Acrylic gel paint for nails How to use. How to use acrylic nail colors: applying technology. How to remove acrylic paint with nails, leather or clothing

Mascarpone - very gentle creamy cheese with creamy consistency. His taste resembles immediately and foam milk, and the best sour cream. According to one of the versions, the word "mascarpone" occurred from the commodity of the Spanish phrase "Mas Que Bueno", which literally means "better than good."

Mascarpone is used in culinary business for making such as cheesecake and tiramisu. In addition, this type of cheese is used to refuel salads, more often fruit, as acute snacks, seafood sauce, as well as a separate dish.

Muskarpone Cheese - what can be replaced in cooking

Mascarpone is a pretty expensive product, besides, this cheese is sometimes completely difficult to find. Therefore, the hostesses wishing to prepare a tiramisu or any other dish of mascarpone are puzzled: how to replace this cheese? There are several options for replacing the Italian cream product.

The most close to the mascarpone on the taste qualities of another cheese - ricotta on the basis of serum. Products such as "Almette", "Rama", "Bonjour" and "Philadelphia" are also able to replace expensive cheese in the cream and desserts. The substitute can be prepared at home.

Ricotta for cooking cream

Ricotta is Italian cheese with a gentle curd consistency. They can be replaced with mascarpone in hot dishes and snacks, because it has a similar light texture and a mild taste. For cooking, the cream will need:

  • ricotta - 150 gr.;
  • fat cream (at least 20%) - 200 ml.

These ingredients should be placed in the kitchen combine bowl and mix until smooth and homogeneous mass. After that, replace the nozzle on the whisk and beat the mixture, it should turn out to be air. The cream must be used immediately.

Replacing mascarpone cottage cheese

Wanting to save on the purchase of an expensive product, you can use the easiest replacement option - mix fatty cottage cheese with cream. As a result, it turns out a delicious curd cake. For cooking, you will need:

  • fat cottage cheese - 300 gr.;
  • fat cream (at least 30%) - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs. (yolks separately from proteins);
  • sugar powder - 100 gr.

First, cottage cheese, after - yolks and ½ sugar powder, then proteins and the second half of the sugar and, finally, cream. All ingredients need to be combined and mixed into cream homogeneous mass.

Philadelphia cheese

This soft cream cheese is also able to replace the expensive product. You can use any other cream cheese, for cooking the cream will need:

  • cream cheese - 1 package;
  • cream (35%) - 2 tbsp.;
  • sour cream (25%) - 3 tbsp.

All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly. Due to the fact that each brand has its own technology of cooking, additives and quality of raw materials, desserts prepared according to a single recipe from different cream cheeses will differ in taste, but the consistency will be similar and almost identical cream from mascarpone.

Mascarpone cooking recipe at home

Maskarpone can be prepared at home, it is simple enough. Of course, the recipe is completely unconventional, but the resulting product will be the best analogue of the required cheese. Any baking with this cream will be tender and tasty.

For making mascarpone, you will need:

  • cream (at least 25%) - ½ liters;
  • lemon half juice.


  1. Cream should be poured into a metal container and put on a small fire for 12 minutes, after a product periodically. Temperature as a result should be about 75 °.
  2. In hot cream, add lemon juice and warm for 5-7 minutes on fire, constantly stirring.
  3. As soon as the content starts to roll, you need to remove the saucepan from the fire.
  4. After the cream is cooled, they need to merge into a colander, which must be seal in advance 7-8 layers of gauze.
  5. To withstand the product in this form about 3 hours to glass all the serum.
  6. Homemade mascarpone ready!

The resulting cheese can be used immediately either remove into clean hermetic container and send to the refrigerator for several days. If you plan to apply cheese for cooking sandwiches, you can add pre-crushed nuts and greens to it.

Video: What cheese replace Mascarpone in Tiramisu

Lovers of exquisite tiramisu offer to see this video, where the author of the roller, a young mother, tells how and from what to prepare a great and budget substitute for mascarpone at home. See, experiment and enjoy a gentle taste of a stunning dessert!

Mascarpone is an Italian creamy cheese. The main ingredient is cream with a high fatness percentage. The texture resembles a soft whipped cottage cheese or thick rustic sour cream. This product is very calorie, as it contains 75% fat. It tastes creamy and very gentle, and according to the consistency, it looks like a cream. This cheese is often used in the preparation of confectionery products: desserts, cakes, cakes, etc.

Properties Muscarpone

It is very nutritious and useful: it contains vitamins of groups a, b, c, k, pp, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. In addition, as a milk derivative, it contains full-fledged proteins and the necessary amino acid organism. Thanks to saturation, it improves the work of the cardiovascular system, helps strengthen the immunity and the nervous system, helps to fight depression and irritability, strengthens the bones, and also improves growth and contributes to the development of muscles.

High caloric content belongs to the harmful properties of the product. Therefore, the excessive use of this cheese can lead to an increase in cholesterol and obesity, so often the hostesses are thinking about to replace the mascarpone. In addition, due to its composition, this cheese does not recommend that people suffering from the intolerance to milk, with weak liver and diseases of the intestinal tract, as well as children under three years.

Where do Muscarpone cheese use?

It is a multifunctional product:

  • It can be smeared on bread instead of oil - the taste of the sandwich will only be better. At the same time, cheese contains several calories than butter, and is suitable for those who want to get rid of extra kilograms.
  • From it you can make a delicious, gentle sauce.

  • If mixed and berries, you will get a wonderful dessert.
  • It can be mixed with liqueur and chocolate. It will be a special delicacy.
  • Mascarpone is one of the main ingredients for the preparation of cottage cheese casserole and tiramisu.

The most common way to use it is to use in confectionery. But it is difficult to find it in the store, and it costs it is not suiced. This fact stops many novice cooks before preparing interesting new dishes. In this regard, the question arises whether it is possible to replace it with something. Therefore, it is worth considering Mascarpone Cheese: what it is and how to replace it in various dishes.

Mascarpone: What is it and what to replace?

Before talking about how to replace the mascarpone cheese in various dishes, it is necessary to consider the composition of the product. The main ingredient, as mentioned above, is a juicy cream of at least 20%. They add acid and lemon juice. Therefore, the product has a velvety, saturated taste.

Maskarpone is used in the preparation of sauces, casseroles, add to the paste and risotto, but the most common way of use is desserts. Since this is a very fatty and calorie delicacy, in the preparation of basic dishes and desserts, the hostess often try to replace it with something. For the preparation of casserole, paste or glazes, you can use less calorie, low-fat products, but it will not work with desserts. There is a question about how to replace the mascarpone cheese to ensure that the consistency and taste of the dishes are preserved. Consider the replacement options for this product by others derived from milk, options.

Alternatives Mascarpone

To replace this cheese in a cream for a cake or other dessert, you can use your own cooked cream mixture. To do this, take 150 g of cream cheese, a quarter cup of twenty percent cream and 2 tablespoons of butter. In this case, cheese and butter must be room temperature. Cream is good to beat a wedge or blender, add oil to them and thoroughly sophisticated fork cheese. All ingredients mix before getting a light, air homogeneous mass.

To replace mascarpone in other dishes (for example, paste, risotto, soups, etc.), it is possible to use less fatty and calorie substitutes:

  • in Lazagne or paste you can put a soft degreased cottage cheese;
  • in soup, salad or risotto - low-fat sour cream;
  • in the glaze - low-calorie cream cheese;
  • in sauce - thick low-calorie yogurt without additives.

Ricotta instead of mascarpone

Another famous Italian gentle cheese is Ricotta. Therefore, many are interested, whether Ricott can be used instead of mascarpone. Can. It is ideal as an alternative, as it has the same properties: a similar consistency, a soft taste and light texture.

For a full-fledged replacement, 150 g of ricotta cheese and 200 ml of twenty percentage cream (can be higher) are needed. Both ingredients need to be put into the container and mix the blender or process to obtain a homogeneous mixture, and then beat up to obtain light, air mass. At the same time, it is necessary to use this mixture immediately, otherwise it will lose its properties.

How to replace Mascarpone in Tiramisu?

Italian dessert Tiramisu is known worldwide. Therefore, every self-respecting mistress wants to at least once to pamper himself and their loved ones with this delicacy. One of the most important ingredients of Tiramisu - Muskarpone Cheese, which is sometimes difficult to find in the store. But there are two common options than to replace the mascarpone in Tiramisu.

An alternative to this cheese will be simple bold cottage cheese or a mixture of cottage cheese with cream. And it will be more tasty if you mix cottage cheese, cream, butter and milk.

Also mascarpone can be replaced by the usual sour cream. To do this, pour it out in a canvas bag and leave all night. To get a finished product half, you need one kilogram sour cream.

If you still want to add exactly a mascarpone in the dish, and there is no store in stores, this cheese can be made independently.

How to make mascarpone?

The most common are two ways to make a product yourself.

Take the cream with a fat content of at least 20% and lemon juice based on a spoon of juice on a glass of cream. Cream heat up to 90 ° C in a water bath, then add lemon juice there, mix. The resulting mixture is pouring into the container (plastic or stainless steel), cover with gauze, then leave for 12 hours at room temperature. The resulting liquid to merge, and shift to the sieve, shining gauze. Sito remove for 24 hours in the refrigerator, putting some container to it so that the remaining moisture has flowed. Ready cheese remove into a container with a closing lid. Product Put in the refrigerator. Use for three to five days.

Take the sour cream or a mixture of sour cream with kefir and hang in gauze per day. Cheese will be ready when the whole liquid stalks, and the remaining mass will become harder.

Lovers of Italian desserts and just delicious dishes should not limit themselves just because one of the main ingredients is difficult to find in the store, or it is very calorie. Muscarpone can be easily replaced by a lower-calorie ingredient, and if it is impossible, another milk derivative by the product of appropriate fat content. The taste of the dish will remain as excellent!

- Very soft and gentle cream cheese, with a slight creamy taste.

There is an assumption that the name of this product happened from "Mas Que Bueno", which translated from Spanish means "better than good."

Maskarpone is used in various famous desserts, for example, in Italian tiramisu or American cheesecake.

But, unfortunately, this delicious cheese can not be found on sale, and the cost of this variety of soft cheese is quite high.

Therefore, the question arises, what to replace the mascarpone in recipes?

The raisins of Tiramisu are mascarpone and cookies of Savoyardi, and how much bake biscuits, and do not smear them with something from cottage cheese, it will not be a tiramisu. Chefs will tell us that mascarpone can only be replaced on a more recent mascarpone, but this is not our case.

If for some reason you could not buy mascarpone, then you need to look for replacement options.

The most similar to the mascarpone to taste and the qualities another national Italian dairy product -, cheese produced from serum.

Is it possible to replace Mascarpone Ricotta and how to do it right?

The replacement is quite possible, but it must be taken into account, the cheese is intended for what dish.

Unlike Muscarpone, Ricotta Cheese, there are different types: slightly sweetish, are quite suitable for the preparation of desserts, and brass and smoked varieties can replace a similar product in dish-snacks.

Some advise replace mascarpone cheaper, "Almete" or "Rama Bonjur" without additives in blue packaging.

Another possible way: mix the packaging of any cream-cheese cream with 2 tablespoons 35% cream and 3 tablespoons of 25% sour cream and use the resulting mixture as a cream in the manufacture of dessert.

By the way, in the program "Eat at home", Julia Vysotskaya has always said that Muskarpone Cheese can be replaced by children's curd raws, not glazed, and ordinary. They need to be mixed and thoroughly beaten with the fatty cream (at least 33%), based on the amount of 1 part of the cream - 2.5 cheese or vanilla raw materials without fruit additives.

What can make cheese mascarpone

How to replace Mascarpone Cheese in home cooking?

The product similar to the original cheese to taste is pretty easy.

We will need only greasy cream and lemon juice.

Review of home recipe:

Love of Shatsev, Vkontakte: "By the way, as a person who did not buy a mascarpone, made it from the cream itself - the thing is cool, delicious, you can so much))) Very advise those who will not be able to get a mascarpone for one reason or another. True suspended to drain overnight. According to the reviews of people who tried and mascarpone, and the mass after the cream welding is identical. It turns out some creamy curd very gentle mass. The main thing is not to give cream strongly.

Try - not disappointed. "

P.S. Cream should be fat, percentage 30, no less fatty.

Preparation option Muscarpone from sour cream Offers Nastya Tumanova:

Muskarpone cheese can be done like this! Buy sour cream 30-40%, not a sour taste. Easy to lay it on a folded 3 times gauze, tie and hang up to glass all the water from sour cream, at night. In the morning there will be a thick creamy mass practically not distinguish from mascarpone.

Maskarpone from sour cream and kefir:

  1. Take 800 g sour cream and one packaging of kefir, mix them, salt to taste.
  2. Having a couple of days in a linen bag over the sink. As soon as the product hardens enough - this is the signal that homemade mascarpone is ready.

Maskarpone of a mixture for cream:

Instead of mascarpone, you can use such a mixture - take one powder package for vanilla pudding (or semi-finished product for a custard) and mix it with condensed milk (instead of a simple milk, in the same quantity, as written in the cooking instructions on the packet itself), after which Put the mixture into the fridge for 1-2 hours. Such a mass is used in tiramisu in the same way as a mascarpone with yolks.

Mascarpone from cottage cheese

And also the fattest cottage cheese to connect with fat cream, beat up to a homogeneous smooth and thick consistency, add sugar, vanilla, a few drops of lemon juice. You can add dissolved gelatin (together with cream). Then it turns out very gentle and, at the same time, solid mass.

Muscarpone from Ryazhki:

You need to take a row in paper bags. Put in the freezer to frozen, for 1 day. We cut in half and prepare the design of the bowl, coast and gauze. Now we need to put the frozen blocks of ryazhenka and remove into the refrigerator for slow defrost. Let the serum flow, we do not need it. A day later, when all the serum comes out, a great cream is ready.

Recipe for tiramisu without mascarpone

Cookins offer replacing mascarpone in tiramisu cream with familiar dairy products.

How to cook this dessert without curd cheese?


  • homemade cottage cheese - 300 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • fatty sour cream - 300 g
  • biscuit cookies - 300 g
  • sugar powder - 3 tbsp. Spoons
  • cocoa / Powder - 4 Tea Spoon
  • welded natural strong coffee - 1 cup

Tiramisu recipe without mascarpone:

1. Cottage cheese wipe through a sieve, add fresh sour cream, the mixture is thoroughly whipped with a mixer.

2. Yolks are also whipped until they find white color. All components mix.

3. Whipped separate proteins, carefully pour into the ground, without stopping stirring.

4. Mocked in cooled Cookies Cookies We place in a high vouaker in one layer, top with a cooked cream, again put the layer of impregnated cookies, then a layer of cream. So lay up to the edge of the vase, the upper cream layer sprinkle cocoa.

Acrylic paints that we are accustomed to see on the canvases have become a wonderful addition to the Neil-Design. They allow you to create magnificent colorful paintings on the nails, and from the master it is only required to master the technique of their use.

What are applied?

Applied to the surface of the nail plate acrylic paint can be used by brushes from synthetic material or DOTS. This tool is present in the set of each wizard, since they just work with acrylic (especially if the manicure is made at home independently). It allows you to create amazing acrylic patterns, while paint does not have time to gather in lumps due to the fact that he dries quickly.

Dots looks like a regular fountain pen - its rod ends with a circular metal tip. It helps in the creation of small drawings from acrylic paint (for others brushes). Dotts (or point brush, as it is used to calling the wizard) helps to create not only points on the nails - with it you can easily apply abstraction, lace ornament, create a pattern of colors. A simple from a constructive point of view the tool is simply necessary for women who are only mastering the technique of work with acrylic. It becomes easier to create simple and complex compositions. Either the drawing will look beautiful (even if it is a simple pea), while most of the patterns are very easy to perform, from a technical point of view, you only need to try to delve into the process and follow the advice of professionals.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic paint

Below are the advantages of acrylic paint. (why it uses it more convenient than gel varnishes and other materials).

  • Acrylic paints are much cheaper.
  • Huge selection of colors and shades.
  • Consistency acrylic paint makes it easier to work with it (if compared with other materials). The master it gives more opportunities when creating complex compositions that cannot be made with varnishes or gels.
  • The paint for nails thickens and coagulates in counting seconds, which allows you to do the 3D-effect on the nail (though, this technique is very complex and will have to develop it for a long time).

This material has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. For example, the paint for nails dries on the brush every time the residues remain on it after applying the first layer. This is one of the reasons why the Master has more time when creating such a manicure. It is necessary to constantly clean the tools or work very quickly, and this is available only to masters with extensive experience. The paint frozen on the brush thickens it, so it is no longer possible to recreate the subtlety of the previously performed line. It is removed acrylic only with water, so it's better to wash the brush every time after applying the first layer and wipe the paper towel.

Application technology

Before using acrylic paint on nails, they must be put in order:

  • align the form;
  • polish nails;
  • apply the base layer.

If you do not fulfill the second and third condition, then acrylic will fall on the nails unevenly, everything will be spoiled from the manicure.

You can submit work with acrylic paint in more detail.

  • Remove the cuticle, burstles, give the nails the desired shape with the help of a sawing. Work using a standard manicure set. First, all the nails are squeezed (while they are dry), otherwise the nail plate will simply stall. After a warm bath, excess skin is cut.
  • Polishing your nails is important and needed - this stage allows you to align the surface, remove unevenness.
  • After that, you need to decide on the pattern, which is planned to be applied to your nails, and prepare everything you need for further work.

From the tools you will need:

  • acrylic paints;
  • glass with water;
  • brushes and dots;
  • disposable napkins;
  • palette for mixing paints;
  • wooden wand;
  • transparent varnish or gel to secure the result.

How to use for drawing on nails?

In order to create a beautiful drawing, you need to follow a simple step-by-step instruction.

  • Squeeze some paint from the tube on the palette. No need to squeeze a lot of material at once, because it dries quickly enough (it is better to add it even).
  • If acrylic seems too thick, you can dilute it by adding a drop of water, and mix.
  • The desired color is easy to get by mixing a few shades.

The paint must completely dry before you begin to cover it with the finish layer of transparent gel lacquer. If you do not wait for it, the drawing is wary, and the contours will lose their clarity.

Each time the brush will need not just wipe, but rinse in water and remove excess moisture from it. Some prefer to dilute acryl with water - so it dries slower, it becomes less bright and more supplied. The paint is absolutely safe for a person because it is not toxic, and it is sold at any stationery store and is cheap. It can be bought by a set, but you can choose a suitable gamut in tubes for yourself.

A great variety of color palette erases all boundaries between fantasy and reality. Professional masters of Neil-Design are able to create amazing paintings with acrylic paint with acrylic paint. This material is removed from the nail using a standard lacquer removal tool.


Extremely charming image of light blue nails has been loved by representatives of a beautiful floor, so this color does not come out of fashion. Masters of nail design try to beat him: they use the paintings of the cloudy sky, they draw gentle cornflowers, add painting under the storm.

If there are great experience, you can create a picture of the Chinese New Year, using acrylic paint, or draw a pumpkin, expressing your love for Halloween.

The advantage of acrylic paints is that still life can be created on the nails or dial a whole galaxy. You can take small foam rubber pieces and, mixing their desired color, create interesting overflows.

Evoid popular abstraction and lines. They are drawn with a thin brush. They split nail into different zones, try to visually change its shape - to do or longer.

You can make a personal style a little more luxurious, just enough to choose the right decoration for nails. Easy with black acrylic paint and thin brush are created by lace. So that they are not boring and monotonous. They are complemented by a french of sequin. To ensure the maximum effect, it is worth using several rhises in the middle of the composition. The color of the sequin and the main background depends on the individual preferences of a woman.

If there is experience with transparent acrylic gels, then it is necessary to try to create an aquarium effect. You can draw anything: marine, floral compositions, landscapes, just abstraction. The highlight of this technique is that all the details are listed under thick glass or frozen in ice.

In order to beautifully arrange your nails, it is necessary to follow the advice of professionals:

  • do not mix paints from different manufacturers, since the effect may turn out to be unexpected;
  • it is necessary to acquire rigid brushes from synthetic materials, since acrylic - heavy material and the usual brush will not cope with it (it will not be possible to carry out a clear line);
  • when mixing colors it is worth remembering that some shades when drying look darker;
  • so that acrylic did not breathe quickly, it is worth saving with water from the spray.

If you master the simple technique of working with acrylic paints, countless possibilities will open before the master. Amazing and colorful palette will allow creating real masterpieces. Do not be afraid to experiment and try new.

About how to use acrylic paints, see the next video.

Beauty requires no victims, but help. Take, for example, fragile and brittle nails - in strong and stable turn to the extension session. And beautiful nails make gels and paints - for example, acrylic, we will talk in detail below.

Acrylic paint in Neil Art: from the canvas on the nails

In childhood, to be Super Girl, it was enough to boost a bow. An adult woman should be beautiful, as it is customary to speak, to the tips of the nails. As for the "tips", the attitude towards their beauty has recently changed radically.

An ordinary manicure is already considered boring, preferring more expressive solutions of decoration - painting, rhinestones and more.

Huge laboratories work on the creation of materials for the embodiment of the innermost female fantasies. And in the light of this, the popularity of "dense" acrylic paints seems amazing.

Acrylic paint at least fifty years. Invented it in the 50s for painting, but today the material has become popular in wide circles. Not left aside and the Neil-Industry, adapting the product under personal needs. And correctly made - acrylic paint is wonderful to everyone.

It has a high tailoring capacity, plasticity, brightness - like gel paint, just dries without a lamp and quickly. It does not smell, not toxic, environmentally friendly - that there is nails, even children can be painted. It is cheap, spent slowly, is stored for a long time - a very practical product.

All blots in the process of work can be immediately washed zhdsl, and wet acrylic drawings on nails Easily washed off with water - the perfect material for beginners. The rest is the case of technology.

How to use acrylic nail colors: immersion in equipment

By analogy with painting, it will take canvas and tools for drawing acrylic paints. Canvas in our case will be a gel varnish coating, and we will talk about the tools in more detail.


Acrylic paint will fantastically dry, so the inventory is preparing before the start of work.

It will take:

  • palette - special or any piece of plastic;
  • water jar - for wetting and washing with brushes;
  • a loft napkin - to remove excess moisture with brushes;
  • brushes - elastic nylon or columns from 00 to 2 and / or flat;
  • actually, acrylic paints and gel varnishes (base, color and finish).

As for acrylic paints, it is enough to have six basic colors - black, white, red, blue, yellow and green. All other 2000 shades can be obtained by mixing.


We prepare the nail plate according to the standard protocol - from the removal of the cuticle before applying the base to the degreasing surface and drying it in the lamp.

Strace your nails into one or two layers of colored gel varnish, polymerizing each.

Please note - remove the sticky layer and a bit of the baff to get the matte texture of the "canvas".

"Speakers" remove the fluid rubbing to remove stickiness. So far we are waiting for the embroilment of the nails, prepare the palette - squeeze the necessary paints, and the tubes are tightly screwed.

We proceed to drawing.

  1. Welcome brush in the water, pressing a lint-free napkin, immerse yourself in the paint and begin to create, adjusting the saturation and density of color with water.
  2. Remember that the unsuccessful drawing before drying can be washed away, after drying - remove ZHDSL. That is, the adjustment can be carried out at any stage of the design, subordinating the error with a cotton wand. We do not forget to maintain a grid rush throughout the entire period of design work so that the dried acrylic does not bring a tool.
  3. After complete drying, the paint is coated with a top, sealing ends well. If you cover the top of the wet paint, the probability of slices is high. The brush during the drying of the top in the lamp lies in water, and then it is necessarily clean and carefully wipes dry.

Beautiful nails: design acrylic paints on gel varnish

To the question, what to draw, approach, without limiting yourself in anything. By changing the intensity of paint, you can draw anything - from rectilinear geometry to watercolor blur. Examples of work and acrylic pictures on the nails are step by step. See our photo gallery.

Simple drawings with acrylic paints on the nails - This is understandable, flowers. Point in the middle and petals in a circle - here and flower. The vegetation of the level "Profi" is a Chinese painting, Zhostovskaya, Gzhel, naturalistics. You can fueled the hand on typses, training maps or cardboard.

In addition to flora, do not forget about the fauna. The animal color, which is an animal print, stubbornly in trend. Zebra, Tiger, Python or Ladybug - Select in accordance with temperament.

Nails can be made by "cultural" by depicting them ornaments, traditional patterns, national motifs and drawings in the style of rock painting of cave people. Here is still life, landscapes, portraits.

Pay attention to the abstraction and geometry. The design does not require artistic skills, in demand, fashionable and combined with everything - both with club dresses and with office pants. Well, in general, you can paint on the nails if your hands grow out of the right place, and the paints are good.

Good paints: Overview of sets with acrylic paints

All acrylic paints differ from each other, in essence, only a consistency. That is, the acrylic colors of the gamma purchased in the stationery store, you can draw on the nails.

But, it is believed to be paints for Neil-Art have the right delicate, high pigmentation and, most importantly, do not contain fats. They will discuss them on the example of four sets for nail design, each of which consists of 12 tubes of 12 ml acrylic paint.

  • Runail, set of acrylic paints "Meskalito"

Classic professional set for nail design with gold and silver paint in composition. Paints quick-drying, well pigmented, optimally dense, natural shades.

Applied without lumps, do not flow and do not roll. All the paints can be bought individually, which is very convenient when, for example, the black color is over, and risk, mixing brands, I do not want.

Nuance - Tubes are made of metal, which means they can break.

Approximate cost of 530 rubles.

  • TNL, set of acrylic paints

South Korean brand, whose gel varnishes are often compared with American "shellats", again pleased, releasing a wonderful set for drawing acrylic. All paints have a deep saturated color. From exclusive shades, it is worth highlighting carrot and turquoise.

A number of running paints are black, white, silver and gold - you can buy separately. Well mixed with water and with each other. Obedient during drawing and, as is customary among the "decent" acrylic paints, quickly dry.

Approximate cost of 595 rubles.

  • Irisk, set of acrylic paints "Acrilic Nail Art Paint"

In the range of the Russian company Irisk there are several sets with acrylic paints. In addition to the base "Acrilic Nail Art Paint", it is worth noting an elegant box with acrylic paints for 3D effects and Chinese painting with extension tank tubes (20 ml).

As for the ACRILIC Nail Art, the paints are moderate dense, well pigmented, expressive. Despite Chinese production, stable in quality. The quantity can be updated - the base colors are sold separately.

Approximate cost of 560 rubles.

  • OUMAXI, set of acrylic paints

Acrylic paints OUMAXI - China, which is unstable. The thickness, washness, the driedness and even color of the paints in the set - the value is non-permanent. If unpredictability does not scare, take it.

With a high probability, a magnificent lavender shade will fall in the set and the rest will delight - stably bright and rich. If blue is deep, if orange is a juicy carrot.

Suitable for training and good mood. On the joint venture can be purchased 2-3 times cheaper.

Approximate cost of 540 rubles.

And the inspiration is in galleries, museums and exhibitions, memorizing plots, manners and details. And then any paint will fall thoughtfully, and the drawing will be with meaning.