The most unusual wedding toast. Cool wedding toasts. Wedding toast to the newlyweds

Dear newlyweds!
I propose a toast to
so that you in your family life
always remembered the words of the French writer Jean Rostand:
"A good family is the one
in which husband and wife forget during the day
that they are lovers, and at night that they are spouses.
Let's drink to your family!

On this momentous day
I want to propose a toast to the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law.
They raised a smart, beautiful, cheerful daughter - it's a pleasure to see.
No wonder our fiancé so hunted for her. And though some say
that the mother-in-law is thorns in the bouquet of matrimony, a bitter mixture,
but a smart mother-in-law is like a mother-in-law.
We wish her to bring help to her daughter's family,
kindness, advice, affection, not discord.
To your health, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law!

In ancient Greece there was a goddess Nike,
goddess of victory in battles and competitions.
She was depicted as a woman with wings,
in a wreath and with a palm branch in his hands - a symbol of superiority.
Life is a struggle, a battle.
We wish the bride, like the goddess Nika,
brought her husband good luck, victory and superiority!

Weather in nature can be any:
and clear, and rainy, and storms, and hurricanes.
Both clear and inclement weather are creative for crops.
But if rain or wind crosses a certain threshold in strength,
they are already destructive.
We wish the newlyweds
so that in their family climate quarrels
and bad weather has never been destructive.
Let the sun shine in your family!

I was at one wedding. The wedding is good.
But this is not what I remember her for, but something completely different.
When the guests began to disperse, the bride says to them:
- Thank you for coming! Thanks for gifts!
Sorry if that was wrong...
I'm getting married for the first time!
Next time, I hope it will be better!
I want to address each of the newlyweds:
We are quite satisfied with this wedding! And to us,
and you don't need the next one.
Live happily.

As Balzac said:
"Love is so bad at home squabbles,
that for lasting happiness you need to find a friend
friend has outstanding qualities."
So let's drink to
so that our newlyweds find a friend
in a friend as many of these qualities as possible!

Two leopards were circling in the forest and came upon a hut.
It had a leopard skin on the floor.
- Do you know what it is?
one leopard asked the other.
He looked at the skin and trembled, whispering in horror:
- Let's run! This is my mother-in-law!
Let's move glasses in honor of good mothers-in-law,
which we would not fear!

A young man after a wedding says to his wife:
- Expensive!
I forgot to tell you about one of my big flaws:
Unfortunately, I am often unreasonably jealous.
And his wife reassures him:
- Don't worry, dear!
You won't have to be jealous of me... for no reason!
Here's some advice for young people.
Do not give reasons for jealousy and do not be jealous for no reason!
I propose a toast to love without jealousy.

Dear newlyweds!
Dear guests!
Having the right to vote, I will use it,
to remind everyone present that
what the Bible tells us.
In the holy book we read about
how the Lord God made a garden in Eden
and put it at the disposal of the first people
- Adam and Eve, - instructing them to take care,
look after him.
This means that the first newlyweds in the world were gardeners.
Paradise was their garden, and it was their responsibility to care for it.
Our newlyweds today, like Adam and Eve,
settled in your own,
long-desired Paradise - the Paradise of their married life.
Your garden you must groom and nurture,
clear of all kinds of weeds, then
it will turn green and bloom merrily.
May no evil force be able to evict you from your Paradise.
I address the same words to their inner Paradise, hearty Eden.
Let the evil force not be able to evict them from there either.
Let this paradise never turn
into a barren desert of indifference and hostility.
Be vigilant, young ones, watch out
so that no snake-tempter brings slander
and misunderstandings in the paradise of your heart full of love.
We wish the newlyweds
so that our newlywed couple grows
and blossomed in a fragrant garden!

Remember the dream of one gangster? If not, I'll remind you.
He dreamed of robbing a bank
and in a conspicuous place to leave fingerprints ... of his mother-in-law!
Only a bad son-in-law can have bad thoughts about his mother-in-law.
Let's drink to a good son-in-law and his good mother-in-law!

On this happy day, I want to wish the bride
become so indispensable for her husband
so that he always wanted to say to her:
Many tender hearts, but only in one
My shelter, and peace, and my home.
It is dearer and sweeter than all,
This is the heart of my beloved!

There is a concert going on in a huge hall.
The facilitator loudly addresses the audience:
- Are there married couples in the hall,
married only one day?
Let them take the stage!
One such pair was found.
- Are you married for one day? - asks the presenter.
- Yes, - the newlyweds answer.
- Then just one question: what are you doing here?
Our married couple took place a few hours ago.
To avoid being asked the same question,
let's split up!
They need to be alone!
For the young.

The south wind brings with it warmth, softness, calmness.
The north wind brings courage, purposefulness.
The west wind brings industriousness, efficiency.
The east wind brings wisdom.
And then one day in the place where the lovely child was born,
the winds converged and gave him all their beautiful qualities.
Over time, the child grew up and turned into a beautiful girl,
who is getting married today.
So let's drink, friends, for the bride!

Today we have witnessed
how two hearts made an alliance to beat inseparably and faithfully,
as one, for the rest of your life.
They met a long time ago
and have long exchanged declarations of love and vows,
and from today began to belong to each other.
So let the fate that helped them meet
who was supportive of their feelings,
and will continue to be their good companion,
weaving only roses into their life thread.
For the newlyweds, for their happy future, I
and I propose to raise our glasses. Bitterly!

Unusual wedding toasts

On the first of September, the student went to school for the first time.
After class he comes home
and immediately approaches his parents with fists:
- Why didn't you warn me ... that this bagpipe was for ten years!
We must warn the newlyweds
that the bagpipe, the beginning of which we celebrate,
not even for ten years, but for life!
Let's drink to
so that this bagpipe will always be a joy to them!

I'm noticing an anatomical paradox in our newlywed...
Do not be surprised!
His heart is not on the left, but on the right ...
where his young, charming wife sits.
We wish that this phenomenon
preserved for all their long happy lives,
so that his heart always reaches out to his wife,
and the wife's heart was drawn to her husband,
and so that the union of these hearts is not subject to any storms,
vicissitudes, temptations and bad weather.
Let's drink to your happiness!

Our dear fiance is a lucky astronomer.
He was the first to discover a star, and there is no doubt
that in beauty, charm and intelligence - a star of the first magnitude.
So let this star illuminate his life path with the light of love,
care, devotion. That he always wanted to say:
Burn, burn, my star, dear star of love,
I have one cherished one, there will never be another.

Dear guests! On this festive
and a joyful day you need to raise your glasses
with love and respect for those who, so to speak,
guilty of the guilt of the perpetrators of today's celebration
- I mean the respected parents of our lovely bride.
Look, different feelings are fighting in their hearts.
Their faces are sad at the thought of the impending separation,
they are joyful at the sight of the happiness of their precious child.
Dear parents of the bride, drive away sad thoughts,
rejoice in the happiness of the newlyweds,
because today you also get a son.
Let's raise a glass to health
and longevity of the newlywed's parents!

Once I was walking at my brother's wedding:
so - the young on their wedding night read a fairy tale
"Ivan is the tsar's son" and in due time they had a beautiful baby!
And I also walked at my sister's wedding:
there, on their wedding night, the young people read the fairy tale "Marya the Artisan"
and soon she had a beautiful daughter! There was a case:
I walked at the wedding of a friend:
so there the young people read "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" at night.
And what do you think? Now they already have 7 sons and a sweet daughter!
So let's drink for our newlyweds to read
today the fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"!

One ruler was asked:
- How do you keep peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
- When I'm angry, my people are calm.
When they are angry, I am calm.
In other words, when I'm angry, they calm me down
and when they are angry, I calm them down.
The family is a state in miniature.
My toast is to like this
peace and tranquility was maintained in our families.

A man asks God:
- Lord!
Why did you make women so beautiful
and so stupid at the same time?
- Beautiful - so that you men can love them.
And stupid - so that they can love you men.
If a woman is beautiful and not stupid, she, of course,
it's hard to love a man.
This man must be exceptional.
This is our fiance.
Let's drink to our exceptional fiance.

How beautiful is our young today!
A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white,
clean as love itself, attire
- recently a bride, and now a spouse.
Look how happy she is today
what happiness shines in her eyes,
addressed to a loved one!
And if we could look into her heart,
then we would notice that it is to the brim
overflowing with love and happiness,
and there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings.
And I propose to raise our glasses to
so that happiness is endless!

Indeed, life is diverse and contradictory,
it is characterized by both formal and dialectical logic.
When the violator of the criminal code is chained,
he wants to break it.
But here are two beautiful young
people bound themselves with golden rings,
and we rejoice for them and wish
so that these chains never break.
Let's drink to the health and happiness of our "shackled"!

We all know,
that our country is suffering from natural disasters.
And these troubles have haunted her for the last 70-80 years.
And every year there are four of them - this is ... winter, summer, autumn and spring.
Let's wish the young in their future life to have only such troubles.

A wise man had a daughter.
Two men came to her to woo her: a rich man and a poor man.
The wise man said to the rich:
- I will not give my daughter for you,
- and passed her off as a poor man.
When asked why he did this, he replied:
- The rich man is stupid, and I am sure that he will become poorer.
The poor man is smart, and I foresee
that he will achieve happiness and well-being.
If that wise man were with us today,
he would raise a cup of wine to the fact that when choosing a groom, brains are valued, and not a purse.

Dear young!
As the great Spaniard Cervantes wrote:
"Love wears such glasses,
through which copper looks like gold,
poverty is wealth, and drops of fire are pearls."
So let's drink to
so that in your excellent family you are all
seen with the naked eye!

Once upon a time in the house where the weddings of two sisters were celebrated,
an ancient old woman appeared with a stick and asked for food.
The eldest of the sisters got angry and wanted to push her out the door,
and the youngest sat down at the table and fed.
The old lady turned out to be a magician
and she put invisible gray glasses on her older sister's eyes,
and on the eyes of the youngest - rose-colored glasses.
And the whole world began to seem gloomy to the elder, everything annoyed her,
and because of every little thing she quarreled. She gave her husband a dark one,
miserable and miserable life.
The youngest saw everything in pink light
- kind, beautiful, worthy of love.
She was tolerant, did not notice her husband's petty and inevitable misdeeds.
and gave him a bright life in an atmosphere of love and joy.
The kingdom of the family is the kingdom of a woman,
and in the power of the wife to do
from married life a bright and long holiday.
We wish the bride to create this paradise of a happy family life.
For the happiness of the young! Bitterly!

Two meet.
- Are you married?
- Married.
- For a long time?
- It depends on my wife. Sometimes,
as if yesterday wed,
and sometimes - like forty years married.
Dear newlyweds, live your whole life in such a way,
as soon as we got married yesterday!

Original toasts

A typical event for our time happened
with one tipsy visitor to the bar.
When he was returning home, he was attacked by bandits.
and demanded "life or purse".
The poor fellow had to part with the money.
Let's drink to our young
only the wife took away the wallet,
and he gave his life to her! Bitterly!

All present undoubtedly know the nine
God's commandments: do not kill, do not steal,
do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc.
Do you know the commandments of the feast?
Let's remember them!
First: sober at the wedding - a spy, to be at the wedding,
Yes, not being drunk is a sin. Second: drink a little,
and drink it all. Third: who gets drunk well,
he will remember well. Let's raise our glasses
for these blessed time-tested commandments,
and vow never to break them
in the name of the happiness of our newlyweds!

Dear newlyweds!
Departing today
sail your new family crew!
Let's drink for a long prosperous
sailing your ship on a stormy ocean
life and for overcoming
them all worldly storms and storms.
Happy sailing!

Dear guests!
Again for love, she deserves it
We'll drink like in the old days!
Let through all the hardships and obstacles
She leads us to happiness!

None of the scientists can still
answer the question: what is love?
Everyone agrees that love is a mystery
which remains unsolved to this day!
So let our newlyweds live all their lives
with this mystery in their hearts, they will never be able to unravel it!

When a wife leaves a man, a friend remains.
When a friend leaves, the work remains.
We wish our newlywed,
so that he had both the first and the second, and the third!
Successful career to him in life, good work,
so that the family lives with prosperity, happily and amicably!

There are three words
denoting the desire of people for each other:
infatuation, infatuation and love.
Each of these states is beautiful,
and in our present case it is not necessary to separate them.
I want to wish our young
all three of these conditions in one bottle!

On the day of the wedding celebration, accept our congratulations,
and a tribute to the intoxicating healthy cup, and wishes of happiness to you.
Let your marriage union grow stronger, love grow
- soul reward, hard duty
family ties, may you always be a joy.
May your life always sparkle like the radiance of these days,
let Hymen shine, looking at joyful faces.
It's time for us to raise our glasses. For the happiness of the young! Hooray!

Live together and approximately
And never know quarrels
And let the golden shine on you
big bright star!
Let it never go out
Happy life dawn
May you always be sweet
And today we

Glory, glory to the newlyweds,
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them...

Our good bride
Good fellow groom.
Only bitter vodka in bowls
Who will sweeten it for us? Bitterly!

Dear young!
I wholeheartedly congratulate you on your entry
into legal marriage and family formation!
Friendship and love are the most beautiful feelings in human life.
May your love be as long as your life!
Live in love, happiness and joy,
may you have healthy and cheerful children,
and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers.
Good afternoon, dear ones! Bitterly!

I would like to sincerely wish the newlyweds,
so that their life is as joyful and cheerful,
like this wedding. But that's why the wedding is fun
that the heroes of the occasion give joy to the rest
and fun and rejoice themselves.
Here is the principle of reflection:
love and be loved, give and be given
- I want to recommend as an important life principle.
Long live the bride and groom! Bitterly!

A candle is a high symbol.
First, it is a source of light and heat.
Secondly, her flame tends upward,
and therefore it personifies the movement towards the higher.
Third, in her flame
all evil thoughts and feelings are burned.
I drink to the unquenchable candle of your love
always illuminated and warmed your path,
helped move up
and everything negative in our life was burned in its flame.

Selection of toasts for the wedding

The first marriage took place many years ago in paradise.
The roses bowed their flowers amiably and affectionately before the first couple,
jasmine sent their fragrance to them, lilac blossomed at their approach,
and the nightingale delighted their ears with a sonorous trill. No doubt,
that women are good geniuses of the perishable world,
who can make a paradise out of married life.
So I propose to raise a glass to many years
all the women here!

This fun wedding has many of the groom's friends.
And here I will tell a parable especially for them.
A young man was walking through a garden in which there were many beautiful roses.
And the young man plucked the roses one by one.
And he thought that roses will always meet on his way.
However, over time, the garden began to thin and wither,
flowers began to fade and in the end only thorns remained,
and fallen petals.
So hurry up, boys!
For your future family happiness!

Dear newlyweds!
With all my heart I wish you celebrate in your life
at least ten more weddings: paper - in a year,
glass - after two years, aged - after three years,
calico - after five years, bronze - after ten years,
porcelain - in fifteen,
crystal - in twenty,
silver - in twenty-five,
gold - in fifty,
diamond - in seventy-five years.
I also wish that all today's guests
certainly attended all these weddings.
Let's drink to the fulfillment of this desire and the happiness of the young!

The French writer André Thérier wrote:
"There is no happy life, there are only happy days."
Let's drink to
so that the newly created family
there were many, many happy days,
from which in general there would be a happy life!

A slender poplar grew in the forest,
and a slender birch grew nearby.
And they fell in love with each other, and were drawn to each other,
until finally they connected their branches and entwined together.
Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch?
Let's wish them to twigs
their loves never unraveled and held tightly to each other.

A young man asks his girlfriend:
Why don't you want to marry me?
“For two reasons,” the girl replies.
- The first reason is you! The second is someone else!
Our bride decided to marry our groom.
And there were two reasons for this:
the first is our bridegroom with all his indisputable virtues.
The second - there is no one else,
at least approaching the level of the groom.
I propose to drink for the groom!

Once asked a sage
who was the happiest man on earth.
"Adam," the sage replied.
- But why?
- He didn't have a mother-in-law!
But I think that if Adam had such a wonderful mother-in-law,
like me, he would be a hundred times happier!
For my dear mother-in-law! Mom, for you!

Dear young! The great Spaniard Cervantes said:
The lover in whose chest everything is again and again
Doubt feeds on love
Her holy world is unworthy.
So let's drink to our fiance
and the bride never doubted each other!

You probably noticed that the spouses,
living together for many years, and the interests
and tastes become the same. In our family
for example, both me and my wife love... me!
And we have known the groom not so long ago,
but we have the same tastes
- and he and all of us like his bride!
I propose to drink for a beautiful bride!

Folk wisdom says
that the first wealth in life is health,
and the second is the wife.
A good wife is half the happiness.
There is no better friend than a true friend.
With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly joy.
A good wife has no price for her husband.
Let's wish our newlywed
justify these proverbs and let's drink to her!

With all our hearts we wish you
Good health, and may
Your wrinkles will be smoothed out
Sorrow and sadness will come off the face.
Today is your happy day
Do not count relatives, friends.
Fun, music and jokes
At the wedding, you are your children.
You raised them, it was hard
You lost your peace and sleep.
For all the worries and worries
Earthly and low bow to you!

What is a mixed feeling?
This is when the mother-in-law in your Zhiguli flies into the abyss.
So let's drink to the fact that mixed feelings never visit you!

We wish you great happiness
To always have spring
To never know bad weather,
To have pure hearts.
So that you help each other
Not counting the days that have passed
Faithful over the years
And they were not afraid of any troubles ...
So that you go dancing through life,
For everyone to envy you
And friends would say:
"Here is an exemplary family!"
Let's drink, dear guests,
for an exemplary family
which is being formed before our eyes!
And the young - Bitter!

Everyone knows philosophical concepts: form and content.
So, one philosopher was asked:
How is form different from content?
He answered like this:
- If there is a form, then you need to ... take it for maintenance!
He is asked a counter question:
- And what if there is both form and content?
- Then, - says the philosopher, - you need to ... urgently marry!
I propose to raise a toast to the groom!
In my opinion, he is well versed in philosophy!

Toast to the newlyweds

By law, you can only have one wife. Married people say
that this law protects men who are unable to protect themselves.
From women.
So let's drink to the fact that our young husband would never want to have a harem.
But not because he was afraid of not coping with several women, but because
that his wife alone is worth a whole harem. For the young! Bitterly!

I would like to wish the young:
In joy, separation or sorrow
Always remember the first hug
Forget about the last fight.

We often hear these days:
it's not a miracle that they disperse, it's a miracle that they live.
And we wish you to live wonderfully.
And even more - marvelously marvelous!

A bachelor boasts to a friend:
- I will have a beautiful, smart, faithful and economic wife.
- It's all good.
But how do you manage all four?
Our fiance was lucky, his [NAME] is beautiful, and smart, and faithful,
and economic. It remains only to cope.
However, I am sure that the young man can do this task.
For the young! Bitterly!

Dear young! Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote:
"In family life, the most important screw
is love, sex drive, one flesh,
everything else is unreliable and boring,
no matter how smart you think."
I propose a toast to "the most important screw"
in your life - for your love!

One married couple lived to a blessed wedding - 70 years.
And all these years the couple were affectionate and happy.
When they were asked
what is the secret of such long-lasting family happiness,
they have replyed::
- The whole secret is that all these seventy years
we had a single bed...
So let's drink to the eternal single marital bed!

One person got married.
Meets some time after marriage
he is with one of his buddies.
He, seeing that his friend is very sad, says to him:
"I can guess the reason for your sadness.
After all, the twenty-eighth day has passed since your marriage ... "
"No, it's not the twenty-eighth day that saddens me, but the twenty-eighth night..."
So let's not be sad, friends, and let's drink
so that every night for us was the first marriage!
Happiness to you!

The wedding ring is a glorious and meaningful emblem.
This is a symbol of fidelity: the heart of the spouse belongs to the wife and vice versa.
A wedding ring has no beginning and no end.
Solid gold engagement ring
no dirt will stick to it.
The ring is a symbol of love and eternal fidelity.
Dear newlyweds!
May your love be pure
gentle and eternal!
We will support our wish with a friendly clink of glasses!

Traditional toasts

Real life is made up of many little things
empty words, disputes, life situations.
Life is a garland of colorful
- bright and cloudy - days.
And from your discretion
and peace depends on consent
and the well-being of your life, dear newlyweds!
So let everyday trifles do not spoil the main
in your life - happiness and joy.
For your happiness, newlyweds!

There is a pretty effective way.
make marriage strong and happy.
Husband and wife each take a piece of paper
and each one individually begins to fill them.
On the left half of the sheet, the wife writes all the good things,
what is in the husband, on the right - everything,
what you don't like about it.
In the same way, the husband fills out his sheet.
Next, the husband and wife tear off the right halves of the sheets,
they are carefully glued together and ... thrown away!
And each of the spouses memorizes the left half
and repeats every day.
There is no person about whom there would not be
what to write on the left half of the page,
especially when it comes to our newlyweds.
I propose to drink for all the good
what is in our groom and our bride!

Be healthy, live richly,
As far as your salary will allow you.
But know: the salary is always not enough.
Ask all the ancestors: they will add to you.
Don't be afraid of panties, don't be afraid of diapers:
Have boys, have girls.
But children bother parents -
Give them to their ancestors: they will educate.
But most of all we wish, however,
So that there is no marriage from your marriage.

In the folk tale "How a man divided a goose"
it is said that the savvy peasant
gave the head of the goose to the master,
because he is the head of the family, and the neck - to the mistress,
because as she turns, so be it.
Let's wish our young
so that the husband is always the head,
and the wife - neck, but acted head
and the neck together and in harmony!
Bitter, friends!

Many men dream of having a harem.
They believe that the more women around them,
the more varied and interesting their family life,
the more love and affection they receive.
So let's wish our young never
would not want to have a harem,
because his wife alone could replace him!
For the young! Bitterly!

Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life!

A famous writer said:
"Happiness is when you are understood."
It really is.
Each of us wants to be understood by other people,
because it is always very important to feel support
and respect for others.
I want to wish our young people understanding
and love for many, many years!
Good luck to you, dear ones!

I want you to have children
Various nice kids.
We are waiting for heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
To replenish the country
The population is full.

I want to raise my glass
And I wish again:
Until the wedding golden
Advice to you and love!

For the young, we have a mandate:
Live together, have a good time!

If a man is persistent
he will surely achieve
what a woman wants.
So let's drink to
so that the desire of men and the desire of women coincide!
For a strong and harmonious union of two hearts! Bitterly!

To live to see the silver wedding
you have to have a golden character of a wife
and the iron restraint of her husband.
Let's drink to a wonderful alloy.

Dear young! I have a simple and short toast.
I wish that you are always present in your life
four holy names, four guardian angels:
Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia - wisdom.
Follow them and God bless you in your family life.

Dear bride and groom!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
with legal marriage.
Today, on your wedding day,
the Sun gave you a particle of itself,
and this particle is a family hearth.
The sun is the source of life on Earth, the family hearth
is the source of family life.
Keep this precious gift for the rest of your life.
No matter how cold the wind blows
the flame of the hearth must burn,
giving light and warmth to your family.
I raise my glass
for the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

We wish you much love
In a family of mutual affection,
Let them sing like nightingale heirs in a carriage,
May the dawn of a happy life never go out,
May it always be sweet to you, but today it is BITTER!

There is an unspoken law at the wedding:
The ringing of glasses should not stop.
The first is for the health of the young,
The second glass is for them remote kids,
The third glass is for happiness and fun,
And the fourth one is for a slight hangover!

A young groom about to marry a banker's daughter
claimed to marry for love. Indeed.
With the state of our economy today, where guarantees,
that the banker won't go bankrupt next week?
So let's drink to selflessly loving men.

Let the wedding word: "Bitter!"
It will sound very loud.
Loud - Bitter!
To the whole Universe - Bitter!!!
Let's drink to the love of the young!

The world is beautiful for you today
How many friends and relatives are here!
Today's wedding! Heart bursts from chest.
Young, your happiness is ahead!
I wish you a clear sky for the rest of your life,
bright sun and inexhaustible love and youth!
Be happy!

I will make a toast with the words of Pythagoras:
"Prudent wife! If you want,
for your husband to spend time with you,
then take care of
to have it in no other place
never found such pleasant pleasure and tenderness.
I suggest you raise your glasses and drink to that!

The kingdom of the family is the kingdom of the woman.
A smart, kind, not absurd wife can, like a good fairy,
create an atmosphere of love, joy, jokes, humor at home,
that is, a being full of joy, happiness and bright light.
It is in the woman's power to do
from married life a long golden morning.
We wish all this to our newlyweds,
We wish them a happy married life.
And let my greetings with a sparkling glass of wine be
outward expression of our desires. Bitterly!

A wedding is impossible without sincere wishes to the newlyweds. The guests think over their speech in advance, choose the right words. Someone likes to say in their own words, someone prefers to choose a poem on the occasion of the celebration, while others prefer a long parable with an instructive ending. Whatever format of the toast is chosen, the main thing is to speak sincerely and from the heart.

Like any important celebration, the wedding should begin with an opening speech. This role is usually assumed by the host of the event. After a short introduction, he gives the floor to the guests.

The first toast at a wedding is an important and crucial moment. Only close people who mean a lot to the newlyweds trust to pronounce it. Usually these people are parents. It is they who say the first words of congratulations, sincerely wishing their children a long family life. Such words are very sincere, touch to tears.

Although parents can’t say bad things, you still need to prepare for the speech: choose the right words, rehearse in front of the mirror, make a toast out loud more often. It should sound melodious, harmonious and carry an important message and instructions to the young.

Below are 2 options that will touch both the couple and the guests:

  1. “Young people, you were born to meet each other. Your paths run parallel. You grew up, learned new things and met each other. The family does not appear immediately. Anyone here will say that. Family is a lot of work! Get ready to give it your all. But not everything is so difficult. All this work is easy, because love helps to survive any difficulties. Protect your love, do not let strangers interfere with it. Give yourself to the relationship to the fullest. Please take our advice!"
  2. “Happy day when love, loyalty, support are famous. Be a support to each other, learn to forgive mistakes, find beauty even in everyday little things. We wish to be realized as spouses and parents. Always remember the feelings that overwhelm you now. May you live happily ever after!"

Mom's wedding toast

The most touching are congratulations from mom. This is a person who, like no one else, knows the young or the young, will be able to pick up the best words and will not wish bad. A wedding toast from my mother causes awe in the whole hall, because these words contain true love and hope for a bright future for their children.

Not all mothers are eloquent, so the toast cheat sheets below will help you speak correctly or feel inspired to write.

in prose

“Time flies inexorably. First steps, words, assessment. And now you are facing a wonderful stage in your life. Dear ones, may happiness be with you. We will always help you, in word and deed. Our family has found a daughter (son) today, whom we also love and respect. Today all the words are for you!”

“My father and I lived together for many years and we can tell you that family life requires a lot of effort. And a happy life is even more. There is no general recipe for making a perfect marriage. Yes, this is not necessary. Just be gentle. Love is the key to a happy marriage, no matter how much time has passed from the marriage.”

“How much I want to say to express our love, dear newlyweds. Only a parent's heart can store all the memories and generously share them at such moments. May all the angels protect you, may all your joint dreams come true. Now there is a single "WE" that you must protect. For love, for your future."

in verse

Such a congratulation will be perceived much more pleasantly, therefore, you should take a closer look at the following options:

“I will shower my family with congratulations
Which is a little more than an hour old
I will sprinkle you with holy water
I will bless so that with a margin.

Father's wedding toast

Men are rarely verbose at a wedding. When the father's turn comes to say a toast to the young, this short farewell includes all the most important, significant, valuable. The toast of the father at the wedding is no less touching, all because the sincerity of the words of a strong man cannot but touch the heart.

in prose

In most cases, fathers choose congratulations in prose. The following are 3 options for a speech that will be remembered by everyone present.

“You have been told more than once how long-awaited and wonderful this day is. I wish you to do everything together - laugh, be sad, work, rest. And let today be so fun, but I'm a little bitter. Bitter young!

“Do not know sadness and sorrows, let the family be wrapped in love, tenderness, comfort. Know that you will always find support in your father's house.

“I wish the young couple that you take good care of each other. In the ocean of vital passions, they managed to stay afloat, protected each other from bad weather and worries. You are still so young, there is much to learn. But everything is on the shoulder if a loved one is nearby. For your endless love."

in verse

Nice short wedding toast

Brevity is the "sister" of not only talent, but also a good mood. Who wants to listen to a long boring toast, even if it's about deep feelings? That is why experienced speakers recommend speaking briefly at ceremonial events, but in such a way that others remember this speech.

in prose

“Always remember that you are the creators of your life. May the sun always illuminate your family, and may the winds bring only changes for the better!

“So glad to be present at your celebration and would very much like to be present in your life. We wish from the bottom of our hearts great love, respect and tenderness. Less domestic problems and life difficulties. May your dreams come true!

“In short, love one another. Then all difficulties will go aside. Protect each other. Then no one can destroy your relationship!”

in verse

Short wedding toasts

Cool wedding toasts will help to defuse the atmosphere a little, make it less lyrical. They will make those present smile, cheer up and will stand out from the rest.

in prose

“Love is often compared by poets to a flower. And this is a good comparison: love, like a flower, must be constantly bestowed with love, cherished. Then the plant will bloom luxuriantly. A person will also flourish if you love him with all your heart. Newlyweds, we wish you to always remember this comparison.

“There is one secret that will allow you to live happily. You just need to always remember the first kiss and forget the last quarrel. Always remember this day and the feelings that you feel now.

“Let's drink to the male desire for hunting. If not for it, then our groom would never have won such a charming bride. »

in verse

"Let it never go out
happy life dawn
May you always be happy
And for today - Bitter!

This verse can be accompanied by small gifts on the topic:

And one more option:

"To the sound of a crystal glass
To the sound of sparkling wine
Congratulations to the newlyweds
And today we drink to the bottom.

Funny short wedding toasts

When the mood of the guests has risen to the maximum mark, the fun is overflowing, you can move on to funny toasts. Usually they work out for friends - merry fellows, youth.

in prose

“Funny anecdotes about marriage are often about failed relationships. But there is also an anecdote about a happy marriage: “We lived happily with my wife for 25 years, until ... we met.” I wish the happiness of our young people to begin here and now!”

“Once there was an accident on the road. The inspector asks the guilty why this happened. The woman replies: “I was driving as usual, and my husband was driving.” Therefore, it is important that the bride remember that she is the “neck” of her husband and turn in the right direction.”

“For love without marriage! So that the newlyweds encounter only excellent quality in love, family, people around.

“We wish the newlyweds to visit a fairy tale: wash more diapers and choose a lot of sliders. After all, children are a real happiness.

“Who is our good fellow today? Who coped with the task at 100%? These are the parents of the young. They gave birth to good people, raised them and gave them a good ticket to life. Let's raise our glasses to them!"

in verse

In verse, funny toasts are also very relevant:

"Don't hesitate to be in love
And cherish love
To make you newlyweds
They could call all their lives.

A few more options:

Original wedding toasts

Coming up with original toasts for a wedding is not an easy task. I would like to say at the same time important and boring words, such that they fully characterize the newlyweds. The selection of such congratulations will take time. You can read the options below.

in prose

“Let's thank our enterprising fiancé. He managed to find a wife who combines beauty, intelligence, thrift, femininity. This is not for everyone. For the groom!

“Chekhov said words that are very important for every couple: “In marriage, the main screw is love.” So let's raise our glasses to the love of the newlyweds. May she never know the end.

“In Eastern countries, men can have several wives. But our fiance is all to nothing. He just met his love, which will replace any harem. May it always be so. Bitterly!"

in verse

Touching wedding toast

If the guest wants to say a touching toast at the wedding, then you can use such blanks.

in prose

“Scientific minds have been racking their brains over the definition of love for many years. Chemical reaction, hormones, the highest gift... One thing is clear - this is a great mystery. I wish our newlyweds to live with this mystery all their lives and never solve it.

“When a man is stubborn, he will achieve what he wants. But on the condition that a woman will allow him to do this. For harmony in this pair!

in verse

“Is that the decree of fate or luck?
This meeting of two hearts definitely means something
After all, it’s probably not without reason that you are together today
In this role, the groom and his bride.

Caucasian wedding toasts

Caucasian wedding toasts are chosen far beyond the Caucasus. They are imbued with a special flavor, carry a strong message and act as an instruction for the newlyweds. Not all of them begin "High in the mountains ...", there are more original options.

We can highlight the following congratulations:

  1. “Family life can be compared to a raging sea. Only on rare days does it calm down, and the rest of the time the waves walk on its surface. But an experienced sailor can sail both in a storm and in a calm. Be a real sailor."
  2. “Let us recall the famous mountain, which never reached Mohammed. He just didn't offer drinks. And we will drink for friends who came to such an event associated with the deprivation of a man's freedom.
  3. “Once a Caucasian husband got together on business and told his wife to wait for him. The wife waited a long time and decided to send messengers to his friends. After a while, they all brought the same answer, "Don't worry, I have your husband." For true male friendship!”

Wise wedding toasts

Wise wedding toasts must contain a deep thought, instruction, and, perhaps, the speaker will even convey his own experience of family relationships.

in prose

“Every woman should always remember that her husband should always be surrounded by affection and love, then he will never go looking for it outside the house. Let's drink to wise women!"

“I want the family life of the young to be the embodiment of this celebration. May there be as many smiles, joyful speeches and confessions in it.

"Young! May the weather in your hearts always be clear, the sky above you be clear, and all storms pass by.

in verse

Toastmasters for a wedding

An experienced toastmaster at a wedding can juggle congratulations like balls. Each of them is an example of a perfect toast. That is why, when preparing to attend a wedding, you can borrow some of them.

in prose

“Having visited more than one celebration, I can note that our bride is the ideal of beauty and grace. How much happiness in her eyes. May it always be so! And I wish the groom to always do so that his wife is the happiest!

“Dear newlyweds! A man in love wears glasses that make gold out of copper, and out of poverty into wealth. Let you see all this with an unarmed eye.

“One French writer said that a happy life is a fiction, there are only such days. I wish that many happy days flow into your happy family life.

in verse

"Happiness for a hundred years ahead
Live without quarrels, misunderstandings
Here is a task from us for you
And love keep each other
Let the envy of the district!”

Toast - a parable at a wedding

In order for a toast - a parable to attract attention and be appreciated by the guests, you need to think it over well. If imagination is not enough, then you can choose one of the following:

  1. “Some newlyweds quarreled very often. Then they went to the sage for help. He gave them a box of matches and said that the quarrel was minus 1 match. When they run out, the couple should part. Young people thought and began to appreciate their relationship. May not a single match be broken in your pair.
  2. “Once a couple was walking along the pavement. The girl stumbled, but the guy supported her. “Careful, dear, there are pebbles,” he said. History repeated itself 5 years later. “Be careful, there are stones here,” was now said. And after 10 years, the man said: "That's stupid!". So let only pebbles and no stones be in your destiny.
  3. “Each young lady has a small gift from God - a piece of sugar. But some hide even two such pieces in themselves. Finding such a person is difficult. But our fiance did. For him!"

A wedding toast is a wish for all the best for a young family. The more interesting and beautiful it will be, the more exciting and pleasant it will be to listen to both the newlyweds and guests.

According to the dictionary, a toast is a short solemn speech that precedes the drinking of alcoholic beverages. You will have plenty to choose from for your speech - we have a whole selection of wedding toasts ready!

Real life consists of many little things, empty words, disputes, life situations. Life is a garland of colorful - bright and cloudy - days. And the peace and well-being of your life depends on your prudence and consent, dear newlyweds! So let everyday trifles do not spoil the main thing in your life - happiness and joy. For your happiness, newlyweds!
There is a fairly effective way to make a marriage strong and happy. The husband and wife each take a sheet of paper and each separately begin to fill them out. On the left half of the sheet, the wife writes everything good that is in her husband, on the right - everything that she does not like about him. In the same way, the husband fills out his sheet. Then the husband and wife tear off the right halves of the sheets, carefully glue them together and ... throw them away! And each of the spouses memorizes the left half and repeats it every day. There is no person about whom there would be something to write on the left half of the page, especially when it comes to our newlyweds. I propose to drink for all the good that is in our groom and our bride!
The folk tale "How a peasant divided a goose" says that a savvy peasant gave the goose's head to the master, because he is the head of the family, and the neck to the mistress, because as she turns, so be it. Let's wish our young people that the husband is always the head, and the wife is the neck, but the head and neck act together and in concert! Bitter, friends!
Many men dream of having a harem. They believe that the more women around them, the more diverse and interesting their family life is, the more love and affection they receive. So let's wish that our young one would never want to have a harem, because his wife alone could replace him! For the young! Bitterly!
A famous writer said: "Happiness is when you are understood." It really is. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is always very important to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young people understanding and love for many years to come! Good luck to you, dear ones!
A typical case of our time occurred with one tipsy visitor to the bar. When he was returning home, bandits attacked him and demanded "life or wallet." The poor fellow had to part with the money. Let's drink to the fact that only the wife takes away our young wallet, and he gives his life to her! Bitterly!
All those present undoubtedly know the nine commandments of God: do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc. Do you know the commandments of the feast? Let's remember them! First: a sober person at a wedding is a spy; being at a wedding and not being drunk is a sin. Second: drink a little, but drink it all. Third: whoever gets drunk well will be remembered well. Let's raise our glasses to these blessed time-tested commandments and vow never to violate them for the sake of the happiness of our newlyweds!
Dear newlyweds! Your new family crew sets sail today! Let us drink to the long and safe voyage of your ship on the stormy ocean of life and to its overcoming of all worldly storms and tempests. Happy sailing!
None of the scientists can still give an answer to the question: what is love? Everyone agrees that love is a mystery that has remained unsolved to this day! So let our newlyweds live with this mystery in their hearts all their lives and never be able to unravel it! Bitterly!
When a wife leaves a man, a friend remains. When a friend leaves, the work remains. Let's wish our newlywed that he had both the first and the second, and the third! I wish him a successful career in life, a good job, so that the family lives in prosperity, happily and amicably!
There are three words that denote the desire of people for each other: passion, love and love. Each of these states is beautiful, and in our today's case it is not worth separating them. I want to wish our young people all three of these states in one bottle! Bitterly!
The young groom, who was about to marry the daughter of a banker, claimed that he was marrying for love. Indeed. With the state of our economy today, where is the guarantee that the banker will not go bankrupt next week? So let's drink to selflessly loving men.
Dear young! I have a clear and short toast. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia-wisdom. Follow them and God bless you in your family life.
The kingdom of the family is the kingdom of the woman. A smart, kind, not absurd wife can, like a good fairy, create at home an atmosphere of love, joy, jokes, humor, that is, a life full of joy, happiness and bright light. It is in the power of a woman to make a long golden morning out of married life. We wish all this to our newlyweds, we wish them a happy family life. And let my greetings with a sparkling glass of wine be the outward expression of our wishes. Bitterly!
On the day of the wedding celebration, accept our congratulations, and a tribute to the intoxicating chalice, and wishes of happiness to you. May your marriage union grow stronger, love grow - the reward of the soul, the hard duty of family ties, may you always be a joy. May your life always sparkle, like the radiance of these days, may Hymen shine, looking at joyful faces. It's time for us to raise our glasses. For the happiness of the young! Hooray!
There is a proverb: Why know if you can't. Why be able to, if not to do. So let's drink to those who knew, knew how, did! For parents!
Dear young! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on entering into a legal marriage and the formation of a family! Friendship and love are the most beautiful feelings in human life. May your love be as long as your life! Live in love, happiness and joy, may you have healthy and cheerful children, and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good afternoon, dear ones! Bitterly!

A candle is a high symbol. First, it is a source of light and heat. Secondly, her flame tends upward, and therefore she personifies the movement to the highest. Thirdly, all evil thoughts and feelings burn out in its flame. I drink to the fact that the unquenchable candle of your love always illuminates and warms your path, helps you move upward and burns all the negative in our life in its flame. Bitterly!

On the first of September, the student went to school for the first time. After classes, he comes home and immediately approaches his parents with his fists: - Why didn’t you warn me ... that this bagpipe is for ten years! We must warn the newlyweds that the bagpipe, the beginning of which we celebrate, is not even for ten years, but for life! Let's drink to the fact that this bagpipe is always a joy to them!
I notice one anatomical paradox in our newlywed... Don't be surprised! His heart is not on the left, but on the right ... where his young, charming wife sits. Let us wish that this phenomenon is preserved for their entire long happy life, that his heart is always drawn to his wife, and the wife’s heart is drawn to her husband, and that the union of these hearts is not subject to any storms, vicissitudes, temptations and bad weather. Let's drink to your happiness!
There is a fairly effective way to make a marriage strong and happy. The husband and wife each take a sheet of paper and, each separately, begin to fill it out. On the left half of the sheet, the wife writes everything good that is in her husband, on the right - everything that she does not like about him. The husband also fills out his sheet in the same way. Then the husband and wife tear off the right halves of the sheets, carefully glue them together and ... throw them away! And each of the spouses memorizes the left half and repeats it every day. There is no person about whom there would be something to write on the left half of the page, especially when it comes to our newlyweds. I propose to drink for all the good that is in our groom and our bride!
Dear guests! On this festive and joyful day, it is necessary to raise glasses with love and respect for those who, if I may say so, are guilty of the guilt of the perpetrators of today's celebration - I mean the respected parents of our dear bride. Look, different feelings are fighting in their hearts. Their faces are either sad at the thought of the impending separation, or joyful at the sight of the happiness of their precious child. Dear parents of the bride, drive away sad thoughts, rejoice in the happiness of the newlyweds, because today you are also getting a son.
So let's raise our glasses to the health and longevity of the newlywed's parents!
Once I was walking at my brother's wedding: so, on their wedding night, the young people read the fairy tale "Ivan the Tsar's Son" and after the allotted time they had a beautiful baby! And I also walked at my sister's wedding: there, on their wedding night, the young people read the fairy tale "Mary the Artisan" and soon her beautiful daughter was born! There was a case: I was walking at the wedding of a friend: so there the young people read "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" at night. And what do you think? Now they already have 7 sons and a sweet daughter! So let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds read the fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" today!
One ruler was asked:
- How do you keep peace and tranquility in your state?
And he answered:
- When I'm angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down.
The family is a state in miniature. My toast is to keep peace and tranquility in our families in this way.
A man asks God:
- Lord! Why did you make women so beautiful and so stupid at the same time?
- Beautiful - so that you men can love them. And stupid - so that they can love you men. If a woman is beautiful and not stupid, it is, of course, difficult for her to love a man. This man must be exceptional. This is our fiance.
Let's drink to our exceptional fiance.
I would like to wish the newlyweds from the bottom of my heart that their life be as joyful and cheerful as this wedding. But the wedding is cheerful because the heroes of the occasion give joy and fun to the rest and rejoice themselves. This is the principle of reflection: love and be loved, give and be bestowed - I want to recommend it as an important life principle. Long live the bride and groom! Bitterly!
How beautiful is our young today! A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white, pure, like love itself, dress - recently a bride, and now a spouse. Look how happy she is today, how happy her gaze is, turned to her loved one! And if we were able to look into her heart, we would notice that it is filled to the brim with love and happiness, and there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings. And I propose to raise our glasses so that happiness is endless!
Truly, life is diverse and contradictory, it is characterized by both formal and dialectical logic. When the violator of the criminal code is chained, he longs to break it. But now two beautiful young people have bound themselves with golden rings, and we rejoice for them and wish that these fetters never break. Let's drink to the health and happiness of our "shackled"! Bitterly!
We all know that our country suffers from natural disasters. And these troubles have haunted her for the last 70-80 years. And every year there are four of them - this is ... winter, summer, autumn and spring. Let's wish the young in their future life to have only such troubles.
The wedding ring is a glorious and meaningful emblem. This is a symbol of fidelity: the heart of the spouse belongs to the wife and vice versa. A wedding ring has no beginning and no end. An engagement ring made of pure gold means that no dirt will stick to it. The ring is a symbol of love and eternal fidelity. Dear newlyweds! May your love be pure, tender and eternal! We will support our wish with a friendly clink of glasses!
A wise man had a daughter. Two men came to her to woo her: a rich man and a poor man. The wise man said to the rich:
- I will not give my daughter for you, - and gave her away as a poor man. When asked why he did this, he replied:
- The rich man is stupid, and I am sure that he will become poorer. The poor man is smart, and I foresee that he will achieve happiness and well-being.
If that wise man were with us today, he would raise a cup of wine so that when choosing a groom, brains are valued, and not a wallet.
Dear young! As the great Spaniard Cervantes wrote: "Love wears glasses through which copper seems to be gold, poverty - wealth, and drops of fire - pearls." So let's drink to the fact that in your excellent family you see all this with the naked eye!
Two meet.
- Are you married?
- Married.
- For a long time?
- It depends on my wife. Sometimes, as if yesterday they were married, and sometimes - as if they had been married for forty years.
Dear newlyweds, live your whole life as soon as you were married yesterday!
Dear newlyweds! I propose a toast so that you always remember the words of the French writer Jean Rostand in your family life: "A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night that they are spouses" . Let's drink to your family!
The weather in nature can be any: clear, and rainy, and storms, and hurricanes. Both clear and inclement weather are creative for crops. But if rain or wind crosses a certain threshold in strength, they are already destructive. We wish the newlyweds that in their family climate quarrels and bad weather will never be destructive. Let the sun shine in your family!
I was at one wedding. The wedding is good. But this is not what I remember her for, but something completely different. When the guests began to disperse, the bride says to them:
- Thank you for coming! Thanks for gifts! Sorry if something was wrong... I'm getting married for the first time! Next time, I hope it will be better!
I want to appeal to each of the newlyweds: we are quite satisfied with this wedding! Both we and you do not need the next one. Live happily.
As Balzac said:
"Love endures domestic squabbles so badly that for lasting happiness you need to find outstanding qualities in each other." So let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds find in each other as many of these qualities as possible!
Two leopards were circling in the forest and came upon a hut. It had a leopard skin on the floor.
- Do you know what it is? one leopard asked the other.
He looked at the skin and trembled, whispering in horror:
- Let's run! This is my mother-in-law!
Let's move our glasses in honor of good mothers-in-law, whom we would not be afraid of!
A young man after a wedding says to his wife:
- Expensive! I forgot to tell you about one of my great shortcomings: unfortunately, I am often unreasonably jealous.
And his wife reassures him:
- Don't worry, dear! You won't have to be jealous of me... for no reason!
Here's some advice for young people. Do not give reasons for jealousy and do not be jealous for no reason!
I propose a toast to love without jealousy.
Real life consists of many little things, empty words, disputes, life situations. Life is a garland of colorful - bright and cloudy days. And the peace and well-being of your life depends on your prudence and consent, dear newlyweds! So let everyday trifles do not spoil the main thing in your life - happiness and joy. For your happiness, newlyweds!
Dear newlyweds! Dear guests!
Once I have the right to vote, I will use it to remind everyone present of what the Bible tells us. In the holy book, we read about how the Lord God arranged a garden in Eden and placed it at the disposal of the first people - Adam and Eve - instructing them to take care and look after it. This means that the first newlyweds in the world were gardeners. Paradise was their garden, and it was their responsibility to care for it.
Our newlyweds today, like Adam and Eve, settled in their own, long-desired Paradise - the Paradise of their married life. You must groom and nurture your garden, clear it of all kinds of weeds, then it will become merrily green and bloom. May no evil force be able to evict you from your Paradise.
I address the same words to their inner Paradise, hearty Eden. Let the evil force not be able to evict them from there either. May this Paradise never turn into a barren desert of indifference and hostility.
Be vigilant, young people, see that no tempting serpent introduces slander and misunderstanding into the paradise of your heart full of love. Let's wish the newlyweds that our newlywed couple grow and bloom in a fragrant garden!
Remember the dream of one gangster? If not, I'll remind you. He dreamed of robbing a bank and leaving fingerprints in a conspicuous place ... of his mother-in-law! Only a bad son-in-law can have bad thoughts about his mother-in-law. Let's drink to a good son-in-law and his good mother-in-law!

Dear friends, they say that spouses who have lived together for many years acquire common interests and tastes. This is how it is in our family: I and my newly-made wife are united in one thing - we love me. So let's drink to the fact that it was always and in everything.

I propose a toast to such a beautiful thing as a kiss! After all, we, men, came up with it, because we could not find another way to close the mouth of our beloved woman. Yes, and for the better! Bitterly!

There lived a princess who could not get married for a very long time. And it was not about her appearance or the requirements for applicants for her heart. She had one condition that was mandatory - every year for exactly three days she had to leave her house alone without explanation. Naturally, this fact frightened off many potential suitors. Years passed, and the princess was never married. One day, there was the only one who fell in love with the princess so much that he accepted her condition. They lived and did not grieve, but the curiosity of the spouse took over. And he decided to follow his wife. In the early morning, the princess got up and went into the dense forest, in the thicket she fell to the ground and turned into a snake. Then she wrapped herself around a tree and began to hiss furiously. So let's drink to the fact that our wives hiss only once a year and then not at home!

I want to propose a toast to black. Let the bride's husband carry a black suitcase in his hands and go to work in a black suit. I want a driver in a black uniform and a black Bentley to drive her, let her rest on the Black Sea and, finally, eat black caviar with a tablespoon.

Two old acquaintances met a few years later:
- Well, how are you, married?
- Yes, I got married.
- Seriously? And how long?
- But it depends on my wife: sometimes it seems that they just got married yesterday, and at times - as if we have been married for 100 long years.
Dear newlyweds, let's raise our glasses so that you live your whole life as if you just signed yesterday!

Conversation between old friends:
- Why are you so sad?
- My wife and mother-in-law washed down completely, I can’t save them from them.
So don't let yourself be offended. Come home today, pour yourself a glass of courage, bang your fist on the table, and finally tell your women who's boss!
The man returned home, drank a shot and hit the table with his fist: “Well, tell me, who is the boss in our house ?!”
The wife and mother-in-law slowly stood up, hands on hips and in one voice: “What-oh-oh-oh-??!”
Husband in a whisper: “What is it, but I can’t even ask anymore?”.
Dear fiancé, we want you now with all the guests, and most importantly, with your wife and mother-in-law, to answer our main question: “Who is the boss in your house ?!”. Let's drink to that.

The husband says to his wife after the wedding:
- Darling, I did not want to upset you, but I have one drawback - I can be jealous for no particular reason.
- Don't be upset, dear. You don't have to be jealous of me for no reason.
Let's drink to love without jealousy. So that our newlyweds do not get jealous for no reason and, most importantly, do not give reasons for jealousy.

Polygamy is prohibited in our country. Many married men claim that this article of the law was created specifically to protect the stronger sex from annoying women.
I want to raise my glass to the fact that the groom would never want to get a harem. And not because he would be afraid not to cope with a large number of women, but because his wife alone is worth many times more than a whole harem.

Our groom went to the forest for mushrooms and berries. In a clearing I came across a rare yellow flower. Without hesitation, he tore it off and put it in his pocket. But the flower turned out to be magical - it pointed the way to the unearthly treasure. And the road led him to his future wife, unearthly beauty. So let's drink to this priceless treasure, to our bride and to the fact that she always remains the most important wealth of her husband.

They say that the first three years of marriage are the most difficult. The first year - the husband speaks, and the wife listens to him. The next year, the wife speaks and the husband listens. In the third year, they both talk and the neighbors listen. Let's raise our glasses to the fact that the newlyweds live all their lives listening to each other, only then will love show them the right path to family happiness.

A first grader returns home from school and runs to his parents screaming:
- Why didn't you tell me that I got stuck for ten years!!!
We want to warn our newlyweds that what began today will last, we hope, for their entire long and happy life.

One married couple lived in marriage for 70 years - before the blessed wedding.
All this time they lived in perfect harmony. When they were asked what is the secret of family happiness, they answered:
-Our secret is simple: all 70 years of marriage, we slept in a single bed. So let's raise our glasses to a single bed that unites.

People say: the husband in the family is the head, and the wife is the heart. Let's raise our glasses to the fact that the newlyweds throughout their long and happy family life do not know any headaches or heartaches!

Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on the fact that you have successfully moored in the bay called "Family" and we would like to inform you with pleasure that now you are strictly forbidden to cast fishing rods and nets into foreign waters. Bitterly!

I want to wish you that in life you will always be not near, but together.
Sincere happiness, and unearthly love - to the handsome groom and dear bride!

Once the sage Solomon was asked: What do you think is the most just punishment for polygamy?
- I think that it can only be mother-in-law and mother-in-law again. For mother in law!!!

People say: it's not a miracle that they disperse, but it's a miracle that they live. And we want to drink so that our newlyweds live marvelously to many!

One just ruler was asked how he manages to maintain peace and harmony in his state?
- It is very simple: when I am angry, my people calm me down, when they are furious, I calm them down. So for each of us, the family is our small state. I would like to drink for the wisdom of the ancient ruler to help us maintain harmony in our small state.

The ancient sage had a marriageable daughter. Two suitors came to ask for her hand: rich and poor. The father refused the young man with prosperity, and gave his only daughter to the poor. When surprised people asked the sage what was the reason for his such an act, he replied: “The rich man was very stupid, years will pass, and he will certainly become poorer. The poor man is smart, and after a few years he will be able to achieve true prosperity. I want to drink to the fact that when choosing a groom, girls value their intelligence, and not financial well-being.

Let's raise our glasses to one special feeling, which individually shortens the life of each person, but at the same time, prolongs it for all mankind in the aggregate. Let's drink to love, and let it rule the world!

I want to wish the newlyweds that their life together be as joyful as this wedding. And let them be true to the basic principle throughout their long family life: love and be loved. Walk your life path together, hand in hand. May your happiness always be with you!

Everyone knows that the most serious test for love is time. Therefore, only a true feeling can be carried through for many years. We wish you to overcome all the hardships and troubles of life. May the joy and victories of one always bring true pleasure to another. Always listen and, most importantly, hear each other. Appreciate and cherish your love.

Love is the only fiat coin that now forms your family budget! We want to wish you family prosperity, abundance, boundless joy and family happiness! We want your marriage to be truly happy. Live in friendship and harmony.

We always want happiness to be long, love strong, and feelings sincere. I want to wish you that your family union be the happiest, the feelings the strongest, and the friends who surround you be the most faithful. Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds, please accept our sincere congratulations. On this joyful day, a very important and solemn event took place - a new family was born. We want you to know that we are happy when you are happy, we grieve when you are sad. We are always by your side, no matter what happens. There is a very important principle in life - give joy to others, and it will return to you a hundredfold. Love and be loved!
Harmony to you always and in everything.

On this festive and very important day in your life, I want to wish you that for many years that you spend together, your eyes, like today, would shine with happiness. So that your feelings only grow stronger, so that adversity and troubles in life bypass the house where true love lives. For your happy marriage, for its well-being and longevity!

People say that wealth consists of three very important components: firstly, it is health, secondly, a good wife and thirdly, children! On this day, we want to wish the groom to be rich, have good health, like the apple of an eye, take care of his beloved wife and, of course, that your house be filled with the laughter of children.

Dear newlyweds! Today is one of the most important days for you. Now you are a single whole, you are a family! I want to wish you that all your life, all important and responsible decisions you make together, that you listen to each other and value what you have.
And if one of you stumbles, then that the second one is always there to help you stay on your feet. Love and be happy!

A wedding is a great occasion to show off your oratorical talents. If you don’t have such qualities and you can’t impromptu give a beautiful and coherent speech, we suggest you use ready-made toasts and wedding congratulations. You can pick up memorable and solemn wishes for the newlyweds, which will be remembered for many years.

Successfully spoken words have a special power, so you need to carefully consider the choice of congratulations. On our website you will find wedding toasts and congratulations for every taste:

  • short;
  • funny;
  • in verse;
  • beautiful;
  • cool.
  1. Short congratulations on the wedding.
  2. Funny congratulations on the wedding.
  3. Cool wedding toasts.
  4. Beautiful toasts for the wedding and poems for the newlyweds.

Short congratulations on the wedding

If you are not a fan of a long speech and think that the most successful ones are short wedding toasts then this collection is for you.

As everyone knows, since childhood, good fairy tales always end with a happy ending, when lovers are sure to get married. And I wish you on this wedding day that your fairy tale just begins with the wedding. Bitter young!

Today is the most important day in your family's life - it's the birthday of a new unit of society, which you should remember all your life and appreciate as well as your own birthday. May your family only become stronger every year, and love stronger. For the young!

You all know that only a wise person can admit his mistakes and only a strong person can ask for forgiveness for them. A loving heart forgives and lets go of all grievances. I want to wish our newlyweds on this wedding day that love always reigns in the family, and the spouses are wise and strong people.

Loving hearts look the same way. So always look in the same direction.

I want to make this wedding toast to the newlyweds. I don’t know how to speak in verse, so I will say it in my own words. Real happy marriages are not made on earth, but in heaven. So let the angels of heaven keep your union and all earthly trials and difficulties will be nothing to your strong and loving family.

Now the spouse is responsible not only for himself, but also for his soul mate, which the young wife has become. You are two parts of one whole, remember this and always keep each other!

Husband and wife, one of Satan. Therefore, all the hardships and joys to share with you together and make agreed decisions, taking into account the opinion of your soul mate.

Where there is advice and love, there is no grief, so I wish your family to have these two integral components of happiness.

The husband is the head of the family, and the wife is the neck. Do not confuse your roles, because this is very important. The husband should be the head of the family, and the wife should be experienced in leading the decisions made by men.

Funny congratulations on the wedding

Humor prolongs life and creates a favorable atmosphere, so a funny toast or a cheerful congratulation will always be appropriate.

So that you have more pleasant platitudes and less banal troubles in your family.

May your family life be only three black bars: a presentable car, gourmet caviar and a seashore with the same color name.

Life in marriage is like a ship that either sails calmly and measuredly in a calm, or tries to stay afloat in a ten-point storm. Let your ship have a skilled navigator who will withstand any storms and not lose course.

Let's drink to a kiss now! After all, he was invented by a man to close the mouth of a woman. Bitterly!

I wish you, dear newlyweds, a wedding toast in my own words. So that your family life is not bitter or sweet, but with a twist, pepper and sourness.

Cool wedding toasts

My good, my beloved

My dear man!

You chose a beautiful wife

Love her forever.

Do not look around at others and do not open your mouth,

After all, with only one wife, paradise is arranged on earth!

I want to raise this toast to simple arithmetic in the life of young spouses: addition, through which two halves of a single whole were formed; for subtracting from lonely and free hearts; for sharing equally all the hardships and joys of family life; and, finally, for the multiplication of the family by reproducing their own kind into the world. Let's drink to this math!

May you be bitter only on your wedding day, and your future family life will be like a sweet, big raisin pie.

May you have a great harvest in your garden. After all, children are the flowers of life, so I wish you more kids! Girls and boys!

Did you know that our newly-made spouse is a real astronomer and, moreover, he is a professional in his field? I'll explain why: the young husband managed to find a new, extraordinarily dazzling star, which is distinguished by its beauty and originality. So let's drink to the talents of our astronomer and a new star, which will always light the way and show the way to its discoverer.

Beautiful wedding toasts and poems for newlyweds

I wish you, newlyweds, love like in heaven.

So that you are forever inspired by your feeling

It's time for love and revelation,

There is no place for regret in life.

Nothing could be better than that song

What does it sound like when two hearts beat together

In unison and forever!

I wish your life was like a fairy tale.

The husband protected his wife from adversity, and the wife gave affection.

Unearthly love to you, steel health,

Good kids and fewer bad ones.

Love, keep each other forever

Don't take feelings lightly!

After all, you need to work in the family all year round.

And then happiness will certainly come.

Lightness in the heart, heaviness in the pocket

A clear road and live not in deceit.

Appreciate each other, love each other

And in happiness, and in disaster, when it is very tight.

Today is a significant date!

Two hearts merged into one.

Now you are my friend married,

And for the wife the only man.

May God keep you

And the angels protect the family

Adversity and sorrow away

Let grief run by!

Only happiness reigns here

And eternal love

And in the heart of light and sincere feelings.

Loving each other tomorrow and always

That's real art!

Advice yes love to your family,

To live in peace and harmony always,

After all, only sincere feelings

It is possible to carry through many years.

We wish you to live until the golden wedding

Overcoming the whole path, which is not easy.

Live in prosperity and happiness always,

To love each other so that there is a need.

Health, good luck to your home,

And harmony in the family, because it can not be otherwise!

Attention, only TODAY!