Orange oil Application for weight loss. Orange oil - use in cosmetology and traditional medicine. Fragrant Bath for Combating Cellulite

Essential oils are used in medicine and cosmetology. They strengthen health, stimulate the work of the internal organs, relieve irritation, improve the condition of the hair and nails. Use them also to eliminate skin defects. So, the well-known means is orange oil from cellulite. It not only effectively smoothes subcutaneous "tubercles", but also helps to get rid of stretch marks.

Cellulite is a typical female problem. It appears even when the weight is within the normal range. This is due to the fact that the organism of girls actively accumulates subcutaneous fat. The problem is exacerbated with a sedentary lifestyle. The absence of physical exertion leads to stagnation of lymphatic fluid and reduced blood circulation.

Orange essential oil normalizes blood flow, saturates cells, accelerates metabolism in tissues. Using it, you can burn excess fat deposits, smooth the skin and make it elastic. Microelements in the ether are powered and moisturized skin cover. As a result - healthy, taut skin without cellulite crust.

In addition, orange essential oil is an effective way for a quick, beautiful tan. It is added to the finished cosmetics, use for wraps, baths, massage procedures.


Orange oil is made only of two varieties of orange citrus - Chinese and orange. They differ slightly among themselves by the number of useful trace elements, but their composition is approximately the same. Both species contain vitamins A, C, PP, E, Group B, pectins, phytoncides, organic acids and minerals.

Regular use of orange oil contributes to:

  • removal of toxins, slags and extra liquid;
  • splitting fat;
  • cell regeneration;
  • moisturizing the skin;
  • softening rough, buried plots;
  • deliverance from rash;
  • removing irritation, inflammation;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • sightening;
  • normalization of the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • slowing the aging of the skin;
  • clarifying pigment spots, freckles;
  • getting rid of stretch marks, scars, scars.

But the main plus oil of oranges is an anti-cellulite action. It occurs at the expense:

  1. Normalization of blood supply to fabrics.
  2. Strengthening the outflow of lymphatic fluid.
  3. Accelerating metabolic processes.
  4. Lipolysis - increased fat cleavage.
  5. Regeneration of the upper layers of the epidermis.

Orange oil can be used with any type of leather. The main thing is to remember that single procedures will not lead to the desired effect. The course of procedures is long and takes a lot of time. Therefore, you should be patient. But the results will be stunning: smooth, smooth skin without the slightest traces of cellulite.

Features of application

Orange oil against cellulite - effective, but at the same time, an aggressive agent. It should be used with caution to avoid possible negative effects.

It is forbidden to use Ether to people with:

  • allergies for citrus
  • increased sensitivity on oil components;
  • skin diseases;
  • abundant snare;
  • cuts, wounds, guns.

If possible, the following negative consequences are possible:

  1. Photo intettage - skin irritation on ultraviolet rays.
  2. Pigmentation of the skin.
  3. Uneven tan.

After applying orange oil on the body it is worth waiting for at least an hour before going outside. The ether literally "attracts" the sun's rays: you can get not only a burn, but also earn a few pigment spots. It is also not recommended to visit the solarium during the course of the Citrus Ether.

How to prepare orange oil yourself

Orange oil can be bought in any pharmacy or cosmetics store. However, it is easy to fake. In addition, high-quality air costs several more than cheap analogues. In essence, they are an enriched oil mixture. The exact same is easy to prepare at home:

  1. Orange peel is treated with boiling water.
  2. They break the crusts into small pieces, put them in the bowl and ticks before the appearance of juice.
  3. Poured refined oil (sunflower or olive) so that it covered the crusts for 1 cm.
  4. Pour into the jar, covered and leave it. If the mixture was made of dry crusts, withstand 7 - 10 days, if from fresh - 3 days.
  5. Infusion is transferred to the bowl and warm in the water bath of half an hour.
  6. Focusing through the gauze, thoroughly squeezing orange peels.
  7. Store in closed bubbles in a dark cool place.

Anti-cellulite cosmetic procedures

To combat cellulite, a number of cosmetics with orange oil are prepared: baths, scrubs, wraps, massages. Each of them actually affects the skin, so how the skin defects will quickly disappear, it depends not only on the intensity and regularity of the procedures, but also from the selected method.


Scrubs based on citrus ether cleans the skin, stimulate the active work of the tissues. They are recommended to be carried out before other anti-cellulite procedures. Peeling will expand the pores, and will also allow nutrients faster to penetrate into the cells.

A soft orange scrub: the orange crust is dried, rub on the grater. The resulting zest (60 g) is mixed with sea salt (80 g), crushed oat flakes (40 g), white clay (15 g), sugar (15 g), two tbsp. l. base oil (olive, sunflower, chamomile). Add 10 drops of liquid vitamin E and 7 - orange essential oil. Shift the resulting mixture into an opaque can. Ready scrub is suitable for 7 days.

Vitaminized scrub: a tablespoon of ground coffee is mixed with two liquid honey heated in a water bath. Add filming from oranges. Apply to the body with massage movements, leave for a few minutes. After washed with warm water.

Citrus soap scrub: the basis for soap (you can take ready-made baby) melts on a water bath, without bringing to a boil. 10 g of vegetable oil is poured, 5 g of honey, 100 g of sugar sand, 5 drops of orange ether. Optionally add food dye. When sugar is dissolved, the mixture is bottled on plastic or silicone molds, having previously lubricated them with oil. Give soap cool and harden for an hour.


A pleasant and easy way to get rid of cellulite at home, which does not require additional effort. All you need - add a mixture of sea salt to warm water and 3 - 5 drops of orange squeeze. Just drip the air in the bathroom - it is useless, since the oil does not dissolve. A more complex option is dissolved in bathroom natural juice, squeezed from a citrus kilogram, or a tincture of orange crusts.

The bath is accepted twice a week. The time of procedure should be limited to 20 to 30 minutes. To improve the effect, the body is better to rub a rigid sponge.

This procedure relieves fatigue, soothes, relaxes the muscles, tones. The skin after such a bath becomes silk, velvety to the touch. Single contraindication - cardiovascular diseases.


Wrapping is aimed at warming or cooling the skin. It removes irritation and contributes to the accelerated burning of subcutaneous deposits. As a result - cellulite tubercles are becoming smaller, and over time and disappear.

Recipe for heating wrapping: Olive oil is mixed with orange ether, add burning pepper extinction. Distributed on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe body, turn the polyethylene film. Leave half an hour. To enhance the effect, the fat burning complex of exercises perform.

Cooling wrapping: Basic oil is stirred with a small amount of menthol or eucalyptus. A little orange oil is poured. Apply on the body, wrapped with a film.


The most popular and effective method of combating cellulite. Massage is performed every other day, intensely warm up problem areas - as a rule, thighs, buttocks, upper legs. The course consists of 10 - 15 procedures. It can be passed both in a professional cabin, and to fulfill at home.

Before the procedure, the skin is cleaned, lubricated with cream and heated. Massion the body is at least half an hour. Movement starts from below, gradually lifting up. Perform circular, zigzag and patting movements. At the same time, the skin in no way is not delayed, eliminate the plugs. At the end, remove the remains of the oil with a cotton towel or a paper napkin. Complete session with a contrasting shower.

As a basic means, various mixtures are prepared based on orange oil. It is stirred with special massage or simple vegetable oil. Pink, rosemary, juniper essential squeezes are also added.

The most effective anti-cellulite massage - with orange oil and honey. The latter ingredient is replaced by a fat basis. The technique of such a procedure is slightly different: palm are applied to the body and cut down sharply. The strength and intensity is controlled individually, depending on the level of the sore threshold of the person.

Orange oil is the best tool for combating cellulite. Its use normalizes the blood supply of cells, accelerates fat burning, dissipates the tubercles and stretch marks, makes the skin elastic. The abundance of cosmetic procedures using this ether will allow you to choose the most suitable method.

The orange oil contains many active acids that are capable of carrying out accumulated slags, toxins and excess liquid from the body. Compared to other means of such action, orange oil copes with this task much faster and more efficient.

Applying orange oil for weight loss, you ensure the normalization of the metabolic process in the body. In particular, carbohydrate-fat exchange is being established.

Orange oil principle

Orange oil, penetrating deep into the skin, contributes to the resorption of fat plaques, as a result of which the problem areas of the body decrease significantly in volumes, and the skin looks smaller and more beautiful.

Orange oil, among other things, acts as an excellent moisturizing and toning means, due to which the skin becomes tightened and elastic. Thus, orange oil affects the body as from the outside and from the inside: fat is burned, and the skin pulls up and smoothed.

There are a lot of ways to use orange oil as a means for weight loss. All of them are effective in their own, so choose, based on our own goals in the fight against extra kilograms.

Massage using orange oil

Massage with orange oil is one of the most sought-after procedures in the sets of beauty salons. And not enough, because such a massage contributes to strengthening blood circulation, accelerating the metabolic process, the removal of toxins and slags, as well as the active splitting of fats. In addition, fat cells are destroyed due to massage movements, which form cellulite formation.

The most popular types of anti-cellulite massage with the use of orange oil are honey and oil. For oil massage, vegetable or special massage oil will be required, and for honey - natural honey. Mix the basic ingredient (in the number of two tablespoons) with five drops of orange oil and use the resulting massage tool.

Orange Oil Wrap

Wrapping is considered a very efficient and useful procedure. With it, you can not only achieve good results in weight loss, but also improve the overall condition of the body and its internal systems.

Wrapping gives good results in weight loss due to the fact that this procedure creates an excellent pair effect, as a result of which all malicious substances are derived from the body and fats are rapidly burned.

We offer you to take advantage of one of the easiest cooking and at the same time a very effective recipe. Inject 4 tablespoons of cosmetic clay with a small amount of warm water so that the consistency is similar to the paste. Add about 5-6 droplets of essential orange oil to this weight and apply a thick layer on problem areas. In this case, other ingredients can also be used instead of clay. Orange oil can also be combined with natural honey, algae, coffee grounding, etc.

A simple food film is superimposed on top of the mixture for wrapping. It is advisable to wrap it with pleasure to create a good pair effect. And on top of the film you can wear something warm, or just wrapped in a blanket. However, specialists still recommend to give preference to warm clothing, as it is recommended to move intensively (20-30 minutes) to achieve maximum results. You can run, jump, dance, do fitness, and you can also start general cleaning in the apartment. Simply put, you need just active mobility, and what exactly you will do - decide.

After 20-30 minutes, the mixture for wrapping is neatly washed off under the jets of warm water, after which the skin needs to be cut into a towel and apply to its moisturizing cream or lotion.

Baths with orange butter

Baths with the addition of orange oil is perhaps one of the most pleasant ways of weight loss. With extremely positive impact on the entire body as a whole, and in particular on exchange and fat-burning processes, due to which weight loss occurs, they also relax perfectly, because such procedures will bring you only pleasure.

Cooking such a bath is very simple: type hot water in it and add about 10 drops of orange essential oil. The water temperature should be approximately 38-39 degrees, and the bath should be taken within 15-20 minutes.

To achieve maximum results in the fight against extra centimeters, 10 minutes before the procedure, it is recommended to perform massage on problem areas of the body. This will contribute to a good leather warming up for a further more active fat burning process.

Any of the procedures described above will contribute to weight loss only if it is carried out regularly, with a clear frequency, and not in chaotic order. Specialists also recommend using essential oil of orange only as an additional means of combating extra kilograms. Accompany wraps, loss baths, massages, etc. It is necessary to properly balanced diet. If you use any weight loss techniques, without correcting your diet, you can hardly achieve any essential results.

Orange oil from cellulite has excellent reviews, so let's see how at home you can use orange oil from cellulite so that the orange peel does not bother your skin anymore.

The benefits of orange oil from cellulite

The growth of the popularity of this agent from cellulite is associated with the fact that the orange oil due to its active acids outputs slags, toxins and excess liquid from cells and skin to an order faster than other similar substances. As a result, metabolic processes are normalized at the cellular level, in particular carbohydrate-fat exchange. After exposure to oil orange on cellulite, fat plaques are dissipated, excessive centimeters are leaving from problem areas. In addition, orange oil is a good tonic and moisturizing means, so the skin in problem zones of cellulite looks smooth, elastic and tightened. It turns out, orange oil acts on cellulite, both from the inside, burning fat and outside, pulling up and smoothing the skin.

How to make orange oil yourself

Unfortunately, very often in pharmacies, buying orange oil from cellulite, it is possible not to obtain a natural, but a synthesized product. To avoid this, we recommend that you make orange oil yourself. To do this, remove the crust from several oranges, clean them, rinse, slightly press, finely cut and fold into the glass jar. Next, the crusts need to be pouring with vegetable oil without smell so that it is only slightly covered, close the can with a lid and remove into a dark place. After 3-4 days, we get a jar and approximately half an hour heat out in a water bath, then the oil is partable and we get a natural product that will help you to remove cellulite. It remains to choose the procedures ...

Anti-cellulite massage with orange oil.

Massage against cellulite with orange butter is not accidental among the most ordered anti-cellulite procedures in beauty salons. In the course of the massage, blood circulation is enhanced, the exchange system is actively working, pulling slags, toxins and splitting fats. In addition, massage movements break fat cells that form cellulite.

The most popular types of massage from cellulite with orange oil are oil and honey, depending on the base element, only in the first case you need massage or vegetable oil, in the second - honey. So, take 2 tablespoons of oil or honey, add 5 drops of orange oil, mix and carry out the procedure. Here are two announcements, where we painted in detail what and how to do.

Anticellulite massage On an oil basis is an indispensable component of the entire complex of combating cellulite. You will learn all the details of the massage, as well as read the reviews of those who tried a massage with orange oil from cellulite at home.

Cellulite Honey Massage With orange butter passes in another key, so we devoted to him a separate material. This is due to the property of honey deeply penetrate the skin, so the technology of using orange oil from cellulite in it is somewhat different. Try and compare.

Wraps with orange oil from cellulite.

Wraps with orange oil - this is another very effective technique from celluliteReviews about her among women are the most beautiful. As a result of wrapping on the skin, a certain steam effect is created, under the action of which the body leaves all harmful substances, and fat is burned far faster. For wrapping from cellulite, divert cosmetic clay in the amount of 4 tbsp. l. (The volume will depend on the problem zone) with warm water to a paste-like state, add 5-6 drops of orange essential oil and apply a thick layer on problem areas. Then blame the food film and lie under the blanket for 40-60 minutes. After that, wash under the shower. In fact, clay, it is one of the options with which you can combine orange oil. You can also apply honey, and coffee thick, and algae. In more detail in the "Anti-cellulite wrapping" material - the announcement below on a yellow background.

Baths with orange oil from cellulite.

Baths with orange oil, this is perhaps the most pleasant way to get rid of cellulite. The hot tub pulls out of the skin toxins and slags, normalizes the metabolism, smoothes and softens the skin, plus the bath with orange oil will remove fatigue and nervousness. Fill the bath with water, add 10 drops of orange oil into it and enjoy for 15-20 minutes. The temperature of the bath should be 38-39 degrees, and the procedure is recommended 1-2 times a week. For a better result, 10 minutes before the bath is taken, you can make a massage of problem areas with a brush for the body to pre-heat the skin and strengthen the fat burning process. Also, for this purpose you can add to the bath, other than orange oil, a handful of sea salt or clay, getting rid of cellulite will go faster.

Baths from cellulite . If the baths with orange oil from cellulite interested you, there is a reason to learn more about this pleasant procedure in all respects. We will also tell you that you can still add to fragrant baths to increase their anti-cellulite effect.

Cellulite wraps - This procedure only at first glance seems some kind of complex. If you want details to learn all the subtleties, as in wraps you can use orange oil than it can be strengthened or, at your request, replace, this material will answer all your questions.

Enrichment of cosmetics from cellulite oil orange.

In order for the process of getting rid of cellulite occurs outside of anti-cellulite measures, you can add a couple of orange essential oil droplets into your usual lotion, milk or body cream and use it daily.

Ekaterina Beautiful all rights reserved

What else look at our site people who are looking for the topic orange oil from cellulite

How to prepare essential orange oil from cellulite . Unfortunately, there are now many orange oil in stores synthesized by a chemical method that does not have the properties you need. We will give a recipe, how to make real high-quality orange oil yourself.

Orange hair oil . If you decide to fight cellulite with an orange oil, why simultaneously do not use it and to solve other issues, let's say, hold a course of beauty for your hair, especially since all procedures can be carried out at home almost simultaneously.

Orange slimming oil . If you are worried about not only cellulite, but also overweight, you can use orange essential oil so that there are several kilograms without much effort. What needs to be done for this, we tell in the article on the beneficial properties of oils.

Cellulite is one of the topical problems of modern women. You can fight cellulite both in cosmetology salons and houses, with the help of natural agents. A valuable assistant serves an orange tree here, the fruits of which are not only sweetness and aroma, but also therapeutic properties. From the peel of oranges by the method of cold spin, essential oil is obtained, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, mood and, with proper use, reduces the severity of cellulite in "problem" places.

The orange essential oil contains a lot of useful substances, including a large number of provitamin A. due to this, the tool has useful properties:

  • improves local blood circulation;
  • normalizes fat exchange;
  • stimulates the removal of slags;
  • increases the turgor of the skin.

The aroma of orange helps to relax, relieve fatigue and stress, improve the mood, which is an additional affecting factor in combating cellulite. The skin becomes smoother, velvety and acquires a pleasant aroma.

With competent alignment with physical exercises, it is possible to achieve a loss of 2-3 centimeters in the "problem" places (most often it is the hip and buttocks, sometimes belly and forearm). To get rid of cellulite and prevention it is necessary to carry out 3-4 courses of massage or wraps with orange oil per year. However, the effect can be felt after the first 10-day course - procedures with orange oil in combination with physical exercises help to smooth out the cellulite relief of approximately half.

There are two varieties of ether:

  • oil sweet orange having a sweet flavor;
  • gorky orange oil, smelling more thin and exquisitely.

Snow and choose to your taste. If you don't like the smell at all, then replace it with other oil to your taste (mandarin, grapefruit, bergamot, etc.), because the choice of essential oils in pharmacies and shops is very diverse.

Important! Before first use it is necessary to check whether you have allergies to orange oil. Apply a drop of oil yourself on the skin of the wrist or the inner part of the elbow bend and wait 1-2 hours. If irritation and redness appear on this place, then everything is in order. You can safely apply this tool for combating cellulite. Never use orange oil on damaged skin if there are wounds, ulcers, abrasions and dermatological diseases!

Methods for using orange oil to get rid of cellulite can be divided into three types:

  • warm baths;
  • massage;
  • wrapping.

Each method has many recipes and reviews, let's stop in more detail on some of them.

Bathtubs with orange essential oil

The easiest method that in itself will not have a pronounced anti-cellulite action, but will be an excellent preparatory stage to other procedures. In addition, being in a warm, fragrant aroma of orange water, will have a relaxing and soothing effect, it will reduce the appetite, soften and warms the skin, which is especially important before carrying out an anti-cellulite massage.

Prepare a useful bath Just: You should dial the water with a temperature of no more than 40 0 \u200b\u200bs (the fact is that at a higher temperature, essential oils lose their beneficial properties), add 5-10 drops of essential oil there. It can be an orange oil or a mixture with other oils, such as Mandarin, Bergamot, Lemon, Juniper and many others. It is often recommended to mix essential oil with basic - olive, almond - before adding to water, this is done to mitigate the effect.

It is allowed to add orange oil to the bathroom (shower gel, foam for the bathroom), but here you need to act carefully, having previously trying to mix a small amount of means so that such a mixture does not have an unpleasant odor or view. It is better not to mix natural oils with bath agents containing artificial dyes, flavors and other dubious additives.

If you confront the problem areas with a washcloth or a special brush before taking the bath, and, while in the water, carry out a light massage, then the effect will increase.

You can take such a bath from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on mood and well-being. Recall that in itself baths with orange oil do not get rid of you from cellulite, but will serve as excellent help for more serious procedures.

Anticellulite massage

Massage with orange oil is a very time-consuming, but most effective method of getting rid of cellulite, because it stimulates blood circulation and lymphotok, forces fat cells to split and improve the nutrition of the remaining cells. Ether in pure form for massage is not used. It is necessary to mix it with heated base oil.

Most often for this apply the following oils:

  • almond;
  • olive;
  • grape;
  • peach;
  • coconut;
  • avocado oil.

Essential oil is added to the basic, you can use a pair of drops of different types to obtain a mixed flavor. Approximate proportions: a tablespoon of base oil by 5 drops of essential. You can add orange oil to ready-made anti-cellulite oils and creams. The portion must be disposable, that is, it is impossible to store such a mixture, it is necessary to use it completely.

The oil is rubbed in circular motions from the bottom up, because it is so moving lymph in our body. Movement of tears, kneading, rubbing, rather energetic. Massage should last at least 15 minutes. Before rubbing oil, it is advisable to carefully clean the skin, then the effect of oil will be much more pronounced.

Such a massage must be carried out 7-10 days in a row.

In addition to creams and oils, self-cooked scrubs with orange oil are very popular. Most often, coffee is used for this, and it is suitable as ground coffee from a pack and a thick of drinking coffee. The proportions are approximately as follows: on three tablespoons of ground coffee take 5-10 drops of orange oil. However, you can experience your ideal proportions experienced.

The bottom line is that this fragrant mixture should be applied to the washcloth and to massage the hips, buttocks and other zones of your body that you want to change for the better. We massive at least 10-15 minutes. The skin after such a procedure pulls up and becomes smooth and velvety. You can add an orange oil to a finished body scrub.

Massage with oils and massage scrub can be alternating in a 10-day course of anti-cellulite massage.

How to make anti-cellulite massage at home - video

Wrapping at home

The wrapping procedure is very in demand in cosmetology salons. Why is it so effective? The fact is that when wrapping the fleet of problem places, the effect of the bath is created: the skin sweats and then gets rid of accumulated harmful substances and extra liquid. Fat cells disintegrate, and the remaining cells are obtained more nutrients. The skin looks more even and pulled after the first procedure. In addition, wraps and massage courses with orange oil have a prophylactic effect, that is, prevent the appearance of cellulite.

Wraps need to be conducted by 8-10 procedures, then the effect will be pronounced and long-term.

The basis for wraps is most often cosmetic clay and honey, less often use coffee, cocoa, algae, mumiya. On three tablespoons of the foundation, a teaspoon of essential oil is taken. The mixture is applied to problem areas and wrapped with a polyethylene film (the food film in rolls is quite suitable). It is further desirable to get under a warm blanket or plaid about an hour. A more active option - to do at this time with exercise. And do not forget an hour after an hour to deploy the film and wash off the anti-cellulite mixture from the skin.

We offer two interesting recipes such wraps:

  1. Write white clay with warm boiled water to the consistency of thick sour cream and add 2-3 tablespoons of chopped laminarium leaves. Caps in a mixture of 5 drops of orange or almond essential oil. The duration of the wrapping is 40 minutes.
  2. Mix 4 tablespoons of honey, 10 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 10 drops of orange essential oil. Such wraps need to be made by 10-14 procedures.

How to choose high-quality essential oil

Essential oils are currently popular and sold in many pharmacies and shops. At the same time, orange oil is one of the most affordable. In order not to acquire a fake, you need to remember simple rules:

  • the oil cannot be very cheap, since its cost is high enough;
  • the oil must be bottled only in dark glass bubbles, as it loses its properties from light;
  • the bubble must be closed in such a way as it could be open, only breaking the lid. Thus, manufacturers protect their products from unscrupulous vendors who want to calm or replace oil;
  • the oil itself is a liquid of yellow, orange or brown. If a little oil drops on a napkin, the spot of yellowish color is formed, which two hours later will be easily noticeable, because the essential oils are very volatile. If the stain is colorless, very fat or long does not disappear, then before you fake.

Recipe for the preparation of orange ether at home

There is a recipe for the preparation of orange oil at home. If you make it with your own hands, you will be calm for its qualities such as naturalness, utility and purity.

  1. Fresh crusts from 2-3 kg of oranges need to be rinsed thoroughly, scat out to get rid of chemicals that are often processed fruits.
  2. Grind to the appearance of oil discharge and place in a glass container with a lid. It is also allowed to use dry orange crusts.
  3. Add olive or sunflower oil to the chopped zest (better use refined) and leave in the dark for several days. Fresh zest insists and gives useful elements for three days, dry need to insist two weeks.
  4. After that, the mixture is desirable to warm up in a water bath to activate useful properties in it, strain and pour into bottles where oil will be stored. The place of storage should be dark and cool.

For the beneficial properties of essential oils known for a long time. Essential oils are used both in traditional medicine, as aromatherapy for the treatment of various kinds of diseases and cosmetology, nutrition and even in cooking.

Among others, the orange oil can be noted, the use of which is recommended by many specialists. The orange tree serves as a source of three essential oils at once: Naroli, Petitgreine and Orange Oil. Neroli - made from the inflorescences of this citrus tree, Petitgrin is made of its leaves, the orange oil is made from the fetus of wood fruit by cold spin.


Orange oil, like many other essential oils, often use aromatherapists. With it, you can:

  • get rid of insomnia;
  • remove or reduce head, muscle and menstrual pain;
  • remove stress and fatigue, filled with vital energy;
  • oil flavor increases performance;
  • get rid of disturbing states;
  • disinfection and refresh the air indoors.

To do this, it is enough to drop one drop of oil on the aroma.

Outdoor application

In addition, it has found orange essential oil. Application and in the treatment of a number of different kinds of diseases. So, for example, oil is an excellent antiseptic. Its outdoor use helps to improve the condition of the skin under eczema, burns, dermatitis and herpes.

In addition, an orange oil has been used in the treatment of ailments of the upper respiratory tract, as well as respiratory and viral diseases. To do this, inhalations are made with a solution of water and oil. 100 ml of boiling water is enough 1-2 drops of this essential oil. It is necessary to breathe over the ferry no more than 7 minutes.

With the help of risers and rinsing with orange oil, inflammatory gum diseases, such as stomatitis, periodontal and others. To do this, the oil drop is added to a glass with warm water, after which the oral cavity is used by this composition. For rims, orange oil is mixed with any vegetable in proportion 1: 1, then applied to the sick gums.

Orange oil: use inside

This agent is adopted with various kinds of diseases and disorders in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, such as constipation, poisoning, intestinal infections, etc.

In addition, there was an essential orange oil with an embezzlement of bile, as well as a diuretic and to combat swelling.

With this essential agent, you can gently reduce increased blood pressure. Oil helps with cardiovascular diseases, and also holds back the growth of cholesterol in the blood, and as a result, minimizes the risk of cholesterol plaques.

As preventive measures, you can add 1 drop of oil in tea or any other drink. The dose of essential oil in no case should exceed 2 drops per day. At the same time, it is impossible to forget that even to combat minor problems in the body requires consultation with a specialist.

Orange oil for face

The use of essential oils is actively used in cosmetology. The thing is that they stimulate blood flow to the skin, and as a result, accelerates

Orange oil justified, the use of which helps to get rid of acne. To do this, 3-4 drops of oil are added to the usual tonic, after which the person wipes the person.

In addition, such a mixture helps reduce shallow wrinkles on the face, make the skin more elastic and fresh, and the extended pores are less visible.

It is possible to use this essential oil and lips. If the lips are constantly dry and peel, it is recommended to lubricate them with a mixture of lip cream with the addition of a drop of oil. Cream can be replaced with ordinary petroleum.

Orange hair oil

It has proven itself essential oil and in hair care. Using orange hair oil, the use of which does not take much time, you can fight both with hair loss and dry skin and dandruff. During my head washed, it is enough to add a couple of drops of funds into an ordinary shampoo, after which the hair must be rinsed well.

You can prepare rins of orange oil. To do this, 3-4 drops of funds are added to the liter of warm water, after which the hair is washed, trying to launch the liquid into the scalp.

The easiest way to care for hair with the help of an orange tool is to apply 2 drops on the comb, after which the curls must be well fastened.

You can use this preparation 2-3 times a week, after checking on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, there is no allergies. In no case can not be abundantly rubbing the oil in the skin of the head in its pure form.

From cellulite

In the fight against the so-called orange crust, it is impossible to better help the remedy with a similar name. One of the best funds is orange oil from cellulite. The use of this substance (regular) helps to get rid of ugly skin irregularities appearing due to cellulite formation. You can cook massage oil. To do this, you will need to mix ordinary vegetable irrefined oil with aromatic in proportions 10: 1.

Or mix 3 spoons with a spoon of lemon oil and the same amount of orange oil.

In addition, you can simply connect several drops of such essential oil with anti-cellulite cream, mix well and apply the segregated sections with massaging movements.

For self-massage, you can use a more complex and multicomponent agent. To do this, you will need:

  • 1 tsp. liquid honey;
  • 1 drop of orange oil;
  • 1 drop of lavender;
  • 2 drops of lemon;
  • 2 drops of juniper.

All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the soft words are applied to the skin. Ultimately, the mixture should turn into a kind of white foam. This massage can be done every other day.

It should be borne in mind that during the massage with the addition of this tool, the patient can feel a small skin plug. This is the normal reaction of the body and it is not necessary to scare it. In addition, immediately after the procedure, it is not recommended to go out to the open sun, otherwise, because of the rays from the rays where the massage was carried out, bright spots may appear on the skin. Even while being in the shade, the skin should be treated with a cream with an ultraviolet filter.

Massage with essential oil is performed more than once a week.

Many essential oils are used to get rid of extra kilograms and centimeters, no exception and orange oil, the use for slimming which is possible at once in several ways.

Most often, massage is used to get rid of extra centimeters, with the addition of orange oil. We have already written above how to prepare a massage mixture. But besides this, it is possible to use and wraps, as well as water treatments, such as a bath, bath, sauna.


For wraps, vegetable oil is most often used, better olive, with the addition of several droplets of the ethereal. Vegetable oil can be replaced with anti-cellulite cream or oil. The mixture is abundantly applied to the skin in those places where you would like to remove several centimeters, after which they are wrapped up for 30-40 minutes. If this procedure is combined with sports, the effect will be much better and will be noticeable after the first session.

Wraps can be done with the addition of white clay. To do this, you need to take 4 spoons of clay and add 4-5 drops of orange oil to it. The mixture is applied to the skin, after which it turns on the food film again. The duration of the wrapping is 20-30 minutes, after which the remedy must be washed from the skin.

Orange oil helps:

  • normalize fatal exchange;
  • reduce appetite;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • contributes to the removal of slags and other no less harmful substances;
  • improves the operation of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

All this contributes to weight loss.


In addition, it is useful to take baths with orange butter for weight loss. To do this, it is enough to drop 3-4 drops of funds in warm water. The reception time of the bath should not exceed 15 minutes, the frequency of application is no more than one procedure 2 times a week. At the same time, during the reception of the bath with orange oil, there may be an unpleasant sensation - pinching and tingling. It speaks only that the oil works.

Also, the bath has a soothing effect that, by the way, also contributes to weight loss. The body is in a state of stress heavier breaks up with overweight. Thanks to this product, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, not only centimeters, but also extra kilograms.

Precautionary measures

Despite all the visible benefits of orange oil, it is necessary to approach its use "with the mind", only so it will act in good and will not cause harm to the body.

Before applying, it is necessary to make sure that there are no allergic reactions, as well as consult with the attending physician.