Long hair in a short time. How to Grow Long Hair: Practical Tips. Give up the hair dryer for a while

Beauty standards are constantly changing, but long hair always remains the same trend. Lush, sleek and healthy hair below the waist is the main sign of femininity. They make any look softer, more mysterious and attractive. With such a head of hair, you can experiment with hairstyles every day. However, not every woman can boast of hair length below the waist. If your hair is short or grows slowly, then do not despair and wear only short haircuts, because growing long hair is not difficult at all. It is enough to follow certain rules and recommendations presented in this article.

Why can't I grow my hair?

When we grow our hair, we really want to achieve the result in the shortest possible time, but this does not always work out. For many women, hair grows very slowly, which may be due to various reasons:

How long does it take to grow hair?

Many girls often wonder how to quickly grow hair below the waist? It is worth noting that healthy hair grows no more than 3 cm per month.This means that in a year the hair can grow only 36 cm.However, not everyone can achieve such rapid growth, because it depends not only on hair care, but and from genetics. On average, hair grows one and a half to two centimeters per month.

Important! The rate of hair growth depends on several factors at once: heredity, season, nutrition, climatic conditions, age and individual characteristics of the organism.

Ways to grow hair fast

Answering the question of how to grow hair very quickly, there are only two main ways:

  1. Professional care.
  2. Home care.

The first method is more expensive. Professional care should include periodic haircuts, mesotherapy, special ampoules and laser combs. Such treatments are offered in any major beauty salon and are truly effective. With their help, you can grow long hair in the shortest possible time.

Attention! Professional hair growth treatments have many contraindications. Before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

If there is no time and money for professional care, then you should not be upset. You can also grow long hair at home. Homemade methods are no less effective and at the same time very inexpensive.

Top 8 Effective Ways to Increase Hair Growth

To grow hair, you need an integrated approach that includes not only a variety of procedures, but also proper nutrition. Be sure to review your daily diet and remove all unhealthy and empty foods from it. The diet should contain fruits, vegetables, cereals, natural juices and clean water. Since it is impossible to get all the necessary set of vitamins for hair from modern products, buy good vitamins at a pharmacy. In addition, review your schedule and be sure to take time out for walks in the fresh air. And to keep your hair growing quickly and healthy, use the methods below.

Attention! To learn how to grow hair at home, you first need to be examined by a trichologist. This will help identify the underlying problems and causes of slow growth.


The fastest way to regrow hair is to improve blood circulation in the scalp. Manual massage will not only improve the nutrition of the bulbs, but also allow you to get rid of headaches and overexertion. It is enough to give ten minutes a day to massage. Brush massage is an alternative to manual massage. A scalp massage brush is sold at almost any beauty store.

Important! The massage brush should not have metal elements. Better to use brushes made from natural animal bristles.

Exclusion of a hair dryer and flatware

As noted above, many girls' hair grows quickly, but does not become long due to fragility. To get rid of brittle hair, you need to forget about a hairdryer and other thermal styling devices.

Curling irons and hair dryers injure hair, especially with daily use. If such devices are excluded, then it will be possible to notice positive changes in a few months.

Dry mustard mask

Improving the blood supply to the hair follicles and increasing their growth will help not only manual massage, but also a mustard mask. This tool requires a minimum of effort and ingredients. To prepare the mask, you need to prepare: dry mustard, sugar, base oil and hot water. Hair should be dirty and dry.

So, first you should mix dry mustard with sugar. This mask is only applied to the roots of the hair, so you don't need much of it. It is enough to use 3 tablespoons of mustard and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Add hot water to the mixture of these ingredients. The mixture should come out not too thick or too thin. Now you can add any base oil to it. Apricot, peach, or almond are ideal. You need a little oil - about half a teaspoon.

It is better to apply the mask with a paint brush. After application, cover the head with foil and wrap it in a towel. The mustard mask will take effect in just a few minutes. You need to keep it as long as possible, but you should not endure a strong burning sensation. Rinse off the mask with warm water, after which you can use your favorite balm or conditioner.

Important! A mustard mask can cause burns. This mask is contraindicated for those who have sensitive and delicate skin.

Lemon rinse

Shampoos, balms, and other cosmetics make your hair heavy. It also interferes with their normal growth, so rinse off the care products with plenty of water. And to make rinsing more beneficial, it is better to use a specially prepared rinse aid. You only need a regular lemon for it.

Squeeze the lemon into one liter of boiled water and let it stand for ten minutes. After that, the tool can be safely used. This rinse is suitable for all hair types. It will not only accelerate growth, but also give your hair an incredible shine.

Natural mask based on pepper tincture

Pepper is one of the best natural remedies for boosting hair growth. You can buy pepper tincture at your nearest pharmacy for mere pennies. You can use this tool in different variations.

For dry hair, add 2 tablespoons of pepper to the egg yolk and mix with burdock oil. This mask will not only improve blood flow to the follicles, but also strengthen the hair. You need to use the mask at least three times a month.

For oily hair, another mask is suitable. To prepare it, you will need the following products: pepper tincture, kefir and dry mustard. Mix two tablespoons of tincture with two tablespoons of mustard and fill it all with three tablespoons of kefir - and the mask for the growth of oily hair is ready.

If you have normal hair type, then pepper tincture can be used in tandem with any balm. You will need to hold such a mask for about twenty minutes. It is easy to wash off the hair and does not dry out the scalp.

Important! For dry and injured hair, you should not use masks with pepper. Pepper will only aggravate the situation and make your hair coarse.

Hair tip oil

Constantly trimming the ends of your hair is not a panacea for breakage. In this way, you will only prolong the period of hair regrowth. The tips need to be treated and constantly moisturized. As practice shows, the best way to moisturize hair ends is natural oils.

Essential oils are enriched with natural acids, vitamins and trace elements that are vital for healthy hair. To make the ends dense and reduce fragility, you need to use oil masks twenty minutes before each hair wash. These masks can be composed of one or more oils.

It is better to give preference to moisturizing oils. For example, almond or jojoba oil is ideal. They will help to get rid of hair breakage in the shortest possible time. You can also use wheat germ oil. It is very rich in beneficial acids.

Use only natural bristle comb

Fragility of hair, due to which it is not possible to achieve the desired length, often occurs due to an incorrectly selected comb. Cheap metal brushes injure scalp and hair. It is strongly discouraged to use them for daily care. It is better to give preference to a brush with natural bristles. With its help, daily hair styling will be much easier, and brittleness will be significantly reduced. In addition, natural bristles will gently stimulate the hair follicles, which will accelerate hair growth.

Homemade olive oil mask

Almost every housewife has olive oil in the kitchen. It is used in the preparation of meat or vegetable dishes. However, such a product is also indispensable in the process of growing hair. Olive oil has amazing moisturizing and nourishing properties. It contains many useful ingredients that make even the weakest and thinnest hair healthy and elastic.

Preparing a homemade mask with olive oil takes no more than two minutes. The best option for such a mask is oil with natural honey. The honey must be melted in advance in a water bath and mixed with two tablespoons of olive oil. The mixture is applied to the roots and lasts for about an hour. The mask should be done once a week. The first effect will appear after two weeks of use.

Long beautiful curls are the dream of many ladies. Despite the fact that the fashion for haircuts and hairstyles is changeable, long hair always remains the subject of attention of others and the pride of its owner. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to grow long hair. This is influenced by various factors. Therefore, the question of ways to enhance hair growth always remains relevant. Is it possible to grow hair by 10 cm in 1 day? Let's figure it out.

Factors affecting hair growth

Hair grows out of follicles. Their growth takes place in 3 periods. The active period is from 2 to 5 years. Then there is a growth arrest for about 3 months and hair loss from the pouch. A new hair grows in its place. This natural process is different for each person. With age, the strands begin to grow more slowly, more often they fall out. The growth rate depends on how much nutrients are supplied to the follicles.

Various factors can affect hair growth:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • providing the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • lifestyle;
  • health status;
  • hair type and care features;
  • food;
  • stress and anxiety.

Having found out the reason that provoked slowed hair growth, you can choose the most effective ways to deal with this problem.

Why is it difficult to grow strands? Because:

  • they lack nutrients;
  • they are brittle and brittle;
  • they have split ends;
  • they drop out;
  • they are badly affected by temperature differences.

Salon treatments

How to grow long hair very quickly? The main task of all procedures that are aimed at enhancing the growth of strands is to provide the hair follicles with important substances.


The essence of the technique lies in the fact that a specialist injects a healing composition of active ingredients (amino acids, vitamins) under the scalp with the help of an injection, which accelerates the growth of curls. The number of ingredients in a medical cocktail is selected individually for each specific case. On average, it is necessary to undergo 8-10 procedures if there are no serious hair problems.


With the help of a darsonval with a special nozzle, a weak electrical impulse is applied to the scalp. Thanks to him, blood circulation is activated. The technique works well for those with oily hair. Darsonval helps dry the skin.

Healing ampoules

Thanks to this method of acting on the hair, you can grow it very quickly. The ampoules contain a high concentration of biologically active components. They help to enhance the metabolic processes in the follicles, providing the hair with everything it needs for growth. It is necessary to undergo a minimum course of 2-3 months to achieve a positive result. Which ampoules are best used should be determined by a specialist.

Laser comb

With this device, which is used in the salon, you can strengthen the strands and accelerate their growth. The laser acts on the skin to improve blood flow by stimulating follicles.

Cosmetic shampoos and serums

In order to make the growth of curls faster, special cosmetics are used (shampoos, masks, tonics, lotions).

Important! Hair growth shampoos should be free of SLS and parabens. It is good if they contain natural herbal extracts, essential oils, decoctions.

The most famous brands of shampoos for the growth of curls:

  • Alerana;
  • Schwarzkopf Professional;
  • Revita;
  • Bonacure;
  • Phytosolba;
  • KeraNova;
  • La Biosthetique.

In combination with shampoos, it is useful to use hair masks of these brands.

For slow hair growth, it is helpful to apply toners and lotions that do not require rinsing. Their components with a low-molecular structure penetrate deep into the structure of the bulb, intensely affect the scalp, stop hair loss, and also help get rid of dandruff and irritation. Traditionally, the course of treatment with such agents should be about 3 months. To enhance their effect, peeling of the scalp is done in parallel before applying tonic or lotion.

The most effective serums:

  • Schwarzkopf;
  • DNS with burdock and castor oil;
  • Vitex with cashmere proteins, biotin and caffeine;
  • Stem amine with hyaluronic acid and herbal extracts.

Growing curls at home

How to grow hair fast at home? You don't have to visit a salon to achieve luxurious curls. You can do this yourself.

Scalp massage

This is a good way to stimulate dormant hair follicles and make hair grow. During the massage, blood circulation is increased, because it is with the blood that most of the nutrients are supplied to the hair. The massage takes 5-7 minutes. The scalp should be massaged gently so as not to injure the hair roots. It is also useful to do it while shampooing.

Proper nutrition

Often the strands grow poorly due to a deficiency in the intake of vitamins and minerals from the diet. Therefore, it is important to make adjustments to your diet in order to make your hair grow faster.

The menu should include:

  • sea \u200b\u200bfish and seafood;
  • lean meat and liver;
  • cereals;
  • bran bread;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • almond;
  • vegetables;
  • olive oil;
  • jelly;
  • jelly and marmalade.

Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements

When growing hair on your own, you should include the intake of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. You should first consult with a specialist to choose the right product.

For hair growth, vitamins of group B are required. With their deficiency, strands begin to fall out and grow poorly. Especially important is pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which stimulates the hair follicles. Vitamins A, C, E strengthen the immune system, increase the blood supply to the skin.

The pharmaceutical market offers a variety of multivitamins that promote hair growth. In addition to vitamins, they include iron, zinc, silicon, molybdenum, and other trace elements.

The most popular vitamin preparations:

  • Pantovigar;
  • Laval;
  • Vichy;
  • Perfectil;
  • Aleran;
  • Evonia;
  • Revalid;
  • Phyto and others.

Periodically, you can add vitamins A and E to hair masks in the form of oil solutions. Of the dietary supplements, brewer's yeast and fish oil are useful.

Traditional methods and recipes

To stimulate growth, masks, decoctions, herbal infusions are effective as home remedies.

Effective and useful masks

Mustard, pepper tincture, onion, castor and burdock oil are often used as components that can activate the bulbs and increase blood flow. Here are some recipes for effective masks.

Mustard for oily hair

Mix 2 yolks with ½ cup of kefir, 2 tablespoons of castor oil and 1 tablespoon of mustard powder. Massage the mass into the hair roots and leave for 1 hour, warming the head. The regularity of using the mask once every 7 days. The course is 1 month. Care should be taken when using masks with mustard for sensitive skin, as well as for hair prone to dryness.

Yeast mask

A yeast mask will help speed up the growth of curls. Dilute them to the consistency of sour cream and apply on the head. Rinse off after half an hour. The procedure must be carried out three times a week for a month.

Nutrient Blend

Prepare fresh juice from 1 onion. Dilute it 1: 1 with castor oil. Rub into the scalp and leave for 25-30 minutes. To quickly achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to do the mask 2-3 times a week.

Vitamin for dry type of strands

Mix 1 spoonful of sesame oil with a spoonful of chopped ginger. Rub the mixture gently into the skin. Wash your hair after half an hour. If your hair is prone to excessive oiliness, it is better to refuse to use such a mask.

Herbal decoctions

To accelerate the growth of the strands, it is useful to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions and infusions after each shampooing.

Plants that promote accelerated hair growth:

  • calendula;
  • burdock root;
  • chamomile;
  • toadflax;
  • hop cones.

You can use a mixture of herbs to prepare a decoction. For 1 liter of water, 2-3 tablespoons of raw materials are usually taken.

Features of the care of curls

To make your hair grow faster, you need to provide it with proper care:

  • You need to comb the strands carefully so as not to injure the roots. Do not comb wet hair - it is very fragile and brittle.
  • You need to wash your hair with warm water as needed.
  • During washing, do not rub the skin very intensively.
  • It is better to dry your hair naturally. The hairdryer can be used no more than 3 times a month.
  • Protect the strands from temperature extremes. During cold weather or strong sun, you need to wear a hat.
  • During the period of growing strands, you cannot dye your hair and do a perm. This slows down their growth.
  • In order to prevent delamination of the ends, it is advisable to trim them from time to time.

Acceleration of hair growth can be achieved both by salon methods and using home remedies. The main thing is that the hair follicles must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients in order for the strands to grow faster. An integrated approach and following the recommendations of specialists will help in achieving this goal.

Useful tips for accelerated hair growth in the following video:

Healthy hair usually grows 0.64-1.27 cm per month. It follows that the key to fast growth is hair health! To care for your hair, wash it under warm water, condition it, comb it, trim it regularly, and do not use hot styling products. Also, to keep your hair strong and stimulate hair growth, eat plenty of vitamins and minerals and drink plenty of water.


How to prevent hair damage

    Use sulfate-free hair care products to protect your hair. Choose care products made with natural ingredients that will nourish and moisturize your hair. Sulfates tend to make hair frizzier and drier, making it prone to breakage in the long term.

    • The use of sulfate-free products is especially important if you are dyeing or chemically treating your hair.
  1. Do not subject your hair to chemical treatments such as keratin treatments. While keratin is very important for the strength of hair, the ingredients and high temperatures involved in chemical processing tend to be more harmful than beneficial. Chemical treatments make hair thinner and more susceptible to breakage and hair loss.

    • However, you may well use shampoos and conditioners that contain keratin, since it is the chemical processing process that causes the most harm.
  2. Wash your hair with warm water to prevent breakage. After washing with warm water, rinse your hair with cold water to close the hair follicles. This will help the hair to frizz and fall out less.

  3. Use a thin microfiber towel to dry your hair. Wrap your hair with a microfiber towel just like you would with a thick cotton towel. A microfiber towel will dry your head without damaging brittle hair in the way that a thick cotton towel would.

    • Drying your hair naturally will also go a long way towards keeping it healthy. Use a microfiber towel to dry your hair about 60%, then let it dry naturally.
  4. Use a silk or satin pillowcase instead of a cotton one. Your hair will thank you if you sleep on a softer pillowcase - silk or satin. During sleep, friction is created between the hair and the cotton, which makes them more prone to damage and slows down their growth.

    • Silk or satin pillowcases will make you wake up with less clutter on your head - less tangled.
  5. Avoid using hot styling products to speed up hair growth. Irons and curling irons can damage your hair and make it brittle by removing moisture from it. Let your hair dry naturally and do not use hot styling products.

    • Your hair can grow faster if it is healthy and intact.

    Maintain Hair Health

    1. Shampoo your hair 2-3 times a week. The shampoo cleanses hair and flushes out the natural oil from the scalp, which is essential for keeping hair soft and healthy. It is only necessary to completely wash your hair a few times a week to prevent the hair from drying out due to the removal of natural grease.

      • If you want to freshen up in the days between shampoos, simply dampen your hair with water.
    2. Apply conditioner to your hair every time you use shampoo. After rinsing off the shampoo, massage the conditioner into your hair. Leave it on for 3-5 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

      • Check the label on the conditioner to see how long you should keep this particular product.
      • Conditioner replenishes proteins and lipids (fats) that evaporate after hot styling or coloring. This helps keep hair healthy and strong. Conditioner also makes hair less brittle.
    3. Do a deep hydration once a week to keep the moisture in your hair. Heat the deep conditioner to 35 ° C in the microwave before applying it to your hair. Pay special attention to the ends of your hair, as this is where the oldest and most damaged parts of your hair are. Leave the product on for 15-30 minutes and then wash off.

      • Start by deep hydrating once a week. If it makes your hair look weak and lifeless, try deep moisturizing every 2-3 weeks. Conversely, if your hair is still dry, try doing it twice a week.
    4. Brush your hair every day with a natural boar bristle brush. Start combing your hair at the ends to detangle it and work your way up slowly. Don't brush your hair too vigorously.

      • Regular brushing stimulates blood flow to the scalp. This means your strands will be stronger and healthier.
      • Brushing also helps to distribute natural oil from the scalp to the ends of the hair. Thanks to this, the hair will remain moisturized and protected, which means it will be able to grow even longer.
    5. Trim your hair every 10-12 weeks to avoid split ends. Regularly cutting may sound controversial, but it will help your hair stay healthy and strong, making it longer in the long run. Ask your hairdresser to cut your hair about 3 mm each time.

      • Longer breaks between haircuts can lead to split ends and result in hair breakage at a height greater than 0.3 mm.
    6. Massage your scalp with your fingertips once a day for 3-5 minutes. Place 2 fingertips on the scalp and move them in a circular motion. Work through the entire head area, squeezing firmly but gently.

      • Scalp massage promotes blood flow to hair follicles, which stimulates hair growth.

To understand how to grow healthy long hair, you should have a general understanding of the physiology of the scalp.

  • At first, the hair root is its only living part, which is located in the fold of the scalp, in the hair follicle and is responsible for the growth of the hair shaft.
  • Secondly, the hair shaft is a keratinized non-living cells without blood vessels and nerve endings.
  • Thirdly, the rate of hair growth depends on the condition of its root, which directly depends on the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and circulatory systems.

From this we can conclude how to properly grow hair, that their health and growth are in the first place depend on the internal state of the body... Care of the hairline is also important, dry, brittle hair with excised ends leads to the fact that they grow back to a certain length and break off.

How to grow beautiful long hair? This requires:

  1. Follow a healthy lifestyle: proper balanced nutrition, taking multivitamins, a minimum of stress factors, playing sports, good sleep.
  2. Provide proper scalp care: observance of the technique of shampooing, the correct selection of cosmetics, protection of the scalp from external natural influences. If the curls are dull, weak and brittle, you can resort to their intensive restoration through salon procedures: keratin restoration, shielding, biolamination.

Selection of cosmetics

Hair is divided into oily, dry and combined... As a rule, for owners of hair below the shoulders, the hair is of a combined type - dry at the ends and normal or oily at the roots.

Rinse aids

The purpose of a rinse aid or conditioner is moisturizing hair or restoring its natural water balance... Apply them to the ends, without touching the roots, while washing your hair after shampoo. Or on dried ends before brushing.

When growing curls, it is better to replace the conditioners with conditioners that contain caring components. Conditioning sprays availablethat make it easier to comb and apply them to the ends, which prevents them from excision and brittleness.



Contributes to the health and growth of curls vitamins of group B, A and E, minerals: zinc, sulfur, bromine, and brewer's yeast.

Many pharmacological companies produce complexes designed to strengthen hair: "Complivit Shine", "Vitrum Beauty", "Evalar: for hair and nails", Alphabet of cosmetics "," Lady's formula ".

And also supplements, which contain brewer's yeast, zinc, taurine, various amino acids: "Hair Expert", Brewer's yeast "Krasotka", INNEOV.

Folk remedies for hair growth

As you know, in Russia, girls were famous for their thick long braids. And all because they used natural, natural remedies as shampoos. These shampoos included egg whites, honey, kefir or yogurt.

And even then the women knew that vinegar solution, applied after shampoo, facilitates combing, makes curls softer and smoother. To strengthen the hair follicles used decoctions based on nettle leaves, birch, coltsfoot.

To nourish the scalp, it can be applied once a week for 40 minutes under polyethylene mask from a mixture of kefir and 2 egg whites... The mask must be washed off with water with the application of a balm for subsequent easy combing.

Promote better blood circulation in the scalp decoctions of nettle leaves, birch... To do this, two filter bags, or two tablespoons of crushed leaves, are brewed with two glasses of water and simmer in a steam bath for 10 minutes. Then it is cooled, filtered and in the shower applied to the scalp with massaging movements.

It is helpful to massage the scalp with oils: castor, burdock, sea buckthorn. Thus, blood circulation is improved, which stimulates nutrition, hair growth and prevents hair loss.

Bleached and dyed hair needs intensive care. For this type, you should choose cosmetic products from the series " intensive recovery».

Long discolored damaged braids need the Therapi Blond salon procedure. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to grow them due to their increased fragility.

Curls must be protected from aggressive external influences: temperature changes, UV rays. It is necessary to wear hats, or apply a protective spray before leaving the house. Before using thermal devices, it is imperative to apply the "Thermal protection" agent.

Long hair should be combed straight to avoid breakage, starting at the ends.... After shampooing, the curls are most susceptible to injury, so you should towel dry them with soft, blotting movements. Never twist or rub them.

Useful procedures

For additional strengthening, restoration of hair, giving it shine, a healthy look when growing it, it will be useful to use salon procedures:

  • Keratin recovery... As a result of the procedure, the curls become denser, moisturized, split ends are eliminated;
  • Shielding... It is performed on bleached hair, covers them with a protective film that protects against external influences and damage;
  • Biolamination... Aligning the structure of the hairline, filling its voids. As a result of the procedure, the curls become denser, stronger, smoother and more shiny.

To maintain the health, strengthen and protect the hairline these procedures can be performed once every three months.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls or other, return natural color, accelerate growth.
  • Main reasons

Give your look a beauty, classic look and style. You can grow beautiful long hair so that it hangs off your shoulders, or you can leave it medium in length and try many different stylish hairstyles. In fact, growing long hair is not easy. But you can grow your hair to the desired length if you take good care of it. Develop the right hair care habits and you will leave your hair strong and silky. Choose the highest quality salon products to make your hair stronger. Paying a little attention to your diet and exercising will keep your hair healthy and grow faster. With a little time and effort, you will have the chic long hair you deserve.


Change your hair care habits

    Use conditioner every time you shampoo your hair. The conditioner replenishes the balance of sebum, which is completely washed off with shampoo. Never neglect conditioner after shampooing. It is very important to use conditioner to keep your hair healthy and grow faster.

    • In addition to your regular conditioner, try deep conditioning once a week. This will add shine to your hair and make it stronger.
  1. If you pull your hair into a ponytail, change the position of the ponytail. If you usually pull your hair back, you shouldn't do the ponytail at the same point all the time, because this makes the hair brittle and slows down its growth. Pull your hair back, but change the position of the tail every day, dropping it slightly lower or, conversely, raising it.

    • To avoid damaging your hair or making it too brittle, use only rubber bands covered with a soft cloth (or plastic rubber bands). Do not use regular rubber bands.
    • Do not collect your hair until it is dry.
  2. Sleep on a silk pillowcase. Cotton and linen pillowcases are quite soft, but this material is considered tough enough for the structure of the hair; the hair rubs against the pillowcase material and is damaged. Buy a silk pillowcase. This will prevent damage to your hair while you sleep.

    Do a deep protein conditioning routine once a month. You can go to a beauty salon for this procedure, or you can do it yourself. The deep protein conditioning treatment includes deep conditioning and the application of a special nourishing protein mask. This procedure strengthens the hair and accelerates its growth.

  3. Use essential oils before bed. Massage the essential oil into your scalp to apply it. The finest nourishing oils include lavender, rosemary, thyme, grape seed, palm oil, Moroccan and argan oils.

    • In fact, it is dangerous to apply nourishing oils directly to the scalp. First you need to apply the base oil (for example, olive oil) first. Apply a few drops of any extract oil and one to two tablespoons of diluting oil.