What does protein in the urine of a child mean? How high protein is treated in children. Where does protein in urine come from?

Increased protein in the urine of a child may signal the onset of pathological changes in the body, but not always the indicators of protein in the urine indicate diseases. There are some situations in which doctors define ambivalent medical tactics.

Increased protein in the urine of a child is a sign of a health problem if the rules for taking the test are followed.

Protein (protein) is an important component of the human body, which is involved in the regenerative processes of soft tissues, muscle structure. Metabolic processes in the body of any person are impossible without protein compounds, protein reactions with other substances.

Normal protein indicators in urine tests are determined by laboratory tests and indicate the correct development of the child's body. If the electrolyte balance is disturbed, the protein values \u200b\u200bare exceeded, it is said about the addition of a pathological process associated with the urinary system.

So what does protein in a child's urine mean? Is it dangerous to exceed it?

Urinalysis and proteinuria in children

Urine analysis is a simple and reliable laboratory test method that quickly determines the onset of a pathological process in a child's body.

At the first symptoms of a disturbance in well-being in children at any age, it is recommended to take an analysis.

Depending on the state of health, objective status, clinical and life history of the patient, there are several types of urinalysis:

A special sealed container can be purchased at the pharmacy to collect daily urine.
  • clinical (general urine analysis);
  • daily urine analysis for protein (it is advisable to detect daily urine excretion of important chemicals and enzymes, therefore it is important to know the rules on how to take a daily urine analysis for protein);
  • according to Nechiporenko (the analysis allows you to more fully reveal the picture of an existing ailment associated with pathological changes in the kidneys, urinary tract);
  • test according to Zimnitsky (the analysis evaluates the concentration capacity of nephrons in the kidneys, allows one to suspect the development of renal failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and other kidney diseases).

Each type of analysis, along with other methods of laboratory and instrumental research, allows the doctor to assess the degree of disorders in the organs and systems of the child, to make the correct diagnosis and to draw up a certain treatment tactics.

Increased protein in the urine of a child requires re-sampling. When a protein is re-detected or when its indicators increase, an additional study is assigned.

So, what to do if you find an increased protein in the urine of a child? What does it mean? Why does the child have high protein in the urine?

The state of proteinuria is due to the excess of the protein norm in the analyzes.

Proteinuria is classified into several types

Morning urine analysis will show a reliable picture if it was collected no more than 3 hours ago
  • postrenal (inflammatory process in the lower urinary tract, pelvic organs, genitals);
  • renal (renal proteinuria, in which the nephrons do not provide complete absorption of protein compounds, releasing them with diuresis: polycystic kidney disease, tuberculosis, pyelonephritis and others);
  • prerenal (adrenal proteinuria, indicating an excess of protein compounds: anomalies in the development of the spleen, impaired blood transfusion technique, etc.);
  • orthostatic (adolescent proteinuria, which is characterized by insufficient work of the urinary organs due to hormonal changes in the body, transient infantilism of the urinary tract).

Proteinuria is a temporary phenomenon that is detected during the period of infectious, colds, fungal diseases of various etiologies. After proper treatment, the protein does not exceed the permissible norm.

Causes and symptomatic picture

Increased protein in the urine of a child is evidence of the development of a pathological

When detecting protein, it is important to consider many factors, such as the age of the child.

So, in newborns or infants, a similar condition is often noted (for example, overfeeding a child, fatty mixtures, early complementary foods, etc.). In adolescents, proteinuria is associated with hormonal age-related changes in the body.

Protein in the urine of a child, the causes of which may be reversible, is important to identify in time.

The analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, which is explained by the lack of physical activity during sleep.

Specific conditions such as

  • all kinds of allergic reactions of the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • emotional stress and stress;
  • skin burn;
  • transferred infections of any genesis;
  • dehydration of the body.

An increase in protein in the urine of a child is sometimes not considered a symptom of a serious illness.... After the end of treatment for certain diseases, traces of protein in the urine of the child remain for a long time. As a rule, after the relief of certain conditions and treatment of diseases, the indicators return to normal.

There are other causes of excess protein in the urine of a child.

There is a link between kidney disease and high urine protein
  • chronic renal failure;
  • polycystic kidney disease (adult / child type);
  • trauma to the renal tissue;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • thrombus formation in the vessels of the kidneys;
  • abnormalities in the development of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • hematological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension (including adequate antihypertensive therapy) and so on.

If you suspect more serious diseases in the child's body, only one urine test is not enough to reliably determine the diagnosis. The increased protein in the analyzes implies further diagnosis.

The symptomatic picture for an exceeded protein level is often latent in nature and appears only after changes in the work of some organs and systems.

Attentive parents, who do not neglect preventive examinations and urine tests, help doctors identify various pathological conditions at the earliest stages of development.

Common symptoms of persistent proteinuria include

  • soreness of bone tissue;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • muscle pain;
  • decreased appetite;
  • discoloration of urine;
  • dizziness, drowsiness;
  • temperature (with the addition of inflammation, protein and leukocytes in the urine of a child);
  • dyspeptic disorders (nausea, stool thinning, etc.).

To obtain reliable information, it is important to take into account the quality of the collected sample, not to neglect the elementary rules for collecting urine. For analysis of any kind, there are certain rules that will allow you to evaluate deviations from the norm.

Normal indicators

With the absolute health of a small patient, the detection of protein in urine tests is impossible. The norm of protein in urine in children is calculated in laboratory conditions.

The average permissible norm of protein is considered to be up to 0.036 g / l. When the protein concentration approaches the value of 1 g / l, then it is said about a moderate increase. If the protein indicators exceed the readings of 3 g / l, then this indicates persistent disorders in the body of a child of any age.

Protein in the urine of a child, norm, table of values:

Age group Protein in the morning urine Protein in the daily urine portion
Premature babies (up to 1 month)< 845 мг < 60 мг
Full-term babies (up to 1 month)< 455 мг < 68 мг
Children under one year old< 315 мг < 87 мг
Children aged 1-4< 217 мг < 121 мг
Children from 4 to 12 years old< 223 мг < 194 мг
Children from 11 to 17 years old< 391 мг < 238 мг

Objectively, for children from birth to 16 years old, the indicators of protein in the child's urine are 0.2 g / l. Protein values \u200b\u200bin the urine of a child of 0.1 g / l are also considered normal under certain circumstances.

How to Collect a Urine Protein Test

When passing tests, for example, a general (clinical) urinalysis, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Container sterility. To sterilize reusable containers, it is permissible to wash them without special means with a sufficient amount of boiled water. For simplicity and convenience of collection in the pharmacy chain, you can purchase a special container for tests.
  2. Hygiene of the external genital organs. Foreign impurities affect the reliability of laboratory data, therefore, it is important to wash the child's genitals with ordinary baby soap.
  3. Time of collection and delivery of analysis. After collecting the material and transferring it to the clinical diagnostic laboratory, no more than 2.5-3 hours should pass. You cannot collect urine at night or in the evening before the morning surrender. It is important to collect urine on an empty stomach after waking up.

The child's urinalysis should be monitored regularly. With age-related changes, after serious viral diseases, after operations and during the period of emotional stress, mandatory urine tests should be taken.

Read about the rules of hygiene for a newborn girl, for a newborn boy.

Treatment methods and traditional medicine

After passing a urine test, an elevated protein does not require special drug therapy, since it is not a disease, but is considered a symptom in the field of nephrological practice.

Depending on the existing disease and the etiological reasons for the increase in protein in urine tests, treatment is prescribed. Diseases require an individual approach to treatment, which depends entirely on the causes of the increase in protein in the urine.

In the absence of visible health problems, with a satisfactory objective status of the patient and his clinical history, pediatricians recommend taking tests again or drinking decoctions of a number of medicinal plants.

Rosehip decoction, extracts of fir pomace, fruit drinks and compotes based on cranberries or lingonberries, herbal tea with chamomile and propolis, thyme, birch buds or linden can improve the condition of a patient with proteinuria.

The child can be limited in the daily salt intake (salt-free diet), but here it is important to monitor the indicators of sodium metabolism.


To prevent excess protein in the urine in children, it is important for parents to monitor their health. With a slight malaise, with functional disorders of organs and systems, with various diseases, during the period of recovery and rehabilitation after operations, it is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner and take tests.

Strengthening the immune system, maintaining the correct lifestyle within the family, the normal emotional state of the child helps to successfully treat any disease, bring chronic ailments into permanent remission, and sometimes stop the development of a serious pathological process.

The child's body is more susceptible to various kinds of diseases than the body of an adult, therefore it is necessary to regularly monitor the health of the baby. One of the methods of control is the analysis of urine for protein content. In the absence of abnormalities in the child's body, protein in the urine is practically not detected, but if there is any pathological process occurring in the organs or tissues of the child, the analysis will show the presence of protein in the urine -.

Protein is considered an essential nutrient for the healthy growth and development of your baby. This substance contains all the organs of the child, but if the protein enters the urine, this is considered a sign of kidney pathology. Because the protein molecules are large, they are unable to penetrate the filtering membranes of the kidney and thus enter the urine. As soon as there is any disturbance in the functioning of the kidneys, protein is often found in urine. As a result, the child's body loses a valuable substance.

Proteinuria is of several types:

  • Renal - is formed in pathology (polycystic and kidney tuberculosis). In the glomeruli of the organ, an inflammatory process is observed, which leads to a violation of the permeability of the renal membranes. As a result, the protein is released into the urine.
  • Prerenal - indicates an excess of protein compounds (with lymphoma, plasmacytoma, leukemia, myopathy, various intoxications, abnormal development of the spleen). This type of pathology is called renal proteinuria.
  • Post-renal - typical for infections of the urinary tract, pelvic organs and genitals (urethritis, inflammation in the ureters, cystitis).
  • Orthostatic - occurs in children in adolescence and is associated with a disturbed hormonal background.

Proteinuria can be temporary, for example, if the child is currently suffering from a cold, infectious or fungal disease. After the course of the prescribed treatment, the protein values \u200b\u200breturn to normal.

Protein indicators

A perfectly healthy baby should not have protein in the urine, the only exceptions are newborn children. Physiological proteinuria is observed in almost 90% of newborns. This condition is associated with the adaptation of the baby's body to new conditions and is considered harmless. Once your baby's kidneys begin to function properly, the protein from the urine will disappear. In some cases, proteinuria is observed in infants whom the mother overfeeds with her milk. Doctors recommend that a nursing mother adjust her diet, eat less protein foods and reduce the amount of feedings for her baby.

The table shows the normal values \u200b\u200bof protein in urine in children of different ages. In addition to calculating in mg / l, there is a calculation of indicators in mg / m2 (child's body surface area):

Reasons for increasing protein

An increase in protein in excess of the norm can be caused by the following reasons:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • dehydration;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stress;
  • increased body temperature;
  • various injuries to the body;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin with burns;
  • intoxication with various substances;
  • abuse of protein foods;
  • insufficient drinking regime;
  • long-term treatment with medications.

In infants, mild proteinuria occurs as a result of active movement of the arms and legs, due to physical activity. This condition is not considered hazardous to the health of the baby.

In addition to the listed reasons, which are not serious diseases, protein in the urine can also occur as a result of pathological processes, namely:

  • pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and other kidney diseases;
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammatory and infectious processes occurring in the genitourinary tract;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • blood clots in the vessels of the kidneys;
  • malignant neoplasms in the kidneys;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the circulatory system.


Minor proteinuria may not affect the overall well-being of the baby in any way, the child remains cheerful and active. It is impossible to independently determine the increased content of protein in the urine, however, a significant excess of it causes certain signs in children:

  • the child complains of painful sensations in the muscles and bones;
  • there is nausea, accompanied by vomiting;
  • the general well-being of the baby worsens, there is no appetite;
  • urine may turn dark;
  • the child is very thirsty;
  • frequent urination appears;
  • the body temperature rises to subfebrile numbers (no more than 38 ° C);
  • after the crumbs wake up in the morning, parents may find that he has edema (especially on the legs and face).

Swelling in a child can be observed not only after a night's sleep, often during the day with proteinuria, there are traces of rubber bands of clothes or diapers, which also indicates the presence of swelling of the baby's body.

How to take a urine test?

Urine collected according to all the rules will show a reliable result, otherwise the analysis will have to be retaken several times:

  • In order to detect proteinuria, a morning urine sample is taken, always on an empty stomach. The container in which the liquid will be collected can be purchased at the pharmacy or sterilized independently, but without the use of detergents (only boiling water).

  • The child's genitals must be thoroughly washed with warm water and baby soap and dried.
  • The collected urine must be delivered to the laboratory within 3 hours, otherwise the analysis will be unreliable.
  • In infants, urine collection is carried out using a special urine bag, which must be glued to the child's genitals. Urine for analysis should also only be in the morning.
  • Before glueing the urine bag, the child is hygiene of the genitals. It is impossible to extract urine from a diaper or from a diaper, since in this case the analysis will not show true results.
  • In older children, a medium stream of urine is taken. The child flushes the genitals, then urinates a little into the toilet. Next, the parents give him a cup for urine, in which the child must urinate. After that, he can calmly finish the morning toilet.
  • In some cases of increased protein in urine, the doctor prescribes the collection of the daily volume of urine. This means that it is necessary to collect all the urine secreted by the baby in 24 hours. During the day, you need to regularly perform intimate hygiene, remove physical activity, do not eat foods rich in proteins and stop taking medications if they are prescribed.

Medicines that the child takes during the day are canceled only with the permission of the attending physician.

After the daily volume of urine has been collected, it is necessary to measure and record its amount. Then the urine is mixed, poured into a sterile container with 50-100 ml of liquid and taken to the laboratory.


If proteinuria is a physiological or temporary condition, no treatment is given. After a certain period of time, the protein in the urine will disappear on its own. The doctor may recommend adherence to a diet (excluding protein foods, salt), reducing physical activity, taking decoctions from plants (lingonberry leaves, rose hips), pumpkin juice, decoction of parsley root, cranberry juice.

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medications for treatment:

  1. Immunosuppressants.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Steroids.
  4. Antibiotics
  5. Medicines that reduce high blood pressure.
  6. Uroseptics.
  7. Drugs that lower blood glucose.

Proteinuria in a child is not always a dangerous condition for health, but it is necessary to monitor the protein level at least once a year.

You can also watch a video of what parents should do if a child is found to have protein in the urine.

A mandatory analysis when examining children is a blood donation and a general urine test, which allows you to determine whether the protein in the child's urine is increased or not. If the analysis reveals traces of protein in the child's urine, do not worry, but you should find out the reason that could provoke this. In the general analysis of urine, physical and chemical characteristics are revealed and microscopy of the sediment is carried out. To prevent disease, it is recommended to do the analysis a couple of times a year.

Causes of the appearance of protein in the urine

Increased protein in the urine of a teenager occurs with infectious diseases, as a result, the kidneys and other organs can be affected. Hence, hypertension or thrombosis occurs. There are times when in an absolutely healthy baby an increased amount of protein in the urine is detected during the analysis, the reason for this is the activity and mobility of the child. If at the next examination there is an increased content, you need to make a kidney diagnosis. If in the analysis of urine a protein with a slight increase is found, especially in an infant, this is most often the norm, but you should pay attention to the frequency of feeding. In addition, an increased level of protein in the urine of a baby can appear due to mobility, because in a baby, minor movements are a load. In addition, in a month-old child, an increase is a consequence of an unformed genitourinary system. The presence of protein in the urine of a child may occur:

  • with ARVI and flu;
  • inflammation in the kidneys;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • bone marrow tumors; injuries and burns;
  • concussions;
  • epilepsy;
  • blood diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • dehydration or hypothermia;
  • long pill intake;
  • high temperature;
  • stress;

Signs of high protein in the urine of a child

Having noticed atypical symptoms in the behavior of children, it is imperative to undergo laboratory diagnostics.

If the protein is slightly increased, outwardly the symptoms in the child will not always be pronounced. With significant changes, swelling of the limbs and face appears, and sometimes the pressure rises. Noticing puffiness, most often they suspect the appearance of an allergic reaction, but you should not risk it, but it is better to pass a urine test. If pathologies are identified in time, serious diseases and consequences for the child's body can be prevented. Toddlers cannot talk about their discomfort, so you need to monitor the general condition. If the protein in the urine of a baby is exceeded, symptoms may appear: pale skin, restless urination, abdominal pain, fever. Other symptoms also appear:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • discoloration of urine;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomiting.

What is proteinuria?

Proteinuria is an increase in the amount of protein in the urine. Modern techniques are able to detect the minimum excess. The volume in urine indicates the degree of proteinuria: mild (up to 1000 mg / l), moderate (from 2000 to 4000 mg / l), high proteinuria (from 4000 mg / l), in which nephrotic proteinuria syndrome develops.

The norms and causes of the appearance of protein in the child's urine.

Types of proteinuria

Proteinuria is divided into types:

  1. Physiological albuminuria proteinuria, which occurs with natural changes in the body, goes away if the factor that caused it is eliminated. In the first weeks of life, the phenomenon of physiological proteinuria is manifested in a newborn.
    • Marching proteinuria is possible with high physical exertion.
    • Nutritional proteinuria is common in those who eat foods high in protein.
    • Orthostatic proteinuria is possible if a person spends a lot of time standing, if the position of the body is changed, the symptom disappears. This is due to impaired blood flow in the kidneys. This proteinuria is typical for a teenage boy, it is associated with the active life of the child and stops with growing up.
  2. Pathological albuminuria can manifest itself with changes in the kidneys, there is renal (true) and extrarenal (false).
  3. Renal albuminuria: Glomerular and tubular proteinuria develops when the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys is damaged. Depending on the depth of damage to the glomerular filter, glomerular proteinuria is selective (protein with low molecular weight) and non-selective (protein is secreted with medium and high weight). Proteinuria selectivity is the ability of a damaged filter to allow protein molecules to pass through. Proteinuria is isolated or may be accompanied by changes in urinary sediment. Isolated proteinuria is observed in kidney disease, however, in 1-10% of the population it proceeds without kidney complications.

What tests should I take?

The correct collection of urine for analysis will provide a more accurate result.

A urine protein sample is a diagnostic study that gives the doctor a lot of useful information. But due to the fact that it changes throughout the day, material for research is taken repeatedly. When urine is collected from older children, there is no problem. Before the first urination, you need to carry out hygienic procedures and collect urine in a vessel for 24 hours, the next day everything is stirred and 100-150 ml is taken for analysis.

To collect urine from babies, especially from girls, you can purchase special urine bags that are fixed under the diaper. When collecting urine for tests, you cannot squeeze it out of a diaper or diaper, or pour it out of a pot, the result of such an analysis will be incorrect. If during the general analysis of urine an increased protein content is detected, additional examinations are carried out. Also pay attention to the indicator of salt in urine, the excess of which is characteristic of urolithiasis.

The analysis takes into account the volume of excreted urine and the relative density.

Proteinuria is diagnosed in the following ways. Zimnitsky test, which reveals the filtering ability of the kidneys. The collection of urine for analysis takes place at the designated time of the day, and you also need to track the amount you drink. Nechiporenko's analysis shows how many leukocytes and erythrocytes are in 1 ml of urine. Daily protein is determined by the amount of protein contained in daily urine. Analysis for microalbuminuria will reveal the filtration rate. These methods allow you to determine the concentration of protein in the urine of a teenager.

Protein in urine - what does its presence indicate? Should you panic? Where to contact? How to solve the problem? Let's try to figure it out together.

Protein in the urine of a child

"And why bother to take urine for analysis?" - many parents ask. You may have noticed that doctors prescribe this study after an illness and before vaccination. In general, urine should be passed from time to time. This uncomplicated analysis helps to identify ailments at an early stage and indirectly contributes to rapid and effective treatment.

Speaking of protein, its presence or absence in children's urine is the main object of medical research. If the protein is more than the norm, then something is wrong with health.

What does the presence of protein in urine mean?

First, let's figure out what it is all about - protein in urine. Protein is the name for the large molecules necessary for the "building" of tissues. If we talk about an infant, then these molecules are constantly present in his urine. Their number is small, but there is still protein. Here is the answer to the question of what the presence of protein in urine means: in the case of an infant, it does not mean anything. And since babies have this “building material” always present, it means that doctors in their conclusions start from its quantity. The problem arises when there is more protein than is needed.

What does the increased presence of protein in the urine indicate? That the renal function is impaired. That the kidneys are not doing their job properly.

The norm of protein in urine in children

In order to understand whether there are many “building” molecules in children's urine, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe norm. It is believed that the normal protein content in children's urine ranges from 0.033 g / l to 0.036 g / l. As a rule, an insignificant excess of the norm indicates that the baby has been overfed. This is how the baby's body reacts to too much breast milk or formula.

Increased protein in the urine of a child

Obviously, a child's high protein content in urine is not a good symptom. Often it indicates that there is some kind of serious illness. If the result of the urine test does not satisfy the doctor, he prescribes an analysis of daily urine.

Her collection begins in the morning and continues until the evening. After that, the material for research is analyzed. In fact, the laboratory specialists give the result, which is deciphered by the doctor.

Causes of high protein content

There are many reasons for the increased protein content in the urine of a child. Among the most common are the following:

  • inflammation in the kidneys,
  • diseases caused by infection,
  • diabetes,
  • body burn
  • neoplasms (malignant and benign),
  • epilepsy,
  • brain concussion,
  • poisoning of various types,
  • allergic diseases,
  • blood ailments
  • increased body temperature,
  • hypothermia, etc.

Sometimes an increased protein content in the urine of a small patient indicates that the baby is eating too much protein foods: milk, raw eggs.

Proteinuria treatment

If a child has a lot of protein in the urine, the doctor starts talking about the treatment of proteinuria. But the fact is that high protein is just a symptom. He testifies to something. Therefore, the way to get rid of the problem directly depends on which disease the analysis indicated.

For example, when it comes to diabetes mellitus, dietary nutrition is of great importance. With its help, you can significantly reduce the content of "building" molecules in urine. An equally common problem associated with increased protein is arterial hypertension. In the case of this ailment, treatment necessarily includes a constant measurement of pressure.

Often, parents use folk remedies to deal with the problem. Parsley root and seeds of this vegetable actively reduce protein. A mixture of roots and seeds in the volume of one tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water. Experts recommend using herbal tea 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. But in any case, before treating your baby on your own, visit a doctor and get his detailed consultation. The task of parents is not to replace the doctor, but to be his faithful and diligent assistant.

Protein in the urine of a child is not often found. Normally, it is absent at all, or it is present in extremely small quantities. Indicators up to 0.036 g / l of urine should not bother parents. However, its content above this indicator is a signal for re-passing the analysis and a deeper examination.

The appearance of protein in the urine of a child can mean the development of various diseases or the body's response to certain factors. A persistent excess of its concentration indicates the presence of pathology associated with impaired filtration, permeability of renal vessels, tissue damage, hormonal imbalance.

Types of proteinuria

Proteinuria is understood as an increase in the protein content in the urine. Depending on the amount of protein found, low, moderate, and high proteinuria is said.

With a mild degree of proteinuria, the protein content is no more than 1,000 mg / l, with a moderate degree, it increases to 4,000 mg / l, with a high (pronounced) - a level above 4,000 mg / l.

There are several types of proteinuria:

  • Physiological (functional). Not a sign of kidney disease. The occurrence is associated with the influence of specific factors, for example, physical activity or the use of protein products. Elimination of the influencing factor leads to the normalization of protein levels.
  • Orthostatic. It is found only in a daily sample. In the morning collection of urine, traces are not found. Appears mainly in adolescents and with prolonged standing. It occurs spontaneously, not associated with pathology. However, it is recommended to periodically take tests in order to diagnose the development of a possible disease in time.
  • Pathological. It is associated with various diseases and is of three types. Prerenal appears against the background of diseases not associated with the kidneys. Postrenal is associated with the ingress of protein into the urine from the urinary tract or genitals. In this case, there are no abnormalities in the kidneys. Renal indicates impaired renal function.


Increased protein in the urine of a child appears for various reasons, both pathological and physiological. Its content in urine can be both temporary and persistent.

Reasons for functional transient proteinuria:

  • hypothermia;
  • exposure to the sun for a long time;
  • eating a meal high in protein;
  • high;
  • stress and severe mental stress;
  • transient state of infants;
  • insufficiently thorough hygiene before taking the analysis;
  • errors in the processing of results.
  • Stable, repeated detection of protein in urine means the likely development of the disease:

    • inflammatory processes;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • kidney injury;
    • renal tuberculosis;
    • endocrine pathologies;
    • cardiovascular disorders;
    • obesity;
    • long-term use of medications, for example.


    Possible abnormalities in the work of the kidneys are indicated, first of all, by the appearance of edema on the face, arms and legs. Additionally, attention is drawn to the pallor of the skin, painful urination, complaints of pain in the abdomen or back, fever.

    The child gets tired quickly, constantly wants to sleep, refuses to eat. The kid is vomiting,. Urine from light yellow, straw becomes dark, its volume decreases. With a slight excess of the protein content, all these symptoms are not found.


    To determine why the level of protein in urine is increased, the following tests are taken:

    • General analysis. The results assess not only the protein content, but also the color, smell, density, and other indicators of urine. The first portion of urine is taken for delivery.
    • Daily research. Urine is collected within 24 hours in a special dish. Daily urine output is assessed, a sample is taken from a full portion and sent for laboratory testing. Analysis of the content of proteins, glucose,.
    • Zimnitsky test. Urine is collected according to a certain scheme during the day, starting at 9 am every 3 hours.
    • Nechiporenko's method. Aimed primarily at detecting signs of inflammation in the genitourinary system. Shows the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, proteins, bacteria, cylinders. When collecting, it is important to empty the first portion of urine down the toilet.
    • Express test. Recently, to quickly obtain the results of urine tests, special diagnostic strips with reagents applied to them have been used. A chemical preparation allows you to evaluate leukocyte formulas, the level of a certain indicator, for example, glucose, protein, a combination of several indicators that are symptoms of a certain disease. For example, when the reagent demonstrates a reaction to glucose.

    Before taking any urine test, it is important to follow certain rules. The day before the test, it is advisable to limit physical activity, not to expose the child to stress, to limit his intake of foods high in protein. It should not be bathed in a hot tub. Before peeing into the container for the analysis, the baby should be well washed.

    For a sample, the first morning portion of urine is taken (for a daily sample, the scheme is slightly different).

    The sample is collected in special containers, urine bags are used for infants, from which urine is poured into a container. It is important to use only sterile products, therefore, it is unacceptable to pour urine from pots, squeeze urine from diapers.

    The analysis must be handed over to the laboratory no later than two hours from the moment of collection.Do not store urine at high or very low temperatures.

    Standards in the table

    Normally, children should not have protein in urine, but doctors admit its presence up to certain limits. The table of protein norms in the urine of a child shows indicators depending on his age:

    Protein and leukocytes

    With an increase in the concentration of protein in urine, an increase in leukocytes is often found. Such a combination in the analysis indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. It is no longer necessary to speak about the influence of physiological factors.

    The increased content of leukocytes makes the urine cloudy, dark, and formations that resemble flakes appear in it.

    The rate of concentration of leukocytes depends on age and gender:

    Girls tend to have higher white blood cell counts than boys.

    Protein and leukocytes found in urine in increased concentration are an indication for additional examination. In particular, it is necessary to clarify the content of cells and ketone bodies.


    Before starting treatment, the doctor determines the exact cause of proteinuria. To do this, sometimes it is necessary to re-donate urine, conduct an ultrasound of the kidneys or, in rare cases, X-ray.

    Inflammatory diseases are the basis for antibiotic therapy and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

    The detection of salts in the urine indicates the development of urolithiasis. Drugs can be prescribed, in severe cases, surgery is possible.

    With diabetes mellitus, medications are prescribed. With an increase - drugs aimed at reducing it. In the treatment of severe pathologies, hormonal agents are used.

    With mild proteinuria, it is enough to make changes in, reducing the intake of protein foods. Compliance with the diet is indicated for all patients with an increased concentration of protein in the urine. Salty and spicy dishes are excluded from the menu.