How to make a large flower Rose from Foamyran. Roses from Foamiran: do together. Step-by-step master classes with photos. Roses from Foamiran: Templates

Rose is considered to be the most luxurious flower. Her aroma is beautiful, and it is simply impossible to diplomat on tender petals. Species and varieties of this flower are a huge set. And they all differ in shape, shade and size. That is why the rose is a universal element suitable for any flower arrangement. Whatever the bouquet, the rose will always fit into it, it can be dark, and bright, and bright, and restrained, and a lush flower and a modest bouton. Therefore, everyone who decided to do floral compositions, the ability to make a rose is very useful.

One of the best materials for the manufacture of artificial colors is Foamiran. Of course, it will not transmit a thin flower flavor, but the products from it are very beautiful. Flowers made with your own hands can be used for festive bouquets and interior design. And if you fasten the rose on the brooch or hairpin, it turns out the original decoration that will benefit your style.

By making roses from Foamyran, you can show fantasy, picking up for petals any shades and constituting bright unusual compositions. Moreover, such products will delight the eye for many years - artificial flowers are not withering.

Create a wonderful composition for everyone. But for this you need to be patient, tune in to the result and carefully examine step-by-step instructions.

Varieties of Foamyran

The modern market offers a wide selection of materials from different manufacturers. We list the most popular types of Foamyran:

  1. Iranian material from Foam Eva. Sold in the form of squares with dimensions 0.6 m by 0.6 m. This plastic suede is a classic version of Foamiran. It is her who is recommended novice needlewomen. With such a foam it is easy to work, it does not move from heating. Products from it are durable, well hold the form. It is worth considering one point. The thickness of the Iranian thoma can fluctuate in the range of 0.6 - 1 mm. This is considered the norm.
  2. Turkish Foamiran. Gamma its shades less than Iranian. And all sheets have the same thickness. It is 1 mm.
  3. Chinese jelly. In artificial floristry is not used because it has a thickness of up to 4 mm. More suitable for making dolls and other toys. Recommended for children's creativity.
  4. Marshmallow Chinese Faoran. It is characterized by a special subtlety - the thickness of the sheet is only 0.5 mm. Heat processing This gentle material does not withstand, on temperature it begins to crush. The form preserves very badly, so it will not fit for roses. Their twisted petals will begin to level themselves very quickly. But for the flowers of the cherry and apple tree, Marshmallow Fom from China is just a wonderful material.
  5. Marshmallow Iranian Fom. This air material has a thickness of 1 mm. Often used in the manufacture of flowers with fleshy leaves. If necessary, it can be done thinner. To do this, it is embedded in paper and stroke the iron. After such a procedure, air will be released from Foamiran, and it will become thinner of the papyrus.

What glue is used for work?

For the manufacture of colors from Foamyran, the following types of glue are used:

  • Transparent quick action (for small elements).
  • Hot from the adhesive pistol.
  • Moment.
  • Cosmofen.

What is Molda?

Mold is a special tool that allows you to finely work out the texture of floral elements (petals, leaves). They are different in size. For those who are just learning, the most suitable option will be a universal large fit. And at first and it will be possible to do without it. The preparations of pink petals are enough just to scroll between your fingers.

What colors are flower petals toned?

For these purposes, several types of paints are suitable:

  • Pastel (oil or dry).
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Oil paint.

What will make roses from Foamiran?

The scope of application of such products is very wide. Roses can be decorated with hairpins, rims, broochs and other accessories. Of these, you can make wonderful compositions for interior design or sweet design (bouquets with candy). From the hands of experimental needlewomen they overlook such roses, which in appearance are no different from living colors.

Artificial roses are very much in demand at wedding celebrations. They please the newlyweds and guests at the festive table, serve the jury of the taper, of which bouquets are made, which the brides are thrown to girlfriends. Therefore, the work of the skillful craftswoman will always be in demand.

We offer to familiarize yourself with three simple master classes and try your hand in this amazing art.

Master class number 1. Making roses for whole templates

This master class will teach you to quickly collect beautiful roses from Foamiran. For work will be needed:

  • Foamiran for petals (chief choose to your taste).
  • Foamiran for leaves (green).
  • Stamens.
  • Pistol adhesive.
  • Scissors.
  • Iron.
  • Awl.

First you need to print ready templates. So that you can make any large flower, templates are given without a definite size. You can change the size of the petals. At the same time, consider one important point: if you change the size of a large petal, then do not forget about the proportions and change the remaining dimensions accordingly.

The puff of roses depends on the number of blanks. What they are more, the volume will be a flower. This master class offers a variant of 6 blanks (for each size of 2).

So, proceed to the case. We choose the foamin of the appropriate shade and work on the petals. To do this, we will supply the templates on the rubble and cut out.

To make petals natural shape, they need to be treated with an iron. Make it quite easily. Take the petal tweezers and for a couple of seconds, attach to the iron. Immediately fold it into the harmonica, the tips scroll down to the sides. Scatter, stretch the middle. To make a relief, petals are treated very quickly, because If the material cools down, it will no longer be able to take the desired form.

And now we turn to the preparation of leaves for which we need green Foamiran. We take the material and randomly draw a cup. The length of its leaves should exceed the length of the petals. Preparations process iron and hands, collecting ends together.

The stamens are combining into the beam, all the threads are definitely sick. Smaller petals need to cut a little bit, then collect bud will be easier.

In one petal glue the stamens, we will enhance the second. Similarly, secure another layer. Extra thread from the stamens cut off, and the remaining petals are attached to the back. That is, the bud is inserted into the workpiece with petals. Each next layer must be placed between the petals of the preceding layer.

And the work is completed with the attachment of the chashelistic. If everything is done according to the instructions, you should get a beautiful bulk flower.

Master class number 2. Production of small roses buds

This master class will help you master the art of manufacturing gentle flower bottits of roses that are ideal for hair decoration.

To make buds, take:

  • Foamiran (peach, pink, green).
  • Wire.
  • A piece of cardboard.
  • Pastel pink.
  • Water.
  • Sponge foam.
  • Circumgars.
  • Pistol adhesive.
  • Awl.
  • Iron.

First, we harvest templates. To do this, you need to draw a drop in the cardboard (2 by 1.5 cm) and the four-spin cholestic. Remember that the leaves should be twice as long as the petals. The tip of the petal should not be sharp, so it is necessary to break it down.

One bouton will consist of 5 petals. We apply the template to the foma, we supply the contour and cut out the workpiece. Next petals need to be toned. To do this, we impregnate the sponge of the pink pastel and paint the edge of the petal, then we get sick inside.

The next stage of work is the preparation of a chasoletic. Along its contour, we make scissors, and then we process 2 seconds. After that, you need to collect ends and twist. Similarly, we do with petals. Each billet should be processed separately. That is, first we finish working with one, and only then go to the next.

Then all the billets need to be reappeared, and the middle of the petals slightly stretch.

Then we take a five-meantimeter wire - it will be stem. With the help of the roundheads, we turn the tip of the stem in the loop. And to the loop, we attach the petal, as it should be folded. Similarly, we stick all the remaining petals. They will be slightly open. You can also make completely closed boutons. For this, there are three blanks.

Lastly, the Chasselistic is attached. Put it on the wire and stick to the rosette bud. You will get a gentle and very cute decoration for all occasions.

Master class number 3. Stud with a big rose

If you want to originally decorate your hair, make it with your own hairpins with a large rose from Foamiran. How to do it right, you will learn from this master class.

First of all, stock materials and fixtures:

  • Peach and green Foamiran.
  • Dry pink pastel.
  • Beads big.
  • Iron.
  • Slice wire.
  • Toothpick.
  • Awl.
  • Foil.
  • Hairpin.
  • Pistol adhesive.
  • Scissors.
  • Paper.

First of all, decide how your rose is. After that, make a paper template for petals. It is absolutely not difficult - you just need to draw and cut a drop. Finished pattern attach to the foma and circle a toothpick many times. Remember that the volume of the flower depends on the number of petals. What they are more, the more magnificent rose.

The tips of the petals are well staining the pastel, we rub to the middle. Do not pity the paint and do not be afraid that the color will be too intense. After processing, everything will look different.

Separately make three petals for buds and stain their rounded edges. After processing the workpiece iron, quickly compress the harmonica and twist. Then straighten and pull the middle to make them more voluminous.

Next, we prepare a drop from foil (based on the future bud). On a wire segment (15 cm) screw the bead. With the help of sewn pierce the center of the bouton to insert the wire. Glue pour into the hole and fix the bead on one side, and the wire on the other. After that, fasten three petals intended for bud.

The first petal is fixed by the painted part up so that the foil completely overlaps. The top will look like a dense bouton of indolent petals. The rest of the blanks are attached less tight. They will begin to adapt to the basis.

Then collected the second layer of petals, they are fixed with glue slightly below the middle. In the third layer glue only the ends are attached.

The remaining wire is attached to the hairpin and glue everything. From the green thomas, it is arbitrarily cut off a cup of chashelistic, we make an inspection on the edge. We proceed to give a form iron, like petals. We put it on the hairpin, so that the sections of the petals overlap. Then you will prepare for the middle of the connected small leaves - they should block the hairpin.

Now the beautiful hairpin for hair is ready, we carry it with pleasure and admire those surrounding a gentle feminine way.

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Foamiran is an unusual and pleasant to the touch material. From artificial suede make decorations for the interior, luxurious bouquets, draw up postcards, create unique hairpins and rims. Today, the editors of the magazine site prepared 11 step-by-step instructions for their readers on how to make flowers from Foamiran with their own hands. We will offer you and useful recommendations from the masters, as well as let's talk about how to properly care for finished products.

Incredible, exquisite and lively decorations from Foamiran are attracted at first sight

Ranunculyus is a very tender creation with lush buds and a variety of colors. This flower can now be often found in the most luxurious bouquets. The size of the ignition is from 7 to 10 centimeters in diameter, and externally, it resembles a peony or rose. The dismissed Ranunculyus can be similar to the poppy.

How to make a igniculat from plastic rubber:

IllustrationDescription of action
To give the texture to the petals of the Foma leaf, you need to try through the fastened paper. So he will be a little thinner and will receive a characteristic relief.
Pulling petals can be bottled or a small light bulb.
Cut the petals templates. It is better to do this with a white pencil, so there will be no traces on the material. Do not use sharp items to the stroke, they can break the sheet.
Before cutting the petal, give it a form on a convex subject, slightly stretching in the right direction.
After stretching, cut the petal so that the line of the template mark is not visible.
After making petals of different sizes, make some of the smallest blanks by toning them with a sponge and pastels.
Make a core of a flower from a bead or a foil ball. Wrap the workpiece by Foamiran and pull the material so that there are no folds.
Fix tight flower center with hot glue.
Cut the head with scissors at the base.
Secure the base on the wire for the stalk and remove it with the second glue.
Wrap the stamens around the head and glue them with hot glue.
Toned petals secure each other so that it turns out a small circle with a diameter with a flower center. When gluing, make sure that the petals find each other about half.
After creating the core of the Ranuncouleus consistently put the petals from smaller to large in a circle.
Gluing technology is simple - each petal should be approximately half to find the previous one.
Thus stir up 4-6 layers of petals. The more petals - the larger the flower will turn out.
From the green Thomas, cut off the cups and pull them slightly to give shape.
On the base of the flower, do 5 cups, they can be slightly toned with powder.
Put on the wire floristic tube and fix it with second glue.

How to make a rose from phoamyran

Rose - Queen of Flowers, This is a recognized standard of beauty and sophistication. Delicate rose petals are protected by sharp spikes.

This flower has many varieties with different color, uniform or on the tips of petals. The most popular Master Classes Crafts from Foamian are related to the rose bud.

Templates and patterns for roses from Foamiran

You can independently make a template, just disaching the live flower on the petals. Please note: you will not find two identical forms. For the template, pick a thin cardboard or tight paper. Just circle petals straightened on cardboard and cut them along the contour. You can use ready-made patterns and patterns. Just print them on the printer.

In needlework stores you can find one-piece templates for which you can cover immediately on a sheet of from.

How to make a large rose from Foamiran

IllustrationDescription of action
Cut on the template of the petals of three sizes and sewers.
Protonize the workpieces: petals around the edge, cup of sewers - over the entire surface.
Heat the petals on a warm iron to give them the desired form.
The form of petals is attached to the method of twisting and stretching the material.
Make a stall from the wire and wrap it with a greene colored adhesive tape.
Make a drop-shaped core from the foil, secure it on the stem with hot glue.
Buton's petals sequentially stir on the core so that they completely hid a foil. Gradually leave the billets with free to imitate dissolved.
The workpiece of the Chashelistic also warp on the iron and give it a form.
In the center of the Chaselistics, do the hole for the stem, the grinding stem.
Sweet a cup of adhesive gun so that it fits tightly to the bud.
To create complete roses, continue to lug the petals, consistently increasing their dimensions.
The more layers of petals - the larger the rose will turn out.
The last touch to full rose is a chashelistic.

From such a rose you can make a decoration - brooch or hairpin.

Little Roses from Foamiran - Video Master Class

Small roses - the base for the decoration of small hairpins, brooches and even rings. Make them easy. You can take advantage of even a special hole package with the finished form. How to do it easy and fast - in the video:

Article on the topic:

Types of material and options for its use; hairpins, rims, flowers and dolls from Thomas, how to use material for scarppinging and children's creativity; Where can I buy and what it is better to choose for a needlework - read in the publication.

Master class on making lily

Lily - Princess of the flower world. Its large bright inflorescences are a recognized symbol of purity and innocence.

Step-by-step manufacture of artificial lily in a master class:

IllustrationDescription of action
For lily, you will need to stock up with ready-made stamens and pestle.
The base of the flower is fastened with a sticky tape. Pestik - in the center, stamens - around him.
After fastening parts, expand them as shown in the photo.
For the texture of petals, special moldes will be required - they can be found in needlework stores.
Enter the Mold on the FOM and warm on the iron, after tightly press the parts before cooling.
Petals with streaks Cut on the contour with scissors.
Each petal need a hard frame to be bent in the right direction. For a frame, a thin wire is used, wrapped with a tone of the petal.
Gif 2 wires are neatly pasted in the center of each petal.
UKR 8 Billet need to be slightly unhappy, as shown in the photo.
Scroll 9 using a lighter heat and slightly stretch the edges of the workpiece.
UKR 10 The basis of the petals slightly toned pastels.
CCR 11 Lily leaves make a way similar to petals. Use the appropriate moldes.
CCR 12 Collect petals and leaves with a strip of green sticky tape.

Hydrangea from Foamiran - Video Instruction

Lilac or hydrangea - these inflorescences from small colors are elegant. Work on their manufacture - long and painstaking.

For the manufacture of small flowerflowers, it is better to be better stocking of a figured hole, it will significantly simplify the task. The process of creating a hydrangea flower in this detailed video:

Growth flowers from Foamiran do it yourself

Huge flowers from Foamyran are an interior decoration for a home or shopping room. Such an unusual decor will immediately attract the attention of guests. To create such a flower, you need to use the same templates, only enlarged in size. For cutting it is better to take a roll Foamiran, it will not limit you in the dimensions of the blanks.

With this technique, you can make an unusual interior, a fashion store, or a living room.

Article on the topic:

Simple Magic Field Flowers

Wildflowers with all their simplicity can be part of a very exquisite composition, fresh and gentle. They look good if you pick up many different color and shape of flower.

How to make some of your favorite colors - in our instructions.

How to make a daisy flower - instruction for beginners

Chamomile - just looks like a simple flower. Make it from the frum is not so easy - patience and many miniature details will be required.

IllustrationDescription of action
With the help of a miniature template, draw and cut 30 small petals from white phoamyran.
Make a bachrom from the strip of yellow thomas. Gently cut the material with scissors with a minimum distance.
Relief petals of chamomile give with a tweezers. Just warm the workpiece and make a hot material tweeze.
Wire-stem, bend on the tip in such a way that the hook turned out. Insert the tip of the fringe into it.
Rotate the stem, lining the fringe to create a core of a flower.
The finished heart will break over the candle. Fom will be thinner, and the heart will look very natural.
Enclose the first row of petals with a hot pistol.
The second row is secure so that the lower petals are placed between the upper.
The back side of the flower close the curly detail. To it, then you can fix the hairpin or pin for brooches.

Flower poppy from Foamyran: Pattern and video instruction

Another favorite field flower is a bright poppy. He looks great and in the company with daisies, and in itself in hairpins and brook.

The feature of this flower is its middle. How to make it from plastic suede, told in video instructions:

Supreme aerobatics: peony flower

Gentle and luxurious peony is a complex design from a variety of petals of different shapes and size. In the center - sharp details with an uneven edge, along the edges - rounded blanks.

Popular now Foamiran is sold by sheets and is relatively inexpensive. Tell me how to work with this material and make beautiful flowers from it.

What is Foamiran

Foamiran is a plastic suede, originally brought from Iran and created by Foamiran. This material is convenient because it is sold by sheets, from which you can cut anything, it is well painted in any color (and your palette is very big), but most importantly - it is perfectly a heat treatment on the iron. Heated Foamiran can take any desired shape.

Foamiran is different thickness. Thin material is used to create flowers and small crafts like jewelry and hairpins, of the thicker make toys and large-scale crafts.

To create colors you will need:

  • Foamiran of various colors (red, yellow, pink, lilac and necessarily green),
  • Small foil cut,
  • Iron,
  • Paper sheet
  • Scissors,
  • wire,
  • glue.

Rose from Foamyran

Rose from Foamiran do, perhaps the easiest.

  1. Print from the Internet or drew two identical rose petals, but different sizes. Cut patterns.
  2. Cut from Foamiran to 5 petals of different sizes. Each gently lean to the iron and pull a little over the wide side so that it takes the form of a real pink petal.
  3. Roll out a small ball from the foil. One of the small petals wrap around the core, the rest are allocated around the edges to get a bud.
  4. Large petals take a bouton around the circumference.
  5. Insert the wire in the rose, cut the leaves from the green foamyran, bring to the iron, stick to the wire.

A similar way can be done, for example, a chamomile from the phoamiran two shades of yellow.

  • For the core, you will need a strip with a length of 27 cm and 3 cm wide with cutting into 2 cm strips, and for petals - a circle with a diameter of 6-7 cm with figuranly cut edges and cut almost to the middle of the petals.
  • Stripe roll out several times, glue.
  • The petals are slightly treated with iron and fingers, slide on the wire.
  • Insert the core top, flush. Flower ready!

Roses from plastic suede fascinate with their beauty, especially if they are made with the soul and close to the natural colors.

There are many ways to create this charming flower with your own hands. But mostly use two. The first is the formation of a variety of petals collected together. The second is made of five petal parts glued by the "one" method. This master class for novice rose from Foamyran will be collected simpler and fast second-way, available for beginners. Step-by-step photos dispel all doubts and simplify work.

Preparation of materials and tools for lesson

To build charming and at the same time a luxury flower, prepare:

  • foamiran gentle pink color;
  • green foamiran;
  • templates of thick paper;
  • pastel green (two shades), yellow;
  • bright pink acrylic paint;
  • a slice of a sponge or sponge;
  • glue pistol;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • food Foil;
  • iron.

from individual petals, Cry in our workshop for the manufacture and hair. You may find time for all crafts, because they are so beautiful and universal.

How to make a rose from phoamyran

Cut three circles of different sizes from cardboard, it will be patterns for petals. The diameter of the largest - 9 cm, medium - 7.8 cm, small - 6.5 cm. Divide the circles for five parts and cut the petals, not renewable to the center of about 0.5 cm. Each sector is rounded, turning into a flower petal.

Using the toothpicks, translate out the contours to the Foamiran, outlawing the rose petals pattern.

Cut for one flower in the details of each size. If you do a few roses, then cut the parts immediately to all, it will save time.

Naturalness of Rose from Foamyran can be given if painting petals. This can be made pastel or acrylic paints. Pastel in color is much easier, but it is not always suitable for this, sometimes brightness and color saturation can only be given acrylic paints.

The paint can be used both in the finished form and slightly diluted with water. But the water add literally with a drop.

Take a piece of sponge, dry in the paint, take off the excess on paper. Right movements, slightly touching Foamiran, apply a pigment on the petals. Pay special attention to the tips (they must be toned stronger). Leave dry. Then color the other side, as on step by step photo.

Heat the iron and start forming petals as in the manufacture. Apply one petal to the iron and fingers, tensile movements, give the bulge (view from the left). Then twist on both sides (view right).

Remember all the billets from the Foamiran to assemble the rose.

To form a bud, you can make individual 2-4 petals. But this is optional.

From food foil (suitable from under chocolate) Make a cone, stick into it a wand.

Stick the first petal.

The second glue from the opposite side so that the foil is not visible.

Take the detail of the small size, put on the toothpick.

Stick on the base.

Now put on the glue on the petal of the technique "through one", that is, stick the first, third, fifth, second and at the end of the fourth petal.

The first row is formed.

Place the second.

Stick all the petals similar to the previous one.

Add rose pomp with the last large detail of the Foamiran.

Rose shape can be done any, varying the number of details:

  • one size, as in this master class;
  • take one small, two medium, one large;
  • use one small, two medium, two large.

In each of the options made by its own hands, the Rose from Foamyran will have its own unrivaled shape.

From the green plastic suede, take a five-point substrate.

If the tone of the material does not fit, it is not scary, it is still necessary to toned and give the ability to leaves. Purchase the substrate first with dark green pastels, then bright green and yellow.

Manicure scissors make small cuts.

Heat the workpiece on the iron, read the streak of the toothpick along the warm Foamyran.

Heat the tips of the leaves and pull them out.

Replace the toothpick on the wire. Seal the place of the junction of the rose and wire with glue from the gun to create exaltation. Stick leaves.

Close the wire with a green tape. The shade of roses depends on the coloring of the Foamyran and the appearance.

According to the provided pattern, it is easy to make unacceptable buds for a bouquet. The shade can be chosen different and tinted a little differently - using pastel, paint only the tips of the petals.

The realistic Rose of Foamyran is ideal for hairpins, hoop, brooches. Look . Today it is a needlework very popular and loved by women of all ages.

We hope to see you in the groups of our site in VC and approx. Learn about new publications and see what kind of beauty, other community participants create do it yourself.

In this lesson, I want to show how quickly and just can be done. Towards from Foamiran. This master class, rather, will be useful for newbies, for those who are just starting to master this grateful material - Foamiran.

To work will be required:

  • Foamiran (I have a sheet size of 60 * 70 cm);
  • Scissors;
  • Bamboo or orange chopstick, toothpick, old ballpoint pen (without ink), thin knitting needle for knitting or stack with sharp tip. These items are needed in order to translate the pattern on a sheet of phoamyran. Than you from the above will be the most convenient to use you choose yourself;
  • Cardboard or watman (to create patterns of rose petals);
  • Iron;
  • Adhesive pistol.

On a sheet of cardboard or watman, draw the pattern of petals of the future rose and cut it out.

No. 1 is the first number of petals.
No. 2 is the second number of petals.
No. 3 is the third row of petals.

The process of transferring patterns on a sheet of phoamyran and cutting out I miss, I think it is so clear (Foamiran trimming do not throw away, they will be more useful for me).
Cut billets lay out by numbers in such a stack. (From left to right 1, 2, 3)

Now for work I will need iron.
I set the thermostat knob to the "Synthetic" or "Silk" position, turn on the power and wait until the iron is heated to the desired temperature.

As soon as the iron heated to the desired temperature, we put the workpiece to the Iron platform. It is necessary to work with the iron very carefully. In order not to burn you can hold the workpiece with tweezers.

I prefer such a way. Billet I hold on the Iron platform 2-4 seconds.

After heating, the workpiece takes such a species.

Attention!!! It is important!!! Booting number 3 I spin the edges of petals from myself. You should work as in the photo.

I start the process of assembling roses. I take a blank number 1 and gluing a cone one of four petals.

Then around the received cone stick the remaining three petals.

Here is such a bud.

This is what the bud looks like from above.

And gluing a bud to the workpiece number 2.

Raise the petals of the blank number 2 up and glue them with each other.

I repeat the same actions with the workpiece No. 3.

And now you have already ready rosette.

So she looks like.

Note, the base of the rose is absolutely smooth. And such a rose is very convenient to glue any surfaces.

I make the number of roses I need and then I use them in your works.

Little secret.
Two roses in front of you. Both are made on the same pattern. But, one magnificent, and the other half-scratched.
In order to get a semi-scratched rose, make the nourish between the petals and, accordingly, the nesting between the petals should be less that the rose is more lush.

But these tiles in the product.