Instant tan and its effects on the skin. Instant tanning reviews, how long does it last, the harm of the instant tanning procedure, How do you feel about the instant tanning procedure? How long does an instant tan last?

In the summer you really want to be beautiful, tanned, and the weather sometimes does not indulge in the sun and it is still far from vacation. You can, of course, tan in a solarium, but such a procedure has contraindications, unlike instant tanning, which in the hands of professionals turns you into a Hollywood beauty with an even skin color of the desired shade from head to toe.

Say a word about instant tanning

Instant, or also called reed, tanning is only a cosmetic procedure, as a result of which a bronzer lotion is applied using special equipment using a spray method. This tan is called reed tan because the lotions contain products derived from sugar cane. Those. the lotions used are entirely of natural origin, the "tan" appears without exposure to ultraviolet radiation. That is why the procedure has no contraindications, even oncological ones. Women at any stage of pregnancy can safely afford to "tan" in this way.

If after many cosmetic sessions, including epilation, it is strictly forbidden to stay in the sun for quite a long time, then instant tanning becomes an alternative. This procedure is ideal if sunbathing or a solarium is contraindicated for you.

How does the instant tanning procedure work?

Despite the fact that the procedure itself is safe, short-term and simple, you should first prepare the body for it: do depilation a day, and peeling before the session. After it, do not use any cosmetic, caring or perfumery products, so that the quality of your tan is not affected - you do not want to have an uneven tan.

Instant tan video

In the salon, for the provision of an instant tanning service, special booths are used, in which the lotion with pigment is sprayed using a compressor or turbine system. You can “sunbathe” with or without a swimsuit. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

Important! After an instant sunburn, you cannot take water procedures for 6-8 hours and even sweat, as well as use cosmetics. Only after this period of time can you take a warm shower without a washcloth.

For reference. The skin absorbs no more than 85% of the applied lotion, and the rest is washed off with water, so there is no need to fear that your tan will come off.

Instant tanning equipment

The models of instant tanning devices produced by various manufacturers are divided into two categories according to the mode of action:

  • turbine, which are based on HVLP technology, which means large volume at low pressure;
  • compressor stations, the operation of which is based on high engine power.

Both equipment is equipped with a special gun for spraying lotion on the body or face. Compressor equipment has a significant mass, therefore it is used permanently in beauty salons, studios, etc. Turbine units are mobile, convenient for providing services at home.

Instant tanning lotions

What is the secret of lotions that give such an amazing result for a beautiful and even tan? It turns out in the magical DHA (dihydroxyacetone) - a monosaccharide obtained from sugar cane. It is completely harmless to the body, because acts only on the surface layers of the skin, when interacting with which (namely with proteins and amino acids) the skin acquires the color of a natural tan. Moreover, its maximum intensity does not appear immediately, but gradually, one day after applying the lotion for instant tanning.

In the salon, depending on the phototype of your skin (or your desire), they select the appropriate lotion for application, which guarantees the chosen shade of tan. The DHA content can be from 8% for light skin and up to 18% for dark skin. You can choose a lotion for fast coloring or with a gradual tanning.

Some instant tanning lotions may contain another monosaccharide, Erythrulose or raspberry sugar. It gives a lighter tan, with a yellow tint, which rinses off faster and lasts longer.

Many lotions contain both, which combine to produce a darker tan than DHA alone. In addition, their combination gives a guaranteed result without streaks or spots, and the tan lasts longer.

In order to keep the skin looking moisturized after an instant tan, many manufacturers add extracts of various plants to the composition of lotions, which have a beneficial effect on the skin.

How long does an instant tan last?

As well as solar, instant tan fades over time and, in the end, disappears completely. And it does not even depend on lotions or equipment, but on the functioning of the human skin: if the full cycle of its renewal is 28 days, then for the surface layer this process occurs in 7-8 days. Those. instant tanning does not last more than 10 days, therefore, to maintain the effect, the procedure must be repeated once a week, as well as for a natural one.

Instant tan: where is better?

1. Instant tan in the salon- a demanded procedure all year round. After all, women want to be irresistible regardless of the season. Experienced masters who have mastered the instant tanning technique will create an equally even shade for you on all parts of the body, which is difficult to achieve naturally. First, the lotion is sprayed in front, then on the back half of the body, then on the side, including the inner side of the arms and legs, and finally on the face. Disposable garments and pads protect non-combustible parts from pigment.

After 5-10 minutes. after the lotion is absorbed and dry, you dress in loose clothing and can be free.

The salons use only proven premium or luxury lotions, with the help of which the master provides the desired tanning shade specifically for your skin type.

Nowadays, a lot of instant tanning studios have been created, where they also provide this service at a high level.

2. If for any reason If you do not have the opportunity to visit a salon or studio, then there you can call the master at home. Using this service, you will save time on going to the salon and it is convenient because after the procedure you can just put on a light robe and go about your business.

In addition, there are specialists who work only on the road with their equipment. In this case, you must be sure that the instant tanning at home is performed by an experienced master, and the quality of the applied lotions meets the standards.

For reference. High quality (not expired) lotions have a pleasant smell, no alcohol. Their color should not be greenish or marshy. The texture of the lotion is not sticky, it does not clog pores and lays down evenly, but the tan gradually disappears.

Instant tan price

The cost of the procedure in different salons and studios will be different. The price of an instant tan depends on the location, the equipment used, the lotions used, and the tan color obtained. For the whole body, the price range is from 600 to 2000 rubles. in different salons. On the floor of the body (to the waist) - half the price. You can do an instant tan only on the face or plus the décolleté and hands. Then the price of the procedure will be from 200 to 600 rubles.

Some studios offer discounts on instant tanning for birthday people and brides, as well as carry out various promotions.

Instant tan reviews

Anita, 22 years old

I am naturally light-skinned and in the sun I get instantly burns, I walk all red, after which the skin peels off and no sunburn. A friend says, "Try an instant tan." And I made up my mind. The procedure is pleasant, after 20 minutes. I didn't recognize myself. I thought it would quickly come off, but for ten whole days everyone admired my chocolate shade. This is just a salvation for people like me snow white! Now I will always be tanned!

Kira, 25 years old

I have never had any problems with tanning, but after the birth of a baby, it is not up to the beach. And here we have a trip to the wedding. I already bought myself a beautiful dress above the knee. But in the summer to look like a pale toadstool is something terrible, no dress will save you. I read about instant tanning on the Internet and found a salon close to home there.

The girl was very nice, she was advised to cover her breasts with the stikini. I am a nursing mother, despite the harmlessness of the procedure. In the booth, they sprayed me with liquid, like a fog for about ten minutes, then it dried out the same amount. When I saw my legs in a beautiful bronze shade, I was delighted. I was skeptical about the warning of the master not to wash and not sweat for 8 hours: it’s at 30 degrees heat… naturally, until I got home I sweated more than once. And I went to the shower earlier than the specified time. It's just that the places that appeared brighter were smoothed out with a cotton pad. Everything turned out great!

So, girls, even after the flight in my beautiful dress with high heels and tanned legs - I looked 100% at the wedding. By the way, the tan lasted for almost 2 weeks (I was just lucky).

Now I know what to do in such situations, when I need to be urgently beautiful - an instant tan.

Lucy, 24 years old

My friend and I also decided to try instant tanning for the action - only 300 rubles each. for the procedure. We came to the apartment, there we were sprayed with some kind of suntan liquid from a terribly noisy apparatus (as soon as the neighbors tolerate). When we arrived home, my boyfriend did not recognize us when he saw such dark-skinned people. Well, we think we’ll go tanned throughout December, and we’ll do it by the New Year. No matter how it is! After 2 days, the tan not only began to slip, but in some uneven patches, so much so that it was impossible to leave the house during the day - the horrors of our town. The face of an unnatural orange hue looked especially terrible. In no case do not get fooled by such "beauty".

Ekaterina, 30 years old

Girls, if you are unlucky with the master, this does not mean that instant tanning is nonsense. You still go to the hairdresser if you once had a terrible haircut. So it is here. Some who take up this business think that there is nothing complicated about it. But no. It is very difficult to choose the same lotion from a thousand offered: so that there is no shade of yellow, and so that it goes off evenly. I've done it in two different salons - the result is negative. But still I found a professional in this matter. Girls, and you are looking and then an instant tan will not disappoint you.

"Instant tan from professionals" 12 comments

    07/12/2014 @ 5:06 pm

    Today I did an instant tanning procedure. Somehow she withstood 8 hours, walked around the house like a robot, went to wash it off, the hope was that by that time the fingers and palms, which had turned yellow, strongly yellowed (although she had smeared them with cream during the procedure), would wash off and become even with the skin on the body, but not here it was. Everything on the fingers and palms of a yellow-brick color, with spots as in the disease of vitiligo. I don’t know how to go outside. They will say that the fool has smeared herself with self-tanning and walks like a freak.

    06/29/2013 @ 8:21 dp

    I wonder how it is "not to sweat", because if you do such a procedure in the summer, then after leaving the salon a person is in the heat? And what happens if a lotion contains a component that a person is allergic to, or, say, if lotions contain silicones and other substances that clog pores? Before the session, does the master do a test for the possibility of allergic reactions?

    06/28/2013 @ 1:04 pm

    I first learned about instant tanning. The procedure is not harmful and gives a beautiful tan, judging by the models. It will be good to do in the cold season or before leaving for the resort, so that you have beautiful skin right away. My question is: is it necessary to do waxing and peeling before the procedure, or can you do without them?

    06/28/2013 @ 11:47 dp

    I didn't even know about such a procedure as an instant tan before. At home, with the help of special means, I tried to do something similar, but it turned out unevenly and not beautifully. And once I tried to do it in the salon and was pleased with the result. There will be no more home experiments, now only salon instant tanning.

    06/28/2013 @ 9:35 am

    For me, instant tanning has become not only an alternative to natural tanning, but also the best substitute for it. My skin is very sensitive, straight "impressionable", not only does a tan not go down, but just burns, spots and itching begins, there are also many moles on my body, from which I simply avoid the sun and tanning beds. I tried to use self-tanning at home - well, it didn't do anything good and couldn't even compare with such a procedure. In our city, instant tanning appeared relatively recently, but in the regional one it won the trust of clients, so without hesitation I did it there.

    06/27/2013 @ 8:35 am

    Instant tanning is a great solution when you need to tan quickly and without problems, for a date or event. Another thing is that you don't need to go to an unverified salon. It is useful to find out in advance where the professionals work, and it is even better to see their work if possible. And an instant tan is also suitable for those who, for some reason, cannot stand the sun or are simply afraid to fry under the scorching rays, but want to have a beautiful-looking skin

    06/27/2013 @ 1:15 dp

    After all, this is the best way out and an alternative to a tanning bed or harmful rays of the sun. Professionals will do everything according to your choice. They come in so many shades so you don't have to worry about your tan color. Rather than exposing yourself to the scorching sun, it is better to go to this one-time procedure and surprise everyone with your tanned skin.

    06/27/2013 @ 12:03 dp

    I do instant tanning almost before every celebration - weddings of friends, birthdays, meetings of former classmates, etc. It is very fast and convenient. No need to fry in the sun or in a solarium, you leave the office with a pleasant skin tone. Moreover, the shade is exactly what you want, and not what will turn out with a natural tan. It is also very good to do this procedure before leaving for the south, so as not to look like snow white on the beach.

    06/26/2013 @ 6:59 dp

    A few days ago I did an instant tanning procedure for the prom. The effect is excellent! It feels like I was at sea for 2 weeks, considering that I am pale. There was no time to go to the solarium and I decided on it. The master came across a good one, explained how to take care of the skin so that the tan lasts longer. It has been going on for 6 days already, and I think it will last as long, and there it is already possible to lie down in the sun. In general, who needs a quick and beautiful tan, then this procedure is for you!

Tan looks aesthetically pleasing and fashionable. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the beach. Especially if it's not summer outside. Therefore, many people today, even in winter, strive to obtain the desired skin tone by artificial means. There are many tanning treatments available.

A visit to the solarium has a number of contraindications. Therefore, the beauty industry has developed a new procedure. It is much safer than traditional ultraviolet radiation. This technique is called instant tan. Reviews about the procedure, as well as its features, it is recommended to consider before visiting a beauty salon.

General information

Appeared relatively recently. It is named differently. This technique is also called reed, California tan. This is a completely harmless procedure that is suitable for almost all skin types. The tanning process does not take long.

This is a salon procedure. It is conducted by a master who has received the appropriate qualifications. Many beauty salons offer a similar service to the residents of our country. If necessary, the master can be called at home. This will save time and carry out the procedure in a comfortable environment for the client.

The sunburn resulting from the application of a special lotion lasts long enough. In doing so, you can create almost any skin tone. It can be light or deep. There are shades that completely repeat the tone of the sea tan. Even in winter, the skin looks like the person has just returned from vacation.

Features of the procedure

To decide on the need for the presented procedure, you should consider instant tanning reviews and results this technique. Professional cosmetologists note its high efficiency. A special lotion is applied to create the selected skin tone. It contains active components that interact with surface cells. The composition of such funds includes a component that produces sugar cane.

The presented preparations are created from natural ingredients. Sunburn in this case is not created with the participation of ultraviolet radiation. This allows you to apply the presented procedure even to those people who are contraindicated in a solarium.

Dermatologists, cosmetologists all over the world claim that the instant tanning procedure is safe. It is not contraindicated even for pregnant women, people with severe somatic diseases. The only limitation is the presence of fresh wounds, scratches or burns on the skin. In other cases, you can carry out this procedure.


Interested in what the procedure is with the use of special reed lotions, many are looking for reviews of instant tanning. Bronze Glow Moscow is one of the most popular salons in the capital. To draw conclusions about the cost of the procedure, you can consider his services as an example.

A standard instant tanning procedure costs 1900 rubles. In this case, you can choose a different intensity of the procedure. Skin tone can be darker by 30-90%. In addition to the standard lotion treatment, various additional services are offered.

In addition to sunburn, the product may contain an anti-cellulite supplement. She corrects the figure (price 400 rubles). If you need to get a tan within 3 hours, apply an express tan. The cost of this procedure is 2500 rubles. Also, before applying tanning, you can peel the skin (400 rubles). To keep the selected shade lasting longer, you can perform the treatment with a premium lotion. The cost will be 2300 rubles.

Lotion features

Studying prices, reviews and results instant tanning, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the applied lotion. Today, there are many tools for carrying out the presented procedure in the salon or at home.

The lotion contains an extract from sugar cane shoots. This component is called DHA (dihydroxyacetone). This is a monosaccharide, which, after applying the product to the skin, begins to affect only the cells of the surface layers. DHA reacts with proteins in the epidermal tissue.

The effect may not appear immediately, but after a day. This should not be puzzling. The chemical reactions that take place in the skin take time. The whole process takes place gradually. In this case, the lotion may include additional components. These can be essential oils, plant juices, extracts, etc.

DHA in the composition of the product can contain 8-18%. The shade that will be acquired by the skin after treatment depends on its concentration.

Carrying out the procedure in the salon

Considering reviews of Instant Tanning Lotion, you should also pay attention to the procedure itself. If the selected product is of high quality, but the master does not apply it to the skin correctly, you can observe the undesirable consequences of this procedure.

In high-class beauty salons, before the procedure, the master always speaks with the client about all the nuances of the future skin treatment. After that, if there are no contraindications to the procedure (open wounds, fresh scratches, etc.), you can start to carry it out.

The client undresses and enters a closed booth. You can sunbathe without clothes, in a swimsuit or disposable underwear. With the help of a special sprayer, the lotion is applied to the skin in an even layer. First, the front part of the body is treated, except for the face, then the back and sides. Then the inner surfaces of the arms and legs are treated. The face is treated last.

Feedback on the procedure

Instant tanning effect does not appear immediately. Many are scared that the desired skin tone does not appear immediately. It will take at least 3 hours before the first results are visible. However, the total time of the chemical reaction of the components of the lotion and skin pigments takes about a day.

Also, do not be afraid of getting the product in the eyes. During the procedure, they are covered with special overlays. Therefore, almost all clients of beauty salons note that this is a completely safe procedure. If the master has received the appropriate qualifications, applies high-quality skin treatment products, the effect of the procedure will be high.

According to reviews, the procedure takes about 30 minutes. First, the lotion is sprayed onto the skin. This takes about 20 minutes. Then another 10 minutes. it will be required for the agent to be absorbed into the epithelium. Then you can get dressed and go home. Do not take a shower for 8 hours. You should also avoid other contact with water during this time. It is not recommended to play sports or use cosmetics.


An instant tan has many benefits. This procedure allows you to choose the shade that the skin will have after treatment. It can be performed both in the salon and at home. If there is no time to visit the beauty parlor, you can use an additional service. The master will come to the client's home. He takes with him all the necessary equipment and a special canvas tent. This will prevent the product from spilling onto furniture and other surrounding objects.

Lets disguise instant tan and freckles. Reviews cosmetologists say that rich shades can hide increased pigmentation. Even birthmarks can become less noticeable against a darker skin tone.

The procedure is completely safe. It cannot cause burns, cancers, immune disorders. It can be done during pregnancy. Just one procedure is enough to give the skin the desired shade. You don't need to go to a beauty salon for weeks, as happens with an ultraviolet tan in a solarium, or get used to the sun's rays in the open air.


There are also a number of disadvantages of the presented procedure.

Finally, dreams of a beautiful even bronze tan at any time of the year have come true! Of course, you can go to a tanning bed, but not every woman will approve of the unnatural yellowish skin tone that appears after such a tan. Today cosmetologists can offer a new way to achieve perfectly even, tanned skin color from head to toe- I'm talking about instant tan, which is sometimes also called reed tan. This is a cosmetic procedure in which reed lotion is sprayed onto the human body using special equipment. Lotion for instant tanning includes exclusively natural ingredients produced from sugar cane, so the procedure has practically no contraindications and is available even for women in position. Let's get together we will discuss all the pros and cons of instant tanning, and also we will analyze in detail how artificial tanning is done in the salon, at home and what equipment is needed for this.


  • does not have no contraindications;
  • is the only way to sunbathe for people who are contraindicated to be in the sun for a long time;
  • available to women at any stage of pregnancy;
  • is a safe and harmless procedure for the health and appearance of the skin;
  • fits for all skin types including thin and sensitive;
  • boasts a complete absence of pain and discomfort;
  • minimizes the risk of allergies;
  • provides a positive result almost immediately;
  • has a wide palette of color shades;
  • proposes choose the desired shade for Tan;
  • excludes direct exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • makes it possible to paint individual parts of the body;
  • procedure does not take long.


  • leather can get dirty in the first hours after the procedure;
  • with frequent visits to pools, saunas and swimming salt water shortens the instant tanning period up to four to seven days;
  • some varieties of cane lotions have an unpleasant odor;
  • requires careful care after carrying out the procedure.

Today, the effectiveness of this type of artificial tanning directly depends on the way the lotion is applied to the body.

  • Manual application with massage elements- not the best option for using the solution. After this treatment, the tan often turns out to be uneven. In addition, excess lotion is removed with a towel, resulting in unevenness and various spots on the body.
  • Using a spray bottle- a more efficient way than manual. You stand on a specially equipped stand and the master evenly covers your body with lotion from a spray bottle. The quality of tanning is highly dependent on the skill and experience of the specialist.
  • With an automatic cockpit- the most effective and most modern way of applying tanning. This procedure is fully automated, does not require a specialist and takes about five minutes. There are special sprays in the cabin that evenly cover your body with lotion on both sides, after which the drying process starts, contributing to the quick drying of the solution. As a result, the tan will last longer than usual.

Memo on "Instant tanning" and "Bronzing".

"There is no more graceful,

rich and beautiful clothes,

than the skin of a beautiful woman. "

Anatole France

To keep your tan longer

BEFORE the "Instant Tanning" procedure:

1) A few days before the procedure, it is advisable to actively moisturize the skin (especially for dry skin!).

Any moisturizer (cream, milk or lotion) should be applied to the skin 1 to 2 times a day.

2) Manicure, pedicure, massage, body wrap and other cosmetic procedures are best done BEFORE "Instant tan"!

3) Before the procedure, it is advisable to do a cleansing and exfoliating scrub (peeling) of the whole body. The scrub is needed in order to remove dead cells as much as possible. Particular attention should be paid to the underarm area, elbow and knee bends, heels and rough areas of the skin. Remember! The more thoroughly you cleanse your skin, the longer your tan will last.

4) Epilation, depilation, shaving and other, traumatic skin, procedures are best done 1-2 days before the instant tanning session (and better after scrub / peeling).

5) Skin and face must be clean! Without cosmetics, creams and lotions, deodorant and perfume applied to them. Remove any moisturizers at least 24 hours before your procedure. Don't use a moisturizing shower gel. It is best to use plain soap. The skin should be dry to the touch. The lotion will lay on such skin more evenly.

6) After the procedure, it is advisable to wear dark clothes. And also, it should be free, without tight elastic bands that tighten the body and pressing elements. It's better not to wear a bra!

The result will depend on how carefully you prepare for the procedure!

AFTER the Instant Tanning procedure:

1) Immediately after the procedure and before the first shower: During the first hours after applying sun lotion and before taking your first shower:

Do not contact with water (it is better not to get under rain and snow!).

It is advisable not to wash your hands (until you have taken a whole shower). You can wipe your palms with a damp cloth.

Avoid exercising that makes you sweaty.

Do not apply any cosmetics, creams or deodorant to your skin for 24 hours!

2) Taking the first shower after the procedure: The lotion can be washed off after:

2-8 hours depending on the type of lotion and the desired shade!

You can adjust the tanning level and the desired shade yourself! The decision to discontinue the lotion depends on your skin type and the desired tan. The lotion can be left on the skin for up to 24 hours. The recommended exposure time is 5-6 hours after the tanning procedure (so that the tan is maximally manifested and fixed).

You can take the first shower after the procedure only with warm water, without washcloths and any detergents (without gel and soap). As you rinse off excess lotion, the water will turn brown - don't be intimidated. Rinse off the lotion is normal, the tan will then appear naturally (the skin will gradually darken)! The tan will be much lighter immediately after the shower. the excess bronzer is washed off. The saturation of your tan after a shower will grow every hour for 24 hours, the maximum shade is reached after 24 hours (you will darken to the same shade that you had right before you started taking a shower). After taking a shower, you can live as usual for you.

3) Immediately after showering and for the next 24 hours: Do not apply any cosmetics, creams or lotions, deodorant or perfume to your skin. If you apply any product within 24 hours after a shower, the process of pigment production (darkening of the skin) will stop and the shade will be fixed and will remain the same as it was before the application of the product. The intensity of the tan is up to you: as soon as you are satisfied with the resulting skin color, you need to apply a moisturizer. Therefore, immediately after the first shower, no cosmetic product should be applied to the body and face !!!

Remember! That tan only lasts well on well-groomed and well-prepared skin. Remember to constantly and thoroughly moisturize your skin. After tanning in solariums and after traditional sun tanning are also well suited for this kind of hydration. The more often you moisturize your skin, the longer your tan will last. Also, avoid any rubbing of the skin (washcloths, scrubs / peels and towels). The skin is very individual and therefore the tanning effect lasts from 8-14 days. By adhering to these simple recommendations, you will maximize the "life" of your tan.