The power of gratitude. Thanksgiving technique. The Power of Gratitude, or the Technique of Thanksgiving The Power of Thanksgiving

Do not forget to thank people for every little thing to make sure once again - there are more good people in the world. Thank the world for each new day and take life as a gift.

"A good word that rain in a drought." "A polite person should be grateful" - we are taught this from childhood. Most people think they know how to be grateful. “Say thank you to your aunt for the candy,” the child’s mother teaches. “Thank you,” we say to the one who fulfilled our request. This is usually where our understanding of gratitude ends.

We don't really think about the meaning of this word - it seems to us that just a magic "thank you" is enough, as all doors will open before us. And it is truly magical, since we will smile and sympathize with the person who will pronounce it in response to our service. "A kind word and a cat is pleased", "A kind word opens the way to the heart", "For a good hello - a kind answer," - say the proverbs.

There is a folk parable presented by the Russian teacher Konstantin Ushinsky. The Wind and the Sun argued which of them was stronger. Argued, argued, but never came to an agreement. They saw the traveler and decided to measure their strength on him: who will manage to throw off the cloak from him. The wind blew as much as possible, and rained and snowed, and the traveler wrapped himself in a cloak even more tightly. It was the turn of the Sun: it enveloped the earth with gentle rays, and the warmer traveler took off his cloak himself. Moral: goodness and affection dispose to themselves, but evil repels.

But how often in everyday life do we forget about it! But the word "ingratitude" (the opposite of "gratitude") is very often used together with such epithets as "black" or "blatant".

Gratitude is to bestow good

Saying words of gratitude, we express our gratitude for the good done to us, for the attention shown, for the service rendered. Gratitude is not necessarily expressed to one specific person - we can be grateful to a group of people, a community and even the Universe, some higher forces that, as we sometimes think, govern our life.

The concept of gratitude was considered by the Roman philosopher, who lived in the 4th century. BC NS. in the "Moral Letters to Lucilius": "To thank" means to respond in kind to the blessing received as a gift, the word "to give" means a voluntary offering ... no one knows how to thank, except a sage, that is, a person for whom giving is a great joy, than to receive for another. " And "justice should be given to each of his own and pay for a good deed with gratitude, for an insult - with revenge or, at least, hostility."

The ancient Greek philosopher Metrodorus said that "only the wise know how to give thanks."

The ancient Roman orator Cicero said that he would not want to possess any quality so much as the ability to be grateful, because gratitude is the mother of all virtues.

The German philosopher divided gratitude into simple, expressed in ordinary gratitude (gratitude in words), and active, supported by actions (gratitude in deed). He viewed gratitude as everyone's moral duty to themselves.

Christian teaching views gratitude as the driving force of faith: "I thank the Lord for opening the faith for me." And an ungrateful person has no moral right to be called a worthy person, even if he devoted his life to charity.

The Russian historian V. Klyuchevsky noted that for a certain category of people to be grateful is a burden - they perceive gratitude as a duty, and therefore do not like it when good deeds are done for them.

Thank you for everything ...

With the flow of business, we forget to enjoy every day of our life. It happens that we are capricious, irritated, out of spirits, out of mood, because we believe that there is no reason for joy. We get hung up on small troubles and forget how to see the positive in the little things that make up our life. And only some kind of grief or illness seems to pull us back, substituting a bandwagon so that we finally stop and think that happiness is in every moment, and thanked the world just for what we are.

But for some reason, many are especially acutely perceived the value of life only when they find themselves on the threshold of eternity. On the eve of a difficult operation, in the face of a mortal danger, all feelings suddenly become aggravated, and people notice that happiness can be experienced just because you breathe in the frosty air, feel the gentle breath of the breeze on your skin, see the trees fading. But now the danger has passed, and the feelings are dulled again. And again the running of the driven horse in a circle?

“All complaints that life is unbearable and difficult, all our complaints about being deprived, are solely due to a lack of gratitude for what we have,” wrote Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe.

If we are bad students, and are not able to draw conclusions from the life lessons presented to us, we will use gratitude. They will not let us forget that life is finite, which means that it needs to be filled with love and gratitude, and not envy and anger.

It is best to write affirmations on a piece of paper and hang them in a conspicuous place so that our eyes turn to them every now and then until they are remembered.

  • I am grateful to God that I am, for the fact that I am alive and well!
  • For the fact that I am able to rejoice, suffer, love and empathize, that I have consciousness, soul, body, mind and intellect.
  • I thank life for having food, clothes, a home and people close to me.
  • I thank the people around me for filling my life with meaning and interest.
  • I thank the forces of nature for serving me.
  • I thank all the events of my life and all the people who have ever crossed paths with me for their help, support and lessons provided to me.
  • I thank the intelligent and perfect world in which I live.
  • I thank planet Earth, where I stopped for a brief moment of rest in my endless journey.
  • I thank my long-suffering soul for sensitivity, patience, the ability to believe, love, forgive, overcome, enjoy, the ability to suffer and rejoice.

Sincere and insincere gratitude

Gratitude has one important nuance - it must be sincere, from the bottom of my heart. Otherwise, it will not carry the flow of energy, which means it will be formal and inactive.

“I am grateful to you for leaving me! Otherwise, all my life I would be your pale shadow, I would look at you from the bottom up and catch your every word. The desire not to break down and prove to you and myself that I am a strong personality, worthy of respect, helped me overcome many obstacles, get an education, and raise a child. Thank you for leaving me, because then I never met the person dearest to me, "- approximately so said the heroine of Vera Alentova in the film" Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears "to the man who left her after he found out, that she is a “Limitsa” and not a professor’s daughter who lives in a house on Kutuzovskaya Embankment.

Her gratitude was sincere, it became possible because the pain subsided, the horror of the situation in which the girl found herself several years ago passed away. Saying words of gratitude, she was happy that the circumstances were such that there were good people and loyal friends nearby who supported her. A grateful person is a happy person because sincere gratitude is charged with positive energy.

Insincere gratitude, gratitude through force at the moment when a person experiences negative emotions, but wants with its help only to attract positive into his life, does not carry any energy.

At the moment when we experience fear, shame, humiliation, we should not drown out our feelings and thank life for the lesson provided, because we still do not see the prospect, do not understand what to thank for, and our gratitude will be tortured. It will not give us the feeling of complete happiness that a sincerely grateful person experiences.

Gratitude should come from the bottom of your heart, you need to feel it, and then it will fill you with happiness and positive energy.

The power of gratitude

Thanksgiving Technique

What is gratitude, why is it needed, and how to use the power of gratitude to become happier.

The power of gratitude is so great that the study and application of this knowledge is important element on the path to happiness and enlightenment.

Gratitude(from "good present") Is a feeling of appreciation for the good done, for example, for the attention or service rendered, as well as various ways of expressing this feeling (definition from Wikipedia).

Gratitude is a powerful outflow of positive emotions. You already know that nothing in our life is accidental, and the Universe reacts to our radiations (thoughts, words and actions): h you radiate, you receive. Anyone who has practiced the formula for happiness knows how it works. Perhaps the technique of thanksgiving, based on the power of gratitude, will become even more powerful for you than the formula for happiness.

An example of how gratitude works. Joe Vitale describes the following case. “Jonathan had bilateral pneumonia. Nothing seemed to help him. But at some point, an insight came to him - he wrote a single sentence on sheets of paper and hung them all over the house. With the methodical nature of a parrot, he repeated this sentence over and over again, dictated it to tape many times and replayed it constantly. He made this phrase a part of his existence. As a result, Jonathan recovered within 24 hours! What were these words? "Thank you, Lord, for all the benefits that I have and for all the benefits that I will receive."

Incredible? But such is the power of gratitude.

The manifestation (radiation) of gratitude is the establishment of a direct connection with the Higher Forces (Life, God - whoever believes in what, can be called differently), thanks to which everything happens. When you are good give, bless you and returns.

A person who cannot feel gratitude is an egoist, and the ego makes him unhappy. Positive does not come to him, since he does not radiate it. It's simple. And fixing this is also not difficult.

Gratitude is the power that heals selfishness, all its negative consequences, and brings you closer to happiness.

A person has two options to choose from: selfishness or happiness (enlightenment). The selfish cannot receive real happiness, only temporary pleasure is available to him, which is necessarily replaced by disappointment, troubles, depression, etc.

However, see for yourself the power of gratitude! Personal experience is more important than unverified information.

Thanksgiving Technique which you will see below is taken from the fifth level, where it works best (since there is little left of the ego, and it does not interfere with the work). Thanksgiving technique is universal, suitable for everyone and not dangerous for beginners, unlike some other techniques intended only for trained people.

The essence of the technique is quite simple and does not require special conditions. It is best done in a calm environment, sitting or lying down, following general guidelines.

So, thanksgiving technique:

Find many things, people, events, phenomena, situations, etc., for which you you can be grateful, and feel grateful for each of the points listed. To begin with, you can say mentally or aloud "thank you" or "thank you" if it is difficult feel gratitude.

You remember something and give thanks for it. Then you remember something else and give thanks for it. Etc. Whom to thank? Look at the situation. You can thank the person (who did something for you). You can thank the Guardian Angel, Higher powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe). When you thank a person, thank also and Higher Powers (Life, God) - for giving you this person.

Go through your whole life and find a lot (a lot!) of everything for which you can be grateful and radiate this gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking "what can I be grateful for?" and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, etc. - any positive... Then you will find some "neutral" things, people, events, etc., that you previously did not consider worthy of gratitude, but now you do. Give thanks for them too. Then you will find the "negative" moments in your life, unpleasant life lessons that now will look in a completely different light and will be grateful too.

In the end, you will feel grateful for everything, for your entire life, and you will experience an incredible feeling of happiness, Divine Unconditional love and Unity. At this moment, the ego will simply disappear, there will be a complete acceptance as is of everything that was, is and will be. Also be prepared for a series of insights and a whole new understanding of life.

It will take more than one approach to achieve this state. But each time the state will change so much that it will be difficult not to notice the changes. Observe what changes in your life as you radiate gratitude. You can walk down the street and thank life for everything that catches your eye, the same at work or at home - the technique of thanksgiving is universal.

It can be difficult to get started because the ego will resist. At first, it will dissuade you from using this technique, under various pretexts, then negativity from the past may emerge, which is not always pleasant.The only obstacle to practicing the technique of thanksgiving is selfishness, there is no other reason.The main thing is to get the first result in order to feel the power of gratitude, and then it will be easier. Set aside an hour (maybe less) for yourself and do the Thanksgiving technique properly.

Don't be limited to this one technique; most likely, it will not be enough (if you are just at the beginning of the journey). In addition to Level One techniques, you will find others on the website. Try different ones.

I wish you success and happiness!

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What is gratitude, why is it needed, and how to use the power of gratitude in practice to become happier.

The power of gratitude is so great that learning and applying this knowledge is an essential element on the path to happiness and enlightenment.

Gratitude (from “giving good”) is a feeling of appreciation for a good done, for example, for the attention or service rendered, as well as various ways of expressing this feeling (definition from Wikipedia).

Gratitude is a powerful outflow of positive emotions. You already know that in our life, and the Universe reacts to our radiation (thoughts, words and actions): what you radiate is what you get. Whoever has practiced knows how it works. Perhaps the technique of thanksgiving, based on the power of gratitude, will become even more powerful for you than the formula for happiness.

An example of how gratitude works. Joe Vitale describes the following case. “Jonathan had bilateral pneumonia. Nothing seemed to help him. But at some point, an insight came to him - he wrote a single sentence on sheets of paper and hung them all over the house. With the methodical nature of a parrot, he repeated this sentence over and over again, dictated it to tape many times and replayed it constantly. He made this phrase a part of his existence. As a result, Jonathan recovered within 24 hours! What were these words? "Thank you, Lord, for all the benefits that I have and for all the benefits that I will receive."

Incredible? But such is the power of gratitude.

The manifestation (radiation) of gratitude is the establishment of a direct connection with the Higher Forces (Life, God - whoever believes in what, can be called differently), thanks to which everything happens. When you give thanks, good will return to you.

A person who cannot feel gratitude is an egoist, and. Positive does not come to him, since he does not radiate it. It's simple. And it's not difficult to fix this either.

Gratitude is a power that heals all its negative consequences and brings you closer to happiness.

A person has two options to choose from: (enlightenment). An egoist cannot get real happiness, only temporary pleasure is available to him, which is necessarily replaced by disappointment, troubles, depression, etc.

However, see for yourself the power of gratitude! Personal experience is more important than unverified information.

The Thanksgiving technique you'll see below comes from where it works best (since there is little ego left there, and it does not interfere with work). Thanksgiving technique is versatile, suitable for everyone, and not dangerous for beginners, unlike some other techniques that are intended only for trained people.

The essence of the technique is quite simple and does not require special conditions. It is best done in a calm environment, sitting or lying down, observing the general ones.

Practice: Thanksgiving Technique

Find many things, people, events, phenomena, situations, etc. that you can be grateful for, and feel grateful for each of the points listed. For starters, you can say “thank you” or “thank you” out loud if you find it difficult to feel grateful.

You remember something and give thanks for it. Then you remember something else and give thanks for it. Etc. Whom to thank? Look at the situation. You can thank the person (who did something for you). You can thank the Guardian Angel, Higher powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe). When you thank a person, you also thank the Higher Forces (Life, God) for giving you this person.

Look through your entire life and find so many (so many!) Things that you can be grateful for, and radiate that gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking "what can I be grateful for?" and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, etc. - any positive. Then you will find some "neutral" things, people, events, etc. that you previously did not consider worthy of gratitude, but now you do. Give thanks for them too. Then you will find “negative” moments in your life, unpleasant life lessons that will now look in a completely different light and will also be grateful.

You can walk down the street and thank life for everything that catches your eye, the same at work or at home - the practice of thanksgiving is universal.

Finally you will feel grateful for everything, for your entire life, and you will experience an incredible feeling of happiness, Divine Unconditional Love, etc. At this moment, the ego will simply disappear, the full of everything that was, is and will be will happen. Also be prepared for a series of insights and a whole new understanding of life.

It will take more than one approach to achieve this state. But every time, after the practice of thanksgiving, your state will change so much that it will be difficult not to notice the change. Observe what changes in your life as you practice the radiation of gratitude.

It can be difficult to get started because the ego will resist. At first, it will dissuade you from using this technique, under various pretexts, then negativity from the past may emerge, which is not always pleasant. The only obstacle to practicing the technique of thanksgiving is selfishness, there is no other reason. The main thing is to get the first result in order to feel the power of gratitude, and then it will be easier. Set aside an hour (maybe less) for yourself and do the Thanksgiving technique properly.

Don't be limited to this one practice; most likely, it will not be enough (especially if you are just at the beginning of the journey). Beyond Techniques


The power of thanksgiving is so great that the study and
applying this knowledge is an essential element on the path to happiness.
Gratitude is a powerful outflow of positive that then returns.
in one form or another. Thanksgiving Technique Is Built on Understanding Power
thanks. You already know that nothing in our life is accidental, and the Universe
reacts to our radiations (thoughts, words and actions). What you radiate, so
you get it. Whoever practiced the formula of happiness "I wish everyone happiness" knows.
Perhaps the thanksgiving technique will become even more powerful for you. Example
of how gratitude works. Joe Vitale describes the following case. "U
Jonathan had bilateral pneumonia. Nothing seemed to help him.
But at some point, an insight came to him - he wrote on sheets of paper
one single sentence and posted them all over the house. Methodically
parrot, he repeated this sentence over and over again, dictated it many times in
the tape and constantly scrolled it. He made this phrase a part of his
existence. As a result, Jonathan recovered within 24 hours! What is this
were for words? “Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings that I have, and for everything
the benefits that I will receive. " Incredible? But such is the power of thanksgiving.
Gratitude is the power that heals selfishness, all its negative consequences, and
bringing you closer to happiness. However, see for yourself the power of gratitude! Private
experience is more important than unverified information. Thanksgiving technique is versatile, suitable
everyone and is not dangerous for beginners, unlike some other techniques,
intended only for trained people. The essence of the Thanksgiving technique
quite simple and does not require special conditions. It is best done in
calm environment, sitting or lying down. Find many things, people, events,
phenomena, situations, etc., for which you can be grateful and feel
thanks for each of the items listed. For starters, you can speak
mentally or out loud "thank you" if it is difficult to feel gratitude. You
remember something and give thanks for it. Then you remember something else, and
thank for that. Etc. Whom to thank? Look at the situation. Can you
thank the person (who did something for you). Can you thank
Guardian Angel, Higher powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe). When you
thank the person, also thank the Higher Forces (Angels, Life, God) -
for giving you this person. Go through your whole life and find very
many (many!) things for which you can be grateful, and radiate this
gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking "what can I be grateful for?"
and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, and
etc. - any positive. Then you will find some "neutral" things, people,
events, etc., which were previously not considered worthy of gratitude, but now
Consider and be grateful for them. Then you will find the "negative" moments of your life,
unpleasant life lessons that will now look completely different
light and will also be grateful. You can also walk down the street and
thank life for everything that catches your eye, the same at work
or at home - the technique is universal, in the end you will feel grateful for
everything, in your entire life, and you will experience an incredible feeling of happiness, Divine
Unconditional Love and Unity. At this moment, the ego will just disappear, it will happen
full acceptance as is of everything that was, is and will be. Also be prepared for
a series of insights and a completely new understanding of life. To achieve this
state, it will take more than one approach. But every time the state will change so much
strongly that it will be difficult not to notice the changes. Observe what changes in
your life as you radiate gratitude.


we are so eager to become Love, Compassion, Mercy ... But compassionate
are you to yourself? It's no secret that now we are being born again, already
who we really are. And we are born for an excruciatingly long time, but there's nothing here
can not be helped. We cleanse ourselves of everything old and unnecessary that no longer serves us.
We heal all our old, caked wounds. But how do we do it? And this
important question. Impossible to love Everything That Is, hating yourself, despising

has nothing to do with self-love and narcissism. No, this is our dignity
and our strength. Dignity always goes alongside Modesty and Humility. If
to tell a child from childhood that he is a fool, he will be a fool. Can become a slave
only the one who is a slave within himself in his mind, who voluntarily surrenders
yourself into operation.

through all these healings and cleansing, it is very important to maintain compassion,
compassion and understanding towards oneself.
Blame yourself for past "mistakes" (which never happened),
demanding "the best" from oneself is self-abuse.
This is the most real violence. A person who is cruel to himself is not
can be tolerant of others. Any virtue "from the mind"
is violence and cruelty. Kindness,
love cannot be from the mind. It can only be from the heart.

Ever wondered why love can very easily grow into
hatred, jealousy, envy, revenge? And sometimes, instantly ... This
"love" of the mind. We thought to ourselves that we love. We thought to ourselves that
we are merciful and compassionate. Any love and compassion on the terms
calculating is not love or compassion. These are control, violence and suppression.
Only more sophisticated.

self-neglect is self-abuse. What are you then
are you surprised that others are striving to "exploit" you?
One who is free in the Spirit will be free even in prison. And the one who carries
the consciousness of a slave will look for a "master" even in the wild.

"cultivate" virtue, practice it, cultivate it as
tomatoes in the garden. This is the activity of the mind. Love, compassion is the realm
hearts. And we must heal ourselves with love and compassion. It is forbidden
"force" yourself to be friendly. The man who makes
yourself to do something. becomes intolerant of other people as well. He will strive
and "remake" them too. according to their views.

the one who studied, understood himself, can easily understand (and forgive) any
Living being. He who is cruel to himself is cruel to everyone. Ego about which so
a lot of controversy and different opinions is not something bad. This is our personality.
What we are as a Personality. What makes me feel like myself, eh
not you and not them. Yes, we are One and we are all connected to each other, but we are not
we "mix" due to the awareness of our individuality. Ego not
it is necessary to "crush with Love". It just needs to be cleansed and submitted to the Spirit. But
subjugate not in the sense of control and exploitation, but in the sense of the manifestation of the Spirit through
your individuality.

do you, for example, obey your parents? You work for them, you are
their slaves? If so, then there is something unhealthy in this relationship. V
"healthy" relationships we work TOGETHER with our parents,
helping and supporting each other. Our highest part is, one might say, our
"parents". This is both Mother and Father. One who has all the wisdom and all the experience.

each must walk his own path and heal all his wounds himself. Each of
we have the power for that. No one will ever give us anything beyond our strength. That's why,
what we ourselves plan for ourselves. And we already know what we can do and what we can't.
Therefore, so that your compassion and benevolence do not have
mandatory-compulsory, apply them first to yourself.

and healing is a gradual process of self-understanding, forgiveness and self-acceptance
the way I am. Not justification and indulgence, but just understanding and aspiration
express yourself in the best, most complete and natural way.

always: just stay in the center of ourselves with all love, compassion, impartiality
and benevolence to oneself, and hence to everything that is.
With love.


I would like to address the appeal to all Spiritual Leaders, Earthly Teachers, Lightbearers and
to everyone who is just starting to look around with surprise, discovering that in
something new and unusual is happening in the world.

we get a lot of real evidence that only we ourselves are in control
processes of the formation of their realities. It's becoming ubiquitous
process, because for the Supreme Divine Forces there is no division into
spiritually awakened and not yet awakened to conscious creation and
perception of the world of energy processes.

finally, we begin to consciously remember and accept our purpose in these
Time. Therefore, I want a little
outline important points for
history of the development of mankind on Earth and the influence of each on universal
space processes.

all are given freedom of creation with simultaneous personal responsibility for

creation, unlimited possibilities, self-perception of the Cosmic Divine
essence, confidence in their new status, skill, boundless faith in
ourselves and all possible support from the Supreme Divine Forces can be us
used to form a new way of life, organize state
and social forms of promoting and supporting positive transformations throughout the Earth, neutralizing
harmful and disturbing the natural balance of the Earth of production and research, completion
programs that destroy human health and
the living world, manipulating consciousness,
the escalation of a military threat and the enslavement of mankind.

on modeling only positive scenarios for the development of global
events, including natural factors, we
voiced many times, sent out similar calls from other groups. AND
now, realizing how much the creative force has increased since the Winter Solstice
our thoughts, I once again urge you to be attentive to your own thoughts.

feelings, emotions and thoughts, that is, the energies of the mental and astral planes are
a force much greater in the creation of processes on Earth than many of these
can submit.

every inhabitant of planet Earth creates reality
the world, even if the physical aspect he does not know about it. We all
we create with our subtle
spaces, processes that
The earth unfolds as real events. That's why
the role of each person and his personal responsibility for those processes
which he creates with his thoughts is absolute.

all our thoughts today, the Supreme Divine Plan answers only YES.

there can be wonderful processes where further events around the world take place
only in positive variants - YES!

someone out of old habit scolds their surrounding world and governments - this reality for him also goes with
consent YES.

there are Supreme Divine powers not
sort our thought forms to select suitable or unsuitable.

One day
given freedom does not build everyone
restrictions or parameters of tolerances for the creation of processes.

That's why
be attentive to what you think, say, do.

there are many processes that are actually available to each process. One of them -
expansion, activation of multidimensional Consciousness.

delving into what Consciousness is from the point of knowledge of fundamental science,
for clarity, I will outline very briefly - this is
knowledge, realized and accessible - CO-KNOWLEDGE.

There is
areas of knowledge hidden in our subconscious are information from bygone times or
the one that we, out of fear, hid in inaccessible areas.

There is
Superconsciousness - areas of knowledge that in the former world were considered inaccessible to ordinary
people - various talents and talents, abilities that go beyond
generally accepted standards.

now times have changed - we can
reveal in yourself all the hidden or previously inaccessible knowledge. The question is
do we need all this in the New World. Therefore, from the depths of the subconscious, it is advisable
with the help of a divine plan
to free everything, while letting go of the unnecessary from our spaces. Useful
knowledge is transferred to the field of consciousness.

the knowledge stored in our levels of the Superconscious, to enter in the area of ​​conscious levels. So
way, you can form a holistic consciousness by building a multidimensional matrix
a space of crystal energies of endless possibilities, merging with
ascending levels of cosmic and Divine knowledge. These levels become
base for our new crystal
multidimensional Consciousness.

at the same time not as an earthly person - this is only a body, but an Infinite cosmic
An entity living simultaneously in different levels and dimensions,
infinity. As soon as your level of new consciousness allows you to consciously
to perceive such infinity, knowledge that was previously inaccessible will begin to revive in you. Expansion will occur and
merging with a variety of information layers.

well, such a practice is carried out, perceiving and feeling oneself from the heart
space with its eternal truth - this is our true inner
a structure not veiled by illusory states, mind or
deformed and distorted perceptions of the Divine world on the basis of the previous
experiences of fears and doubts.

Feeling this knowledge in yourself, you will feel confidence and calmness and understand that the new world really is
has arrived, it is in our common power to run
processes of rapid positive change
in all spheres of life organization.

let's not waste time on fruitless discussions. Let's take action and
create events.

Take a closer look
more attentively to the political, social, economic processes - the old begins to collapse. Only by destroying
old, you can create a new one. We need
a completely new way of life, and not sprinkled for visibility with new beautiful
words and disguised as a new old world order and an old way of life.

The earth is being replaced by government circles. Indigos come to guiding
posts. Do not expect them to be able to speak immediately such truths about which we
now we are talking among like-minded people. The general background of the consciousness of the people is not yet ready to hear such speeches,
therefore, if the President does not speak about a real spiritual ascent and the New World,
this does not mean that he is far from these processes. Better support positive endeavors, send Love and
energy support for leaders who really want the best for their country. Together you
all the force that creates New realities and a new world.

recently was in one of the countries.

when I go to another state, there is a subtle meeting with
subtle government of the country.
As a rule, real and subtle government is represented
different people.

now it turns out that new processes in
leaderships of countries or large organizations are such that I first met
state when composed
subtle government of the country consists of a person who has a real
power in the country.

Take a closer look
more attentive to people who stand on the leading
posts in your country. These can be leaders for new processes. Maybe
they really need your energy support and active assistance in their endeavors,
which will provide fast, real and
achievable transformations in your country in
the shortest possible time.

such realities, unite in lofty and selfless thoughts -
act boldly, then what everyone dreams of will happen - real life for
everyone in happiness and joy.

subtle spaces of all, without exception, are already enlightened and
filled with Divine energies. Left
to anchor these energies in the everyday life of our life, fix them in
dense energies of the material world.

all together we can do it deliberately. Now is the time when the world
outside the window the way we all create it together. Do not look to blame if something is wrong in the outside world, it is
shifting responsibility for their own actions to others. It's easier. But
masks fall off - what's inside is outside.

letting go of fears - a product of experience
of the three-dimensional world and duality, we will enter the energies of a new evolutionary cycle,
feeling free from the old, happy, filling all their
life events, processes and

Get started
with yourself - feel the surge of Love and Tenderness to yourself - we are all together with
The earth was able to enter new energies without final destruction
the former civilization - the Aryan race. This is the first time this has happened.

cosmic heroism of the awakened one
of humanity and specifically everyone reading these lines!

everyone can be proud of themselves, respect and love. Remember your Divine

in such a positive mood, let's
create the future world in Love and Joy, using your capabilities and crystal energies
endless possibilities!

Mountains. Riga, Latvia

Perfection of the Fountainheads "

A healthy lifestyle and the Development of the Soul ... there is already a lot of writing on this topic, we will add our vision to the general one))) My and My Guides, Angels of Light. A healthy lifestyle is the Path to Light and LIFE (with a capital letter). Without This, the Spiritual and SELF-development of Man is impossible. Pure Energy falls on the Clean body. "There is healthy mind in a healthy body!" - this is not a hackneyed phrase, but the Reality of Being. In a Healthy, Strengthened body, energy channels are opened wider, More Pure energy comes in. The Cosmic Energy of the Creator passes through as Vital, earthly, and Easier. There is a feeling of Constant fullness, Inexhaustible flow. You are almost always in a Calm, Harmonious state.

And if some difficult situation comes - a lesson or illness - you already more easily perceive it and immediately understand the metaphysical (spiritual) reasons for what happened. If you position Yourself as a Spiritually Developing Person, or as a Master Healer, then a Healthy Way of Life is one of the first aspects of Development that should be open to you.

Together with the work on emotions, attachments and so on ... All This must go together. Only then will you really feel the purification of Yourself and Your subtle bodies. There is a little childish belief that "a real healer should not be sick." This is only partly true. Karma has not yet bypassed a single creature on Earth, and very often there are karmic diseases, and the Healer works out His lessons in the same way and heals His karmic diseases, if any.

Only The whole point is that the Master more quickly realizes the causes of the illness and the lesson, and approaches this Consciously. It is impossible for a Healer to work with people at the moment of feeling pain, malaise or Own unrestful situation. Only in Calm and Good Health. Moreover, working with Energies. Otherwise, you put the person being healed at a Great risk of infection (by Your sores and problems). This needs to be Clearly Realized. And it doesn't matter at all whether you are a tarologist, cosmoenergetic, masseur or reikist. The Healer Ethics exists for Everyone. State of Health and Harmony It is easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I will say it again: I post in My articles only My Vision, Feeling and My own experienced and accumulated experience. As well as the Visions and Instructions of My guides of Light. I Recognize and Respect the Way of Each of You and Your Choice in Any Situation. This is also a Law - the Law of Freedom of Choice.

The concept of a Healthy Lifestyle includes: Healthy sleep - to go to bed It is advisable not later than 10 pm, the fact that people are divided into larks and owls is not so, they just have a disturbed harmonious regime. We go to bed earlier - We get up earlier (4.30 am to 6.00 am))) In the morning, Meditation is deeper (this is not getting to sleep in bed, do not hope))) and Energy goes Stronger.

The very state for energy and prayer practices, because after 22 pm, the lower earthly energies are already connected and the information is confused and it happens not from there at all. I get up myself at 4.30, half an hour for a session with crystals, an hour and a half meditation, exercise and shower))) lie well on an empty (okay, not quite empty, with a couple of bananas))) stomach. If you eat enough for the night - either the dreams are heavy (the intestines are at war) or just lack of sleep and lack of sleep turns out))) And this affects the vision of dreams Strongly.

And in a dream, sometimes you receive very important information and the Soul Training is in progress. I've noticed that if we eat honey at night, then either I stop seeing dreams, or I don't remember. Then they said that a spoonful of honey before bedtime itself makes the dream Stronger, and clogs Dreams. And before going to bed, you need to Calm down, cleanse your head and Heart from the accumulated during the day; you ask for Protection for the night, until the morning and Forward, on the Night Journey))) A healthy lifestyle in the Purity of the physical body - morning shower and a request to cleanse not only the physical, but also the subtle lower bodies from the heavy low energy accumulated during the night. Shower in the evening - cleanse yourself in a day.

Preventive dousing and rubbing with sea salt. Recently, I rarely wash with soap, mostly with soda or just water - I like it more))) Periodic fasting, this is also the purification of the physical and subtle bodies. True, I myself only arrange hunger strikes for myself))) but I have enough))) here is the topic of a Healthy lifestyle in nutrition. Beings of the Higher Light forcibly No one agitate for vegetarianism, raw food diet. The choice of each Soul is His own. But the Preference in spiritual development is still Vegetarianism, and if desired, it is also veganism, a raw food diet. This very much cleanses our energy and physical body from toxins. We become Easier. This is Good food, where the principle - "Do not kill" - is consistent with the Soul and Heart. Not to mention the fact that meat food takes a lot of energy for digestion, and in return it often gives only severe emotions and illnesses.

I switched to vegetarianism Realizing and Feeling that They have a Soul, that They are the same as We ... Friends ... Alive ... And All ... I can no longer eat My own. And then, two years later, they pushed me to a raw food diet, in one day. With one motive and purpose - Spiritual Development. And now, for 6-7 years now. And it’s good))) The strength of the hoo was added, the energy was cleared, what hurt was gone, the analyzes and pressure were like an astronaut))) her ... I don’t advocate, don’t think))) I’m Just Good))) I go out with jokes: "Banana for the road?"))) Proper nutrition is to remove If possible, all the chemistry: lemonade-cola, chips, hamburgers, and so on ... and Add Plenty of clean water - to clear the brain))) especially in the morning, on an empty stomach. In the morning I drink two glasses of 300 ml each, and then during the day another liter and a half or two.

You can laugh: "I drink and pee"))) absolutely not))) everything is normal))) Enough about food - you will figure it out yourself))) just listen to your body more often and ask him what he wants. Healthy lifestyle and sports: sports in measure, otherwise the Energy will flow to Nowhere. But sports and exercise are definitely needed. Ideally, great is Yoga. There, work with internal energy and Harmonization is going well. Qigong is great. I do 5 Tibetans in the mornings, and yoga is like a mood))) and Mountains, fresh air))) so far enough))) this is also Important - Fresh air. We also Nourish Ourselves and become Clear. A healthy lifestyle is NO bad habits - drunkenness is a battle))) smoking is not good either ... you pollute your aura and those around you ... I know for myself.

She smoked herself - she was frustrated, justified herself by grounding, calming down, leaving Reality ... until she fully realized that This is Incompatible Everything and as a Master I have no right to this. And threw this weakness))) And This is Really our Weakness and Unconsciousness. Plus Waste of the Precious Energy of the Creator and Free distribution of it to bad entities. Or, in severe cases, the seizure of the will of Man by a stronger entity, when drunkenness and drug addiction. Here's a little about a Healthy body and Spirit))) I draw conclusions for myself))) Spiritual Development and a Healthy Way of Life are things that are very compatible, useful and Supplement Each Other.

You need to develop with a Bunch, using all areas))) and you, Guys, New Accomplishments, Victories and Awareness))) We are Well done! We are Strong and we are going right! If you started walking this Path, then Go. Go and Go. Slowly - Don't drive. He fell, dusted himself off and went further. Only forward. And everything harmful and unnecessary will go away. Can't stand it when the vibrations start to rise. So, Do not worry))) Do not strive Immediately to Perfection and Enlightenment))) Moscow was not built right away)))

Fall out of love

Falling in love is like a disease.
When we are in love, the object of our desires takes up all space. Then it becomes less and less - and we recover, as if after a viral infection. Or, on the contrary, we begin to love the person more and more. Is falling in love necessarily the threshold of love? When does love turn into love?

Falling out of love, two-love, three-love ... It would be good to begin with each person to realize what love is specifically for him. During my psychological career, I have met few people who really love and know what love is. Everyone wants love, they dream and think about it, but few people realize what love really is.

Anything is called love: their expectations, violent emotions, and, as a rule, they confuse the desires and feelings of the soul with love. If we are talking about the object of our desires - these are the needs of the soul, love is still very far away. It is our soul that desires, feels, suffers, rejoices. You can look at a small child, about preschool age, what happens to him when they buy him a long-awaited toy: he desires it, acquiring it, rejoices, then this toy occupies the entire living space of the child - he eats and sleeps with it. And then, for example, a friend got a new toy, and our child is no longer happy with his own, but wants one - the same as his friend. And fell out of love ...

People take this model of child behavior into adult relationships. And this has dire consequences. A man's adult appearance on the outside, but a small immature soul inside can attract a woman of two types - a mother who will fulfill his whims, or an internally immature girl, the same as himself.

And think about what kind of love as a man and a woman can be between a son and a mother or between two small children.

Therefore, such a model of behavior turns out - at first I love, and if I don’t like something, I’ll stop loving. Gave flowers, invited me to a restaurant - how I love him, and he probably loves me. I forgot to congratulate you on the holiday, came late - I don’t like it, and he probably doesn’t like it either. “I like it - I don’t like it, I like it - I don’t like it, it will press it to my heart, send it to the devil,” is a wonderful children's counting rhyme, and it is also “remarkable” in that most people go through life with this counting ringer. There is no question of love here at all. Everyone wants love from a partner, but not everyone knows how to love themselves. And this is the main problem in the relationship.

The relationship between a man and a woman is divided into two types - love and partnership. You can't just fall in love and stop loving. Love is the state of a mature person in which he lives. Love is either there or not. A loving person does not claim reciprocity. Mutual love is a huge gift from fate. When a strong passionate love passes, as a rule, partners enter into a crisis: they need to move forward, both in personal development and in partnership - to move to a higher adult and conscious round of relationships.

A man and a woman go through this crisis and the trials that he brings to them, and remain together, becoming a little more mature and wiser. Their relationship grows stronger and love from this becomes stronger - this is what happens when partners are in love. But there is a purely partnership, where love passes, and both feel irritation and dissatisfaction, claims and reproaches, and how they get out of this will be the envy of their future life. Many people themselves live according to the laws of partnership, and they demand love from others, but this does not happen. There are major differences between love and partnership. And each person can diagnose himself, see where he is - in love or in partnership.


1. Intention, decision.

2. It is possible to deliberately enter and deliberately exit the partnership.

3. There may be a legal contract.

4. Contractual exchange.

5. Claim of reciprocity

6. You can be influenced by a strong-willed decision.

1. Lack of intention.

2. The inability to consciously enter and leave love.

3. There is no legal contract.

4. Gifts.

5. No claim to reciprocity.

6. You can not be influenced by a strong-willed decision.

You can't just fall in love and stop loving. It is hard when people think they can claim affection and sexual relations. Claims and requirements in this area always lead to disastrous results. And as a rule, when falling in love ends, everyone intuitively knows that it is impossible to demand love from another. But not every person has matured to this realization, not everyone is ready to admit it, and then reproaches and demands, resentment and anger come to the aid of ignorance.

It so happens that people live only in partnership, where there is mutual sympathy, respect and certain agreements. Most families live like this, and this is their right to choose, this has its place. People take responsibility for their lives by adopting this partnership model and are happy in their own way. Sometimes a good partnership can develop into love over time.

If the love is over, then the relationship simply falls apart. And if love is gone, then in this case there are sacrifices and destruction?

I think differently. How can love bring destruction? Love is the power of life, it is always the energy of creation. When a person loves, he becomes better, thanks to love, he improves and moves forward. Love contributes only to development and movement forward. I will repeat once again that being able to love is a divine gift. When falling in love passes, illusions collapse, disappointment remains and there is always someone who can be blamed for this.

And love never goes away. When a person does not receive love from a loved one, when there is no reciprocity, he enters into despair and sadness. Sadness is the flip side of love that has not reached its goal. When people part for some reason, the lovers part and say goodbye with love, they cry, be sad and sad, and this is normal, you need to give this a place in your life.

Everything else - aggression, sacrifice, destruction - has nothing to do with love. This all refers to an unfinished parent-child relationship. When a small child has received less from his parents, and especially from his mother, the love he needs, he then transfers all his expectations for this love to his partner, and from here big tragedies happen. Just the other day I had a constellation for one couple who lived together for many years and were in the process of divorce.

The wife was the initiator of the divorce and had already finally decided to divorce, and the husband heard about the constellations, and decided to try to do something else to save the family. In the process of the constellation, we saw that the wife's feelings of love for her mother were interrupted, and she demanded this love from her husband. Love in a couple and parental love are very different, they have different tasks and a different meaning. What the wife demanded from her husband was impossible for him, and she needed it for the rest of her life.

Without restoring the movement of love with parents, no person can be happy in any area. This is the law, this is the order of life. During the constellation, we saw that the couple has a chance, the couple lives in love and separately they will feel bad. The crisis that came to them, they went through together, they found answers to their questions, they went through another important stage in their lives and went forward. But tragedy could happen, and the couple could part, not knowing.

Fortunately, today anyone can find the knowledge they need and, applying them in life, live happier lives. There is another very important pattern of relationships: usually the partner who is the one with the big problem in this life aspect is offended, angry and indignant. I always tell clients: “If you feel bad, look first of all at yourself, at your life. You are doing something wrong, the problem is you. " Someone accepts this worldview and moves forward, and someone is looking for those to blame for their unhappy life. There is no one to blame for our misfortunes. There is only our ignorance, which can always be corrected and, thanks to this, change our life.

What is gratitude, why is it needed, and how to use the power of gratitude to become happier.
The power of gratitude is so great that learning and applying this knowledge is an essential element on the path to happiness and enlightenment.
Gratitude (from “giving good”) is a feeling of appreciation for a good done, for example, for the attention or service rendered, as well as various ways of expressing this feeling (definition from Wikipedia).

Gratitude is a powerful outflow of positive emotions. You already know that nothing in our life is accidental, and the Universe reacts to our radiation (thoughts, words and actions): what you radiate is what you receive. Anyone who has practiced the formula for happiness knows how it works. Perhaps the technique of thanksgiving, based on the power of gratitude, will become even more powerful for you than the formula for happiness.
An example of how gratitude works. Joe Vitale describes the following case. “Jonathan had bilateral pneumonia. Nothing seemed to help him. But at some point, an insight came to him - he wrote a single sentence on sheets of paper and hung them all over the house. With the methodical nature of a parrot, he repeated this sentence over and over again, dictated it to tape many times and replayed it constantly. He made this phrase a part of his existence. As a result, Jonathan recovered within 24 hours! What were these words?
"Thank you, Lord, for all the benefits that I have and for all the benefits that I will receive."
Incredible? But such is the power of gratitude.
The manifestation (radiation) of gratitude is the establishment of a direct connection with the Higher Forces (Life, God - whoever believes in what, can be called differently), thanks to which everything happens. When you give thanks, good will return to you.

A person who cannot feel gratitude is an egoist, and the ego makes him unhappy. Positive does not come to him, since he does not radiate it. It's simple. And fixing this is also not difficult.

Gratitude is the power that heals selfishness, all its negative consequences, and brings you closer to happiness.

A person has two options to choose from: selfishness or happiness (enlightenment). An egoist cannot get real happiness, only temporary pleasure is available to him, which is necessarily replaced by disappointment, troubles, depression, etc.

However, see for yourself the power of gratitude! Personal experience is more important than unverified information.

The Thanksgiving technique you'll see below is from Level 5, where it works best (since there is little left of the ego, and it does not interfere with the work). Thanksgiving technique is versatile, suitable for everyone, and not dangerous for beginners, unlike some other techniques that are intended only for trained people.

The essence of the technique is quite simple and does not require special conditions. It is best done in a calm environment, sitting or lying down, following general guidelines.


Find many things, people, events, phenomena, situations, etc. that you can be grateful for, and feel grateful for each of the points listed. For starters, you can say “thank you” or “thank you” out loud if you find it difficult to feel grateful.

You remember something and give thanks for it. Then you remember something else and give thanks for it. Etc. Whom to thank? Look at the situation. You can thank the person (who did something for you). You can thank the Guardian Angel, Higher powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe). When you thank a person, you also thank the Higher Forces (Life, God) for giving you this person.

Look through your entire life and find so many (so many!) Things that you can be grateful for, and radiate that gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking "what can I be grateful for?" and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, etc. - any positive. Then you will find some "neutral" things, people, events, etc. that you previously did not consider worthy of gratitude, but now you do. Give thanks for them too. Then you will find “negative” moments in your life, unpleasant life lessons that will now look in a completely different light and will also be grateful.

In the end, you will feel grateful for everything, for your entire life, and you will experience an incredible sense of happiness, Divine Unconditional Love and Oneness. At this moment, the ego will simply disappear, there will be a complete acceptance as is of everything that was, is and will be. Also be prepared for a series of insights and a whole new understanding of life.

It will take more than one approach to achieve this state. But each time the state will change so much that it will be difficult not to notice the changes. Observe what changes in your life as you radiate gratitude. You can walk down the street and thank life for everything that catches your eye, the same at work or at home - the technique of thanksgiving is universal.

It can be difficult to get started because the ego will resist. At first, it will dissuade you from using this technique, under various pretexts, then negativity from the past may emerge, which is not always pleasant. The only obstacle to practicing the technique of thanksgiving is selfishness, there is no other reason. The main thing is to get the first result in order to feel the power of gratitude, and then it will be easier. Set aside an hour (maybe less) for yourself and do the Thanksgiving technique properly.

I wish you success and happiness!
I want to add from myself that with the right approach, you can often and effectively use this exercise to fulfill your desires, acquire material things, etc.

There were two angels in paradise. One always rested on a cloud, while the other flew from earth to God.
The resting angel decided to ask another: "Why are you flying back and forth?"
- I carry messages to God that begin - "God help ..." And why do you always rest?
- I have to carry messages to the Lord that begin - "Thank you, Lord ..."
Christian parable

When you drink water, do not forget those who dug the well.
Chinese wisdom.

Gratitude is the memory of the heart.
Pierre Bouast