How beautiful to apply makeup on the face. How to apply makeup beautifully on the face: tips from makeup artists

Every woman uses cosmetics, but many are not familiar with the correct sequence of applying makeup on the face, and this is precisely the key to a harmonious appearance and healthy skin.

All the art of makeup is based on basic principles. You need to take a responsible approach to the selection of cosmetics: buy it in trusted stores, remember that good products cannot be cheap. Quality products will not cause problems with application. Cosmetics at a low price often contain low-grade ingredients that can cause skin problems.

You can not neglect the individual characteristics of the face. Not only the shade of the foundation depends on the skin tone, but also the color of the shadows, lipstick and blush.

Choose a make-up base that is suitable for your skin type (oily, dry, normal or combination type) so as not to provoke peeling or acne. Women with sensitive skin or prone to allergies you should study the packaging of makeup products especially carefully.

The sequence of applying cosmetics

The sequence of applying makeup on the face is observed, so that the layers of cosmetics do not overshadow each other and are not smeared for as long as possible.

What is facial contouring?

Contouring (contouring, sculpting) is a technique for giving the face the desired shape and emphasizing the desired features with the help of cosmetics.

Facial contouring will help you follow the correct sequence of applying makeup on your face.

This makeup method is based on the role of chiaroscuro - by darkening or lightening a certain area of ​​the skin, you can achieve visual correction.

T-zone and cheekbone contouring

A crucial stage that will emphasize the beauty of a woman, if you follow the sequence of applying makeup and pay attention to the shape of the face.

It can be round, square, triangular, oval and heart-shaped - it's easy to determine if you look in the mirror.

Contouring has general rules:

Chin and neck correction with contouring

Chin makeup will be the last step in creating the perfect face shape. If it seems too massive, it is darkened on the sides, and a highlighter is applied in the center and up to the upper lip. For other types, the chin is usually made completely light and only slightly emphasizes its outline with a darker tone.

Many people often forget about the neck, because of which it stands out from the general background, which suggests that there is a lot of makeup on the girl’s face. You need to take care of a smooth transition from the cheekbones to the neck. Foundation and powder are used to mask small irregularities and wrinkles.

If the neck looks short or sagging, then the way out is to apply dark tones to the area under the chin. The pronounced hollow between the collarbones also looks elegant, so makeup artists darken it.

Even skin tone

Before applying basic makeup on the face, you should make sure that the skin has an even natural tone. Failure to comply with this step will violate the entire sequence of actions. To even out the tone, foundation creams, bronzers or powder are used - the choice of product depends on individual preferences.

Align the tone in stages:

Eyebrow shaping

If the eyebrows are in order and there are no extra hairs around them, then it's time to start applying cosmetics to them. The most popular means: pencil, lipstick and eyebrow shadows.

Pencil and lipstick are easy to use, easy to remove. Minus - the lines can look too sharp and unnatural , so it is better to choose not too dark shades.

Shadows are a more durable tool, but it will be more difficult to fix unsuccessful makeup. You need to be careful with the amount of shadow applied so that the eyebrows look natural. The application process is identical to a pencil, only cosmetics are applied with a special brush.

If you can’t correct your eyebrows by plucking them with tweezers, you can purchase special stencils or contact a master designer for long-term coloring.

Drawing arrows and eye contours

The arrows help to enlarge the eyes and give expressiveness to the look.

Use 3 means: eyeliner, shadow and pencil:

  • Pencil- an option for girls with no experience in applying makeup. It is comfortable and easy to wipe off. Minus - it does not last as long as other cosmetics, and can crumble if you do not fix the edges of the arrow with powder.
  • Eyeliner- a more resistant tool, the arrows with it are more expressive and accurate. It takes experience to use it. At first, you can use a felt-tip eyeliner (it has a thin tip, it does not smear).

Eye shadow arrows look harmonious, but because of the crumbly structure, it can be difficult for beginners to apply them strictly along the contour of the eye. Less popular remedy.

The rules for drawing arrows and eye contours are similar for any cosmetics.

Applying shadows

Shadows not only decorate the eyes, but also are the basis for the arrows, allowing them to last longer.

If the application tools are ready, you can proceed.

Care must be taken to use bright shadows and make sure that they match the color of the eyes and skin, and not the color of clothing and jewelry. The shade of the shadows is selected according to the color wheel.

How to dye eyelashes?

One of the easiest parts to make up.

For thick and long eyelashes, any high-quality mascara is suitable. Owners of short and sparse eyelashes should choose a product with the effect of volume and length.

The shape of the brush is important: the length and density are given by a large number of villi on it.

Drawing the contours of the lips

Lip contouring is optional if they are sufficiently clear and voluminous. In other cases, contouring will hide their flaws and complement makeup. For drawing use a special pencil.


You can slightly deviate from the natural line of the lips to give them the desired shape.

Choosing and applying lipstick

When choosing a lipstick color, you should make sure that either the mouth or the eyes are bright, otherwise the emphasis cannot be placed on anything. Any lipstick is suitable for white teeth, but it is better not to combine shades of orange and brown with yellowish enamel. Also, the color depends on the clothes and the type of makeup (day / evening).


  • perform lip contouring;
  • apply the first layer on the lower lip, starting from the center and gradually reaching the corners;
  • repeat with upper lip;
  • blot with a dry cloth;
  • if it's not bright enough, apply another layer.

Differences between daytime and evening makeup

When choosing cosmetics, you need to consider what type of make-up it will be required for, because there are significant differences between the daytime and evening options:

Daytime - light and natural. It shows the beauty and health of the face. Light shades, pastel colors are used.

Evening make-up is characterized by some heaviness, brightness. Usually catchy tones, black eyeliner, etc. predominate. Long in application, but more memorable.

Common Mistakes

Every woman at least once made mistakes when applying makeup. What not to do:

  • Professional makeup artists say that the main thing in makeup is not to overdo it. Everything should look as natural as possible. To do this, it is important not to skimp on good cosmetics and take into account the type of face.
  • A significant role should be given to skin care before and after makeup: washing, masks and peeling should be done regularly.
  • The selection of high-quality cosmetics and tools - plays a significant role in the implementation of any makeup. It is important not to skimp on these things, because you will have to apply them on your own face.

Make-up is a process in which you can not do without practice. But even for beginners, there is nothing difficult in it if you use good products and follow the sequence of applying cosmetics to the face and the rules of makeup.

Video on how to apply makeup

How to apply makeup correctly:

Facial contouring:

Every woman and girl must know the simple rules for applying makeup. They will help you always look beautiful and well-groomed, without harming the skin.

Where does the great sacrament begin and what is the sequence? What important secrets do makeup artists know?

Properly applied makeup can beautifully emphasize your strengths and hide all the flaws. Some 5 years ago, only professional makeup artists knew this secret. Today, every girl has access to a sea of ​​​​information on how to become beautiful with the help of cosmetics. The best makeup artists in the world have long been open about their secrets.

Basic rules for good makeup

When starting makeup, remember that the most important thing in any make-up:

  1. perfect face tone
  2. well groomed eyebrows.

What do we mean when we say perfect tone"? The color of the foundation should match the complexion, and the use of a color corrective concealer in the presence of problem areas (bruises, acne, scars, dark circles under the eyes) is mandatory.

A couple of years ago we didn't pay so much attention eyebrows. Today, a large number of products for them have appeared in the decorative cosmetics store. What happened? The thing is that makeup artists have realized how important beautiful eyebrows are in makeup in general. Sloppy eyebrows can spoil even the most perfect makeup. Too thin plucked or, conversely, very thick massive - this is what should be avoided. The ideal option is a natural form.

And finally, I want to say that it is very important do not overload the face with cosmetics. Today, more and more often, ladies sin with this, so professionals say that “under” is better than “over”.

Analyzing the features of your face

Applying foundation

Apply a foundation or BB cream that matches the color perfectly. Choose those tinting agents that have a light yellow pigment. They are perfect for European women. Apply with a slightly damp beauty blender or a special synthetic bristle brush.

Fixing the tone with powder

Use loose powder in makeup to set the tone. It is preferable to fix only the T-zone, which quickly acquires shine due to the release of sebum.

You can use transparent or white transparencies. The main thing to remember is that powder is an auxiliary tool that mattes and fixes the tonal foundation. It is applied with a large fluffy brush in small amounts. During the day, you can lightly powder the T-zone with compact powder or get wet with matting wipes.

Correction of the face with dry correctors

We give shape to the face, because after creating the perfect tone, it turns into a clean page without natural shadows and highlights.

  1. Blackout: With a soft brush made of natural bristles, we pick up some dry brown correctors (Mac “Harmony” is ideal), drive it in on the arm and lightly draw it under the cheekbone (starting from the middle of the cheek we go to “no” towards the cheekbones), along the hairline, lateral side of the nose, under the chin, slightly under the lip.
  2. Highlight. We highlight the back of the nose, the checkmark above the upper lip, the chin, the protruding part of the cheekbone, under the eyebrow, the inner corner of the eye, the middle of the forehead with a highlighter.

Shade everything thoroughly!

Eyebrow drawing

We comb with a special brush directing the hairs upward. With a pale pink or white pencil, draw a line under the eyebrows and slightly shade. For correction, we use a beveled hard brush and matte shadows or a special hard eyebrow pencil.

If desired, you can fix it with a special transparent or brown gel (today there is a huge selection in stores for both blondes and brunettes).

Step by step eye makeup

At this stage, you can adjust the shape of the eyes, but we will consider the average light daytime makeup.

Stage 1 eye makeup. Apply a base under the shadows (the primer makes the shadows more resistant, helps them lie down better and blends well).

Stage 2 eye makeup. Apply dark matte shadows to the outer corner of the eye and the crease of the upper eyelid, light - to the inner. Shade the border. You can add some brown matte shadows to the outer corner of the lower eyelid along the lash line, reaching the middle of the eye (shade).

Stage 3 make-up gdaz. Line your eyes with black pencil or eyeliner. You can just walk along the lash line or make a soft arrow on the upper eyelid and blend out beyond the edges of the eye and lift it up (this will make the eye much larger).

Stage 4 eye makeup (optional). Paint over the mucous membrane of the eyes with a light pink or beige pencil.

Stage 5 eye makeup. Make up the eyelashes, slightly twisting and focusing on the roots at the base (many people like to paint over only the ends of the eyelashes, but over time they fall from gravity and we get not big eyes, but an absolutely opposite effect).

Applying blush

We take pink (you can peach or coral) blush and apply it to the apples of the cheeks that form when we smile. Lightly blend towards the temples. Lightly run along the tip of the nose and around the perimeter of the face to create a harmony of color in the makeup!

Lip makeup

We moisten the lips with a balm and stained with your favorite lipstick. If you want to create a more lasting effect, make up your lips completely with a pencil, the same shade as lipstick, and only then apply lipstick.

Fixing makeup

Spray with thermal water or make-up fixer(not a mandatory step, but desirable for evening makeup).

How to choose the right cosmetics

The choice of cosmetics is one of the most important issues, since good cosmetics are inexpensive, and cheap ones do not always please with their quality.

foundation should suit your skin type and meet your needs:

  • light texture and color;
  • rich color and high covering power;
  • resistance;
  • additional hydration or the ability to matte.

And how to choose the right tone color? When choosing a shade, do not make the main mistake that absolutely everyone makes - testing the product on the wrist. The tone of the hands and face is very different. Apply a small amount of product to the under eye area and blend onto the cheek. Going outside, look at yourself in daylight color. Shops often sin by turning on yellow lamps that neutralize the redhead. That is why when we come home, we are often disappointed with the purchase.

It is best to apply the product on the face and live with it all day. A good store will not deny you the opportunity to test the foundation correctly. You must understand whether you are comfortable or not and whether this product can withstand your rhythm of life.

At lipstick The key is color and texture. Apply some lipstick on your hand and decide if the texture is pleasant for you. Next, apply to the lips and look at the color. Don't try the color on your hand, as this also distorts the color. You can apply a little on the inside of the fingers, as it is almost the same color as the lips.

The only universal lipstick color that will suit absolutely everyone is a cold red shade (if you rub it on your hand, it should be shaded to pink).

It is advisable to buy loose powder, and use pressed powder only in order to throw it into purses and correct it during the day. Loose lay down in a thin light layer, while pressed has the property of layering.

Blush better choose cream, so they look as natural as possible. The color can be cold or warm pink, peach.

ink it's not that hard to choose. Just decide what you need: to make eyelashes longer or thicker.

concealer should be slightly denser than the tonal and lighter by one tone, but no more.

Eyebrow pencil or shadow must be brown or gray-brown without "red". It is best to choose a shade a tone lighter than your eyebrows.

Eyeliner choose according to the principle of shading. We draw a small line on the hand, wait a bit and rub it. If the line is practically not smeared, we take it.

What can you save on?

We all know that the more expensive cosmetics, the better the quality. But there are ways to save money.

  1. . Natural brushes are very expensive, while good synthetic ones do the job just as well. Plus, don't overpay for the brand. Brushes of an unknown brand are not worse than branded ones. Just touch the pile, giving preference to soft brushes.
  2. Mascara for eyes. Good mascara can be bought at any supermarket literally for a penny. Sometimes they are not inferior in quality even to premium products.
  3. Pencil. A solid, non-greasy black pencil will draw an arrow no worse than expensive analogues.

And also, which are great for home use.

What is not worth saving?

foundation must be expensive and good, as we put it on the face and live with it for the whole day. But the most important thing is that the quality of makeup depends only on it. You can have an expensive foundation and all other products are very cheap and no one will notice. A cheap tonal one will lie in spots, be too “red” or even be like a mask.

Pomade natural pink color - this is what you need for every day. Enough for you for a long time, so do not spare money.

Shadows cheap ones can lie in spots and just shade badly. Get just one palette of natural shades and it will last you a very long time.

Loose powder It's a good investment in your looks. A jar with such a product is enough for you for 3-4 years, provided that you use it every day. But the whole secret is that she lies down as beautifully and naturally as possible.

Video lesson

A visual aid for those who want to learn how to paint quickly and beautifully. But remember that in this case the main thing is practice. Constantly practice, make mistakes, correct yourself and after a while you will learn how to bring beauty in 5 minutes.

Light makeup for every day

Arm yourself with all your makeup and start experimenting. Only if you devote at least 10 minutes to makeup every day, you can become a good makeup artist for yourself.

Simple budget makeup

Not every girl can afford expensive premium cosmetics, but everyone should know how to look expensive for little money.

Evening makeup for going out

Beautiful makeup from a professional makeup artist is very expensive, so we must learn how to bring beauty on our own.

And not vice versa. Today we put this knowledge into practice: using the example of a beautiful and simple daytime version of the make-up, the makeup artist tells how to properly apply makeup on the face. And he shares professional tricks that will help you avoid the most common mistakes.

Follow the step by step instructions:

Prepare your skin for makeup

Wipe the face with a cotton pad soaked in tonic, apply a basic moisturizer, wait a few minutes until it is absorbed.

  • Advice! If you have a very busy day ahead of you and your makeup needs to look flawless, use these few minutes to apply hydrogel moisturizing eye patches. They will help the concealer stay on better throughout the day, not fade or roll. Also at this stage, apply a moisturizing lip balm. By the time you start applying your lips, they will already be fully hydrated.

If necessary, in the next step, use a primer for the face according to the type of skin or makeup tasks: sebum-regulating (if the skin is oily), silicone-based (for additional durability of makeup), radiant (to give the effect of "glowing" skin). Then apply foundation. To keep your makeup from looking heavy and your skin feeling comfortable under layers of makeup, apply each product in a very thin layer.

Apply concealer under the eyes, blend with fingers

At this stage, contouring with creamy textures can be done. Walk with a light corrector under the eyes, along the back of the nose, the center of the forehead, the "dimple" above the chin, a dark corrector - under the cheekbones, on the sides of the nose, on the temples or other areas that you would like to correct. Blend the borders properly with a brush or sponge so that there are no obvious streaks on the face.

Fill in your brows with eye shadow, brow pomade or pencil, and do eye makeup.

In this make-up option, we used Giorgio Armani Eye Tint liquid shadows, which can be easily blended into a “haze” even with your fingers.

Apply lipstick or tint to your lips

If you plan to focus your makeup not on the eyes, but on the lips, change the order of points 3 and 4. Then, having made a bright lip makeup, you can adjust the degree of brightness of the cosmetics on the eyes and eyebrows so as not to get too bright and extravagant makeup. Always start with the strongest accents in makeup, whether it be eyes, lips or eyebrows, and then complement makeup on other areas of the face.

Complete your makeup

With a large fluffy brush, spread the powder over the face, then add blush, walk the highlighter over the protruding parts of the face.

Makeup is ready!

A few more tips for those who are just starting to master the basic rules of make-up:

  • To coat the lower lashes, use a disposable plastic spoon. Place it under your eyes and apply mascara to your lashes: this way, everything will remain on the spoon, and will not be imprinted under the lower eyelids: you will not have to reapply concealer.
  • If you want to effectively highlight your eyes, but at the same time make your makeup look natural, use a highlighter. Add a little product to the inner corners of the eyes, as well as under the eyebrow on the protruding part, put a “flare” in the center of the moving eyelid.
  • Most often, girls draw arrows in front of their eyes, looking straight ahead. Professionals advise you to act differently: get as close as possible to the mirror, slightly raise your chin - and in this position, start applying eyeliner.
  • Want to make shadows look brighter on the eyes? Apply them on a white “substrate”, completely painting over the moving eyelid with a white pencil.
  • Another professional trick will help make eyelashes visually longer. Using a curler, try the "double curl" technique: first, squeeze the curler at the very base of the lashes, keeping it perpendicular to the ground. Then repeat the same action, but moving the tongs parallel to the ground.
  • When choosing a foundation in a store, try different shades not on the wrist or on the cheeks, but on the neck. This rule is especially true in the early days of summer, when the face has already managed to tan a little, but the neck is not.
  • In the hot season, eyeliner often spreads. The best way out of this situation is to use waterproof products, but if these are not at hand, just powder the area under the eyes. The powder will create a kind of barrier that will help keep the eyeliner in its original place.
  • It is advised to wash off makeup from the skin, moving in the direction from the bottom to the top, so as not to stretch the skin. But applying foundation or powder is exactly the opposite: from top to bottom. The fact is that there is always a small “fluff” on the face, which is not at all noticeable to others - until you have walked with a brush with a typed foundation in the direction against the growth of thin hairs.
  • Before using mascara, lightly brush over the surface of a dry cloth with a brush. This action will help remove excess mascara and avoid the formation of lumps on the eyelashes.
  • If you can't manage to draw clear black arrows on the eyelid, go over it with a gold or silver pencil with a slight shimmer. It will help hide imperfections and irregularities, and also soften the look a little.
  • To give your lips a real 3D volume, try the following trick: add some shimmery blush or light satin shadows to the center of the lower lip. Blend the product with your fingers.

Another simple everyday makeup option, which is suitable even for beginners, look in our video:

To get a chic result when applying cosmetics, you should learn how to choose it. The quality of the products used affects not only the effect obtained, but also the structure of the skin. Skin condition may worsen after using products containing harmful substances. One of the dangerous consequences is allergies. Toxic components are absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause serious health complications.

Another equally important factor is the mastery of makeup techniques, the use of color combinations that correspond to the type of appearance. An ideal make-up will skillfully hide overhanging eyelids, tired eyes, sore points. A beautifully made-up woman feels confident and self-sufficient.

Skin preparation

Preparatory procedures consist of two stages: cleansing and moisturizing the skin. The following products are used for cleaning:

  • lotion;
  • scrub;
  • gel;
  • tonic;
  • milk.

A small amount of selected cosmetics is applied to clean, dry skin and then used according to the instructions. Cleansing helps open the pores, get rid of dead skin particles. Oxygen enters through the upper layer of the epidermis, which activates the cellular biochemical process. Useful minerals and trace elements that are part of the products stimulate cell regeneration and restore the structure.

After cleansing, moisturizing follows, which is carried out with the help of a cream. It is enough to apply a small amount on the face and let it soak for a few minutes. Residues should be removed with a dry cloth.

Cleansing helps to open the pores, get rid of dead skin particles, oxygen enters through the upper layer of the epidermis, which activates the cellular biochemical process

General rules for applying makeup

Powder is better to choose a light structure, then you can avoid overloading and weighting the skin

Makeup steps

The upper eyelid is applied with a pencil or liquid eyeliner, followed by shading
  1. Skin cleaning. Before using any cosmetics, the skin should be cleaned to prevent clogging of pores and not provoke the activation of the sebaceous glands. Twice a week, the skin should be scrubbed, and daily it should be treated with lotion, tonic or milk. The result of the procedure: clean, even skin without keratinized particles.
  2. Hydration. Water balance is necessary for the normal functioning of all vital processes, including the epidermis. Regular use of moisturizers prolongs youth and freshness. The composition of day creams includes the necessary trace elements that retain moisture in cells and tissues. Before makeup, apply the cream and leave to absorb for a few minutes, then blot the remnants with a napkin.
  3. Applying tone. The base is applied to the entire face in a thin layer. It is recommended to grab the neck as well to avoid focusing on the delineation. Spread the product over the skin with a cosmetic brush. On the eyelids, you also need to apply a foundation so that the layer of shadows is better fixed. To correct problem areas and give shades, you can use several tones at the same time, but no more than 3. You can evaluate the result by looking in the mirror. If the skin does not look like a mask, then the desired effect has been achieved.
  4. If necessary, problem areas are masked. A corrector is also suitable for this. Concealers are available in several colors, each of which masks a specific problem. For example, to hide cyanosis in the eye area, the green color of the product is suitable, and to hide black dots, white or beige. The layer should be thin. With fingertips, the concealer should be easily driven into the skin.
  5. Powder application. Powder your face in a thin layer. Proper use of the tool involves scrolling the brush in powder, followed by distribution over the skin. The area around the eyes is not processed, since after half an hour ugly folds form on the moving areas (the effect of old age).
  6. Emphasizing the cheekbones with blush. This technique is refreshing and rejuvenating. For daytime make-up, neutral tones of blush are used. Before applying, you need to pull the cheeks inward to highlight the border of the cheekbones and draw on them with a brush. 2-3 strokes are enough. If the tone turned out to be more saturated, you need to lighten the area with a clean brush.
  7. . Shadows are applied first. You can combine several shades. Next, the upper eyelid is brought in with a pencil or followed by shading. The final touch is staining the eyelashes.
  8. Lip shaping. To create a beautiful contour, you need to outline the borders of the lips with a pencil, in the color of lipstick or 1-2 shades darker. After that, lipstick or gloss is applied.
Eye makeup step by step

How to apply blush

Secrets of makeup artists

  • Eyebrow shaping has become trendy in recent years. Gel is required to create an expressive line, but what if it was not at hand? The answer is simple - use a transparent lip balm. The result will be no worse, as well as stability. It is enough to draw a thin brush over the hairs of the eyebrows, laying them in the right direction. The balm has a gel-like effect, so the shape will last a long time. The use of hairspray and mascara brushes will also become revenue. After spraying a little styling agent on the brush, comb the eyebrows with it, giving the desired bend.
  • A lipstick with a soft creamy texture can replace blush. After the foundation is applied to the face, you need to draw one small stroke in the cheekbone area with the rod. Using a thick brush or fingertips, blend them without rubbing into the skin. This technique will help to quickly give the face freshness in the absence of blush.
  • The rules for applying makeup include the use of a day cream before applying the foundation. Time can be saved by using a cream with the abbreviation BB or CC. Such products have a caring effect, mask small problem areas, even out the color.
  • Mattifying wipes will help you keep your look fresh and well-groomed throughout the day., and eliminate quickly fat content when it appears.
  • To give fluffiness to the eyelashes will help a technique that provides for two-time staining. The secret lies in the translucent powder, which is applied to the first layer of mascara. It should be used in small quantities so as not to weigh down the cilia.
  • To get a bright lipstick color on the lips, you can create a base from a concealer. Applying it on the lips, it forms a dense base that will not absorb the brightness of the lip product.

The rules for applying makeup include the use of a day cream before applying the foundation

Differences between daytime and evening makeup

With different light intensity, the perception of the same makeup is significantly different. This factor underlies the use of cosmetic products with different purposes. Natural light enhances natural beauty well. Sometimes it is enough to even out the skin tone or apply a small amount of lip gloss and the image will be ready. In the evening, bright accents will not interfere, which will make the look more expressive and playful.

Features of daytime makeup are to create naturalness and freshness. Mostly neutral shades are used. Problem areas are brightened and matted. Excessive bulges are tinted with dark powder or foundation 1-2 tones darker than the main one.

Using the techniques of playing with shades, you can successfully correct the oval of the face, nose, cheekbones and other areas. Eyeliner lines should be shaded, otherwise you will get the effect of artificial eyes or eyebrows. Layers of makeup are super thin so as not to weigh down the image. A balanced combination of shades will give freshness and lightness.

You can't do without bright colors. The first thing that differs from the daily procedure is the applied tone. To even out skin tone, several tones are used. This will make it possible not only to correct problem areas, but also to emphasize the natural beauty, to make the skin structure more saturated.

For eyeliner, it is preferable to use dark colors: black, dark brown, blue, purple. The arrow is shaded slightly for a harmonious combination with the shadows. With all the expressiveness, it is important not to overdo it with tones, otherwise the so-called “combat color” may turn out. Focusing on the eyes, do not brightly paint the lips and vice versa. For a general positive perception, it is enough to express only one zone.

Common Mistakes

  • Many girls try to create a tan effect by using a darker foundation. Do not use a tonal foundation that differs in color from the skin. This will create a mask effect.
  • Care should be taken when treating the eye area with white concealer. Too much difference in skin tones will create a panda effect.
  • If the shelf life of cosmetics has expired, you should immediately replace it. Before the initial use of new products, testing should be done to prevent an allergic reaction.
  • Often women brightly express both their eyes, highlighting them with dark eyeliner, extended thick eyelashes, and lips, using bright colors of lipstick. In the right make-up, the emphasis is on one thing. If in the evening image it can still be justified, then in the daytime brightness emphasizes the complete lack of taste.
  • A small slit of the eyes should not be let down. Black eyeliner will make it even smaller. You can express the look by shading dark shadows along the lash line.
  • It has become popular to use bright red lipstick in evening makeup. Before applying, you need to take into account the condition of the teeth, because the red color can favorably emphasize only white teeth. In the presence of yellowness and darkened enamel, the appearance will be even more unhealthy.
  • The error is the effectiveness of the receptionwith pencil and lipstick. A drawn outline above the real one will create an unnatural shape and become a bad accent in makeup.

The art of makeup should be mastered by every woman without exception. After all, decorative cosmetics opens up unlimited possibilities for us. It is enough to know how to do makeup, and you can skillfully emphasize the dignity of your own face, masking flaws if necessary.

There are many makeup techniques in the world. In addition, the set of products and methods of applying cosmetics vary depending on the purpose of makeup: daytime, evening, romantic, wedding, etc. However, the vast majority of professional makeup artists use the same sequence of actions for any kind of make-up.

One of the main principles of makeup is the presence one accent: either on the eyes or on the lips. That is, if we paint the eyes brightly, then the lips should be as restrained and natural tones as possible, and vice versa.

Preparing your face for makeup

Any cosmetic products ideally fit only on well-groomed and well-moisturized skin, therefore, in order to always look perfect, skin should be looked after regularly.

  1. , applying cosmetics to uncleaned skin is fraught with clogged and inflamed pores, oily sheen and other unpleasant consequences;
  2. The next mandatory step is moisturizing the skin of the face. Apply to the face, which is left to soak for at least 10 minutes;
  3. It is advisable to do makeup in a well-lit place in front of a clean mirror of sufficient size to see the whole face.

In no case should you use someone else's cosmetics. Mascara, pencils, lipstick and eyeliner can become carriers of the infection.

Even out skin tone

Before you do eye and lip makeup, you need to create the perfect background for it. To even out skin tone, there are various means: foundation, mousse, BB or CC cream, cream powder, compact powder.

At the end of the work on the face, it can be powdered with a thin layer.

Choose the right blush depending on the shape of the face

Properly selected blush gives the face a fresh and healthy look. The shade of blush should not be much darker than the natural skin color. Otherwise, the makeup will resemble theatrical makeup.

Blush should be applied, retreating at least 4-5 cm from the wings of the nose. For a creamy texture, the ideal tool is fingers, and friable ones are applied.

It is very important to carefully blend the blush. If an excess of color is visible, then you can try to “remove” it with a wide brush or muffle it with light powder.

With the knowledge of how to properly apply blush, you can even correct the shape of the face, highlight the cheekbones and make makeup more expressive.

It is considered ideal oval face shape. Such a person does not require any corrective techniques. Blush is applied with a narrow, well-shaded line towards the temples along the depressions that form when the cheeks are drawn in.

oblong the face should be visually enlarged. To do this, the blush is placed almost horizontally from the cheekbone towards the middle of the ear.

Round the face, on the contrary, needs to be narrowed. To do this, blush is applied from the middle of the cheek, aiming for the temples. Blush with mother-of-pearl is not shown to a round face, they will create additional unnecessary volume on the cheeks.

At square and rectangular face, a small amount of blush is applied to the rounded part of the cheek below the cheekbone line. The easiest way to determine the application area is by smiling in front of a mirror. The pigment is applied to the bulges formed with a smile.

On the pear-shaped a face with a heavy lower part of the blush is applied in a wide line from the middle of the cheek to the middle of the ear.

At triangular a face resembling a heart, blush is applied to the protruding part of the cheek in the form of a shaded rhombus.

Doing eye makeup

For eye makeup, dry, cream and liquid shadows, pencils, liquid eyeliner and mascara are used. Almost every makeup artist has their own ideas about how to do eye makeup. A variety of methods and techniques are used here.

The following procedure for applying smoky smooth makeup products is generally accepted:

  1. or ,

If you need a clear make-up with brightly highlighted eyes, then a pencil or applied over the shadows.

Shadows of the main color are applied to the entire surface of the upper eyelid and carefully shaded. A more saturated shade is placed on 1/3 of the outer part of the upper eyelid under the eyebrow. It is important to carefully shade all the boundaries of the transition from one shade to another.

Shadow-contour of a dark shade is applied with an applicator from the inner corner of the eye to the outer along the upper eyelid and from the outer corner to the middle of the lash line along the lower eyelid.

If it is desirable to create the effect of no makeup, then a dark pencil is applied along the growth line of the upper eyelashes, and then one layer of mascara.

Even the most perfect and lasting makeup must be washed off before going to bed. The remains of decorative cosmetics can cause irritation, an allergic reaction, and simply dry skin.

By cleansing and nourishing the skin before going to bed, we make sure that in the morning the face is perfectly ready for a new make-up.