Campaign “International Earth Day. The largest environmental campaign ended in Russia - Earth Hour Earth Day in the year of the event

In less civilized settlements, it is celebrated less frequently.
And where natural deposits simply squander this date not
never noted.
This is what Eugene the Blessed from Ufa said in 2004 in the church.
How many years did he say we hear the voices of environmentalists crying among
desert, greed and temporary workers.

Let's take care of natural resources and then the planet
become more generous to us.

But apparently there is no time to consider the issues raised by environmentalists.
Why didn't I understand.
And blessed Eugene Konshin did not really explain!
I personally respect the Earth on which I live and have never let blood called oil out of it, the blessed one said.
I wonder if he wanted to release oil from the ground, how would he succeed? ..
International Mother Earth Day

Date in 2016: April 22, Friday
Celebrated: in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world
Established by: UN General Assembly in 2009 (Resolution No. A/RES/63/278)
Traditions: seminars, exhibitions, concerts, open days; landscaping promotions
The holiday was established to draw public attention to the problems of the Earth, which acts as a home for man.

International Mother Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22. In 2016, it is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and a number of other countries.

History and traditions
The holiday was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2009 in resolution No. A/RES/63/278. She invited UN member countries to support this initiative and make it widely publicized. The resolution notes that the expression "Mother Earth" is used in a number of countries. The term characterizes the relationship between the ecological systems of the planet and humanity.

According to some reports, the holiday originated on the basis of Tree Day, which was previously celebrated in the United States on April 22.

The need to strengthen the harmony of people with the nature of the planet is an important step in solving possible future problems of human needs.

Traditionally, on this day, scientists from different countries get together and discuss the problems of the planet's ecology. Seminars, exhibitions, concerts, open days dedicated to Mother Earth Day are held. In a number of regions of Russia, planting campaigns have become traditional, in which everyone participates.

Interesting Facts
According to scientists, the planet Earth arose 4.5 billion years ago. Astronomers suggest that she has sisters who are located near the distant stars of the solar system.

If you make your way to its core, you will have to overcome 6378 km, of which 70 km are hard rocks.

The highest temperatures are in California and Libya. In the 20th century, a temperature of +55°C was recorded there.

Antarctica is the coldest place on earth. There, at the end of the 20th century, the temperature dropped to -89°C.

Holiday dates for the next 5 years
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
22 aprilFr 22 aprilSa 22 aprilSu 22 aprilMo 22 aprilWe

A wonderful planet, the only one in our entire galaxy filled with life. Thanks to her, people can wake up and smile at the sun. Enjoy the singing of birds, the scents of flowers, and most importantly, life.

Who created this beauty, God or a combination of special natural circumstances, is not known for certain. Admiring its uniqueness and originality, the evolutionist Darwin himself believed in God, saying: "Everything on this earth is so regular and correct that all this directly points to its Creator."

One thing is certain for sure: the Earth is a home for all living beings, including humans. And Earth Day 2018 encourages us to reflect on this.

When will the whole world meet a wonderful holiday in 2018?

In fact, there are several such days. The first Earth Day is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox, which will come to us on March 20, and the second on April 22. The first is aimed at drawing attention to the need for peace on the entire planet, against wars, destruction and annihilation of the living. And the second has an ecological background and is aimed at preserving nature and the environment as a whole.

In addition to these dates, all peoples have their own holidays dedicated to the Earth. For example, the Slavs on the Day of the Holy Spirit, which falls immediately after the Trinity, also celebrated the birthday of Mother Earth. And before the advent of Orthodoxy, the Slavs celebrated Earth Day on May 22.

Earth Day March 20

In 1840, the public American activist John Morton on the day of the vernal equinox gathered like-minded people, with whom he planted a huge number of trees and other plants.

After 32 years, he joined the leadership of the state of Nebraska and continued his activities, urging people to a humane and respectful attitude towards nature. And also the day on which he and his company planted trees, he proposed to call Tree Day and called on all the inhabitants of the United States to continue his undertakings.

People responded to his call, and a new tradition appeared, a kind of holiday, when everyone, in unison, cheerfully, with songs and conversations, planted greenery in their cities and states, and then held festive dinners, with concerts, dances, etc.

Seeing the popularity of such a holiday in America, in 1971 the United Nations decided to make it worldwide and call it Earth Day. Moreover, on the day of the spring equinox, when the earth is reborn and begins a new round, this is very symbolic.

Over time, this day has acquired many traditions. In addition to the fact that organizations, students, schoolchildren and social activists are engaged in planting greenery in their cities, a custom has appeared on this day to ring the Peace Bell.

It was cast in memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which suffered from nuclear explosions. The bell is designed to remind all the people of the Earth about the tragedy that has happened and never again allow such destruction and victims.

Later, such Peace Bells appeared in many cities of different countries, and on World Earth Day they begin to ring. But not only to remind about terrible explosions, but also to encourage people to pay attention to the magnificent planet on which they live. To give birth in them the desire to create, to make her and themselves better, more merciful, and to protect what the Earth has already given them - life.

Earth Day even has its own flag, the emblem on which our planet flaunts, captured from space.

Earth Day - April 22

The history of this event originates from the first recognized holiday of the Earth. In 1970, US politician Gaylord Nelson initiated the creation of a student environmental movement. It was supposed to be a one-time action when Harvard students parade with posters calling for nature conservation.

But the event was a great success, and every year its popularity grew, reaching incredible proportions, when more than 20 million people organized environmental demonstrations in one day. As a result, Nelson noted that he only started, and Earth Day created itself.

The main objective of the action was to draw people's attention to the fact that by destroying the environment, they are destroying themselves. As a result of technological progress, the increasing anthropological pressure has a detrimental effect on everything: on the climate; on living beings that die out or fall into the Red Book; in air and water, which are oversaturated with harmful elements as a result of human activity.

As a result of this large-scale unfolding program, many environmental conservation laws were passed in America, and in 2009 the United Nations officially decided to consider April 22 as Earth Day.

On this day, parades and demonstrations are held all over the world calling for the protection of nature. Various environmental events are also held. Schoolchildren draw pictures on environmental topics with crayons on the pavement.

Concerts are held where singers and poets, with their creativity, also make people's consciousness wake up and recognize themselves as one with nature, get rid of the consumer attitude towards it. And also, as on the first Earth Day, the Bells of Peace are ringing.

Earth Hour

Holidays like Earth Day have inspired other organizations dedicated to protecting our world. Thus, the World Wildlife Fund launched the Earth Hour project, inviting all people on the planet, both privately and for companies, to cut off electricity for one hour.

The event, like Earth Day, quickly became popular. And although electricians claim that this makes no sense, such projects are necessary for people, if only in order to once again realize the consequences of their activities and give the Earth at least a fraction of what it gives us. We clean our house every day, so our common House should always be remembered as well. If people consciously begin to relate to the Earth, it will return a hundredfold.


In 2016, the fantasy film Warcraft was released, based on the popular game series (with the original title Warcraft). Many liked the picture, in connection with which the question arose: when will the sequel - the movie Warcraft 2.

In fact the big question is will there ever be a part 2 of the Warcraft movie (Warcraft 2).

And the point here is not at all the lack of spectator interest in history and not the lack of source material. Many fans are looking forward to the release of the sequel to the film. One young man even posted a tweet claiming to have watched the sci-fi movie 4 times in IMAX and is now biting his nails in anticipation of the sequel. To which I even received a response from Duncan Jones, the director of the first Warcraft, who replied that he himself was looking forward to when this would happen, but it all depended on the decision of the production media company Legendary Entertainment.

Also, the release of Warcraft 2 is unlikely to interfere with the large number of negative reviews that the first film collected. There are many examples when, after serious criticism of the first parts, the studio released sequels that had some success.

The main thing that determines whether Warcraft 2 will be released or not is a matter of money. After all, it's just business. As you know, the first film failed at the US box office, but "shot" in some other countries. For example, China grossed $156 million for a box office total of over $430 million. That is, the financial success of the Warcraft 2 film is unlikely to be ensured in the United States, however, in foreign markets, for example, in Russia and China, something will be able to be collected. And producers, before they start filming, must decide for themselves whether they are ready to take the risk of a film failing at the box office or not. We expect that sooner or later a positive decision will be made on the production of the second part of the Warcraft movie.

When the Warcraft 2 movie will be released in Russia:

Despite the fact that there is no decision yet on the start of filming and the timing of the release of the Warcraft 2 movie, the approximate release date can be named. Preliminary - this is May 2020. In Russia, it could very well be Thursday 14 May 2020.

Although, of course, not all parental days fall on Saturday. So, the first parental day after Easter in 2019, which is called Radonitsa, is held on Tuesday a week after Easter Sunday.

Orthodox believers celebrated Easter in 2019 on April 28, respectively. Radonitsa falls on May 7, 2019.

That is, what date will Radonitsa be (parent's day after Easter 2019):
* on Tuesday 7 May 2019

In some Russian regions, May 7, 2019 has been declared a public holiday. Taking into account the May holidays, in early May 2019, residents of these regions will have 10 days off.

Eid al-Fitr in 2019 - a day off or a working day:

In some regions of the country, the first day of Eid al-Fitr (in 2019 - June 4) is an official non-working day, an additional day off.

The following regions of the Russian Federation have a rest in honor of the holiday:
* Republic of Adygea.
* Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria).
* The Republic of Dagestan.
* Kabardino-Balkaria Republic (Kabardino-Balkaria).
* Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Karachay-Cherkessia).
* Republic of Crimea.
* Republic of Tatarstan.
* Chechen Republic.

In the regions listed, Tuesday June 4, 2019 is a public holiday, and Monday the day before (June 3, 2019) is a short working day.

What is the date of the Scarlet Sails 2019 festival in St. Petersburg:

The festive festival Scarlet Sails is held annually in St. Petersburg and is traditionally considered a holiday for all graduates of St. Petersburg schools.

Residents of the northern capital are looking forward to Scarlet Sails 2019 because the festival has gained immense popularity among them. Why are there people from St. Petersburg, a large number of guests from all over Russia and countries of near and far abroad are planning to make a summer trip to St. Petersburg in order to see an exciting water show, colorful fireworks and numerous musical concerts.

In the water area of ​​the Neva, as part of the festival, a grandiose water performance is held, which includes: races in motor boats and kayaks, sea pirate battles, and also, in apotheosis, the passage of a sailboat with scarlet sails.

The date of the Scarlet Sails festival is timed to coincide with the longest white night. Events are held on the Saturday closest to it, during the period from June 18 to June 25, with a few exceptions. The most interesting part of the events takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

The traditional date for Scarlet Sails 2019 falls on Saturday 22 June 2019. However, June 22 in Russia is the Day of Memory and Sorrow, the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, it was obvious that postponement of the holiday to Sunday 23 June 2019. The option of transferring the festival to Friday June 21, 2019 did not fit for the reason that since the events lasted 2 days, they would have ended at dawn on June 22, just at the time of the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR in 1941.

That is, the date of the festival Scarlet Sails 2019:
* on the night of Sunday 23 June 2019 to Monday 24 June 2019

The venue for the Scarlet Sails 2019 celebrations will traditionally be Palace Square in St. Petersburg and the spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the Scarlet Sails Festival 2019:

According to the established tradition, the most interesting moments of the festive evening will be shown live Channel Five. The live broadcast is scheduled to start on 22:00 .

What time will the fireworks be?

The festive salute, also known as fireworks or a pyrotechnic show, will begin at the end of the concert program, after 00:30.

And in a week St. Petersburg will host the summer national holiday of the Turkic peoples -

Thanks to one initiative group, our long-suffering mother Earth has acquired her own holiday - Earth Day. It all started in 1970 in the USA. Since then, there have been events that have been called "Earth Days".

International Mother Earth Day.

Earth Day 2017, what date?

Here you need to be careful, because many people mistakenly believe that Earth Day in 2017 falls on March 21st. But this is not so, or rather, not quite so ...

If you ask on the Internet "world earth day in 2017, what date?", You will find conflicting information. On some resources, the date is March 21, on others the date is April 22. Even Wikipedia answers this question ambiguously.

At the end of the 60s of the last century, when the idea of ​​creating a separate day for the Earth was just born, in many countries the holiday was held on the days of the spring equinox. Perhaps it would be more logical to celebrate Earth Day on this day, because it is at this time that the Earth is, as it were, reborn.

Many years have passed since then, but one thing is certain that on March 21, every year, starting at least from 2013 (it was then that the UN made the corresponding decision), the International Day of Forests is celebrated.

And the International Day of Mother Earth, according to the resolution adopted in 2009, is celebrated on April 22 of each year, including in 2017.

How to congratulate the planet on International Mother Earth Day?

An unusual question, isn't it? In our time, in the days when a person has become greedy and selfish, forgetting why he is here, we have forgotten how to be grateful to the one who sheltered us, our Earth.

In the heat of the technocratic race, in the so-called "chase for the leader" game, we literally eat off piece by piece from our planet. Selfishness has settled in us so much that it is already transmitted to babies by inheritance at birth.

Is everything so scary? We all die? Don't be a pessimist! There is always a way. Let's start living differently. And International Mother Earth Day contributes to this!

Man's love for the earth.

On Earth Day, you can plant a tree, one or more, as much as you want, the main thing is to do it not for yourself, but meaningfully and sincerely, for the planet. You can do this with family, friends, classmates. Plant trees everywhere, in the courtyard of the house, on the streets of the city.

You can also go to the nearest forest and collect the garbage that has accumulated after the winter, believe me, there is plenty of it.

Of course, we need to do all this regularly, and not only on Earth Day, so that the holiday does not become a commercial project, like Valentine's Day, March 8, February 23, which turn love into a farce. Allegedly, only these days it is necessary to remember each other, help, care, love ...

Let us again learn to sincerely love each other, to grow and carefully preserve this feeling so that it lives in us every day, becoming more and more complete. It should be taught and passed on to your children, then the world around us will become better. The planet will breathe easier, it will feel our love, care for itself, and take care of us.

On such a lyrical note, I want to end the article about the International Day of Mother Earth, which is celebrated in the spring, April 22.

The most global and biggest holiday on the planet should be called that way - International Earth Day. This holiday was born with the filing of the UN at the 63rd Assembly of the organization. Representatives of 50 states became co-sponsors of the new resolution that the Earth is our common home. This is one of the largest examples of the expression of will in the organization in its entire history.

What is the main meaning of the holiday

The resolution states that the Earth is a home for humanity, constantly in need of proper care and respect. In other words, under several pages of pathos text is placed a simple thought, conveyed back in his time by Exupiri in his immortal work "The Little Prince": "Wake up, put your planet in order." International Earth Day - sounds on this day in hundreds of languages, along with the official languages ​​of the UN - English, Russian, French and German.

Balance and harmony

The main task of modern society is to put in order the economic component of the modern world, or rather to equalize or reduce to a minimum the difference between developed countries and developing countries. And then, under the created conditions, celebrate Earth Day in order to preserve the world around us for future generations. So that our children and grandchildren can see living nature, and not in museums or in fantastic documentaries.


This holiday was first celebrated in the United States in 1970. It took the world as much as 20 years to adopt this tradition, and in 1990, from a local action, World Earth Day turned into a full-fledged international day. This holiday came to Russia a little later and began to be celebrated only in 1992. Interestingly, Earth Day is celebrated only in the northern hemisphere in spring, and only in the southern hemisphere in autumn. It is important that on this day, this year, International Earth Day 2019 receive the most publicity and attract the attention of as many people on the planet as possible. And in order to get to know the Earth better, you need to get to know it better.

Mother Earth

According to scientists, the Earth was born 4.5 billion years ago, so World Earth Day 2019 would be the oldest holiday in human history. If, of course, it was celebrated from the very birth of our planet. The diameter of the Earth is more than 40 thousand kilometers, and if you want to reach the center of the planet, you will have to drill a well 6 thousand kilometers long. Penetrating to such a depth will be daunting. Firstly, the Earth is tightly bound by the lithosphere, which envelops the planet with a 70-kilometer layer of solid rocks, and secondly, even after overcoming this distance, you get further into the liquid layers.

Now hot, now cold

The hottest places on the planet are in North America and Africa. The first hot spot - in the literal sense - is located in Libya and is called El Azizia. The record temperature observed in this desert reached 58 degrees Celsius and was recorded in 1922. American Death Valley is also not a cool place at all, it was especially hot there in 1913, when the temperature rose to 56 degrees Celsius. For those who like something cooler, you should go to Antarctica. In the cold summer of 1983, the lowest temperature in the history of weather observation was recorded there, about - 89 degrees Celsius.


Scientists have already classified more than 4 thousand types of various minerals, and only two hundred of them have real use in various fields of human activity. And this is not counting the fact that up to a hundred new types of useful minerals are added to this number every year. If you look at the sky, it is obvious that our planet is accompanied by one satellite - the Moon. It is perfectly visible to the naked eye, not only at night, but even during the day.

Participate in Earth Day

To really make this day useful and enjoyable not only for yourself, but for the planet, it’s not enough just to go outside and sing “Happy Day, Earth!” three times! Take care of cleaning the territory, collect pieces of paper near the entrance, and finally plant a tree. Well-known politicians, show business stars and scientists take part in such events dedicated to the holiday. They are engaged in the simplest, practical things, thereby setting an example for all the inhabitants of the planet. Caring for the Earth starts small and it is not necessary to immediately take on overwhelming and unsolvable tasks. On this day, a number of environmental actions are taking place in our country, as well as conferences where they talk about why you need to pay attention not only to your own home, but also to a common home for all the inhabitants of the planet.

When is International Earth Day 2019?