Examples of the decoration of the school corridor for the new year. How to decorate school and class for the new year: ideas for children, teachers and parents

Author: Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Gulkova, teacher of the art branch of Mu to the Taldomsky municipal district of MO.The master class is designed for children of the younger, middle and older school age, teachers of technology and teachers of additional education, parents.

Purpose: Development of paper design skills.Tasks: Development of ability to work with paper. Development of ability to work with scissors (for junior students). Development of small motility. Development of accuracy. Development of artistic taste.


1. Paper (perfectly fits printing paper).2. Scissors.3. Glue.4. Pencil (if necessary).5. Threads or fishing line.6. Scotch transparent (if necessary).7. Rhinestones, beads at will.


Option 1.

1. A sheet of paper to add the following method, cut down (the remaining pieces will come in handy).

2. Fold again.

3. Cut, as shown in the photo, form.

4. Make on the sides of the cuts approximately equal in width.

5. Expand the sheet.

6. The average "petal" gently refer to the center and glue.

7. The same to do with the rest of the average "petals".

8. Make the same form again.

9. To glue the centers of flat sides of the forms with each other. To ensure that the "petals" of one form lay down between the "petals" of another form.

10. From the remaining earlier strips of paper will make small snowflakes along the same scheme, but do not glue them with each other. Glit small snowflakes in a center of large snowflakes.

11. Again manufacture 2 small snowflakes and glue them with each other (as previously big snowflake).12. At will, in the centers of snowflakes, stick rhinestones, beads, butchers, etc.13. To combine the large and small snowflakes of the thread (or fishing, "rain, etc.). I glued a thread with scotch. You can and glue.

14. On the opposite "petal" of a large snowflakes to glue the thread of the desired length - the snowflake will be suspended for it. In my case, the snowflakes were attached to the window (transparent scotch tape). Also snowflakes can be placed on the lampshar, ceiling, high doorway, walls. Fasteners can be made in the form of a loop, if there is a need for something to hook a snowflake.

Snowflakes can be made of colored paper, as well as from pre-prepared paper in the spray technique.

Paper Christmas trees:

1. Fold in half at once several sheets of paper (I took 4), draw one half the Christmas tree, cut.

2. To glue the face of the Christmas tree, straighten, attach to the window, wall, panel, etc.

Option 2.

1. The sheet of paper is adding to the following method, trim.

2. Fold again.

3. Make smooth cuts on the one hand.

4. Expand the sheet.

5. To glue the edges of the central cuts.

6. Flip the product and glue the edges of medium cuts.

7. Again turn over the product and glue the edges of the outer cuts.

8. It will make another 7 forms (can be more).9. glue them with each other. All forms must be located in one direction. They are glued together with each other with one lower corner and each external incision is glued to the middle cut further running.


Children often with pleasure work with paper. And these methods for making festive snowflakes allow even small kids to make simple, but beautiful products for home or class. Take part in the festive decoration of the room - a very exciting process. And to decorate with your products - doubly pleasant. Snowflakes are quite large and looks quite spectacular.

Volumetric snowflakes flower.

Type of work




Master Class March 8 New Year Origami Volumetric Snowflakes Flower Paper

For each snowflake, two sheets of paper, glue, scissors, pencil.

Cut a square from the A4 sheet.

We fold again in half.

Paint the pencil three lines as in the picture.

Cut, two only cut, i.e. We cut not to the end.

Deploy and expand.

Droplet glue with smear on the tips of the middle leaves.

Watch them in the middle and glue.

In the middle of the second sheet with smear terminals.

We glue the first part of the snowflakes.

Waiting for New Year's holidays becomes even more joyful if you manage to create an appropriate atmosphere. The task of teachers is to organize school decoration for the new year 2019 and attract students to this event.

How to decorate school for the new year 2019

By New Year holidays, city streets and buildings are transformed. In schools are arranged contests for the best decoration of the class, set the Christmas tree in the lobby or the assembly hall. New Year's decorations can be purchased or made with their own hands. For independent design of the premises, balloons, paper snowflakes, Christmas tree toys, Figures, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Mishur and Garlands are used.


Administration of the educational institution tries to decorate for the holiday the front of the building so that it looks festive. It is important to decorate the porch, windows and adjacent territory.



The main entrance or door to the office decorated with crafts in the form of a Christmas wreath or New Year's tree.

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Interesting composition with peeking deer and Santa Claus.



It's nice when festive scenery are in all corners of the school. In the lobby, you can arrange installations using fabrics, figures and other New Year's attributes. Here it is good to establish the main decoration - the Christmas tree.


Many winter heroes will delight junior and senior schoolchildren.


Ice cave.


The abundance of tinsel and gloss is an important component of the New Year holidays.


Winter and imitation of sparkling snow on the branches of trees.


Paper scenery in white successfully transmit winter atmosphere.


Decoration for foyer with columns.


Many openwork snowflakes and a snow queen throne - a wonderful thematic installation.


Bright paints in jewelry may also be present. Here is a solution with the composition in the center and wreaths on the ribbons.


Wood figures will serve as decoration not one year.



In the corridors, walls, windows and ceiling usually make out, because the scenery should not interfere with the passages of students in classes. You can arrange an abundance of snowflakes under the ceiling and paper window decorations.


The corridor, disguised as an ice cave, will probably enjoy the students of the younger school.


Wreath, toys and drapes in the top of the wall and on the ceiling.


If the corridor is wide, then you can position the figures of fabulous characters.


For school decoration, both panels that make students are often used.



The windows decorated first of all, for this there are many options. And the figures can be located differently, the result is a unique design. It is not necessary to draw beautifully to create such compositions, there are many templates for cutting on the Internet that can be used.


Windows decorated with suspended volumetric decor or.


Drawings on the glass make toothpaste or gouache. Festive looks like images of professional designeurs, and simple children's pictures.

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Assembly hall and scene

In the assembly hall, matinees are held, which are especially important for younger students, they have not yet managed to fall off these costume events. It is necessary not only to make an assembly hall and scene in elegant, but also to keep the selected holiday theme.


Professional design balls.

How to issue an assembly hall for New Year holidays

Kolesnikova Tatyana Sergeevna, teacher of labor learning GKOU RO boarding school V species, G. Zernograd
Description: This material can be used to design halls to New Year, Christmas holidays in schools, kindergartens, cultural houses.
New Years is soon. Everyone is preparing in advance to this holiday. And our school, of course, is no exception. My credibility is to design the assembly hall to the New Year matinee. At the beginning of December, I and the teacher of the visual art of Lily Alexandrovna "Long" the head above the question "How to decorate the hall this year?" I thought for a long time - have done and decided on such a time-consuming.
This photo shows the exhibition "Parade of New Year's Christmas tree", which we conducted in our school from 1 to 20 December. The trees models were unique, creative made from various materials, in various techniques. The exhibition from the school of school was decided to transfer to the hall, so that the parents, guests of the teacher and the disciples looked once again and admired her beauty.

The central scene is decorated with an approaching symbol of 2014 - a horse. She hurries to us for a holiday.

The figure of the horse drew a lily of Alexandrovna 2 days, gluing together 10 Watmans.

I think the work would be faster, but I don't know how to draw at all, so we studied the curtains decoration in the hall.
4 days and 4 night We drank 720 snowflakes together for the design of the curtains, stroked them and glued with scotch. Very painstaking and long work, and we fulfilled it with honor.

The chandeliers tried to decorate so that at the entrance to the assembly hall, visitors paid their attention to openwork, air curtains. And at the same time, it was necessary to withstand one style of decoration. I had a lot, but decided to stop on it. Snowflakes and rain always give the festive, winter, magical mood.

Beautiful Christmas tree decorated in the penultimate day.

This year, all the decoration of the hall was admired. Both parents and disciples, and guests told us words of gratitude for such a fabulous design. All admired lace curtains and a horse, rushing forward. I was also pleased with the work done.
Waiting for your comments and questions. Thanks for attention.

Parents may not always allocate funds for buying decorations for school on, so you should work a little bit and create the desired atmosphere with the help of subright tools that can be found at any school, and Mishur and Christmas tree toys can be brought from home. If everyone brings 1 toy, a sufficient amount will be pulsed. For decorations you can use almost any material, empty plastic bottles, format sheets of paper, postcards, wool and much more.

How to decorate school for the new year?

New Year's design for the corridor

In order to decorate the school more fun and amazing is recommended to involve in the process of children especially primary classes. You can give a homework for everyone to make some new year craft or poster with your own hands and bring to decorate the school.

If among the manufactured fakes are large, then they must be placed in the corners or on the windowsill. Posters sprinkle on the walls evenly, i.e. So that it does not work out that the walls of the first floor are all exhausted by posters, and on the other floors of them 2-3 pieces.

Next, you need to collect all the available tinsel and disassemble the color scheme, red separately, blue separately, etc. And after decorating a part of the wall, which is under the ceiling. Mishuur needs to hang the waves, the tape is suitable for consolidation. And school corridors will shine new paints.

You can also use things and items to decorate the corridors that were going to throw out. For example, if there are old curtains or tulle, then you can make a wave material, consolidating tinsel and accommodate anywhere. This design can be attached under the ceiling, to window sills, on the walls and even decorate the doorway.

In the lesson technology, the teacher can together with students make decorations for the ceiling: rain, snowflakes that are attached with a tape or simple wool pre-dipped in water.

Decoration of stalk

Very nice and popular with decoupage technique. Make New Year's decorations for the windows on this technique will not be difficult even to reoxoites. For manufacture, you will need to prepare.

· Napkins with New Year's drawings and patterns.
· Scissors.
· PVA glue.
· Thick brush for drawing.
· Barns.
· Black or brown gouache.
· Thin brush for drawing.

First you need to cut the pattern from the napkin and glue it on the glass. Give to dry out. It can take up to 20 minutes. After drying with a thick brush for drawing, lubricate the drawing and sprinkle with multi-colored blots. It is important not to overdo it with the number of glitters, so that the drawing is visible. For example, if Santa Claus is depicted, then it is possible to spit on blacks. After the upper layer is driving a thin brush to outline the contours of the picture, so that the drawing has become clearer and expressive.

No less beautiful will look on the glasses of drawings and patterns, on the New Year's theme. Made with the help of paints or gouache.

You can depict the "Drawings of Santa Claus". To do this, you will need to take PVA glue, brush and silver blasts. Using the brush, apply the pattern on the glass and sprinkle with silver blasts. After drying, the glue will not be noticeable, and the picture will remain a picture familiar to everyone since childhood. This pattern is easily removed from the glass, not leaving traces.

How to make a foyer with your own hands?

In order for the foyer to become fabulous and bright, you can declare a competition for the best Christmas toy made with your own hands. Let parents help the child to recreate the masterpiece. For fakes, you need to put tables that can be decorated with waves of material and tinsel. Where to position the parties to focus on the layout of the room. You can arrange the exhibition platform between the windows or put a few parties at different places.

The pillars located in the lobby can be wrapped in a misher located on the helix, and attach a long rain.

To decorate the ceiling, you can apply not only the rain, as well as make various snowflakes, including volumetric, consolidate them on a transparent fishing line, and then to the ceiling. Due to the fact that the fishing line is not visible will be the feeling that the snowflakes soak in the air.

Decorate the ceiling by self-made serpentine. To do this, it will be necessary to take colored paper (blue, blue, white) and cut the spiral. In order that the serpentine is turned out longer than the helix glue with each other with the help of glue or pieces of scotch.

Perfectly will look "falling icicles", which can be made of transparent fishing line and transparent beads. It's just on the fishing line to wear beads after a while and attach to the ceiling of scotch. So that the beads did not roll on each other, after each you need to make a nodule.

Important: Fire safety technique is prohibited to mount third-party objects on batteries, risers, fire extinguisher. It is allowed to slightly embellish the lid of the box with sand, for example, to roll on the surface of the snowflake, but the glass should not be closed by third-party objects.

Registration of the assembly hall

The main place in the school during the celebration of the New Year is the assembly hall, so its design should pay special attention. The process of registration is to involve as many people as possible. In the actual hall, large New Year figures will look at the ideal.

In order for children to try, you can declare a competition for the best fake, and to give a diploma to the winner. You can place some of the fakes that the guys have completed with the help of parents, such as snowmen.

How to make a snowman?

Need to prepare:

· White threads.
· PVA glue.
· Balloons of different sizes.
· Double tape.
· Blots, sequins.
· Colored paper of orange and black.

If a snowman is planned to put on the floor, then it is necessary to put items for weighting (pybeos, bolts, stones, etc.) and inflate. Inflated ball wrapping threads, and each layer is lubricated with glue. You need to wrap until the ball is visible due to the threads. After the ball, you need to burst with a needle and remove (you can leave inside).

Thus, prepare all three balls and bind over with the help of threads. In order to have a snowman, it is beautiful and bright to be decorated with sequins and glitter glued to glue. Lastly, twist the nose from orange paper and glue on double tape. From black or brown paper cut eyes.

By the same scheme, you can make Christmas-tree balls or balls for decorating the ceiling, which can be made multicolored for this just need to take threads of different colors or use multi-colored paints.

How to make bells from bottles?

Production of bells process is more complicated. The main material in the manufacture is plastic bottles of any size. You need to take a bottle, retreat from the neck of 10-15 centimeters and cut off the lower part, which can be thrown or used as a glass.

The resulting "bell" from the neck remains only to make a gouache or paints, decorate with glitter. In conclusion, fasten under the lid a bow, which is a universal object as a decoration and can be used almost everywhere. In order to make a bow, you need to take foil or material of the desired size and tidy in the middle of the thread.

Independent class decoration for the new year

Class decoration is one of the classes to which children are enthusiastic. The guys can be a pre-prepared poster with photographs of each student, because A poster will be a New Year that can be glued to each photo for boys with a hat like Santa Claus, and girls bluish caps like Snow Maiden. So that the poster was even more festive to decorate glitter, snowflakes and pictures on the New Year's theme. Write wishes for all schoolchildren, parents, teachers. On the contour of the poster glued tinsel.

Colorfully and brightly decorate the windows will not work, because A sufficient amount of light should fall into the class. It is better to use white paper stencils, such as snowflakes, but in small quantities. Cabinets are an excellent item for decoration. Only on safety, it is forbidden to post foreign objects on the closet.

You can transform flowers using any jewelry: Mishur, Christmas tree toys, snowflakes, etc.
On the class door to place a wreath made with your own hands. Beautiful and bright school ready for New Year holidays and fun.

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