How is a short meeting in jail. Prison visit: procedure, required documents, deadlines, permitted things and food

Hello A person sentenced to imprisonment is granted two types of visits:

Short-term, lasting 4 hours;
long-term - up to 3 days on the territory of the penitentiary with accommodation in a specially equipped room, as well as up to 5 days with accommodation outside the penitentiary. In this case, the head of the penitentiary institution determines the procedure and place for the meeting (for example, a city hotel at the expense of the convict or his relatives).

Short-term visits are granted with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the prison administration. Long visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the penitentiary institution - with other persons.

No more than two adults can visit the convict at the same time for long or short visits, together with whom the convict's underage brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren can attend.

Persons arriving for a meeting with the convicted person must have identity documents, as well as confirming their family ties with the convicted person: passport, military ID, identity card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, documents of guardianship and guardianship authorities. The persons who have arrived on a date, their clothes and belongings are examined. If the person arriving for the meeting refuses this procedure, he is not allowed to visit the convicted person for a long time. In this case, instead of a long date, he may be given a short date.

Persons who have arrived for a short-term meeting with the convict are not allowed to bring any food or things into the meeting room. It is allowed to bring food products on long visits (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer).

The number of short-term and long-term visits a convict is entitled to per year depends on the type of prison and the conditions in which he finds himself.

If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a general regime colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 6 short and 4 long visits during the year; in lightweight conditions - 6 short and 6 long dates; in strict conditions - 2 short and 2 long dates.

If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a strict regime penal colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 3 short and 3 long visits during the year; in light conditions - 4 short and 4 long dates; under strict conditions - 2 short-term and 1 long-term date.

If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a special regime colony and is in normal conditions, then he is allowed to have 2 short and 2 long visits during the year; in lightweight conditions - 3 short-term and 3 long-term dates; under strict conditions - only 2 short-term dates.

If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a colony-settlement, then he can have visits without limiting their number.

If a convicted person is serving a sentence in a prison on a general regime, then he is allowed to have 2 short and 2 long visits during the year.

In a maximum security prison, a convict is allowed only 2 short-term visits per year.

Convicts serving a sentence in a VC are allowed to have during the year: under normal conditions - 8 short and 4 long visits; in lightweight conditions - 12 short and 4 long dates; on preferential terms - an unlimited number of short-term dates and 6 long-term dates; under strict conditions - only 6 short-term dates.

The first meeting may be granted to the convict immediately after his transfer from the quarantine department of the prison (here the convict is kept from the first day of arrival at the prison and up to 15 days) to the detachment. Subsequent visits are granted after a period of time equal to the number obtained by dividing 12 months by the number of visits (short-term and long-term) due to the convict per year.

Convicted persons, upon their written application, are allowed to replace a long visit with a short, short or long visit with a telephone conversation.

(Articles 89, 121, 123, 125, 131 of the RF PEC; section XIV of the PS Rules)

Excerpts from the Penal Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 75. Sending convicts to imprisonment for serving the sentence

1. Persons sentenced to imprisonment shall be sent to serve their sentences no later than 10 days from the day the administration of the remand prison receives a notice of the entry into force of the court's verdict. During this period, the convicted person has the right to a short visit with relatives or other persons.

Article 89. Meetings of persons sentenced to imprisonment

1. Persons sentenced to imprisonment shall be granted short-term visits of four hours and long visits of three days on the territory of the correctional institution. In the cases provided for by this Code, convicts may be granted long visits with living outside the correctional institution for five days. In this case, the head of the correctional institution determines the order and place of the meeting.

2. Short-term visits are granted with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional institution. Long visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

3. Convicted persons, at their request, are allowed to replace a long meeting with a short, short or long meeting with a telephone conversation, and in educational colonies a long visit with living outside the correctional institution with a short visit outside the educational colony. The procedure for replacing one type of meeting with another is established by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of the execution of criminal sentences.

4. In order to receive legal assistance, convicts are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to legal assistance, without limiting their number to a duration of up to four hours. At the request of the convicted person, meetings with a lawyer are provided in private, out of the hearing range of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening.

Article 121. Conditions of serving imprisonment in correctional colonies of general regime

1. Persons sentenced to imprisonment serving their sentences under normal conditions in general regime correctional colonies live in hostels. They are allowed:

b) have six short dates and four long dates during the year;

b) have six short-term and six long-term dates during the year;

4. Convicted persons serving sentences in strict conditions live in locked rooms. They are allowed to:

Article 123. Conditions of serving imprisonment in correctional colonies of strict regime

1. Persons sentenced to imprisonment, serving their sentences under normal conditions in correctional colonies with a strict regime, live in hostels. They are allowed:

b) have three short and three long dates during the year;

2. Convicted persons serving sentences in facilitated conditions live in hostels. They are allowed to:

b) have four short and four long dates during the year.

Article 125. Conditions of serving imprisonment in correctional colonies of special regime

1. Persons sentenced to imprisonment serving their sentences under normal conditions in special regime correctional colonies live in hostels. They are allowed to:

b) have two short and two long dates during the year.

2. Convicted persons serving sentences in facilitated conditions live in hostels. They are allowed to:

b) have three short and three long dates during the year.

Article 129. Conditions for serving imprisonment in settlement colonies

1. In colony-settlements, those sentenced to imprisonment:

a) ... can have visits without limiting their number.

Article 131. Conditions of serving imprisonment in prisons

4. Convicted persons serving a sentence on a general regime are allowed:

b) have two short and two long dates during the year;

5. Convicted persons serving a sentence on a strict regime are allowed:

b) have two short-term dates during the year;

Article 133. Conditions for serving imprisonment in educational colonies

1. Convicted persons serving sentences in educational colonies under normal conditions live in hostels. They are allowed to:

b) have eight short-term dates and four long-term dates during the year;

2. Convicted persons serving sentences in facilitated conditions live in hostels. They are allowed to:

b) have 12 short-term dates and four long-term dates during the year. By decision of the administration of the educational colony, long visits may take place outside the educational colony.

3. Convicted persons serving sentences on preferential terms live in hostels. They are allowed to:

b) have short-term visits without limiting their number, as well as six long-term visits during the year with living outside the educational colony.

5. Convicted persons serving sentences in strict conditions live in isolated living quarters, locked in their free time from study or work. They are allowed:

b) have six short-term dates during the year.

Article 137. Procedure for the application of penalties to persons sentenced to imprisonment in educational colonies

1. Convicted persons placed in a disciplinary isolation ward shall be prohibited from long visits ....

Excerpts from the order

Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 205

"On Approval of the Internal Regulations of Correctional Institutions":

67. In the manner established by Art. 89 of the PEC of the Russian Federation, convicts are granted short-term visits with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of the penitentiary. Long visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren, with the permission of the head of the penitentiary institution - with other persons.

68. Permission to visit is given by the head of the correctional institution or a person substituting for him, at the request of the convicted person or the person who came to see him. In the event of a refusal to grant a meeting, a note on the reasons for refusal is made on the application of the person wishing to meet with the convicted person. The identity documents of the person arriving for the meeting, as well as their family ties with the convicts, are: passport, military ID, identity card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, documents of guardianship and guardianship authorities.

69. Convicted persons, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits with subsequent or previous service.

70. The first meeting may be granted to the convicted person immediately after the convict arrives from the quarantine department to the detachment, regardless of whether he had a previous meeting in places of detention. If there is a right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the former is determined by the convicted person. Subsequent visits are granted after a period equal to the quotient of twelve months divided by the number of visits of this type due to the convict per year.

71. The time during which visits were not provided to convicts due to the introduction of a regime of special conditions shall be counted in the period after which visits may be granted to convicted persons.

72. The duration of visits can be shortened by the administration at the insistence of the persons who are on the date. Consolidation of dates or separation of one date into several is not allowed.

73. Convicted persons must appear on a meeting in a tidy manner. For the period of long visits, they can use clothes, underwear and shoes brought by relatives. The convicts are subjected to a full search before and after visits.

74. A convict is allowed long or short visits simultaneously with no more than two adults, with whom may be minor brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren of the convicted person.

75. Long-term visits with other persons are granted only in cases where, in the opinion of the administration, such visits will not adversely affect the convicted person.

76. Persons who have arrived for a meeting with convicts, after the administration of the penitentiary has explained to them the procedure for conducting a meeting, deposit the prohibited things for storage until the end of the meeting to the junior visiting inspector on receipt.

77. Citizens who have arrived for visits, their clothes and belongings are examined. In case of detection of prohibited items hidden from inspection, the administration of the PS takes measures in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

78. If a person who has arrived for a meeting refuses to inspect things and clothes, a long meeting with the convicted person is not allowed, but a short one may be granted.

79. If the arrivals violate the established order of the meeting, it is immediately interrupted.

80. Persons who have arrived to meet with convicts are not allowed to bring any food or things into the rooms of short-term visits. It is allowed to bring food products on long visits (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer).

81. Additional services may be provided for extended visits. Their payment is made at the expense of the convicts' own funds or persons who have arrived on a date.

82. Replacing the types of visits and meetings with telephone conversations is made upon a written application from the convicted person.

83. In order to obtain legal assistance, convicts, upon their applications, are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to legal assistance. At the request of the convicted person, visits are provided in private, out of the hearing range of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening. Such visits are not counted in the number of visits established by law, their number is not limited, they are held for up to 4 hours outside of working hours for convicts and only during the hours from wake up to lights out.

The general rules for granting convicts the right to receive visits are spelled out in Art. 89 of the RF PEC, which says:

"1. Persons sentenced to imprisonment shall be granted short-term visits of four hours and long visits of three days on the territory of the correctional institution. In the cases provided for by this Code, convicts may be granted long-term visits with residence outside the correctional institution for five days. In this case, the head of the correctional institution shall determine the order and place of the meeting.

2. Short-term visits are granted with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of the correctional institution. Long visits are granted with the right to live together with a spouse, parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of the correctional institution - with other persons.

3. Convicted persons, at their request, are allowed to replace a long meeting with a short, short or long meeting with a telephone conversation, and in educational colonies a long visit with living outside the correctional institution with a short visit outside the educational colony.

4. In order to receive legal assistance, convicts are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to legal assistance, without limiting their number to a duration of up to four hours. At the request of the convicted person, meetings with a lawyer are provided in private, out of the earshot of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening. "

The procedure for granting visits by convicts is described in more detail in Section 14 of the Internal Regulations of Prisons:

Convicted persons, as a rule, are released from work for a period of long visits with subsequent or previous working off (paragraph 69 of the Rules);

The first meeting may be granted to the convicted person immediately after the convict arrives from the quarantine department to the unit, regardless of whether he had a previous meeting in places of detention. In the presence of the right to short-term and long-term visits, the type of the former is determined by the convicted person. Subsequent visits are granted after the expiration of a period equal to the quotient from dividing twelve months by the number of visits of this type due to the convicted person per year (paragraph 70 of the Rules);

The duration of visits can be shortened by the administration at the insistence of the persons who are on the date. Consolidation of dates or separation of one meeting into several is not allowed (paragraph 72 of the Rules);

The convict is allowed to have long or short visits at the same time with no more than two adults, with whom there may be minor brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren of the convicted person (paragraph 74 of the Rules);

Persons who have arrived to meet with convicts are not allowed to bring any food or things into the rooms of short-term visits. It is allowed to bring food products on long visits (with the exception of wine and vodka products and beer) (paragraph 80 of the Rules);

In order to obtain legal assistance, convicts are granted visits with lawyers or other persons entitled to legal assistance. At the request of the convicted person, visits are provided in private, out of the earshot of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening. Such meetings are not counted in the number of meetings established by law, their number is not limited, they are held for up to 4 hours and only in the hours from wake up to lights out (paragraph 83 of the Rules).

Most prisoners in Russian colonies have the right to long-term visits with close relatives. Their number depends on the type of regime, but no more than four times a year. Since the Federal Penitentiary Service very often sends prisoners to serve sentences thousands of kilometers from their places of residence, then for loved ones, a meeting begins with a long difficult trip. However, the physical difficulties are incomparable with the psychological and moral humiliation that the relatives of the convicts are subjected to when crossing the threshold of the colony. We are publishing the testimonies of three women who came to visit their sons at OIK-36 (association of correctional colonies) of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Maria Petrova(name and surname have been changed for ethical reasons and for the safety of prisoners): “OIK-36 is a union of three colonies. Under one fence - a tuberculosis colony, a special regime, a strict regime. Rooms for long visits, the same for everyone. From the 1st to the 10th - tuberculosis patients are coming. At our colony No. 5, where my son is sitting, dates begin from the 16th to the 30th. Whether they process the premises after tuberculosis patients or not, no one knows. But we are all afraid of getting infected.

In all colonies of the Russian Federation, meeting rooms are signed in advance. The prisoner wrote a statement, wants to go on a date, he was allowed and they tell him the days when there will be a date. He has the opportunity to call his parents and inform. And people go, knowing that the son has permission and if the prisoner did not end up in the punishment cell, then the meeting will take place at the appointed time.

And here there is no priority. All come in chorus. And I arrived exactly on the 16th, and got on a date only on June 18th. There are 13 rooms, 20 parents come, here 13 people were allowed to pass, seven are told: "Go home." Relatives travel for a whole week to get on this date. If they come from another city, they let them in, but the locals are denied, they supposedly make such a concession. But this is not a way out, right?

How does all this happen? You arrive there at 6 in the morning, take the queue. At about 9 o'clock the inspector comes, brings the printed forms, you write a statement. Then we wait until one o'clock in the afternoon, until three in the afternoon. Although this day is already going on as a date. They have to bring the prisoners at 9-10, and we just went in at about three in the afternoon. And you are not walking empty-handed. You put your bags there. Before you get to the dating room, you go into a huge room with tables, and they tell you: "Get the groceries out of the bag." And I had 13 bags. On dates, the number of products is not limited. If a transfer is made to a prisoner, then 20 kg can be taken to the zone.

You get everything-everything-everything on the table. On this huge long barracks table, three female inspectors simultaneously check on three newcomers. I looked, one mother, she was launched in front of me, specifically excited: “What are you doing, monsters ?! Why did you turn everything over? " A man goes on a date for three days, he also has his own items, toiletries, hygiene products, shampoo, toothpaste ... And, can you imagine, they forced all this to be poured into plastic bags.

That is, it does not matter - for yourself, a prisoner, shampoos, creams, toothpaste - pour everything into a plastic bag.

Moreover, you need to bring cellophane bags with you, they are not given by the colony. Everyone already knows and carries a roll.

And this mother says: "And what am I going to do with this shampoo?" And the employee replies to her: "Well, make a hole in this plastic bag and pour it into the bottle again." She says: "And the dentist ..." - "Well, nothing, you can clean it through the bag." That's what you spend your money on so that they dump everything in bags ?!

Vegetables - everything is cut. They also have some kind of wooden sticks, they punch tomatoes with them. Then they begin to rummage with these sticks in condensed milk, then pour this condensed milk into bags, honey is also poured into bags.

There is a dirty rag on the table and one board on which to cut ... One knife is used to cut soap, the same knife is used to cut meat, the same knife is used to cut vegetables ... Then the knife is wiped with a dirty cloth and again thrown onto the table. I had pills that I need to take every day, so they tore the whole box apart, let her rummage in it.

I say: "Lord, is it really impossible to do an x-ray at an institution like the Federal Penitentiary Service, where such money is found, like at the airport ?!"

The bags are leaking. All the same, they carry meat so that they can cook it during these three days, feed the child with normal food, and they themselves have to eat it. Since March, smoked sausage is not accepted, only raw smoked sausage is accepted. Raw smoked is not a ruble, but there are retired mothers. Then raw smoked meat in vacuum packs ... Let's cut it all. And everything is depressurized. Plus, you also carry things. And then they say: "Collect everything!" - and pushes them into one pile with his hands - clothes, bedding, tomato, sausage, everything cut. And then you stand for an hour, sorting out what to put where. We raked it down, and so we carry it to the meeting room. "

Irina Sidorova: “All the products were cut - the sausage was cut in a vacuum, cucumbers and tomatoes were pierced. Tomatoes, cucumbers, sausage were cut with one knife, and wooden sticks were dipped into yoghurts, mixed in bottles. We brought meat and raw smoked sausage. I asked about meat - yes, it can be done in a vacuum. It has a shelf life of a month, but after opening it is three days. Imagine, and we were there for three days. I have a pension of 10 thousand, my husband - 13. We did not have a refrigerator in the meeting room, and all this was gone. And all the tomatoes, cucumbers that were pierced, cut - everything was gone, for more than two thousand products. But, excuse me, we count every penny. "

Andrey Babushkin

Human rights defender, member of the HRC

- These actions of the employees of the colony on cutting and piercing are illegal. Yes, we can talk about spot checks if there is information about the possibility of carrying prohibited items. Total damage to objects, which leads to the fact that they lose their consumer qualities or deteriorate faster, is an abuse of the right.

Maria Petrova: “While I was packing my things, the mothers, who had already gone to the meeting rooms, shouted:“ What are you doing ?! Are you completely crazy ?! " Later I realized this, because of what they were screaming.

We go into the meeting room. Each inspector has DVRs on his chest. The female inspector says to me: "Let's go into the room." Let's go into the room. She says, "Strip naked." I say: "Tell me, please, is what you are saying now legal?" She: “This is a restricted area, this is an order, this is legal. You may be carrying something. "

And she made me take off my dress, swimming trunks, break the pads, raise my chest, raise my stomach, loose my hair, sit down. Other mothers said that they were forced to spread their buttocks.

Before us, a woman was driven to hysterics. An incomprehensible gynecologist examined her, like looking for something, and after she had a heart attack, they called an ambulance. And if you do not agree to such an examination, you will be deprived of a date.

I told the employee: "Are you searching me when the DVR is on, and is someone watching on that wire?" She replied: “Well, let's not swear. Take off your shoes. " I'm taking pictures. And I had very expensive shoes, and in them, where the heel is, there is a heart on the inside of the insole, it is sewn in, and it gives softness to the feet. She says: “Oh, what is it? What are you carrying?" I grabbed this shoe and let's pick out this heart with my finger. I say: “What are you doing ?! Shoes cost more than forty thousand, now damage it, you will pay. " She is holding a shoe: “Yes, wow, the shoes are so expensive! Haute couture? But we also wear uniforms from Yudashkin! " I say: "Well, you will wear it for life!"

Irina Sidorova: “I was subjected to such humiliation ... I am 59 years old, I am a respected person in my village, and my dignity was simply trampled on. What it all cost me, nobody knows except my husband. It was June 18th. They took me into the room, the employee felt me. She said, "Take off your clothes." I say: "What, should I take off my dress?" She said take everything off, stay naked. She sat and watched me undress, how I unbuttoned and took off my dress, like a bra, took off my swimming trunks. Well, excuse me, of course, I use pads every day. "Show, unstick." Made this gasket unstuck. Then she forced her to turn naked on all sides, said to raise her breasts ... I had endured this, it was such a humiliation for me. This is horror, this is horror ...

I don’t know the name of the employee who undressed me. She is stocky, overweight, with short dark hair. She is 40 years old.

Did I tell the employees of the colony that their actions were illegal? When you go on a date with your son, you don't think that you will be humiliated. They all have DVRs on their chests. I was told that this video was then watched in the colony. One grandmother, who came to her grandson, was forced to sit down naked, then she could not get up.

And the husband was searched by a male employee. He just ran the apparatus along the body, and that was all. Nobody stripped naked. Only women were subjected to such humiliation.

Then, when at the exit everyone was indignant, they demanded to leave the head of IK-5 of the colony, Eremin, I told him, exaggerating, of course: “I had to wave a gasket in front of my nose”. Of course she was rude. There was a lot of indignation from everyone. And he stands: “I can't do anything. We have had cases of drug trafficking. Write to Moscow. " I say, “Why can't you do something? What do you suspect me of? A search is a search, but you organized a search with partiality. Maybe someone else can put things in order here, since you cannot? "

Andrey Babushkin

Human rights defender, member of the HRC

- A full search is provided for convicts when there is sufficient reason to believe that a person has with him prohibited items or items withdrawn from circulation in the colony. The same actions in relation to relatives are completely illegal, since relatives are not persons serving a sentence. And if there is reason to believe that a relative has hidden some forbidden object, for example, drugs, of course, the administration has the right to organize such a search, but this is within the framework of either an operational-search activity or within the framework of a criminal case. There is a criminal case - there is a search. There is no criminal case or there is no information that is the basis for initiating a case - there is no search. If this is done simply as a preventive measure, no matter how something happens, then in this case the actions of the administration fit into either a disciplinary offense or a criminal offense under the article on abuse of office.

If they searched everyone in a row who came on a date, then in this case there can be no question of any operational measure. This is a mockery of people.

Maria Petrova: “Now about the size of the dating room. Two or three people are going to visit the convict. The width of the room is 1.5 meters, the length is 2.90. There are two locally made beds with a mattress on which 150 people died: width - 60 cm and length - 1.87 meters. And how can three or four fit in there? As a result, my husband slept on the sofa in the corridor in a bent form. There are bars in the room, the windows do not open at all. We were suffocating there. Instead of curtains, there are plastic curtains for the bathroom.

Photo: photoXPress

People started to complain that the food was spoiling because the refrigerators didn't work. The workers have only two stoves, all the bathrooms are clogged. In the kitchen there is a huge 100-liter polyethylene tank without a lid, waste is thrown into it, it stands day and night. The stench is terrible.

We walked back in three days. At the exit to the zone, the prisoners again check the food, to whom the transfer is supposed, these 20 kilograms. At our entrance, all these products were checked, everything was poured onto this dirty table, and the cut products, already checked at the entrance, are cut again - this is this unpressurized sausage lying in a non-working refrigerator, which is already glued ...

Meat that's already gone. Honey, condensed milk, all this is again pierced, poured from package into package, the same procedure is returned back, and the products turn into pig swill, into mush.

I watched all this and said: “Girls, what are you doing, why are you doing this? It costs money, it’s the pensioners who bought the last money. ” And they told me: "This is how it should be."

Well, after our boys were released, they started checking us again. Again, you have to dump everything, right down to the dirty underwear. "

Tamara Ivanova(name and surname changed for ethical reasons and for the safety of prisoners): “The employee told me to put everything in my bag on the table. I posted it. And in a small bag I had my dirty panties. She asks: "What do you have here?" I say: "Excuse me, there was nowhere to wash them, dirty underwear." She: "Open up." Well, I freaked out, opened it and threw it all on the table. "

Maria Petrova: “On the way back, I was targeted specifically so that I would not take a complaint from anyone. I say: "You tell me what you are looking for, maybe I will give it to you." She rummages through my papers and says: "Maybe you stole our dishes." All the laundry is dirty, the gaskets in the box are turned over, the bottom of the bag is almost broken, every little thing is checked, every corner. Then they say: “Come into the room, we will check you. People have gone too far. Again under the camera, again show, tear the pads, spread the buttocks, lift the chest, lift the belly, let the hair down ...

You come out of there as if you had been raped, you see, in the truest sense of the word. "

Irina Sidorova: “When we went back, they also shook everything up, shook up every rag, shook up all the documents. My son received a paper in English from the European Court. He says: “Mom, I know what is written here, but I need a literal translation,” and he gave me this paper. They took it away from me, they say: "It's in a foreign language, I can't give it to you." I say: "Will you take it for yourself?" - She: "Yes, I'll leave it here." It’s strange: it means that if I’m in a foreign language, I can’t bear it? I gave it to them. "

Well, roughly speaking, can a police officer shoot? Maybe. But when a murderer with a submachine gun comes at him. And if he sees a boy in the sandbox who spilled sand past the sandbox and refuses to remove the sand, he cannot shoot at him ...


The Krasnoyarsk zones are not unique in their desire to humiliate women who have come to visit their relatives. The visitors were subjected to a biased search in the colonies of the Sverdlovsk Region and Udmurtia. One of the women who went through a humiliating body search in Udmurtia in January this year turned to local human rights activists and wrote a complaint to the prosecutor's office. In his response, the prosecutor fully justified the actions of the colony employees, referring to a certain order of the Ministry of Justice dated 20.03.2015 No. 64-dsp "On the procedure for conducting searches and inspections in correctional institutions of the penal system and adjacent territories where regime requirements are established", according to to whom, before a long meeting, a full search is carried out without fail. "A full search is carried out with the removal of clothes (with the exception of underwear, which is subject to inspection without completely removing it), headgear and shoes," the prosecutor said in response, citing an order from the Ministry of Justice.

Human rights activists, however, refer to another order of the Ministry of Justice - No. 268-dsp of August 25, 2006, which allows personal searches of relatives who have arrived for a long visit only if they suspect that they have brought prohibited items into the zone. In addition, the employees who made the decision to search are required to draw up a search protocol.

The Krasnoyarsk jailers not only carry out the secret order of the Ministry of Justice of 2015, which violates the constitutional guarantees of the state to protect the dignity of the individual, they have improved this order: they conduct searches, not inspections. Why take off panties down to their knees from relatives of prisoners when they can be removed completely ?!

Andrey Babushkin

Human rights defender, member of the HRC

- We have been fighting for 20 years with the Federal Penitentiary Service so that they stop the general search of relatives who come for long visits. - But the actions of the FSIN directly depend on what is happening in the state: if democratic processes are going on in the country, then inspections are reduced to a minimum, and if the screws are tightened, one prohibitive law after another is adopted, then the searches become total.

No one is immune from misfortunes and troubles. And unfortunately, it sometimes happens that a good friend or relative ends up in jail. If such a situation has arisen and a decision has been made to visit the convict, then it is necessary to know how the meeting takes place in the prison, what documents will be required to formalize the meeting. It is also worth understanding what transfers are allowed.

What determines the duration of the date?

First of all, you need to find out from the prisoner himself or from the prison authorities what kind of visits are allowed. They usually fall into two types: short-term and long-term dates. The length of the meeting depends on the following factors:

  • what type of punishment the prisoner is serving;
  • what kind of prison (general, strict or special regime). How many visits are allowed per month depends on this;
  • demeanor of the convicted person (whether there are merits or punishments);
  • permission from the prison authorities.

A short date. What is it?

How long are visits in prison? The short has a duration of up to four hours. The meeting takes place on the territory of the prison, in a special room. An employee of the colony (security) must be present on it. During such meetings, only communication is allowed. It can take place through a grill or glass (there is a tube for negotiations, like a telephone). All conversations are tapped. Therefore, it is not possible to talk too much. The transfer of parcels or just a small package with things and products on this date is prohibited. They can be handed over through a special window, not personally into the hands of a prisoner.

Long meeting. Features and duration of the date

Prolonged visits in prison are, of course, the most favorite type of dating among inmates. Its duration can last up to three days. The convict's guest is accommodated in a special room on the territory of the prison or in a special hotel (it is also located on the territory of the colony). You will have to pay for the occupied space for the period of the meeting. This can be done by both the visitor to the prisoner and the prisoner himself. The convict's guest may bring food and drinks with him. To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the allowed list. For example, neither food nor drinks are allowed in glass. The convicted person does not have the right to leave the allocated premises for a period of long visits. If violated, the meeting will be terminated.

With whom are long dates allowed?

Such meetings are allowed only with the closest relatives:

  • wife or husband;
  • parents (dad, mom);
  • grandmother or grandfather;
  • children (even adopted children);
  • brothers or sisters.

The roommates are not close relatives. Therefore, if you want to "knock out" such a date, you may need to get married. Now this is practiced in prisons. Prisoner misbehaving may not be allowed long meetings. In some cases, they may be allowed to visit for up to five days, but the relative will have to live outside the territory of the colony.

In a general regime prison

The number of visits in general-regime prisons depends on the behavior of the prisoner. If he is in good standing, then he may be allowed up to six dates of both kinds during the year (that is, six long and six short). Four dates a year are allowed as standard (eight dates in total). But if the prisoner is guilty, then the number of meetings can be reduced or they can be canceled.

In a maximum security prison

Here, the number of visits in a maximum security prison also depends on the behavior of the convict. If he is serving a lighter form of punishment, then up to four short-term visits and four long-term visits are allowed. Otherwise (if the prisoner is kept under normal conditions) - only three visits a year (six in total).

A date in a prison on a special regime

Here the number of meetings is kept to a minimum. Under normal circumstances, only four dates are allowed per year (two short-term and two long-term). If the convict is on facilitated conditions, then the number of meetings can be increased to six (three for each type). There may be a lack of long meetings, depending on what the person is sitting for and how he behaves.

How are meetings with loved ones and relatives in

How are visits in prison? Before getting into the chat room or the room for a long meeting, a thorough inspection of the visitor and his belongings will take place. If they find: alcoholic beverages, drugs, money or mobile phones for transmission, they will be immediately confiscated, and the date may be canceled. Do not forget that things and food, even permitted, will be confiscated if the date is short.

It is not recommended to succumb to the tricks of the security that you can go on a date without being examined. This can harm both the visitor and the prisoner. In case of refusal from personal inspection and belongings, the meeting is canceled automatically. In the room where the meeting will take place, there is a button to call the security (this applies to long visits), this is done to protect the visitor.

Security will definitely require any document proving the identity of the visitor. And also a document proving kinship with the prisoner. Especially if it's a long date. If one of the documents is missing, the meeting will be refused.

After the end of the meeting, the visitor, accompanied by security, leaves the premises. Then he takes the bus or escorts the guard to the prison gate. Meanwhile, the convicted person is sent to the cell for further serving his sentence.

Date outside the institution. Is it allowed?

It's good when they gave a date in prison. Is it possible to conduct it outside the prison? There are also such privileges, but only in the colonies of the settlement. To do this, the prisoner must behave just perfectly and write a statement addressed to the chief or his acting officer for a meeting with a relative outside the territory of the settlement. After consideration of the application, an answer will be given.

What can you bring?

The list of permitted things and products is of interest to visitors both when sending a parcel, parcels for a short meeting, and when collecting for a long one.

What can you bring to prison on a (long) date:

  1. Food products: any instant food (noodles, cereals, soups, cubes, etc.); bakery products; butter (butter and vegetable) and cheeses.
  2. Drinks (non-alcoholic), but not in glass or metal containers. You can have tea and coffee.
  3. Sugar, candy (only lollipops), honey (in plastic containers).
  4. Books, magazines, notebooks, videos.
  5. Hygiene items (for yourself and the convicted person).
  6. Change of clothes for both.

In no case should you try to bring in prohibited things (alcohol, drugs, money, weapons, cell phones), and even more so with a bribe. Then the date will definitely be canceled. And this can have dire consequences for future dates. They can be banned with this particular visitor. Or they can take them into custody (if there was an attempt to bring weapons or drugs). In order not to be mistaken about what to take on a date to jail, it is better to get advice from the authorities of the institution before the trip so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

What things and foodstuffs are allowed to be put in parcels and parcels?

To begin with, you always need to call the administration of the colony, since the lists can change, and parcels and parcels can be sent not when you want, but a certain number of times. Below are the main things and food items allowed:

  1. Tea, coffee, cigarettes, caramel are not just allowed items in jail. For prisoners, it is a kind of exchange currency. Therefore, they are permanent components of any parcel or transmission.
  2. Butter, both vegetable and butter, can be melted chicken fat, lard.
  3. Instant foods (they are listed above on the long date list).
  4. Instead of salt, it is better to send chicken cubes.
  5. Gingerbread, drying, cookies.
  6. Fruits and vegetables, give special attention to garlic, especially in winter.
  7. Dried fruits, condensed milk in a bag.
  8. Kissels (in packs), powdered milk, tomato paste.
  9. Vacuum packed cheese, sausages, fish and meat.
  10. It is advisable to send clothes only in dark colors (pajamas, tracksuit, sweaters, pants).
  11. Velcro or zipped shoes are also dark in color.
  12. Dishes, plastic is better.
  13. Powder for laundry or laundry soap.
  14. Magazines, newspapers, books.
  15. Notebooks and pens (black or blue).
  16. Cards or other board and safe games.
  17. If you need to send medicines, you need to contact the authorities, the medicine is transferred not to the convict, but to the medical staff of the prison. The parcel must be marked "medicines".
  18. Personal hygiene essentials (straight razors are not allowed).

Personal hygiene items include:

  • soap;
  • brush;
  • Toothpaste;
  • shampoo;
  • towel;
  • shaving cream;
  • deodorant;
  • for girls - pads;
  • washcloth and so on.

Do not put in parcels things that quickly deteriorate, require storage in the refrigerator, or require cooking or other heat treatment.

If a relative or acquaintance is in prison, then, of course, first of all, you need to find out how many visits are in prison, which are allowed and when, what can and cannot be transferred to the prisoner. You should not carry bad news from freedom, this can provoke an inadequate reaction from the convicted person. It is impossible for the visitor to violate the rules in this institution. This applies to both acceptable products and things, and the behavioral factor.

A little conclusion

It should be remembered that the prisoner enjoys long visits more than the visitor. Since it somehow dilutes the gray everyday life. Therefore, you can specify in advance what he wants and whether it is allowed. You can bring family photos or videos. And you should always watch for changes in prohibitions and permitted things in the program.