Project about health for the middle group conclusion. "Be healthy!" Middle group Short-term project Problem. Long-term project implementation plan

Program content

1. To form in children a sense of responsibility for their health. Develop motivation to maintain and improve health.
2. Expand children's knowledge about health-saving technologies.
3. To accustom to independent physical activity.
4. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie in joint activities.
5. Develop social skills.
6. To form physical skills for sports and physical activities.
7. Teach children to enjoy physical activity.
8. Encourage children to move in a wide variety of ways (imitation of animals, to music, slow motion, movements in pairs, etc.).
9. To interest parents in jointly organized activities with children, to form in their minds the importance of using health-saving technologies every day.


One of the most important tasks of preschool childhood is the formation of a healthy younger generation. At present, in the conditions of an unfavorable environmental situation, social instability, and the growth of intra-family tension, the problem of a child's health is most relevant not only physically but also psychologically. In a healthy body healthy mind. Physical health determines the emotional and intellectual side of our lives. In order for the child to become a physically, psychologically and socially healthy person, it is necessary to combine the efforts of both the teacher and specialists of the preschool educational institution, and parents.

Objective of the project

Formation in children of a consciously correct attitude towards their health. Creating a friendly atmosphere of cooperation between the child, teacher and parent. Contribute to the creative development of the child, increase their activity. Creation of a unified health-saving space and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children.


1. Creation of a health-saving environment for the implementation of the project goals.
2. Carry out a cycle of activities aimed at improving the health of the child.
3. Actively use musical accompaniment to create psychological comfort.
4. Continue to acquaint children with medicinal herbs, learn to distinguish between herbal infusions.
5. Systematize literary musical and visual materials on the subject of the project.
6. Prepare together with parents a photo collage “To be healthy you need ...”, booklets, family albums.
7. Hold the final event "Fortress".

Project type: short.
Project participants: children, teachers, parents.

Stage I - preparatory:

– study and selection of methodological literature, illustrated material on this topic;
- selection of games, exercises, gymnastics complexes (morning, corrective, respiratory and after sleep), physical education minutes.

Stage II:

- attracting the attention of teachers, medical workers, parents to the problem of health-improving work with children of preschool age;
- the use of musical compositions in sensitive moments;
- leisure activities;
- work with parents (development of recommendations).

Stage III:

Presentation of the fitness club "Krepysh".

IV stage:

Definition of tasks and ways of their implementation for further work to improve the health of children;
-Produce and use new non-standard equipment.

Work plan

Monday "Merry Stompers".
to form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle, to continue to develop personal hygiene skills. To increase the resistance of the child's body to changes in seasonal and daily temperatures and to hypothermia.
Content and forms of work:
Preliminary work:
Individual conversations with parents "Tempering children", "The meaning of the daily routine", "What shoes to wear." Competition of family albums "Dad, mom, I am a healthy family."
morning exercises with elements of walking barefoot "Large and small legs" (running, walking in lightweight clothing). Outdoor games "Swamp", "Run to me", "Birds", "Catch the ball". dynamic games.
Preventive gymnastics:
"Pump", "Balls are flying", "Skier", "Pendulum".
Corrective after sleep:"Underwater inhabitants" (musical accompaniment).
Flatfoot Prevention(walking along the massage paths).
For eyes:

We are gymnastics for the eyes
Execute every time
Right, left, around, down,
Don't be lazy to repeat.
Extensive washing, using nursery rhymes.

water games"Hot-Cold", "Ship".

Tuesday "Magic Points".
continue to use non-traditional forms of children's health improvement in the work of massage techniques of biologically active points; self-massage (imitation exercises, facial exercises, exercises for the feet, arms, back) To develop a conscious attitude towards one's health.
Content and forms of work:
Preliminary work:
Consultation-workshop for parents "Training in massage techniques".
Massage of biologically active zones(feet, face, arms, head, abdomen, chest):
"Hammers", "Wash your nose", "Wall, ceiling ...".
Aromatization of rooms.
Finger gymnastics:
"Castle", "Fish" (poetry).

Game Fair Wednesday.
satisfy the need of children for motor activity, teach self-regulation techniques. Cultivate the habit of daily physical activity and health care.
Preliminary work: Evening of rest for parents and children "Journey to the country of health".
Content and forms of work:
Fun games:
“On a flat path”, “Carousels”, “Bubble”.
relay races with hoops, balls (different sizes).
Outdoor games at the request of the children.
Games that heal: "Mouse and Bear", "Wind" (diseases of the nose and throat), "Find your color" (to overcome the consequences of infectious diseases). Games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere "Compliments", "Magic glasses", "Good wizards", "Smile-get angry".
Training games "Let's make friends with you."

Thursday Phyto-bar "Healing Cocktail".
continue to acquaint children with medicinal herbs, to learn to distinguish between herbal infusions. Continue to teach children to take care of their health to strengthen immunity.
Preliminary work: production of booklets by parents “Advice from experienced doctors”, questioning of parents “Your attitude to preventive measures using medicinal herbs”.
Content and forms of work:
morning exercises
"Handkerchiefs" with respiratory elements (in lightweight clothing).
Aromatization of premises (onion garlic).
Phyto nutrition - Game-lesson (invite children to brew tea with mint).
Reading a poem “Peppermint”, conversation on content, didactic game “Guess the grass by smell”, outdoor game “Whose circle will gather faster”, plot game “Let's drink tea to the dolls”.
Making phyto medallions with children "Useful garlic" (from Kinder Surprise).

Friday Presentation of the Krepysh fitness club.
to create an emotionally prosperous atmosphere for the harmonious development of the child, to help each child realize the importance of physical exercises in the improvement of the whole organism. Get the kids interested in the gym. Raise the need for a healthy lifestyle.
(Together with a physical education instructor)

Summing up the week.
Examination of booklets, albums.
Conversation: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”
Sports riddles.

If there is no appetite, or if you have a stomach ache,
There is no better advice than peppermint narvi,
If the nerves loosen up, and there will be no strength at all,
Drink mint tea so that you are completely cool.
If you do not sleep well, or you see bad dreams,
Then a pillow to the headboard, put it with this mint.

Project participants- educators, children of the middle group and their parents.

Project type– pedagogical

Scale– short-term – group (from 29.12.14 to 16.01.15)


At present, it is quite quickly characterized by changes in the natural and social environment, and also leads to physical, mental, cultural, moral and other changes for each person. Therefore, the most urgent problem today is the preservation and strengthening of children's health.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for the health of a child is the most important work of an educator ...”.

Health is considered as complete physical, mental and social well-being, as a harmonious state of the body, which allows a person to be active in his life, to achieve success in various activities. To achieve harmony with nature, one must learn to take care of one's health from childhood.

Very important today is the formation of motives, concepts, beliefs in preschool children in the need to preserve their health and strengthen it by introducing a healthy and safe lifestyle. The significance of the application of this work is determined by the solution of the problems of improving the health of preschoolers, cultivating a culture of a safe and healthy lifestyle - creating a solid foundation for raising a healthy child.


Lack of awareness of parents about the importance of joint motor activity with children.

insufficient knowledge of parents about the physical skills and abilities of children of this age,

Reluctance of parents to organize motor activities with children.

parents' lack of attention to a healthy lifestyle in the family,


to form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;

evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards games, sports exercises, competitions, sports, joint walks in nature for children, parents, and educators.


Introduce children and their parents to a healthy lifestyle.

To form the ability of self-expression, self-knowledge in pupils.

To develop the desire of children and parents to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten.

Strategies and mechanisms for project implementation

Istage - preparatory

Literature study

Formulation of the problem, goals and objectives of the project

IIstage - Main

Designing a sports and health-improving orientation.

Work on the project of physical culture and health improvement orientation.

"Be healthy!"

Involving parents in the implementation of the project "Be healthy!"

IIIstage - Final

- presentation of the project "Be healthy!" at the pedagogical council

Presentation for parents

Generalization of experience at the level of the city and above

Planned results of the project implementation

Children and their parents are introduced to a healthy lifestyle and show interest in the life of the kindergarten.

Prospects for the development of the project

To continue work in the equipment of a sports corner and a corner in valeology.


1. Runova M.A. Motor activity of the child in kindergarten. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. 12 p.

2. Mashchenko M.V., Shishkina V.A. Physical culture of preschoolers. - Minsk: Urajay, 2000. 275 s

3. Shebeko V.N., Ovsyankin V.A., Karmanova L.V. Physical Education! - Minsk: "Enlightenment", 1997. 125 p.

4. Kilpio N.N. 80 games for kindergarten. M.: 1973. 196s

5. Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A. Organization and holding of sports holidays in a preschool institution. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1987. 197 p.

6. Mashchenko M.V., Shishkina V.A. What kind of physical education do preschoolers need? - Minsk: NM Center, 1998. 136 p.


Middle preschool age

Monday - 29.12.14 "Joyful Encounters"

I Half day

A story about health week and its motto:

“There is no better recipe in the world, Be inseparable from sports. You will live a hundred years, that's the whole secret ”- Meeting with Dr. Aibolit.

Morning: Conversation: "How will I take care of my health"

Reading: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", proverbs.

d / and “What for, what you need” - select pictures depicting items for personal hygiene.


See card number 21 "Snowflake Watching".

Walk “Nothing like Santa Claus

pinches our ears and nose.

We are on the mountain all day long.

We are walking in the yard”

continue to play winter games with children.

P / and "Knock down the pin"

II Half of the day

Reading K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"

Watching the cartoon "Moydodyr"

Working with parents: Play the game "Guess the sport" at home.

Tuesday - 30.12.14 "In a fairy tale for health ..."

I Half day

A game-conversation dedicated to consolidating knowledge about personal hygiene: "Journey to the country of health."


See card no. 23 "Snow observation".

II Half of the day

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Finger games.

Working with parents: Drawings at home with children on the topic: "So that we do not get sick."

Wednesday - 31.12.14 "Clean Day"

I Half day

Morning: Conversation: “We wash our hands” (With my soap, soap, our hands are clean)

d / and "Help the Dunno properly wash their hands"


See card # "observation of the clouds".

II Half of the day

finger games

Monday - 12.01.15 "Vitamin Day"

I Half day

Morning: Conversation: "I love vitamins - I want to be healthy."

Didactic game "Useful-harmful" - look at the pictures and classify them (food).


See card number 25 "Watching the Waxwing".

II Half of the day

Role-playing game "Pharmacy"

Working with parents: Questioning on the topic "How do you do physical education at home?"

Tuesday - 13.12.15 "Day of laughter"

I Half day

Morning: Conversation: "In a healthy body - healthy laughter."

Listening to cheerful sports music, drawing to the music "The sun is laughing."


See card no. 26 “observing seasonal changes”.

II Half of the day

Learning proverbs and sayings about health.

Working as parents - consultation "Beautiful posture is a guarantee of health."

Wednesday - 14.12.15

I Half day

Conversation with children on the topic: “My, my, soap, soap - our hands are clean!” - continue to reinforce the knowledge of children that before eating you need to wash your hands with soap and water. Show children how to wash their hands properly (handing soap):

Dear my children!
I ask you to wash more often
your hands and face.
It doesn't matter what kind of water
Boiled, key.
From the river or from the well,
Or just rain.
Need to wash
Morning, evening and afternoon
Before every meal
After sleep and before sleep.


See card No. 28 "observation of the ravine".

II Half of the day.

D / game: riddles about hygiene items (toothbrush, comb, soap dish, and so on).

Thursday - 15.12.15

I Half day

A conversation with children on the topic: “Cleanliness is the key to health” - to cultivate respect for the work of a junior educator, to form a desire to come to the rescue. The work activity of a nanny activates cognitive activity, maintains a persistent interest in observations, due to which there is an accumulation of vivid impressions and an activation of mental operations.

A raccoon-cleaner lived in the forest,
Cleaned spoons and pots
Did the cleaning in the morning
Tidy up the mink.
Removed both dirt and rubbish,
Sweeping the yard with a broom
Painted benches with a brush,
Watering flowers from a watering can.
In a wooden trough
A raccoon poured water.
And washed the raccoon for the kids
Shirts and pants.

D / game: "Katya caught a cold" - to form the skill of using a handkerchief. Teach children to turn away when sneezing and coughing, cover their mouth with a handkerchief.


See card no. 29, Watching the Crow and Magpie.

II Half of the day.

Reading fiction: "Aibolit" (discussion of characters).

Sports leisure together with parents "The ball is round, striped."

Friday - 12/16/15

I Half day

Conversation with children on the topic: "Our fingers" - tell the children that the fingers are connected with the head and internal organs. Each finger is responsible for its own organ. Give the concept of the "name" of each finger.

"You don't want to get sick ever?"
The guys answer: “Yes, yes, yes!”
"Just be sure
Listen carefully.
I'll tell you a secret:
There is no difficulty in studying.
Cough, runny nose and otitis media
Heals a finger - Aibolit.
Girls and boys,
Get your fingers ready!
We are looking for a circle with a finger,
Click on the bell
Turn left nine times
Let's get rid of the virus.
Turn right nine times
We remove the virus. Bravo!
One, two, three, one, two, three -
Enemies run away from us.
Only Required
Do everything diligently.
This finger is Aibolit
The nose will heal, heal,
From bronchitis, tracheitis,
Laryngitis and rhinitis.
Here for coughing, here for pain.”
The nose of the boy Kolya breathes.
Ears hear, legs dance.
Good for our guys!
Friendly, fun live,
They sing loud songs.
Check everything in order
Do your own massage.
Your circle does not hurt
Have fun, dance and sing.
sun, air and water,
Your finger is your friends.
Morning, evening and afternoon
One thing to keep in mind:
If you're doing a massage
Your guard is always on duty.


See card number 33 "observation of the state of nature."

II Half of the day.

Gracheva Nadezhda Viktorovna


Lack of interest of parents in the organization of motor activity of children.

Justification of the problem:

Ignorance of parents about the importance of joint motor activity with children.
- insufficient knowledge of parents about the physical skills and abilities of children of this age.
- unwillingness of parents to organize motor activity with children.
- inattention of parents to a healthy lifestyle in the family.


To increase the desire of parents to use physical activity with children to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.


1. To give an idea to parents about the importance of joint motor activity with children.
2. Expand parents' knowledge of children's physical skills and abilities.
3. To promote the creation of an active position of parents in joint motor activities with children.
4. To interest parents in strengthening a healthy lifestyle in the family.

Project implementation:

Project motto:

Physical education is something that ensures health and brings joy.

Working with children:

Daily preventive work

Preventive gymnastics (breathing, improving posture, flat feet, vision).
Gymnastics of awakening, path of "health".
Air contrast hardening.


Communication: “To be healthy always, you need to practice!”.
"I love vitamins - I want to be healthy." (Appendix No. 1)
"Conversation about health, about cleanliness", solving provocative questions, problematic situations (Appendix No. 2)
Meeting with "Vitamin", which talks about the importance of nutrition in human life (didactic games)
Conversation-game, including jokes used when washing hands washing (rhymes) (Appendix No. 3)
Fairy tale-conversation "In the country of Sore". (Appendix No. 4)


Physical education lesson "In the country of health".
Demonstration of an open lesson "My cheerful sonorous ball" (Appendix No. 5)


Role-playing games: "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy" ...
Didactic games "Ball on the field", "Ball in the goal" (for breathing), exercise "Find two identical balls", "What is superfluous?" and etc.
Organization in the air of the outdoor game "Do as I do", with the ball "School of the ball", "Traps in a circle", "Black and white", etc.
Examination of illustrations, photographs about health.
Memorization of proverbs, sayings about health. (Appendix No. 6)
Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Vovka's victory" A. Kutafin and others.
Exhibition of drawings about sports. (Appendix No. 7)

Working with parents:

A consultation was held "Physical equipment with their own hands"
Individual conversations about the physical skills of each child, about the importance of joint motor activity with children, etc.
Visualization in the form of information files "Folk wisdom says ...", "Seven conditions for a healthy child" (Appendix No. 8)
Card file "Chest of grandmother's recipes"
An exhibition of physical culture equipment was held, where opinions were expressed about its importance, significance in the development of the child. (Appendix No. 9)

Work on joint activities of parents and children:

Joint entertainment with children and parents "Try to guess what the leaf can become." (Appendix No. 10)
A photo exhibition "Journey to the Land of Health" was organized. (Appendix No. 11)
An Open Doors Day was held, with the use of physical education equipment made in the joint creative activity of parents with children.

Project result:

Project "Be healthy!" solved the problem, realized the tasks. 91% of parents took part in sports entertainment with great desire; became interested in physical equipment made from waste material, expressed a desire to take part in its manufacture for the group and at home. Parents shared their impressions in the feedback notebook. Making by parents with children photo stories "Journey to the country of health".
The stand "Corner of Aibolit" was made.

Applications for the project:

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Projects for the younger group.

Project on the topic: Formation of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten (Middle group)

1. Topic: Formation of a healthy lifestyle "Rainbow-arc (HEALTH)"
2. The project was implemented by: the teacher of group No. 3 - Ovchinnikova A.A.
3. Type of project: cognitive-game
by the number of participants: group
4. Project participants: children of the middle group No. 3, group educators, parents of pupils.
5. Project term: short-term - 1 (one) month. The risks in the implementation of the project are minimal, since there is practically no dependence on external factors.

Our kindergarten is located in the newly built Severny microdistrict, even though it is a new and not yet fully equipped microdistrict, but the kindergarten already has its own ecological trail, which includes: "Alley of Trees", "Orchard", "Kuban Corner" and much more, therefore, one of the main areas of work in an educational institution is the creation and development of a health-saving environment.
More and more often questions related to the health problems of children, the younger generation of our country, are heard in the media from the lips of teachers, doctors and parents. These issues are relevant, first of all, because there is a trend towards a deterioration in the health of children in different regions of the Russian Federation.
No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. A person is the creator of his own health, for which he must fight. From an early age, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways.
And if modern education standards oblige teachers to more carefully and actively participate in the field of children's health, then the parents of pupils of preschool educational institutions often ignore the advice of educators, preferring an easier path in this direction. Instead of systematic hardening, conversations about the benefits of fresh air and outdoor games, strict observance of the daily routine and diet, compassionate mothers and grandmothers "feed" babies with synthetic drugs, which, according to advertising, "help restore the body's vitality."
The formation of a child's attitude to a healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without the active participation in this process of not only teachers and all kindergarten staff, but also the direct participation of parents. Only with a change in the way of the family can we expect real results in changing the attitude of preschool children and their parents to their own health.
The need for a healthy lifestyle must be formed from early childhood, when the body is plastic and easily amenable to environmental influences. With a professional approach to health issues, each child strengthens the desire to be healthy, grow up beautiful, active, be able to serve and behave in such a way as not to harm themselves and others.
Thus, one of the main tasks of the upbringing and educational process today is to help preschoolers and their parents develop their own life guidelines in choosing a healthy lifestyle, teach them to evaluate their physical capabilities, see the prospects for their development, and realize responsibility for their health.
In addition, the issue of health is particularly acute in the winter, when children experience a significant increase in the number of cases of morbidity, which requires the use of modern, innovative approaches in educational and recreational work.

During the month, thematic conversations were held with the children of the middle group about a healthy lifestyle, about what hardening is, how fresh air affects a good appetite and sound sleep, etc.
One of the most important criteria for a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition! For this purpose, in the summer period, a "Mini Garden" was organized on the group's site, which was looked after by the children of the group together with the educators.
During the acquaintance with fiction, the children's attention was drawn to how writers and poets glorify a healthy lifestyle. Folk songs and jokes about human health were learned.
In educational activities, children were offered to play mobile, didactic, role-playing games that affect human health.
During the implementation of the project, work was carried out to improve the health of the children: washing, walking barefoot along the path of health, rinsing the mouth with water at room temperature, holding outdoor games.
For parents, special consultations were held on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for middle-aged children, visual material was drawn up in the parent's corner on the importance of the regimen and healthy nutrition for children, and a Lepbook was prepared for visual propaganda about a healthy lifestyle.


Objective of the project:
preservation and strengthening of children's health, to promote the formation of a conscious attitude to health as the main value of all project participants.

Project objectives:
to increase children's interest in a healthy lifestyle through a variety of forms and methods of physical culture and health work;
continue to acquaint children with the rules of hygiene;
promote the health of children through a system of recreational activities;
to improve the pedagogical competence of parents on the issue of
maintaining and strengthening the health of the child;
instilling interest in different sports through cognitive activities;
motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle within the project and outside it;
education of moral behavior;
introduction of health-saving technologies in the educational process;
organization of a health-saving environment for the beneficial physical development of children.

A health-saving educational environment includes the following components:
1. Optimization of sanitary and hygienic conditions for education and training.
2. Rational organization of the educational process and the mode of study load.
3. Providing adequate nutrition for children in a preschool educational institution.
4. Improving the system of physical education.
5. Providing psychological comfort to all participants in the educational process.
6. Use of health-saving educational technologies.
7. Widespread use of health education programs.
8. Improving social adaptation and providing family counseling focused on improving the health of children.
9. Carrying out health monitoring.

Expected results of the project:
Preservation and strengthening of children's health through a system of complex physical culture and health work;
Creation of a subject developing environment that ensures the effectiveness of health-improving work;
Use of various forms of interaction with parents
in order to increase the level of knowledge on the problem of strengthening and
maintaining the health of children.

Project work plan:
Collection of information: a selection of photographs, a set of games and exercises of various directions (for posture, flat feet, muscles of the arms, legs, back), acquaintance with methodological literature on health conservation.
Working with children: exercises, games, reading poetry and riddles; holding conversations on the topics “Useful - not useful”, “Bad - good”, “Cleanliness and health”, “Personal hygiene”, “About healthy food”, “Who goes in for sports”.
Tempering procedures: invigorating gymnastics after sleep, staying in the fresh air, gargling, washing, air baths, walking along the path of health.
Independent activity: preparation and design of the Lepbook “Rainbow-arc (HEALTH)”, which contains didactic games, sports exercises for all types of muscles, Physical minutes, Riddles about sports, Illustrations with all kinds of sports, Regime moments, Fun exercises, etc. .
Working with Parents: An Exhibition of Educational Literature on Physical Education
development of children and strengthening the health of the child’s body, consultations on the topics “Family sports”, “On observing children’s regimen”, “The sun, air and water are our best friends”, “Play in a child’s life”, “Do gymnastics in the morning”, production of non-standard equipment (Lepbuka).


The tasks set are implemented through the use of health-saving educational technologies, such as:
Organizational and pedagogical technologies that determine the structure of the educational process, contributing to the prevention of the state of overwork;
Psychological and pedagogical technologies associated with the direct work of a teacher with children;
Teaching and educational technologies, which include programs to teach you how to take care of your health and build a culture of health.

Thematic conversations with children:
"How to Take Care of Your Health"
"Cleanliness is the key to health."
"Useful - not useful."
"Personal hygiene".
"About healthy food".

Acquaintance with literature:
K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"
Poems about health
A. Barto "Dirty Girl"
K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"
Riddles and proverbs about a healthy lifestyle

Game activity:
Game name, goal
Mobile game "Sun and rain"
Purpose: to develop motor activity of children.
"Naughty Ball"
Purpose: to perform jumps at your own pace and rhythm.
"Sparrows and the Car"
Goal: fixing the run in different directions.
Didactic and educational games "Wonderful bag", "Recognize and name vegetables"
Purpose: to develop children's ideas about tasty and healthy food.
"Cats and mice"
Goal: run in a certain direction without pushing each other, walk on toes.
Mobile game "Kitty"
Purpose: development of crawling skills, strengthening the muscles of the trunk, arms and legs.
"Fast legs run along the path"
Goal: run fast - slowly, respond to the signal.
"Magic Forest" is a complex of outdoor games based on imitative movements of various animals: a bear, a hare, a fox, a dog, a cat, etc.
Purpose: to exercise children in running, walking, crawling on all fours, maintaining balance, jumping on two legs in place, forming the quality of personality.
"Movement Development in Preschool Children"
Purpose: to consolidate the main types of movement, to bring up positive emotions, to form the ability to correct posture.
"In the land of health"
Purpose: to form a conscious attitude to health, to teach to take care of one's health, to evoke an emotional mood.

Independent and joint artistic and productive activities:

Drawing with pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons.
Water games (under favorable temperature conditions) in the group.
Wellness activities: washing with contrast water, air baths, walking barefoot along the path of health;
Walks and outdoor games.

Observations, excursions:
Watching other children play while walking.
Goal: fostering good relations with each other, developing the prerequisites for children to play different types of games: run, jump, throw and catch the ball, crawl, climb.
Excursion to the sports hall of the kindergarten: a conversation with a physical education instructor, acquaintance with sports

Health-saving technologies, technologies for preserving and stimulating health:
Dynamic pauses - during classes, 3-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for children as a prevention of fatigue. May include elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity.
Mobile and sports games - as part of physical education, on a walk, in a group room - low, medium and high degree of mobility.
Relaxation - in any suitable room, depending on the condition of the children and the goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff), sounds of nature.
Finger gymnastics - recommended for all children, especially with speech problems at any convenient time (at any convenient time).
Gymnastics for the eyes - at any free time, depending on the intensity of the visual load. It is recommended to use visual material, showing the teacher.
Respiratory gymnastics - in various forms of physical culture and health work. Provide ventilation of the room, the teacher instructs the children on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure.
Gymnastics after sleep - daily after daytime sleep, 5-10 minutes.

Forms of organization of health-saving work:

Physical education
independent activity of children
outdoor games
morning exercises (traditional, breathing)
motor-improving physical exercises
exercise after nap
sports holidays
wellness treatments, etc.


During the implementation of the Healthy Lifestyle project, the following results were obtained:
Children of the middle group showed interest and desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Children walk barefoot along the path of health with pleasure, independently mastered the method of rinsing their mouths, willingly use the Lepbook made by me personally, while experiencing pleasure, wash their hands to the elbow, rinse their mouths, play with water.
Children independently take the initiative to move: they run, jump, play with a ball, crawl, climb not only in a group, but also on the street.
Decreased rates of morbidity in children.

Educational value of the project:
Children have significantly increased their interest and desire to do gymnastics, physical education, and take part in health procedures.
The educational value of the project:
Children have increased their knowledge of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
The concept of recreational activities has expanded.
Creativity and imagination were manifested in the manufacture of a non-standard project (Lepbuka).
The prospect of project activities in this direction:
In order to increase interest in a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to continue systematic work on this topic through the creation and implementation of new projects jointly with parents using non-traditional approaches in this direction. Continue to introduce health-saving technologies aimed at protecting and strengthening the health of preschool children into pedagogical practice.

Short term creative project

Head: Ostanina Yu.V.

Project "Be healthy, baby" in the middle group

Project "Be healthy, baby" with children of the middle group

Project "Be healthy"

Type of project: educational - playful

Project participants: Children, parents and teachers of the middle group No. 2. MBDOU No. 91

Relevance. Modern life puts forward increased demands on the health of children, on the condition of which the well-being of society largely depends. In the last decade, there has been a trend towards the deterioration of the health of the child population around the world. Environmental problems, various negative household factors, chemical additives in food, poor-quality water - these are just some of the factors that aggressively affect the health of a preschooler.

It is at preschool age that vital basic skills and abilities are formed, the foundation of motor experience is created, the alphabet of movement is mastered, the relationship between lifestyle and health is laid, which is expressed in the concept of "healthy lifestyle".

Purpose: Formation in the child of the need for knowledge about himself and his health. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle among children and parents, increase the desire of parents to use physical activity with children to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.


For kids:

To deepen children's knowledge of the factors that affect their health and those around them

Cultivate the habit and need for a healthy lifestyle;

Generate interest in sports and exercise.

For parents:

To give an idea to parents about the importance of joint motor activity with children;

To expand the knowledge of parents about the physical skills of children;

Contribute to the creation of an active position of parents in joint recreational activities in preschool educational institutions;

To interest parents in strengthening a healthy lifestyle in the family

Stages of project implementation:




Expected results:

1. The knowledge and ideas acquired by the child about himself, his health and physical culture will allow him to find ways to strengthen and maintain health;

2. Create the necessary conditions for organizing the activities of the preschool educational institution to introduce preschool children to a healthy lifestyle (subject-developing environment). Develop GCD abstracts; toys and play equipment; visual and didactic aids;

role-playing games and attributes to them; selection of didactic games;

creation of card files of health and preventive procedures: outdoor games, acupressure, breathing exercises, finger games, and their implementation in practice. Poems and riddles about a healthy way of life.

3. Arouse interest among parents in the problem of introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.

4. The project includes such educational areas as: physical culture, health, safety, socialization, work, knowledge, communication, reading fiction, art, music.

Stage 1 - Preparatory:

1. Setting goals and objectives.

2. Definition of research methods.

3. Selection of visual and illustrative material.

4. Selection of fiction on the topic (riddles, poems).

5. Making attributes for role-playing games.

6. Creation of didactic games.

7. Selection of material for productive activities.

8. Questioning of parents.

9. Registration of physical. corner Stage 2 - Main:

Carrying out a set of events on the topic: "introducing children to a healthy lifestyle." Includes:

1. Working with children

2. Working with parents

Working with children includes:


1. Morning exercises

2. Preventive gymnastics (breathing, finger)

3. Gymnastics of awakening, track of "health"

4. Air contrast hardening.

5. Brushing your teeth.

6. Phys. minutes.


1. Communication: “To always be healthy, you need to practice! ".

2. "I love vitamins - I want to be healthy."

3. "Conversation about health, cleanliness" Solving provocative questions, problem situations

4. Meeting with "Vitamin", which talks about the importance of nutrition in human life (didactic games)

5. Conversation-game, including jokes used when washing hands washing (rhymes)

6. Tale-conversation "IN THE COUNTRY OF PAIN".

7. Conversation about the Olympic Games.


1. Physical education. "My cheerful sonorous ball"

2. Lesson in valeology: "Peeping eyes."

3. Classes on the topic "You need to love vegetables."

4. Lesson in valeology in the middle group "Tricks of the cold"


1. Role-playing games: "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy" ...

2. games "Ball on the field", "Ball in the goal" (for breathing, exercise "Find two identical balls", "What is superfluous?", etc.

3. Organization in the air of the outdoor game "Do as I do", with the ball "School of the ball", "Traps in the circle", "Black and white", etc.

4. Examination of illustrations, photographs about health.

5. Memorizing proverbs, sayings about health.

6. Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Vovka's victory" A. Kutafin. V. Bondarenko “Where, bear health”, S. Afonkin “How to beat a cold? ". S. Afonkina “How to become strong? ” and “Why do exercises? »; stories by N. Korostelev “Tender Sun”, “Fresh Air”, “Barefoot! Barefoot! » ; S. Prokofiev “Strongman”, V. Zaitseva “I can dress myself”, E. Blaginina “I will teach my brother to dress”, L. Gerasimova “I bathe a doll”, A. Kuznetsova “Who can? ”, Y. Yakhnina “Why brush your teeth? ", V. Stepanova "Sam"

7. Week of health

8. View presentations on a healthy lifestyle, cartoons.

9. Participation in the cross of nations

10. Excursions to the medical office, to the kitchen, to the laundry

Working with parents:

1. A consultation "Healthy lifestyle" was held.

2. Individual conversations about the physical skills of each child, about the importance of joint motor activity with children, etc.

3. Visibility in the form of information files "Healthy lifestyle of a child - prevention of many diseases"

4. "Chest of grandmother's recipes"

5. The stand “Health Corner” was designed.

6. Parent meeting.

The third stage is the final one:

1. Participation of parents in the general garden competition of wall newspapers about a healthy lifestyle.

2. Making booklets

3. Presentation of the project. Generalization of pedagogical experience for educators in preschool educational institutions.