Men's haircut: debunking myths. How often do you need to update your haircut and why

A good haircut means you don't have to go to the hairdresser for a while.

The question is how long?

To a large extent, the length of time you go without a haircut depends on the style, and in Brooklyn the following prevails: "make it shorter on the sides, longer on the crown." This style, on average, makes guys go to the barber's chair once every three to six weeks.

“When I do my hair and hair, of course, everything has to look pretty, you just trimmed your hair, which was previously of different lengths, sloppy,” says Garrett Pike, a senior hairdresser at the salon chain Persons of Interest, located in Brooklyn. ... "But I try to get the most out of every haircut."

The dialogue with your hairdresser at the beginning of the session (conversations like: how much time has passed since your last haircut, how would you like to continue wearing this hairstyle that you have now, horror, how badly the New York Knicks are playing in the last season) is not easy a tribute to courtesy; this is vital information leading to a haircut that should still look good after you shower and may even get better after growing a little.

The more you can tell your stylist, the better. “You've known your hair your entire life,” says Mr. Pike. "You know the most incredible things you can do with them."

Mike Sposito cuts his hair at the Fellow Barber in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He says, "It all depends on how 'crisp' you want to look." "Clear" in this case in slang means how completely "finished" you want your hairstyle to look. " In other words, you can say that you look new, ”says Mr Sposito. "The hairline is well defined on all sides."

Regular clients of Mr. Sposito stick to three to six weeks between haircuts, but some of them cut their hair more often, once a week, in the hope of consistently maintaining what Mr. Sposito calls "a brand new sneaker look."

Of course, you can overdo it. “If you come too often,” says Pike, “and you keep asking to do the same thing, it’s just going to get shorter and shorter every time, and you won’t be able to keep the same level as you wanted.” from the very beginning".

Nick Worcester, a fashion consultant who is a favorite of street style photographers who go beyond the traditional catwalk show, loves to frequent Geno's Barberia in the West Village.

“I get my hair cut every two weeks,” he says. “I’ll go crazy if I go even one day later. I can even walk every 10 days. “For Mr. Wooster, it's not just about getting yourself a specific look. “A haircut is one of those nice things you can do for yourself, pamper yourself,” he says.

Hairdressers believe longer, shaggy hairstyles are making a comeback. But you also need to be careful with these hairstyles. “I always say: everyone is obliged to do their hair on a strict regular basis. You are not 14 years old, you cannot just put on a sports cap like young people if there is something wrong with your hair, ”says Mr. Sposito. As you grow up, he adds, you will likely go through a cycle of three or four different hairstyles before settling on one.

And when it comes to big events - weddings, niece bat mitzvahs, Skype interviews, most hairdressers recommend having one or two days left to let the hair grow a little, take on a natural look that you are not just specially from a hairdresser. Mr. Worcester, who prefers to endure one day after his haircut when he has a photo shoot, says: “Some hairdressers state that the only difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is three days. Make it a rule to evaluate the quality of your haircut in three days. "

Many people ask me how often to get their hair cut. Like, "here my master says to come 2 times a month, although he takes a little - only 2500". But, unfortunately, it also happens that hairdressers turn out to be masters not so much of haircuts as of squeezing out money. In this article we will answer how often men with short hair and women with luxurious manes need to get their hair cut. And vice versa.

Unisex postulates.

Hair will not get thicker or prettier if you cut it more often.

But if you neither get enough sleep, nor lead a healthy lifestyle (including and, of course,), but you are nervous and neglect vitamins, then your hair will not react to this in the best way.

If you cut your hair outside of the schedule, nothing bad will happen. The fashion police will not come in a pink Cadillac, and they will not put you in the spa for 15 days. At most, if you don't cut your hair for a long time, your hair will start to get in the way.

Hair grows a centimeter and a half every month.

How often a woman needs to get her hair cut.

They say that if a woman decided to change her hairstyle, then she decided to change her man. But why change a man if he endures your expenses on visits to hairdressers every week? So let's take a look at the factors that really affect how often you need to cut your hair. And this is, first of all, their length.

Short haircuts. Maintaining a strict short haircut requires more visits to the hairdresser. If you haven't cut your hair for a month, then you can already go to a beauty salon to look perfect.

But you can have such a shape of haircut that the extra few centimeters will not harm it. Whether you have this or not, it is very simple to determine - look into your wallet, and if there is no extra money for a beauty salon, then congratulations, you have just one !!

Long hair. In general, they can be cut much less often, but with them another problem is split ends. This is when the hair is divided in half, like your budget for clothes, when your husband said that you need new rubber for the car.

How often should you trim the ends of your hair? Professionals recommend not to delay until the split has already begun, and this is about once every 3-4 months, or less often if the hair is well-groomed.

If you are growing your hair, and the ends do not split too much, then it is enough to remove only a centimeter. But only a select few are capable of removing only one centimeter, who can imagine the difference between 1 cm and 10 cm.

If you are not growing, then simply ask the master to trim the shape, removing about 1.3 centimeters for each month that you did not cut your hair.

How often should a man's hair be cut

You can determine the ideal time for a visit to a beauty salon by your girlfriend. If she said that it's time for you to go to the hairdresser, now you still have a great hairstyle. But when you hear it 5 times a day - then it's time.

If you are used to looking after yourself, and your bathroom will give odds to any girl's cosmetic bag in terms of the number of tubes, then there is nothing wrong with looking at the female part of this article.

Wear beautiful hair, be stylish and attractive!

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This article does not analyze the technical aspects of hair cutting, but considers other, also interesting haircut rules that are related to who should cut, when to cut it better - what day to cut it, is it possible to cut oneself and other similar issues. In general, these rules are peculiar signs of hair cutting.

Nine rules for cutting hair:

First Rule of Haircut.

You should rather seriously choose the person who will cut your hair, since he will begin to change your biofield, cutting off your hair. This means that when visiting a hairdresser, you need to choose a cheerful and energetic master, and after cutting a haircut of such a master, your life will definitely change for the better. The influence on you also depends on the age of the hairdresser - the older the hairdresser, the greater his influence.

If you are an independent person and like to solve your problems yourself, then you should choose a haircutter who will either be younger than you, or the same age as you, but not older. If you are unlucky in life, and you do not know the reason for these unlucky situations, then you should get a haircut from a master in years, even if this haircut will cost more than usual.

The second rule of haircuts.

It is better that you have a haircut by a person of the same sex as you, because during a haircut, the mental, astral and etheric biofield changes, and as a result, we can rather more easily succumb to someone else's influence at this moment. And it may turn out that you will be liked by a master of the opposite sex and such a situation will lead to troubles in your personal life, or, on the contrary, to amenities - everyone has their own situation.

The third rule of haircuts.

You can never cut yourself. It is very difficult for any person, no matter how strong and strong-willed he is, to correct the deformations of his biofield, as he does with the help of his own deformed energy. And it turns out that by cutting yourself you can only harm yourself.

The fourth rule of haircuts.

If you want your hair to grow quickly after a haircut, then you should cut it in a full moon. If you want to change some of the properties of your hair (for example, they do not obey you, are constantly confused), then you should go to the hairdresser when the moon is waning. But having cut your hair with the waning moon, you should know that your hair will grow much more slowly. If you want to strengthen the hair roots (for example, they fall out profusely), then you should cut your hair on the waning moon.

The fifth rule of haircuts.

Hair after cutting should not be thrown into the water. This sign should be followed and followed, and then you will keep your hair healthy and lush until old age.

The sixth rule of haircuts.

On some days according to the lunar calendar, haircuts are prohibited. It is forbidden to have a haircut on satanic lunar days - 9, 15, 23 and 29 according to the lunar calendar. Also, you can not get a haircut on days of solar and lunar eclipses. Hair cut these days can lead to illness of the body.

Seventh rule of haircut

The day of the week on which you cut your hair is also important.

Monday- a good day for a haircut. A lot of bad emotions can be removed with a haircut on this day. Monday is also favorable for dyeing your hair.

Tuesday- if you have a problem in life and you do not have the willpower to solve it, then you should go to the hairdresser that day. Also on this day you should go to get a haircut if you lack activity and you are tired of the monotony of life.

Wednesday- you should get a haircut on this day if you want to learn something interesting or new, meet new people, go somewhere to travel or just change the environment in many aspects of life.

Thursday- this day contributes to well-being and luck, changes in relationships between people, and contributes to the acquisition of popularity by the person himself.

Friday- this day of beauty, and by changing your hairstyle, you also change your appearance as a whole. Therefore, if there is no desire to change, then it is better not to cut your hair on this Friday day. And if, on the contrary, you want to look prettier and change, then on Friday you should go to the hairdresser, especially on days when the Sun goes to Capricorn (this is from December 24 to January 22), or when the Sun goes to Taurus (this is from April 22 to 21 May).

Saturday- another good day for a haircut. Hair is healed, part of karmic sins and debts are removed.

Sunday - it is better not to get your hair cut on this day, as you can cut your luck or cut your destiny. It is worth cutting a haircut on this day for people who are constantly haunted by failures - it is possible that such a haircut will change the situation on the contrary and the failures will disappear, although no one gives a guarantee of this.

Eighth haircut rule.

The day of the haircut should also be in harmony with your birthday.

Born in Monday the energy of Thursday, Friday and Saturday is in harmony - therefore it is better to have a haircut these days. Bad connection Monday to Sunday.

Tuesday- the energies of Thursday, Saturday and Sunday are related. And unfavorable to those who were born on Tuesday the forces of Monday and Friday.

Wednesday- means it is better to get a haircut on Sunday, and refuse a haircut on Thursday.

Thursday harmonious with the energies of Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Negative Thursday with Wednesday.

Friday the strength of Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday is close. Bad connection between Friday and Tuesday.

Saturday- Friday is favorable and Sunday is unfavorable.

Sunday- favorable Tuesday and Thursday, and unfavorable Monday.

The ninth rule of haircuts.

The position of the moon affects the speed and quality of our hair growth. So, you need to choose a good lunar day for hair cutting, hair correction. A favorable time must be selected taking into account the position of the moon in a particular sign of the zodiac.

The moon is in Aries - not a favorable period for cutting hair, although it does not affect their condition. The negative side is that a person's immunity weakens, which means that the risk of getting sick increases.

Moon in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - this time is favorable for visiting a hairdresser, since hair grows quickly, splits little and quickly gains strength.

Moon in Gemini or Libra - airy hairstyles are best done during this period. This time promotes rapid hair growth.

Moon in Pisces or Cancer - hair growth slows down, although the hair is saturated with vitality.

The moon in Leo is not a very good time to cut your hair if everything is going well in your life, and vice versa, this is a good period when everything is bad for you and you need to change your rhythm, lifestyle.

The moon in Scorpio is an insidious time, because it affects relationships with the opposite sex, on your personal life and it is not clear exactly whether it will improve or worsen - everything can be.

Moon in Sagittarius - has a good effect on career advancement, on achievements at work, helps to achieve success and social status.

The Moon in Aquarius is a bad time for a haircut and therefore it is best not to have a haircut during this time.

These were the rules for cutting hair. They usually say that if you strive to change something in life, then start the changes with your hairstyle, i.e. cut your hair. And these seemingly small changes can lead to big changes in your life. Therefore, it is probably important to choose the right haircut day so that these changes are of a positive nature.

Every girl wants to be the happy owner of a healthy head of hair. However, not everyone knows how to achieve this. Basic care includes washing, drying, brushing and, of course, cutting. We are interested in the last option. The procedure should be carried out regularly, the condition of the mop directly depends on it. Let's consider the main aspects in order, let's talk about how often you need to cut your hair.

Hair growth stages

Follicle formation and hair growth can take up to 1.5 years.

The second stage includes stopping hair growth or slowing it down. The process lasts 4-5 weeks.

The last stage involves stopping hair growth, which contributes to hair loss. The period lasts about 3 months.

  1. As soon as hair loss begins, a new stage of new hair formation occurs. The faster cell division is carried out in the bulbs, the better the hair grows. The follicle under detailed examination resembles a pouch, in which the hair root originates.
  2. The growth and transformation of hair directly depends on the vitamins, minerals and trace elements received by the body. Also, the intensity of the development of the shock depends on the time of day and the annual quarter. After research, experts have proven that hair grows stronger at night, in the morning the process practically stops.
  3. In the warm season, an active process of hormone formation takes place in the body, therefore, during this period, the curls are gaining maximum growth. If we take into account the average figures, the development of hair in humans is about 9 mm. per month. For some individuals, the growth of hair can be from 5 mm. up to 15 mm. at 4-5 weeks.
  4. It should also be borne in mind that the density, health and speed of hair in most cases depends on heredity. In such situations, there is only one way out - thorough care and constant nourishment of the hair. Especially such actions concern weakened and split ends. If you have a dyed heap, you can easily determine how fast it is growing. Measure the length of the dropped roots.

Why do the ends split

To prevent the hair from becoming brittle and fragile, and the growth of the heap does not stop, you need to cut the ends in time. There can be several reasons for split hair.

  1. Do not abuse the frequent washing of hair, the manipulation carried out leads to the washing off of the protective substance that envelops the curls.
  2. The problem with long hair is that the hair follicles cannot carry the nutrients produced by the sebaceous glands to the ends.
  3. Also, one of the reasons for the deterioration of the hair condition can be organ diseases or the body's exposure to chemotherapy. In this case, nutrients are washed out.
  4. If you've picked a comb that doesn't match your hair type, or wear a comb often. Also, the condition of the curls is affected by the frequent use of thermal devices.
  5. In addition to the above reasons, hair weakens due to weather conditions, regular dyeing, bad habits, running water, poor ecology, and poor nutrition.

The regularity of the haircut depends on many factors. An important factor is considered the length of the hair, the condition of the ends, the type of curls, frequent dyeing and perm.

  1. Long hair. If the mop is healthy and without damage, a haircut should be carried out 1 time in 3-4 months, no more than 15 mm should be cut. length. This way you get rid of dead ends. If the hair is prone to cross-section, it is worthwhile to visit a specialist more often up to 3 times every six months. Then go back to your normal haircut schedule - about once every 4 months.
  2. Section. In case you notice a severe slitting, seek professional help. Cut off the unhealthy ends with hot scissors, then repeat the manipulation after a couple of months. The frequency of haircuts for split ends is carried out throughout the year. After that, you should switch to a normal haircut once every 3-4 months.
  3. Short hair. With a short hair length, the ends should be trimmed once a month. If you consider yourself to be the owner of a complex fashionable hairstyle, a visit to a specialist should be frequent up to 2 times in 3 weeks. In the case of a perm, you need to visit a hairdresser once a month. This will help prevent dry and brittle ends.

Features of growing hair

  1. Get rid of brittle and split ends before growing healthy hair. Give up staining at all, minimize the use of thermal devices.
  2. You should think about healthy eating and make up a daily diet. Eat quail and chicken eggs, dairy products, cattle, nuts, and seafood.
  3. Get in the habit of drinking at least 2 liters. filtered water. Drink a complex of vitamins and minerals if necessary. It is also worth giving up bad habits. If possible, start going to the gym.
  4. Apply restorative balms and masks. Choose detergents based on your hair type. Do not be lazy to make homemade compresses. Massage natural oils and esters into your scalp.
  5. Massage your head to help increase blood circulation. The follicles begin to receive more nutrients, which contributes to accelerated hair growth. Massage for 10-15 minutes a day.

If you belong to the owners of long hair (up to the shoulders or below), the ends should be trimmed only if the curls have become brittle or sectioned. Otherwise, the hair will start to spoil your beautiful image, highlighting the unkempt shock. After the manipulation, the curls regain their original appearance.

Video: how often should you cut the ends of your hair

First of all, you need to talk about the days when you can't get your hair cut. Changes in their length on days of solar and lunar eclipses have a very negative effect on the condition of the hair; after hairdressing procedures these days, thick hair can deteriorate greatly. Many astrologers do not recommend getting a haircut on days when the Moon is in Cancer or Pisces, the hair after that begins to fall out, grows poorly, and loses its splendor and shine.

9,15, 23 and 29 days of the lunar cycle are also poorly suited for haircuts, since these days are generally considered very unfortunate, they are popularly considered satanic and do not recommend starting anything new during these periods.

You should not cut your hair on Sunday, it is simply not the most favorable day for any manipulations with your appearance and, accordingly, with your hair. After a haircut on this day of the week, hair often becomes brittle and loses its luster.

The right time for a haircut

According to folk signs and the advice of esotericists, you need to get a haircut on days when the moon is either in the growth phase or in the fullness phase. The 5,8,11,14,19,21 and 26 days of the lunar cycle are best suited for this. Many astrologers recommend getting a haircut on days when the moon is in the constellations Virgo, Leo, Libra, Capricorn or Sagittarius. You can find out in which constellation the satellite of the Earth is currently located on specialized sites or with the help of lunar calendars, which can be bought at any bookstore.

Thursday is considered the most successful day of the week for tidying up hair. Hair trimmed on this day grows remarkably, looks healthy and strong. In addition, it is believed that a haircut on Thursday brings success and good luck in life. If you want to get rid of the negativity, get your hair cut on Monday. Changing your appearance on Tuesday is a great way to combat depression. On Wednesday or Friday, you should get your hair cut if you have a thirst for travel and, in general, change.

Of course, it is not always possible to combine the desired lunar day, the corresponding position of the moon, the day of the week and the master's working hours. If your hairdresser can only accept you on a particularly unfortunate day for a haircut, try not to radically change your appearance in this case, limit yourself to styling, trimming the ends of your hair, highlighting and other important, but not global procedures. To avoid such inconsistencies in the work schedules of the master and unsuccessful lunar days, make an appointment in advance. This usually resolves these kinds of problems.

Long hair has long been considered a symbol of inner strength. Human energy is stored in the hair. They reflect his emotions and feelings. There are many traditions and signs among the people associated with hairstyle and hair cutting.

How to cut your hair correctly

Hair cutting is a real ritual. In addition to a stylish hairstyle, it helps to get rid of the negative energy accumulated in the hair.

If you feel a lack of energy, you are constantly disturbed by negative thoughts, you are filled with resentment and hatred, then cutting your hair will help improve your inner state and cheer you up.

No wonder many women want to change themselves with a haircut in the most difficult moments of their lives. For many, a new hairstyle symbolizes the beginning of the next stage, when it is necessary to discard all the grievances and failures of the past as soon as possible and start moving forward.

To significantly improve your inner state, you do not need to radically change your image: you just need to trim the tips.

How to make a wish come true with hair

Hair has a unique ability to absorb human energy and store information about experiences, feelings and desires. Sometimes with the help of hair you can create a real miracle. Make a wish and pull out one hair from your head, like old man Hottabych, rip it up and burn it. By these actions, you release energy, which helps in the implementation of your plans.

The magic of long hair

Long hair is fraught with special magic. Since ancient times, long hair has symbolized fertility, wealth and strength.

Long hair can protect against negative effects. They close the chakra located at the back of the neck. If this energy point is open, then the person becomes more susceptible to negative energy coming from outside.

Hairstyles that will bring good luck and prosperity

Braided hair protects the woman's energy field. This is a real amulet.

Parting in the middle helps to achieve inner harmony and put your thoughts in order. This hairstyle allows you to make an informed decision in critical situations and maintain internal balance.

A bun on the back of the head helps to focus and attract good luck to your side.

When you feel tired and powerless, then take your hair, and you will immediately feel a surge of strength and a desire to fight.

If you want to get someone's attention, let your hair down. Loose hair symbolizes openness and a willingness to engage in dialogue.

In those moments when you can not collect your thoughts, comb your hair thoroughly, and you will feel how everything gradually begins to fall into place.

The Ponytail hairstyle helps to achieve the desired result and attract good luck, especially when such a hairstyle is done for the growing moon.

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All peoples have signs and superstitions associated with hair cutting. Some have long been forgotten, almost no one knows about them, while others are observed by many people. For example, pregnant women, having learned about their interesting situation, refuse to have their hair cut until the very birth. And if you want your hair to branch quickly, a haircut is best done on the growing moon.

You can't cut your hair yourself, even if you only decide to do a bang. The choice of a master must be approached responsibly, because it is believed that his mood and biofield can greatly affect the client. If you are used to not depending on anyone and solving problems on your own, it is better to choose a specialist younger or your age. And if there are a lot of troubles in your life, then you should look for an old and experienced master.

A man should trust a shaving of his hair to a specialist of the same sex, that is, also a man. A woman can cut off all love affairs with her hair, and the energy transmitted by the master will lead to quarrels in the family and divorce.

If you have a lot of negativity, the best day for a haircut is Monday. And in order to get rid of laziness and solve difficult situations, it is advisable to change the length of your hair on Tuesday. If life lacks new impressions and acquaintances, it is worth visiting a hairdresser on Wednesday. To avoid setbacks and attract fortune, it is better to change your hairstyle on Thursday.

A haircut on Friday will lead to significant changes in life, and on Saturday it will get rid of debt, but only if the cut hair is burned. If everything is fine with you, it is better not on Sunday, but if, on the contrary, failures follow, you need to go to the hairdresser on that day. But for the omen to help, you need a haircut that will radically change your appearance.

After a haircut, you should not throw your hair into the water, it is better to burn it. And you should not visit the hairdresser on certain days of the month - 9, 15, 23, 29.

Until now, many parents are not a child until he is 1 year old. The first hairs should never be thrown away, they should be kept in a bag. And if the baby gets sick, the bag is hung around his neck. It is believed that the first hair has a healing effect.

There is one more sign. If a baby is born with thick hair, a long and happy life awaits him. But it is impossible for parents to cut their child's hair, especially dad - son, and mom - daughter. In this case, relatives will steal happiness from the child. Also, children should not cut their parents' hair, thereby making the life of mom or dad shorter.