Prepare face cream at home. How to make a high-quality face cream at home easily and inexpensively? Cream recipe for rosacea

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

15 Mar 2016 Nov.

It is difficult to imagine such girls or women who would not hold cosmetics for body and face care on the dressing table. At the same time, store products are not suitable for everyone. Many people prefer to prepare face cream at home. There are a lot of recipes by which it can be made. Making cosmetics at home is very popular now, because it contains exclusively natural and very effective ingredients.

How to make a cream at home

First of all, you must find a recipe that suits your skin type. You can make your own day or night remedy using common foods, oils, and other ingredients. For example, a very good base for a cream at home will come from homemade cream, sour cream, eggs. A separate advantage is the low cost of such cosmetics and its effectiveness. You should definitely figure out how to prepare different homemade face masks.


For dry skin, make a cream with this recipe:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile bought at the pharmacy, 100 ml of hot water, cover the container.
  2. Strain after one hour.
  3. Take three tbsp. l. finished tincture, mix with half tsp. glycerin.
  4. Heat the mixture slightly, add 20 g of butter and 10 ml of castor oil.
  5. You can add aromatic essential oils if you like.
  6. Stir all the ingredients thoroughly, store this moisturizing cream in the refrigerator.

Sensitive Skin Cream Recipe:

  1. In a small saucepan, mix 35 ml of almond oil with 15 g of beeswax.
  2. Stir the ingredients, keeping them in a water bath, until each is dissolved.
  3. Remove the dishes from the heat, cool a little, add three drops of lavender oil, three ampoules of vitamin E. Mix thoroughly, store in a dark glass jar.
  4. Instead of almond oil, you can use a similar one from apricot kernels, and instead of lavender oil, you can use rosemary or geranium. They have approximately the same effect on the skin, differing only in smell.

For oily skin

To prepare a day cream for problem skin, use the following recipe:

  1. Mix 30 ml of water with 3 grams of gelatin, wait until it swells.
  2. Add 20 g honey, 50 g glycerin, mix thoroughly.
  3. Heat the mixture to about 65 degrees using a water bath.
  4. Stir the gelatinous cream thoroughly again, cool.


Facial rejuvenation at home will provide you with a lifting cream prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Whisk one egg yolk well.
  2. Gradually introduce 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and half the lemon juice.
  3. In a separate container, dissolve a pinch of borax with 1 tsp. boiled water. Add to the rest of the components.
  4. If you want to get rid of wrinkles and your skin is fading, then be sure to try this anti-aging cream. Apply at night, wipe off excess with a napkin. Wash off in the morning.

Second recipe:

  1. Take fresh parsley, rowan, nettle and currant leaves, pink and jasmine petals in equal proportions. Squeeze the juice out of them with a juicer.
  2. Melt beeswax (10 grams) in a water bath, add vitamin A in the same amount.
  3. Then pour in 20 ml of vegetable oil, squeezed vegetable juice, hot water.
  4. Remove the container from the water bath, stir it vigorously, preferably with a mixer.
  5. Wait until the product has cooled completely and use it twice a day. It is ideal for aging skin.


Recipe for a fruit and berry cream suitable for all skin types:

  1. Grind two tablespoons of any berries (strawberries, raspberries, mountain ash, currants, wild strawberries).
  2. Chop half of any fruit and also add to the berries (banana, lemon, persimmon, apple).
  3. Stir everything thoroughly, add 10 ml of sunflower and castor oil, one egg yolk.
  4. Continuing to grind the components, carefully pour 1 tbsp into them. l. camphor alcohol. It is best to use a syringe.
  5. Store in the cold for no more than seven days.


Recipe for sensitive and dry skin:

  1. Heat 100 ml of honey.
  2. Without removing it from the heat, add 200 ml of lanolin, 100 ml of almond oil.
  3. Whisk with a blender, pour into a glass container.

Prescription for massage skin with age-related changes:

  1. Mix 20 g of lanolin, 10 g of beeswax and emulsifying wax, 50 ml of vegetable oil on the fire.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine a quarter glass of water, 10 ml of glycerin, 2 g of borax.
  3. When the mixture of lanolin, waxes and butter has completely melted, gradually add it to the glycerin and borax.
  4. Stir until white. Cool and use.

For young skin

Making face cream at home:

  1. Grind over a tablespoon of black and red currants through a sieve.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a third cup of olive oil.
  3. Refrigerate the product for 10 days, then strain the liquid through cheesecloth, separating the seeds with cake.
  4. Cook the mixture using a water bath.
  5. In a separate saucepan, dissolve 5 g of beeswax, add 5 g of coconut butter, wait until it is completely dissolved.
  6. Combine both mixtures, beat until smooth. The face cream at home should be very thick.
  7. The product is perfect for young skin. By the principle of action, it resembles a baby cream, whitens the face and carefully protects.

For combination skin

Cream recipe:

  1. Stir in a teaspoon of sour cream and 10 ml of lemon juice.
  2. Add 20 ml of cucumber juice, one egg yolk, a little rose water.
  3. Pour in 3 drops of vitamins A and E, rose essential oil.
  4. Stir the mixture well, preferably with a blender or mixer, and place in the refrigerator.
  5. After a few hours, you can use your makeup. Store it for no more than five days. Apply twice a day.

How to store face cream

You definitely need to remember not only the methods of making face cream at home, but also the storage rules. Self-made cosmetics must always be in the refrigerator. It is recommended to select dark glass jars for the products and not to leave them in the sun. Home cosmetics have a maximum shelf life of one week. After that, it loses its beneficial properties and can even harm the skin.

Foundation at home

Remedy from natural ingredients:

  1. Add 25 ml of aloe gel, 50 ml of jojoba oil to a saucepan. Pour 5 g each of soy wax and rice flour into the same container.
  2. Heat the ingredients in a water bath over very low heat.
  3. When all the ingredients have melted, add 5 teaspoons of powder, 0.25 tsp. cocoa.
  4. Mix it all thoroughly with a porcelain or glass stick.
  5. After cooling, store the cream in a dark glass jar in a cool place.

Blush recipe:

  1. It is desirable that the number of components is equal.
  2. Take 10 g of baby cream and gradually mix in a suitable shade of blush. You can control the color yourself. For example, for skin with redness, it is better to use cosmetics with a warm yellowish tint.
  3. Stir the cream vigorously and store in the refrigerator.

Eyeshadow recipe:

  1. Prepare a container and pour 10 ml of face lotion into it.
  2. Choose an eye shadow of a suitable shade, add about 3-4 g.
  3. Check the shade, if it is not saturated enough or too light, then add more pigment.
  4. The resulting cream can be stored for up to several months.

Powder recipe:

  1. Sprinkle 5 g of powder on a flat surface.
  2. Gradually add a light, non-comedogenic day cream. The main thing is that it is not too fat.
  3. Stir well with a wooden stick.
  4. Check the shade. If the tone seemed too light, then add more powder.
  5. It is advisable to prepare the product in small portions for 1-2 applications.

Video: how to make a face cream with your own hands

Making homemade cosmetics has many features. Knowing all of them, you can use homemade products that contain only natural ingredients to care for your own skin. By watching the following video, you will understand all the secrets of making a face cream at home. You will be able to easily make and use such cosmetics, and not spend money on store products.

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With a huge selection of cosmetics on store shelves, not every woman can confidently choose what suits her best.

Someone is afraid to use a cream with unknown ingredients; someone's acquaintance with a fashionable novelty ended with an allergic reaction; some do not trust the products of the cosmetic industry at all.

All of them can be advised one completely reliable the way out is to create your own personal cream.

In this article:

Before making a face cream at home, the recipes of which have been recommended to you, you need not only to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the rules and procedure for their preparation, but also, after making a test dose, test it for an allergic reaction by applying the resulting mixture to the inside of your wrist.

It should always be remembered that the ingredients in the recipe, no matter how natural they are, can react differently to each skin.

Homemade face creams have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • there is no doubt about their 100% naturalness: you will not add preservatives or other harmful "chemicals" or hormones to your home cosmetics;
  • if you choose the right starting materials, then the result can be much more pronounced than from using any of the most expensive cosmetic products;
  • if you make a homemade face cream in compliance with all the rules of preparation, it will not be addictive, which often happens with finished products.

When preparing for the process of making your own cream, it should be borne in mind that the first experience may not be entirely successful. However, do not be discouraged, you just need to scrupulously follow all the actions recommended by the recipe.

The technology for making a face cream at home is based on heating the components in a water bath, providing melting of the base.

Such a base can be beeswax or pork fat or vitamins in capsules, or some other ingredients.

Heating by means of steam is also required at the moment when liquid oils are added, and then after two or three minutes the fire can be turned off.

If wax is chosen as a solid base, you need to keep your ears open with it: it must be added strictly according to the recipe. If you overdo it, the whole mixture will turn into a solidified mass, and the desired effect will not be achieved.

During operation, constant mixing of the mixture is required - first with a spoon, then with a mixer. Then the resulting substance is cooled by placing the dishes in cold water with the addition of ice. Stirring is also necessary at this stage, while essential oils are added. The process lasts until the received drug cools down.

Let's prepare a day cream

Natural face cream can be prepared for different purposes and times of use. The recipes for this cosmetic product include the most natural ingredients - fruits-vegetables, herbs-flowers or their juices and oils.


Its solid base is lanolin (5 g), liquid base (2 ml) with water (10 ml). The oils are melted using traditional heating. This mixture is heated to +40 degrees. Then water is introduced there, everything is carefully mixed and cooled.

Homemade cosmetics are placed in a clean, opaque bottle and stored in the refrigerator, and no more than a week.

Creamy chamomile

As a nourishing face cream, it is advisable to prepare a well-proven remedy at home from dried chamomile flowers combined with butter. To do this, you must first prepare a chamomile infusion: three large tablespoons of flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour.

By this time, the infusion will have time to cool down to the desired temperature. It is filtered and, having mixed 50 ml of butter and vegetable oils, this oil mixture is added there.

Two cream recipes for the night


Night cream for the face at home according to the manufacturing technology does not differ from other types. Heating is also used with a water bath, where crushed wax (1 tbsp) is melted with the addition of vegetable oil (three to four times more), boric acid (5 grams).

Also, the melted mixture is cooled a little and, stirring, add 1 spoon (large) of glycerin and lemon juice (the same 2 tablespoons).


Make a face cream very well using vegetable juices. From the gifts of nature that are at home (this can be carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin or eggplant, zucchini or potatoes, cabbage - all together, or only a few, or even one thing), taking 50 g of them, squeeze the juice and spoons mix three of it (tablespoons) with the yolk.

Melt the wax (1 teaspoon) in the described way, pour into it the same amount of glycerin, a large spoonful of oils, peach and a mixture of vegetable juices and yolk. Warm up all together for two minutes and beat.

When we make a face cream at home, additional components of the future product must be added drop by drop - preferably with a pipette.

Thorough stirring is one of the basic conditions of the process. First, this is done with a spoon, and then with a mixer. At the beginning of the process, you should not use a mixer - at its high speed, the final product may exfoliate.

If the skin is fading

The composition of the product necessary for such skin quite logically includes fresh juices. To prepare a face cream at home, focusing on slowing down fading, it is proposed to use the following recipe:

  • collect in equal quantities (fresh) nettle and parsley leaves, currant and mountain ash, as well as pink, jasmine petals. Squeeze juice from this raw material on a juicer;
  • put wax in a small vessel in the volume of a teaspoon and, melting it, add the same amount of vitamin A. After that vegetable oil, squeezed out and boiling water are added - in equal volumes (a tablespoon). All this happens with constant stirring. Then the dishes are removed from the steam and beat with a whisk or mixer until the potion cools down.

An equally effective recipe includes both a vitamin base and quince pulp in the composition of the nutritional mixture - a tablespoon of each.

The manufacturing method does not differ from others, except that instead of wax, lanolin is taken into this face rejuvenation cream at home and melted in equal amounts with honey (a teaspoon) in a steam bath, after which sea buckthorn oil with quince, yolk and steam are added to the mixture large spoons of boiling water. Everything is thoroughly mixed, removed from steam and carefully whipped until smooth.

Fighting wrinkles

Homemade face cream for wrinkles will be a good helper in smoothing them out, as well as nourishing the epidermis. It will take significantly longer to prepare, but it will be worth it.

The active herbal component is a mixture of leaves and herbs of different plants, collected in equal parts. Leaves - mint, linden, green tea; herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow are crushed and mixed.

A large spoonful of the mixture is poured (half a glass is enough), the dishes are tightly closed and insisted for a week. At the end of the period, the hood is filtered. Pine resin (1 teaspoon) is melted over low heat.

Further actions are similar to those already described: wax is melted with a steam, resin is added to it, two tablespoons (tablespoons) of extracts of plants and rose water, a couple of drops of vitamins A, D and E. The thoroughly mixed substance is removed from the water bath and whipped until smooth ...

Experts advise applying this anti-aging face cream at home in the morning and evening.

All components of your self-made cosmetic product must be selected correctly, taking into account the type of skin, its condition, problems, your age.

The product should be uniform in structure. You need to cook it in small portions so as not to let it go bad.

Helping your skin get younger

A rejuvenating face cream at home can be created using a wide variety of ingredients.


Warm petroleum jelly (10 grams) is placed in a vessel, twice as much melted honey and placed in a water bath. Stirring gradually, add a couple of drops of iodine and castor oil in a volume of 20 ml. After removing from the heating, whisk.

Coniferous birch

Grind the same amount (all ingredients - 10 g) of birch leaves, chamomile flowers, needles (needles). Add warm water, homemade cottage cheese and well-grated raw yolk to this gruel. Beat with a mixer.

Taking care of your skin


What else can home cosmetics do? Face cream can help solve the problem. One of the recipes recommends this composition:

  • gelatin - 1 small spoon;
  • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • glycerin - 2 of the same;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • aspirin - 1 tablet.

Making a face cream at home according to the above recipe involves soaking gelatin in water (cool enough) to swell. Then all the components are mixed and heated with steam for a quarter of an hour. This is followed by whipping until the product cools.


You have dry skin. How to make a homemade face cream? The recipes are varied, and they include both different emollient oils and extracts from plants, given that this type of skin needs additional hydration and nutrition.

It is recommended to make a moisturizer for the face at home using the following composition:

  • apple juice - a large spoon;
  • white cabbage juice - two such spoons;
  • corn oil - 20 ml;
  • lanolin - 35 g.

Having melted the solid base with butter, mixed heated juices are gently added to the substance and mixed.

With equal success, this tool is useful for normal skin care.


Homemade sour cream with a high percentage of fat (1 teaspoon) is combined with an equal amount of lemon juice, a tablespoon of cucumber, an alcoholic solution of rose water (2 teaspoons), yolk. Then two drops of vitamins (A and E) and an essential oil - jasmine, or - are introduced into this mixture. All this is whipped and - in the refrigerator for several hours, so that the mass thickens. The product is recommended for use in the morning and evening. It is also suitable for dry skin.


What will a home doctor offer - a cream with enlarged pores? It is worth preparing a composition from natural yogurt mixed with wax. Add 7 ml of yogurt to melted wax (10 g) or any other base and beat.


You can tighten your face by preparing a lifting cream at home. Interesting that the recipe bypasses the steam bath. All components are added one by one to the intended bottle and simply mixed. The composition is as follows:

  • a drop of iodine;
  • honey (liquid) and castor oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • petroleum jelly - 1 teaspoon.

Let's do a massage

It is no secret how effectively massage affects the condition of the skin. And its quality equally depends both on the correct technique of execution and on the cream that is used in this case. It is also easy to make a face massage cream at home.

30 ml of beeswax and unrefined sunflower oil are mixed with 10 grams of lanolin. While stirring vigorously, the mass is heated, as usual, until it becomes a liquid emulsion. Slowly, 70 ml of distilled water and 10 g of glycerin are added to the substance in a thin stream. When the composition turns white, the dishes can be removed from the steam.

Massage cream for the face at home after cooling is ready for use.

All self-made cosmetics are no less effective than the most expensive store ones.

Experts believe that it is suitable for literally everyone, because every woman knows the characteristics of her skin and will not include substances harmful to her in her cream. Perhaps the only drawback of such cosmetics is a very short shelf life, which is why recipes indicate such small quantities of ingredients.

Useful video

Natural cream recipe.

In contact with

If you want to make your own skin creams, this article is for you. In it, you will learn how to select the ingredients and how to combine them correctly to create a homogeneous emulsion.

The content of the article:

Every woman who takes care of herself uses a face cream. Proceeding from the fact that not all products are able to cope with this or that skin defect or such products are not cheap, the owners of the fair sex think about making cosmetics with their own hands. Moreover, this process can easily turn into a hobby.

Walking through the vastness of the World Wide Web, you can get on blogs and people's comments about supposedly "miracle healing" remedies made from sour cream, honey, milk, kefir and other food products. But a complete cream should not contain the above ingredients. In order for the mixture of components to look like a cream from store shelves and have a shelf life of more than a month, its recipe should consist of water, oily and active phases.

The oily phase includes oils, water - distilled water, hydrolates and decoctions, active - vitamins, as well as powerful substances that are really aimed at eliminating skin imperfections. It should also be understood that oil and water cannot be mixed until a uniform consistency is obtained. For this purpose, an emulsifier must be used. And in order for the cream to be stored not for a couple of days, but for a couple of months, preservatives are used.

All the ingredients you need can be purchased from online creamer shops. For the manufacture of skin care products, you should also order heat-resistant bowls, jewelry scales and a special thermometer. Do not forget to go to the categories "inventory" and "cosmetic containers" before placing your order.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the cream, it is necessary to draw up its recipe. If this is not done, the prepared product will separate and become unusable. Then, the fat phase and the emulsifier are placed in one container, and the water phase in the other. Both phases are heated in a water bath to 65-70 ° C, then mixed by stirring thoroughly with a glass rod (about three minutes) or a cappuccinatore (about 30 seconds). To start adding the active ingredients to the mixture, you must wait until it cools down to a temperature of 40 ° C. At the end of the preparation of the cosmetic, a preservative is added and must be mixed again with other components of the cream. The finished emulsion is placed in a clean bottle. The shelf life of such a product is usually from one month to six months. Store the cream in the refrigerator.

What does a homemade cream consist of?

Base oils, forming a fatty phase, are noted for the following advantages:
  • Nourish the skin, saturating it with vitamins, minerals and other useful elements.
  • They moisturize the skin well, regulating the water balance.
  • They make the skin softer and smoother.
  • Prevent the occurrence.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Promotes rapid healing of wounds and cracks.
  • Improves blood circulation and complexion.
  • Protect skin from negative environmental influences.
  • Cleanses pores, regulates oily skin.

For dry skin, you can use apricot oil, sesame oil, olive oil, shea butter, avocado oil, or walnut oil. If you have oily skin, grape seed oil, hazelnut oil, black cumin oil is suitable for you, and for sensitive - sea buckthorn oil, apricot oil, jojoba oil or black cumin oil. One oil or several oils can be included in the recipe. If you decide to use pure oils for skin care, be sure to consider their comedogenicity, their ability to clog pores. So coconut oil and cocoa butter are better suited for use as the main ingredients for hair masks or body creams, but not for pure face.

For the manufacture of skin care products, you can use liquid oils and butters-oils, that is, solid ones. The second option includes shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado, mango, coconut, etc. When choosing a butter, look for cold-pressed unrefined oils.

As for emulsifiers, for dry skin, an emulsifier is suitable in the form of beeswax or guar gum, fatty - sucrose stearate or cetyl alcohol, sensitive - stearic acid or sodium alginate. There are also other emulsifiers, including Olivem 1000, a complex combination of fatty acids chemically similar to the lipid composition of the skin. The more emulsifier, the thicker the consistency of the cream is. Olivem 1000 is usually taken at a dosage of 5%.

When developing a recipe for a future cream, be sure to observe the correct dosage of ingredients. If you decide to prepare a nourishing night cream for dry skin, the oily phase should be at most 50%, oily or normal - 20%. For day care, use a moisturizer, where the oily phase reaches 5% (for oily skin), 15% (for normal) or 35% (for very dry).

Never use tap water as the aqueous phase! The best option is distilled water purchased from a pharmacy or ordered through an online store. Sometimes hydrolates, that is, flower waters, are added to this phase in the amount of 10-50%. For dry and sensitive skin, hydrolat of rose, celandine, cornflower, calendula, ylang-ylang, cucumber, linden, lavender, for oily skin - chamomile, mint, parsley, plantain, hibiscus, for normal - celandine, calendula, chamomile, linden, mint , currants, roses, jasmine, for the combined - lemon, viburnum, juniper, rosemary, cucumber, parsley.

A face cream can be made without the use of assets, but if you want to get rid of age spots, acne marks, wrinkles and other skin imperfections as soon as possible, such ingredients are a must! There are many assets, here are some of them:

  • From wrinkles: hyaluronic acid, AHA acids, Algo "boost, Bio-remodelant, caffeine, elastin, Relax" rides, royal jelly, ginseng extract, red grape extract.
  • To moisturize the skin:hyaluronic acid, NMF, squalane, Fucocert, Honeyquat, royal jelly, cucumber extract, aloe vera gel, urea.
  • To reduce inflammation and to nourish the skin: allantoin, bisabolol, Fucocert, provitamin B5, royal jelly, cucumber extract, Sang du dragon extract, almond milk.
When introducing active ingredients, be sure to observe the dosage. If one oil can be replaced with another in the same quantity, then in the case of assets, this cannot be allowed. If you are making cream for a girl under 25 years old, the amount of active phase should be from 5 to 10%, for a woman from 25 to 35 years old - 10-15%, 35-35 - 12-15%, 45-60 - up to 15%, 60 - up to 17%.

You can use Cosgard, Phenonip, Suttocide A, Vitamin E, Leucidal as a preservative. Usually the dosage of this component in the cream is 0.6-1%. As for essential oils (0.3-1%), they are not an obligatory component in the cream, but create an additional effect and aroma. If you have dry and sensitive skin, essential oils of blue chamomile, rose, jasmine, lavender, sandalwood are suitable for you. Dry skin can be accompanied by rosacea in the form of a vascular pattern on the face, in which case add rosemary, cypress, or verbena essential oil to the cream. For oily skin, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, and rosemary oils are used. Clove, chamomile, pine, tea tree, eucalyptus oils fight acne well.

If you are planning to do serious creaming, be sure to read the relevant literature. The fact is that an effective cream is the one that is balanced in its fatty acid composition.

Pros and cons of homemade cream

When making homemade skin care products, you may encounter the following challenges:
  1. If the correct dosage is not observed, severe allergic reactions can occur, especially when it comes to increasing the amount of essential oils and assets used. To prevent this from happening, test the resulting product on your wrist.
  2. Greasy oils can clog the pores of your face, which can lead to acne, acne, and blackheads. To prevent this situation, do cleaning procedures regularly.
  3. Do-it-yourself cream can only be stored in a cool place, otherwise its shelf life will significantly decrease.
  4. To make even one cream, you will need to purchase various ingredients, as well as inventory.
  5. Due to calculation errors, the cream may delaminate.
If, despite the difficulties described above, you still want to learn how to make home care products, there are a number of advantages open to you:
  1. You know exactly what ingredients are in the cream and how they are useful. What can not be said when it comes to the product from the store shelves.
  2. You do not have to believe the notes written on the packaging of the products, because you yourself are the creators of your cosmetic "masterpieces". Today you can prepare an anti-aging cream, after two weeks - with a skin whitening effect.
  3. Homemade creams are much cheaper than quality commercial products.
  4. Creaming can become your hobby, and you will probably already know what to give your friends and relatives.

Homemade anti-wrinkle day cream recipe

Regardless of the skin type, the face must be moisturized with cosmetics. Moreover, if there are any problems on the skin (freckles, vascular mesh, age spots, peeling, etc.), the choice of ingredients for making the cream should be taken more carefully so as not only not to aggravate the situation, but also to correct the defects ... Most often, women are interested in how to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and how to smooth them out if they have already appeared. Read the review.

Ingredients: distilled water (69.07%), mint hydrolat (2%), Olivem 1000 emulsifier (5%), rice oil (12%), apricot oil (4%), relax'rides active (3%), natural moisturizing factor (2%), vitamin E (0.33%), aloe vera gel (2%), Cosguard preservative (0.6%).

Let's say you decide to make 50 g of cream. To calculate how much distilled water you need to take to make a moisturizer for your face, multiply 69.07 by 50 and divide by 100. That’s 34.54 g.

  • Rice oil often used to make a daytime remedy for dry, rough, dehydrated skin and one that has lost its elasticity and firmness, instead of becoming flabby. This oil does not clog pores, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and is wonderfully absorbed into the skin.
  • Apricot oil include in the composition of funds to improve complexion. Vitamin C, which the oil is rich in, makes the skin more elastic, vitamin A is responsible for elasticity and hydration, vitamin F helps to accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, vitamins of group B have a good effect on the state of the epidermis.
  • Relax'rides asset immediately after application, it reduces micro-contractions of the skin, while not paralyzing the muscles of the face. This substance fights wrinkles, reducing their depth and smoothing them.
  • Natural moisturizing factor includes glucose, dextrin, alanine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, fructose, and sucrose. The active protects the skin from moisture loss, improving the properties of the epidermis.
  • Vitamin E combats aging processes and wrinkles, tightens the skin and improves blood circulation. This antioxidant also promotes cell regeneration.
  • Aloe vera gel has long been recognized to be called a miracle elixir, because it gently and deeply cleanses the skin, protecting it from the negative effects of the environment. Aloe vera gel normalizes metabolic processes, moisturizes, nourishes and restores the stratum corneum. Thanks to lignin, which is part of this ingredient, healing substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.
Heat the fat phase (rice and apricot oil) and the emulsifier, as well as the water (distilled water, mint hydrolate) in a water bath to 65-70 ° C. Then pour the water phase into the oily phase, stirring the ingredients constantly for about three minutes. After the future cream has cooled down to 35-40 ° C, add assets (relax'rides, natural moisturizing factor, vitamin E, aloe vera gel) and a preservative. Mix everything well one by one.

Other homemade skin cream recipes

A wide variety of creaming ingredients available in online stores allows you to create products that eliminate various skin problems.

Cream for normal skin:

  • Vanilla macerate - 15%
  • Emulsifying wax No. 3 - 3.5%.
  • Distilled water - 79.9%.
  • Coenzyme q10 - 1%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
Apply the prepared product daily to previously cleansed skin. The cream nourishes the skin and improves its tone, while the delicate aroma of vanilla lifts the mood for the whole day.

How to make a cream for combination skin:

  • Opuntia macerate - 10%.
  • Sea buckthorn vegetable oil - 5%.
  • Emulsifier Olivem 1000 - 5%.
  • Damask rose hydrolat - 30%.
  • Distilled water - 46.7%.
  • Rosewood essential oil - 0.4%.
  • Blue cypress essential oil - 0.1%.
  • Algo "boost Jeunesse" asset - 2%.
  • Vitamin E - 0.2%
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
The cream for combination skin gives the face freshness and smoothness, its ingredients have regenerating and rejuvenating properties. The emulsion has a slightly orange tint due to the content of sea buckthorn oil.

Making a cream for oily skin at home:

  • Vegetable papaya oil - 10%.
  • Buriti vegetable oil - 1%.
  • Emulsifying wax No. 3 - 5%.
  • Witch hazel hydrolate - 79.3%.
  • Natural pineapple flavor - 2%.
  • Bacti-Pur asset - 2%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
  • Soda ash - 0.1%.
Use the prepared product daily on cleansed skin. Instead of the pineapple aroma, you can take any other you like. Soda ash is present in the formulation to adjust the pH of the cream.

Dry skin cream:

  • Shea butter - 5%.
  • Sweet almond vegetable oil - 20%.
  • Vanilla macerate - 32%.
  • Emulsifier Olive Protection - 9%.
  • Cetyl alcohol - 4%.
  • Distilled water - 29.4%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
This tool will perfectly protect your face from the negative effects of the environment in the winter season. Store the cream in a dark and cool place for a shelf life of more than one month.

Do-it-yourself acne cream:

  • Thyme hydrolate - 15%.
  • Distilled water - 58.48%.
  • Jojoba oil - 10%.
  • Emulsifier Olivem 1000 - 6%.
  • Aloe Vera Gel - 6%
  • Cranberry Powder - 2%
  • Lemon essential oil - 0.9%.
  • Manuka essential oil - 0.6%.
  • Rosemary essential oil - 0.3%.
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
Each ingredient has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and takes part in the fight against such a common skin problem as acne. The cream should be applied to the face and neck at night.

Cream recipe for rosacea:

  • Calophyllum oil - 8%.
  • Safflower oil - 10%.
  • Emulsifying wax No. 2 - 7%.
  • Distilled water - 68.8%.
  • Red grape extract - 5%.
  • Italian immortelle essential oil - 0.4%.
  • Vitamin E - 0.2%
  • Cosgard preservative - 0.6%.
This cream helps in the fight not only with the vascular network, but also with acne. To eliminate rosacea, also observe proper nutrition and take Ascorutin.

Video tutorials on creaming.

Among the indisputable advantages of do-it-yourself face creams are:

    The ability to independently control the quality of the components used to make the home remedy;

    Natural, not only useful (in a self-prepared cream, the concentration of nutrients is much higher than in a purchased one), but also a safe composition;

    The ability to choose a suitable recipe based on the individual characteristics of the skin and material capabilities;

    The result achieved with the regular use of self-made cosmetics significantly exceeds the effect of using expensive industrial products.

Disadvantages of homemade creams include:

    Time required to prepare the product;

    Short shelf life of natural creams;

    Many recipes require certain skills in working with certain ingredients, special dishes and tools.

However, knowledge of the basics of creaming will allow you to nullify these shortcomings and enjoy the exciting process of making cosmetics with your own hands. By choosing the right recipe, you can minimize the time required and dispense with special devices and components that are difficult to find.

Main ingredients for making cream at home

As a rule, 4 groups of components are used to prepare homemade cream, which will be discussed below.

Base oils

Most often, vegetable oils are used as base oils for the manufacture of cream. They should be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin, for example:

    For oily skin, an excellent solution would be the use of grape seed oil, jojoba, almond, sasanqua, hemp, hazelnut;

    For dry - wheat germ oil, avocado, macadamia, cranberry, apricot kernels, shea, olive oil;

    For the elderly - oils of argan, jojoba, pomegranate seeds, wheat germ.

Sometimes fats of animal origin are used for the preparation of creams: lanolin, badger, tortoiseshell, nutria.


An emulsifier is a substance that makes it possible to mix water and oil.

Emulsifiers can be found in specialized stores and are available in powder, granule or plate form. The most popular are:

  • Xylians;


    Glyceryl monostearate;



    guar gum;

    sucrose stearate, etc.

Newbies are most often advised to use Olivem 1000, as water and oil mix very easily with it, and the cream does not delaminate during storage.

The use of a natural emulsifier - beeswax - is widespread in home cosmetics. You can also pay attention to readily available products, such as:

    Egg yolk;

  • Powdered milk, etc.

But it is important to remember that the consistency of a cream made with the use of such components will differ from the usual one. In addition, the shelf life of the product is shortened.

Active substances

Active substances are precisely those components that provide the main functions of the future cream. They should be selected, focusing on the result that you want to achieve, for example:

    To obtain a moisturizing effect, you can use the extract of aloe, propolis and rose;

    Extract of linden, chamomile, pumpkin seeds will help to cope with inflammatory processes and other skin rashes;

    Eliminate oily shine and tighten pores with extracts of hops and ginger;

    Vitamins (in liquid form) nourish and rejuvenate the skin: E, A, F.

Recently, hyaluronic acid has been very popular as an active ingredient.

Essential oils

Enriching your homemade cream with essential oils is optional. However, with them, the product will be even more effective and will acquire a pleasant aroma. The choice of essential oils is also determined by the characteristics of the facial skin:

    For dry skin, essential oils of lavender, rose are usually used;

    For oily - vanilla, orange, grapefruit, lemon, tea tree, sandalwood;

    For problem skin - tea tree and lavender.

In order to have a more complete understanding of the basics of home creaming, you can watch the training video.

VIDEO. How to make a cream at home.

The best homemade face cream recipes

Those who are seriously engaged in the manufacture of creams eventually manage to create unique products, but at the initial stages it is better to use ready-made recipes tried by other people. The most popular options for the preparation of creams are offered to your attention. The review is compiled in such a way that it is easy to choose a suitable recipe: someone wants to prepare a cream according to the classic scheme, while someone will like a simpler option.

Nutritious cream

Light lavender cream

Required Ingredients:

    Vitamin E (liquid) - 10-15 drops;

    Bura - on the tip of a teaspoon;

    Almond and apricot oil - half a tablespoon each;

    Floral water (hydrolat) lavender - 1 tablespoon;

    Lavender essential oil - 2-3 drops.


    Combine apricot and almond oils with beeswax, then place a bowl with the composition in a steam bath and heat;

    In another container, mix flower water and borax and also heat through a water bath;

    Combine the oil and water phases, heated to the same temperature (about 70 ° C) and mix thoroughly with a mini-mixer (cappuccinatore);

    Wait until the mass cools down (to about 30 ° C) and add essential oil and vitamin E.

Thick cream mask for dry skin

Required Ingredients:

    Fresh plum pulp - 1 tablespoon;

    Best quality butter - 1 tablespoon;

    The yolk of one fresh egg;

    Honey - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Grind butter with honey;
  2. Add plum pulp and egg yolk;
  3. Stir the mass well until a homogeneous consistency is achieved.

Features of use:

    Such a cream is applied to the face for 20 minutes (like a mask), and then its remnants are removed with a napkin;

    It is impossible to store the product even in the refrigerator; it is necessary to prepare it every time before use.

Moisturizing cream

Cream for dry and aging skin with shea butter

Required Ingredients:

    Shea butter - 1 teaspoon;

    Beeswax - 1.5 g;

    Rose flower water - 10 ml;

    Hyaluronic acid - 0.05 g;

    Rose essential oil - 2-3 drops.


  1. Put shea butter and beeswax in a heat-resistant container, and place the bowl in a water bath, heat to about 70 ° C;
  2. In another container, heat rose hydrolat in a water bath to about the same temperature;
  3. Slowly pour the flower water into the oil phase;
  4. Mix the mass using a mini mixer;
  5. When the mixture cools down, pour hyaluronic acid into it and leave the cream for 15-20 minutes;
  6. Add essential oil, stir.

Intense honey cream

Required Ingredients:

    Honey - 1 tablespoon;

    Aloe juice (can be replaced with extract) - 1 tablespoon;

    Pork fat - 200 g.


  1. Melt lard in a water bath;
  2. Stir in honey and aloe juice, beat well and, after cooling, put in a clean jar for storage.

Application features: for convenience, before each application, it is better to warm the cream in a water bath, but you can simply take the required amount of the product in your palm and wait a little while it melts from the warmth of your hands.

Anti aging cream

Anti-aging cream with rose water

Required Ingredients:

    Rose hydrolat - 4 teaspoons;

    Cocoa butter - 3 tablespoons;

    Beeswax - 1 teaspoon

    Apricot oil - 10 teaspoons


  1. Warm up beeswax and cocoa butter in a water bath until they turn into a thick liquid;
  2. Add peach oil to the mixture and heat to about 70 ° C;
  3. Heat flower water to the same temperature in a water bath and gently pour it into the mixture of oils;
  4. Mix everything thoroughly using a mini-mixer, and after cooling, transfer to a sterilized jar for storage.

Gelatin cream soufflé

Required Ingredients:

    Gelatin - 1 teaspoon;

    Glycerin - 100 g;

    Honey - 2-3 tablespoons;

    Powdered 1 tablet of aspirin.


  1. Dissolve gelatin in 2 tablespoons of lukewarm water and leave for 15-20 minutes until it swells;
  2. Heat the mass until smooth;
  3. Add honey and refrigerate for 24 hours;
  4. Add aspirin and glycerin, beat and transfer to a clean storage container.

Natural lifting cream

Firming cream based on three oils

Required Ingredients:

    Olive oil - 5 tablespoons;

    Grape seed oil - 1 tablespoon;

    Wheat germ oil - 3 teaspoons;

    Aloe Vera Gel - 3 tablespoons.


    Combine the gel of grape seed and wheat germ oil and heat for a short time in a water bath;

    Let the mixture cool and add olive oil;

    Stir and transfer the cream to a sterile container.

Lifting cream for dry skin

Required Ingredients:

    Heavy cream (preferably 33%) - 100 ml;

    fresh lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;

    1 egg yolk;

    Cognac - 2 dessert spoons.

Preparation: combine all the ingredients and mix them well.

When using homemade creams for personal care, you can expect great results, because the concentration of nutrients in them is much higher than in commercial products. The most important thing is to choose the right recipe and boldly get down to business in the name of your beauty.

Have you tried making the cream yourself? Maybe you already have a favorite recipe? Let's share our experiences with each other in the comments!

Irina Andreeva

Cosmetics produced on a natural basis are finding more and more adherents. This is not surprising, because such tools really work. Moreover, they are hypoallergenic and safe. But their cost in stores is high. Therefore, women invent their own recipes and prepare homemade natural cosmetics. Face cream is one such remedy.

Homemade face creams: pros and cons

Before considering the recipes, let's look at the positive and negative aspects of making face creams at home.

The advantages of such beauty products are as follows:

You know what ingredients were used in the preparation. You are sure of the absence of preservatives, dyes and other harmful components.
The cream prepared at home does not contain hormones, it is natural.
This tool is not addictive.
The effectiveness of a homemade cream is higher than that of a store one.

Cons are also present:

The choice of ingredients must be approached carefully. You should focus on the type of skin and its needs.
Homemade creams cannot last long. But this aspect can be considered a plus: the product is always used fresh and effective.

Consider the fact that the procedure has its own characteristics. But given them, you get a natural, natural care product.

Features of making homemade face creams

To make a caring cream at home, follow these guidelines.

Purchase or separate from the existing creamer a separate dish. From now on, it is prohibited to use it for other purposes. Choose enamel bowls and plates, wooden stirring tools. Do not use metal utensils, especially for a water bath. The cream prepared in this way will be spoiled.
Stock up on medical disposable syringes. For precise adherence to the recipe, you will use them to measure liquid ingredients in milliliters.
If you are preparing a cream on the basis of any, heat the base ingredient in a water bath. The temperature should be 60 degrees, but not higher.
Handmade creams will be natural, natural. But even in this case, one cannot do without the use of emulsifiers - substances that will help the components interact. Purchase emulsifiers in advance at the pharmacy. Use sucrose stearate, beeswax, or stearic acid. Add emulsifiers to the base oil that has already been heated. Stir constantly while doing this. Remember: there should not be too many of these excipients. Focus on 2% of the total amount of the resulting funds.
Do not use water when preparing the cream. An exception to some recipes is mineral or distilled water. For other cases, use herbal decoctions. This additional liquid is also added with constant stirring to the base oil used after the emulsifying component.
After the homemade cream base has warmed to 60 degrees, remove from heat. Leave for 3 hours to cool, thicken. You do not need to put it in the refrigerator, room temperature is enough.
After two hours, the cream will thicken and acquire the desired consistency. Now enter the active ingredients into it. The product is ready.

Not all recipes prescribe creams to do this, discrepancies are possible. Otherwise, you don't even need to preheat the components. At the same time, the remedy will not be as effective, but it will be natural and will definitely not harm.

Store the prepared natural remedy in a glass container in a cool and dark place. Place a piece of foil under the lid so that the package is tight and the cream does not deteriorate. The shelf life of the funds is 7 days. In order not to get confused, write the date of preparation of the composition on a piece of paper and attach it to the jar.

Homemade care cream may not work the first time or even the second time, but don't give up on making it just after you fail. The remedy you finally get will be effective and natural. So it's worth it.

Homemade moisturizer recipes

Such products will relieve flaking, redness and tightness of the skin. But choose your recipes carefully. If you have sensitive skin, some ingredients may not work for you.

Cream with vitamin E. The product is prepared according to the algorithm described above. Use (take 30 ml) as a base. Emulsifier - beeswax (2 g). Take rose water to dilute the ingredients, which is done in a water bath. Measure out 60 ml. Introduce vitamin E into the thickened cosmetic product. Use a liquid form, the amount is 6 milliliters. Top up the mixture with lavender ether (no more than 10 drops).
Oil cream for dry skin. This homemade cosmetic is made with lanolin. Heat a teaspoon of this substance. The same beeswax (2 g) will act as an emulsifier. After that, enter two tbsp into the mixture. l. , stir. Separately in a water bath, heat one teaspoon of glycerin and half a teaspoon. sodium tetraborate, or borax. Into this mixture, add 60 ml of mineral water and 2 tbsp. l. ... Chill both mixtures separately, then combine and whisk with a blender.

Cream with vegetable extracts. Melt a teaspoon of beeswax for the base of the future cosmetic product. Add 50 ml of olive oil to it. Instead of water, this recipe uses a blend of fresh, natural vegetable juices. Carrot, squash, pumpkin, cucumber are suitable. In total, you should have 60 ml of juice mixture. Then add the egg yolk, previously separated from the yolk, to the resulting composition, mix. Leave in the bath for two minutes and then whisk.
Cucumber cream. Heat the beeswax (1 teaspoon), (2 tablespoons), half a teaspoon. glycerin. When the mixture heats up to 60 degrees, remove it from heat and refrigerate. Separate the egg yolk from the white and grind it with cucumber juice (prepare 3 tablespoons in advance). Mix the resulting mixture with the cream base.
A simple recipe for strawberry cream. This recipe is exclusively summer. Four tbsp. l. Strawberry juice (use only fresh berries when preparing it), mix with a teaspoon of glycerin and the same amount of oatmeal. Then beat the resulting mass with a blender.

Cooking homemade anti-greasy creams

Such products matte the skin and lead it to a healthy water-fat balance.

Cream on. Use the specified ingredient as a base. Quantity - 30 ml. The emulsifier is sucrose stearate. Use a decoction of dry basil herb instead of the base liquid. The amount is 60 milliliters. After the base has cooled and thickened, stir in 10 drops. The latter can be replaced, if necessary, or other citrus fruits.
Cream with rose oil and rose water. The basis in this cream is almond oil in the amount of 30 grams (10 grams) and beeswax (also 10 grams). Dissolve the melted ingredients with 40 milliliters of rose water. This cream has an interesting feature: it turns out thick, but softens when it comes into contact with the skin. The product has a pleasant floral aroma.
Glycerin cream. For this recipe, take 20 grams of glycerin. Melt it in a water bath using the same amount of zinc oxide. A benzoic tincture (2 grams) will serve as an emulsifier. Add 10 grams of starch to the resulting mixture (potato starch is best). Dilute the cream with 10 milliliters of distilled water. Cool slightly and beat with a blender.
Cocoa cream. The product is suitable for young skin. Melt 3 teaspoons of cocoa mixed with 2 teaspoons. rose water. Into this mixture, add as base (teaspoon). Whisk in the cream and leave to thicken.

Homemade balancing creams

These creams are suitable for girls with combination skin.

Chamomile cream. Buy dried chamomile flowers from your pharmacy. To prepare this cream, use a tablespoon of such medicinal raw materials. Pour boiling water over the main component (there should be 100 ml of liquid) and keep on fire for 10 minutes. After the mixture, strain and the resulting broth (measure 4 tablespoons) combine with honey and glycerin. Take the indicated ingredients in the amount of a teaspoon (each). Heat the oil mixture separately in a water bath. To create it, take 1 tablespoon of olive and. Add the yolk separated from the protein and 10 drops. Mix the resulting blanks and whisk the substance.
Cream with vitamins. To create a base, take coconut and (25 ml of the first and 100 ml of the second), lanolin (5 ml) and beeswax (10 ml). Mix the ingredients and heat in the microwave for 40 seconds. Then dilute the base with mineral water (150 ml), add aloe juice (80 ml). Crush 10 tablets of ascorbic acid and add to the cream. Stir and fortify and ylang ylang. Whisk in a blender.

Anti-aging home creams

These products fight age-related changes on a par with expensive anti-age lines from renowned manufacturers. In preparation, they are no more difficult than the creams described above.

A honey cream with a lifting effect. The preparation algorithm for the product differs from the basic one. Put a drop of iodine in a clean and dry container for the cream. Put a tablespoon of natural honey in the same jar. Take a liquid product or pre-melt a solid one. Add (1 tbsp. L.) And stir the workpiece. Add a teaspoon of petroleum jelly to the mixture and stir the product thoroughly again.

Butter cream. The basis for the cosmetic product according to this recipe is olive, grape and sesame oils. Ingredient ratio: 7 to 8 to 5 ml, respectively. Borax acts as an emulsifier (a teaspoon of this remedy). Dissolve everything in 40 ml of rose water. When the product thickens, add 5 ml and enrich the cream with vitamins A and E. Use the latter in a total of no more than 5 grams.
Creamy caring cream. The algorithm for its creation is also different from the main one. Whisk one egg. Add to it a glass of heavy cream with high fat content, a tablespoon of natural liquid honey (again, if the product has a thick consistency, it must be melted beforehand), 5 drops of tea tree oil. Mix all the ingredients and use the cream overnight. Pay attention to an important point: it is imperative to store this product in the refrigerator and no more than three days.
Gelatin cream. To implement such a recipe, take tsp. gelatin (powder) and stir in two tablespoons of lukewarm water. Allow 10 minutes to swell. After the specified time, put the gelatin on fire and melt. Add natural honey (3 tablespoons) and keep the mixture on fire for 2 minutes. Cool the mixture and refrigerate for one day. Then add one hundred grams of glycerin and five crushed salicylic acid tablets to the workpiece. Whisk in the cream.

Exotic cream recipe

This product is suitable for normal skin, as well as aging, lack of moisture and aging. Its regular use will nourish the skin, make it pleasant to the touch, soft. In addition, the agent starts the processes of cell regeneration.

To implement this recipe, take as a basis. Heat 1 tablespoon of the main ingredient. Add to it (tsp), avocado (the same amount) and macadamia (take 2 tsp of the ingredient). Keep all components on fire for a minute. Remove from the stove and add three drops of rose and patchouli essential oils. Stir the cream and leave to cool.

This oily product should be kept cold for no more than ten days. It is better to use it before bed.

Homemade facial massage creams

Facial massage is an important caring procedure. It allows you to maintain tone, maintain a well-defined oval of the face. For massage, the cream can also be prepared at home.

Almond honey massage cream. This cosmetic product is being prepared for. Melt the lanolin (200 ml), then add 100 ml of natural honey and the same amount of almond oil to it. Stir the ingredients, and after cooling, beat the resulting cream.
Caring massage cream. Take 20 grams of lanolin, 10 grams of beeswax and 60 ml of olive oil. Mix the ingredients and melt. In a separate bowl, mix 10 grams of glycerin, 2 grams of borax and 50 ml of water (use mineral water). Combine both blanks and keep on fire for 10 minutes.

There are many such homemade face creams, and every woman can find her own recipe. With the help of self-prepared cosmetics, you can get rid of existing problems and get really gentle and gentle care. After all, nature has already given us all the best, and this wealth can only be used correctly.

April 8, 2014, 17:50