Operational service uis. When is the Day of the Operative of the Penitentiary System celebrated? UIS in Ancient Rus and Tsarist Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is customary to celebrate the Day of the operative worker of the penal system on May 8 every year. The UIS professional holiday was created for people who are involved in ensuring the safety of personnel in correctional institutions and prisoners held there. This date is also considered to be theirs by those who are looking for hiding or escaping bandits, warning and investigating crimes that were organized in places of deprivation of liberty.

history of the holiday

The date is not fixed at the official level, because May 8 is not included in the list of commemorative numbers of our country. This holiday is not a day off. The celebration is celebrated exclusively in a professional environment and is informal. The day for this holiday was not chosen spontaneously. The date is timed to the creation of units that perform the criminal executive function. In 1935, the foundation was laid for this system. The memorable event took place on 8 May. That is why the holiday was scheduled for this date and is celebrated in a professional environment.

The importance of the celebration is to emphasize the importance and complexity of the activities of the penal system employees. With their help, operational measures associated with danger have been successfully carried out for several decades. Representatives of this sphere secretly receive from prisoners important information regarding the crimes committed and impending.

An important milestone was the adoption of the law "On the Enactment of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation" in December 1996. It has been fully operational since July 1, 1997. Since 1996, when the Russian Federation became a full-fledged Council of Europe, a moratorium on the use of the death penalty began to operate in the country, and life imprisonment became an alternative.

Today, 08.05.2019, the world celebrates holidays: World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day and Days of Remembrance and Reconciliation, dedicated to the memory of the victims of World War II. In Russia, this day is celebrated as the Day of Workers of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation and the Day of the Operative of the Penitentiary System, and in Norway - the Night of Women.

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

On May 8, 1928, the official name of the holiday World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day was approved from the International Red Cross holiday, which was established earlier in honor of the birthday of Jean-Henri Dunant, a humanist, Swiss businessman and public figure. Since then, this holiday has been celebrated annually on May 8.
On the initiative of Dunant, in the middle of the 19th century, groups of volunteers were first created to help the wounded on the battlefields, and in 1863 they convened a conference that marked the beginning of the international committee of the Red Cross. The name of the International Red Cross was officially approved at the 13th International Conference in The Hague in 1928, where the charter of this organization was adopted.

Days of Remembrance and Reconciliation in Remembrance of the Victims of World War II

The Days of Remembrance and Reconciliation, commemorating the victims of World War II, which are celebrated today, on May 8, were proclaimed at the UN General Assembly on November 22, 2004. The United Nations invited all non-governmental organizations, organizations of the system, Member States and individuals, recognizing that Member States can have their own Victory Day, celebrate one of these days or both of these days as a tribute to all the victims of World War II.

Day of Workers of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation

The FSMTC (Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation in Russia) is the executive federal body of the Russian government, which carries out functions with foreign states in control and supervision in the field of military-technical cooperation with the legislation of the Russian Federation. This service supervises and coordinates the activities of the Ministry of Defense.
The employees of this Service celebrate their professional holiday on May 8, because it was on May 8, 1953, under the USSR Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade, according to the order of the USSR Council of Ministers, the Main Engineering Directorate was created - the institute of state mediator in the field of military-technical cooperation (MTC) Soviet Union with foreign countries.

Day of the operative worker of the penal system

In our country, the penitentiary system, as a secret department of the united state political administration, traces its history back to 1925. On May 8, workers of the operational units of this system celebrate their professional holiday - the official day of the creation of operational units of the penal system.

Women's Night in Norway

What a holiday today in Norway is known only to Norwegian women. Today, May 8, Norway celebrates women's night - an analogue of the international day of March 8. Few people know about Women's Night, it was invented by feminists from the Norwegian city of Bergen in 2006. Gender discrimination still persists in Norway. The main requirements that were put forward by the organizers of this Night are equal salaries for men and women and affordable kindergartens.

Unusual funny and cool holidays

Today, on May 8, an unusual funny holiday can be celebrated - the Day of Step Over the Step, the Holiday of Nail Sharpeners and the cool holiday of the Day of the Cuckold.

A day of stepping over a step

Have you ever tried jumping over stairs, as in childhood? Do you know that it is better to climb one step at a time only one step in order to burn more calories in this way. But jumping over a step will be faster, but you will burn fewer calories. So choose for yourself - speed or getting rid of extra grams.
Walking five flights of stairs five times a week without jumping over the stairs can burn 302 calories. And when you step over a step, you burn only 260 calories.

Nail Grinder Festival

Who these nail sharpeners, who this holiday is timed with, is not known, probably those who sharpen nails. But here, by the way, I recall one episode from the film "Girls" when Tosya (actress N. Rumyantseva) dragged a whole box of nails up the stairs to the attic, which only two healthy men could lift, because he weighed at least 90 kg!

Cuckold day

This cool holiday has its roots in Spain, in the urban-type village of Corneia de Terri, where well-kept city cottages and civilization with the smell of wildlife are perfectly combined.
Legend says that long ago, if someone was going to play a wedding in Corneia de Terry, then they had to take their bride to the baron. This custom continued for a long time - five hundred years or even a thousand. The bride and her relatives could not refuse this custom.
The gentleman and even many employees had fun with the bride, who then colorfully described the good or bad wife to the future husband. The cuckold unwillingly had to listen to everything in silence. A strange custom has long been canceled, but people left this reason for this cool holiday on May 8.

Church holiday according to the national calendar

Mark Klyuchnik

On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Apostle from the seventy Mark - the faithful companion of Saints Barnabas and Paul.
Saint Mark was popularly called the Keymaker. There was a belief that it was he who kept the keys with which he could open the sky and release the rains.
On May 8, they prayed to Mark that there would be no drought, and to evoke the people there were spells: “Rain, rain! On babin's rye, on grandfather's wheat, on girl's flax - water it with a bucket! "
On this day, they were guessing for the future on the basis of precipitation: if three good rains fall in May, then bread should be expected for a full three years. A clear day on Mark promised a good harvest of spring crops.
Mark the Keymaster's Day was also popularly called the bird's holiday. It was believed that at this time the birds returned in flocks to their native lands, and the peasants watched: if the birds fly to the hemp field, then the hemp harvest will be good.
Birthday May 8 Vasily, Mark, Sergei

May 8 in history

1905 - In Russia, VA Gringmut founded the national-patriotic, Black-Hundred organization "Russian Monarchist Party".
1916 João Havelange, Brazilian sportsman, longtime FIFA President (1974-1998), is born.
1923 - England presented to Soviet Russia a number of ultimatum demands ("Curzon's Ultimatum")
1929 - For the first time in the USSR, forests and fields were sprayed with pesticides.
1945 - The act of unconditional surrender of Germany in World War II is signed in the Karlshorst suburb of Berlin.
1960 - Diplomatic relations between Cuba and the USSR are established.
1965 - The 8 March holiday is declared a non-working day.
1965 - A decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued on the establishment of a regulation on the honorary title of Hero City of the USSR. The first hero cities are Moscow, Leningrad, Volgograd, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol, the Brest Fortress.
1976 - LI Brezhnev was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union.
1984 - The National Olympic Committee of the USSR decided to boycott the Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
2004 - 18-year-old creator of the Sasser computer virus is arrested by the German police

UIS operatives
I send my congratulations
I wish you courage and strength
Great patience.

Strict service and hard
There is little positive in her,
A strong prison wall
But the punishment is just.

Wish your hearts
At the service they did not stale,
Love and kindness in my soul
You managed to save.


UIS operatives
Congratulations today
And on your holiday of good luck
At the service I wish.

Don't let anger touch you
Souls will not become stale
Let there be no criminals
Our world is kinder and better.

I want to wish you in life
Love, kindness, tranquility,
Let the evil stay forever
Behind a solid wall.


Responsible and objective
Sly is like a fox.
Smart, quick-witted, persistent.
Such is he, an employee from the UIS.

I wish you fortitude
Patience, determination in business
Happy professional day, I congratulate you!
There are no gifts, so in poetry!


Like in the shade of the wings,
Day and night are always on guard
UIS operatives
They don't make important speeches.

They have a difficult task:
To overtake the punishment
Unkind and dashing people,
To whom there is no excuse.

Like a secret game
Goes behind the camp fence:
Villains like kids
Under your vigilant gaze.

Thank you for the glorious work -
Guarding our peace.
The culprit will not revolt
Under your strong hand.


On the Day of the UIS Worker, which is May 8,
I congratulate you, wishing from the bottom of my heart
Be patient and wise
Earnings so as not to be meager.

Although the job is not easy
Let it be like from a bush
Joy and optimism
And, my friend, patriotism!

Congratulations on the day of the operative worker


You have chosen hard work -
Serve in the abode of bondage.
Sometimes relatives do not understand
How, in the midst of cruelty and pain,
You have saved the light of the soul.
In the state gloom of the bottom,
You have to do your job.
Justice is so important here.
What to wish you on this day?
Health, happiness and care,
So that there is less evil in the world,
So that you have less work.


UIS operatives
We are glad to congratulate now.
Let the guys find you
All glorious awards.

Risking your life, you go ahead
Always go in the dark.
Law, order, kindness
You always bring us.

I wish you all good health,
Success in personal life,
Happy days, happy years
And you decent awards.


You have a hard job
But you always manage
And all the troubles and worries
Decide easily, easily!

Let the criminals be afraid
Break the chamber peace
And they will obey your will,
Just raise your eyes!


This service is both honorable and difficult,
Undoubtedly, everyone needs it.
They are entrusted with the order to protect
And maintain stability in the state.

With many others alongside
And they have their own special day of the year.
Abbreviated "opera" we say
And we always thank them for their service.


How much dirt, how many crimes
In your lifetime you have watched
Many tears and bitter regrets ...
You gave half your life to it.

You are strong in body and soul,
I carry a heavy burden for a long time,
May the Lord open your eyes
This will save someone.

We wish to be loved

Patiently carried the burden
And in the service to be appreciated
And they found a reserve for the prize.

Poems Happy Operative Day


UIS operatives
Congratulations on the holiday today
Hard work and strong disposition
We will glorify a special day.

We wish you well guys
Let the fire glow in our hearts.
May your spirit be cheerful
And let the palm be strong.


Your work is not at all easy,
Not everyone would be able to deal with that.
Nobody dreams of working with prisoners,
No matter who they were before.

On your day, we wish you willpower,
Character and courage, of course kindness,
A little more endurance and persistent nerves very much,
I wish all of you to be happy.


The work is dangerous, the service is not easy,
But something keeps you here for years on end!
After all, your labor is useful; you can subtly
Solve the crimes of all devils!

Thank you for your commitment to work,
For the safety that you give us!
You give us justice and happiness,
You are even a little like gods.

And we wish you that your work
Was to your joy, gave you peace!
Although for someone like you, a patriot
It can only be a dream ...


Employees of the UIS are congratulated today
Citizens of our country.
They correct the criminals,
Honors always staying true.

We wish you peaceful days,
And may luck be near
Decent salary, career advancement,
Health, joy, luck in everything.


Happy UIS worker's day!
Rather smile
Forget about hard life
On a good, bright, wonderful holiday.

Will honor you
And colleagues and friends,
Be always healthy
Smart, strong and smart!


You are on guard night and day
All under the motto "We will keep you!".
You are in a constant struggle for order
Peace and tranquility is your reward.

I would like to wish you from everyone
Success, income and not get sick,
May your merits be weighty
Kindness and warmth to your home!


You are brave, you are brave
Defenders removed
Your new day is like a blank slate
UIS operatives.
After all, in a new day
Always waiting for you
Cases are especially important
And so for all of us,
You are strong, courageous.
And on this day, from the bottom of my heart
We send health to you, good luck,
We wish you happiness and good
Good luck and love to boot.


UIS operatives
We congratulate this day,
We wish you vigor and strength,
Let laziness be thrown aside
May they succeed soon
To eradicate all crime,
They will get their way
Problems can solve everything!


Where life is different outside the walls -
The order is controlled by you.
So that the one who once broke the law
Realized the offense and healed the soul.

We wish you patience
Maybe where indulgence is needed,
So that awards and new titles,
Exceeded all expectations.


Your time is not easy work,
And your service is hard
After all, every day is a task for you,
Conduct criminal cases.

And it's fair to punish
Criminals for grave sin,
So that I can sleep peacefully
Every Russian person.

We want to tell you `` THANKS ''
For your courage and honor,
Thank you, dear ones,
For the fact that you were and are.


Penitentiary system
Today has come a glorious, bright Day.
All employees are responsible, exemplary
We congratulate on their holiday now.

May luck and success help you
Every day in all processes and deeds.
May your income grow forever.
Let sadness and fear pass you by.

Leave your business on your day, rest.
Gather all your friends, family, colleagues.
All your sadness and sadness you drive away.
Happiness, joy to you, victories in life.


Happy UIS Worker Day!
Rest on this holiday.
Smile to your loved ones.
Receive compliments.

Your mission is difficult.
You are on guard day and night.
But we all need it.
You can only help here!


Happy UIS worker's day
I congratulate you,
Patience and courage
I sincerely wish.

Your hard work -
Fight crime
Try for the people
Well, how difficult it is for you.

Good health to you
I want to wish
Your every day with love
Family to meet.


Employees of the executive and criminal system,
Those brave and selfless people.
We congratulate sincerely, with soul today,
We wish everyone caught was a villain.

We wish you health, vigor and fortitude,
So that nothing will ever let you down.
We wish you excellent vision and hearing,
So that everything in life is successful, joyful, light.


Bow to the criminally responsible service,
Bouquets of heart desires,
They are worthy of service shoulder straps,
High aspirations and honor.

Let the criminals not be able to get away
Let them be responsible for the cause -
We wish you a bright and bright spring,
Warm your loved ones with warmth!

And know, we are with you, with all our heart for you -
Live, live with dignity
Fate protects you And the Lord in difficult times,
Take care of peace on earth.


UIS servicemen - honor and glory!
Let behind a high wall
No time for fun and amusement
Supervision, security and control.

All this means nothing
The calculation of benefits is simple,
Your conscience has given you a task,
Protect the peace of the country!

A holiday for you, if everything is in order,
Joy to you if behind the line -
No adventure, in the order
The operative writes with his own hand.


There is a lot of deceit and evil in the world,
Many vile deeds are seen
No matter how dark things are,
And reckoning is expected for them.

Do you perform service regularly?
For our protection from darkness
We will thank you and most importantly,
To preserve the power of good.


Everyone is looking for a way in life,
I wish I could take a look,
What awaits us around the corner
Maybe it would be better to roll up?

Only, we are not given to know,
What is destined to whom.
They say do not promise
Fear bad thoughts.

If someone stumbled,
And fought off the hands for a long time
You have to, hard workers,
Carry out your oath.

On May 8, employees of the criminal investigation department have been celebrating their professional holiday for many decades. The symbolic date of the celebration is timed to the day of the creation of operational units of the penal system. This significant event for the country took place on May 8, 1935, but the history of the structure begins even earlier - from 1925.

The Day of the Operational Worker of the Penitentiary System unites the employees of the internal organs involved in ensuring the safety of prisoners and employees of correctional institutions. They celebrate their professional holiday in a tense work environment, ensuring continuous crime prevention in correctional facilities.

Show congratulations

On the Day of the UIS Worker, which is May 8,
I congratulate you, wishing from the bottom of my heart
Be patient and wise
Earnings so as not to be meager.

Although the job is not easy
Let it be like from a bush
Joy and optimism
And, my friend, patriotism!


Happy UIS worker's day
I congratulate you,
Patience and courage
I sincerely wish.

Your job is difficult -
Fight crime
Try for the people
Well, how difficult it is for you.

Good health to you
I want to wish
Your every day with love
Family to meet.


Employees of the UIS are congratulated today
Citizens of our country.
They correct those who transgressed the law,
Honors always staying true.

We wish you peaceful days,
And may luck be near
Decent salary, promotion service,
Health, joy, luck in everything.


Responsible and objective
Heather is like a fox.
Smart, quick-witted, persistent.
Such is he, an employee from the UIS.

I wish you fortitude
Patience, determination in business
Happy professional day, I congratulate you!
There are no gifts, so in poetry!


Where life is different outside the walls -
The order is controlled by you.
So that the one who once violated the law,
Realized the offense and healed the soul.

We wish you patience
Maybe where indulgence is needed,
So that awards and new titles,
Exceeded all expectations.


This service is both honorable and difficult,
Undoubtedly, everyone needs it.
They are entrusted with the order to protect
And maintain stability in the state.

With many others alongside
And they have their own special day of the year.
Abbreviated "opera" we say
And we always thank them for their service.


You have chosen hard work -
Serve in the abode of bondage.
Sometimes relatives do not understand
How, in the midst of cruelty and pain,
You have saved the light of the soul.
In the stately gloom of the bottom,
You have to do your job.
Justice is so important here.
What to wish you on this day?
Health, happiness and care,
So that there is less evil in the world,
So that you have less work.


UIS servicemen - honor and glory!
Let behind a high wall
No time for fun and amusement
Supervision, security and control.

All this means nothing
The calculation of benefits is simple,
Your conscience has given you a task,
Protect peace of the country!

A holiday for you, if everything is in order,
Joy to you if behind the line -
No incidents, in the order
The operative writes with his own hand.


There is a lot of deceit and evil in the world,
Many vile deeds are seen
No matter how dark things are,
And the reckoning for them is foreseen.

Though the deeds of evil are countless,
But the criminality is falling down
Because in Russia there is
Valiant UIS service.

You are performing your service regularly
For our protection from darkness
We will thank you and most importantly,
So that the power of good is saved.


How much dirt, how many crimes
In your lifetime you have watched
Many tears and bitter regrets ...
You gave half your life to it.

You are strong in body and soul,
I carry a heavy burden for a long time,
May the Lord open your eyes
This will save someone.

We wish to be loved

Patiently carried the burden,
And in the service to be appreciated
And they found a reserve for the prize.


Employees of the executive and criminal system,
Those brave and selfless people.
We congratulate sincerely, with soul today,
We wish everyone caught was a villain.

We wish you health, vigor and fortitude,
So that nothing ever fails you.
We wish you excellent vision and hearing,
So that everything in life is successful, joyful, light.


You are on guard night and day,
All under the motto "We will save you!".
You are in a constant struggle for order
Peace and tranquility is your reward.

I would like to wish you from everyone
Success, income and not to be ill,
May your merits be weighty
Kindness and warmth to your home!


Penitentiary system
Today has come a glorious, bright Day.
All employees are responsible, exemplary
We congratulate on their holiday now.

May luck and success help you
Every day in all processes and deeds.
May your income grow forever.
Let sadness and fear pass you by.

Leave your business on your day, rest.
Gather all your friends, family, colleagues.
All your sorrow and sadness you drive away.
Happiness, joy to you, victories in life.


Everyone is looking for a way in life,
I wish I could take a look,
What awaits us around the corner
Maybe it would be better to roll up?

Only, we are not given to know,
That someone is destined.
They say do not promise
Be wary of a bad thought.

If someone stumbled,
And fought off the hands for a long time,
You have to, hard workers,
Fulfill your oath.


The work is dangerous, the service is not easy,
But something keeps you here for years on end!
After all, your labor is useful; you can subtly
Solve the crimes of all devils!

Thank you for your dedication to work,
For the safety that you give us!
You give us justice and happiness,
You are even - a little - like gods.

And we wish you that your work
Was to your joy, gave you peace!
Although for someone like you, a patriot
It can only be a dream ...

On May 8, workers of the operational units of the penal system (UIS) of Russia celebrate their professional holiday.

This structure dates back to 1925, when the secret department of the United State Political Administration (OGPU) was entrusted with secret operational work in political isolation wards. However, May 8, 1935 is considered the official day of creation of UIS operational units.

Operative employees of the penal system are engaged in the investigation and prevention of crimes in places where sentences are served, as well as in the search for criminals who have escaped or evaded punishment.
In addition, today in the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation there is a special unit "operational management", which is directly responsible for the safety of personnel of correctional institutions and prisoners in them, as well as investigate all cases of criminal acts committed in prisons, colonies and correctional hospitals.

To work in the penal system, you must pass compulsory military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or have a special education. It is obtained in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Applicants must be trained in the profession: possess knowledge of the laws, act in accordance with them. It is necessary to demonstrate the ability to handle weapons.
Work is classified as life-threatening, associated with stress and significant responsibility, on which the life of people, and sometimes the employee himself, depends.