New Year's contests for home and family. We create a festive mood. "News from the new year"

Celebrating the New Year at home with your family can be a great opportunity to strengthen family ties, have fun and start the new year with your loved ones. Taking care of the fun, food, drinks, games, and entertainment ahead of time can be a great time.


Part 1

Drinks and food

    Prepare homemade meals. Taking into account the fact that food delivery rises in price on New Year's Eve (like other products before the holidays), nothing prevents you from spending a little money and preparing a family dinner. Choose dishes that will appeal to all family members and that you can't afford every day - steak, barbecue or seafood. Such a family dinner can turn into a New Year's tradition.

    Make fun snacks and desserts. Try making cookies, toffee or other desserts that the whole family can enjoy during New Year's Eve. You can also add New Year's spirit and make special New Year's desserts. Many cultures have their own New Year's desserts like Vasilopita, a Greek New Year's cake that hides a coin in the batter when baked. It is believed that a person who comes across a piece with a coin will be lucky in the coming year.

    Prepare holiday drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails. All kids love hot cocoa, sugary drinks and carbonated grape juice. You can also make other cocktails with strawberries and kiwi, cranberries and peppermint. Be sure to use champagne glasses and other “adult” plastic utensils for the kids to celebrate with you. For adults, you can prepare individual cocktails or stick to the classic champagne option.

    Watch movies. Include films that are already in your collection and buy new ones that you have long wanted to see. Make movies one of the many entertainment options, or watch movies non-stop. During the movies, you can eat snacks and drinks that you have prepared together.

    Create a New Year's photo corner. Organize a place in the room where you can take pictures. Choose a wall or corner to use as a backdrop and decorate with ready-made or homemade holiday decorations. You can also print some fancy dress parts to get your own photo props.

    Wear sophisticated outfits. Invite all family members to wear their best clothes to make them feel like they are attending a New Year's Eve party. You can play music, dance and take pictures in irresistible costumes.

    Make timekeeping bags. Place a variety of treats and treats in small pouches to open one pouch every hour while waiting for midnight. The number of bags you need depends on when you start opening them. You can put the following in them:

    Make your own Christmas decorations. Use heavy paper, thread, and jewelry to make party hats. Also try making homemade Christmas rattles by placing rice, confetti, and glitter in plastic bottles. Cover them with a lid and shake them loudly to loudly welcome the arrival of the New Year. You can also attach balloons to the ceiling and release them when the clock strikes midnight:

Part 3

New Year's Eve

    Think back to the outgoing year and make plans for the coming year. Around midnight or at any other time, gather together and remember what happened last year to each of you individually and with the whole family. Then try to formulate plans for the next year. You can make a plan for the whole family to be held accountable to each other.

    Celebrate the New Year in a different time zone. If the family has small children, it will be difficult for them to stay awake until midnight. Try to celebrate the New Year in a different time zone. For example, depending on your country of residence, you can celebrate the New Year with the French or Japanese. Thanks to this, small children will be able to celebrate the New Year with you and go to bed earlier.

  1. Do not forget about those who are a little bored of spending New Year's Eve with their family. Teens and young people tend to think that by staying at home on New Years, they are missing out on all the fun. You can ask them about the pleasant moments of the past year and expectations from the next 12 months. This conversation will help you bond.
  2. You don't have to stay awake until midnight. Surely some family members won't want to party all night! If you are tired and want to go to bed earlier, then this is completely normal. In the morning there will be the same New Year, the meeting of which can be shifted a little.
  3. Warnings

  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Be aware of your neighbors when playing music. Even on New Years, people have small children and sick relatives.
  • If you regret staying with your family all evening and could have had a lot more fun, then it will be difficult for you to feel the moment and appreciate its importance. It will be much easier and more fun for you if you consider this as another great way to celebrate the New Year. Think about what you managed to avoid - a long wait for a taxi, drunken quarrels, a little crazy crowds of people who strive to hug everyone in a row in honor of the New Year!

I remembered these games and came up with them for our family New Year. Some of them have been tested before, some of them will be tested for the first time in nine days.

Memories. Each participant remembers and records the most important events of the outgoing year. If there are several married couples at the holiday, you can compete in which pair will have more matches. In one family it is simply interesting to compare these lists, who memorized and selected what. And if you have a large family (from 6 people), you can award as many points for each event as people remember about it. And determine the winner by the amount.

Secret Santa Claus. You can start playing from the morning of December 31, or even a few days before the New Year. By drawing of lots, each participant receives the name of the other participant (if his own name comes across, a retake is required). And you need to try to do surprises and something pleasant for this person. But so that he does not immediately figure out you. At midnight, you can discuss who noticed what, who guessed what, who did not. But the main thing in this game is not the result, but the feeling of miracles and celebration, which certainly arises in the process. Therefore, even three of us can play it (we are going to).

Present. You need to prepare small prizes (sweets, stationery, household stuff - something funny and insignificant is better) and write their names on the cards. Participants take turns pulling out a card and pantomime show their item to the rest of the guests. Who guessed it - receives the item as a gift (it is better to “stock up” the cards after the end of the drawing). If the participants are of different ages, you can exclude those who have already received prizes from the further drawing, or simply give the children a head start in time.

New Year's him. The first participant says: “January 1st”. Each next player, in turn, names a new date, following the rule that you can increase the number of the month by one, two or three, or a month by one. That is, the next player can say "January 2", "January 3", "January 4" or "February 1". The participant who says “December 31st” on his turn wins.

Board game. It is very easy to collect tasks and gifts into a board game. This is the kind of game we made a few years ago.

Snowball. A well-known game in which children with a good memory outplay adults. The first participant says: "Santa Claus has a sack ..." (and names any toy, and maybe something funny). Each next participant must list all the items that other participants have named before him and add something of their own. They play until everyone says something (and at the end you can try to draw this wonderful bag) or until everyone is completely confused.

Search for surprises. There are a lot of small surprises to be prepared. This is not so difficult, because candies, nuts, cookies, stickers, beautiful beads, bells and just good predictions will do. It is much more difficult to wrap each of these prizes separately (it is better to wrap all the prizes in the same paper). After that, the presenter, for example, at the moment when everyone goes to the street to start up fireworks, places the packages in prominent places. Those who will be looking must definitely be warned that they should not get into cabinets and drawers, all packages can be seen simply with their eyes, without moving anything. At the signal, all participants go in search. It is better to leave a few packages with the presenter in case someone is upset that they have found few surprises.

In the fall, we played several times in the "swing without looking". It seems like a good New Year's game - for exchanging small gifts or sweets.

You can build fortresses from pre-frozen ice cubes, put candles in the center and admire the magical spectacle. And if you forgot to freeze the ice, try making a building out of lump sugar.

Lottery of plans. Lots of plans for the New Year and don't know what to do first? Make a numbered to-do list - necessary (disassemble the rack, sort out clothes), interesting (go to the Paleontological Museum, finish painting your board game), enjoyable (arrange a day of doing nothing). Better to make a common to-do list for the whole family. But individual lists can be made to include personal projects. And after that, each participant rolls dice and determines what to do (for everyone or for him personally) in the first week of the new year.

It is very good for the whole family to dream and make plans for the new year.

Memories with numbers. Try to recall all the events of the outgoing year related to numbers and dial these numbers in the sum of 365. For example, you can add three lost teeth from a son, second place in a competition for a daughter, 16 gifts for children on their birthday, 20 thousand awards, 5 wonderful films , 3 favorite books that have appeared, 1 new flower pot on the window, a born nephew, 16 wonderful days of travel ... There are many memories, but dialing the required number is not so easy (or if it's simple - try to count 2014).

Snowmen. It seems to me right to prepare the New Year's table with the whole family, with joy and ideas. And at one time I was very inspired by this master class - a great idea for a New Year's breakfast.

For such a holiday, it is important and necessary to get a good script, with the help of which you will not only cheer up, but also will not let your friends get bored. The script is designed for a small group of adults, 10-12 people. If there are still children, it will be possible to add several. Also, a lot depends on the size of the premises in which the event will take place. If space permits, you can equip a small photo zone, which will definitely delight your guests. You can also organize a costume party, but it all depends on desire and imagination.

Characters: Leading (in a Snow Maiden costume).
The host or hostess of the house should be the host of the home party.

Props: small gifts for participation in competitions, 2 sets of cards, bags, cards, a foil balloon with riddles,

The guests sit down, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden :
Good evening to you friends,
I'm glad to see you all,
We will celebrate the holiday
Celebrate the New Year now!
I lingered a little
I was going for a very long time,
Grandfather did not wait for me,
And so alone!
Well, it's not scary, I came,
I brought joy to everyone
Pour it up quickly
Let's drink for the joy of days!
Let's drink to the one who leaves
Over the past this year,
Was good in his own way
But, we are marching forward!
Let's drink with you for the moments
We will drink with you for everything
Let the problems take away
Let everythnig will be alright!

(Everybody drinks in the past year)

Snow Maiden :
Friends, I offer you one magical, and most importantly an interesting game. All you need to do is draw out a card ...

Game "Magic Cards".
You will need to pre-prepare cards with questions and answers, put them in two different bags. The first question is asked by the presenter, naming the person to whom she is addressing. He, in turn, pulls the answer, reads, and then chooses a question, names the next guest, and so on in order. It turns out pretty funny and interesting. Shuffle all cards before playing.
Props: 2 sets of cards, bags.

Question options.
I wish you ...
1. ... visiting Paris on New Year's Eve?
2. ... getting stuck in an elevator with Johnny Depp?
3. ... play the role of Santa Claus?
4. ... put on a ball gown and walk around town?
5. ... do nothing for a whole year, and then start work for a day?
6. ... work as an Olivier slicer?
7. ... to work as president for one day in the New Year?
8. ... spend the night with Shakira?
9. ... swap bodies with me for a day?
10. ... to feel like Cinderella, to constantly clean, wash, fulfill other people's whims?
11. ... in the New Year, start from scratch and start working as a janitor?
12. ... to go to Guadeloupe in the New Year and find a mulatto there?
13. ... to make a green mohawk in the New Year?
14. ... to go to work in pajamas in the New Year?

Answer options:
1. Absolutely not, how could such a thing come to mind!
2. Phew, what a horror, as I can imagine, it makes you shiver!
3. It's a dream!
4. Why not?
5. Yes, I will sell my soul for it!
6. And who will refuse?
7. No, I don't even want to think about it!
8. If you will be with me, then yes!
9. Of course, the dream of a lifetime!
10. A good opportunity to learn new things.
11. I want, I strive, I will achieve!
12. Definitely yes!
13. Maybe yes, maybe no, everything depends on the mood.
14. This is a brilliant proposal!

Snow Maiden :
I suggest you drink your friends for the New Year to fulfill your desires and give you new opportunities!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

Snow Maiden :
It's time to voice congratulations,
Get ready friends,
Remember rhymes and toasts,
It's time to remember!
Well, if everyone has forgotten,
Don't worry, don't worry,
There is a reserve for this,
I have a game for you!

The game "I compose on the go".
It's simple - the presenter calls the rhyme, and the guests continue it clockwise, and you get a cool New Year's greetings.

First rhyme options:
1. New Year rushes to us, rushes;
2. Congratulations to you friends;
3. Here is a miracle on the doorstep;
4. Happy New Year,
5. Here comes the New Year.

Snow Maiden :
And now I propose to drink to what was said!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

Snow Maiden :
Something you are bored, and I propose to fix it urgently!

Competition "I can, I will show".
For this competition, you need to prepare cards. Two participants are selected from the guests. The task is to depict what is written on the card without words. The one who scores more correct answers will receive a prize. Each participant is given three cards, which they choose in turn. Time for each show is 30 seconds.
Props: cards.

Examples of cards:
1. Depict the performance of Leps;
2. A girl in a tight skirt and high heels;
3. Pregnant at the 9th month;
4. Drunk Electrician;
5. Depict Baskov's performance;
6. Show the snowman;
7. Depict the Snow Maiden;
8. To portray Santa Claus.
(The options for the cards may be different, it all depends on your imagination.)

Snow Maiden :
Attention, listen friends,
It's time to pour champagne into glasses,
In five minutes a miracle will happen
We will celebrate the New Year!
Soon the chimes will strike
Soon happiness will come to the house
Make a wish
New Year is already underway!

(The chimes strike, everyone exchanges congratulations, gifts and drinks for the New Year)

Snow Maiden :
Hurray, comrades, hurray!
Happy New Year to you friends,
Congratulations on the New miracle,
I wish everyone well!
Let there be prosperity in the house,
And comfort always reigns
Let it shine over you
A bright, magical star!

Snow Maiden :
I propose to start this year with wishes. How do you look at this?

Game "Wishes".
Two participants are selected from all guests. Each of them must name the wishes in the letter that the presenter will name. If the word is repeated, the participant is eliminated. The winner is the one who calls more words. At the end, a symbolic prize is awarded.

(Everyone raises their glasses to what they said)

Snow Maiden :
What is the New Year without magic? So I thought about it and got ready!

Magic ball game.
Some preparation will be required. First you need to take a small prize and wrap it in foil, making the shape of a ball. A piece of paper is glued to this ball with. Next, a layer of foil is again applied, a piece of paper is glued. Ideally, apply 7-8 layers, which means you need to prepare the same number of riddles. The last layer is a layer of foil. The ball is passed clockwise to the guests. The first guest removes the layer and reads the riddle, if within 5 seconds he does not guess, the guests begin to guess. The one who gives the correct answer receives a ball and removes the next layer. The guest who manages to get to the last layer will receive a prize. Riddles are best mixed from simple to complex.
Props: foil ball with riddles.

Snow Maiden :
Everyone knows what year has come, but which of you will be able to portray it?

Competition "Symbol of the Year".
Two participants are selected. Each in turn must depict the coming year. The difficulty is that the gestures denoting the animal must be different, you cannot repeat after the opponent. Whoever can show more will receive a prize.

(After the competition, everyone raises their glasses for the symbol of the year)

Snow Maiden :
Let this year be sweet
All bad things will recede in an instant
We will fix the wish
Having completed my assignment!

Contest "Eat".
Two couples are chosen (preferably married ones). Each pair is given a piece of candy. The challenge is to unfold and eat the candy hands-free. Execution time 30 seconds. The winners will receive a prize.

Snow Maiden :
Congratulations sounded loud
And vodka poured like a river,
We had fun, we laughed
We had so much fun as we could!
But it's time, friends, on my way,
We will say goodbye to you,
We will often be with you,
Let's get together!

(Everyone raises a glass to all the good things and the evening ends)

If there is enough space, you can add a few dance breaks and a couple more to the script.

Hang two blank sheets of paper on the wall, choose the two most daring guests, tie their hands behind their backs. Hand them brushes, jars of water, paints, or markers. Now their task is to draw the symbols of the outgoing year on blank sheets of paper without using their hands.

All players receive one paper snowflake. The main task is to blow away your snowflake as far as possible. After all the snowflakes are on the floor, the presenter, to the surprise of everyone present, names the winner who has the snowflake closest to the start. It turns out that the winner of the fresh breath contest has to nail the snowflake to the floor before anyone else.

The girls remain in the room, and the presenter takes the young people to another room. Each girl must choose one ball from the Christmas tree, then young people enter the room one by one. Each guy who comes in chooses one ball on the Christmas tree, if this ball is conceived by some girl, then he kisses this girl on the cheek. Then the young people go out and go in the second round. The girls are already making other balloons. If a young man names a ball that a girl who he has already kissed on the cheek has thought of, then he should kiss her on the lips.

For this game you will need Christmas tree toys made of cotton wool. You need to attach wire hooks to them, in addition, you need to make a fishing rod with the same hook as on toys. The task of the players is to hang toys made of cotton wool on the tree with the help of this fishing rod. The winner is the one who hangs up his toys the fastest. For this competition, the tree must be in a stable position.

Several participants stand in the middle of the room, they are blindfolded, then each participant must be rotated several times around its axis. The task of the players is to go in the direction where the tree is and hang toys on it that were given to them by the presenter in advance.

All guests sit in a circle and take turns pronouncing the names of films that are somehow connected with the New Year. The one who does not pronounce the title is eliminated, the one who names the most of such films wins.

Each participant receives empty bottles and one spoon in his hands, with the help of these objects they must perform a New Year's melody. The jury evaluates their melodies and chooses the most New Year's one.

In this competition, you can simply ask questions to your guests, the questions must necessarily be related to the New Year.

In what year did Peter I order to celebrate the New Year in the winter months? (1700)

In which country on New Year's Day it is customary to throw old dishes and furniture out of the window? (Italy)

In what year did a New Year card first appear in London? Hint: Between 1800 and 1850 (1843)

In Germany, the New Year is celebrated not just one day, but much longer. When does the New Year start in Germany? (December 6)

In almost all countries, the New Year clock strikes twelve times, thereby signaling the arrival of the New Year, but in Japan it strikes many more times. How many times does the Japanese clock strike to announce the new year? Hint: 80 to 130 strokes (108)

Each guest is given sheets of paper according to the script, on top of them all participants must write their intentions for the next New Year, then the top part is folded so that it is not visible what is written. After that, this sheet must be handed over to the neighbor sitting to his right, and he, in turn, must write the reason why this decision was made. Example phrase: “I intend to make ……………… (decision) because ……………………… (reason)”. Then the players read out loud what happened.

For this game you will need paper, pencils and your guests' imagination. The host asks each player to write a letter to Santa Claus on behalf of the player sitting on the left. The presenter gives the players 5-6 minutes to write this letter. After the time has expired, the players pass these letters to the neighbors who sit to their left. Thus, each player reads a letter from himself, but written by his neighbor. In this competition, the host should reward the players for their originality.

For this game, you need to form two teams. Each team has to "stage" the song. For this game, you can assign roles in advance, or team captains can do it. The best songs for staging are: "Three White Horses" performed by Vitas, "Yolki" performed by Verka Serduchka.

So, we wish that your home New Year, which will be organized with the help of our script, will be one of the most fun holidays in your life.

Especially! We offer a script for its organization, written by a talented author T. Efimova "Unforgettable New Year: memories - for the year ahead!", which will help to entertain and captivate friends or relatives who have gathered at the same table to celebrate their favorite holiday. For holding you will need a simple props, which, like the holiday itself, can be easily done on your own, adding your ideas and jokes to the proposed option.

Scenario "Unforgettable New Year: memories - for the year ahead!"

What is necessary? Garlands, a box for New Year's mail, discs with popular songs and melodies, scotch tape, A4 paper, cardboard, pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, scissors (3 pcs.), Whatman paper (4 pcs.), Plasticine, newspapers, corrugated and colored paper , bright paper in rolls (the more the better), large plates (2 pcs.), a chiffon shawl or scarf (4 pcs.), balloons (20 pcs. or more), cosmetics, jewelry, a hat, thick gloves ( potholders can be used), gift bag, ribbons (1 m long, from 5 pcs.), rain.

What to make and how to make it yourself?

New Year's mailbox.

Cover the box (for example, from under the shoes) on all sides with blue wrapping paper with snowflakes. In the upper part, cut a hole for letters measuring 0.5 by 10 cm and make a large white lettering "Mail". The box for letters and wishes is ready. Place sheets of paper, pencils and felt-tip pens next to the New Year's "mailbox" so that everyone can send holiday messages to each other.

A poster with unfinished phrases.

On a Whatman paper, write parts of the sentences in large block letters and leave blank space so that you can add them.

Snowman portrait.

On a drawing paper, draw a snowman in a bucket instead of a hat and with a broom in his hands. At the place of the nose, cut a round hole, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the base of the cone, carrot.


While all the guests are gathering, the presenters offer to cut snowflakes and stars out of colored paper and write wishes on them. All New Year's cards are mixed and put into a "mailbox". The holiday begins with a traditional congratulatory part.

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy!
All who are single - get married,
All who are in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about offenses.
To everyone who is sick - to become healthy,
Blossom, rejuvenate.
To everyone who is skinny - to become fuller,
Too fat - lose weight.
Too smart to get simpler
Close-minded - to grow wiser.
All gray-haired - to turn black.
So that bald hair
They thickened on the crown
Like Siberian forests!
To songs, to dance
Never ended.
Happy New Year,
With new happiness,
My dear friends!

Game moment "New Year's mail"

Leading: Dear guests, the snowy breath of winter brought us a huge number of letters with wishes for the holiday. They are stored in the mailbox. Throughout the evening, you can replenish it with congratulations and confessions to someone. They can be either anonymous or named. Every hour the mail will be checked, new letters will be taken out and sent to the addressees. Well, now we will receive the first arriving "snowy" wishes. New Year is a truly magical holiday! So let all the good things that will be said today come true, and all wishes come true!

I invite two volunteers to take part in the first New Year's competition. They will play the role of a blizzard, which sends its messengers throughout the Earth - snowflakes. And to whom they will fly and what kind of message they will bring, we will soon find out.

The essence of the game:

Two volunteers take a snowflake from the mailbox (from those on which guests wrote their wishes). They put the snowflake on their lips, inhale the air and suck in the leaf so that it does not fall. After that, each player chooses the addressee of his message, comes closer to him and sharply blows out the snowflake so that it falls into the hands of the addressee or as close to him as possible. After the New Year messages arrive, the participants who have received them read aloud what they have been sent, take the snowflake as a souvenir and become "postmen" themselves, who must send the next snowflakes.

The game can be paused at any time and resumed at the request of the participants or at the discretion of the host. It is not at all necessary to send out all the snowflakes - some of them can simply be read aloud to the host or handed out to guests at any time. One way or another, it is best to empty the New Year's "mailbox" after this competition so that the snowflakes do not mix with other congratulations that guests will write throughout the evening.

Contest "Continue the New Year's phrase"