Brief quotes about friends. Sayings about friends. Statements about friends and friendship with meaning

Each person in his life path wants and seeks to gain happiness. And everyone puts his understanding into this word. But, probably, no one will argue that one of the important components of happiness is friendship. True, real friendship, like real love, the phenomenon is quite rare. And the quote Marlene Dietrich even states that friendship unites people much more than love.

Trust, patience and reciprocity - this is what a truly friendly relationship is based. And the quotes about friendship will be proved to you.

In friendship it is necessary to learn to be a man. And although no one is insured against mistakes, the main thing is to be able to notice them in yourself.

Everyone wants to see their friend of the faithful and sincere, spiritually rich and comprehensively developed person. And for this you need to fuck this. An ancient Greek poet of Euripid, whom they like to quote, even before our era formulated: "Tell me who your friend, and I will tell you who you are."

Of course it does not always work. We will cite the French philosopher of Valerie: "Do not judge about a person in his friends. Judah they had flawless. " But, I want to believe that this is still an exception to the rules.

Friendship - so great feeling that great people often reasoned about him. Poets, writers and philosophers often appealed to this topic. Therefore, there are so many wise quotes and aphorisms about friendship.

Statements of great people about friendships

A true friend with you when you are wrong.
When you are right, everyone will be with you. Mark Twain

Friend is a person who knows about us and nevertheless loves us.
Elbert Hubbard

Love can be undivided. Friendship - never.
Yanush Vishnevsky

Do not rush to choose friends, change them - especially.
Benjamin Franklin

Only a friend's hand can snatch spikes from the heart.
Claude Adrian Gelving

In the bustling of this world, friendship is the only thing that is important in personal life.
Karl Marx

The sincerity of the relationship is true in communication - here is friendship.
Alexander Suvorov

Whoever is not looking for friends, he himself is an enemy.
Shota Rustaveli

People can drink together, can live under the same roof, can make love, but only joint classes by idiocy indicate real spiritual and mental intimacy.
Eva Rapoport.

What is anyone who friendships did not know the saint? It is like a pearl empty.
Alisher Navoi

In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome.
Goat rods

Who is humane, he gives another support, wanting it to have it, and helps them to achieve success, wanting to achieve him himself.


Friendship is when the man is good just like that.
Yuri Nagibin

Friendship enhances joy and crushing sorrow.
Henry George Bon.

Stretching your hand to friends, do not compress your fingers into the fist.

All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend.

We love friends for their shortcomings.
William Hazlitt

The Lord bestowed our relatives, but we, thank God, wolly choose themselves.

Without true friendship, life is nothing.

Henrik ibsen

Friendship penetrates all people, but to preserve it sometimes have to demolish and resent.

3a my life I was convinced that only more and all unnoticed time talking with friends; Friends great time robbers.
Francesco Petraska

People are born to help each other, as the hand helps her hand, foot leg and upper jaw - bottom.
Mark Arellium

Who is a good friend himself, he has a lot of good friends.
Nikcolo Makiavelli

Who wants to have a friend without flaws, he remains without friends.

Friendship, which stopped, never, actually, did not begin.

Friendship is not such a miserable light to ground in separation.
Johann Schiller

This friend is the one who will keep your hand and feel your heart.
Gabriel Marquez.

Neither a slave nor the owner of friendship is not necessary. Friendship loves equality.
Ivan Goncharov

Averalius Augustine

The best pleasure, the highest joy in life - to feel necessary and close to people.
Maksim Gorky

For a dedicated friend, it is impossible to do too much.
Henrik ibsen

The price of the state is learned when it was acquired, and the price of a friend - when he was lost. (Peti-san)

Diligently avoid any friendship with fools and swarms, if in a relationship with such people, the word "friendship" is generally applicable. (Chesterfield)

The one who thinks he can do without others. But the one who thinks others will not be able to do without it is doubly dismissed. (Silay)

No related links create friends, but the commonality of interests. (Democritis)

Prys are not always friends. (Lermontov)

At most I can do for my friend, just be a friend to him. (Toro)

Real friendship or binds equal, or makes equal. (SIR)

Do not rush to choose friends, change them - especially. (Franklin)

Friends love you as you are, my wife loves you, but wants to make another person from you. (Chesterton)

The Lord bestowed our relatives, but we, thank God, wolly choose themselves. (Mamford)

In friendship, like in, people are happy, because they do not know the truth about the close person. (Show)

Friendship penetrates all people, but to preserve it sometimes have to demolish and resent. (Cicero)

The female friendship warms the heart, without burning it. (Larancyfort)

No matter how rare true love, the true friendship is still less common. (Larancyfort)

It's not so difficult to die for a friend, how to find a friend who would cost to die for him. (Bulver-Litton)

Friends, like wine, than older, the better. (Allen)

Only the devotion of friends is Vladyk, it is more beautiful than all the wealth of the world. (Ronsar)

Enemies always speak the truth, friends - never. (Cicero)

Do not rush to see a friend in every conversation and do not trust your secrets to someone. (Avicenna)

Happiness gives us friends, it suffers them. German nm

In nonsense, the enemy is familiar with each other. Epichette

The one who would have led his friend for the sake of his benefit, has no right to friendship. J.J.russo

The richest friendship is almost always tied in a heavy godine for friends. K. Kolton.

Nothing binds the hearts like a welcoming tears. J.J.russo

A friend is the one who gives the joy to do good to another, and who believes that this other is experiencing the same feelings. D. Rizman.

Our friends are not purchased by the fact that we receive services from them, but by what they themselves have. Fukidide

Friends here exist to help each other. R.Rollana

For a dedicated friend, it is impossible to do too much. Gibsen

One who every time you need it, guesses about it. J. Renar

Friends with happy circumstances should be only at the invitation, and in unfortunate - without an invitation, by themselves. Isocrate

A friend loves at all times and, as a brother, will appear during the misfortune. Solomon

For friendship, any burden is easy. D.GE

It is even pleasant to hurt when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery as a holiday. A.P.chekhov

Love is available to everyone, but friendship is a heart test. S.Uveto

Only a real friend can endure the weakness of his friend. V.Smpir

Only those people who know how to forgive small disadvantages can be associated with true friendship. J.Labryuer

The best friend can be the one who knows about you the worst and still loves you. L.N. Tolstoy

Friendship is content possible, without requiring proper. Aristotle

If you save your friend and stay worthy of him, it will be the best test of your character, spirit, heart, even morality. Marks.

Friendship penetrates all people, but to preserve it sometimes have to demolish offense. Cicero

We willingly forgive our friends the shortcomings that we do not hurt. F. Laroscope

Friendship can only be durable in the maturity of mind and age. Cicero

Great friendship is always restless. M.Sevimier

Sincere friendship is inherent to give advice and listen to them. Cicero

Strive to have next to your other adviser, a decisive friend, and love the wrong who flatters you, but of the one who corrects you. J.Sand.

Lytsov fees to friends: the true friend is yours, who is honest and straight. M.Sada

Plow the weaknesses of your friends, cover your eyes to their shortcomings, admire their vices, as if virtues, what could be closer to nonsense? Erasmus Rotterdamsky

True friendship should be frank and free from pretending and leschable. Cicero

I do not need a friend who in all with me agreeing, changes with me glances, nodding his head, because the shadow does better. Plutarch

Many who seem friends are not really friends, and on the contrary, some not seemingly friends, in fact - friends. Democritus

Not the one who is Mesh Maja, but the one who truth will tell. Russian nm

We are not particularly satisfied with our friends, if they, appreciate our good qualities, allow themselves to notice our shortcomings. L.Vovenarg

You should not be angry with a friend who, wanting to you good, will make you wake up from sweet dream if he did it somewhat harsh and rude. V.Skott

I appreciate friendship, not afraid of sharp and decisive words. M.Monten.

Only in one case, we have nothing to be afraid to insult a friend - this is when it comes to express the truth to him and thus prove his loyalty to him. Cicero

If a friend is reproaches you in any lack, always think that from told you not all. T. Entuller

If you want to have a favor to friends, then you should not be silent about their shortcomings. A.Dedibur

A friend who thoroughly tells us about our shortcomings is an invaluable treasure. Sh. Sent-Evremon

Friend is a merciless judge who does not allow any deviations from the truth. F. Albeony

In what serious mistakes and extreme absurdities are really falling, especially people of a higher position, due to the fact that they have no friend who could tell them about these mistakes. F.Bekon

Who will tell me the truth about me, if not a friend, but hear about myself the truth is necessary from another. VG Belinka

From friends, we are waiting for a fair rating that others cannot give us. F. Albeony

The most pleasant thing is to have friends who tell you always clean truth. O.Henry

Whose ears are closed for truth and who can not listen to her from the mouth of a friend, not anything will save. Cicero

How sweets criticized comments coming from friendly mouths; You believe in them, it becomes sad, for there is no doubt that they are correct, and they do not cause pain. O. Balzak

True friend is the second conscience. French nm

Friend is the one who should be able to appreciate us. F. Albeony

Only a piece of praise express a friend in the face, the other part is behind his back. Indian NM

Equality in love and friendship is the holy thing. I.A. Krylov

Where the equality is the end, there can be no friendship. D. Ber.

Trust is the first condition of friendship. J.Labryuer

Do not trust friends shameful than to be deceived by them. F. Laroscope

Friendship ends where distrust begins. Seneca

About friends should not remember not in the presence of them only, but also in the absence. Falez.

The distance and the absence, no matter how unpleasant it is to confess, damage any friendship. For people whom we do not see, whether it is our favorite friends, overnightly dry out in our presentation to the degree of distracted concepts, through which our participation is made more and more rational. A.Shopengauer

The absence is a trial stone for true attachment. A.Locarder

There is no joy in this world stronger than the impaired of loved ones and friends. No tormenting flour on earth than to be glorious with friends in separation. A.Rudaki

A friend is a man who notices all our advantages and even forgives them. French writer Adrian DeccCell

My friend I love the most for what I can discuss its shortcomings. English Writer William Gazlitt

It is difficult for friends to remain impartial, so they are often especially unfair, trying to be impartial. German philosopher Friedrich Goebbel

Friends are the longer saved than less often. Folk wisdom.

Friendship often turns into love, but love is rarely transformed into friendship. English Publicist Charles Colton

Friendship is usually a prologue from an ordinary acquaintance to the hostility. Russian historian V. Kleevsky

Friendship is a duet, which soloizes only one of the participants. French writer Adrian DeccCell

Friends love you and take it, what are you, but a wife although you love, but wants to remake on another person. / Great English Writer Gilbert Chesterton

Friendship is such a great, sweet, holy, constant and reliable feeling that can be carried into the heart throughout the whole life, unless, of course, do not ask for money from each other. / American Writer Mark Twain

For in love, friends do not exist. French Writer Henri Standal

The sun and the furnace warmes the air, the dress is a body, and friendship is a soul. Goat rods

Friend - a gift that you give yourself. Robert Luis Stevenson.

Acquisition of friends, real friends, is the best sign of a successful person in life. Edward Eversette Hale.

Have a lot of friends - it means not to have a single one. (Rotterdam)

Sometimes there are periods when a person cannot be a better friend than loneliness, and the best friend than silence. (Timibekov)

The sincerity of the relationship is true in communication - here is friendship. (Suvorov)

Perfect the duties of friendship is somewhat difficult than admire her. (Lesing)

When you are happy your friends, happy and you.

Who is a good friend himself, he has good friends. (Makiavelli)

Whoever is looking for friends, the very enemy itself. (Rustaveli)

Who wants to have a friend without flaws, he remains without friends. (Bias)

Easy to turn a friend into the enemy, it is difficult to turn the enemy into a friend. (Timibekov)

False friends, like the shadows, follow us on the heels, while we go to the sun, and
immediately leave us as soon as we enters the shadow. (Bovai)

The best thing is new, the best friend is old.

Our best part consists of friends. (Lincoln)

It is better to listen to reproaches of friends than to lose them.

It is better to die than to doubt friends. (Macedonian)

Love should not turn into friendship, although friendship sometimes turns into love. (Zigumov)

Love more often goes into hatred than friendship in hostility. (Shevelev)

Many who seem friends are actually not the essence of friends, and on the contrary, some not seemingly friends, in fact friends. (Democritis)

A wise friend will not throw a friend, despite all the deprivation. (Rustaveli)

We do not need so much help of friends, as in the confidence that we get it. (Democritis)

Quotes with meaning about friendship, and friends, great people. Friendship is the joy of communication, one of the brightest senses of man. Confidence is that a person will not betray you, will support - the proof of this friendship. But it is important to understand that a friend is not an ideal person, and friendship is checked not only for years, but also the tests that a person meets throughout his life. To save friends, you need to learn to forgive, and do not hide evil.

Business, affairs, career can bring money, but not friendship. Jane Austen

In Friendship, the offer of help should be ahead of the request for it. Valery Krasovsky

A friend is such a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence, I can think out loud. Ralph Waldo Emerson

In my youth, I demanded more from people than they could give: constancy in friendship, loyalty in feelings. Now I learned to demand from them less than they can give: to be near and silent. And on their feelings, on their friendship, on their noble actions, I always look at the real miracle - as for the gift of God. Albert Cami.

Loyalty - Friendship Commandment, the most precious thing that can be given to a person in general. Telman Ernst.

A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

A friend who, knowing you, did not become an enemy. Gennady Malkin.

Friendship is a relationship to another, as to yourself. Love - the attitude towards another is better than to yourself. Shevelev.

Friendship can only be durable in the maturity of mind and age. Mark Tully Cicero

Friendship is not such a miserable light to ground in separation. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller.

Friendship provides you with round-the-clock full-time, if you really friendly with someone. Therefore, you can not have a lot of good friends - you are elementary on them all the time and effort. Truman hood.

Friendship, which stopped, never started. Publishing Sir.

Friendship based on business is better than a business based on friendship. Rockefeller.

Friends can help a person. True friend is one who does not prevent you from being absolutely free to be yourself, - and, most importantly, feel. Or do not feel. At any time you feel beautifully with him. This is the result of true love - it allows a person to be to those who he really ... Most people love you as you think ... Taking their love, you save pretense, you play. You are starting to love your pretense ... It's true, we are limited to the framework of ghostly laws, and it is sad that people get used to their image - they grow up, enshrined every mask. They love their chains.
They forget about what they are in reality. And if you try to remind them something, they begin to hate you for it, because they understand that you are trying to steal from them a precious thing. Jim Douglas Morrison

Friends with happy circumstances should be only at the invitation, and in misfortunes - without an invitation, by themselves. Isocrate.

False friends, like the shade, follow us on the heels, while we go to the sun, and immediately leave us as soon as we enter into the shadow. P. Bovai.

Real friends as diamonds - roads and rare. False friends are like autumn leaves - they are everywhere. Bruce Lee

Our friendship is a permanent value! It does not depend on religion and does not ride as a dollar rate. You are my friend, regardless of anything, while you let me go to your soul and give me an amazing feeling that we are one!
Our friendship is stronger than any chain. It does not depend on our words and actions. She bridge over the abyss, warm plaid in the cold. Even the distance will not be broken. You keep my heart. And I am yours ... (Rebelde Way 2002 rebellion)

Do not go ahead me - I can not sleep for you, and do not go after me, I can not get there, just go next to me and be my friend. Albert Kama

Do not interrupt a rough thread of friendship, for if you have to tie it again, the knot will remain.

No ultrasound holy partnership! Father loves her child, mother loves her child, child loves her father and mother. But this is not something, brothers: loves and beast your child. But to breed the relationship to the soul, and not by blood, can only a person. Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich.

Low soul to the one who shakes his friendship with people whose shortcomings have become known to everyone. Luke de Clapier Vovenarg

Be sure to be friends with those who are better than you. You will suffer, but grow. Polozkova Vera

The enemy revealing your mistakes is more useful for you than a friend who wants to hide them. Leonardo da Vinci

The greatest wealth of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is the friendship of fraternal peoples, which is currently exposed to great tests. Konstantin Kushner.

The death of an expensive friend, wife, brother, lover is always deprivation, but sometimes this loss makes the life of a person directed or even ingenious, in his life there is a genuine revolution, he realizes that the era of infancy or adolescence ended, and therefore all the ways are cut off What used to be. Many change profession, house, lifestyle and begin to treat other people in their lives more friendly and friendly than before. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Passion comes and leaves, and friendship and mutual understanding remain. Nicholas Sparks.

Happiness creates friends, but only trouble can tell you who of them is a true friend. Baurzhan Toybyeks.

The bonds of friendship is immeasurably stronger of relations and properties, for the friends we choose themselves, and fate sends our relatives. Giovanni Boccaccio.

Friend is one soul, living in two bodies. Aristotle.

Disinterested friendship is possible only between people with the same income. Paul Ghetty.

How much we do for friends, which was never done for themselves! A. Oxerent

The price of the state is learned when it was acquired, and the price of a friend - when he was lost. Petit-san.

Diligently avoid any friendship with fools and swarms, if the word "friendship" is generally applicable in relations with such people. Chesterfield

No related links create friends, but the commonality of interests. Democritus

Friendship penetrates all people, but to preserve it sometimes have to demolish and resent. Cicero.

It's not so difficult to die for a friend, how to find a friend who would cost to die for him. Bulver-Litton.

Enemies always speak the truth, friends - never. Cicero.

Nothing binds the hearts like a welcoming tears. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

A friend is the one who gives the joy to do good to another, and who believes that this other is experiencing the same feelings. David Ryzman.

Friends here exist to help each other. Romain Rolland.

One who every time you need it, guesses about it. Jul Renar.

A friend loves at all times and, as a brother, will appear during the misfortune. Solomon.

A true friend with you when you are wrong. When you're right, everyone will be with you. Mark Twain.

Useful friends are another direct, friend of sincere and a lot of hearing. Harmful friends are a friend of the hypocritical, a friend of flattering and friend's talkative "Confucius.

Even to hurt nice when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery as a holiday. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

"Everyone sympathize with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice in their successes." Oscar Wilde.

The best friend can be the one who knows about you the worst and still loves you. Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Friendship is content possible, without requiring proper. Aristotle

If you save your friend and stay worthy of him, it will be the best test of your character, spirit, heart, even morality. Marks.

Strive to have next to your other adviser, a decisive friend, and love the wrong who flatters you, but of the one who corrects you. Jhorge Sand.

Lytsov fees to friends: the true friend is yours, who is honest and straight. M.Sada

Plow the weaknesses of your friends, cover your eyes to their shortcomings, admire their vices, as if virtues, what could be closer to nonsense? Erasmus Rotterdamsky

True friendship should be frank and free from pretending and leschable. Cicero

Not the one who is Mesh Maja, but the one who truth will tell.

Silence is a friend who will never betray. Confucius.

You should not be angry with a friend who, wanting to you good, will make you wake up from sweet dream if he did it somewhat harsh and rude. Walter Scott.

I appreciate friendship, not afraid of sharp and decisive words. Michelle de Monten.

Only in one case, we have nothing to be afraid to insult a friend - this is when it comes to express the truth to him and thus prove his loyalty to him. Cicero.

A friend who thoroughly tells us about our shortcomings is an invaluable treasure. Charles of Saint Evremon.

Friend is a merciless judge who does not allow any deviations from the truth. Francesco Alberoni.

In what serious mistakes and extreme absurdities are really falling, especially people of a higher position, due to the fact that they have no friend who could tell them about these mistakes. Francis Bacon.

Friendship is the most necessary for life, as no one wishes his lives without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. Aristotle.

The subject of the section: Wise, short and not very long quotes about friendship, and friends with meaning.

There are no friends a lot, there can only be friends. And only one will be the best friend. We offer you a selection of status, quotes and aphorisms about friends. Some of them will help you understand what real friendship is and which thinner it has a face, and others will hang you and raise you. We are confident that in the humorous status about friends, almost everyone will recognize themselves or their friend!

Friendship is the relationship in which a person is immersed in childhood. Playing in the courtyard, children begin to be friends, then friends appear in kindergarten, at school, in a student environment. At work, find a friend is already much more difficult, as a rule, by this time a person already has friends, but perhaps the experience of betrayal, so he is not in a hurry to let someone be too close. In addition, at work always boils the spirit of championship and competition, so it's good if friends do not associate a general deal of activity - then they have nothing to share.

Friends are not just people with whom you can meet to chat and have fun. Friends are first of all people who are ready to open the soul. A real friend will never envy, but on the contrary, only will be delighted by the achievements of the comrade. A friend is a person who always tells the truth, perhaps even criticizes alone, but with the rest he will never dare to talk about the lack of his comrade. A friend is a man who believes in you, who can give magic kick and say that everything will succeed!

It is strange that we are afraid to be friends with those with whom we divided the best moments of this short life. And who can we else be?

It happens that friends with whom there are many bright moments, become just familiar ...

Friends need to appreciate regardless of their origin. (Kate Morton)

Friends are much more valuable for diamonds.

A real friend is always next to you. He shares joy and sadness with you. When you're in trouble, he is always ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of you, without thinking about the consequences, not expecting rewards, such friends rarely come across if you meet, take care of it. In it your power. (From the film rebellion)

This friend is support and moral support, while he does not count on benefits and always helps disinterestedly.

The best remedy for melancholy is a meeting with friends.

The world becomes brighter with friends, and the life is more fun.

Die for a friend is not difficult. It's hard to find a friend for whom it would be worth die.

Real friends are ready for each other for everything.

In friendship, not like in love, friendship requires mandatory reciprocity. And equality by all means. But not in the sense of the same. (I. Efremov)

Friends are the same in their rights, but in tastes they can be different.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Russian Folk Proverb)

Understand who with you is near, a true friend or not, only difficulties and trials will help.

If you headed for a friend to visit, then the appearance of his children even before you went to the house, would you tell you, Whether you read your friend. If children will meet you joyfully, you can be sure that a friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come to meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then - turn and not thinking come back home. (Menandr)

Now I am waiting for the other who finally will have children, I want to check if he is glad to see me ...

Everyone sympathize with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice in their successes. (O. Wilde)

A real friend will never envy, he will only be glad to all the success of the comrade.

About funny, good, best

In the circle of real friends there can be no sharp corners.

Among friends there is no meta traitors, liar and gossip.

Where is the wise and loyal friend? Become them yourself!

To have a good friend, you need to first become like themselves.

Who is a good friend himself, he has good friends.

Your friends are a reflection of you.

A real friend is the person who does not need to say - "Feel yourself at home." He is already at the refrigerator.

Friend and his family is something like close relatives.

Friends are those people who hate your former more than you ...

Friends are ready to break anyone who hurt you.

Probably, each of us has a "friend of correspondence", which lives far from us, but at the same time knows more than those who live nearby.

Because he does not know anyone from your surroundings, and nothing will tell anyone, and therefore it will not betray.

Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, and one girlfriend in life, which you can not go to FIG, because it will have to go there, so as not to worry about how she gets away from there.

Friends do not send, because they may not return anymore.

Real friends are friends who will not allow you to make stupidity alone.

Real friends either spend you from stupid, or go to make them together with you.

About betrayal

You will not understand anything in friendship until you betray a friend who was the best.

To become a real, friendship must pass through difficulties. If one fails and betray them, then there was no friendship ...

When you are on the car, with money -
Friends swinging you on your hands.
When you buy them wine -
They laugh at the same time ...
You make gifts, hurry to them,
Worry and friendship value.
You come, help them in trouble.
You cry ... And friends today?
When not by car, but in debt.
When not above the earth, but in my feet.
You look at who is next to you,
Is this a friend presented with fate?
And those who laugh in unison,
And spent with you Million,
Today will also laugh,
With your enemy you will discuss you.

The more money you have, the more you will have "friends" ...

When friendship begins to weaken and cool, it always resorts to enhanced courtesy.

With friends, they are not particularly ceremony and they are not offended for anything, because they themselves are, but with friends it has to be polite ...

Friends are not capable of evil, otherwise they are accomplices.

And if one friend is able to cause evil to another, then he is a traitor.

No enemy is more cruel than the old friend. (Andre Morua)

After all, he knows so much ...

The enemy is usually done from each other.

From friendship to hostility, as well as love to hatred, is one step.

Do not get acquainted with those who betrayed old friends, as they betrayed old, so change and new.

Do not raise friendship with him, do not expose yourself to betrayal.

Why do the hit in the back do those who, as a rule, protect the breast?

Friend is the closest, and at the same time the most dangerous person, because he knows everything about you.

Funny, funny statuses and with meaning

Mom was right. It is better to have a hundred friends than a hundred toys. Especially when your friends are so funny, like Petya. (From the song V. Thunder Ship)

Only from these hundred is the best will be only one.

There is only one person who can rely on.
- I thought we were two. (From the movie Dr. House)

In friendship, two must be confident in each other.

This friendship is when the message "I got sick" in response comes "What kind of fucking ??"

After all, so many were joint plans ...

Girlfriend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center in one person!

Sometimes it is also a stylist, makeup artist and ... spy ...))

A real friend is not the one who will sympathize in the misfortune, but one who without envy will divide your joy.

Many nice words, poems and toasts are invented about friendship. Every person should have such a friend who will help in a difficult moment. In this article you can read interesting

What do statements say?

Sometimes I want to say a person with pleasant words with the help of beautiful words, bright and colorfully express my thoughts. That is why the statements about friends and friendship with meaning are invented. It is necessary so that the person can understand and forgive.

Some people do not know how to perceive friendship truly. Sometimes a betrayal is found and distrust of others appear. Then it is worth reading wise statements, and people begin to look at the world with completely different eyes. That's what it goes on.

Wise statements with meaning

The political figure and philosopher said: "There must be true friendship, and without her life does not represent any interest."

Persian philosopher and writer Omar Khayam somehow said: "It's impossible to offend a friend, as you will find a new enemy, but if you hurt the enemy, a new and most faithful friend will appear."

The Roman Writer Guy Petroniere Arbitrator claimed: "My friends are just needed. Announce your surrounding that you became the poor man, and look at how many people staying near you. These are real friends who cannot be called hypocrites and lessets. "

German writer Georg Christoph Lakhtenberg also interestingly spoke in favor of friendship: "True friends would not stay friends if they learned the real thoughts of each other."

All these really contain such phrases, words and suggestions that not every person thinks. After all, it really, if each of us recognizes yourself the poor or finds out the thoughts of your "real" friend, then in the world a trust relationship between people will completely disappear.

Statements about women's friendship

1. The man who was deceived at least once, ceases to believe in women's friendship.

2. In women's friendship there is no place to betrayal.

3. Women's friendship ends when a man comes with between them, who likes both.

3. In the women's team, you can find out about yourself a lot of interesting and new.

4. If girls unites the past, present and future, then there can be no real female friendship, because too many secrets that sooner or later float to the surface.

5. At that moment, when you fall, the real girlfriend will not regret, but will fall around and will laugh for a long time to raise you.

Some girls do not believe in women's friendship. However, reading the above statements, we can conclude that there is still exceptions.

about friendship

1. A real friend is the person who comes running for you at night and tells how he loves life and his friends.

2. When you say that you do not want to live, the true friend says: "Well, then, and I'm with you to paradise."

3. A true friend, knowing that you are abnormal, never will tell anyone about it, but will argue that he is the same.

4. In friendship, you need to be able not only to divide the umbrella for two, but also a hood too.

5. A real friend will simultaneously watch a very interesting film and talk to you by phone.

Funny statements about friends and friendship, too, with meaning. After all, over time, only the most reliable and proven friends remain, who will not even think to betray a person. All the others gradually evaporate, disappear and there is no time or the desire to remember.