold
This is how much _______
And where is _____________
I will wait for me your faces
Come all to me!

In the glorious G. ____________
It is going to walk,
We are on ul. ___________
We assign you a date.

Birthday Rivne in ________
Will meet himself,
Congratulations to take.

Will be fun and tasty
Cake, candy and cookies,
And so that it was not sad to you
Come with the mood.

We will sing and have fun
In games different play
With a birthday room to frolic
Happy birthday to congratulate.

Have a son named
This is an important reason
Street ___________ Find.

We are waiting with great impressive
On the son of a birthday!

Young knight in a hurry to invite
Birthday to visit him.
All guests on this day
And prepare to have fun.
And, of course, so as not to get lost,
To the specified address to appear:

To the holiday you do not miss,
On the day and hour this is such coming:

Invites all the boy
From the soul to have fun
Birthday to note
Cake, candy exterminate.
In this mission honorary
You should help him.
Come feel free to
Exactly in __________
So that you are not lost,
Here is the name of the cafe

SMS Birthday invitation to a steep boys

Birthday will be held

Have a steep boys!
Play will be having fun
We will hear the whole country!
Our Tus will unfold
This is how much _______
And where is _____________
I will wait for me your faces
Come all to me!

Have a son named
This is an important reason
Street ___________ Find.
To come to ____ Exactly to us.

We are waiting with great impressive
On the son of a birthday!

In a day _____________
The holiday will take place.
Your mood is excellent
We will definitely come in handy.

In a nice place ___________
We are waiting for you for your birthday.
We will be with our birthday
Having fun before sconion!

Invites all the boy
From the soul to have fun
Birthday to note
Cake, candy exterminate.
In this mission honorary
You should help him.
Come feel free to
Exactly in __________
So that you are not lost,
Here is the name of the cafe

Baby's birthday invitation in prose

We invite you to visit a very fun and unforgettable event, the birthday of a beautiful boy, which will take place ___________, in ____, at ___________________. Look forward to! Bright emotions guarantee!

We invite you to a wonderful and wonderful holiday, on a celebration in honor of the birthday of a brave hero and a bold boyfriend. The holiday will take place at_ _Data_. Please prepare for the holiday, having freed yourself from sadness and sadness, tuned to the wave of optimism and fun. Large request without delays and in a good mood to appear on the birthday.

My dear ________! I so want in the most important day for me, you were there. Come to my cheerful birthday. And please do not leave a good mood at home! I will wait at _______ in ______ (time, date).
With hope for an ambulance, your ___

We invite you to a wonderful holiday in honor of the birthday of mischievous, cheerful boys. Our hero is very much waiting for you, so we hope that ______ (date) will see you at _______________________ in a great mood, with a good smile and readily have a good fun with our boy.

Having rushing you invite on the birthday of a cheerful boy. With you this holiday will be more wonderful and more interesting, together with you the birthday girl will open a new page in his life and at the start from the heart to have fun with you, and the tasty cake is raised by all the mood. I warn you immediately - the entrance is paid - a sincere smile and a good mood. We are waiting for you at ______________. The date_________.

Birthday invitation to the princess girl (poems - templates)

On the birthday of the princess

Convenes everyone to the ball.
It will be very interesting
Come - great and small!

Going, adjust.
Here is the appointed chalk: ___,


I send invitations
To loved and friends themselves.
Come for your birthday
I will be glad to all guests!
The holiday will take place -
______________ in ______,
by the address _____________

Accept from me an invitation
For my holiday - Birthday,
You believe you are waiting for you
Wonders, magic and salute,
Sea of \u200b\u200bmusic and sweets,
Dancing, laughter and storm of joy!
Come to have fun!
Remember - the holiday will take place
« ___»___________________

Native, dear guests,
We want to invite you now

You need zador, fun,
More songs, setting!

Our daughter is a birthday
We are waiting for friends without progress.

The holiday will be interesting!

Our main princess
Very waiting for the holiday you.

Birthday daughter
Let's gather all the fuck!
Waiting for you games, treats -
Will be cool, feast Mountain!

Invitation SMS for a birthday to the girl

On the birthday of the princess
Convenes everyone to the ball.
It will be very interesting
Come - great and small!

Going, adjust.
Here is the appointed chalk: ___,
Day: ____, cherished address:

I send invitations
To loved and friends themselves.
Come for your birthday
I will be glad to all guests!
The holiday will take place -
______________ in ______,
by the address _____________

Native, dear guests,
We want to invite you now
For the holiday of our cute daughter.
Say that we are glad to see you.

We are waiting for you _________, which is important,
And the address _____________ will tell.
You need zador, fun,
More songs, setting!

Our daughter is a birthday
We are waiting for friends without progress.
It will be fun with us, come exactly in _____,
The address is also known to everyone _______________,
The holiday will be interesting!

Our main princess
Very waiting for the holiday you.
__________ - it will take place in this place
__________ - certainly at this hour.

Birthday daughter
Let's gather all the fuck!
Waiting for you games, treats -
Will be cool, feast Mountain!

Invitation for the Birthday Girls in your own words on the palate (in prose)

Wonderful guests we are waiting for _Data_ in _, at the celebration in honor of the birthday of the girl-beauties. The holiday will take place at ________________. Come on time, with a smile on your face. At the bottom of the birth, we will have fun with a princess, happily play and laugh, eat treats and improve the mood.

A wonderful girl has a birthday soon. We are glad to invite to a wonderful holiday and a fun celebration that will take place at the address_. A cute and charming princess look forward to sincere congratulations, good wishes, happy smiles, bright gifts and magical moments. We are waiting for you at the appointed hour and with a great mood.

We invite you to the birthday of a wonderful girl, our stars. Bright emotions, balloons, various sweets and goodies, children's laughter, interesting contests, exciting travels on the pages of good fairy tales and much more is waiting for you at the address_. We are waiting for you _Data without delays, otherwise you have to fulfill the desire of our birthday.

We invite you to a wonderful holiday in honor of the birthday of a wonderful girl, a cute princess. The celebration will take place at the address_ date_ and we hope that this day will be for the birthday girl and all guests a magical fairy tale and a memorable day of good wonders. And a beautiful cake and other youths on the table, let only sweeten the mood and the holiday itself.

We are in a hurry to inform you that ________ (date) at _______________________ We will wait for you, and believe me - there is a reason! After all, our wonderful princess is a birthday. She is preparing in all and is looking forward to her desired guests for fun and tasty cake.