Hemorrhoids in children - is it possible for an "adult" disease at a tender age? Causes and provoking factors. Causes and symptoms

A disease such as hemorrhoids is more typical for an adult, as it is associated with heavy lifting, pregnancy, varicose veins of the legs and other factors that do not apply to children. Does this pathology happen in childhood, how does it manifest itself and what should be done in the treatment of hemorrhoids in a child?

Can children have hemorrhoids?

This disease is more often detected in adults, but hemorrhoids can also occur in childhood, albeit extremely rarely. Moreover, in children, this proctological problem has some peculiarities, and the reasons that cause hemorrhoids in a child differ from the factors that contribute to the development of this disease in the older generation.


  • External. It is an expansion of the veins that are located under the skin of the anus. It looks like a pathology such as bluish-purple swelling near the anus.
  • Interior. It is caused by the expansion of the veins that are located inside the rectum. The resulting nodes begin to emerge from the anus when they become significant.

Hemorrhoids bring a lot of inconvenience to the child and requires immediate medical attention.

What does it look like?

Looking closely at the baby's anus, parents can see a nodule that appears when the baby strains, and then disappears inside the anus. A small child may behave restlessly at the time of bowel movement if he is worried about burning, itching and other uncomfortable sensations. Older children may talk about how they feel like something is getting in the way of the anus.

The node may become inflamed, and then the child's temperature rises. In rare cases, a blood clot forms in the node, which is manifested by sharp pain. If bleeding begins from the node, parents will find blood in the stool.

Hemorrhoids come in different stages, it needs to be treated on time


The most common cause of hemorrhoids in children is constipation. This problem can occur at any age, even in infants, because the digestive system in babies is still imperfect. In school children, constipation is caused by improper diet.

In addition to constipation, the following factors lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids in childhood:

  1. Prolonged sitting in the toilet or on the potty. The problem with defecation can be associated not only with constipation, but also with psychological reasons (for example, the child cannot poop outside the house). If the baby is planted on the pot in time, he may sit unnecessarily long before the urge to defecate appears. At this time, the blood rushes to the small pelvis, and an uncomfortable posture prevents its sufficient outflow, which contributes to the development of hemorrhoids.
  2. Prolonged crying. If the baby cries for a long time, this causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. As a result, the vessels of the pelvis overflow with blood.
  3. Lack of mobility. Modern children, especially at school age, move very little. They sit in the classroom at school, then sit at the lessons and in front of the computer at home. Lack of physical activity and prolonged sitting are factors contributing to the appearance of hemorrhoids.
  4. Congenital varicose veins of hemorrhoidal veins. Such a rare cause can be detected immediately after the birth of the baby - with tension, crying and defecation, a vein will protrude in the anus.
  5. Inflammation or swelling of the large intestine that causes blood to stagnate in the hemorrhoidal veins.

For successful treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of hemorrhoids

Disease development

With hemorrhoids, the veins in the rectal area expand and form nodes. At first, their size is small, so they are invisible from the outside. They gradually increase and can sag from the anus when there is a bowel movement, as well as during coughing or violent crying.

As soon as the child stops straining, such nodes again hide inside the rectum.

If the disease is not treated at this stage, the nodes begin to fall out without straining, while they do not return back to the intestine, but require manual reduction. In an even more advanced stage, they cannot even be adjusted by hand, the nodes immediately fall out again.

What to do and how to treat?

For the treatment of hemorrhoids in children, conservative methods are mainly used, except for the situation with congenital varicose veins.

At home

First of all, for effective treatment, it is important to eliminate constipation in the baby and other factors that contribute to the stagnation of blood in the small pelvis. The child is prescribed suppositories, as well as ointments, but since such drugs for hemorrhoids are not produced for children, the dosage of the adult remedy must be agreed with the doctor.

Special candles can help your child.


Surgical treatment is resorted to in cases where conservative methods have not worked, and the disease has passed into stage 3-4. This happens very rarely in childhood, therefore, surgery for small children with hemorrhoids is carried out in exceptional cases.

Folk remedies

Microclysters, baths and lotions can help your baby


To prevent the development of hemorrhoids in a child, parents should:

  • Establish the baby's diet so that the child eats regularly, drank enough water, consumed fruits, cereals and vegetables in an amount sufficient for his age.
  • Teach your child to defecate correctly. Defecation should be quick, without long straining and sitting in the toilet.
  • Provide the child with a comfortable environment when he poops. To do this, choose a convenient pot, install a footstool next to the toilet.
  • Monitor your child's acquisition of personal hygiene skills. You need to wipe without pressure, and after defecation, it is recommended to wash the anus with cool water (this is necessary for normal vascular tone).
  • Fit physical activity into the child's day regimen. Let the child do gymnastics, swim, play outdoor games, roller-skate, go to sports sections.
  • Monitor the weight of the child, as obese children develop hemorrhoids more often.

Hemorrhoids in a child ... is it too early? Although this delicate problem is considered an adult disease, it also occurs in children, however, it is quite rare. Hemorrhoids refers to proctological diseases associated with venous insufficiency in the anus and lower intestine, which leads to varicose veins in this area. Hemorrhoids in children differ in some peculiarities and are often caused by other reasons than in older generations.

If you ask an adult if he knows the causes of hemorrhoids, for sure he will name the most famous of them:

  • pregnancy and childbirth,
  • the presence of varicose veins of the legs,
  • passive lifestyle,
  • lifting weights, etc.

It is unlikely that such factors are present in the life of babies. Their body is exposed to completely different negative influences:

The most common and basic. Children of all ages, starting with infants, suffer from this trouble. In the smallest, stool delays are caused by imperfection of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal dysbiosis. In older children, especially in school-aged children, constipation is associated with improper diet.

Big children are already reluctant to eat cereals and vegetables prepared by their mother, preferring chips and chocolates, which are washed down with sweet soda instead of tea and clean water. Sooner or later, this ends with a violation of defecation: the child's stool becomes denser, damages the intestinal mucosa, and the blood flow during straining creates conditions for stretching the walls of the pelvic vessels.

Another factor that leads to hemorrhoids is sitting on the pot for a long time. It may be due to constipation or other causes. For example, a child may have situational "psychological" constipation in an unfamiliar environment, during the period of adaptation to kindergarten.

Improper potty training, when the child lands on schedule, and not when he really wants to poop, makes the child sit for a long time and to no avail. While the veins in the pelvic area overflow and the blood flow from them is limited due to an uncomfortable posture and constriction of blood vessels.

Strong prolonged crying in young children often leads to such troubles as protrusion of a hernia and stagnation of blood in the small pelvis. It is not for nothing that in such cases they say that the child is “straining”. When the baby starts crying, his tummy tenses, intra-abdominal pressure rises, which contributes to the overflow of blood vessels with venous blood.

A sedentary lifestyle is a scourge of modern children. First, they "sit their pants" at school, then they do a bunch of homework, then, instead of running into the yard, they continue to sit at the computer. Reduced physical activity in children, as well as in adults, is a direct road to the development of hemorrhoids.

There is also an organic cause of hemorrhoids in children. It is associated with a congenital condition of varicose veins of hemorrhoidal vessels, which manifests itself almost immediately after the birth of a child. When crying, during a bowel movement and just with stress, the baby can notice a characteristic protrusion of the vein in the anus.

The classic symptoms of hemorrhoids, which are manifested by itching and burning in the anus, the feeling that there is something "in the way", occur in children with the same frequency as in adults. However, only a child of "conscious" age can complain about these alarming signs. A baby, and even more so a baby, at best, will show some anxiety at the time of defecation, and often even experiences this state without external signs.

Attentive parents may find a hemorrhoidal nodule that appears when straining and then retracts back. The resulting crack in the anus is easier to detect - in this case, blood may appear in the child's feces.

Sharp pain. With this pathology, a blood clot forms in the hemorrhoidal node, which interferes with blood flow and requires immediate medical attention.

The occurrence of any of these symptoms should lead parents to consider visiting a doctor, rather than self-treatment. The fact is that signs similar to hemorrhoids may have other pathologies, for example, intestinal prolapse, tumor formation. Therefore, the child should be shown to the doctor (this is done by the surgeon and the proctologist), who will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

How is hemorrhoids treated in a child?

Hemorrhoids in children are treated with conservative methods, with the exception of cases of congenital abnormalities. As you know, one of the most effective remedies for this problem is ointments and suppositories. However, special children's suppositories for hemorrhoids are not produced. Children are given adult suppositories, cutting them in accordance with the desired dosage.

Not all known medicines can be used in children, some of them may be unsafe and contraindicated in babies. For example, Proctosedil is forbidden to use in newborns and infants, but it can be used with caution in schoolchildren.

It is allowed to use medicines for hemorrhoids in children:

  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Ginkor procto.

They are prescribed if other remedies do not help. First of all, suppositories with sea buckthorn, calendula, belladonna, compresses with Vishnevsky ointment are recommended from candles. These drugs have anti-inflammatory properties, relieve swelling and itching, heal cracks, and facilitate bowel movements. Suppositories are injected into the anus 1-2 times a day after bowel movement, very carefully so as not to injure the enlarged bumps.

Alternative methods help relieve symptoms well:

  1. sessile baths of decoctions of chamomile, marigold, string, oak bark;
  2. you can make lotions with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, decoction of strawberry leaves, gruel from carrots, beets, rowan berries;
  3. steam baths with the addition of onion and garlic juice;
  4. warm (about 40 degrees) rosehip oil, sea buckthorn is used as microclysters, potato juice is used for the same purposes;
  5. compresses with homemade ointment are applied to the hemorrhoids (grind a spoonful of honey with 10 grams of propolis, then prepare a composition of boiled vegetable oil with beeswax (50 grams each), which, after cooling, is combined with ground honey).

It is worth remembering that it is useless to treat hemorrhoids in a child without eliminating constipation. It is necessary to help the baby cope with difficult bowel movements:

  • give him a mild laxative like Duphalac,
  • massage the abdomen clockwise around the navel with light pressure,
  • put a micro enema (Mikrolax or with folk remedies) or a glycerin candle.

With hemorrhoids, full enemas cannot be done, as this will only aggravate the problem and may even lead to intestinal injury. Establishing an act of defecation is an important link in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids in children, which is impossible without a whole range of measures, which we will discuss below.

Timely diagnosed hemorrhoids, as well as identifying a tendency to it, is the key to successful treatment, which will allow the baby not to transfer this unpleasant and painful disease into adulthood.

Hemorrhoids are abnormal enlargements of veins in the rectum that form nodes in the anus. It is believed that this disease occurs in adults due to heavy lifting, after pregnancy and childbirth, or as a result of intestinal varicose veins. Nevertheless, hemorrhoids in children are also quite common.


The main causes of hemorrhoids in children can be divided into 3 main groups:


Internal hemorrhoids are most difficult to identify, especially in young children. At 8 months or 1 year old, the child cannot complain of pain and discomfort, therefore you need to pay attention to indirect signs:

At an older age of 2.5-3 years, children may complain of pain during bowel movements, discomfort in the intestines and other symptoms.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids should be started as early as possible. Otherwise, chronic hemorrhoids can develop very quickly, which is much more difficult to treat.

It is easier to detect external hemorrhoids in a child. This is the most common form of the disease. The knot appears directly at the entrance to the anus and becomes noticeable during or immediately after bowel movements.

Hemorrhoids in young children look like a small burgundy or bluish bump.

Often it causes only slight discomfort, although it can start to hurt and bleed if traumatized.

In a one-year-old child, the feces should be examined regularly after a bowel movement to make sure there is no blood or other pathological inclusions. Children 5 and older can be taught to control their bowel movements on their own.

How to treat?

What to do if you find a hemorrhoid in your child? The renowned physician Dr. E.O. Komarovsky argues that in no case should you treat yourself.

See your pediatrician and gastroenterologist. If hemorrhoids bother a child 12 years or older, you can also make an appointment with a proctologist.

The doctor will examine you, take the necessary tests, and prescribe a suitable medicine for hemorrhoids.

The treatment regimen for children at 2 years old and at 9 years old is approximately the same. It includes:

  • Hemorrhoid suppositories
  • Preparations for eliminating constipation,
  • Anal fissure ointment or gel
  • Healing diet.

There are no special children's suppositories for eliminating hemorrhoids.

To cure the disease, it is necessary to adapt adult remedies for hemorrhoids for children: the drugs are simply used in a reduced dosage.

Please note that some medicines cannot be used until a certain age.

The main factors causing hemorrhoids in children can be changes in the vital processes of the body and physiological damage in the blood vessel system. This is due to hormonal disorders, for example in adolescents, or the functions of the central nervous system, as well as due to tissue damage and inflammation due to hypersensitivity of the immune system. In addition, children's hemorrhoids may be due to a congenital anomaly of the hemorrhoidal plexus of the veins.

It is worth noting that this delicate and very dangerous pathology is considered a disease inherent exclusively to an adult. Consequently, some experts cannot give an exact answer to the question - do children have internal or external hemorrhoids?

Of course, the circumstances that cause venous pathology in adults are fundamentally different from the etiology and conditions that provoke hemorrhoids in children. The source of pathology, both in childhood and in adults, may still have one thing in common, associated with dysfunction of the digestive tract.

Frequent constipation in a child is a dangerous factor that increases the risk of pathology, both internal and external localization. Due to regular problems with bowel movement, hemorrhoids develop in a child under 1 year old, and from 2 to 6 years old. As for the causes of constipation, they are associated either with dysbiosis in young children, or due to an improper diet of a nursing mother.

Another risk factor is the stage of planting the child on the potty. For children at the age of 2, this is a serious stress, since parents try to carry out the ritual after certain periods of time, and not according to the "hints" of their child. Some mothers will not allow getting up from the pot until the child does what is asked of him. From prolonged sitting, which is sometimes accompanied by crying, increases intra-abdominal pressure, increased blood flow, which leads to varicose veins in the small pelvis.

The likelihood of hemorrhoids in a 3-year-old child is associated with trauma to the rectum with hardened feces. As a result, itching and burning sensation may occur in the rectal area, and if the child constantly fidgets and scratches the sore spot, inflammation of the anus is inevitable. According to experts, children's hemorrhoids can also be a hereditary pathology. If a child at 4 years old has no constipation and the function of the digestive tract is not impaired, and symptoms of the disease appear, this is evidence of venous insufficiency of the lower rectum and indicates a great threat.

Do children have hemorrhoids? Assumptions and Factuality

Being an exclusively adult coloproctological disease, there are still hemorrhoids in children, but it is extremely rare, and a vivid clinical picture appears only in adolescence. This means that at an early age, especially before 1 year, the pathology does not develop, but prolonged crying and screaming of young children can be the precursors of the disease in adolescence.

The initial stage of hemorrhoids in children under 5 years of age may generally be asymptomatic. Sometimes hemorrhoids appear after going to the toilet and sitting on the potty for a long time. Veins around the anus may also enlarge slightly. And since in each individual case the signs of the disease are different, it is extremely difficult to recognize hemorrhoids from them and make a final diagnosis. Sometimes rectal prolapse is confused with venous pathology, or hemorrhoids are identified as cysts in the anus. But, one way or another, you should not hesitate, and at the first complaints of a child about pain in the rectal region, one should rush to see a specialist. Moreover, after looking at the photo of the manifestation of the disease in adults and children, one can notice significant differences in external signs.

If the child has hemorrhoids, what to do?

The main risk factor for developing hemorrhoids in a child is constipation. This situation can accompany infants and older children. If a child has hemorrhoids, it is important to direct actions to facilitate bowel movement. You can cope with constipation with a balanced diet or a laxative diet. It is required to give up a sedentary lifestyle and include active games and physical education in the day's schedule.

Of course, after suspicions of problems in the lower rectum, you must immediately go to the doctor. Since the diagnosis of hemorrhoids in a child must be thorough, specialists conduct a deep examination to exclude the possibility of polyps in the anus or hemangiomas. If the cause of hemorrhoids in children is a congenital pathology of the venous plexus, then an experienced doctor will notice this problem in newborns in the first days of life.

Hemorrhoids in children - signs, symptoms, photos, what does the pathology look like?

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in children under 6 years of age can be a sign of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And the diagnosis of hemorrhoids in adolescents indicates that at this age the pathology can develop as a separate independent disease of the veins. In the case of a disease such as hemorrhoids, a photo in children and adults makes it possible to understand that its manifestations actually have identical visual signs. Small children under one year old cannot inform adults about rectal discomfort, so bleeding during the act of defecation and severe inflammation of the anal ring are an alarming symptom in this precedent.

Common symptoms of childhood hemorrhoids that parents immediately notice in a child are:

  • blood drops in feces;
  • sharp pain;
  • swelling of hemorrhoids during straining;
  • external nodes that have crawled out of the rectum.

Hidden signs of hemorrhoids in children are considered to be itching, a burning sensation or the presence of a foreign body in the anus. These symptoms are recognized by those parents who pay attention to the frequent change in the posture of their child while sitting on a chair, scratching the priests.

Hemorrhoids in children - the causes of pathology in infants and adolescents

The obstruction of blood flow in the vessels of the small pelvis in infants arises from a prolonged cry. From prolonged crying, the flow of venous blood is enhanced by the contraction of the abdominal muscles. Overflow of hemorrhoidal veins causes their varicose expansion, loss of trophic tone. In rare cases, a child is already born with a pathology, which indicates poor heredity.

The cause of hemorrhoids in children from 3 years of age to school age can be improper diet, namely, excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, chips and modern fast food products. This entails a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of a stool disorder. And, as you know, frequent diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation, lead to the development of the disease.

Hemorrhoids in adolescence have almost the same risk factors in the older generation. A sedentary lifestyle adversely affects venous blood flow, as well as unbalanced nutrition, which is difficult to provide for a student. Canteens in educational institutions are very rare today, so children have snacks without liquid and hot food. The bad habits of high school students can also be emphasized. Early exposure to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages significantly increases the chances of developing rectal disease.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in children - prerequisites

Most parents do not understand how to treat hemorrhoids in a child, because careful control over the child's actions is necessary so that he does not scratch the itchy place in order to avoid the development of infection. Nevertheless, at the initial stage of development, it is not so scary and lends itself well to therapeutic actions. However, treatment is only safe if prescribed by a doctor. Correct diagnosis and drug therapy, taking into account the age category, are the main components to avoid further relapse.

To combat infantile hemorrhoids, treatment must be accompanied by proper rectal hygiene. After emptying the intestines, wash the baby with soap and use wet baby wipes instead of toilet paper. Make a daily diet, so that it is dominated by food with a sufficient amount of coarse fiber. Give the child more liquid - compotes, water, juices. In case of constipation, laxatives should only be taken on the recommendation of your doctor.

Exercise also has a positive effect on therapeutic actions. Daily exercise, even for newborns, improves blood circulation in the pelvic veins. In the event that babies are artificially fed, parents should pay attention to the composition of the mixture. Experts advise buying baby food that is free from soy and contains minimal amounts of iron, because these components interfere with the effective treatment of hemorrhoids.

Children's hemorrhoids are usually treated only with pharmaceuticals. Surgical intervention is possible only in the case of hereditary pathology.

Medicines for the treatment of infantile hemorrhoids

Much to my disappointment, today there are no special drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in children, so you cannot self-medicate and you need to seek help from a specialist. The doctor prescribes adult remedies, but in a dosage that is calculated based on the child's body weight and on the basis of clinical tests. Preparations can be in the form of pharmacological ointments and suppositories on a plant basis, or prepared independently according to the recipes of traditional medicine.

Often, baby cream is also prescribed to heal fissures in the anus. It nourishes the skin well and activates the protective functions of the tissue. For children with hemorrhoids, microclysters can be done, but very carefully and only on the recommendation of the attending physician, who selects a drug to relax the rectal muscles and heal small cracks.

Safe ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids in children

Not all known ointments can be used to treat pathology in children. Proctosedil is not recommended for infants, but is prescribed with caution to adolescents.

The following hemorrhoid ointments for children are allowed (only as prescribed by a doctor):

  1. Procto-Glivenol. Eliminates the symptoms of the disease in a few days. Relieves inflammation and helps to eliminate pain.
  2. Relief. This line contains only preparations based on natural ingredients. Relief Ultra ointment gives a strong healing effect, heals cracks and restores the elasticity of the vascular tissue.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment. Compresses with a well-known ointment are completely safe for children and have anti-inflammatory properties. Eliminate puffiness, heal cracks, relieve stools.

Effective suppositories for hemorrhoids for children

As you know, suppositories for hemorrhoids for children are used the same as for adults, but cutting the suppository in accordance with the calculated dosage.

Homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids, children should be used with the same caution as pharmacological drugs. Despite their herbal composition, a contraindication for use is an individual intolerance to individual components that can cause an allergic reaction.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil are widely used for the treatment of hemorrhoids in children. Sea buckthorn is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties and wound healing effect, suppositories eliminate puffiness. To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, candles with rosehip or thuja oil allow. They contain amino acids and trace elements that promote cellular nutrition.

Such rectal suppositories as Relief are prescribed mainly to adolescents, although the Ultra group drug is allowed for use in children under 6 years of age. Even if the suppositories are officially approved for use in children under one year old, this does not mean that the doctor's recommendations can be neglected.

Hemorrhoids in adolescents - root causes

The basis for the development of hemorrhoids in adolescents is most often a hereditary anomaly of the veins. At risk are children whose close relatives have the following pathologies:

  • internal or external hemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • anomalies of the venous plexus.

Hemorrhoids in adolescents are accompanied by the same symptoms as in an adult, but not every child decides to inform parents about a delicate problem in time. It is this fact that aggravates the condition of the disease and postpones a timely visit to a doctor, up to a serious exacerbation.

Generally speaking, there is no particular difference between rectal vein disease in adults and adolescents. Treatment in children is more successful due to the not fully formed circulatory system. Therefore, it is important to monitor the child's health and pay attention to alarming behavioral changes in order to correct the problem in a timely manner.

Hemorrhoids in newborns and infants up to 1 year old, young patients

Hemorrhoids in a newborn child is possible with congenital pelvic venous insufficiency syndrome. This anomaly contributes to the development of the disease in infants up to 1 year old. The main signs of hemorrhoids in newborns are observed by the fifth day of life. And the smaller the patient, the more difficult it is to manage the symptoms of the disease and the more difficult it is to treat. In this case, the main thing is to avoid the prolonged cry of small children and monitor the chair, in no case to prevent constipation. In a month-old child, hemorrhoids will cease to develop and the condition of the rectal zone will ease with the normalization of the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

In a one-year-old child, hemorrhoids develop during the period of potty training. It is highly discouraged to allow prolonged sitting, even if the child did not manage to defecate. To avoid the development of adult illness, the child should be fed a balanced diet with sufficient fluids. In case of constipation, it is better to put a micro enema in order to exclude straining.

Unfortunately, the problem of hemorrhoids, which is not at all for children, is also found in children. To determine how to treat hemorrhoids in children, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of the course of the disease itself, since doctors claim that there are differences compared to adults and they are very significant.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in children 3-4 years old

The first thing that parents should learn is that the child should only be under the supervision of an experienced doctor. There shouldn't be any self-medication! As for the methods of treatment, both in adult hemorrhoids and in children, conservative and surgical treatment are divided. Conservative methods of treatment include the use of ointments and suppositories.

There are no special children's rooms. Doctors use drugs for adults (not all of them can be used to treat a disease in children), very carefully recalculating the dosage of drugs taking into account the age and weight of the child.

Among the drugs that can be used, candles can be noted:

  • Relief;
  • Ginkor Prokto;
  • Hepatrombin B;

Some of these drugs are also available in the form of ointments, and they are also used in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. In addition to drugs, the doctor can prescribe, which gives very good results, but has a number of contraindications.


  1. Tuberculosis of the intestine or abdominal cavity;
  2. Bleeding tendency;
  3. Tumors in the abdomen
  4. The presence of gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase;
  5. The presence of acute inflammatory diseases of internal organs.

In some cases, the operation cannot be avoided. This happens quite rarely, but such cases do occur. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and involves excision of nodes and suturing of blood vessels.

Hemorrhoid treatment in adolescents 11-14 years old

There is no principal adolescents from the treatment of younger children. The same drugs are recommended, but with dosage adjustments. The only thing that can be included additionally is the use of various traditional medicines, mainly in the form of baths and microclysters.

The following should be noted as frequently used:

  • , chamomile and string. To do this, prepare a mixture of herbs (three tablespoons each) and brew them with a liter of boiling water. Take the bath every other day. The minimum number of sessions is ten. The duration of the session is 15 minutes;
  • Micro enema with sea buckthorn oil. For microclysters, you should take 60 grams of sea buckthorn oil and heat it to a temperature of 356 degrees. After that, the oil is injected into the anus using a pear. The child should try to hold on to the oil by lying on its side for at least 15 minutes. Such a micro enema promotes the healing of microcracks, and also normalizes the child's stool.

Folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids in children

Traditional medicine also has many treatments in its arsenal. However, these funds should be used only after consulting your doctor.

Prevention of hemorrhoids in children

For the prevention of hemorrhoids in children, several simple requirements should be followed:

These simple requirements can help you avoid many problems. By preventing hemorrhoids in childhood, we give the child the opportunity to feel full at an older age.