Urine coloration. Infectious diseases of various etiologies. What is the color of urine

Urine includes the end products of metabolism, which color it in different colors. What color is healthy urine in humans?

The answer to this question is simple - it

What factors affect the color of urine?

  • The presence of dyes in food.
  • The use of certain products.
  • Taking medication.
  • metabolic processes.

What does the color of urine indicate? Amber - about the pigments urobilin, urochrome and others, and the level of its saturation depends on the number of such pigments. In addition, the more liquid a person consumes, the less urine stains. With a lack of water, especially in hot, dry weather and with increased sweating, the urine darkens.

Why does the color of urine change in a healthy person?

Some people do not know what color urine should be, and therefore worry about it turning greenish or reddish. For example, why If you eat beets, blackberries or rhubarb, this color of urine appears. In some cases, pregnant women have urine that turns orange. A similar color appears when eating carrots and fruits rich in carotene. Redness of the urine can also occur after poisoning with toxic substances. When red urine appears in women, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The appearance of blood in the urine is considered a prerequisite for serious health problems in women. Timely assistance will help to avoid serious problems and consequences.

Why is urine red and painful? This happens with diseases of the urinary tract and urination. occurs in people who take antibiotics. As a rule, the doctor talks about the side effects of drugs, so there is no need to be afraid. Green urine comes from eating asparagus. The blue color may be the result of taking a complex of vitamins or medicines. After eating legumes, urine becomes dark in color. Light-colored urine appears with excessive fluid intake.

dark urine

Urine contains the enzyme urochrome, which has a yellow pigment, the concentration of which determines the shade of urine in a healthy person. The higher the concentration of the enzyme, the correspondingly darker the color of the urine. In addition, its color is influenced by other factors. For example, pregnant women have dark colored urine.

During the bearing of a child, the woman's body is transformed, all the internal systems of the body experience an increased load. Dark urine in a woman during this period is the result of a restructuring of the body. The reason for this in early pregnancy is dehydration due to toxicosis, manifested by vomiting.

A dark shade of urine can give:

  • Food;
  • medications;
  • starvation diets;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • intense physical activity;
  • violation of the diet, insufficient amount of water drunk per day.

At the same time, what does the color of urine say dark? Urine of this color can also be a symptom of various diseases:

  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • genitourinary system;
  • gynecological;
  • infectious;
  • venereal;
  • oncological.

At the same time, dark urine in a woman may also be accompanied by a specific unpleasant odor.

If you detect dark urine, you should contact your doctor and get a referral for testing, according to the results of which the doctor will prescribe an additional examination, diagnose and treat.

Causes of dark urine in a child

If in the morning parents notice the dark color of urine in a child, this is not a reason to sound the alarm right away, since it is caused by natural causes of the vital activity of the body. During the day, its color returns to normal.

If the urine remains dark during the day, then it may be:

  • Infectious disease of the genitourinary system of a child. Urine takes on a dark brown hue. In advanced cases, mucus, pus and blood are found in it.
  • This condition is manifested by pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting. The water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, dehydration of the body occurs, urine becomes dark.
  • Liver disease, in which urine can even be black.

Why do children have cloudy urine?

The appearance of cloudy urine in a child is familiar to many parents. It is known that urine is the main indicators of the state of the body. However, not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. If with sediment, then parents do not need to immediately panic, the reasons for this are varied, most of them are absolutely harmless.

The appearance of cloudy urine in the first days of a baby's life should not bother parents, as this is a physiological normal phenomenon. And after a short period of time everything will be back to normal. In infants, this situation is possible at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, as the composition of feeding changes.

Reasons for changing the color of urine in children:

  • the use of certain foods, such as plums, gooseberries, sorrel, parsley, grapes, legumes;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • burns that occupy a large surface of the skin;
  • excess vitamins;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, parenchymal jaundice);
  • diabetes;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory process (pyelonephritis);
  • blood disease - hemolytic anemia;
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the kidneys;
  • intoxication of the body in case of poisoning or infection.

In the evening hours, urine can become slightly cloudy even in healthy babies - this is associated with overworking the child during the day. If the child has cloudy urine with sediment, with a pungent odor and mucus, and the baby does not sleep and eat well, then you should definitely contact a specialist who will determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Preventive actions:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • constant emptying of the bladder;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduced salt intake;
  • limiting the use of foods that contain a lot of calcium;
  • drinking enough fluids.

If a sediment or cloudy urine appears, it is necessary to observe the condition of the baby. If unusual symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor and not engage in self-treatment.

Presence of acetone in urine

Most people attribute the bad odor that comes out of their urine to food. The appearance of acetone in the urine indicates problems with the kidneys. In many cases, the problem can be easily solved - just returning to a healthy lifestyle is enough, but sometimes a medical examination is necessary. Timely diagnosis and testing will help to avoid negative consequences. If you do not start treatment on time, it can lead to serious illness. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to know the reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine.

Acetone in urine in adults: causes

  • Excessive consumption of spicy and fatty foods contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.
  • Irregular physical activity.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • The effects of anesthesia.
  • Poisoning and high fever.
  • Eating only low-calorie foods.

These causes are quite serious and need to be addressed immediately.

Symptoms indicating the presence of acetone in the urine:

  • the presence of a strong unpleasant odor when urinating;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • unstable mental state;
  • high blood glucose levels;
  • continuous desire to rest and sleep;
  • pallor and crimson;
  • lack of thirst and appetite;
  • unexplained vomiting and diarrhea.

Actions for the detection of acetone in the urine

If you find some symptoms and think that you have acetone in your urine, then it is recommended to get tested. This can be done in the outpatient laboratory. Routine urinalysis can detect acetonuria.

It is very risky to detect acetone in the urine of pregnant women. Acetone can occur in urine due to toxicosis and frequent vomiting. In this case, it is recommended to restore the water-salt balance in the body of a pregnant woman. If a woman is not worried about anything, then if acetone is found in the urine, it is recommended to be tested again. And if there is a positive result again, then you will need to undergo other examinations that will help determine the causes of its occurrence and take the necessary measures.


If proper nutrition and normalization of the order of the day did not give a result, then special preparations should be taken. If acetone is found in the urine of adults, the causes may be associated with intoxication with poisons or heavy metals, with a change in the level of thyroid hormones. In the presence of similar problems, inpatient treatment is recommended, which, if necessary, may include droppers, intramuscular injections, and surgery.

With the timely detection of acetone in the urine, it is quite easy to eliminate the causes of its appearance. Before starting any treatment, you need to seek help from specialists.

Diseases and color of urine

Consider what the color of urine indicates in diseases:

  • Pale yellow - lack of pigments and with polyuria.
  • Dark lemon color appears with toxicosis, dehydration, which is caused by vomiting, as well as fever.
  • White - when pus, phosphates, lipids penetrate into the urine. This is possible with pyelonephritis, fatty degeneration of the kidneys and urolithiasis.
  • Brown color - an increased amount of urobilin, for example, with anemia, poisoning, problems with blood clotting.
  • Black color accompanies the disease melanosarcoma and hemolytic kidney.
  • The color of beer when bile pigments enter the excretory system.
  • Red - when blood comes in.

So, what does the color of urine say? A change in the color of urine is not always the cause of the disease, but you should carefully monitor the signals of the body.

So you want to have a general idea, find out what urine should be in a healthy person? laboratory study of fluid collected after urination. Urinalysis is performed in a specialized laboratory with special equipment and experienced staff with medical education. The results of observations and tests are interpreted by the physician. Urinalysis helps the attending physician to identify the symptoms of diseases, make the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment and monitor the dynamics of the patient's condition. Determining, among other things, the effectiveness of prescribed drugs, drugs, antibiotics and the effect of the general method of treatment. So, for a doctor, ideas about what urine should be- this is a whole section of professional knowledge. About how to decipher the analysis.

Another thing: people without medical education. It is clear that it is better for an ordinary person not to do urine analysis on their own. After all, he doesn't have clear ideas about what urine should be in a healthy person. And, moreover, there is no need to try to prescribe treatment for yourself on the basis of an amateur urine test. But, it is quite possible and highly desirable to monitor the state of the fluid during urination. Pay attention to the color, smell, turbidity and foaminess of urine. In fact, most people do just that. Only "domestic urine tests" are carried out unconsciously, automatically. Sooner or later it happens that people notice with anxiety(correctly called: determine) a change in shade, darkening of color, coloring and a sharper, sharp, strong, sometimes even objectively unpleasant smell of urine. Maybe they notice a sediment in the liquid after urination, turbidity, opacity, foam in the urine, crystals, stones, threads, mucus, blood, semen. The disease is suspected on this basis and they want to find out what treatment they need pass the.

NOTE: Dark urine after exercise is normal. That is how it should be.

What should be the urine of a healthy person, signs, characteristics and properties of the fluid after urination:

  • The color of urine is normal, in a healthy person, without pathologies has a light, not bright, straw yellow color, without a pink tint. And in appearance, the liquid seems quite transparent. It is not cloudy and, by visual assessment, has no sediment or suspension.
  • The smell of fresh urine is normal, in a healthy person who does not have pathologies or diseases , characteristic specific, in extreme cases: very weak ammonia. However, the smell of ammonia in urine is not perceived as sharply unpleasant, repulsive, most often they do not pay attention to it.
  • There should be no discomfort when urinating. , expressed in burning, itching or pain. Itching, burning and pain are not necessarily associated with an inflammatory process in the urinary tract. And can be caused by certain characteristics of the urine, for example: the liquid is highly concentrated.
  • Urine is normal, in a healthy person, should not foam , that is, there should be no stable foam on the surface of the liquid. Concentrated urine often forms foam.
  • Urine is normal, in a healthy person, should not contain : crystals, threads, mucus, blood, flakes, cylinders, cells. As well as proteins, leukocytes.
  • Urine is normal, in a person who does not have diseases, it should taste salty with a slight aftertaste of bitterness. The taste of urine is usually not examined, but an interesting fact: if the urine seems to taste sweet -

In the diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system and other organs, much attention is paid to the color of urine. It may differ depending on the characteristics of nutrition, lifestyle, the presence of pathological diseases in the body. A change in the color of urine is often a signal of the development of inflammatory and tumor processes in the urinary system.

It is necessary to regularly monitor the color of urine during urination, this will not allow you to miss the moment of the onset of an acute pathology and its transition to a chronic course.

What determines the color and factors of its change

The urine of a healthy person normally has several shades of yellow - saturated, light, straw. To find out what normal urine should be in a healthy person, an understanding of the composition and phenomena that affect the formation of its color will help.

The hue depends on the content of a number of special pigments - coloring components - urobilin, urochrome, uroerythrin, the more of them, the richer the color of the urine. The amount of excreted urochromes depends on factors such as water intake, nutrition, drugs, and metabolic processes. With abundant formation, urine has a light shade, but if there is a shortage of fluid, it becomes saturated, gets a bright yellow color.

The reasons for the color change also lie in the presence of different salts. With a large number of them, it becomes cloudy. With a high content of urates, it becomes close to orange, and oxalates give a whitish (milky) tint. Such phenomena are not considered a deviation, and therefore, when evaluating the appearance, many points must be taken into account.

So, the key factors affecting what color urine should be:

  • quantitative indicators of the composition, the concentration of urochrome, urobilin, the presence of salts;
  • prevailing foodstuffs, the level of water balance;
  • medicines, especially laxatives.

However, urine often changes its appearance due to pathological changes. In this case, the violation is persistent and is a signal of the need to correct nutrition, water regime and the work of a separate organ.

Color for different diseases can vary, ranging from transparent to dark and even black. Significant changes are observed in a number of pathological processes. Changed color of urine is considered abnormal if it:

  • reddish, bright red, pink;
  • Brown;
  • green;
  • black;
  • colorless;
  • rich yellow, orange;
  • Violet;
  • blue.

Men and women usually have the same color change factors, and children already have their own characteristics. At different ages, people will have different indicators of the norm and violation, which is taken into account when passing the analysis. For example, newborns may have a red tint, which is associated with a high concentration of uric acid.

It is recommended to fix the color for study before it mixes with the liquid from the toilet. You should urinate into a transparent container, collecting the average portion of morning urine. It can also be monitored throughout the day by analyzing how the color changes, depending on the foods and drinks consumed.

Light (straw)

Light yellow color is an ideal indicator of what color urine should normally be. This means that the urinary organs work stably, and urination occurs normally, the required number of times.

Bright (orange)

Bright yellow - the indicator is normal, but additional verification is required. Various drugs with long-term use become a factor in urine staining. This mainly concerns antibiotics (Nolicin, Norfloxacin and others). But with a detailed analysis, you need to take into account many other drugs.

Urine that is deep yellow or even orange often indicates a biliary tract disorder. It is also a sign of dehydration. At the same time, increased foaming may occur, which indicates the presence of protein or a high rate of urination. If this phenomenon is constant, it is better to look for the cause with your doctor.

A rich yellow tint indicates a high amount of urochromes. The cause may be starvation and fever. The factors are drugs and products with dyes, as well as enhanced metabolic processes. Orange color gives the drug Riboflavin.

The reasons for changing the color of urine to dark may be associated with an excess amount of coloring components. It is dark yellow with congestive processes in the kidneys, diarrheal syndrome, toxicosis, profuse vomiting, severe burns.


Red urine in an adult can be of several tones:

  • scarlet - there are unchanged red blood cells, saturation varies from intensely scarlet to "meat slops", the causes are malignant neoplasms, traumatic injuries, urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis;
  • raspberry-brown - with an admixture of hemoglobin, which occurs when red blood cells are destroyed inside the vessels, such a violation is characteristic of poisoning the body, blood diseases.

Often, urine acquires a red tone due to the use of foods saturated with the corresponding pigment. It is important that then only the color of the urine of a healthy person changes, but it remains transparent, without various impurities.

Urobilinogenuria (when the urine is brown) is a sign of anemia of hemolytic origin. When there is fresh blood (and red urine) - this is a sign of kidney infarction, nephrolithiasis, lead anemia.

Acetylsalicylic acid gives urine a reddish and pink hue. Phenyl salicylates can lead to a dark brown color. A red saturated color is given by the components of laxatives.

In the case of inflammation of the bladder, which women often suffer from, not only blood enters the urine. Various clots, films, pus are also observed in it, as evidenced by the color of urine and a violation of the level of transparency. Also, this is accompanied by pain along the urethra and in the lower abdomen when urinating. Such a complex (red urine and soreness) is already talking about the pathology that has arisen or its exacerbation.

Women should not be tested during menstruation, because this will certainly affect the final color of the material when blood impurities get into it.


A reddish or pink hue may be due to the consumption of large amounts of beets or blueberries. These are harmless reasons when there is no question of violation. However, a pathological color in pink or reddish may also occur.

Why urine turns reddish and pink:

  • infectious processes of the genitourinary system;
  • in men, these may be disorders of the prostate gland;
  • urine often has this color in pathologies of the urinary system;
  • Oncological diseases and cancerous tumors also serve as a factor.

In chronic viral liver damage, urobilin gives the pink color to the urine. This also happens with severe poisoning of the body with drugs, melanosarcoma and after blood transfusion.

Laxatives, antibacterial drugs, and substances used in chemotherapy can affect the appearance of a pink hue. The risk group includes people undergoing drug treatment for tuberculosis.

Brown and black

If the urine has acquired such a shade, this can be associated with severe dehydration of the body. At least the cause is infectious diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems. This color is typical for diseases of the kidneys and hepatobiliary organs. Also, this shade can cause:

  • Food that promotes color change - rhubarb, beans in large quantities, aloe juice.
  • Certain antibiotics, muscle relaxants, and laxatives also give this shade. Dark urine occurs when standing in the sun after taking Metronidazole, nitrofuran drugs and chloroquines. Urine is often stained by antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis.
  • Under the influence of hunger or fever, an increase in the concentration of urochromes occurs, which affects the color. Urine darkens when exposed to sunlight. Hemoglobinuria (when the urine is black) is a hemolytic kidney or alkaptonuria.
  • Brown urine will help recognize diseases of the hepatobiliary system, including cirrhosis of the liver. This is a signal that the kidneys are working poorly and are not able to remove toxins. In older men, darkening of the urine often occurs with a benign growth of the prostate gland. In this case, you should immediately consult a urologist.
  • Quite often, dark brown and honey-colored urine indicates viral liver damage. When the biological fluid is agitated, a yellow foam is formed. This may be accompanied by yellowness of the skin. This color of urine can also be the result of hemolytic anemia with increased destruction of red blood cells. Thus, the increased breakdown of blood cells increases the level of bilirubin, provoking an icteric color of the skin.

What other colors can there be?

Urine in women often changes color during pregnancy. This is due to increased secretion of cervical fluid, which mixes with urine, making it cloudy. This is not a violation, and therefore should be taken into account in the analysis.

Urine clarity

A change in the level of transparency, the appearance of impurities is often associated with infectious pathologies, the presence of urolithiasis. This is accompanied by painful urination, which can immediately indicate the development of cystitis. It is necessary to pay attention to symptoms such as fever, constant feeling of thirst, change in appetite, increased blood pressure, weight loss, discoloration of feces.

Considering the normal color of urine, the level of transparency should be determined:

  • cloudy - it is a manifestation of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, impurities are due to an increase in the level of epithelium and leukocytes, that is, purulent exudate is formed in urine;
  • the abundance of foam is a factor in the increased protein content, which indicates problems with the hepatobiliary system.

How to accurately determine the color?

A urinalysis helps to understand this, during which the doctor evaluates not only the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the composition, but also how the urine has changed its appearance (transparency and color).

To determine the color of urine for diagnostic purposes, you need to properly prepare for the analysis. Physiological factors can affect a one-time study, then the norm can be mistaken for a deviation and vice versa. Everyone should prepare for the delivery of biological material, including infants, pregnant women, and seriously ill patients. On the day of urine collection, a person should feel good and tell the doctor what he ate on the eve of the study.

To accurately determine the color of urine, it is collected in a special sterile container. You can buy it at a pharmacy. You need about 25-50 mg. It is important that the urine is delivered to the laboratory within a few hours and not exposed to direct sunlight. Sometimes clinics offer containers of preservatives to increase the shelf life of the material.

There are dozens of diseases from different organs, in which a change in the color of urine will be a mandatory symptom. In doing so, three main factors must be considered. This is the shade in which urine is colored, the disease and its causes. Color is determined along with other features - the composition, the predominance of individual elements, the amount of urine excreted per day, which is closely related to each other.

Urine (urine) is a biological fluid that is the end result of the work of the kidneys to purify the blood. It contains many different components, including the products of protein metabolism, drugs, toxins, excess water and other compounds that the body does not need. Urinalysis is widely used to diagnose various pathologies of the kidneys, liver, metabolism and other diseases.

Important information about the state of health can be obtained based on such an indicator as the color of this biological fluid. What color should urine be in case of normal? In a healthy person, it should be straw-yellow in color. The saturation or intensity of the color may vary throughout the day depending on the amount of liquid drunk, as this changes the concentration of pigments.

Determining the color of urine

The color of urine, as well as its physical properties such as smell, specific gravity, transparency and pH reaction, must be determined in the laboratory when prescribing a general urine test. To obtain reliable results that really reflect the processes occurring in the body, it is necessary to fulfill certain requirements:

  • exclude the day before the collection of the analysis the intake of products or drugs that can change the color of urine;
  • observe the usual drinking regimen;
  • prepare a clean, dry jar or a special container;
  • immediately before collecting the analysis, conduct a thorough hygienic toilet of the perineal area;
  • after collecting the analysis, it must be quickly delivered to the laboratory, it is allowed to store the collected urine in a cool place for no more than 2 hours.

The morning portion is used to determine the color of urine in the laboratory.

In the laboratory, the color of urine is determined by a simple visual inspection. To do this, the sample is first settled in a transparent vessel, and then analyzed on a white background in transmitted light. Normal urine color can vary from light yellow to amber. This color is associated with the presence in it of various derivatives of bile pigments, mainly urochromes. In addition, the urine of a healthy person should be 100% transparent, without turbidity and sediment.

Important: If, following all the rules for collecting the analysis, a discrepancy was found between the color and transparency of urine, then this is considered a sign of the presence of some kind of pathology in the body and requires specialist advice.

Factors affecting urine color change

What determines the color of urine? Many factors can influence this indicator. The main ones include:

  • pathological processes in the body;
  • taking medications;
  • the use of certain products;
  • the person's age;
  • drinking regime;
  • metabolic features.

Physiological causes of urine color change

One of the reasons for the deviation of the color of urine from the norm is age. First of all, this applies to children under one year old. Their urine color intensity is much lower than that of adults. In newborns, urine is very faintly colored and almost colorless, as the child grows, it becomes light yellow. However, there are cases when, during the first days of life, urine in children has a brick-red tint, which is associated with a high content of uric acid salts in it. As a rule, after a week, the color of the child's urine returns to normal due to the spontaneous disappearance of these salts.

The function of the kidneys, including the process of urination, is regulated by the neurohumoral pathway. The color of urine changes depending on the time of day. The most intensely colored urine is observed in the morning. This is due to the fact that at night the body increases the production of vasopressin, a hormone that leads to a decrease in diuresis and concentration of urine. With too much excess of this hormone, even a complete stop in the process of urine formation in the kidneys can occur.

The color of urine is also affected by the consumption of certain foods, drinks, and medications. This fact should be taken into account by people who are going to take a urine test.

When eating carrots, urine turns orange.

A change in the color of urine, the cause of which is its concentration due to increased sweating or insufficient fluid intake, does not apply to pathological conditions. When the water balance is restored, this indicator will return to normal. The more liquid enters the body, the less concentrated and, accordingly, the lighter the urine will be.

Important: Physiological causes lead to a temporary change in the color of urine, while in pathology there is a constant deviation of this indicator from the norm.

Changes in the color of urine as a result of pathologies

The color of urine, as well as its transparency, presence of sediment or odor, are important diagnostic criteria for many diseases. When you first see a doctor with any symptoms, it is very common that first of all, general urine and blood tests are prescribed. These are quite simple, but quite informative methods of laboratory diagnostics, which allow you to make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe additional specific examinations.

What color should urine be for certain diseases? Pathological processes in the body can cause the following changes in the color of urine:

  • Pale yellow color. It is the result of polyuria. This condition can be observed in diabetes and diabetes insipidus and in the initial stages of chronic renal failure.
  • Dark yellow color. It is noted with dehydration of the body (due to constant vomiting or diarrhea), with congestion in the kidney, burns or fevers.
  • Dark brown color. It indicates a high concentration of urobilinogen in the urine, which is typical for hemolytic anemia of various etiologies, malaria, hemophilia, etc.
  • Black color. Due to the high concentration of toxic substances. It is observed in alkaptonuria, melanosarcoma, acute hemolytic kidney.
  • Red or . Indicates the presence of blood (erythrocytes) in urine. Such a symptom is noted with glomerulonephritis, the presence of neoplasms in the organs of the urinary system, kidney infarction, and urolithiasis.
  • . Due to the high content of bile pigments - bilirubin and urobilin. The reason for this are some liver diseases: hepatitis, obstructive jaundice, cirrhosis.
  • . May indicate the presence in the urine of pus, salts, white blood cells, bacteria, mucus or fats in large quantities. Often observed with, nephrosis, fatty degeneration of the kidneys.

Urine the color of meat slops due to the presence of traces of blood in it

What color should urine be? Any person should probably know the answer to this question, since the color palette of urine has a high diagnostic value. Of course, one must be clearly aware that the urine of a healthy person is a relative concept. The color of urine can change under the influence of many factors that are completely unrelated to pathologies. However, any physiological changes lead to temporary changes, but a pathological violation of urinary color should be a signal to see a doctor.

In the human body, there is a constant metabolic process, as a result of which products of oxidation and breakdown of nutrients appear in the blood. The main function of the kidneys is to filter the blood and separate all unnecessary components. As a result of such filtration, urine, or urine, is formed - the liquid part separated from the blood with the addition of enzymes secreted to ensure the removal of urine from the body.

It is not in vain that a general urine test is considered an indispensable element in diagnosing most diseases of various internal organs. By its composition, one can judge not only the work of the urinary organs, but also the composition of the blood in terms of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and various enzymes, hormones, antibodies, etc.

The color of urine is recognized as an important criterion for the state of the body. A change in color indicates the appearance in the urine of people of an increased content of unintended impurities that can only come from the blood or urinary organs. In the general case, the color range is determined by blood pigments: urochrome, urolysin, urobilin, uroerythrin, hematoporphyrin. Color saturation depends on their concentration. Increasing the water content in the urine reduces the concentration of pigments and weakens the color.

The process of urination is regulated by the brain. In particular, the pituitary gland produces the hormone vasopressin, which ensures the concentration of urine. As it increases, the color becomes more saturated. The production of vasopressin is more intense during sleep, which leads to the morning emptying of the bladder with richer urine.

normal urine color

What color should urine be in a healthy person? The normal color of urine ranges from light straw to bright yellow. The spread of normal color saturation is determined by the age factor, time of day, drinking regimen, nutrition, etc. An important indicator is not only a yellowish tint, but also the transparency of the liquid. When determining the color, one nuance should be taken into account. The normal composition can stand out with a barely noticeable yellow tint, but after 15-30 minutes of stay, even in a closed container, it begins to darken under the influence of atmospheric oxygen. A similar effect of darkening of the urine causes any stagnation in the body.

The normal color of the discharge changes with age. In a newborn baby, ideally, urine should be clear, almost colorless, and odorless. In the very first days of life (2-3 days), it may have some turbidity, which is easily explained by the physiological process of adaptation of the body. If only breastfeeding is provided for the child, then colorlessness persists for up to 7-8 months. In the future, as a rule, bait begins, and urine is converted into a liquid from light yellow to amber (the composition of additional nutrition and juices affects) color. The very beginning of a baby's life can be marked by a completely normal brick-colored discharge, which is caused by the introduction of colostrum. Transparency should return in 4-6 days.

When children grow up, normal urine acquires a more saturated yellow color and, starting from about 5-6 years old, does not differ from the secretions of an adult. In the conscious period of life, the color of urine depends on many reasons, especially those related to nutrition and drinking regimen. Pregnancy of a woman, in principle, should not greatly affect the urinary composition. However, most often, due to the increased load on the kidneys (increased metabolic processes), urine has a rich yellow color.


In some cases, a change in the color of urine can be considered normal, because there are quite understandable physiological reasons for this. It should immediately be noted that a color other than yellow shades is considered abnormal for urine, but under certain influences such deviations are permissible, but on one condition: the symptom is one-time, short-lived and disappears quickly enough after the cause of its appearance is eliminated. The main physiological reasons for a temporary change in the color of urine include drinking regimen, nutrition, taking certain medications, forced, etc.

Eating certain foods can cause the following coloration of urine:

  • pink or reddish tint: blackberries, beets, currants, rhubarb;
  • orange color: excess vitamin C, carrots and carrot juice, some nutritional supplements;
  • asparagus can give a greenish tone;
  • brown shade or tea color: legumes, extract and aloe juice.

What should be the urine when taking various medications? The answer to this question should also be taken into account so as not to panic when urinating during treatment. The following drugs cause characteristic changes in urinary color:

  1. A number of laxatives, antidepressants (Chlorpromazine, Thioridazine), anesthetics (Propofol, Diprivan, Amidopyrine) can cause a reddish tint to urine.
  2. Rifampicin, Warfarin, Coumadin, Phenazopyridine lead to an orange color.
  3. Amitriptyline, Metindol, Indocin, Tagamet, Fenegran, Urised, Triamteren, some vitamin complexes provide a blue tint to secretions.
  4. Means such as Chloroquine, Primaquine, Metronidazole, Nitrofurantoin, Metoclopramide, drugs based on senna or cascara are capable of significantly darkening urine.

Pathological color changes

As noted, the color and concentration of urine has a high diagnostic value. With a prolonged violation of the color scheme, you should carefully consider this effect and consult a doctor. Quite often, an alarming shade in the discharge indicates the presence of a serious pathology. Some regularities can be distinguished:

  1. Dark yellow color may indicate diabetes (sugar or insipidus type), chronic kidney failure. An additional symptom is polyuria.
  2. Brown color with a dark tint indicates an increase in the content of urobilinogen, which most often occurs with various hemolytic anemias - hypersplenism, snake bites, poisoning with poisons or heavy metals; malaria and hemophilia.
  3. A shade close to black in the urine appears with acute kidney syndrome, melanosarcoma and alkaptonuria.
  4. Reddish or pink coloring is characteristic of hematuria - urine with blood impurities. The presence of blood may indicate glomerulonephritis, tumor formations in the kidneys or bladder, nephrolithiasis (if stones damage the mucous membrane), prostatitis, prostate adenoma.
  5. Color reminiscent of black tea, ie. dark brown hue, manifests itself with an excess of bile components - urobilin and bilirubin. The source of such urinary composition is hepatic lesions (cirrhosis, hepatitis), obstructive jaundice.
  6. A whitish (milky) shade of urine is given by purulent contents that appear with cystitis or pyelonephritis. The presence of lymph in the urine (with nephrosis), lipids (with renal degeneration of the fatty type), phosphates (as a result of urolithiasis) has a similar effect.
  7. A blue pathological shade is extremely rare, but can be caused by hypercalcemia. This pathology is hereditary in nature and manifests itself already in childhood.

You can not be completely calm and in the presence of excessively light urine with a normal drinking regimen.

This phenomenon can be caused by diabetes mellitus or chronic kidney failure. At the same time, a concomitant sign is found - an increase in the total amount of urine excreted (more than 2.5 liters per day).

Yellowish color of urine of varying degrees of saturation is considered normal. Various factors can temporarily change the color, but such changes can be considered the norm, since they have nothing to do with diseases. Another thing is a pathogenic change in the composition of the excretion. A long-term violation of the color norm may indicate the presence of serious diseases in the body. Such changes, in addition to the color anomaly, are accompanied by other symptoms, and if they are detected, you should consult a doctor.