Do-it-yourself romantic setting. Selection of napkins and tablecloths. How to make spinach cheese soufflé

What could be nicer than arranging romantic dinner for two and pamper yourself and your loved one with delicious food and each other's company! It does not matter whether you have been married for a long time or just started dating, such a dinner will give your relationship a zest, help to put aside all everyday problems and immerse you in fairy worldwhere everything is perfect to the last detail.

To make everything go the way you dream, you should think over all the details in advance: how to create appropriate atmospherewhat music to turn on, how to set the table and, of course, what to serve for dinner! Of course, it all depends on your preferences - maybe you two have your favorite food, "your own" song and film that will cheer you up and awaken pleasant memories in your memory. WESTWING I have prepared for you some tips and ideas that will lead you to thoughts on how to turn a romantic dinner into a memorable event.

The right music can create the right mood, and it's up to you - which one! Whether you want a calm, relaxed dinner or an evening full of passion, or maybe you want to express the accumulated in you emotions and feelings? Whatever you choose, our romantic playlist will help you with it!

Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight
Whitney houston - I Will Always Love You
Yves montand - A Paris
Edith piaf - La vie en rose
Edith piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien
Joe dassin - Les Champs Élysées
Elvis presley - Love Me Tender
Lara fabian - Je t'aime
Barbara streisand - Woman in Love
Adriano celentano - Confessa
Daniel lavoie - Ils s'aiment
Dalida & Alain Delon - Paroles, paroles

Romantic Dinner Recipes

No dinner is complete without the main thing - food. Any good housewife will want to show her culinary skills on this occasion, but remember that this is not a competition between chefs, but an opportunity to be alone with the closest person. Therefore, we offer not only delicious, but also not very difficult recipeswhich, however, will amaze you and your loved one! Instead of standing by the stove all day, we recommend taking time for yourself: relaxing, choosing an outfit and jewelry, and tune in for a pleasant evening.

We have prepared two menus for you: with seafood and meat, - as well as guide to wine varietiesthat go well with these types of products. And, of course, they did not ignore the des let your dinner end perfectly!

Wine guide

Romantic desserts

How else to surprise your loved one and please yourself? Of course, a delicious and delicate dessert! Strawberry and chocolate - perfect combination for a romantic evening.

Imagine that you decide to spend an evening in a luxury restaurant... What will surround you? What will you see on the table? What details will grab your attention and which ones will be completely redundant? Romantic dinner - an opportunity to recreate such a restaurant at home in every little detail - from decoration of the room and table to dishesworthy of a chef.

Romantic room decor

  • Take away all unnecessary things, clearing the space as much as possible. Nobody should distract from the most important thing!
  • Use muffled light . In the bright light of the lamps, the home environment looks ordinary and familiar, but as soon as you turn off the main light source, set a soft background light and light candles, the room will sparkle in a new way.
  • Candles - Your irreplaceable assistant in creating a romantic atmosphere. You can arrange them in tall candlesticks on the table, let them float in a vase filled with water, or create compositions using small candles, laying out a heart or the word LOVE.
  • Additional decor the premises will help transform the space. It can be a luminous or decorative garland, flower arrangements in vases, or cute details in the form of hearts.

Romantic table setting

  • Lay down a snow-white tablecloth made of high quality material - any serving on it will look elegant and noble. Place special napkins or rugs in red or pink under the plates.
  • For a special occasion - special dishes! Funny cups with faces may be dearly loved by you, but prepare the best set for a romantic dinner.
  • Goblets should match the drink you have chosen for dinner. Even for white and red wine, the glasses are different, let alone champagne or cocktails!
  • If a If you want to arrange a truly exquisite dinner, then pay attention to the details: are the plates and cutlery laid out correctly, is there a special knife for fish and meat, and the napkins are elegantly folded into special napkin rings.
  • Another rule serving - nothing more. You don't need to prepare a ton of snacks and salads, instead focus on one or two dishes that won't take up much space on the table, leaving it visually free.
  • But the flowersthere must be a place in the romantic setting! Choose small bouquets in a low vase so that they do not interfere with your enjoyment of the company of your loved one.

We have prepared a selection for you the most romantic moments in world cinema - and you can remember your favorite films and, while watching the most incredible love stories, tune in to a romantic mood. Or, after a delicious dinner, watch with your beloved one of the films that became recognized classics.


I'm flying (Scene on the nose of the Titanic)

The scene that went down in history as one of the most romantic: Rose and Jack stand together on the nose of the Titanic and kiss to Celine Dion's song "My Heart Will Go On".

When Harry Met Sally

new Year party

The story of friendship, hatred and love, which ended with the most beautiful declaration of love in world cinema.


Rick Blaine's Farewell

One of the most touching and sad love stories. Rick Blaine performed by Humphrey Bogart says goodbye to his beloved woman (Ingrid Bergman) with the famous phrase "We will always have Paris."

Beautiful girl

The final

An incredible love story will make every girl believe in the existence of a prince on a white horse. Richard Gere was like that for the entire movie, and in the finale he even rescued his princess (Julia Roberts) from the tower. Beautiful, funny and cute scene!


Scene with a potter's wheel

A film about love, which is stronger than death. The scene with the heroes of Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore at the potter's wheel at the very beginning of the film does not yet hint at further events, but shows a strong connection between the characters.

The Notebook

Kiss in the rain

This film is filled with romantic and touching moments, like the whole life of the main characters. But let's remember this famous kiss in the rain!

Must-have for the perfect romantic evening



No matter how many wonderful events we have experienced with our loved ones in the past, Valentine's Day gives us another chance to show our partner our love and warm feelings! We'll share with you table setting ideas for a romantic breakfast and dinner, so you always know what to prepare to add romance to your relationship. The expression of love, care and gratitude is very often a necessary condition for a harmonious relationship and does not cost us anything, but gives a new impulse to feelings!

It's not just Valentine's Day for romance! You can even decorate your usual, everyday meal with flowers and hearts! It will be so pleasant for both the woman and the man! The next day or evening, the partner will live in high spirits, knowing that a loving partner is waiting for him at home!

What you need for a romantic dinner or breakfast

You need to start preparing the day before. Buy bright red 2-3-layer paper napkins, cut out hearts of different sizes from them. In the gift shop, buy thick red candles, tall transparent glasses, and don't forget to buy red roses - this is a real symbol of love!

Romantic breakfast at home

To make the morning truly memorable for your beloved, quietly place a bouquet of roses (or her favorite flowers) at her head. Cover the tray with a white or cream napkin, scatter the prepared paper hearts on the tray, and serve breakfast on the tray. This can be toast, scrambled eggs, or a cup of coffee with biscuits or cookies.

For a loved one, you can come up with something original! Prepare a small handmade gift about your loved one's hobby. For example, if he is a fan of sports programs or a certain sport, then make a collage for him on a sports theme.

Find photos of his favorite athletes or sports teams on the Internet, print photos on a color printer or in a photo studio. Stick a photo of your beloved in the center and hang medals on his virtual neck.

Such an amazing morning will inspire your loved one to feats and refresh your senses to the state of the honeymoon!

But such beauty is very easy to prepare. The main thing is not to forget to buy a few sausages to decorate the dish. How charming this simple dish will look on a napkin strewn with hearts or rose petals!

Dinner for a love date at home requires preparation. Be sure to ask your partner out on a date! In the morning, place a love card and date card on your pillow or next to your plate. Choose the music in advance, think about what you will talk about, what moments of life together you will remember. Never turn on the TV! This is your evening!

Set the table with all your love and imagination!

Table setting for a romantic dinner should be thoughtful. Here, not only the dishes are important, but also the originality of the presentation.

For the menu, choose light salads and hot dishes using aphrodisiac products: salads with seafood and avocados, nuts and herbs, a meat dish from red meat (beef, lamb), fish dishes from halibut or salmon.

Choose red dry wine, desserts - fruit cuts or salads with ice cream and biscuit. To eat too much before the night of love means to deprive yourself of vivid sensual experiences.

* Advice from the Cook
To avoid overeating and, as a result, to feel heaviness in the stomach and drowsiness, we advise you not to put the entire volume of any prepared dish on the table. For a romantic dinner, pick up small portioned plates and serve treats in them in a beautifully designed portions.

Serve desserts in portions too, placing them on a plate covered with a red napkin and sprinkled with prepared (cut from a paper napkin) hearts.

Why reinvent the wheel when you can spend a pleasant evening at home too? You can easily arrange a fabulous and memorable date with a little effort.

1. Rules for romantic decor

Here are some ideas for creating an intimate and charming atmosphere in your apartment.

Low light

Two of the best ways to add an elegant and romantic feel to a room are dim lighting and multiple candles. Many experts also recommend choosing candles of various shapes and sizes. You can creatively arrange them on the table. Create a unique composition with colorful flavored items.

Romantic evening at home - decor ideas

Take care of creating increased comfort

Instead of stretching out on the couch like you would on another day of the week, try creating a cozy, straight hug on the floor. Put a blanket on it, grab some pillows of soft materials. After dinner, you can enjoy watching your favorite movies and drinking delicious drinks together.

Romantic interior photo

Get inspired by the sophisticated and elegant dining options

Isn't that so, once you hid in the closet the best tableware "for special occasions"? Consider that such a special occasion has arrived. It's time to get your valuable items and prepare a beautiful romantic dinner. It is necessary to start setting the table with the arrangement of beautiful dishes. In the bins of every apartment there is sure to be something cute and suitable. Of course, if you have the funds, you can visit a specialized store and pick up something original.

Turn off any gadgets

If the TV is on, your romantic evening will soon resemble the pastime of two seniors. Seasoned romantics do not insist that all electronic devices, including lighting fixtures, should be turned off. No mobile phones, tablets, laptops. The only exception is a music center or iPod. Still, it's hard to imagine a romantic date without good music.

Take an example from your favorite novel or book.

If there is a possibility that your romantic date will end in the bedroom, prepare that room in advance. Turn the room into a page display from your favorite love story. Take advantage of the graceful canopy for your bed. The usual everyday bedding should be replaced with romantic black and pink. If you cannot place a canopy above the bed, install soft lighting on the ceiling. Light a few candles around the perimeter and use aromatic oils.

2. Examples of romantic decor

So, you want to do something special for your significant other, but you have no idea in your head? Whether you want your token to be creative, budgetary, fast-moving, or classic, we have the answer.

Creative romantic ideas

Are you looking for some fun new ways to bring romance to your relationship? Take advantage of these creative romantic tips:

1. Present your beloved with a dozen roses, but with an unusual twist. Let it be a bouquet of red roses, and among them - one white. And put a note in it with the following text: "Each bouquet has a special flower, and you are one of them."

2. Present your soul mate a wrist watch with an engraving “You are more valuable to me than time”.

3. Identify the key case that connected you. Celebrate this event every year.

4. Practice odd and even days of romance: on even days, romantic - you, on odd days - your sweetheart's turn.

5. After the bubble bath that you have prepared for your beloved, gently wrap her in a towel, preheating it in the dryer.

6. On a piece of paper, write your significant other a love letter or verse. Stick it on a piece of cardboard and cut into puzzle pieces, then mail them all to her / him. Or submit a puzzle a day.

7. Does your girlfriend / wife deserve the Best Sweetheart in the World award? Gift shops are just a treasure trove of ideas for this occasion. Just imagine how many romantic opportunities lie in certificates of honor and badges, medals and ribbons, nameplates, certificates and posters. All of them can be inscribed with a name, engraving, inscription or monogram.

Unusual romantic ideas

To make your mark, consider these unusual romantic clues:

1. Go to a karaoke bar together and surprise her / him by singing "your" song.

2. Steal her! Blindfold her, ride around the city until she finally loses her bearings. And then, finally, open her final destination of arrival: her favorite cafe or, alternatively, a romantic hotel.

3. Model an unusual large card from a huge cardboard box (for example, the one in which refrigerators are packed).

4. Does your sweetheart adore M & M's? Fill a large glass jar or vase with them and present them to her as a gift.

5. Do you dream of adding a little piquancy to the serving of a dish that you have prepared especially for your significant other? Buy a small piece of dry ice. Place it in a bottle of water and place it on a tray. Thus, you will reproduce wonderful, billowing white clouds!

6. Dinner by candlelight - romantic, but casual. So there is another idea: have a candlelit breakfast.

7. Surprise your significant other with a two-week trip to Paris.

8. Each pair has “His” and “Her” pair of towels, but there are also other ideas: “His” and “Her” pair of silk pajamas, motorcycles, T-shirts, small suitcases (keep them packed ready at all times), armchairs rocking chairs, Porsches (millionaires need love too), heart-shaped tattoos, Christmas tree decorations, tennis rackets, beach towels.

Budget romantic ideas

Is love overflowing and your wallet is almost empty? Try these budget-friendly romantic tips:

1. Watching movies about love together is a pleasant leisure time.

2. Spend a summer night together, making wishes under the shooting stars. Don't forget to mark the second week of August on your calendar. Every year, around August 12, the Earth passes through a meteor shower from the direction of the constellation Perseus, as a result of which a stunning spectacle of "star showers" can be observed for two to three nights.

3. Present your significant other a lottery ticket with a small note: "I hit the jackpot by marrying you (by marrying you)!"

4. Collect a bouquet of flowers for your sweetheart on the side of the road.

5. Write a note to your significant other, placing its text on several cards, then send her / him one by one. This will create the anticipation of a romantic conclusion in the final postcard. You can hand this last one with your own hand.

6. Don't go to the movies as usual on Sunday. Call your sweetheart from work on Wednesday and officially ask them out.

7. Call your local radio station and order a love song dedicated to her / him for your significant other. Make sure he / she is listening to the radio at this time.

8. Make a name letter for your beloved. You can purchase forms of such letters at any stationery store. For example, a diploma: "For patience shown over the years of our life together" - the award "The best wife in the world" or the tape "For hugs and kisses beyond the dictates of duty."

Fast-paced romantic ideas

If you don't have as much time for love as you would like, try these low-time, yet cute romantic ideas:

1. Write “I love you” on the bathroom mirror with a bar of soap.

2. Put a little love note under his / her car wiper.

3. From time to time, solemnly kiss her hand. It is correct to do this, lowering your lips to her hand, and not raising her hand to your lips.

4. Have your song play on the tape recorder when your significant other comes home from work.

5. When you go out together, sometimes wink at your soul mate, being at the other end of the room.

6. On your sweetheart's birthday, send a thank you card to her / his mom.

7. Unplug the TV from the wall outlet. And on his screen, attach a note with the words: "Turn it on better than me."

8. Toast each other every time you have a glass of wine. Meet your eyes. Take turns saying toasts. Speak them in a whisper.

9. Purchase for her the entire “family of goods” with the scent of her favorite perfume (talcum powder, soaps, creams, scented candles, etc.).

10. While at work, take a moment and call your significant other for no other reason other than to say, "I love you."

Classic romantic ideas

Looking for a proven and effective way to express your love? Take note of these classic romantic tips:

1. Scatter rose petals all over the bedroom.

2. What could be more classic than a beautiful gold pendant with your photo inside? Or maybe your joint photo.

3. Come home every week with a little surprise gift.

4. Write by hand a classic, romantic, passionate, soulful letter. Most adults haven't written love letters since high school. But in vain! Have we lost our youthful idealism or are we just lazy?

5. Leaving, for example, on a business trip, give your beloved a bouquet of roses; one rose for every day of your absence. Attach a note that says something like this: “These three gorgeous flowers represent the three days that I will be away from you. They also symbolize the love, joy and laughter that we share with you. "

6. Say "I love you" at least three times a day.

7. Guys, surprise her by doing some household chores for her. And not something easy, like bringing purchases into the house from the car, but something that takes time and effort. For example, prepare meals for the whole weekend or clean up your entire house.

8. Ladies, send him a letter sealed with a kiss. Use your reddest lipstick.

9. Hold hands.

10. Make Valentine's Day plans on your yearly romantic list in advance.

Do not be afraid to show your feelings, appreciate every moment spent next to your loved ones, give them unforgettable emotions that will surely remain in your heart forever.