Yakut national holiday Ysyakh. The national holiday Ysyakh is a symbol of the Yakut culture. What is prohibited on Ysyakh

Ysyakh (yak. Yhyyakh) - New Year's Day in Yakutia, Summer Festival. It is a spring-summer holiday in honor of the aiyy deities and the revival of nature, accompanied by a ritual of prayers, plentiful food and koumiss drinking, dancing, folk games and horse races.

Residents of the Russian Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) celebrate the New Year twice, together with all Russians - in winter, and according to ancient tradition - in summer. Yakutia is a large region of Siberia, almost half of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. In winter, the temperature here sometimes drops to minus 60 degrees, and the summer is very short. It comes at the end of June. It is at this time that the holiday falls.

The Yakut Ysyakh (literally translated as abundance) is associated with the cult of the solar deity, with the cult of fertility. Before the war, Ysyakh was held on June 22, the day of the summer solstice. After 1941, for moral reasons (the date of Ysyakh coincided with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45), Ysyakh began to be held between June 10 and 25, depending on the ulus, weekend schedule, local preferences, etc.

Researchers believe that the steppes of Central Asia are the ancestral home of the summer koumiss festival. Elements of the Yakut holiday have similar features with the summer holidays of the Turkic peoples: Tuvans, Altaians, Tatars, Bashkirs, etc. The Yakuts have preserved an ancient tradition characteristic of pastoral peoples - to divide the year into two halves, and Ysyakh itself was a kind of border between the old and the new, past and future.

The first written evidence of Western researchers can be found in the diaries of the Dutch traveler I. Ples, who traveled through Siberia to China at the end of the 17th century. He noted that this holiday is celebrated with great solemnity: the Yakuts make bonfires and maintain them throughout the holiday.

During the celebrations, symbolizing the beginning of summer and the awakening of nature, it is customary here to remember the ancestors and their customs. Ethnographer Ekaterina Romanova believes that for the Yakuts, such a holiday is not just an occasion to have fun. “Yakutia has a very long winter,” she says. “And the only way to meet the whole family is here.”

The universal unity of people is symbolized by the round dance osuokhai, which means the circle of life. During it, the dancers, moving at a leisurely pace in the direction of the sun, seem to make a cycle in time and space and pay tribute to the luminary for the light and warmth given to people. This dance continued uninterruptedly until the morning, sometimes large families arranged osuokhai for three days and nights. Of course, the participants change, it is believed that everyone who enters the circle is charged with energy for the whole year. The culmination of the holiday is the ceremony of sprinkling fire, grass and trees with a traditional drink made from mare's milk - koumiss. The ritual symbolizes the birth of the universe and man.

Taking into account all these plans, it was decided to dedicate the republican national holiday Ysyakh to the heroic epic "Olonkho" - a masterpiece of the oral intangible heritage of mankind. Simultaneously with the republican Ysyakh on July 1-4 in the village. Suntar will host the IV Sports Games of the peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Answers of the Vice President of the Republic A. Akimov to the questions of the press center of the IV Sports Games of the peoples of the RS (Y).

– Alexander Konstantinovich, could you tell us about the significance of Ysyakh, which this year is dedicated to Olonkho, and how it differs from other similar events?

- First of all, the fact that this year the republican Ysyakh is dedicated to our epic Olonkho and, thereby, opens the 10th anniversary of Olonkho, announced by the Decree of the President of the Republic. The significance and importance of this event are dictated by the fact that at the end of last year, the long-term research work of Yakut scientists and specialists culminated in the recognition of our olonkho by the entire world community as a masterpiece of a universal scale. This is the realization of the dream of more than one generation of our intelligentsia, scientists, writers, artists who studied and comprehended the Olonkho epic. No wonder they say that Olonkho contains wisdom, the philosophy of our people, the wisdom of centuries. And we are entering the 21st century with this symbolic act. This summer, UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura will visit our republic. We will discuss with him further steps to preserve and study the olonkho and other projects. This visit is important for us as another example of the world community's support for our cultural heritage.

Ysyakh - the rite of sprinkling - entered as one of the defining terms in the Yakut calendar holiday - the holiday of the flourishing of nature.

Round dance osuokhai - This archaic dance originated from collective movements-bows. The circular dance is a rhythmic accompaniment to the singing of seven-syllable verses. The word "unkuu" - "dance" - comes from the verb "unk" - "pray", "worship". The participants of the holiday, holding hands, felt each other's positive bioenergy, and this positive impulse was already encoded by the ritual itself. In June, the whole of Yakutia celebrates Ysyakh - the bright holiday of the Sakha people.

Traditions say that the first Ysyakh was organized by Elley Bootur. He arrived in the Tuymaada valley around 1128-1130. Here is a text written down by the scientist G.V. Then he went up to the fire and poured a little koumiss from the bowl three times as a treat to Yuryun Aiyy Toion. He turned slightly to the right in the sun and raised his bowl in honor of Khomporuun Hotoy Aiyy and also poured koumiss into the fire three times. Further, turning even more to the right, he held the bowl, calling Dzhesegei Aiyy Toyon. He lifted the cup seven times in total. When Elley performed the ceremony, people saw a white bird that hovered in circles under the clouds above the urasa. So, until now, the Yakuts, having first learned from Elley, are in the habit of raising the bowl and commemorating Aiyy Toyon.

People come to Ysyakh with a kind heart and a pure soul. None of its participants was supposed to bring a negative charge. Otherwise, people believed that the ritual could be invalid and even harmful.

In the old days, Ysyakh was recognized as the Yakut New Year. The people praised the arrival of summer and the fertility of the land, preparing for haymaking, because it was on it that the economy was kept all winter. When the Yakuts lived as alas, the rich arranged a holiday for all their fellow countrymen. On this day, cattle were slaughtered, koumiss was prepared from mare's milk, wise elders sang olonkho, people stood in the circle of the osuokhai dance. Men competed in strength and dexterity, the strongest won prizes, horse races were like. The meaning of Ysyakh was that on this day the people united, regardless of whether they were rich or poor.

In the early 1990s, Ysyakh was declared a public holiday in Yakutia. Now it is a symbol of unity, a holiday of friendship for all residents of the multinational republic.

The Ysyakh national holiday is a unique spiritual wealth of the Sakha people, symbolizing the triumph of life and nature on the land of Olonkho. This is a holiday that reflects the traditional picture of the world and the worldview of the Sakha, a holiday that everyone is looking forward to all year long. The whole national color and folklore of the people is clearly manifested in it: language, mythology, dances, music, rituals and customs, national clothes, food, festive utensils, crafts and architecture, folk philosophy.

In accordance with ancient traditions, Ysyakh is arranged inside a ritual circle of chechir (young birches). In the center of the festive circle, a hitching post is installed - serge with arched birch decorations. According to the traditional ideas of Sakha, serge is a symbol of the World Tree and the axis of the entire Universe. Installing it, Sakha built a kind of model of the Universe - nine branches of the Sacred Tree Aar Kuduk Mas exude white grace. In our time, the symbolism of the serge has expanded and the serge personifies the friendship and unity of all peoples inhabiting our northern republic.

Near the serge, they usually arrange a circle - tyusylge, fenced with multi-colored salama from bundles of horse hair, pieces of fabric, birch bark products. In the center of tyusylge there is an altar in the form of a miniature urasa and aar bagah with ritual utensils and dishes filled with koumiss.

Koumiss in Sakha's view is a sacred drink and a symbol of ilge - the white grace of abundance, which contains the kut-sur (soul) of all unborn people, horses and cows.

This is the main sacred symbol at the Ysyakh festival. There was a strict rule on Ysyakh: those gathered for the holiday were allowed to taste fresh koumiss only after the main prayer appeal to the deities and spirits and sprinkling with koumiss. Koumiss as the food of the gods at the festival is a direct dialogic connection between people and the sphere of higher deities aiyy.

During Ysyakh, through drinking koumiss, people are introduced to the higher mysteries of life. Kumis is drunk from a choron, a sacred vessel.

The holiday begins with an ancient ritual - sprinkling fire and earth with koumiss, blessing those present and asking the Upper Deities to send grace to everyone. Performs algyschyt.

Ysyakh consists of several parts: - the opening ceremony of the holiday, which includes the ritual of cleansing the area and drinking koumiss. Accompanied by nine boys and eight girls, algyschyt enters the center of the tyusylge. He turns to the supreme deities, conjures them about sending down well-being and prosperity to all those who have gathered. At the final words of the algyschyt, everyone stands up and raises their hands up, repeating after him “Urui! Aikhal! Tusk!”. Boys and girls present chorony with koumiss to the guests.

Osuokhay - ritual dance should consist of nine circles, symbolizing the Sun.

Osuokhai is a traditional circle dance of the Yakuts. During it, the dancers, holding each other's hands, alternate from foot to foot, moving at a leisurely pace. The tempo of the movement is not constant, it is regulated by the leader and accelerates on the chorus. There is a leader (osuohaidyt) in the round dance, whose duties include singing songs and regulating the pace of the round dance.

In 2012, at the national holiday of the Yakuts Ysyakh, a Guinness record was set for the number of people simultaneously performing a dance.

Yakut national sports at Ysyakh celebration

Sports competitions are extremely spectacular, in which brave people strive to show their dexterity, strength, beauty and dexterity - kyly (jumping on one leg), kuobah (jumping on both legs), ystanga (jumping with alternating legs), hapsagay wrestling - Yakut wrestling, where who touches the ground with even a finger loses, archery. The winners are the strongest, dexterous and lucky ones, who are honored and awarded with musha (meat sticks) and valuable gifts.

The Yakuts are great fans of horse racing, without which not a single Ysyakh passes.

In addition, Ysyakh is celebrated for two days. On the night from the first to the second, the rite of meeting the sun takes place. It is believed that with the first rays of the rising sun there is a magical convergence of the world of people and the world of gods. Through the rays, people are charged with energy and strength.

On June 17, the traditional state holiday of the Yakut people Ysyakh was held in the Moscow park "Kolomenskoye". Large-scale events of the original people have been held in the capital for ten years now. The most striking moment that many could see is the ritual ceremony of lighting a fire. About the holiday, mas-wrestling, Yakuts and Yakutia - further in the photo report.

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Ysyakh("abundance") - the Yakut holiday of summer. It is held annually in honor of the deities of aiyy and the revival of nature, accompanied by a ritual of prayers, refreshments and koumiss drinking, dances, folk games, horse races and sports competitions. Ysyakh, considered the main holiday for the Yakuts, usually took place on the day of the summer solstice on June 21-22.

population Yakuts(self-name - Sakha) worldwide is about 480 thousand. The overwhelming majority live in Yakutia, and according to the latest census, 1.5 thousand people live in Moscow. The Yakuts are a Turkic-speaking people. Of the major peoples of Russia, the Turks are Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs and Kumyks. Traditionally engaged in cattle breeding and horse breeding; clothes were made of skins and furs. Previously, the religion of Aiyy was widespread in Yakutia. After becoming part of Russia, the Yakuts were converted to Christianity, and now they cannot be distinguished from Russians by their names and surnames.

Moscow park Kolomenskoye earlier it was a royal residence, and now it is a place of attraction for Muscovites and city events, where space and nature are required. In summer, the Tatar-Bashkir Sabantuy and the Yakut holiday Ysyakh are held in Kolomenskoye. For the latter, in 2007, on the occasion of the 375th anniversary of the entry of Yakutia into Russia, a ritual pole serge was installed, associated with the cult of a horse, which the Yakuts tied to a pole near their home. Around the serge is held osuohai- a round dance, symbolizing a vicious circle of life.

Sabantuy in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan begins in the regions, and then the main holiday takes place. Ysyakh has the same thing: first the uluses (regions of Yakutia), then the republican holiday. Ysyakh, like Sabantuy, began to be held in Moscow. In addition to the capital, Ysyakh in 2017 is hosted by St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, China, Serbia and Canada. The main holiday will take place in Yakutsk on June 24-25.

04. Beginning of action.

Moscow Ysyakh began with the Algys blessing ceremony, in which the algyschyt kindles a fire and invokes the grace of heaven. After that, a festive round dance osuokhay took place. Also at the festival there were competitions in national sports, performances of folklore groups, competitions and an exhibition-fair of handicrafts.

06. Serge.

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)- a region of Russia in the Far East. It is both the largest (3 million km2) region of the country (18% of the whole of Russia) and the largest administrative-territorial unit in the world. Yakutia surpasses such countries as Argentina and Kazakhstan. From west to east it is 2500 km and three time zones.

In 1632, Yakutia became part of the Russian state. In addition to the 385th anniversary of this event, this year the republic celebrates the 95th anniversary of the creation of autonomy. The Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed in 1922 as part of the RSFSR. After the collapse of the USSR, the Republic of Sakha appeared. For several centuries, Yakutia was among the places of exile for prisoners; from the 19th century, mainly political activists were exiled there.

Despite its huge size, Yakutia is a sparsely populated region. It is home to 960 thousand people (56th region in Russia in terms of population). A third of the population is located in the capital of the republic - Yakutsk, founded in 1632. Yakutsk is the third most populous city in the Far East (after Vladivostok and Khabarovsk) and the largest city located in the permafrost zone. Temperatures in the region of -40 degrees do not surprise residents.

Yakutia is rich in minerals. With the advent of Soviet power, the active use of the bowels of Yakutia began: the extraction of gold (from the 1920s), diamonds (from the 1950s) and coal (from the 1970s). So, in Yakutia there are the largest deposits of coking coal in Russia - Elginskoye (reserves of more than 2 billion tons), and uranium - Elkonskoye (344 thousand tons), although only the first is being actively developed. As for gold, about 7% of the all-Russian production is mined in Yakutia, which makes the region one of the leaders in this area. In addition, oil is produced (mainly by Surgutneftegaz). In 2016, the volume of oil production exceeded 10 million tons (about 2% of the total Russian), which is also a solid indicator, since almost half of the oil is produced in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Russia is one of the world leaders in the production and export of diamonds. The leader in this direction is the Yakut Alrosa company(28% of world and 95% of Russian diamond production). In 2016, Alrosa sold $4.3 billion worth of diamonds. In terms of importance for the republic, Alrosa is akin to Tatneft for Tatarstan. The company employs about 30 thousand employees, many of them are somehow connected with the company. On the Moscow Ysyakh one could hear how one of the spectators, the manager of Alrosa, got acquainted with one of the organizers, who also worked in the company in the recent past.

12. Algyschyt and fire.

18. Koumiss - fermented milk drink made from mare's milk.

The Republic of Sakha is one of the most politically calm regions of Russia. During the post-Soviet period, the republic had only three heads: Mikhail Nikolaev (1991-2002, Vyacheslav Shtyrov (2002-2010) and Yegor Borisov (since 2010). The second president, Vyacheslav Shtyrov, after the resignation of the head, is deputy chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

19. Yuri Kupriyanov - since 2016 Permanent Representative of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to the President of the Russian Federation.

Among the VIPs of the event in Kolomenskoye stood out Alexander Akimov- Member of the Federation Council since 2013, previously holding the positions of Permanent Representative of the Republic of Sakha to the President of the Russian Federation (2007-13) and Vice President of the Republic of Sakha (2002-07). In addition to public service, Akimov is the president of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation. It is with the appointment of Akimov as a permanent representative that the beginning of the celebration of Ysyakh in Moscow is associated. In Kolomenskoye, Alexander Konstantinovich addressed the audience several times and turned on the crowd with the cry “Urui - Aikhal!”

20. Alexander Akimov.

24. Round dance osuokhay.

Various sports games and martial arts are presented at the Ysyakh holiday - mas-wrestling, hapsagai, Yakut jumps, Yakut spinner. Mas-wrestling was attended by guests from Finland, Belarus and Ukraine. Guest of the opening of the sports program, Beijing 2008 Olympic champion in high jump Andrey Silnov boasted that he became the champion of the Moscow region in mas-wrestling. Silnov took part in the Yakut jumping tournament (in length, not in his usual height), which he won.

26. Alexander Akimov and Andrey Silnov.

27. Mas-wrestling competitions.

Mas-wrestling- the national sport of Yakutia, which consists in pulling a wooden stick. Athletes whose feet rest on the board must snatch the stick from the opponent's hands. In terms of importance for its people, mas-wrestling can be compared with belt wrestling for Tatars and Bashkirs. The first official rules for mas-wrestling appeared in 1945. In 2000, he was included in the program of the international sports games "Children of Asia". Three years later, the Russian Ministry of Sports added mas-wrestling to the All-Russian Register of Sports. The International Mas-Wrestling Federation already includes 37 countries.

28. A girl in a new and beautiful outfit of CSKA.

I wanted to shoot Ysyakh for the first time back in 2015 and even started preparing this material, but only two years later I got to Kolomenskoye. Yakutia is somewhere far away, and this is partly why I came across the topic of the republic only once. In December, I was spotting in Domodedovo, where a Tu-154 of Alrosa airlines hit my lens - the same plane that made the legendary landing in Izhma.

I am glad that I manage to shoot not only sports, but also various cultural events. For many years I have been interested in the culture, traditions and characteristics of the peoples of Russia. Of the 21 national republics of our country, I have already managed to visit five, and Tatarstan is generally my favorite topic. It's nice that now I got a little acquainted with Yakutia. I am sure that my ethnography will not end there. It is important for every Russian to find out how the peoples of our multinational country live.

My photos of Ysyakh did not include the rest of the sports competitions and the concert program, since I had another shoot that day. According to the frames that turned out, it seems to me that everything turned out well and colorfully :)

34. Write reviews, invite to shoot!

Ysyakh (yak. Yhyyakh) - New Year's Day in Yakutia, Summer Festival. It is a spring-summer holiday in honor of the aiyy deities and the revival of nature, accompanied by a ritual of prayers, plentiful food and koumiss drinking, dancing, folk games and horse races.

Residents of the Russian Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) celebrate the New Year twice, together with all Russians - in winter, and according to ancient tradition - in summer. Yakutia is a large region of Siberia, almost half of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. In winter, the temperature here sometimes drops to minus 60 degrees, and the summer is very short. It comes at the end of June. It is at this time that the holiday falls.

The Yakut Ysyakh (literally translated as abundance) is associated with the cult of the solar deity, with the cult of fertility. Before the war, Ysyakh was held on June 22, the day of the summer solstice. After 1941, for moral reasons (the date of Ysyakh coincided with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45), Ysyakh began to be held between June 10 and 25, depending on the ulus, weekend schedule, local preferences, etc.

Researchers believe that the steppes of Central Asia are the ancestral home of the summer koumiss festival. Elements of the Yakut holiday have similar features with the summer holidays of the Turkic peoples: Tuvans, Altaians, Tatars, Bashkirs, etc. The Yakuts have preserved an ancient tradition characteristic of pastoral peoples - to divide the year into two halves, and Ysyakh itself was a kind of border between the old and the new, past and future.

The first written evidence of Western researchers can be found in the diaries of the Dutch traveler I. Ples, who traveled through Siberia to China at the end of the 17th century. He noted that this holiday is celebrated with great solemnity: the Yakuts make bonfires and keep them alive throughout the holiday.

During the celebrations, symbolizing the beginning of summer and the awakening of nature, it is customary here to remember the ancestors and their customs. Ethnographer Ekaterina Romanova believes that for the Yakuts, such a holiday is not just an occasion to have fun. “Yakutia has a very long winter,” she says. “And the only way to meet the whole family is here.” The universal unity of people is symbolized by the round dance osuokhai, which means the circle of life. During it, the dancers, moving at a leisurely pace in the direction of the sun, seem to make a cycle in time and space and pay tribute to the luminary for the light and warmth given to people. This dance continued uninterruptedly until the morning, sometimes large families arranged osuokhai for three days and nights. Of course, the participants change, it is believed that everyone who enters the circle is charged with energy for the whole year. The culmination of the holiday is the ceremony of sprinkling fire, grass and trees with a traditional drink made from mare's milk - koumiss. The ritual symbolizes the birth of the universe and man. Taking into account all these plans, it was decided to dedicate the republican national holiday Ysyakh to the heroic epic "Olonkho" - a masterpiece of the oral intangible heritage of mankind. Simultaneously with the republican Ysyakh on July 1-4 in the village. Suntar will host the IV Sports Games of the peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

Answers of the Vice President of the Republic A. Akimov to the questions of the press center of the IV Sports Games of the peoples of the RS (Y).

– Alexander Konstantinovich, could you tell us about the significance of Ysyakh, which this year is dedicated to Olonkho, and how it differs from other similar events? - First of all, the fact that this year the republican Ysyakh is dedicated to our epic Olonkho and, thereby, opens the 10th anniversary of Olonkho, announced by the Decree of the President of the Republic. The significance and importance of this event are dictated by the fact that at the end of last year, the long-term research work of Yakut scientists and specialists culminated in the recognition of our olonkho by the entire world community as a masterpiece of a universal scale. This is the realization of the dream of more than one generation of our intelligentsia, scientists, writers, artists who studied and comprehended the Olonkho epic. No wonder they say that Olonkho contains wisdom, the philosophy of our people, the wisdom of centuries. And we are entering the 21st century with this symbolic act. This summer, UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura will visit our republic. We will discuss with him further steps to preserve and study the olonkho and other projects. This visit is important for us as another example of the world community's support for our cultural and spiritual heritage. The Games of the Nations, being included in the general program, the outline of this event, become even more weighty and significant. The heroes of Olonkho were as strong and hardy as our modern athletes. After all, competitions in strength and dexterity are also described in Olonkho. By this I want to emphasize that the desire for physical perfection was in the blood of our ancestors. The Olympic medals of Roman Dmitriev, Pavel Pinigin, Alexander Ivanov and our other outstanding athletes - that's where they come from! - Is it not by chance that the village of Suntar was chosen as the venue? – Yes, you can say that. In Suntar, according to many of our researchers, scientists, and the public, the centuries-old traditions and culture of the Sakha people, in particular, the canons of the national holiday Ysyakh and the round dance Osuokhay, are most fully preserved. Thanks to the selfless work of Sergei Afanasyevich Zverev - Kyyl Wola, folk traditions were multiplied. It is time to return to the roots, to involve the people themselves in participation in the events of the holiday, to revive the age-old traditions of national unity. This was discussed at the last meeting of the Organizing Committee in Suntary, for example, Andrei Savvich Borisov emphasized precisely these points. And I agree with him. The Suntar ulus is the birthplace of Timofey Stepanov, our famous artist. The theme of many of his works was the plots of Olonkho. The names of the educator and philanthropist Georgy Tereshkin, the national writer Leonid Popov, the poet Kyunde, the Samsonov dynasty are widely known to the Yakut people. - Suntar is also famous for its eminent sportsmen... - Yes. Fans of sports and freestyle wrestling know and honor the names of our first champions Albert Zakharov, Vladimir Danilov, Semyon Zedgenizov, Alkviad Ivanov, Petr Popov and others. This is a whole era in sports! Alexander Ivanov, our third participant in the Olympic Games, comes from the Suntarsky ulus and this summer his homeland will host participants in the Games of the Peoples of Yakutia. - Suntar is also famous for its museums... - The museums of our outstanding teachers, local historians Boris Andreev, Georgy Bessonov, Nikolai Ivanov once thundered not only in the republic, but throughout the entire USSR. That is why tourism organizers are preparing to receive guests today. Tourist routes have been developed: Krestyakh - Toybokhoy - Suntar - Elgyai - Kutana - Ygyatta. Do not forget that the first diamond was found, and the first diamond was cut on the Suntar land. Isn't this fact interesting for the development of tourism! - During the International Sports Games "Children of Asia" in Yakutsk, the III Sports Games of the peoples of Yakutia in the village of Khandyga of the Tomponsky ulus and the XVII Spartakiad in national sports for the prizes of Vasily Manchaara in the village. Maya Megino - Kangalassky ulus, participants were placed at the objects of education and culture. They carried out major and current repairs of buildings, landscaped and ennobled the territory. The facilities have received a "second life", the social infrastructure of the districts has improved qualitatively... - This unique experience has justified itself. Games are changing the face of our villages and towns. Therefore, work is envisaged for the repair and reconstruction of existing facilities where competitions and cultural events will be held, as well as places for accommodation and meals for participants and guests. Khandyga, Maya, Mirny, now Suntar have received and are receiving sports facilities provided with everything necessary and will become a point of attraction for athletes from nearby uluses, the republic, will contribute to the development of physical culture and sports. This is done for the sake of the younger generation. This is the policy of our president and government to transform the countryside, to secure the youth, which includes the gasification program, the construction of rural schools and hospitals. – Any person remembers the opening and closing ceremonies, the cultural program of this or that event, the spectacularity and richness of which largely determine its success. On the ancient land of Olonkho - in the Suntarsky ulus, where the famous Ysyakhs are traditionally held, is something grandiose planned for sure? - The cultural program is varied and interesting. As always, this is done by professionals led by Andrey Borisov. A group headed by the well-known poetess, TV journalist Saya - Natalya Mikhaleva and the young, talented director of the Sakha Theater Sergey Potapov are working directly on the script. The opening of the Olonkho House, the Cultural and Ethnographic Complex named after S.A. Zverev, the republican festival of Olonkho performers and the republican festival sang the national dance Osuokhai. More than two thousand professional workers and members of amateur groups will take part in the cultural program. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), together with the Department of Culture of the Suntarsky Ulus, approved the concept of opening and closing of the IV Sports Games of the Peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the scenario plan for the opening of the Republican Ysyakh "Algys tusteniite" for the preparation of cultural events within the framework of the Games. The cultural program focuses on the participation of local groups. And not only from the Suntarsky ulus, there will also be groups of Mirny, Nyurbinsky, Verkhnevilyuisky, Vilyuisky, Gorny uluses, ensembles "Erken", "Sandal", "Gulun", the Sakha circus troupe from Yakutsk, the National Dance Theater. Other well-known artists and groups will also take part. For example, the rock group "Ai-tal". – The participation of every resident of the ulus, the republic in the preparatory work is of exceptional importance for holding such large and significant events at the proper organizational level. Alexander Konstantinovich, what would you like to say to the Yakut people? - You're right. Yakutians always support the holding of republican events, and they become real folk holidays. Take, for example, last year's Ysyakhs of Victory. On what rise and enthusiasm passed! Patronage traditions have been revived in the republic. For example, in Suntar we all know outstanding examples of philanthropy: Nina Gerasimova, who built a church in the ulus center, Vladimir Kryzhanovsky, who built a school in Kutan. I have named only their largest donations. This year we must pay tribute to the memory of such outstanding figures as Vasily Vasilyevich Nikiforov - Kyulyumnyur, Dmitry Kononovich Sivtsev - Suorun Omolloon. These are not just anniversaries, but an opportunity to comprehend their activities and creativity. After all, they had a huge impact on the spiritual development of the republic. We hope for the support of the public and the entire population of the republic. Ysyakh Olonkho is a holiday of unity and mutual understanding, friendship of peoples, it is a dialogue of cultures. And we all need to unite in the name of the noble goals and objectives of the national holiday "Ysyakh" and the Sports Games of the peoples of the republic and hold them with dignity, at a high organizational level! Yakutia has always been famous for its rich traditions, northern hospitality, goodwill, centuries-old friendship of peoples, respect for traditions and origins. Remember the verses of the national poet of Yakutia Semyon Danilov: New daring and new ideas of triumph - Ancient bonfires continued, inspired result, Light inexpressible ... How he philosophically sang the connection of times, continuity and movement forward! And also "to be on a par with the century" - what lines! With these wonderful words, I would like to conclude by wishing all the Yakut people success and good luck!

Last year. In the settlements of Yakutia, they began to celebrate the national holiday of the Sakha people - Ysyakh, which became nationwide in the republic. The administration of each municipality independently determines the date of the holiday. For example, in Yakutsk, Ysyakh will be celebrated for two days - June 24 and 25. The holiday will be held in the area of ​​Us Khatyn. The current Ysyakh is dedicated to the heroic epic of the Sakha people - Olonkho, which was declared by UNESCO a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of mankind. The holiday has deep roots, rich traditions, and is distinguished by a rich plaitre of rites and rituals. Since ancient times, the ancestors of the Yakuts gathered at Ysyakh at the end of June, before the start of the summer season. The holiday begins with the ceremony of feeding the fire, the blessing - algys and the ceremony of drinking koumiss. Many components of Ysyakh have remained unchanged to this day - the decoration of tyusylge (platforms), horse races, botur competitions, purification rites, meeting the sun and others. Traditionally, competitions are held during Ysyakh for osuokhai, toyuksuts, olonkhosuts, and khomus performers. In Yakutsk, the holiday will begin early in the morning with a welcoming ceremony for guests. Various exhibitions-fairs will work on different tyusylge on this day: national cuisine, products of folk craftsmen and artisans. All the leading creative groups of Yakutia - children's, folk and professional - prepared their concert performances. Great theatrical performance "Glory to the land of Olonkho!" opens Ysyakh. Every year, all the national communities of the city, representatives of various communities and diasporas take part in Ysyakh. Also today, within the framework of the holiday, there will be a mantra song contest, a festival of youth culture, a beauty contest "Tuyaryma Kuo", a contest for the longest braid, for the best national costume. As always, sports competitions in the Yakut wrestling hapsagai, mas-wrestling, national jumps kuobakh, kyly and ystanga will attract great attention. The most versatile athlete of Yakutia will be revealed by the Dygyn Games tournament. One of the favorite spectacles of Ysyakh guests is horse racing. This year the prize fund of the competition amounted to about three million rubles. In total, six races are expected at different distances. Traditionally, the President of the Republic Vyacheslav Shtyrov puts up his prize at a distance of 2000 meters - two million rubles. On the night of June 25, the program "White Nights of Tuymada" will begin. Young people, not yet burdened by marriage, are preparing for an event called "Imen". From time immemorial, during Ysyakh, friends and relatives introduced young unmarried girls and single guys to each other. For some time now, this action has been revived and is of great interest to the Yakut people. The second day of Ysyakh will begin with the ceremony of meeting the sun at three o'clock in the morning. Immediately after this, guests of the holiday will be treated to dishes of the Yakut national cuisine, various rituals will be held. On Sunday, the results of most competitions will be summed up, and award ceremonies will be held. The holiday will end with a rite of thanksgiving to the spirits of the Us Khatyn area. It is expected that guests of honor from all over Russia and several foreign countries will arrive at Ysyakh in Yakutsk, in particular, the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Kamil Iskhakov.

- Yakut national holiday. According to the Yakut calendar, June 22 was the beginning of the longest day - the first day of the solstice. It served as a signal for the beginning of the organizational ritual holiday Ysyakh - the meeting of the New Year. Ysyakh is a traditional holiday of the Sakha people, personifying the meeting of summer, the awakening of nature, blessing the unification of the forces and capabilities of the people for creation, prosperity and abundance. During Ysyakh, the inner world of the people is most fully revealed, which, through ancient, sacred rituals and ceremonies, reflects the way of life, moral principles, customs and worldview of the people, expressing the triumph of harmony between Man and the World, between the results of human labor and nature, united by a single rhythm. On Ysyakh, people adhere to festive etiquette.

Osuohai circle dancesymbolizes the vicious circle of life. Dancing, moving in the course of the sun, as if they make a cycle in time and space. The participants of the holiday, holding hands, feel the positive bioenergy of each other, the perception of beauty and self-expression of a person.

National clothes. Ysyakh is a long-awaited holiday for the Sakha people, they have been waiting for it for a whole year and preparing for it in advance - they sew festive dresses and make decorations. On Ysyakh, people walk in elegant festive attire. This is not only a rule of etiquette, but a tribute to the traditions of the people. Various ceremonies and rituals are held on Ysyakh. The costume is a historical and everyday meaning. To preserve the traditions, a competition of national clothes is held annually, where both old and young take part.

Dygyn games.The Sakha people remember the historical times when the leader of the Sakha people, Dygyn, set himself the task of uniting his people. He held a ysyakh, for which he called the most worthy, strong, dexterous, sharp-witted from the uluses. Dygyn arranged competitions for bogatyrs-boturs. The strongest and most dexterous were awarded high honors. This tradition has been preserved among the people. Every year at the city holiday "Ysyakh Tuymaada" competitions of boot tours - "Dygyn's Games" are held, they are one of the main events of Ysyakh. Here, Yakut booturs from different uluses compete for the honorary title of being called the winner of the "Dygyn Games", whose names are respectfully passed from mouth to mouth, becoming national heroes. ( Tuymaada- the name of the valley in which the city of Yakutsk and its environs are located)

Competition of olonkhosut storytellers. Olonkho is an ancient heroic epic of the Sakha people, the greatest monument of oral folk art, reflecting in a vivid artistic form the way of life, moral principles, customs, history and worldview of the ancient Sakha people, expressing the triumph of goodness, humanism, harmony of the Spirit, Man, Nature. Olonkho was passed from mouth to mouth, its keepers and bearers were olonkhosut storytellers, they were especially revered and respected people. Olonkhosuts were the most long-awaited and honored guests of the Ysyakh holiday. At the festival, day and night, they listened to olonkho, competitions of onkhosuts were arranged.

Ceremony of meeting the sun.The first day of the solstice, the moment of sunrise, the Yakuts considered a great miracle. In the old days, the Yakuts began the Ysyakh holiday with the meeting of the sun, meeting the morning dawn, they blessed Uran Aiyy Aar Toyon and sprinkled the sacred drink with koumiss in his honor, and the stallion - Dzhesegey acted as a sacred animal. By this, the Yakuts demonstrated joy, the summer that comes after a long winter, noted the awakening of the nature of the Earth-Mother. It is believed that through the sun's rays people are ignited with energy and strength. Algyschyt (well-wisher) prepares people for the ceremony in complete silence, he, stretching his hands to the sun, addresses Uran Aiyy Aar Toion about sending down a healthy spirit, strength and vigor. By the rays of the rising sun, people were cleansed of everything sinful that had accumulated over the year. Those gathered repeat the gestures of algyschyt.

The ceremony of drinking a ritual drink - koumiss.Kumys - a drink made from mare's milk, has been loved by the Yakuts since ancient times. Kumis among the Yakuts is a sacred, heroic drink, and with its offering they honor the heavenly deities at the Ysyakh holiday. The very name of the Ysyakh holiday comes from the word "sprinkle", that is, to sprinkle with koumiss the patron gods of people and domestic animals. Algyschyt (caster) makes a fire and turns to the Upper deities, the spirits of fire and earth with a request to send down well-being, reproduction of livestock, abundance and good. The sacred drink - koumiss is treated to respected guests. They are dedicated to the solemn song toyuk, well-wishes (algys).