Gives a lot that gets a lot. The Law of Giving and Its Amazing Power

If a man loves his condition next to a woman, then a woman loves, first of all, to feel herself the only one, necessary and NECESSARY in a man's life. A woman wants to feel that she is like air to you, like water in the desert ... It is important for her to feel your love.

Simple words: “I miss you so much, I thought about you all day, you are the most important person for me in my life, I don’t know what I would do without you, you inspire me, with you my wings grow, I feel life next to you, you fill me with such energy and strength ", - are able to lift a woman's mood and fill her with strength and energy.

1. To love a woman correctly is, first of all, to take care of HER internal state, well-being and mood.

If a woman is offended at you, evil, then believe her negative vibrations will create YOUR reality. Sometimes men wonder why this business has stopped going. Take a look around, how many women have you offended?

A successful man is, first of all, a man who understands how his success depends on his wife, the woman who is next to him, which means that the wife must be protected from her negative thoughts and emotions. Your woman is like a bank with your investments - the more you put and give to her, the more you get out of life. To love correctly is simply to LOVE a woman, to try to get closer to her soul, to know her inner world.

A woman wants to feel a man who is always in love with her next to her. Sometimes a man sincerely does not understand what a woman lacks, well, what else does she need - there is a house, there seems to be money, you can relax somewhere, but she is again unhappy with everything.

A woman only lacks love from a man. She needs to feel love. A man can love a woman, but it is important that a woman FEEL THIS and everyone has their own points about this. As a rule, women talk about this, a man just needs to be able to listen carefully. In happy families, spouses are interested in everything about each other, she is interested in how he is doing, and he is interested in how she feels.

    Take an interest in your spouse's feelings. Pamper your woman with little things, treat her like a little girl, sometimes expensive gifts are not needed, most often everyday attention in small things is more expensive than big gifts.

    Arrange little surprises, invite to the cinema, to theaters, buying tickets in secret, invite to a cafe for dinner, lunch, or take a walk in the park. Do not be lazy to organize your leisure time.

2. To love a woman correctly is to be GENEROUS.

Generous in everything: in words, emotions, gifts. Stingy, greedy men will never succeed in any business, never the space will open to them for their opportunities.

The law of love - the more you give, the more you receive. Money is not just pieces of paper for which you can buy something - it is energy.

The more a man gives, sincerely, without pinching, without being greedy, not counting a penny in his mind, the more a woman will love him, and with FEMALE love his success comes to a man.

A woman who constantly lives in a deficit of your love, in a material shortage is an unhappy woman, which means she will send the same vibrations into space. A woman has a much stronger influence on space.

Sometimes a man considers his only duty to earn money and that's it ... without taking into account that a woman still needs his WARM, TENDER, CARE, TIME. Be generous in everything!

3. To love a woman correctly is, first of all, to take care of HER internal state.

How to take care of a woman and her inner state? You should know that women, unlike men, live by feelings, emotions, and not always by logic and reason, I do not want to say that reason is alien to a woman in general. I know many women who, with their logic and reason, can give odds to any man.

But still - feminine nature is emotional.

And the man's task is to help the woman cope with her emotions. It is very important how you behave when a woman loses control of her feelings. First, you need to know the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of your wife, not in order to hurt her more painfully, but in order to take care of her.

It is better if you will not allow such moments when your woman overflows the banks. Know that she does not want to offend you and she does not want to hurt you. She loses control when she is in great pain, then when you may not even be aware or aware, but not feeling, cut her soul to the living. A woman is angry, enraged only because she is in pain and, like a lioness, she begins to defend herself from her own pain.

Strong feelings and emotions tend to scare you, just like women's silence. When a woman is silent, this means only one thing, she is trying to protect you from her inner boiling water.

Women's emotions and manifestations of feelings, as a rule, scare you, you do not know what to do with all this. So - if they scare you, then believe me, they scare women no less. She, too, is frightened of her own negative and destructive feelings, and she needs a man like a vessel for water so that she can feel support and protection from her emotions.

A strong man is one who is not afraid of female feelings and emotions. On the one hand, he can withstand women's emotions without responding with such behavior or rudeness, on the other hand, he can not allow her to sit on his head, humiliate, insult, not allow her to dissolve. A man should not be afraid of female feelings and emotions, they just need to calmly and lovingly endure.

4. A man should also engage in his spiritual development and solve his deep problems not with a specific woman, but with a woman as such.

If a man has not solved his problems with his mother and continues to be under her influence, continues to feel guilt or fear of her, anger, resentment, then relations with a woman will not develop in the best way. A woman will not be able to respect the henpecked, although some women will try in every possible way to turn their man into such. It is here that it is important to show masculine strength, not to allow female destructive impulses to destroy his masculine nature.

By preserving his masculinity, a man thereby helps a woman to reveal her Femininity. A man should respect himself, his territory, tactfully be able to defend his boundaries, not allow a woman to sit on his head, do not think that by allowing this you will be happy or make a woman happy.

No matter how much you love a woman, always remember that you are a man and do not let a woman rule in everything, and for this you need to get rid of your laziness, infantilism, fear and guilt, and develop masculine qualities in yourself.

5. Do not allow a woman to humiliate herself and overstep the boundaries of what is permissible.

Emotional promiscuity does not lead to good - by allowing a woman more and more, you send your relationship and love to the trash can. You must remember that you are a Man and be able to stop a woman when she is forgotten. We love you through ourselves next to you, through our feelings of ourselves.

If a woman is calm and harmonious with you, she will love herself and you. If she screams, swears, you bring her to such a state, then she stops loving herself and you at the same time. How you stop a woman is up to you, in a calm and confident tone, hugs, a kiss, I don’t know, maybe even raise your voice a little, but never humiliate, don’t shout until the veins on your face are swollen, don’t insult, don’t leave her by slamming the door , ignoring her feelings and experiences.

For many women, the worst thing is when, in a fit of her emotions, she is rejected and ignored, it is important for her to see you and feel that you listen to her, sympathize and understand. Let her talk.

6. Don't run away from a woman's emotions.

If you feel that a woman begins to fill almost all of your space or her pressure and control is increasing, try to understand the reason for her behavior, most likely you are not giving her the attention that she wants, and if it is her fears that start knocking on her door hearts, so help her cope and overcome her fears.

Discuss this issue together.

Know that if a woman begins to be demanding and controlling, then this means one thing - she begins to become more attached to you and at the same time her fears wake up that you will betray her and leave her. She just starts to fear losing you. And that's okay.

    The more you annoy and push her away, defending your boundaries, the more suspicion she will have and the more demanding she will become.

    Treat her fears with care, of course you don't need to call her 27 times a day even if she asks, but you can call once if she really needs it.

  • Explain to her calmly that you have a job and you are busy, that you cannot belong to her 24 hours a day, that she needs to learn how to share you with work or something else.

7. Correctly to love is not to turn a woman into a source of satisfaction of her desires, do not think that a woman has only one task - to be a wife and a mother.

Nowadays modern women are not satisfied with this role. Help her self-actualize in some area, help her find herself or a business she likes.

Do not limit her freedom, encourage relationships with friends, women need to emotionally throw out their condition. Sometimes you don't like the fact that it hangs on your phone for hours, but then make a choice. You are ready to listen to everything that she will tell you for hours, if so, then get rid of all your friends, and if you want to lie down to watch TV and so that no one bothers you, then let her have friends.

  • Do not try to make her your property and then go crazy because she smothers you with her love.
  • Do not deprive her of an interesting life besides you, do not limit her life only to yourself.

8. To love a woman correctly is, first of all, not to let your emotions take over you.

Male power in mind and will. If your relationship with your wife does not work out, you do not need to immediately seek comfort and love from another woman.

It is not permissible for a man to stoop to screaming and bad words, humiliation and reproaches. As soon as you start to lose control, Everything ... a woman will not respect you, you become a BABY for her - a female ... No matter how you would like to break loose, learn to control your feelings.

Well, about insults and name-calling and profanity, I do not even want to write - it is not permissible with a woman, whatever she is, bad, so leave her, calmly leave, but do not torment and mock. A woman gave birth to you, know how to respect the female gender, only for gender.

With a woman, as, indeed, with everyone, you need to be able to communicate “I am messages”, to talk about what you feel. You can't even imagine how many families have been destroyed for the sole reason that you men do not know how to talk about your feelings. You shut yourself up and be silent, go and figure out what you think or what you feel.

One married couple came to me for a consultation and when we started working, my husband chose a card where a little boy covers his face from a crow with his hand. And then he explained how he feels when his wife yells at him. She was so surprised and confessed that she had never thought that her cry was reflected on him so, it always seemed to her that all her cries were like water off a duck's back from him.

Don't be afraid to talk to women, tell her how you feel and how you would like.

9. To love correctly is to be able to be constant, in spite of quarrels, scandals, resentments - not to stop doing what you need to do, continue to take care of your family, pay bills and do some of your work.

If you start demonstratively withdrawing from business, stop talking, then this very much destroys the woman and knocks out the feeling that she has a man, she ceases to rely on you, and this is the worst thing when faith in your reliability is undermined and the feeling of stability disappears. It is important for a woman to feel your presence in her life.

To fix something around the house, work with the child, help her with her household chores, take an interest in her life and her interests. Yes, this is work, it is much easier to come home and relax, but this way you will not build the house of your love and you will always miss something. Do not wait for the initiative from a woman, show it yourself, you do not know how sometimes women are very much waiting for your desire for relationships and love.

It is important for her to feel that you want to be with her, that it is good for you to be around. Do not withdraw from the woman, she feels abandoned and unnecessary and begins to wither, like a flower that they forget to water.

10. Try to listen to women and fulfill her requests if possible. Believe it or not, women tell you whatever they want.

Sometimes she does not know how or is shy to talk about her desires, and she tries to tell you in hints.
Learn to listen between the lines and understand her subtle language of communication. Do not wait for a woman to ask you, try to offer her help yourself.

11. To love a woman correctly is to be able to be grateful to her for everything. For the fact that she is with you, that she gave birth to children for you, that maintains order in the house, creates coziness, cooks ...

Know how to sincerely thank and appreciate what a woman does. Female housework is completely invisible to male eyes, but you can't even imagine how much time a woman can spend on cleaning, and the result will not be visible. The woman enjoys the process and her cleaning can take a whole day. She will sort through old things, photographs, and go into memories as she goes.

She will look into every corner, seeing the picture in the wrong place, she will outweigh it, which will take a lot of time, but in fact her work will not be seen, but women rarely sit or lie down. And if your wife works like this, household chores should be distributed among all family members.

12. To love correctly is to know what love language your woman speaks, what is important for her - your hugs and touches, any tactile contact or help around the house, your gentle and kind words or pleasant gifts and surprises, your care for her.

Do not be lazy to study your wife and know everything that can please her. The right thing to love a woman is to notice all the details. The color of her hair, the expression on her face, something new to her image. I know how he offends a woman when a man does not even notice that a woman has new outfits, or on an old dress that she has already worn 100 times, one day they will ask, and when did you buy it.

You have no idea how a lack of attention offends a woman. Yes, I understand that you are not used to paying attention to little things, but learn ... You need to learn all the time to have a good relationship. They are not given just like that, they do not fall down unexpectedly, they are built by you and your woman with mutual understanding and love.

It will be interesting for you:

Always be in a good or calm mood, do not allow yourself to dissolve and show your displeasure all the time. You are a man, you must keep the whole family and not only in material terms, but also maintain a healthy and good spirit. Looking at you and all other family members will be infected with your mood and lifestyle. Try to live a healthy lifestyle.

Get up early, be sure to play sports, take a contrast shower, all this will invigorate not only you, but your entire family. Don't let bad habits entangle you, remember you must maintain a healthy family spirit. You are the head of the family, and the fish rots from the head.

Take care of yourself and your inner world. By discovering and developing masculine qualities in yourself, you will always be loved by your woman. Do not be rude, but also do not be too soft, know how to make decisions and take the initiative into your own hands.published

Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

Todd Wolfenbarger

American entrepreneur, marketing communications specialist, president of The Summit Group.

Renowned professor at the Wharton School of Business, Adam Grant, divides people into two types: those who take and those who give. In his research, he found that those who give give, on average, 50% more income than those who do not try to help others. In the Company of Givers and Takers... Here are four tips to help you change the way you do business and start giving more.

1. Use the five-minute service rule

It was invented by the famous entrepreneur Adam Rifkin. The essence of this rule is this: if someone asks you for a service that will take less than five minutes to render, agree. Rifkin believes that everyone should be willing to spend five minutes helping another person. Research has also shown that this has a significant effect on the establishment of emotional bonds during communication. Does social connection turn good deeds into good feelings? On the value of putting the 'social' in prosocial spending.

2. Give more than is expected of you

Let's consider an example. Have you ever given your car for repair? It would seem that all car services are about the same. They promise to fix your car within a certain period of time for a certain amount. You can only hope that you will not be deceived.

But this is not the case with Shine Auto Body Repair. There they provide additional services, at first glance, quite simple, but surprisingly useful. First, you are given a different rental car while your own is being repaired. In addition, every day you receive a message about the work done (with photos). The staff can even help you with your insurance paperwork.

This company transforms ordinary service into something extraordinary, giving customers more than they expect. Try it yourself.

3. Say "thank you" every day

Research confirms the positive effects of a “grateful” lifestyle Giving thanks can make you happier.but it's hard to see how this affects work until you start using this approach yourself.

Colleagues, bosses, friends, acquaintances, relatives. This can lead to unexpected conversations and discoveries, as well as strengthen existing relationships. As a result, you will receive much more than you will give.

4. Find your own way to help others

You can give in different ways. Todd Wolfenbarger talked about one of his ways. Several times a year he invites new employees of his company for a joint breakfast. At the same time, he asks all guests to talk about some problem - it does not matter, personal or professional - that they cannot cope with alone. At the same time, other participants share tips and suggestions and solve the problem together.

“Connections with people are my most valuable asset,” says Wolfenbarger. "And nothing helps to develop like constant help to others."

The Law of Giving - This cosmic law is also called the Law of Giving and Receiving, since the Universe itself exists due to the dynamics of exchange.

There is nothing immovable in the world. Our body and mind and energy are in continuous motion and make every second exchange with the body, mind and energy of the Universe.

That is why, in order to maintain a state of abundance, wealth, prosperity and something else in your life, you must certainly give and receive.

It is this divine cycle of energy that reflects the Law of Giving, which states:

The more you give, the more you get.

What is abundance?

Money - as a symbol of abundance - is also the equivalent of the life energy flowing through us. This current "currency" in us reflects the CONTINUOUS flow of cosmic energy.

That is why at the moment when we stop giving money, when we stop their movement and circulation for the purpose of accumulation - at the same time we stop the flow of energy into our life.

Money, like water in a river or like blood in vessels, must flow continuously. They must come and come back, they must not stagnate, create traffic jams and suffocate. Money should "breathe deeply" and be in perpetual motion, which revives and fills them with vitality.

Giving is - like receiving - two sides of the same coin. One generates another and vice versa. The more and more often you give or give, the more and more often you will receive, since by the very act of giving you support the cycle of universal Abundance in your life.

In reality, everything that has value always only multiplies the very moment you give it away. If you feel that by giving something, you are losing something, then this means that your Giving was not sincere. It will not multiply and will not lead to growth. Better not to give at all than to give reluctantly. That is why the act of giving should always be joyful and this joy should come from your heart. Only then will the energy of giving increase manifold.

The Law of Giving in Practice

In practice, the Law of Giving sounds very simple:

- If you want something for yourself - give it to others
- want to receive more love in your life - give love to others;
- if you want more reasons for joy - give someone a joyful mood;
- want to be appreciated and respected - learn to value and respect others;
- if you want material well-being - help others to find it.

The easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. Deepak Chopra

Sharing knowledge is very beneficial. The knowledge gained and accumulated throughout your life will remain a dead weight in your consciousness, only impoverishing and burdening you. Until you share them with others.

Present your knowledge to another, and both of you will become richer.

Silent giving

If you want the Law of Giving to come into play, if you want to activate the process of energy movement, you must develop the habit of always giving something in any contact with people and the world around you.
No matter what. A smile, a compliment, a friendly look or a handshake, care, concern, attention, joy or love. These are all valuable gifts that you can always give.

This tacit gift has incredible multiplying power.

Your hands shouldn't be empty

Have you ever wondered why it is customary to go on a visit with gifts? Why don't they go to visit empty-handed?

The answer is obvious - to maintain and strengthen the Law of Giving. People have known about this since ancient times.

Buy one flower if you don't have the money for a whole bouquet. Sign and present a card, pray for the person you are going to if you have nothing at all.

Never come into people's homes empty-handed - it's a bad habit. Make yourself good - to give wherever you go and whoever you meet.

And the more you give, the stronger your confidence will be that thanks to the miraculous power of the Law of Giving, you gain every time.

And as you receive more, your desire to give will also increase. This is how the circle closes and this is how it works The Law of Giving.

Application of the Law of Giving

To make the Law of Giving work, Deepak Chopra in his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success "Proposes to commit to the following steps:

1. Wherever I go and whoever I meet, I will always bring a gift with me. A gift can be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer. From now on, I will give something to everyone I come into contact with, and in this way I will initiate the process of spreading joy, wealth and abundance in my life and in the lives of others;

2. From today on, I will gratefully accept all the gifts that life offers me. I will receive what nature gives me: the light of the sun and the singing of birds, spring showers and the first winter snow. I will be open to receiving what others give me - be it a thing, money, compliment or prayer;

3. I am committed to maintaining the circulation of wealth in my life by giving and receiving the most precious gifts that life gives me: the gifts of caring, affection, appreciation, and love. Every time I meet people, I will silently wish them happiness, joy and more reasons for laughter.

Make the decision to give wherever you go, whoever you see. The more you give, the more confidence you gain through the miraculous operation of this law. And when you receive more, your ability to give more also increases.

Whatever you wish for yourself, give it to someone else.

If you want to be happy, make the other happy.

If you want to be lucky, help someone else succeed.

If you want more love in your life, make the other person have more of it.

Do it sincerely - not because you are looking for personal gain, but because you really want the other person to have it all - and everything that you gave will come to you.

This is one of the basic laws of the Universe, the law of energy exchange, which states that "life is present where there is exchange." For example, in order to attract wealth and fill your life with abundance, you must help the other person become rich - begin to manifest around you what you want to see in your life.

If you want Love, give your love to the world, people, yourself and everything that is around.

To become healthy, you must provide healthy components to your body (exercise, energized food, sleep, proper rest, maintaining a favorable daily routine, etc.).

Where there is exchange, there is life. If you don’t give what you want to the world around you, your world, then where does it come from in our life?

Kind words

In abundance, gifts and blessings are very important. Make it a rule to give gifts to others .. What do you mean? We are not talking about expensive things here. What could be better than a kind word, advice and support? ... You can give a smile to a stranger or help in some simple matter. You can give the phone number or the address of those people who can help someone. Present a book that will answer many of your friend's questions. A gift can be anything, something that gives help to another person. The very best gifts are often priceless.

all my life I gave attention, care, provided help, loved with all my soul and without a trace, I never thought about myself, sometimes I gave the last, but all that I have by the age of 45 is betrayal on the part of a loved one and indifference from others, but still there is still a hope that this law of the Universe will someday work (I somehow did not think about it before - I did everything, from the heart)

I did a good deed, move away so that a wave of gratitude does not hit.

You most likely expected gratitude, love, recognition. This is usually the case. And you don't need to wait.

And one more thing: it is impossible to love with all your soul without reserve - you pierce your loved one with this energy, therefore he begins to unconsciously avoid, leaves, hides, in order to preserve himself. This is how the energy of love, excessive love works.

You need to love yourself first of all, learn to love yourself, then your husband, children, etc. Then there will be a balance. Nobody will leave, everyone will be there.

I never expected gratitude and recognition from others, and even more so love, I just feel good when my loved ones and arms people feel good, only this makes me feel happier. I do not respect people when they do something for the sake of profit. Well, what about the fact that a loved one begins to shy away from the fact that they love him - it's strange. I think He does not shy away, but simply begins to take it for granted, and he lacks what was already, and begins to look for new sensations.

that's it - he begins to take it for granted, because they fell in love with him; it was not him that had to be loved like that, but himself. This sacrifice is useless.

Why should he try to love you, if he is already loved, practically for nothing. Men need a woman to be inaccessible in order to achieve her love. All life. And this whole art is feminine. He needs to learn. Our women, Russians, no one teaches such things. It means that they themselves must learn. At least through bitter lessons.

I disagree with you. It just depends on the person, on his moral qualities and the ability to love not himself, but another. My grandparents lived their whole lives together, sacrificed a lot for each other, and even when my grandmother was gone, he continued to love her and remained faithful to her (although oh, how many women were spinning around him). They taught me to love others (I’m not saying to treat myself very badly). But as you say, first self-love, and then all the rest - in my understanding, this is selfishness. And I think that it is precisely those people who are going to betray themselves who first of all love themselves and think only of themselves. Before doing something in my life, I always think - and not whether I will hurt my loved ones. And in general, I think that you love not for something, but in general.

Marina, in this point of view - "loving yourself is selfishness" - is the whole reason for your problems in life.

To change this attitude in life, you probably need to meet one or two more men who are similar to your ex-husband. This is the only way to change false ideas. Excuse me! A couple more times to step on the same rake - and then a person will begin to read psychologists, study, understand himself, what am I? why is this with me? what is wrong with me?

I also thought about five years ago - it is selfishness to love yourself. My men gave me Lessons of love-dislike! I don’t think so now.

About your grandparents. If they loved each other, then the people were kind. Initially. Such is their fate - happy. Such people, as a rule, have met already in past lives, they have good karma. If you believe in an immortal soul, rebirths and past lives.

Such karma is not given to you. You are a man of passion, not goodness. They chose a partner for themselves according to their ideas, apparently erroneous. Therefore, you got such a man because of misconceptions about yourself, about life.

You need to spend a lot of time, learn to accept and change this situation. And then you will still thank your ex, for the Lesson.

If you do not give an alcoholic another bottle, he will suffer, i.e. you will hurt him. Just think, is this REALLY pain?

I know a woman who, at 35, turned herself into a sick old woman. For several years now, she has been sacrificing everything for the sake of her parasite husband, she hopes that he will improve. He is "corrected" - gradually degrades in an alcoholic intoxication. She, in your opinion, has excellent moral qualities: she loves ANOTHER, not herself. But who does it better? Really two kids who see how dad pours his zenki and beat mom, and mom is fading away every day?

Olga, I completely agree with you. Indeed, even the Bible says: "Love your neighbor as yourself." This saying already assumes that a person must first love himself, if he does not love himself, then how can he love others. "

marinochka I received the same. want advice-spit on relatives and live for yourself. love yourself. this is not selfishness, but an instinct for self-preservation. if you want to talk about this topic my skype hrhnaxhos. I will be glad to help you

Crooks, I can't say for all the oligarchs in the world, but many do this and do not shout about it to the whole wide world that they donated some amount, many even ask that their name not be mentioned, this kind of donation is really from the heart , not for display.

Indeed, many very rich people donate money to charity, in the United States it is practically an unwritten law, in our country it is less common, but it is known, for example, about Abramovich's attempt to bring Chukchi children to the south during his time as governor. Unfortunately, the local population did not have the money to bring them even to the airport, which the organizers did not even guess.

The conclusion follows from the article:

If you have the only shirt, give it to your neighbor and go naked yourself;

If you have money only for bread, give it to the common fund of the beggar mafia, and starve yourself;

If you have money to pay for the "communal", give it away or donate, and you yourself accumulate a debt for an apartment ...

"... and may you be rewarded according to your deeds ...": suit "in what the mother gave birth to", hungry fainting and eviction from the apartment for non-payment.

Make yourself happy and THEN share with others. Only in this way, otherwise you will die of hunger and cold in the mud under the fence.

Thank you for your opinion, I respect him! What I write has been tested in my practice, but this does not mean that it will suit everyone, we are all different, if you don’t believe, if you don’t want people to do good, then you don’t need to step over yourself and, squeaking your heart, give something away. then, there is no sense in it, sincerity and faith are important here. And you can give not only material benefits, but also love, care, respect, even a proto smile. The Lord said that the hand of the giver will never fail, this is the truth, but not everyone sees it. Thanks to my grandmother, she taught me by her example, she's been sharing everything she has all her life and she's a happy person, and she has plenty of everything! Remember the words of the Dalai Lama:

"Every morning, as soon as you wake up, think - today I was lucky to wake up, I am alive, I have a wonderful life and I am not going to waste it. I will use all my energy for my development, I will give people my heart, I will achieve enlightenment in order to benefit all life on Earth. I will not lose my temper, I will think only good of others, I will try to be useful to others as much as I can "

"... if you do not want good for people ..." And what is good in your opinion? Why share anything with someone who simply cannot appreciate it and use it properly? To evaluate not in the sense of a monetary equivalent, but in the sense of UNDERSTANDING what was done for him and why it was done.

I helped a woman who, at the age of 35, forgot about herself for the sake of ANOTHER - her parasite husband. She LOVES him sincerely, to the point of insanity. He loves so much that there is no time to think about himself, and there is nothing for it - all the money goes to the beloved. I helped in word and deed, but I just threw it all away - it makes no sense. Why should I waste my time and energy on it? She chose illness, suffering and early old age for herself - this is her choice, let her bathe in it herself, without my participation.

I foresee in advance what you will tell me: in me, they say, resentment speaks for something underestimated there, etc. No, I just know one simple thing: blind kindness first drools pink, and then dips the good-will in feces up to its ears. I have no desire to swim in the sewers, in such cases, I leave on time, until the d ... ohm drowned.

As for the Dalai Lama and Buddhists in general, religion, of course, for someone is a "ray of light in a dark kingdom", but I personally am annoyed by the fact that Buddhist monks are not busy with anything except prayers, but feed on the labors of peasants who give them the best bite of their more than modest and low-calorie lunch. It is not divine to somehow treat people like that.