Scenario development "day of sobriety". Various events dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Sobriety were held in the district libraries

The All-Russian Day of Sobriety is a holiday that has been celebrated in Russia since 1913. The date of the celebration each year falls on September 11th. In 2018, the holiday falls on a working day - Tuesday. As the name implies, the meaning of the holiday is to once again warn people about the dangers of alcohol abuse and the need to quit this addiction.

In 1913, the Day of Sobriety was held for the first time. The initiator of the event was the Orthodox Church. The date of the celebration was chosen due to the fact that on this day the Orthodox holiday "The Day of the Beheading of the Head of the Forerunner Prophet and Baptist John" is held. It is customary to observe a strict fast on this holiday.

In the old days, "Day of Sobriety" was held in high esteem: on September 11, wine shops were closed, and in other places the sale of alcohol was stopped. And today anyone can visit the temple to light a candle for the healing of those suffering from drunkenness. Also on this day, it is recommended to pray for your family and friends who suffer from this ailment, as well as spend this day in sobriety, completely abandoning any intoxicating drinks.

The All-Russian Day of Sobriety is not only an Orthodox holiday, but also a public or social one. A variety of organizations on this day organize events that are aimed at conveying to society the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an important component of their life as a sober and healthy lifestyle, the need to give up alcohol, drugs and other addictions.

On this day, you should think about the dangers of drinking alcohol. The problem of alcoholism in modern society is very relevant.

In 1913, when Russia celebrated the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov, the amount of alcohol per capita was 4.7 liters of alcohol per year. In the pre-revolutionary years, 43% of the male population in the country remained absolute teetotalers. By 1979, the proportion of non-drinking men had dropped to 0.6%. And at present, the amount of alcohol per capita, including minors, is 13.5 liters of alcohol per year, which is far beyond the norm. (According to WHO standards, after 8 liters degradation begins). The degree of social danger that drunkenness is fraught with is also frightening. Because of drunkenness, families are collapsing, children are left orphans, people are losing their jobs, health, self-respect, and a person's personality is being destroyed. More than half of all crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol. Significant harm is inflicted on human health in the broad sense of the word, that is, paraphrasing the definition given to the concept of health by the World Health Organization - as a result of alcoholism, a person develops a state of physical, mental and social ill-being. According to the WHO, alcohol consumption leads not only to the formation of addiction, but also increases the risk of developing more than 200 diseases in people.

The Ministry of Health of Russia appealed to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a request to support the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, That will take place September 11, 2018:

“The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in order to combat alcohol dependence and popularize a healthy lifestyle, as well as taking into account the positive results of the event in 2015-2017, asks to support the holding of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, which will be held on September 11, 2018. Within the framework of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, it is possible to hold conferences, seminars, meetings, round tables, sports and cultural events in educational institutions, health care, youth organizations, meetings with the population, face-to-face consultations and webinars with representatives of public authorities, public associations and religious organizations, in whose competence may include various aspects of reducing the supply and demand for alcohol. "

Day of sobriety is a holiday that should not be “celebrated”, but spent keeping a sobriety of mind, rejoicing in the opportunity to communicate with loved ones, trying to make sobriety become a natural state every day of the year. After all, only a sober person can be successful, happy, have a strong family and respect. Sobriety is a natural state of personality, manifested through sanity. Saying a firm "No" to alcohol, the Russian nation will not lose anything, but only gain - strength, health, honor and courage.


MCOU "Olkhovetskaya OOSh"



Prepared by: 6th grade homeroom teacher

L. A. Komagorova

village Olkhovets

2016 - 2017 academic year

I. Introduction


In order to find out what will be discussed at our event, I will need your help. You must make words from letters, from words an expression, and then we will know what the meeting is called.(The guys perform the task, which will result in the expression "Sobriety is the norm of life!")

Slide 1. “Sobriety is the norm of life!

Teacher. Slide 2.

Guys, do you know what the word sobriety means. If we turn to the explanatory dictionary, we will find out what this word means “Sobriety is abstinence from alcoholic beverages. Sound judgment, freedom from illusion, self-deception. "

Slide 3. Teacher.

September 11, 2015 is recognized as the world day of sobriety. This holiday was held in Russia annually from 1911 to 1917. And then they forgot about him. Our relatives who participated in it are our great-grandfathers. These are the grandparents of our parents - our very close ancestors. They called their holiday the Day of Sobriety. Why this holiday arose and was celebrated on this day, you will now find out. The history of the holiday began long ago, 100 years ago, in St. Petersburg. Back in 1911, 34 people, representatives of the intelligentsia of Orthodox-protective views, organized the All-Russian Labor Union of Teetotal Christians. Its members promoted a healthy lifestyle and an absolute rejection of alcoholic beverages. The slogan "The happiness of the people is in sobriety!" Became the motto of the Union, under which the celebration, called the Day of Sobriety, was subsequently held. The first celebration was held by members of the Temperance Union with the blessing of all Orthodox bishops who ruled in Russia at that time, to organize the holiday in all cities and villages of the country. Having received this consent and blessing, they subsequently began to hold the holiday not only in St. Petersburg, but also in other Russian cities. Not everyone supported the idea, but in more than half of the provinces the holiday was still held. The main program was chosen, according to which the celebration took place. During the anti-alcohol days, all drinking shops were closed, and the sale of alcohol was prohibited. 2 years later, on August 28-29 (September 11-12, new style) 1913, the Day of Sobriety in Russia received the status of an official celebration. This idea was actively supported by the church and the intelligentsia, as well as some representatives of the country's ruling class. This greatly facilitated the solution of many issues related to the organization of the holiday, its financing, etc. At that time, other teetotal societies existed in St. Petersburg, which also took part in the celebration, so on August 29, 1913, this holiday received the status of a church one. It was organized and conducted with the blessing of the Holy Synod. For this, they chose the day of the beheading of the head of John the Baptist, a great religious holiday. But, despite such comprehensive support, this good tradition did not last long. The Soviet government imposed a ban on the celebration. The tradition was resumed only in 2005. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe celebration was to promote a healthy lifestyle. The representatives of the intelligentsia and the church wanted to show that a person can live happily, joyfully and fully without drinking alcohol. Already in those days this issue was very acute for Russia. This was the first all-Russian holiday. It was celebrated on a wide scale. Since then, the Day of Sobriety in Russia is celebrated in September.

Slide 4-5 Ways to have fun

Physical methods Physical education, sports, dancing, travel, tourism, extreme sports, physical work, physical intimacy. Physical methods lead to a good emotional state, increase the tone of the body, improve appearance, physical fitness and performance.

Spiritual waysArt, music, literature, creative work, meditation, religion, friendship, love, romance, etc. - require planning, imagination, time, work on themselves. Only love and creativity make our life meaningful and bright.

Alcoholic drinks now flow like a river, even children drink them. Every year 40 thousand Russian citizens die from drunkenness in the country - this is 3 times more than our losses during the entire Afghan war.

Do you know about these numbers? Do you think these numbers are relevant to you? Do you think that it is necessary to carry out the fight against alcoholism? Is alcoholism compatible with a healthy lifestyle? (Compatible with cultural use, while observing a sense of proportion.)


What is alcohol and what are its insidious properties? Now we will consider this issue from the side of medicine.(Speech by a medical worker)

Slide 6.

Alcoholism is a mental illness of excessive alcohol consumption.

Childhood alcoholism is one of the worst ills in modern society.

Slide 7 If earlier young people began to show interest in alcohol by the age of 18, now among alcoholics there are children of 10-12 years old and even 3 years old.

Slide 8 Causes of Childhood Alcoholism:

  • The child's attempts to assert himself among older comrades;
  • The desire to get away from problems (what are the troubles at school, quarrels with parents and misunderstanding on their part, etc.);
  • Dependence on the street, when the family does not have the opportunity to express their emotions;
  • Drinking for company;
  • Availability of free, uncontrolled money, which can be used to buy strong drinks;
  • Parents' alcoholism.

Slide 9 Features of child alcoholism:

Features of child alcoholism are that:

  • It develops much faster than adultssh;
  • Has more severe consequences than in adults.

Slide 10 First of all, alcohol suffers:

  • Digestive system;
  • Nervous system;

Violations occur:

  • Memory;
  • Intelligence;
  • Logical and abstract thinking;
  • Emotional response is impaired.

Slide 11-12 Child alcoholism statisticsin Russia.

At the moment, there are about 5 million young Russians (from 11 to 18 years old) who regularly drink alcohol. Among 15-16 year olds, 84% have tried alcoholic beverages, and 30% have used them more than 40 times. The average age of a child who has tried alcohol is 10 years. Almost 12 thousand alcoholic children are registered in the children's rooms of the police. And these are just the official figures.

Slide 13 Prevention of child alcoholism

It consists in the fact that it needs to start with the formation of a full-fledged, healthy family, in which everyone leads a sober lifestyle and is completely happy. Prevention of child alcoholism should also be in educational institutions. After all, it is at school age that children love to try everything new and unknown.

Slide 14 Sobriety is the choice of the strong!

III. Creative and playful part.

1. "Dear" alcoholics.


The largest minds in the world noted that the troubles caused by the consumption of alcohol exceed those troubles that plague, hunger and war bring to mankind combined. Alcohol is very expensive for society. Why is he dangerous? I propose to discuss this issue in groups. Imagine that you need to convince different segments of the population to give up alcohol, to show how expensive it is to pay for it.

  • The first group will show how dangerous alcohol is in transport.
  • The second group will reveal the danger of alcohol for families and children.
  • The third group will show the relationship between alcohol and crime.

Find examples and draw a conclusion, why is it dangerous to drink alcohol in this particular area?

(Children prepare for 5-7 minutes.)

Examples of children's answers:

First group:

A drunk driver or pedestrian can cause an accident on the road.

A drunk passenger can be injured, can injure others (for example, fall from an escalator on the subway).

Drunk drivers lose control of themselves, arrange races on the roads.

A drunk driver may fall asleep while driving, and the car will become uncontrollable.

On the road, the situation changes very quickly. You need to have a good reaction, soberly assess the situation. A drunken person's reaction is inhibited, he can unwittingly become the culprit of misfortune. Then we will have to repair the cars, pay for the treatment of the victims. Alcoholism is expensive in transportation.

Second group:

Alcoholics in the family are a real disaster. They are not involved in raising their children, they set a bad example. Alcoholics are often deprived of parental rights, and children are sent to boarding schools.

Unlucky for those who have alcoholic neighbors. These are constant booze, scandals, quarrels. Because of them, people cannot rest, even in their own home they do not feel safe.

Sometimes the children of alcoholics follow in the footsteps of their parents, go to jail, or become alcoholics themselves.

Alcoholics can start a house fire, gas explosion, or other accident.

Living in the same house with an alcoholic is not sweet. The family has to constantly endure hardships, deny themselves the essentials for the sake of the dear weakness of their loved one.

Third group:

Alcoholics easily go for theft and robbery.

In a drunken stupor, people start violent fights, during which they do not control aggression. These fights often end in murder.

Because of drunkenness, people do a lot of stupid things, just to have fun, then these stupid things are classified as crimes.

Many criminals do not know the laws and think that alcohol will be an excuse for them, but this is not so: alcohol intoxication aggravates guilt.

Alcohol awakens in a person a feeling of euphoria, false self-confidence, a desire to take risks. This pushes people to crimes for which they have to pay: with money, freedom, someone - with their own lives.

Slide 15

2. Proverbs competition.

Popular wisdom also did not stand aside. There are a lot of proverbs about drunkenness. You need to make a proverb, connecting the beginning and the end.

Slide 16
Know how to work, ... (
be able and have fun).
Drinking vodka - ... (ruining yourself).
In a puddle of vodka ... ( and the heroes drown).
Walk, dance, ... ( do not kill the soul).
I fell in love with wine -... (he ruined the family).
Who revels in mash ...(he washes his face with tears).
Drink and walk - ...(no good to be seen).
A drunkard among the people, ...(what a weed in the garden).
The river begins from the stream, ...(and drunkenness from a glass).
X in atil vinca - ... (the young man died).
Who knows how to have fun ...(grief is not afraid of that).
Slide 17

Wine makes wine.

The wine will sink to the bottom.

The barrel of wine is full of poison.

Vodka and labor do not go near.

Whoever loves vodka destroys himself.

Slide 18

A person who drinks is not good for anything.

A.S. Pushkin

Drunk person - not a man, for he has lost what distinguishes man from beast,- mind.

Thomas Pan

Vodka is white, but it paints the nose and blackens the reputation.

A.P. Chekhov

Sobriety puts firewood in the stove, meat in a saucepan, bread on the table, credit for the state, money in the wallet, strength in the body, clothes on the back, mind in the head, contentment in the family.

B. Franklin

Slide 19-21

IV. Training lesson "I am learning to say" no ".

Main part

  1. Why do you think teenagers start drinking? (out of interest, for the company, they are forced to assert themselves in the company, in order to seem more mature, etc.)

Each writes 2-3 reasons, the most common in his opinion, then they compare and discuss in fours and combine the reasons named by them into groups. All together highlight the most common.

2. Have you ever been asked to try alcoholic beverages in your life? Maybe you were witnesses when you proposed to someone else in your presence? Did you agree or refuse? If they refused, how? (write the suggested phrases on the chalkboard) Was it difficult to refuse? Who is more difficult to refuse (adults, peers, brothers ...)? Why do some people manage to refuse, while others do not?

3. Why is it important to learn to refuse alcohol supply?

Although adolescents usually know a lot about the harmful effects of alcohol on health and social well-being, some may still smoke and drink alcohol. This is often because they cannot refuse peers, acquaintances or family members offering cigarettes or alcohol.

4. There are powerful forms of rejection that can be learned.

V. Exercise "Be able to say" no ""

Classroom teacher. Debate is a good training in the ability to defend your position, to defend your point of view. This skill is very useful when you need to keep yourself from alcohol. Most people started drinking alcoholic beverages under the influence of others. They did not want to try, and the sensations were unpleasant, but nevertheless they succumbed to persuasion and took alcohol. Why did they behave this way? Because they were afraid to seem weak, backward, outdated, they were afraid that they would be considered fools. It is this weakness that those who offer the potion play on. So, you need to show them that you are not afraid, that you are smarter and stronger than them. You just need to say: "Yes, I am afraid for my health, yes, I am a mama's boy, yes, I am still small, yes, I am a fool." Or repeat the same phrase: "Thank you, no." And this will knock their weapons out of the hands of the manipulators. They will understand that you will not be intimidated, and you are a truly independent, strong person. Now we are going to practice saying no. [Name, surname) will play the role of a provocateur and offer you a drink. Who wants to test himself and refuse the provocateur?

(Children raise their hands, go to the board.)

Remember what to say? Show that you are not afraid.

Slide 22 (A provocateur with a glass comes up to the children, offers to drink, the children refuse.)

Phrases for provocation:

Well, weak? Afraid to drink?

Drink! Or are you a mama's boy?

Have a drink! You are not small anymore!

Would you like to drink? So you're just a brake!

(The exercise can be repeated with a different group of children.)

Classroom teacher. But the best way to avoid such provocations is not to go where they offer drinks.

Vi. Final word

Slide 23

They say that sobriety is the health of the nation.

Slide 24

Slide 25

Sobriety is the wisdom of the nation.

Slide 26

Alcohol is the thief of the future!

Slide 27

Make the right choice!


“The intoxicated one always reaches out to us when we fail, when we grow weak, when we are tired, and indicates an extremely easy way out of this situation. But these promises are false: the spiritual uplift is deceiving, the physical strength that it promises is illusory; under the influence of the intoxicated, we lose the true idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of things. " This is how the American writer Jack London wrote about alcohol. People always have problems, but alcohol and other drugs do not solve them, but rather create new ones. It’s not alcohol that solves problems, but people! I sincerely wish you to learn how to solve your problems yourself and not look for easy ways.

Slide 28

Remember: the choice is always yours!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school number 60"

Class hour

"Day of sobriety"

Created by: English teacher,

Averina E.V.

Purpose of the event:drawing public attention to the need for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Objectives of the event:

Formation of a negative attitude towards the use of various types of psychoactive substances;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Event progress:

The teacher's condemnatory word:

We urge you to be imbued with the threat that is approaching our Motherland, to pay attention to the huge social problem, on the solution of which the fate of Russia depends. Alcoholization of the Russian people has assumed alarming proportions. The President of Russia said that "alcoholism has acquired the character of a national disaster in our country," and called for decisive measures to be taken to remedy the situation.

Let's look at the statistics:

Every third man of working age suffers from excessive alcohol consumption. The scale of its per capita consumption has reached the milestone of 18 liters per year for every Russian - old man and baby - and is currently the main cause of the demographic crisis, the rapid extinction of our people. Let's compare the numbers and be horrified. Over the 10 years of the war in Afghanistan, 14,000 of our compatriots have died. According to the data of the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection N.F. Gerasimenko, alcohol in Russia takes at least one million human lives a year.

The age of adolescent drinking has dropped from 16 to 13 over the past twenty years. 80% of minors in Russia regularly consume alcohol, and 33% of boys and 20% of girls consume it daily. This undermines the physical and mental health, mental development of the younger generation. Russia ranks first in child alcoholism. Abandoned children, old people, broken families - these are all facets of the same problem. If the situation does not change, our country has no future. We have come to the point where only sobriety can stop our headlong run towards inevitable death! After all, alcohol is more terrible and insidious than any of the most merciless enemies, it is a weapon of mass destruction.

The tradition of celebrating the Day of Sobriety is being revived today in order to designate sobriety in public consciousness as a social norm of life, as a natural state of a person.

The All-Russian Day of Sobriety is a massive cultural event aimed at showing the benefits of a sober lifestyle, awakening civic initiative and uniting society in resisting addictions.

From 8th to 14th September, public libraries of the municipal district Blagoveshchensky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan held events within the framework of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety. The purpose of the events held is to provide warning information and save the younger generation from harm, to provide a convincing explanation of the consequences of abuse for their own health.

These days, such events were held as the oral journal "Life for a Glass" (Ilyino-Polyanskaya rural library), the review-informina "To live soberly - do not grieve a century!" (Osipov rural library), information hour “STOP !!! - Alcohol "(Udelno-Duvanei rural library), informational and competitive program" In sobriety - strength "(Novonadezhdinskaya rural library), talks" All-Russian Day of Sobriety "(Bedeevo-Polyanskaya and Sanninskaya rural libraries)," Early alcoholism "(Akhlystinskaya rural library), "Personality and alcohol" (Ilikovskaya rural library), an hour of prevention "Alcohol syndrome" (Staronadezhdinskaya rural library), sports program for the prevention of alcoholism "Sports - Yes! No alcohol! " (Volkovskaya rural library).

Library protests have become an effective form of work with teenagers and young people. With the participation of librarians of the Central Regional Library MBUK ICL, students of the Multidisciplinary Professional College, teachers, an anti-alcohol action "Sober City" was held.

11 events were held, 248 people took part in the events.

Oral journal "Life for a glass" / 09.09.2016 - MOBU secondary school of the village of Ilyina Polyana named after AND I. Nelyubina.

In order to prevent alcoholism among adolescents, to form students' understanding of how alcohol affects the body and human health, to promote a negative attitude towards alcohol consumption, to promote a healthy lifestyle, as well as within the framework of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, for students 9-10 classes, the librarian of the Ilyino-Polyanskaya rural library MBUK MCL conducted the oral journal "Life for a Glass".

Using the slide presentation "Your health and alcohol", the librarian tried to show the harmful effects of alcohol, as well as its consequences on the young body. Schoolchildren were provided with information on the statistics of alcohol consumption in the Russian Federation per capita, as well as on judicial practice, which shows that alcohol abuse is associated with half of fatal accidents in transport and half of all murders. The moderator of the event informed the students that according to the World Health Organization, alcohol abuse leads to death and disability relatively earlier in life. Among people aged 20-39, approximately 25% of all deaths are alcohol-related. Further, the teacher of chemistry at the MOBU secondary school of the village of Ilyina Polyana named after AND I. Nelyubina conducted a survey-discussion "Your attitude to alcohol" among students in order to identify the level of awareness and perception of the harm from alcohol abuse.

Event organizers and participants believe that sobriety is the norm. Physical culture, sports, classes in circles, visits to libraries, the correct organization of free time, interesting and meaningful rest - all this opposes the development of bad habits, and, above all, the habits of alcohol consumption.

Conversation "Personality and alcohol" / 09.09.2016 - MOBU secondary school of the village of Staroilikovo.

The problems of adolescent alcoholism are a public concern. In order to prevent adolescent alcoholism and popularize a sober lifestyle, promote sports and a healthy lifestyle, the Ilikovskaya rural library MBUK ICL held a conversation "Personality and alcohol" for the students of the secondary school in the village of Staroilikova.

The presenter of the event began the conversation by telling the story of the emergence of a monopoly on alcohol in our country and what losses our country experienced after that. She spoke in detail about the effect of alcohol on the body of children and adolescents. She told what changes are taking place in a person's character and about the irreversible consequences of damage to the human brain. The worst consequence and damage is caused by alcohol to the human embryo. And the worst crime is drinking during pregnancy. At the end of the event, all participants received handouts.

The information hour helped children understand the consequences of alcoholism for the younger generation.

Review - informina "Live soberly - do not grieve a century" / 09.09.2016 - MOBU secondary school of the village of Osipovka.

Osipovskaya rural library MBUK MCL for students of the MOBU secondary school conducted a review - to informin “Live soberly - do not grieve for a century”, aimed at anti-alcohol education of the younger generation. First, the guys heard the story of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety. Then the guys got acquainted with the articles of periodicals, collected in the thematic folder "Alcohol, how to resist it?", Heard what the consequences can be in the human body when drinking alcohol.

The next part of the event was built on a competitive basis: 3 teams performed various tasks.

At the end of the event, we once again discussed the information received and concluded that friendship with alcohol will only bring pain, suffering to loved ones, and deprive them of health.

Hour of alcoholism prevention "Alcohol syndrome" / 09.09.2016 - Parents' meeting in the kindergarten of the village of Staronadezhdino.

Within the framework of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, in order to prevent a healthy and predominantly sober lifestyle, to promote the social movement of sobriety, the librarian of the Old Nadezhda rural library MBUK ICL informed the gathered parents about the medical statistics of surrogate alcohol poisoning in Russia, Bashkortostan. He argued the advantages of a sober lifestyle for families with children, the harmfulness of drunkenness for women. The kindergarten teacher focused the attention of parents on the harmful effects of alcohol on offspring born with alcohol syndrome.

The gathered parents were handed out memos "It is more useful to live without alcohol."

Sports program for the prevention of alcoholism "Sports - yes!" No alcohol! " / 10.09. 2016 - the gymnasium of the secondary school in the village of Volkovo.

In order to promote healthy lifestyles and educate the population about the dangers of alcohol, the librarian of the Volkovsk rural library of the MBUK ICL and the methodologist of the village club conducted a sports program for the prevention of alcoholism, dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Sobriety.

FAP worker s. Volkovo spoke about bad habits, emphasizing that alcohol abuse, directly or indirectly, is one of the most important causes of the high mortality rate of the population. Therefore, everyone should think about their health and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The leading events invited the audience to become participants in the sports program.

Information and competition program "In sobriety is power" / 09/10/2016 - Novonaadezhdinskaya rural library MBUK ICL.

The All-Russian Day of Sobriety is a good tradition, which began in the last century. Few people know that Russia was one of the least drinking countries in Europe. According to the average annual per capita alcohol consumption in 1906-1910. it was ranked 13th out of 15 counted countries in Europe. It consumed only 3.4 liters of absolute alcohol per capita.

The Novonaadezhdinskaya Rural Library did not remain aloof from this event - on September 10, 2016 in the library for 7th grade students an information and competition program "In sobriety is strength" was held.

The purpose of the event: to raise students' interest in maintaining their own health. The first competition is "Holidays". There are many holidays in our life. There are state holidays, there are folk holidays, there are also family holidays. The presenter names several holidays, and the audience answers which holidays they can be attributed to, names the date of the holiday, in honor of what event it is held and which - state, national, religious, family it is. During the "Historical" competition, the participants not only answered the quiz questions, but also got acquainted with the history of the holiday. The next competition is the proverbial competition. A proverb is a folk wisdom in which a deep thought is briefly and vividly expressed. Usually a proverb is easily divided into 2 parts, the second part is the logical ending of the first. The librarian invited the audience to choose endings for the opening phrases of the proverb about alcoholism.

The event was accompanied by a presentation on the dangers of alcoholism.

Conversation "All-Russian Day of Sobriety" / 09/10/2016 - Sanninsky SDK.

On the eve of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, a conversation was held for the population aimed at bringing to the residents of the population information about the bad habit and its consequences.

The librarian of the Sanninsky rural library MBUK ICL and the methodologist of the Sanninsky SDK spoke about the dangers of drinking alcohol among minors and the adult population of our country. Sad figures from the statistics of the World Health Organization were cited. Much has been said about the fact that in our country every third man of working age suffers from excessive alcohol consumption. The scale of its per capita consumption has reached the milestone of 18 liters per year for every Russian - old man and baby - and is currently the main cause of the demographic crisis, the rapid extinction of our people. About the fact that over 10 years of war in Afghanistan, 14,000 of our compatriots have died, and alcohol in Russia takes at least one million lives a year.

The leading events called on young people to lead a healthy lifestyle, organize their leisure time by attending events held by the village club, and also become an active reader of the village library.

Conversation "Early alcoholism" / 09/10/2016 - MOBU secondary school of the village of Staronadezhdino.

The librarian of the Akhlystinskaya rural library MBUK MZL held a conversation dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Sobriety among students of the MOBU secondary school in the village of Staronadezhdino.

At the beginning of the event, the audience was shown a video film about the harm caused by alcohol to the human body. Then a conversation was held on the topic "Early alcoholism". During the conversation, the guys answered the question: "Why do children and adolescents use alcohol?" The librarian described four groups of persons with different dynamics of the development of alcoholism. We also talked about the consequences associated with alcohol intake.

During the conversation, the teenagers once again heard what harm alcohol brings to mankind. Reasonable and conscious choice of a sober lifestyle is one of the main tasks facing modern society.

Information hour “STOP !!! - Alcohol "/ 09/10/2016 - Udelno-Duvanei rural library MBUK MCL.

On September 10, 2016, the librarian of the Udelno-Duvanei rural library MBUK ICL, together with the leading KFOR methodologist, organized and conducted an information hour “STOP !!! - Alcohol "within the framework of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety, aimed at promoting a sober lifestyle.

The teenagers learned about the dangers of alcohol, about the problems that drunkenness brings, they were also asked questions for discussion. The presenters said that promoting a healthy lifestyle is one of the important directions in the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism.

As part of this event, an information stand "We are for a healthy lifestyle!" Was arranged in the library, containing statistical information on the relationship of alcohol consumption with an increase in mortality, mental disorders and the number of road accidents. Also, all the children received reminders "On the dangers of alcohol."

At the end of the conversation, it was concluded that our health is in our own hands. This should become a conviction for everyone, which will allow you to maintain health for many years, physical activity and ability to work.

Conversation "All-Russian Day of Sobriety" / 09/13/2016 - MOBU secondary school of the village of Bedeeva Polyana.

Some holidays are common - for the people, others - for some group of people, and this holiday was held in Russia every year from 1911 to 1917. And then they forgot about him. The Day of Sobriety was revived quite recently and is celebrated on September 11.

Why this holiday arose, how it was held before and how it is currently celebrated - the librarian of the Bedeevo-Polyanskaya rural library MBUK ICL told about this during the conversation to the students of the MOBU secondary school of the village of Bedeeva Polyana. The main goal of the event: to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

The continuation of the event was a competition of proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle and the dangers of drunkenness and alcoholism.

Is it necessary to revive such holidays or not? The teenagers talked about this and many other things, but everyone agreed that it was necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Leading methodologist T.A. Permin

"Day of sobriety"

Alcohol addiction chatting hour

Purpose: expanding children's understanding of the harmful effects of alcohol.


    contribute to the education of a healthy lifestyle;

    to form a stable habit of alcohol aversion;

    to form the ability to actively resist addictions;

    promote the development of students' creativity.

I. Teetotal Sparrow

It happened during a bird banquet:

I noticed a woodpecker - toastmaster,

When the guests raised their glasses,

What's in the sparrow's glass -

Water! Fruit water!

The guests made a noise, everyone began to be indignant,

"Penalty" was poured into Sparrow.

And he repeats his own: “I don’t drink! I do not drink! I do not drink!"

“Don't support your friends? I'm sick for what, -

The Owl screams, - and yet I drink to the bottom! "

“Where have you seen it, not to drink to the woods

And for the native heavens ?! " -

What to do? The sparrow pecked half a glass.

"Not! Not! - they shout to him. - Will not work! Few! Few!

Once you have taken to drink, so drink to the bottom!

Well, pour him another glass of wine! "

Our humble teetotaler did not last long -

Everyone dispersed, but he remained under the table ...

Many years have passed since then,

But now the Sparrow is nowhere to pass,

And wherever he appears,

Everywhere they look and whisper after him.

"Oh, how he drinks!", "Oh, how he decomposed!",

"You heard? The other day I got drunk again! "

"You know? He leaves his family! "

In vain the Sparrow shouts: “I don’t drink! I don’t drink! "

Sometimes, it happens that he misses

(The poor man himself is not happy about that!),

Correct, take up the mind,

Will never stumble again

Lives smarter, more modest a hundredfold.

But if where with at least one word

He will be touched by conversation

There are people who are ready for him

Recall the old as a reproach:

Like, it's hard to remember exactly

What year, what date ...

But somewhere, it seems, sometime

There was something with him under the table! ...

Slide 1. Teacher. September 11, 2015 is recognized as the world day of sobriety. Alcoholic drinks now flow like a river, even children drink them. Every year 40 thousand Russian citizens die from drunkenness in the country - this is 3 times more than our losses during the entire Afghan war.

Slide 2.

Do you know about these numbers? Do you think these numbers are relevant to you? Do you think that it is necessary to carry out the fight against alcoholism? Is alcoholism compatible with a healthy lifestyle? (Compatible with cultural use, while observing a sense of proportion.)

II. Information block "Alcoholic poison"

Slide 3. Teacher. What is alcohol and what are its insidious properties? Now we will consider this issue from the side of medicine.

Slide 4. The guide to toxic substances (toxic means poisonous) says that alcohol is wine alcohol. By its effect on the body, it belongs to drugs. And it has all the signs of a drug: it has an analgesic, hypnotic and narcotic effect, causes excitement at low doses, and with frequent use - addiction and the need for it. Wine alcohol is a poison that affects all organs, but it has a particularly detrimental effect on the heart, liver, and central nervous system. And alcohol affects the brain, deprives a person of the mind. Not without reason did Pythagoras say that "drunkenness is an exercise in madness." In 1975, the World Health Organization recognized: "Alcohol is a narcotic poison." But in Russia alcohol is not yet recognized as a drug, and this poison is sold around the clock and freely even in grocery stores, kiosks and stalls. Alcoholic products include: beer, wine, vodka, alcohol, moonshine, chacha, home brew and other drinks with a strength of 1.5 or more degrees in their composition.

Slide 5. The more alcohol enters the body, the more the brain is poisoned. Depending on the level of brain poisoning, 6 degrees of intoxication are distinguished.

First degree - weak intoxication. His signs are foolishness, mobility, talkativeness, swagger, bragging, noisiness, arrogance.

Second degree - exuberance. She is characterized by increased irritability, irascibility, anger, a tendency to scandals and fights.

Third degree - paralysis - coordination of movements is disturbed, sometimes a drunk cannot move independently.

Fourth degree - insanity, insanely drunk does not understand what he is doing and saying, the ability to think is impaired, in extreme cases, it is completely lost.

Fifth degree - sleepiness - alcoholic sleep. The drunk does not lose sensitivity, so he can be woken up in one way or another and even forced to stand up.

Sixth degree - anesthesia - alcoholic anesthesia. A drunk completely loses sensitivity and protective reflexes, so he can drown in a bath and in a puddle, burn out in a fire caused by a cigarette falling out of his mouth.

Slide 6 .. How does alcohol addiction work? Alcoholism is a serious chronic illness. It develops if a person has been drinking alcohol for a long time and regularly. Signs of alcoholism: irrepressible craving for alcohol, a change in the degree of its tolerance and personality degradation. Addiction to poison occurs gradually. The first test, as a rule, is accompanied by a defensive reaction: vomiting, nausea - this is how the body fights the poison. The dose gradually increases, the body gets used to it, there is a craving for alcohol. There are three stages of alcoholism. At the last, third stage, the personality disintegrates, the person completely loses control over himself, drinks alcohol surrogates, technical liquids, cologne, he may experience delirium tremens, other alcoholic psychoses.

Slide 7. Especially fast alcoholism develops in women. People say: "The husband drinks - half the house is on fire, the wife drinks - the whole house is on fire." An alcoholic woman loses all feminine features, even the maternal instinct perishes in her - she ceases to take care of her children. Children and adolescents get used to alcohol 3-4 times faster. Their bodies are still weak, and they get drunk faster from less alcohol.

III. Creative tasks on the topic "Dear" alcoholics

Classroom teacher. The largest minds in the world noted that the troubles caused by the consumption of alcohol exceed the troubles that plague, hunger and war bring to mankind combined. Alcohol is very expensive for society. Why is he dangerous? I propose to discuss this issue in groups. Imagine that you need to convince different segments of the population to give up alcohol, to show how expensive you have to pay for it.

The first group will show how dangerous alcohol is in transport.

The second group will show the dangers of alcohol at work.

The third group will reveal the danger of alcohol for families and children.

The fourth group will show the relationship between alcohol and crime.

Find examples and draw a conclusion, why is it dangerous to drink alcohol in this particular area?

(Children prepare for 5-7 minutes.)

Examples of children's answers:

Slide 8First group:

A drunk driver or pedestrian can cause an accident on the road.

A drunk passenger can be injured, can injure others (for example, fall from an escalator on the subway).

Drunk drivers lose control of themselves, arrange races on the roads.

A drunk driver may fall asleep while driving, and the car will become uncontrollable.

On the road, the situation changes very quickly. You need to have a good reaction, soberly assess the situation. A drunken person's reaction is inhibited, he can unwittingly become the culprit of misfortune. Then we will have to repair the cars, pay for the treatment of the victims. Alcoholism is expensive in transportation.

Slide 9.Second group:

A drunken builder can fall from the top floor, can do a poor job, which will lead to the destruction of the building, to an accident.

A drunken worker who makes planes, ships, cars, will do something wrong, people will suffer from it.

A drunk at the factory can get injured, can damage machines, equipment, this will cost the factory a pretty penny.

And if a drunkard turns out to be an employee of a nuclear power plant, it's even scary to imagine what could happen!

Modern production is saturated with sophisticated technology, a drinker can fall asleep at the workplace, he can lose consciousness, and through his fault the work of many people will be lost. Alcoholism in production is a big cost.

Third group:

Alcoholics in the family are a real disaster. They are not involved in raising their children, they set a bad example. Alcoholics are often deprived of parental rights, and children are sent to boarding schools.

Unlucky for those who have alcoholic neighbors. These are constant booze, scandals, quarrels. Because of them, people cannot rest, even in their own home they do not feel safe.

Sometimes the children of alcoholics follow in the footsteps of their parents, go to jail, or become alcoholics themselves.

Alcoholics can start a house fire, gas explosion, or other accident.

Living in the same house with an alcoholic is not sweet. The family has to constantly endure hardships, deny themselves the essentials for the sake of the dear weakness of their loved one.

Slide 10Fourth group:

Alcoholics easily go for theft and robbery.

In a drunken stupor, people start violent fights, during which they do not control aggression. These fights often end in murder.

Because of drunkenness, people do a lot of stupid things, just to have fun, then these stupid things are classified as crimes.

Many criminals do not know the laws and think that alcohol will be an excuse for them, but this is not so: alcohol intoxication aggravates guilt.

Alcohol awakens in a person a feeling of euphoria, false self-confidence, a desire to take risks. This pushes people to crimes for which they have to pay: with money, freedom, someone - with their own lives.

Slide 11

IV. Test "Can you resist"

Teacher: Very often, even those students who are well aware of the dangers of alcohol, drugs and smoking, often do not know how to say "no", succumb to persuasion. Now let's check if you know how to manage your desires?

Choose one of two answers. You need to answer honestly, otherwise you will not learn anything about yourself:

    If you had the opportunity to watch cartoons for more than 3 hours daily, would you do it? Yes. Not.

    Would you like to try smoking a cigarette? Yes. Not.

    Can you lie in bed in the morning, even if you need to get up and do something? Yes. Not.

    Have you tried alcoholic drinks? Yes. Not.

    Do you like physical education lessons? Yes. Not.

    Have you ever accepted friends' suggestions to skip some lessons or whole school days? Yes. Not.

    Do you know how not to repeat your mistakes? Yes. Not.

    If a tipsy person offered you a box of chocolates right on the street, would you take it? Yes. Not.

    Would you be able to refuse an offer to play slot machines because the lessons were not done? Yes. Not.

Now calculate the scores based on the table.




0-15 points

You know how to manage your desires. You love to have fun. But at the right moment you are able to drop that pleasure for the sake of pleasure can do harm, interfere with your plans, your relationship with your parents, teachers. You have an interesting life ahead of you, full of real pleasures.

(20-40 points)

Your “pleasure zone” often lets you down. You may want to better manage your desires, but this does not always work out. Lack of willpower. You are wasting a lot of time. You strive for momentary pleasure. Because of this, you can lose a lot of pleasant things in the future. We recommend to be on your guard - the price of dubious pleasure may be too expensive.

45 or more points


You are literally infected with all sorts of pleasures. You are unable to correctly assess your actions.

Please summarize your scores and reflect on your results.

Slide 12.

V. Exercise "Be able to say" no ""

Classroom teacher. Debate is a good training in the ability to defend your position, to defend your point of view. This skill is very useful when you need to keep yourself from alcohol. Most people started drinking alcoholic beverages under the influence of others. They did not want to try, and the sensations were unpleasant, but nevertheless they succumbed to persuasion and took alcohol. Why did they behave this way? Because they were afraid to seem weak, backward, outdated, they were afraid that they would be considered fools. It is this weakness that those who offer the potion play on. So, you need to show them that you are not afraid, that you are smarter and stronger than them. You just need to say: "Yes, I am afraid for my health, yes, I am a mama's boy, yes, I am still small, yes, I am a fool." Or repeat the same phrase: "Thank you, no." And this will knock their weapons out of the hands of the manipulators. They will understand that you will not be intimidated, and you are a truly independent, strong person. Now we are going to practice saying no. [Name, surname) will play the role of a provocateur and offer you a drink. Who wants to test himself and refuse the provocateur?

(Children raise their hands, go to the board.)

Remember what to say? Show that you are not afraid.

(A provocateur with a glass comes up to the children, offers to drink, the children refuse.)

Phrases for provocation:

Well, weak? Afraid to drink?

Drink! Or are you a mama's boy?

Have a drink! You are not small anymore!

Would you like to drink? So you're just a brake!

(The exercise can be repeated with a different group of children.)

Classroom teacher. But the best way to avoid such provocations is not to go where they offer drinks.

Vi. Final word

Classroom teacher. “The intoxicated one always reaches out to us when we fail, when we grow weak, when we are tired, and indicates an extremely easy way out of this situation. But these promises are false: the spiritual uplift is deceiving, the physical strength that it promises is illusory; under the influence of the intoxicated, we lose the true idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of things. " This is how the American writer Jack London wrote about alcohol. People always have problems, but alcohol and other drugs do not solve them, but rather create new ones. It’s not drugs that solve problems, but people! I sincerely wish you to learn how to solve your problems yourself and not look for easy ways.

Vii. Summarizing

Classroom teacher. What new have you learned today? Has your attitude towards alcohol changed? Can you resist being offered a drink? (Answers of the children.)